Rt Nbr 05 #1104 - 22 May 09 - Results And Ave

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Download & View Rt Nbr 05 #1104 - 22 May 09 - Results And Ave as PDF for free.

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NORTH torelo gurel_ Elliebre joitzica sagitauro Jockegais chyp0510 K5L_ TC 11 baraksas Agilulfo baccib cavlak FB 59 oguz ayd ladye mjts bjossij loubel istanblue rolfe2 oahnehc msusana cell_don13 kerrik59 bdhp 22841 julisprit mmgns cullenbine dumrul Pierulis melit bulent0006 akamit boblawr 23mig silv2 don monot cher 2276 mumin alebuckler martinlevi palki

IMPs SOUTH IMPs EAST 9.23 geireinar 9.23 carlos5to 9.23 q8_ 9.23 brianofoz 6.91 poeliev 6.91 arrayanes 6.91 lai_ka 6.91 mishulescu 6.91 torgal 6.91 sood 6.17 baki9 6.17 ommnmaniii 6.17 jqorzr0391 6.17 artist99 6.17 Servat 6.17 karnig 4.97 maddiehob 4.97 ptbass 4.97 rubi44 4.97 mcn3 4.97 simopy 4.97 brown 11 4.97 marialo 4.97 MISLAM 4.97 anikuni 4.97 gretel 5 1.97 cobald 1.97 ly2308 1.77 prym11 1.77 helenannf 1.77 haggis 1.77 Robii 1.17 gailmur 1.17 maroon5001 0.86 PSU59 0.86 aliS69 0.8 TIGRESS1 0.8 coto 0.8 audaxminor 0.8 motion617 -4.51 schweier -4.51 ariank -4.51 tedsun -4.51 vienrose -4.51 silvinka -4.51 sunsetsue -4.51 Coolcat55 -4.51 terjehals -4.51 ArLima -4.51 hgolbasi -4.51 annc8 -4.51 BoraTarim -4.51 zyxabc517 -4.51 topaco -4.51 afa afa -4.51 1kemosabe -5 McLord -5 mariazak -5.09 Morocha 1 -5.09 yagmurca -5.09 7ntminus -5.09 cthulu -5.09 vinci708 -5.09 henryb52 -7.4 my47 -7.4 avidean -7.86 ynai -7.86 canadagrl -9.03 karkar2 -9.03 cricri84 -11.06 jabonecj -11.06 Agbgguz 0 458917932 0 xb200 0 pvadi 0 ziuk44 0 justerix 0 top2 0 07memduh 0 lizzy123 0 apt 0 estrella07 0 monusha 0 jbpvithal 0 bosterovip 0 a_tilla 0 plgdti 0 deballe

IMPs WEST -9.23 stantuffo -9.23 jdrocci -6.91 CrazyCuban -6.91 pegasus452 -6.91 wonky -6.17 suziq2 -6.17 hosoda -6.17 dwctah -4.97 zhhl1234 -4.97 Sanford -4.97 sharmasl41 -4.97 donito -4.97 lya -1.97 MA031 -1.77 woefuljoke -1.77 dennistayl -1.17 harenda -0.86 rocataglia -0.8 cegege -0.8 delfius 4.51 fena53 4.51 andina7 4.51 nibbers 4.51 erling84 4.51 her ana 4.51 mutayo 4.51 barbara40 4.51 0 AY 5 wolker28 5.09 raburca 5.09 Halima 5.09 icoB 7.4 sonbahar01 7.86 makiigoca 9.03 yonita 11.06 krish3362 0 anshul 0 mijo75 0 isabu 0 justine 0 rotuga 0 krishna243 0 tuncay_55 0 nikisegall

IMPs -9.23 -9.23 -6.91 -6.91 -6.91 -6.17 -6.17 -6.17 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -4.97 -1.97 -1.77 -1.77 -1.17 -0.86 -0.8 -0.8 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 5 5.09 5.09 5.09 7.4 7.86 9.03 11.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


contract 4♥xW-2 3NxW-2 3NW-3 3NE-3 3NW-3 3NW-2 3NW-2 3NxW-1 3NW-1 3NE-1 3NE-1 3NE-1 2♥W-1 2♦W= 1♠E+1 2♦W+1 2♣E+2 3♠E= 2♦W+3 2NE+1 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 3NE= 4♠E= 3NE+1 3NE+1 3NE+1 3NxE= 3♣xE+1 3NxE+1 2♦xS-4 3NE 3NE 3NE 3NE NB 4♦W 3NE 4♦W

pts 300 300 150 150 150 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 -90 -110 -110 -130 -140 -150 -150 -400 -400 -400 -400 -400 -400 -400 -400 -420 -430 -430 -430 -550 -570 -650 -800 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

NS SCORE EW SCORE 9.23 -9.23 9.23 -9.23 6.91 -6.91 6.91 -6.91 6.91 -6.91 6.17 -6.17 6.17 -6.17 6.17 -6.17 4.97 -4.97 4.97 -4.97 4.97 -4.97 4.97 -4.97 4.97 -4.97 1.97 -1.97 1.77 -1.77 1.77 -1.77 1.17 -1.17 0.86 -0.86 0.8 -0.8 0.8 -0.8 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -4.51 4.51 -5 5 -5.09 5.09 -5.09 5.09 -5.09 5.09 -7.4 7.4 -7.86 7.86 -9.03 9.03 -11.06 11.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NAME 22841 458917932 0 AY 07memduh 1kemosabe 23mig 7ntminus a_tilla afa afa Agbgguz Agilulfo akamit alebuckler aliS69 andina7 anikuni annc8 anshul apt ariank ArLima arrayanes artist99 audaxminor avidean baccib baki9 baraksas barbara40 bdhp bjossij boblawr BoraTarim bosterovip brianofoz brown 11 bulent0006 canadagrl carlos5to cavlak cegege cell_don13 cher 2276 chyp0510 cobald Coolcat55 coto CrazyCuban cricri84 cthulu cullenbine

SCORE -4.51 0 4.51 0 4.51 0 -5.09 0 -4.51 11.06 4.97 -9.03 0 -0.86 4.51 4.97 -4.51 0 0 4.51 -4.51 -6.91 -6.17 0.8 7.4 4.97 6.17 4.97 4.51 -4.51 0.86 -11.06 4.51 0 -9.23 -4.97 -7.86 7.86 -9.23 4.97 -0.8 -4.51 0 6.17 1.97 -4.51 -0.8 -6.91 9.03 5.09 -5.09

deballe delfius dennistayl don monot donito dumrul dwctah Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis Halima harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda icoB isabu istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob makiigoca marialo

0 -0.8 -1.77 0 -4.97 -5.09 -6.17 6.91 4.51 0 1.97 4.51 1.17 9.23 -4.97 9.23 1.77 5.09 -1.17 -1.77 5.09 4.51 4.51 -6.17 5.09 0 0.8 -11.06 0 -9.23 6.17 6.91 6.17 -4.51 0 0 6.17 -9.03 -6.17 -4.51 11.06 0 1.77 6.91 0 0.8 -1.97 -4.97 -1.97 4.97 7.86 4.97

mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis plgdti poeliev prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue suziq2

5 -1.17 0 -5 -4.97 -7.4 0 -6.91 -4.97 1.17 -5 0 -5.09 -0.8 -4.51 0 4.51 -7.4 4.51 0 -4.51 1.77 -6.17 0 -6.91 -5.09 0 6.91 1.77 0.86 -4.97 0 9.23 5.09 -1.77 -0.86 -4.51 0 4.97 6.91 -4.97 -4.51 6.17 -4.97 0 -4.51 4.97 7.4 -6.91 -9.23 4.51 -6.17

TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vienrose vinci708 woefuljoke wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita zhhl1234 ziuk44 zyxabc517

4.97 -4.51 4.51 0.8 0 4.51 9.23 6.91 0 4.51 -5.09 -1.77 5 -6.91 0 5.09 -7.86 9.03 -4.97 0 -4.51

NORTH mmgns msusana cell_don13 cher 2276 Jockegais 22841 silv2 Agilulfo akamit torelo oguz ayd gurel_ martinlevi baccib Pierulis Elliebre chyp0510 kerrik59 cullenbine FB 59 bdhp melit joitzica oahnehc bjossij don monot mjts alebuckler loubel sagitauro palki baraksas julisprit boblawr K5L_ 23mig bulent0006 dumrul ladye rolfe2 cavlak mumin TC 11 istanblue

IMPs 12.83 10.56 10.56 10.56 8.61 8.61 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 4.76 1.41 1.41 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -2.22 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -5.39 -5.54 -5.61 -6.27 -7 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10.49 -10.49 -11.8 3 3

SOUTH McLord silvinka Coolcat55 07memduh baki9 zyxabc517 pvadi simopy karkar2 geireinar prym11 q8_ bosterovip marialo vinci708 poeliev jqorzr0391 ArLima Morocha 1 cobald annc8 my47 lai_ka tedsun PSU59 justerix gailmur monusha TIGRESS1 torgal plgdti rubi44 afa afa jabonecj Servat 458917932 ynai 7ntminus haggis schweier anikuni apt maddiehob audaxminor

IMPs 12.83 10.56 10.56 10.56 8.61 8.61 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.46 4.76 1.41 1.41 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -1.29 -2.22 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -3.07 -5.39 -5.54 -5.61 -6.27 -7 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10.49 -10.49 -11.8 3 3

EAST ariank cthulu artist99 helenannf cricri84 A_tilla mcn3 ziuk44 brown 11 ly2308 mishulescu karnig Robii topaco motion617 ptbass top2 maroon5001 arrayanes terjehals hgolbasi gretel 5 carlos5to mariazak ommnmaniii sunsetsue estrella07 BoraTarim brianofoz mislam sood canadagrl Agbgguz avidean 1kemosabe vienrose xb200 jbpvithal coto yagmurca henryb52 lizzy123 aliS69 reject

IMPs -12.83 -10.56 -10.56 -8.61 -8.61 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -1.41 -1.41 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 2.22 2.22 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 5.39 5.39 5.61 5.61 7 7 9 9 9 9 10.49 10.49 0 -3 -3

WEST fena53 Halima hosoda woefuljoke yonita tuncay_55 Sanford mijo75 sharmasl41 MA031 pegasus452 dwctah dennistayl barbara40 delfius zhhl1234 isabu harenda CrazyCuban erling84 her ana lya stantuffo wolker28 suziq2 nibbers rotuga mutayo jdrocci donito wonky makiigoca krish3362 sonbahar01 0 AY andina7 anshul krishna243 cegege raburca icoB justine rocataglia nikisegall

IMPs -12.83 -10.56 -10.56 -8.61 -8.61 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -6.46 -1.41 -1.41 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 2.22 2.22 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 5.39 5.39 5.61 5.61 7 7 9 9 9 9 10.49 10.49 0 -3 -3

contract 3♠xE-5 4♦xN+1 4♦xS+1 4♦xS+1 5♦xS= 3NxS= 5♦S= 5♦S= 5♦S= 5♦S= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦S= 5♦S= 5♦S= 4♣xE-3 4♠xE-2 5♥xW-2 3♦S+2 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 3♦S+2 2♠E-2 4♥W-1 4♥W-1 4♥W-1 4♥W-1 4♥W-1 4♥W-1 4♠W-1 1♠E= 1NW= 2NS-1 3♥W= 3♥W+1 3NS-3 3NS-3 3NS-3 3NS-3 4♥W= 4♥W= 3♥xW= 5♥xxW-3 1♠E-1

pts 1100 910 910 910 750 750 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 500 300 300 150 150 150 150 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 -80 -90 -100 -140 -170 -300 -300 -300 -300 -420 -420 -530 -1000 50

NS SCORE EW SCORE 12.83 -12.83 10.56 -10.56 10.56 -10.56 10.56 -8.61 8.61 -8.61 8.61 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 6.46 -6.46 4.76 -1.41 1.41 -1.41 1.41 1.29 -1.29 1.29 -1.29 1.29 -1.29 1.29 -1.29 2.22 -2.22 2.22 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 3.07 -3.07 5.39 -5.39 5.39 -5.54 5.61 -5.61 5.61 -6.27 7 -7 7 -9 9 -9 9 -9 9 -9 9 -10.49 10.49 -10.49 10.49 -11.8 0 3 -3 3 -3

NAME SCORE 22841 8.61 458917932 -9 0 AY 7 07memduh 10.56 1kemosabe 7 23mig -9 7ntminus -9 A_tilla -6.46 afa afa -5.61 Agbgguz 5.61 Agilulfo 6.46 akamit 6.46 alebuckler -3.07 aliS69 -3 andina7 9 anikuni -10.49 annc8 -1.29 anshul 9 apt -11.8 ariank -12.83 ArLima 1.41 arrayanes 1.29 artist99 -10.56 audaxminor 3 avidean 7 baccib 6.46 baki9 8.61 baraksas -5.54 barbara40 -6.46 bdhp -1.29 bjossij -3.07 boblawr -6.27 BoraTarim 3.07 bosterovip 6.46 brianofoz 3.07 brown 11 -6.46 bulent0006 -9 canadagrl 5.61 carlos5to 2.22 cavlak -10.49 cegege 9 cell_don13 10.56 cher 2276 10.56 chyp0510 1.41 cobald -1.29 Coolcat55 10.56 coto 9 CrazyCuban 1.29 cricri84 -8.61 cthulu -10.56

cullenbine delfius dennistayl don monot donito dumrul dwctah Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis Halima harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda icoB isabu istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob makiigoca marialo

-1.29 -6.46 -6.46 -3.07 5.39 -9 -6.46 4.76 1.29 3.07 -1.29 -12.83 -3.07 6.46 2.22 6.46 -9 -10.56 1.29 -8.61 10.49 1.29 1.29 -10.56 10.49 -1.41 3 -6.27 9 3.07 8.61 -2.22 1.41 -5.61 -3.07 0 -7 6.46 -6.46 1.41 5.61 9 -9 -2.22 0 -3.07 -6.46 2.22 -6.46 3 5.61 6.46

mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu mislam mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis plgdti poeliev prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

3.07 1.29 6.46 12.83 -6.46 -1.29 -6.46 -6.46 5.39 -3.07 12.83 -3.07 -1.29 -6.46 10.56 -11.8 3.07 -1.29 3.07 -3 -3.07 6.46 3.07 -5.39 -6.46 6.46 -5.39 4.76 6.46 -3.07 -1.41 6.46 6.46 10.49 -3 -6.46 -3 -10.49 3.07 -5.54 -3.07 -6.46 -10.49 -7 -6.46 6.46 10.56 6.46 7 5.39 2.22 3.07

suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vienrose vinci708 woefuljoke wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita zhhl1234 ziuk44 zyxabc517

3.07 3 -3.07 1.29 -3.07 -1.41 -6.46 6.46 -3.07 -6.46 9 6.46 -8.61 3.07 5.39 9 10.49 -9 -8.61 -1.41 -6.46 8.61

NORTH torelo cullenbine oahnehc Jockegais dumrul loubel 22841 Pierulis melit bjossij msusana cavlak julisprit bulent0006 cher 2276 sagitauro silv2 baccib istanblue TC 11 Elliebre 23mig baraksas akamit Agilulfo chyp0510 FB 59 oguz ayd gurel_ palki K5L_ cell_don13 ladye alebuckler mmgns mjts kerrik59 bdhp martinlevi rolfe2 mumin don monot joitzica boblawr

IMPs 6.28 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 -0.95 -0.95 -3.22 -7 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -9.3 -12.32

SOUTH geireinar Morocha 1 tedsun baki9 7ntminus TIGRESS1 zyxabc517 vinci708 my47 PSU59 silvinka anikuni afa afa ynai 07memduh torgal pvadi marialo audaxminor maddiehob poeliev 458917932 rubi44 karkar2 simopy jqorzr0391 cobald prym11 q8_ plgdti Servat Coolcat55 haggis monusha McLord gailmur ArLima annc8 bosterovip schweier apt justerix lai_ka jabonecj

IMPs 6.28 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.55 1.55 1.55 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 -0.95 -0.95 -3.22 -7 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -9.3 -12.32

EAST terjehals ptbass ariank brown 11 BoraTarim karnig Robii reject henryb52 cricri84 jbpvithal motion617 avidean vienrose mishulescu topaco canadagrl A_tilla sood ommnmaniii aliS69 mariazak xb200 ziuk44 mcn3 sunsetsue vanman carlos5to 1kemosabe mislam Agbgguz top2 brianofoz hgolbasi yagmurca lizzy123 estrella07 maroon5001 coto arrayanes helenannf flor ly2308 gretel 5

IMPs -6.28 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.95 0.95 3.22 7 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 9.3 12.32

WEST erling84 boubsie fena53 sharmasl41 mutayo dwctah dennistayl nikisegall icoB yonita krishna243 delfius sonbahar01 andina7 pegasus452 barbara40 makiigoca tuncay_55 wonky suziq2 rocataglia wolker28 anshul mijo75 Sanford nibbers hosoda stantuffo 0 AY donito krish3362 kodock jdrocci her ana raburca justine rotuga harenda cegege CrazyCuban Hot_Canuck MaiLing1 MA031 lya

IMPs -6.28 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -5.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -1.55 -1.55 -1.55 -0.57 -0.57 -0.57 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.95 0.95 3.22 7 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 9.3 12.32

contract 3♦S= 2♦S= 2♦S= 1NN= 2♣N= 2♣N= 2♦S= 1NN= 2♦S= 2♦S-1 3♦S-1 3♦S-1 2♣N-1 4♦S-2 3♣N-2 4♦S-2 3♠E= 2♠W+1 3♠W= 2♠E+2 3♠W+1 1♥E+3 3♠W+1 2♥E+2 3♠E+1 3♥E+1 3♠W+1 3♠W+1 3♠E+1 3♠W+1 2♠W+2 3♥E+2 2♥E+3 4♦xS-2 4♦xS-3 4♠W= 4♥E= 4♥E= 4♠W= 4♥W+1 3♠xE+1 2♦S ? 3♥W= 2♦S?

pts 110 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -50 -50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -100 -140 -140 -140 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -170 -200 -200 -300 -500 -620 -620 -620 -620 -650 -930 N/A N/A N/A

NS SCORE EW SCORE 6.28 -6.28 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 5.7 -5.7 2.7 -2.7 2.7 -2.7 2.7 -2.7 2.7 -2.7 1.55 -1.55 1.55 -1.55 1.55 -1.55 0.57 -0.57 0.57 -0.57 0.57 -0.57 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -0.03 -0.95 0.95 -0.95 0.95 -3.22 3.22 -7 7 -8.9 8.9 -8.9 8.9 -8.9 8.9 -8.9 8.9 -9.3 9.3 -12.32 12.32 -3 3 -3 3 -3 3

NAME SCORE 22841 5.7 458917932 0.03 0 AY -0.03 07memduh 1.55 1kemosabe -0.03 23mig 0.03 7ntminus 5.7 A_tilla -0.57 afa afa 2.7 Agbgguz -0.03 Agilulfo 0.03 akamit 0.03 alebuckler -3.22 aliS69 -0.03 andina7 -1.55 anikuni 2.7 annc8 -8.9 anshul -0.03 apt -12.32 ariank -5.7 ArLima -8.9 arrayanes 9.3 audaxminor 0.57 avidean -2.7 baccib 0.57 baki9 5.7 baraksas 0.03 barbara40 -1.55 bdhp -8.9 bjossij 2.7 boblawr BoraTarim -5.7 bosterovip -8.9 boubsie -5.7 brianofoz 0.95 brown 11 -5.7 bulent0006 1.55 canadagrl -0.57 carlos5to -0.03 cavlak 2.7 cegege 8.9 cell_don13 -0.95 cher 2276 1.55 chyp0510 0.03 cobald 0.03 Coolcat55 -0.95 coto 8.9 CrazyCuban 9.3 cricri84 -2.7 cullenbine 5.7

delfius dennistayl don monot donito dumrul dwctah Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca

-2.7 -5.7 -0.03 5.7 -5.7 0.03 -6.28 8.9 0.03 -5.7 -8.9 6.28 0.03 -0.95 8.9 12.32 -5.7 3.22 3.22 -0.03 12.32 -5.7 0.57 -2.7 0.95 5.7 0.03 2.7 8.9 0.03 0.03 -5.7 -8.9 0.95 -0.03 -2.7 -0.95 8.9 5.7

0.03 -0.57

marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu mislam mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis plgdti poeliev prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo

0.57 -0.03 8.9 -8.9 -7 -0.03 5.7 -0.03 -1.55 -0.03 -8.9 -7 -3.22 5.7 -2.7 2.7 -12.32 -5.7 5.7 -0.03 -5.7 5.7 0.03 -0.03 0.03 -1.55 5.7 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.7 -5.7 0.57 0.03 7 -5.7 -5.7 -0.03 -9.3 8.9 0.03 1.55 -0.03 -9.3 0.03 -5.7 0.57 2.7 0.03 -2.7 -0.57 -0.03

sunsetsue suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708 wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44 zyxabc517

-0.03 -0.03 0.03 5.7 -6.28 5.7 0.95 -1.55 6.28 1.55 -0.57 -0.03 -1.55 5.7 -0.03 -0.57 -0.03 7 1.55 -2.7 -0.03 5.7

NORTH Elliebre sagitauro melit torelo mjts palki dumrul Pierulis cullenbine rolfe2 baraksas silv2 akamit FB 59 joitzica mumin bdhp loubel ladye martinlevi julisprit chyp0510 kerrik59 TC 11 Jockegais msusana cell_don13 cher 2276 alebuckler istanblue K5L_ cavlak gurel_ baccib 23mig ocp16 don monot mmgns Agilulfo boblawr oahnehc bjossij oguz ayd 22841

IMPs 17.92 13.38 11.33 7.36 5.23 5.23 4.44 4.44 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 -3.64 -4.05 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -5.28 -5.28 -6.13 -8.77 -8.77 -10.26 -10.26 -13.49

SOUTH poeliev torgal my47 geireinar gailmur plgdti 7ntminus vinci708 Morocha 1 schweier rubi44 pvadi karkar2 cobald lai_ka apt annc8 TIGRESS1 haggis bosterovip afa afa jqorzr0391 ArLima maddiehob baki9 silvinka Coolcat55 07memduh monusha audaxminor Servat anikuni q8_ marialo 458917932 ynai susanaf McLord simopy jabonecj tedsun PSU59 prym11 zyxabc517

IMPs 17.92 13.38 11.33 7.36 5.23 5.23 4.44 4.44 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 -3.64 -4.05 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -4.9 -5.28 -5.28 -6.13 -8.77 -8.77 -10.26 -10.26 -13.49

EAST ommnmaniii A_tilla motion617 vanman helenannf topaco hgolbasi sood aliS69 ptbass vienrose xb200 mcn3 top2 terjehals mishulescu estrella07 1kemosabe karnig brianofoz gretel 5 flor lizzy123 cricri84 ziuk44 BoraTarim sunsetsue carlos5to maroon5001 MISLAM avidean reject Agbgguz Robii ariank mariazak jbpvithal arrayanes canadagrl henryb52 yagmurca brown 11 ly2308 coto

IMPs -17.92 -13.38 -11.33 -7.36 -5.23 -5.23 -4.44 -4.44 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 3.64 4.05 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.28 5.28 6.13 8.77 8.77 10.26 10.26 13.49

WEST suziq2 tuncay_55 delfius hosoda Hot_Canuck barbara40 her ana wonky rocataglia boubsie andina7 anshul Sanford kodock erling84 pegasus452 rotuga 0 AY dwctah jdrocci lya MaiLing1 justine yonita mijo75 mutayo nibbers stantuffo harenda donito sonbahar01 preemptor krish3362 dennistayl fena53 wolker28 krishna243 CrazyCuban makiigoca icoB raburca pistuka MA031 cegege

IMPs -17.92 -13.38 -11.33 -7.36 -5.23 -5.23 -4.44 -4.44 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 -3.9 3.64 4.05 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.28 5.28 6.13 8.77 8.77 10.26 10.26 13.49

contract 4♥xxE-4 5♥xE-5 4♥xE-4 4♥xE-3 3NS+2 3NN+2 3NS+1 3NN+1 5♦N= 3NS= 5♦S= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦N= 5♦S= 5♦N= 1NN+4 1NN+3 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 3♦N+2 3♦N+2 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 4♦N+1 4♦N= 4♦N= 1NN= 5♦S-1 3NN-1 3NS-2 3NS-2 3NxS-2 3NS? 5♦N? 3♦N? 3NS=

pts 2200 1400 1100 800 660 660 630 630 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 210 180 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 130 130 90 -100 -100 -200 -200 -500 N/A N/A N/A N/A

NS SCORE EW SCORE 17.92 -17.92 13.38 -13.38 11.33 -11.33 7.36 -7.36 5.23 -5.23 5.23 -5.23 4.44 -4.44 4.44 -4.44 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 -3.64 3.64 -4.05 4.05 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -4.9 4.9 -5.28 5.28 -5.28 5.28 -6.13 6.13 -8.77 8.77 -8.77 8.77 -10.26 10.26 -10.26 10.26 -13.49 13.49 -3 -3 -3 -3

NAME SCORE 22841 3 458917932 -6.13 0 AY -3.9 07memduh -4.9 1kemosabe -3.9 23mig -6.13 7ntminus 4.44 A_tilla -13.38 afa afa 3.9 Agbgguz 5.28 Agilulfo -10.26 akamit 3.9 alebuckler -4.9 aliS69 -3.9 andina7 -3.9 anikuni -4.9 annc8 3.9 anshul -3.9 apt 3.9 ariank 6.13 ArLima -4.05 arrayanes 10.26 audaxminor -4.9 avidean 4.9 baccib -5.28 baki9 -4.9 baraksas 3.9 barbara40 -5.23 bdhp 3.9 bjossij 0 boblawr -13.49 BoraTarim 4.9 bosterovip 3.9 boubsie -3.9 brianofoz -3.9 brown 11 0 canadagrl 10.26 carlos5to 4.9 cavlak -4.9 cegege -3 cell_don13 -4.9 cher 2276 -4.9 chyp0510 -3.64 cobald 3.9 Coolcat55 -4.9 coto -3 CrazyCuban 10.26 cricri84 4.9 cullenbine 3.9 delfius -11.33

dennistayl don monot donito dumrul dwctah Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca marialo mariazak

5.28 -8.77 4.9 4.44 -3.9 17.92 -3.9 -3.9 3.9 6.13 3.64 5.23 7.36 -3.9 -5.28 3.9 4.9 -5.23 13.49 -4.44 -4.44 -7.36 -5.23 13.49 -4.9 -13.49 8.77 -3.9 -4.9 3.9 -3.64 3.9 4.05 -4.9 3.9 -3.9 -4.05 -3.9 5.28 8.77 3.9 3.9 4.05 3.9 0 -3.9 0 -4.9 3.64 10.26 -5.28 8.77

maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier Servat silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

4.9 3.9 -10.26 -3.9 11.33 4.9 -3.9 4.9 5.23 -10.26 -4.9 3.9 -11.33 -4.9 3.9 4.9 11.33 4.9 0 -8.77 0 -17.92 5.23 -3.9 4.44 0 5.23 17.92 4.9 0 0 -3.9 3.9 -5.28 0 4.9 5.28 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 3.9 13.38 -3.9 3.9 -4.9 3.9 -4.9 -10.26 4.9 -4.44 4.9 4.9

susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708 wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44 zyxabc517

-8.77 -17.92 -4.9 0 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 -5.23 7.36 13.38 -13.38 -7.36 -3.9 4.44 8.77 -4.44 -3.9 0 -8.77 4.9 4.9 3

NORTH oahnehc cell_don13 palki melit FB 59 loubel ladye sagitauro Pierulis K5L_ cher 2276 don monot silv2 cavlak boblawr julisprit dumrul Elliebre el44 23mig Agilulfo alebuckler istanblue gurel_ kerrik59 TC 11 cullenbine rolfe2 chyp0510 joitzica martinlevi bdhp Jockegais bjossij mjts msusana torelo baccib mumin 22841 oguz ayd akamit ocp16 baraksas

IMPs 12.37 6.05 4.98 3.9 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.2 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 -1.1 -1.15 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -3.44 -3.44 -7.63 -7.93 -10.29 -12.54 0 0

SOUTH tedsun Coolcat55 plgdti my47 cobald TIGRESS1 haggis torgal vinci708 Servat 07memduh susanaf pvadi anikuni jabonecj afa afa 7ntminus poeliev McLord 458917932 simopy monusha audaxminor q8_ ArLima maddiehob Morocha 1 schweier jqorzr0391 lai_ka bosterovip annc8 baki9 PSU59 gailmur silvinka geireinar marialo apt zyxabc517 prym11 karkar2 ynai rubi44

IMPs 12.37 6.05 4.98 3.9 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.2 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 -1.1 -1.15 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.05 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -2.98 -3.44 -3.44 -7.63 -7.93 -10.29 -12.54 0 0

EAST IMPs WEST arrayanes -12.37 CrazyCuban flor -6.05 MaiLing1 A_tilla -4.98 tuncay_55 reject -3.9 preemptor sunsetsue -3.85 nibbers Agbgguz -3.85 krish3362 1kemosabe -3.85 0 AY Robii -3.85 dennistayl MISLAM -3.85 donito gretel 5 -3.85 lya ly2308 -3.85 MA031 BoraTarim -3.85 mutayo vienrose -3.2 andina7 sood -2.41 wonky motion617 -2.41 delfius henryb52 -2.41 icoB maroon5001 -2.41 harenda cricri84 -2.41 yonita ptbass -2.41 boubsie yagmurca -2.41 raburca xb200 -2.41 anshul estrella07 1.1 rotuga topaco 1.15 barbara40 avidean 2.05 sonbahar01 dragod 2.05 Hot_Canuck brown 11 2.05 pistuka ommnmaniii 2.05 suziq2 aliS69 2.05 rocataglia jbpvithal 2.05 krishna243 vanman 2.98 hosoda karnig 2.98 dwctah lizzy123 2.98 justine mcn3 2.98 Sanford ziuk44 2.98 mijo75 mishulescu 2.98 pegasus452 hgolbasi 2.98 her ana top2 3.44 kodock coto 3.44 cegege carlos5to 7.63 stantuffo brianofoz 7.93 jdrocci terjehals 10.29 erling84 canadagrl 12.54 makiigoca ariank 0 fena53 mariazak 0 Kooch

IMPs contract -12.37 2♠xN= -6.05 4♥W-4 -4.98 3NW-3 -3.9 2♠N= -3.85 2♥W-2 -3.85 4♥W-2 -3.85 3NW-2 -3.85 4♥W-2 -3.85 4♥W-2 -3.85 4♥W-2 -3.85 4♥xW-1 -3.85 5♥W-2 -3.2 1♠N= -2.41 3NW-1 -2.41 4♥W-1 -2.41 6♥W-1 -2.41 3NW-1 -2.41 3♥W-1 -2.41 3♣E-1 -2.41 4♥W-1 -2.41 5♥W-1 1.1 3♠N-1 2♥W= 1.15 2.05 2♥W+1 2.05 3♥W= 3♥W= 2.05 3♥W= 2.05 2.05 3♥W= 2.05 3♥W= 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 2.98 3♥W+1 3.44 3♠S-2 3.44 3♠N-2 7.63 3NW= 4♥W= 7.93 10.29 4♥xW= 12.54 4♠xN-3 0 3SxN? 0 NB

pts NS SCORE EW SCORE 670 12.37 -12.37 200 6.05 -6.05 150 4.98 -4.98 110 3.9 -3.9 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 100 3.85 -3.85 80 3.2 -3.2 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 50 2.41 -2.41 -100 -1.1 1.1 -110 -1.15 1.15 -140 -2.05 2.05 -140 -2.05 2.05 -140 -2.05 2.05 -140 -2.05 2.05 -140 -2.05 2.05 -140 -2.05 2.05 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -170 -2.98 2.98 -200 -3.44 3.44 -200 -3.44 3.44 -400 -7.63 7.63 -420 -7.93 7.93 -590 -10.29 10.29 -800 -12.54 12.54 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0

NAME SCORE 22841 -7.93 458917932 2.41 0 AY -3.85 07memduh 3.85 1kemosabe -3.85 23mig 2.41 7ntminus 2.41 A_tilla -4.98 afa afa 2.41 Agbgguz -3.85 Agilulfo 2.41 akamit -12.54 alebuckler -1.1 aliS69 2.05 andina7 -3.2 anikuni 2.41 annc8 -2.98 anshul -2.41 apt -7.63 ariank 0 ArLima -2.05 arrayanes -12.37 audaxminor -1.15 avidean 2.05 baccib -3.44 baki9 -2.98 baraksas 0 barbara40 1.15 bdhp -2.98 bjossij -2.98 boblawr 2.41 BoraTarim -3.85 bosterovip -2.98 boubsie -2.41 brianofoz 7.93 brown 11 2.05 canadagrl 12.54 carlos5to 7.63 cavlak 2.41 cegege 3.44 cell_don13 6.05 cher 2276 3.85 chyp0510 -2.05 cobald 3.85 Coolcat55 6.05 coto 3.44 CrazyCuban -12.37 cricri84 -2.41 cullenbine -2.05 delfius -2.41

dennistayl don monot donito dragod dumrul dwctah el44 Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis harenda henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock Kooch krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca

-3.85 3.85 -3.85 2.05 2.41 2.98 2.41 2.41 10.29 1.1 3.85 0 -6.05 -2.98 -3.44 -3.85 -2.05 3.85 -2.41 -2.41 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.05 -2.41 -1.15 2.41 2.05 7.93 -2.98 -2.98 -2.05 2.41 2.98 3.85 -12.54 2.98 -2.05 3.44 0 -3.85 2.05 3.85 -2.98 2.98 3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -2.05 -6.05 12.54

marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier Servat silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo

-3.44 0 -2.41 -2.98 2.41 2.98 3.9 2.98 2.98 -3.85 -2.98 -1.1 -2.05 -2.41 -2.98 -7.63 -3.85 3.9 -3.85 12.37 0 -10.29 2.05 4.98 2.98 3.85 2.05 4.98 2.41 -3.9 -10.29 -2.98 -2.41 3.2 -2.05 -2.41 -3.9 -3.85 2.05 -2.05 1.1 0 3.85 2.98 -2.05 3.85 3.2 -2.98 2.41 2.05 -2.41 7.63

sunsetsue susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44 zyxabc517

-3.85 3.85 2.05 -2.05 12.37 10.29 3.85 3.44 1.15 -3.44 3.85 -4.98 2.98 -3.2 3.85 -2.41 -2.41 -2.41 0 -2.41 2.98 -7.93

NORTH IMPs mjts 10.87 oahnehc 7.59 Jockegais 7.59 mumin 7.59 K5L_ 7.18 ladye 6.72 akamit 4.79 FB 59 2.46 Pierulis 2.46 melit 2.46 Agilulfo 1.46 bjossij 1.46 cell_don13 1.46 boblawr 1.03 cavlak 1.03 julisprit 1.03 cullenbine 0.46 cher 2276 0.46 dumrul 0.46 gurel_ 0.46 el44 0.08 silv2 0.08 TC 11 -3.31 rolfe2 -3.31 joitzica -3.31 kerrik59 -3.31 bdhp -3.31 alebuckler -3.31 loubel -3.31 baccib -3.31 sagitauro -3.31 palki -3.31 PamV -3.31 msusana -4.33 Elliebre -4.74 23mig -4.74 don monot -4.74 torelo -4.74 oguz ayd -4.74 martinlevi -4.74 ocp16 0 baraksas 0 CHYP0510 0 22841 0

SOUTH IMPs gailmur 10.87 tedsun 7.59 baki9 7.59 apt 7.59 Servat 7.18 haggis 6.72 karkar2 4.79 cobald 2.46 vinci708 2.46 my47 2.46 simopy 1.46 PSU59 1.46 Coolcat55 1.46 jabonecj 1.03 anikuni 1.03 afa afa 1.03 Morocha 1 0.46 07memduh 0.46 7ntminus 0.46 q8_ 0.46 McLord 0.08 pvadi 0.08 maddiehob -3.31 schweier -3.31 lai_ka -3.31 ArLima -3.31 annc8 -3.31 monusha -3.31 TIGRESS1 -3.31 marialo -3.31 torgal -3.31 plgdti -3.31 audaxminor -3.31 silvinka -4.33 poeliev -4.74 458917932 -4.74 susanaf -4.74 geireinar -4.74 prym11 -4.74 bosterovip -4.74 ynai 0 rubi44 0 jqorzr0391 0 zyxabc517 0

EAST carlos5to ptbass canadagrl ly2308 henryb52 Agbgguz xb200 flor topaco sood vienrose mcn3 jbpvithal reject MISLAM motion617 cricri84 terjehals estrella07 gretel 5 aliS69 mariazak ziuk44 ommnmaniii top2 mishulescu dragod lizzy123 avidean brianofoz coto Robii A_tilla maroon5001 brown 11 arrayanes hgolbasi sunsetsue vanman 1kemosabe yagmurca ariank BoraTarim karnig

IMPs -10.87 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.18 -6.72 -4.79 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.08 -0.08 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 4.33 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 0 0 0 0

WEST stantuffo boubsie makiigoca MA031 icoB krish3362 anshul selsa_2 barbara40 wonky andina7 Sanford krishna243 preemptor donito delfius yonita erling84 rotuga lya rocataglia Kooch mijo75 suziq2 kodock pegasus452 Hot_Canuck justine sonbahar01 jdrocci cegege dennistayl tuncay_55 harenda pistuka CrazyCuban her ana nibbers hosoda 0 AY raburca fena53 mutayo dwctah

IMPs -10.87 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.18 -6.72 -4.79 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.08 -0.08 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 4.33 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 0 0 0 0

contract 3NxN+1 3NN+1 3NN+1 3NS+1 3NN= 1NxS+2 1NxS+1 1NS+3 1NS+3 1NS+3 1NS+2 2NN+1 2NS+1 1NS+1 2NN= 2NS= 3♣S= 2♥N= 3♣S= 1♥S+1 1NS= 1NS= 3NN-1 3NN-1 2♦N-1 3NN-1 3♣S-1 3♣S-1 2NN-1 3NN-1 3NN-1 3NN-1 4♥N-1 1NW= 3NN-2 3♣S-2 3NN-2 3NS-2 3NN-2 3NN-2 3NN? 3NxN? 5♦xN? 3♣S?

pts 650 430 430 430 400 380 280 180 180 180 150 150 150 120 120 120 110 110 110 110 90 90 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -90 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 N/A N/A N/A N/A

NS SCORE 10.87 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.18 6.72 4.79 2.46 2.46 2.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.03 1.03 1.03 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.08 0.08 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -3.31 -4.33 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -4.74 -3 -3 -3 -3

EW SCORE -10.87 -7.59 -7.59 -7.59 -7.18 -6.72 -4.79 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.46 -0.08 -0.08 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 4.33 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74 4.74

NAME SCORE 22841 0 458917932 -4.74 0 AY 4.74 07memduh 0.46 1kemosabe 4.74 23mig -4.74 7ntminus 0.46 A_tilla 3.31 afa afa 1.03 Agbgguz -6.72 Agilulfo 1.46 akamit 4.79 alebuckler -3.31 aliS69 -0.08 andina7 -1.46 anikuni 1.03 annc8 -3.31 anshul -4.79 apt 7.59 ariank 0 ArLima -3.31 arrayanes 4.74 audaxminor -3.31 avidean 3.31 baccib -3.31 baki9 7.59 baraksas 0 barbara40 -2.46 bdhp -3.31 bjossij 1.46 boblawr 1.03 BoraTarim 0 bosterovip -4.74 boubsie -7.59 brianofoz 3.31 brown 11 4.74 canadagrl -7.59 carlos5to -10.87 cavlak 1.03 cegege 3.31 cell_don13 1.46 cher 2276 0.46 CHYP0510 0 cobald 2.46 Coolcat55 1.46 coto 3.31 CrazyCuban 4.74 cricri84 -0.46 cullenbine 0.46 delfius -1.03 dennistayl 3.31

don monot donito dragod dumrul dwctah el44 Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis harenda henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock Kooch krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001

-4.74 -1.03 3.31 0.46 0 0.08 -4.74 -0.46 -0.46 2.46 0 -2.46 10.87 -4.74 -0.46 0.46 6.72 4.33 -7.18 4.74 4.74 4.74 3.31 -7.18 1.03 -1.46 3.31 7.59 -3.31 0 1.03 3.31 7.18 4.79 0 -3.31 3.31 -0.08 -6.72 -1.46 6.72 -3.31 3.31 -3.31 -7.59 -0.46 -7.59 -3.31 -7.59 -3.31 -0.08 4.33

martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki PamV pegasus452 Pierulis pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier selsa_2 Servat silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

-4.74 0.08 -1.46 2.46 3.31 3.31 -1.03 10.87 -3.31 0.46 -1.03 -4.33 7.59 0 2.46 4.74 7.59 0 -4.74 3.31 -3.31 -3.31 3.31 2.46 4.74 -3.31 -4.74 -1.03 -4.74 1.46 -7.59 0.08 0.46 0 -1.03 3.31 -0.08 -3.31 -0.46 0 -3.31 -1.46 -3.31 -2.46 7.18 0.08 -4.33 1.46 3.31 -2.46 -10.87 4.74

susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44 zyxabc517

-4.74 3.31 -3.31 7.59 -0.46 -3.31 3.31 -2.46 -4.74 -3.31 3.31 4.74 -1.46 2.46 -2.46 -4.79 0 0 -0.46 3.31 0

BOARD 1 BOARD 2 BOARD 3 BOARD 4 NAME SCORE NAME SCORE NAME SCORE NAME SCORE 22841 -4.51 22841 8.61 22841 5.7 22841 3 458917932 0 458917932 -9 458917932 0.03 458917932 -6.13 0 AY 4.51 0 AY 7 0 AY -0.03 0 AY -3.9 07memduh 0 07memduh 10.56 07memduh 1.55 07memduh -4.9 1kemosabe 4.51 1kemosabe 7 1kemosabe -0.03 1kemosabe -3.9 23mig 0 23mig -9 23mig 0.03 23mig -6.13 7ntminus -5.09 7ntminus -9 7ntminus 5.7 7ntminus 4.44 a_tilla 0 A_tilla -6.46 A_tilla -0.57 A_tilla -13.38 afa afa -4.51 afa afa -5.61 afa afa 2.7 afa afa 3.9 Agbgguz 11.06 Agbgguz 5.61 Agbgguz -0.03 Agbgguz 5.28 Agilulfo 4.97 Agilulfo 6.46 Agilulfo 0.03 Agilulfo -10.26 akamit -9.03 akamit 6.46 akamit 0.03 akamit 3.9 alebuckler 0 alebuckler -3.07 alebuckler -3.22 alebuckler -4.9 aliS69 -0.86 aliS69 -3 aliS69 -0.03 aliS69 -3.9 andina7 4.51 andina7 9 andina7 -1.55 andina7 -3.9 anikuni 4.97 anikuni -10.49 anikuni 2.7 anikuni -4.9 annc8 -4.51 annc8 -1.29 annc8 -8.9 annc8 3.9 anshul 0 anshul 9 anshul -0.03 anshul -3.9 apt 0 apt -11.8 apt -12.32 apt 3.9 ariank 4.51 ariank -12.83 ariank -5.7 ariank 6.13 ArLima -4.51 ArLima 1.41 ArLima -8.9 ArLima -4.05 arrayanes -6.91 arrayanes 1.29 arrayanes 9.3 arrayanes 10.26 artist99 -6.17 artist99 -10.56 audaxminor 0.8 audaxminor 3 audaxminor 0.57 audaxminor -4.9 avidean 7.4 avidean 7 avidean -2.7 avidean 4.9 baccib 4.97 baccib 6.46 baccib 0.57 baccib -5.28 baki9 6.17 baki9 8.61 baki9 5.7 baki9 -4.9 baraksas 4.97 baraksas -5.54 baraksas 0.03 baraksas 3.9 barbara40 4.51 barbara40 -6.46 barbara40 -1.55 barbara40 -5.23 bdhp -4.51 bdhp -1.29 bdhp -8.9 bdhp 3.9 bjossij 0.86 bjossij -3.07 bjossij 2.7 bjossij 0 boblawr -11.06 boblawr -6.27 boblawr boblawr -13.49 BoraTarim 4.51 BoraTarim 3.07 BoraTarim -5.7 BoraTarim 4.9 bosterovip 0 bosterovip 6.46 bosterovip -8.9 bosterovip 3.9 boubsie -5.7 boubsie -3.9 brianofoz -9.23 brianofoz 3.07 brianofoz 0.95 brianofoz -3.9 brown 11 -4.97 brown 11 -6.46 brown 11 -5.7 brown 11 0 bulent0006 -7.86 bulent0006 -9 bulent0006 1.55 canadagrl 7.86 canadagrl 5.61 canadagrl -0.57 canadagrl 10.26 carlos5to -9.23 carlos5to 2.22 carlos5to -0.03 carlos5to 4.9 cavlak 4.97 cavlak -10.49 cavlak 2.7 cavlak -4.9 cegege -0.8 cegege 9 cegege 8.9 cegege -3 cell_don13 -4.51 cell_don13 10.56 cell_don13 -0.95 cell_don13 -4.9 cher 2276 0 cher 2276 10.56 cher 2276 1.55 cher 2276 -4.9 chyp0510 6.17 chyp0510 1.41 chyp0510 0.03 chyp0510 -3.64 cobald 1.97 cobald -1.29 cobald 0.03 cobald 3.9 Coolcat55 -4.51 Coolcat55 10.56 Coolcat55 -0.95 Coolcat55 -4.9 coto -0.8 coto 9 coto 8.9 coto -3 CrazyCuban -6.91 CrazyCuban 1.29 CrazyCuban 9.3 CrazyCuban 10.26 cricri84 9.03 cricri84 -8.61 cricri84 -2.7 cricri84 4.9

cthulu cullenbine deballe delfius dennistayl don monot donito

5.09 -5.09 0 -0.8 -1.77 0 -4.97

cthulu cullenbine

-10.56 -1.29





delfius dennistayl don monot donito

-6.46 -6.46 -3.07 5.39

delfius dennistayl don monot donito

-2.7 -5.7 -0.03

delfius dennistayl don monot donito

-11.33 5.28 -8.77 4.9

dumrul dwctah

-5.09 -6.17

dumrul dwctah

-9 -6.46

dumrul dwctah

5.7 -5.7

dumrul dwctah

4.44 -3.9

Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53

6.91 4.51 0 1.97 4.51

Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53

4.76 1.29 3.07 -1.29 -12.83

0.03 -6.28 8.9 0.03 -5.7

gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis Halima harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda

1.17 9.23 -4.97 9.23 1.77 5.09 -1.17 -1.77 5.09 4.51 4.51 -6.17

gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis Halima harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda

-3.07 6.46 2.22 6.46 -9 -10.56 1.29 -8.61 10.49 1.29 1.29 -10.56

Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis

0.03 -0.95

Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis

17.92 -3.9 -3.9 3.9 6.13 3.64 5.23 7.36 -3.9 -5.28 3.9

icoB isabu istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59

5.09 0 0.8 -11.06 0 -9.23 6.17 6.91 6.17 -4.51 0 0 6.17 -9.03 -6.17 -4.51

icoB isabu istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59

10.49 -1.41 3 -6.27 9 3.07 8.61 -2.22 1.41 -5.61 -3.07 0 -7 6.46 -6.46 1.41

harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB

8.9 12.32 -5.7 3.22 3.22 -0.03 12.32 -5.7

harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB

4.9 -5.23 13.49 -4.44 -4.44 -7.36 -5.23 13.49

istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock


0.03 2.7

istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit

-4.9 -13.49 8.77 -3.9 -4.9 3.9 -3.64 3.9

8.9 0.03 0.03 -5.7 -8.9 0.95

justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock

4.05 -4.9 3.9 -3.9 -4.05 -3.9

krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

11.06 0 1.77 6.91

krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

5.61 9 -9 -2.22

krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

-0.03 -2.7 -0.95

krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

5.28 8.77 3.9 3.9

-8.9 6.28

-2.7 0.95 5.7

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob

0 0.8 -1.97 -4.97 -1.97 4.97

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob

0 -3.07 -6.46 2.22 -6.46 3 5.61 6.46 3.07 1.29 6.46 12.83 -6.46 -1.29 -6.46 -6.46 5.39 -3.07 12.83 -3.07 -1.29 -6.46 10.56 -11.8 3.07 -1.29 3.07 -3 -3.07

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu mislam mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc

makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc

7.86 4.97 5 -1.17 0 -5 -4.97 -7.4 0 -6.91 -4.97 1.17 -5 0 -5.09 -0.8 -4.51 0 4.51 -7.4 4.51 0 -4.51

makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu mislam mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc

oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis

1.77 -6.17 0 -6.91 -5.09

plgdti poeliev

8.9 5.7

-0.57 0.57 -0.03 8.9 -8.9 -7 -0.03 5.7 -0.03 -1.55 -0.03 -8.9 -7 -3.22 5.7 -2.7 2.7 -12.32 -5.7 5.7 -0.03 -5.7 5.7

oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis

6.46 3.07 -5.39 -6.46 6.46

oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis

0.03 -0.03 0.03 -1.55 5.7

0 6.91

plgdti poeliev

-5.39 4.76

plgdti poeliev

0.03 0.03

prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca

1.77 0.86 -4.97 0 9.23 5.09

Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

-1.77 -0.86 -4.51 0

prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

6.46 -3.07 -1.41 6.46 6.46 10.49 -3 -6.46 -3 -10.49 3.07

prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

0.03 2.7 -5.7 0.57 0.03 7 -5.7 -5.7 -0.03 -9.3 8.9


lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers

4.05 3.9 0 -3.9 0 -4.9 3.64 10.26 -5.28 8.77 4.9 3.9 -10.26 -3.9 11.33 4.9 -3.9 4.9 5.23 -10.26 -4.9 3.9 -11.33 -4.9 3.9 4.9 11.33 4.9

oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis

0 -8.77 0 -17.92 5.23 -3.9 4.44

pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

0 5.23 17.92 4.9 0 0 -3.9 3.9 -5.28 0 4.9 5.28 -3.9 3.9 -3.9

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier

4.97 6.91 -4.97 -4.51

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier

-5.54 -3.07 -6.46 -10.49

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier

0.03 1.55 -0.03 -9.3

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier

3.9 13.38 -3.9 3.9

Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

6.17 -4.97 0 -4.51 4.97 7.4 -6.91 -9.23 4.51

Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

-7 -6.46 6.46 10.56 6.46 7 5.39 2.22 3.07

Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue

0.03 -5.7 0.57 2.7 0.03 -2.7 -0.57 -0.03 -0.03



suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55

-6.17 4.97 -4.51 4.51 0.8 0 4.51 9.23 6.91 0

suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55

3.07 3 -3.07 1.29 -3.07 -1.41 -6.46 6.46 -3.07 -6.46

vienrose vinci708 woefuljoke wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita zhhl1234 ziuk44 zyxabc517

4.51 -5.09 -1.77 5 -6.91 0 5.09 -7.86 9.03 -4.97 0 -4.51

vienrose vinci708 woefuljoke wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita zhhl1234 ziuk44 zyxabc517

9 6.46 -8.61 3.07 5.39 9 10.49 -9 -8.61 -1.41 -6.46 8.61

suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708

-0.03 0.03 5.7 -6.28 5.7 0.95 -1.55 6.28 1.55 -0.57 -0.03 -1.55 5.7

silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708

3.9 -4.9 -10.26 4.9 -4.44 4.9 4.9 -8.77 -17.92 -4.9 0 -3.9 3.9 -3.9 -5.23 7.36 13.38 -13.38 -7.36 -3.9 4.44

wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44

-0.03 -0.57 -0.03 7 1.55 -2.7 -0.03

wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44

8.77 -4.44 -3.9 0 -8.77 4.9 4.9





BOARD 5 BOARD 6 NAME SCORE NAME SCORE 22841 -7.93 22841 0 458917932 2.41 458917932 -4.74 0 AY -3.85 0 AY 4.74 07memduh 3.85 07memduh 0.46 1kemosabe -3.85 1kemosabe 4.74 23mig 2.41 23mig -4.74 7ntminus 2.41 7ntminus 0.46 A_tilla -4.98 A_tilla 3.31 afa afa 2.41 afa afa 1.03 Agbgguz -3.85 Agbgguz -6.72 Agilulfo 2.41 Agilulfo 1.46 akamit -12.54 akamit 4.79 alebuckler -1.1 alebuckler -3.31 aliS69 2.05 aliS69 -0.08 andina7 -3.2 andina7 -1.46 anikuni 2.41 anikuni 1.03 annc8 -2.98 annc8 -3.31 anshul -2.41 anshul -4.79 apt -7.63 apt 7.59 ariank 0 ariank 0 ArLima -2.05 ArLima -3.31 arrayanes -12.37 arrayanes 4.74 audaxminor avidean baccib baki9 baraksas barbara40 bdhp bjossij boblawr BoraTarim bosterovip boubsie brianofoz brown 11

-1.15 2.05 -3.44 -2.98 0 1.15 -2.98 -2.98 2.41 -3.85 -2.98 -2.41 7.93 2.05

audaxminor avidean baccib baki9 baraksas barbara40 bdhp bjossij boblawr BoraTarim bosterovip boubsie brianofoz brown 11

-3.31 3.31 -3.31 7.59 0 -2.46 -3.31 1.46 1.03 0 -4.74 -7.59 3.31 4.74

canadagrl carlos5to cavlak cegege cell_don13 cher 2276 chyp0510 cobald Coolcat55 coto CrazyCuban cricri84

12.54 7.63 2.41 3.44 6.05 3.85 -2.05 3.85 6.05 3.44 -12.37 -2.41

canadagrl carlos5to cavlak cegege cell_don13 cher 2276 CHYP0510 cobald Coolcat55 coto CrazyCuban cricri84

-7.59 -10.87 1.03 3.31 1.46 0.46 0 2.46 1.46 3.31 4.74 -0.46

RT 05 - 22 MAY 09 - 6 BDS NAME TOT C A A- A+ 22841 4.87 1 458917932 -17.43 0 0 AY 8.47 07memduh 11.52 0 1kemosabe 8.47 23mig -17.43 0 7ntminus -1.08 A_tilla -22.08 0 afa afa -0.08 Agbgguz 11.35 Agilulfo 5.07 akamit -6.39 alebuckler -15.6 0 aliS69 -5.82 1 andina7 3.4 anikuni -4.28 annc8 -17.09 anshul -2.13 0 apt -20.26 0 ariank -7.89 2 ArLima -21.41 arrayanes 6.31 artist99 -16.73 audaxminor -4.99 avidean 21.96 baccib -0.03 baki9 20.19 baraksas 3.36 2 barbara40 -10.04 bdhp -17.09 bjossij -1.03 1 boblawr -27.38 1 BoraTarim 2.93 1 bosterovip -6.26 0 boubsie -19.6 brianofoz 2.13 brown 11 -10.34 1 bulent0006 -15.31 canadagrl 28.11 carlos5to -5.38 cavlak -4.28 cegege 20.85 1 cell_don13 7.71 cher 2276 11.52 0 CHYP0510 1.92 1 cobald 10.92 Coolcat55 7.71 coto 20.85 1 CrazyCuban 6.31 cricri84 -0.25





delfius dennistayl don monot donito dragod dumrul dwctah el44 Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis

-2.41 -3.85 3.85 -3.85 2.05 2.41 2.98 2.41 2.41 10.29 1.1 3.85 0 -6.05 -2.98 -3.44 -3.85 -2.05 3.85

delfius dennistayl don monot donito dragod dumrul dwctah el44 Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis

-1.03 3.31 -4.74 -1.03 3.31 0.46 0 0.08 -4.74 -0.46 -0.46 2.46 0 -2.46 10.87 -4.74 -0.46 0.46 6.72





henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB

-2.41 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.05 -2.41

henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB

-7.18 4.74 4.74 4.74 3.31 -7.18

istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit

-1.15 2.41 2.05 7.93 -2.98 -2.98 -2.05 2.41

justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock Kooch krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

2.98 3.85 -12.54 2.98 -2.05 3.44 0 -3.85 2.05 3.85 -2.98

jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock Kooch krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

1.03 -1.46 3.31 7.59 -3.31 0 1.03 3.31 7.18 4.79 0 -3.31 3.31 -0.08 -6.72 -1.46 6.72 -3.31

cthulu cullenbine deballe delfius dennistayl don monot donito dragod dumrul dwctah el44 Elliebre erling84 estrella07 FB 59 fena53 flor gailmur geireinar gretel 5 gurel_ haggis Halima harenda helenannf henryb52 her ana hgolbasi hosoda Hot_Canuck icoB isabu istanblue jabonecj jbpvithal jdrocci Jockegais joitzica jqorzr0391 julisprit justerix justine K5L_ karkar2 karnig kerrik59 kodock Kooch krish3362 krishna243 ladye lai_ka

-5.47 1.63 0 -24.73 -9.19 -12.73 0.41 5.36 -1.08 -19.25 2.49 27.29 5.45 8.71 10.92 -7.89 -4.87 2.32 21.15 -10.96 8.85 6.29 -5.47 15.84 -3.29 13.78 12.3 12.3 -16.4 12.45 13.78 -1.41 -1.68 -27.38 15.66 2.13 20.19 2.3 1.92 -0.08 -3.07 19.24 5.33 -6.39 -19.25 -21.41 3.8 -0.08 11.35 15.66 6.29 2.3




0 2 0


0 1 0

1 1 2 0


0 0 1

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts

2.98 3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -3.85 -2.05 -6.05 12.54 -3.44 0 -2.41 -2.98 2.41 2.98 3.9 2.98 2.98 -3.85 -2.98

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob

3.31 -3.31 -7.59 -0.46 -7.59 -3.31

makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts

-7.59 -3.31 -0.08 4.33 -4.74 0.08 -1.46 2.46 3.31 3.31 -1.03 10.87

monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers

-1.1 -2.05 -2.41 -2.98 -7.63 -3.85 3.9 -3.85

monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers

-3.31 0.46 -1.03 -4.33 7.59 0 2.46 4.74

oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki pegasus452 Pierulis

12.37 0 -10.29 2.05 4.98 2.98 3.85 2.05 4.98 2.41 -3.9 -10.29 -2.98 -2.41 -2.41 3.2 -2.05 -2.41 -3.9 -3.85 2.05 -2.05 1.1

oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki PamV pegasus452 Pierulis pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

7.59 0 -4.74 3.31 -3.31 -3.31 3.31 2.46 4.74 -3.31 -4.74 -1.03 -4.74 1.46 -7.59 0.08 0.46 0 -1.03 3.31 -0.08 -3.31 -0.46

pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

lizzy123 loubel ly2308 lya MA031 maddiehob MaiLing1 makiigoca marialo mariazak maroon5001 martinlevi McLord mcn3 melit mijo75 mishulescu MISLAM mjts mmgns monusha Morocha 1 motion617 msusana mumin mutayo my47 nibbers nikisegall oahnehc ocp16 oguz ayd ommnmaniii palki PamV pegasus452 Pierulis pistuka plgdti poeliev preemptor prym11 PSU59 ptbass pvadi q8_ raburca reject Robii rocataglia rolfe2 rotuga

19.24 7.87 -19.87 -10.96 -19.87 -2.26 -2.41 28.11 -0.03 16.73 15.84 -6.26 -6.94 -13.84 14.7 4.7 -12.53 0.41 2.32 -9.43 -15.6 1.63 -24.73 -3.46 -20.26 2.93 14.7 13.34 -8.7 18.08 -8.77 -6.77 -15.69 1.54 -19.15 18.67 4.51 9.72 -1.03 20.98 -6.42 0.54 -0.46 -25.98 14.21 8.85 20.17 -8.73 -9.19 -5.82 -25.76 8.71

0 1 1 1

1 1 1


1 0



0 1

1 1 1 2 1 0

0 0

1 1 0 2 1 1 0

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier

0 3.85 2.98 -2.05 3.85

rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier selsa_2 Servat

0 -3.31 -1.46 -3.31 -2.46 7.18

Servat silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708

3.2 -2.98 2.41 2.05 -2.41 7.63 -3.85 3.85 2.05 -2.05 12.37 10.29 3.85 3.44 1.15 -3.44 3.85 -4.98 2.98 -3.2 3.85

silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708

0.08 -4.33 1.46 3.31 -2.46 -10.87 4.74 -4.74 3.31 -3.31 7.59 -0.46 -3.31 3.31 -2.46 -4.74 -3.31 3.31 4.74 -1.46 2.46

wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44

-2.41 -2.41 -2.41 0 -2.41 2.98

wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44

-2.46 -4.79 0 0 -0.46 3.31





rubi44 sagitauro Sanford schweier selsa_2 Servat sharmasl41 silv2 silvinka simopy sonbahar01 sood stantuffo sunsetsue susanaf suziq2 TC 11 tedsun terjehals TIGRESS1 top2 topaco torelo torgal tuncay_55 vanman vienrose vinci708 woefuljoke wolker28 wonky xb200 yagmurca ynai yonita ziuk44 ziuk44 zyxabc517

3.36 19.31 -13.84 -25.76 -2.46 5.33 -17.13 14.21 -3.46 5.07 21.96 -11.4 -5.38 13.34 -9.66 -15.69 -2.26 18.08 5.45 7.87 2.39 -10.04 21.15 19.31 -22.08 0.33 3.4 17.82 -10.38 16.81 -11.4 -2.13 20.17 -24.08 -0.25 4.78 -6.46 4.87



1 1



1 2 2

0 1


RT 05 - 22 MAY 09 - 6 BDS NAME TOT C A A- A+ canadagrl 28.11 makiigoca 28.11 Elliebre 27.29 avidean 21.96 sonbahar01 21.96 geireinar 21.15 torelo 21.15 poeliev 20.98 cegege 20.85 1 coto 20.85 1 baki9 20.19 Jockegais 20.19 raburca 20.17 2 yagmurca 20.17 2 sagitauro 19.31 torgal 19.31 justine 19.24 0 lizzy123 19.24 0 pegasus452 18.67 oahnehc 18.08 1 tedsun 18.08 1 vinci708 17.82 wolker28 16.81 mariazak 16.73 1 harenda 15.84 maroon5001 15.84 jbpvithal 15.66 0 krishna243 15.66 0 melit 14.7 my47 14.7 pvadi 14.21 0 silv2 14.21 0 henryb52 13.78 icoB 13.78 nibbers 13.34 sunsetsue 13.34 Hot_Canuck 12.45 her ana 12.3 hgolbasi 12.3 07memduh 11.52 0 cher 2276 11.52 0 Agbgguz 11.35 krish3362 11.35 cobald 10.92 FB 59 10.92 pistuka 9.72 0 gurel_ 8.85 q8_ 8.85 estrella07 8.71 0 rotuga 8.71 0

0 AY 1kemosabe loubel TIGRESS1 cell_don13 Coolcat55 arrayanes CrazyCuban haggis ladye erling84 terjehals dragod K5L_ Servat Agilulfo simopy 22841 zyxabc517 ziuk44 mijo75 Pierulis kodock andina7 vienrose baraksas rubi44 BoraTarim mutayo el44 top2 gailmur mjts joitzica lai_ka brianofoz jdrocci CHYP0510 jqorzr0391 cullenbine Morocha 1 palki prym11 donito MISLAM vanman deballe baccib marialo Kooch afa afa julisprit

8.47 8.47 7.87 7.87 7.71 7.71 6.31 6.31 6.29 6.29 5.45 5.45 5.36 5.33 5.33 5.07 5.07 4.87 4.87 4.78 4.7 4.51 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.36 3.36 2.93 2.93 2.49 2.39 2.32 2.32 2.3 2.3 2.13 2.13 1.92 1.92 1.63 1.63 1.54 0.54 0.41 0.41 0.33 0 -0.03 -0.03 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08

1 1



2 2 1 1 0

1 1

1 1

0 1



cricri84 yonita PSU59 bjossij plgdti 7ntminus dumrul isabu istanblue anshul xb200 maddiehob TC 11 MaiLing1 selsa_2 justerix helenannf msusana silvinka anikuni cavlak flor audaxminor carlos5to stantuffo cthulu Halima aliS69 rocataglia bosterovip martinlevi akamit karkar2 preemptor ziuk44 oguz ayd McLord ariank fena53 nikisegall reject ocp16 dennistayl Robii mmgns susanaf barbara40 topaco brown 11 woefuljoke gretel 5 lya

-0.25 -0.25 -0.46 -1.03 -1.03 -1.08 -1.08 -1.41 -1.68 -2.13 -2.13 -2.26 -2.26 -2.41 -2.46 -3.07 -3.29 -3.46 -3.46 -4.28 -4.28 -4.87 -4.99 -5.38 -5.38 -5.47 -5.47 -5.82 -5.82 -6.26 -6.26 -6.39 -6.39 -6.42 -6.46 -6.77 -6.94 -7.89 -7.89 -8.7 -8.73 -8.77 -9.19 -9.19 -9.43 -9.66 -10.04 -10.04 -10.34 -10.38 -10.96 -10.96

1 1 0

0 0 1 1 1 0 2


1 1 0 0

0 1 2 2 1 1 1 2

1 1 1

sood wonky mishulescu don monot mcn3 Sanford bulent0006 alebuckler monusha ommnmaniii suziq2 hosoda artist99 annc8 bdhp sharmasl41 458917932 23mig PamV dwctah karnig boubsie ly2308 MA031 apt mumin ArLima kerrik59 A_tilla tuncay_55 ynai delfius motion617 rolfe2 schweier ptbass boblawr jabonecj

-11.4 -11.4 -12.53 -12.73 -13.84 -13.84 -15.31 -15.6 -15.6 -15.69 -15.69 -16.4 -16.73 -17.09 -17.09 -17.13 -17.43 -17.43 -19.15 -19.25 -19.25 -19.6 -19.87 -19.87 -20.26 -20.26 -21.41 -21.41 -22.08 -22.08 -24.08 -24.73 -24.73 -25.76 -25.76 -25.98 -27.38 -27.38


0 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 0 2

1 1

1 1

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