Code No: RR100104
I B.Tech (RR) Supplementary Examinations, June 2009 APPLIED CHEMISTRY (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) What is Pilling-Bedworth rule?
(b) Give an account of the corrosion by other gases and liquid metal corrosion.
2. (a) Give an account of various methods of cleansing articles before electroposition. [9] (b) Differentiate electroposition from galvanization. 3. (a) Why is anodizing best suited for aluminium? (b) How will you differentiate a paint from varnish and lacquers? 4. (a) Write briefly on compounding and fabrication of plastics. (b) Describe the preparation, properties and uses of
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i. Plasticised PVC and ii. Unplasticised PVC 5. (a) What are ion-exchange resins ?
(b) Describe the softening of hard water using ion-exchange resins. 6. (a) What is Potable water ?
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(b) Explain the “Chlorinator” used in purification of drinking water.
(c) One litre of water from an underground reservoir in Anantapur showed the following analysis for its contents:[8] Mg(HCO3 )2 = 146 mg; Ca(HCO3 )2 = 81 mg; M gSO4 = 120 mg; CaSO4 = 136 mg; suspended matter = 136 mg. 7. (a) How do you measure
i. thermal stability and ii. strength of a refractory material ? Describe suitable tests to measure them. (b) Write a note on liquid insulating materials. 8. Give an account of the following properties of lime. (a) Slaking (b) Setting and hardening of lime. (c) Plasticity (d) Sand carrying capacity ?????
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