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  • Words: 979
  • Pages: 11


RSA Security

• RSA was invented by Rivest, Shamir and Aldleman in 1978 (the 2003 winners of Turning award).

• RSA is the best known public-key cryptosystem.

• RSA is the first practical realisation of the revolutionary notion of public-key cryptography invented by Diffie and Hellman in 1976.





RSA Cryptosystem • Problems Used: Factorisation. The modulus N = p × q is public, the primes p, q are secret. • Message Space: M = ZN . • Cryptogram Space: C = ZN . • Public Key: A random integer e ∈ ZN ; gcd (e, ϕ(N )) = 1. • Secret Key: An integer d ∈ ZN such that d · e ≡ 1 (mod (p − 1)(q − 1)).


• Encryption: c = Ee(m) ≡ me

(mod N ).

• Decryption: m = Dd(c) ≡ cd

(mod N ). 2



Factorisation “=⇒” breaking RSA • If you can factor N , how can you break RSA? • Attack: – Find p and q such that N = pq – Compute ϕ(N ) = (p − 1)(q − 1) – Compute the secret key d from the public key e and ϕ(N ). That is, the attacker computes d = e−1 (mod ϕ(N )) using the Euclidean algorithm. • It has been conjectured that breaking RSA is polynomially equivalent to factoring N , but this remains unproved (note: two problems are said to be polynomially equivalent if the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for either problem implies the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for the other problem). +




Knowing ϕ(N ) ‘=⇒” breaking RSA • Question: Assume that Euler’s totient function ϕ(N ) has been made public. Is it possible to compute factors of N from it ?

• Attack – ϕ(N ) = (p−1)(q−1) = N −p−q+1 = N −p−

N +1 p

– This equation can be rewritten as p2 + p(ϕ(N ) − N − 1) + N = 0 – Clearly, the equation has two solutions: the factors p and q. The conclusion is that revealing ϕ(N ) allows to factor N .





Iteration Attack on the RSA • Simmons and Norris in1977 showed that RSA is breakable if the multiplicative group contains short cycles. • Let the opponent know the public elements (N, e) and a cryptogram c ∈ ZN . • the opponent can generate the following sequence ei

ci ≡ c

(mod N )

for i = 1, 2, . . .. • If there is an element cj such that c = cj , then the message used to generate c is cj−1. • To avoid the iteration attack is enough to select the primes p and q so p − 1 = 2 × p and q−1 = 2×q  where p and q  are primes. +




Common Modulus Attack on the RSA

• Question: Can the modulus N be shared amongst several RSA schemes?

• Answer: No. There are at least 3 known attacks against this scenarios.





Attack I • Attack: Any user can find the secret key of other users. • Assume there are two pairs key (e1, d1) and (e2, d2) given to user 1 and user 2, respectively. • Lemma: If one knows the RSA secret key d corresponding to the public key (N, e) then one can efficiently factor N (the tutorial question). • Assume user 1 is the bad guy, he knows d1 and (N, e1) he then computes p and q by Lemma. He further computes ϕ(N ). Now since he knows e2, he can then computes d2 = e−1 (mod ϕ(N )) using the 2 Euclidean algorithm. +




Attack II If the same message is encrypted with the two different keys, the message can be recovered. • Attack: If a message is encrypted with two different keys, the attacker can recover the message. • Assume there are two pairs key (e1, d1 ) and (e2 , d2). Assume also e1 and e2 are relatively prime (they generally would be). Let m be the plaintext and the two ciphertexts are c1 = me1 c2 = me2

(mod N ) (mod N )

• The opponent knows N, e1, e2 , c1 and c2 . We show that he can recover m. • Since e1 and e2 are relatively prime, find r and s using the Euclidean algorithm such that r × e1 + s × e2 = 1 • Assuming r is negative (either r or s has to be), then the Euclidean algorithm can be used again to calculate c−1 1 . Then −r × cs2 = m (c−1 1 )


(mod N ) 8



Attack III If two pairs of keys have been compromised and made public. It is possible to find factors of N or equivalently ϕ(N ) ? (see the textbook)





Low Exponent Attack Against the RSA

• Question: If we use the low values for e, the public key, it makes encryption fast and easy to perform. Can we choose small e for RSA? • Answer:






Attack on e = 3 • Suppose we have 3 users with different moduli N1, N2 and N3 , respectively. • Assume someone sends them the same message m. The attacker sees c1 = m3 c2 = m3 c3 = m3

(mod N1) (mod N2) (mod N3)

• The attacker, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, computes X

= ci

(mod Ni), i = 1, 2, 3,

to obtain X = m3

(mod N1 N2N3 ).

• Since m3 < N1 N2 N3, X = m3 identically over the integers. The attacker recover m by taking the real cube root of X



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