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[Database] -> [Hero]

(1) Name  Name of the hero, up to 12 characters long. (2) Title  The hero's title, up to 12 characters long.  This has no effect over the abilities of the hero, nor any of it's images. (3) Class  Sets the Class of the hero. This controls stat growth and skills gained. These are determined by the settings in the Class tab.  The data which is modified is [Basic Statistics] [Experience Curve] [Skills] [Strengths/Weaknesses] [Battle Commands].  After selecting a Class you can recalculate the hero's data in the hero tab. (4) Sprite  Click the [Set] button to change the hero's walking graphic.  When the [Transparnt] checkbox is checked, the hero becomes Transparent. (5) Starting equipment  This is where you set the initial equipment for the selected hero. Use the pull down lists to select the desired Weapon, Shield, Armor, Helmet, and Accessory. The equipment must have been made in the Item tab first, and made equippable by the selected hero. (6) Min. Level  Set from 1 to 99 (7) Max. Level  Set from 1 to 99. Once the hero reaches this level, he will not gain any further levels. (8) Critical Hit Probability  This is the base chance of the hero dealing a critical hit during an attack.

 Checking the box activates the option. The chance of getting a critical hit is 1 in X where X is the number in the text box. So

if 2 was input, the critical hit chance would be 1 in 2 (50%). (9) Face  Click the [Set] button to open the Select Face Graphics window, and select the desired face. (10) Options -> Two Weapons Allows the hero to equip a weapon in the shield slot. This makes him unable to equip a shield. Useful for heroes who excel in attack power. -> Lock Equipment The hero cannot have their equipment changed. Useful for NPCs which join the hero and have a specific set of equipment for the entire time they're with you. -> AI Control The hero cannot be controlled by the player in battle.. The computer acts for them. -> Mighty Guard Heroes with this option will take even less damage when defending than usual. (11) Basic Statistics  A graph showing the curve of values of the hero's 6 basic statistics. Numerical values for the set Initial Level are shown in the top left corner. Double-click a box to open it for editing.  You can auto-set curves by clicking the Outstanding, Above Average, Average and Below Average buttons.  You can also set each level manually by dragging the bars for the corresponding level, or entering the value directly.. (12) Experience Curve  The experience curve's growth settings can be changed, but the curve itself can't be altered like stats can. (13) Unarmed Battle Animation  If the hero isn't using a weapon, it will use this battle animation when attacking. (14) Skill Progression  This is the list of Skills the hero will acquire by levelling up, listed from lowest level to highest.  To add a new skill, double click the box to open the Add Skill window, allowing you to select a skill and what level the hero will learn it at. Also, double-clicking a skill in the box will allow you to edit its settings.

 To delete a skill, click it and press delete, or right click and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

(15) Condition Resist  This section is to set how vulnerable the hero is to conditions, like Poison or Stone, for example. There are 5 ratings, from A to E.  Clicking on the condition rotates the rating from E towards A, where it then loops back around to E. Right-clicking loops it in reverse. The vulnerability settings of the ratings are set in the conditions tab. Typically it goes from E being immune/almost immune to A being the weakest, but the settings can be changed. (16) Attribute Resist  This section is set up just like the previous, but works on weapon and magic attributes, like Fire or Ice. (17) Battle Sprite  The Battle charset you want to use for this hero is chosen here.

[Database] -> [Skill]

Common Settings (1) Name  Name of the skill, up to 20 characters in length. (2) Type  Sets the skill's type. The choices are "Normal", "Teleport", "Escape", "Switch", or "Skill Subset" which are determined in the battle commands editor of the Battle Layout tab.  The settings available for a skill change depending on its type. (3) MP Consumed  The amount of MP used when this skill is invoked. The range is 0 to 999.  If the character does not have the amount of MP selected, the skill cannot be used.  It is also possible to make a skill consume a percentage of the user's MP. This value will obviously fluctuate depending on total MP, so a higher level character will probably lose more MP than a lower level one. -ExampleHero MP = 100. MP Consumed = 20%. MP used = 20. Hero levels up. Hero MP = 110. MP Consumed = 20%. MP used = 22. (4) Description  A short description of the skill, which is shown when it is highlighted in the skill selection screen in battle. "Normal" Settings (5) Target  The character(s) or enemy/enemies the skill will affect. -> Single Enemy -> All Enemies

: Targets one member of the enemy group. : Targets entire enemy group.

-> Self -> Single Ally -> All Allies

: Targets the character/enemy who used the skill. : Targets one friendly unit. : Targets all friendly units.

(6) Battle Animation  This is the battle animation which will be shown when the skill is used, chosen from the pull-down menu. A preview of it is shown in the large box. (7) Attack Influence  Determines how much influence attack power has on the skill damage. Ranges from 0 to 10.  You can make a skill that is weak on its own, but is influenced substantially by attack power. (8) Intelligence Influence  Determines how much influence intelligence has on the skill damage. Ranges from 0 to 10.  You can make a skill that is weak on its own, but is influenced substantially by intelligence. (9) Variance  Determines how much the damage/recovery fluctuates. Ranges from 0 to 10.  For every 1 point in variance, ± 5% is added to the damage fluctuation, to a total of ± 50%. (10) Effect Rating  The base damage/recovery value of the skill. Ranges from 0 to 9999. (11) Decrease (When target is [Single Enemy] or [All Enemies]) / Increase (When target is [Single Ally] [Self] or [All Allies])  Determines which statistic to increase/decrease when the skill is used. For each box that is checked, the appropriate stat will be affected.  The [Absorb] setting is only applicable to skills which decrease enemy HP/MP. The points decreased are added to those of the user.  When [Ignore Defense] is checked, the monster's defense stat will not be applied to damage calculation.  Statistic increases/decreases are only applicable in the current battle. When it ends, the statistic will revert to its normal value. (12) Success Rate  The percentage chance the skill has of succeeding, ranging from 0%-100%. Note that even if this is set to 100% the skill might not work because of the enemy's stats. (13) Condition Inflict/Remove  Attempts to inflict/cure all checked conditions when the skill is used.  [Remove] [Inflict] is selected using the radio button.  [Remove] is applicable only to skills which target [Single Ally] [Self] and [All Allies]. [Inflict] is applicable only to skills which target [Single Enemy] and [All Enemies]. (14) Attribute (When target is [Single Enemy] or [All Enemies] / Resistance (When target is [Single Ally] [Self] or [All Allies])  Assigns the checked attributes to the skill.  If the enemy is weak against an attribute assigned to the skill, it will do more damage. (15) Reduce Resist (When target is [Single Enemy] or [All Enemies] / Increase Resist (When target is [Single Ally] [Self] or [All Allies])  When this box is checked, the target's resistance to the selected attribute(s) increases/decreases.  Attribute resist increase and decrease is limited to one letter from the hero's original resistance level. For instance, if the hero's Fire resist is "C", then it will fall in the range "B", "C", "D" when using skills that increase or decrease fire resistance, even after using the skill multiple times.  Resistance increases/decreases are only applicable in the current battle. When it ends, resistances will revert to normal. (16) Animation  This is the character animation that will be shown when using the skill. When the [Set] button is clicked, the Character Battle Animation window is displayed. As shown below.

a) Character List:  This is a list of all the heroes defined in the database.  The hero selected will use the battle charset animations defined in the hero tab. b) Pose:  This is the animation of the selected hero that will be shown when the skill is used.  If the animation has a battle animation set instead of a battle charset animation that will be shown instead. c) Movement:  Sets how the hero moves before using the skill. The settings are as follows: -> None : Hero doesn't move at all. -> Step Forward : Hero steps forward once before using skill. -> Jump Forward : Hero jumps forward once before using skill. -> Move to Target : Runs up to enemy before using skill. d) Afterimage:  Allows you to set an afterimage which follows the character while moving.  The two options are "Add" and "None". e) Preview:  Shows a preview of what the animation will look like when the skill is used in battle. f) Monster Group Shown:  All monster parties defined in the database are listed here in a pulldown menu.  Click the menu arrow to select a different group.  This is for preview purposes only, and has no effect on the game. g) Change BG:  Sets the background shown in the preview. Teleport/Escape

(17) Sound Effect  This sets a sound effect to be played when the skill is used. When the [...] button is clicked, the sound selection window is displayed, allowing you to change the sound effect played.


(18) Activation Allowed  Determines whether the skill is usable on the field or in battle (Both can be selected) (19) Sound Effect  This sets a sound effect to be played when the skill is used. When the [...] button is clicked, the sound selection window is displayed, allowing you to change the sound effect played. (20) Turn ON Switch  Determines the switch that is turned on when this skill is used. Pressing the [...] button brings up the switch select window.

[Database] -> [Item]

Common Item Settings

(1) Name  Name of the item, up to 20 characters long. (2) Type  Determines the item's type. There are 11 types you can choose from the pull down list, each detailed below. -> Common Item : This item type has no settings. It is mainly in events to check if you have a certain item (A key, a letter from the King etc.) -> Weapon : This item type is treated as a weapon, and can be equipped in the [Weapon] slot of any hero who can use it. -> Shield : This item type is treated as a shield, and can be equipped in the [Shield] slot of any hero who can use it. -> Armor : This item type is treated as armor, and can be equipped in the [Armor] slot of any hero who can use it. -> Helmet : This item type is treated as headgear, and can be equipped in the [Helmet] slot of any hero who can use it. -> Accessory : This item type is treated as an accessory, and can be equipped in the [Accessory] slot of any hero who can use it. -> Medicine : This item type is for items that cure conditions/restore HP and MP. -> Skill Book : This item type teaches the hero it's used on a new skill. -> Seed : This item type increases the maximum statistic values of the hero it's used on. -> Skill Scroll : This item type invokes a specific skill when used. -> Switch : This item type turns the specified switch ON when used. (3) Price  How much the item will cost if bought from a shop. Range is from 0 to 999999.  If the price of the item is set to 0, it cannot be sold in shops.  Items will be sold in shops for 50% of their price. (4) Description  This is the message shown when selecting the item in battle. This can show what it is, what it does etc. It can be up to 50 characters long. Weapon Type (5) Hands Required  Determines whether the weapon requires one or two hands to use.  If "One" is selected, the hero can equip another weapon or a shield in their shield slot. If "Both" is selected, the shield slot cannot have anything equipped in it. (6) Attack Animation  This is the battle animation that will be played on the enemy when using the weapon.  The battle animations you can use are set in the [Battle Animations] tab of the database. (7) Animation

 Determines the character animations shown when using the weapon.  This window is displayed when you click [Set] under the animation box. The settings are detailed below.

a) Hero Selection:  This box will list all heroes who can use the selected weapon. This allows you to set a different animation for each hero when they use it. b) Animation Type:  When the character attacks with the weapon, the selected animation will be played. Use the radio buttons to choose between "Weapon" and "Battle".  "Weapon" selects one of the weapon charsets that are synchronised with the hero battle charsets. With "Battle" you can have a much more flexible animation for the attack.  Select the animation to use from the pull down list. c) Movement Before Attack:  Choose an option from the pull down list to dictate how the hero moves before attacking. -> None : The hero attacks from the spot he is standing in. -> Step Forward : The hero steps forward and then attacks. -> Jump Forward : The hero jumps forward and then attacks. -> Move to Target : The hero runs up to the enemy and then attacks. d) Afterimage:  When using a movement type other than "None" you can add an afterimage to the character.  Use the radio buttons to choose between "Add" and "None".  It is not possible to add an afterimage if using an extended battle animation. e) Number of Attacks:  Determines the number of times to attack with the weapon. Select 1-3 attacks from the pull down list. (Note: This can be combined with "Enable Combo" and "Attack Twice" to get even more attacks in one turn.) f) Ranged Weapon:  Check this box when making a ranged weapon, such as a boomerang or throwing knife.  When this box is checked, the other options in the box become available. g) Weapon Animation:  Determines what weapon animation to use for the projectile.  You can use any of the defined weapon animations. Choose one from the pull down list. h) Trajectory:  There are two types of trajectory. "Fly Straight to Target" (Knife) or "Return to User After Striking" (Boomerang).  Choose one from the pull down list. i) Targetting:  Determines the way the projectile travels.  Select one of the following from the pull down list. "Single Target", "Fly Down the Center of the Screen", "Strike Each Enemy Simultaneously" and "Strike Each Enemy in Turn".

j) Animation Speed:  Determines the speed at which the weapon flies.  Select one of the following from the pull down list. k) Preview:  Allows you to see what the animation will look like in battle.  You can change the battle background and enemy party shown as desired. l) Monster Group Shown:  Select the enemy group to show in the preview from the pull down list. m) Change Battle Background  Changes the battle background shown. (8) Usable by  Determines which heroes/classes can use the weapon. A hero/class can only equip the weapon if there is a check box next to their name. * If the box for a hero isn't checked, but that hero's class can use the weapon, then they can equip it. (9) Statistic Change  Allows you to increase/decrease the statistics of a hero when the weapon is equipped.  Input the number of points to add/remove from attack, defense, intelligence or agility, in the range -500 to 500. (10) Options  Allows you to trigger certain special effects when the weapon is equipped. An option will be applied if its box is checked. -> Always Attack First: The ATB gauge of the hero with this weapon equipped will start at max. -> Attack Twice: The hero will execute two attacks instead of one when a fight command is selected. (Note: This can be combined with "Enable Combo" and "Number of Attacks" to get even more attacks in one turn.) -> Attack All Enemies: When the weapon is used, all enemies in the group will take damage. -> Ignore Enemy Evasion: When this option is checked, the weapon will always hit the enemy, regardless of agility. -> Cursed: When a cursed weapon is equipped, it cannot be removed by normal means. (11) MP Consumed  This allows you to make an attack made with this weapon cost a certain amount of MP.  If the hero does not have this amount of MP, he may not attack. The statistic changes made by the weapon are always applied however. (12) Hit Probability  This is the percentage chance you have of hitting the enemy with the weapon, from 0%-100%. The usual value is 90%.  Even if the hit probability is set to 100%, the attack may still miss if the enemy's agility is high. (13) Critical Bonus  This raises the probability of inflicting a critical hit. Ranges from 0%-100%.  If this is set to 100%, the hero will never inflict a normal hit with this weapon equipped. (14) Attack Attribute  This allows you to choose which attributes your weapon has. If the box for the attribute is checked, that attribute is assigned to the weapon.  The enemy's resistance to a weapon's attribute(s) will alter the damage done. (15) Conditions  Allows you to inflict/remove status effects when attacking with the weapon. If the box for the status effect is checked, an attempt will be made to inflict it when you attack.  Choose between [Inflict] or [Remove] with the radio buttons. (16) Effectiveness  Determines the percentage probability that the conditions will be inflicted/removed. Ranges from 0%-100%. (17) Invoke Skill When Used  Allows the weapon to be used as an item, and invokes a skill when used in this way.

 Select the skill to use from the pull down list.

Shield/Armor/Helmet/Accessory Types

(18) Usable by  Determines which heroes/classes can use the equipment. A hero/class can only use a piece of equipment if there is a check box next to its name. (19) Statistic Change  Allows you to increase/decrease the statistics of a hero when the item is equipped.  Input the number of points to add/remove from attack, defense, intelligence or agility, in the range -500 to 500. (20) Options  Allows you to trigger certain special effects when the weapon is equipped. An option will be applied if its box is checked. -> Prevent Critical Hits: If this is selected, enemies will not be able to inflict critical hits on the hero with the item equipped. -> Increased Evasion: Increases the hero's chances of dodging an enemy attack. -> Half MP Consumption: Reduces the MP cost of all skills by half. -> No Terrain Damage: Damage inflicted by terrain is ignored. -> Cursed: When a cursed item is equipped, it cannot be removed by normal means. (21) Resistance  If the box for an attribute is checked, the hero's resistance to that attribute will be increased 1 stage while the item is equipped.  As a general rule, when the attribute validity goes down, attacks with that attribute will do less damage.  Resistance increases are limited to 1 stage only. Equipping multiple resistance raising items will never yield any additional benefit. (22) Conditions  Either makes the hero resistant to attempts by an enemy to inflict a condition, or applies a condition to the hero.  Conditions applied to the hero will continue to be applied for as long as the hero keeps the item equipped. The condition will not be affected by items/skills that would remove it. (23) Resistance  Determines how much resistance the item of equipment gives the hero to the condition(s). Range is 0%-100%. At 100%, the hero can never be inflicted with the condition(s) as long as they have the item equipped.

(24) Invoke Skill When Used  Allows the equipment to be used as an item, and invokes a skill when used in this way.  Select the skill to use from the pull down list. Medicine Type

(25) Number of Uses  Choose a number of times the item can be used (Unlimited or 1-5). If the number is limited, the item will disappear after it has been used that number of times. (26) Target  Choose the range for the item, either "Single Ally" or "All Allies". (27) Usable by  Determines which heroes/classes can use the item. A hero/class can only use an item if there is a check box next to its name. (28) Cure Condition  Cures all conditions with a check mark next to their name. (29) HP Recovery  The amount of HP, if any, the item will restore. Range is 0%-100%, an absolute value from 0-9999, or a combination of both. (30) MP Recovery  The amount of MP, if any, the item will restore. Range is 0%-100%, an absolute value from 0-999, or a combination of both. (31) Options  Specifies how and where the item can be used. -> Only Usable on the Field Map: The item is usable while walking on the map only. It is useless in battle. -> Only Usable on Dead Characters: The item is usable only on characters with the "Death" condition. (0HP remaining).

Skill Book Type

 [Skill Learned] determines the new skill the hero will receive. Choose one from the pull down list.  [Number of Uses] and [Usable By] are set up in the same way as medicine items.

Seed Type

 [Base Statistic Change] Input the values to raise Max HP, Max MP, Attack, Defense, Intelligence and Agility by. Range is

-50 to 50.  [Number of Uses] and [Usable By] are set up in the same way as medicine items.

Skill Scroll Type

 [Invoke Skill] Choose the skill to use from the pull down list.  [Message Shown When Used] Choose from either "Item Name" (The name of the item will be displayed) or "Name of

Associated Skill" (The name of the skill will be displayed).  [Number of Uses] and [Usable By] are set up in the same way as medicine items.

Switch Type

 [Turn ON Switch] Specifies the switch to turn on when the skill is used. Click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection

window.  [Activation Allowed] determines whether the item can be used on the field (Maps) or in battle.  [Number of Uses] is setup in the same way as medicine items.

[Database] -> [Monster]

(1) Name  Name of the monster, up to 20 characters. (2) Base Statistics  The starting stats of the enemy.  [Max HP] ranges from 1 to 99999. [Max MP] ranges from 0 to 9999. [Attack] [Defense] [Intellect] and [Agility] range from 1 to 999.  When fighting an enemy, their HP and MP will begin at this value. (3) Monster Graphic  Determines the graphic used for the monster.  Click [Set] to choose a new monster graphic from the list on the left. It is also possible to change the monster's colours by dragging the slider below the picture.

 [Transparent] The monster graphic becomes transparent (see-through)  [Flying] Monster floats up and down, as if it is flying.

(4) Spoils  Determines the experience, money, and items received when this enemy is defeated. This is only applicable when the entire monster party is annihilated. (If the party or enemies escape, nothing is gained)  [Experience] Ranges from 0 to 9999999. [Money] Ranges from 0 to 999999.  [Item] The item (if any) received when this enemy is defeated. The chance of getting the item is determined by [Probability] and ranges from 0%-100%. (5) Critical Hit Probability  Determines the chance of the enemy causing critical damage to its target.  When the box is checked, the chance of a critical hit becomes "One in [whatever value is set]". If the box is not checked, the enemy will never achieve a critical hit. (6) Option  When [Attacks often Miss] is checked, the enemy's hit rate becomes 70%, instead of the normal 90%. This is only applicable to normal attacks. (7) Condition Resistance  Sets the level of resistance (From A-E) that the enemy has for each defined condition.  The letter changes from E>D>C>B>A when left clicked, and goes the opposite way when right clicked. The actual effect of each letter is dependent on its setting in the conditions tab. As a general rule, A is the most effective (Least resistant). (8) Attribute Resistance  Sets the level of resistance (From A-E) that the enemy has to each defined attribute.  The letter changes from E>D>C>B>A when left clicked, and goes the opposite way when right clicked. The actual effect of each letter is dependent on its setting in the attribute tab. As a general rule, A is the most effective (Least resistant). (9) Behavior  Allows the enemy's attack pattern to be customised. This makes it possible to make monsters that run away when a certain condition is met, or to attack only with magic. It is also possible to determine the priority of each action.  If there is no setting for behavior, the enemy will do nothing.  If you double click the resize window for a field, it will be resized to fit the text currently in it. Also, if you double click an existing behavior command, it can be edited. Double click on a blank space in the window to bring up the behavior window.

 Clicking on an item in the list will select it. To delete it, press the delete key while it is highlighted.  Right clicking on an item brings up the shortcut menu. It contains the "Edit", "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" and "Delete"


[Database] -> [Monster Groups]

(1) Name  Name of the enemy group, up to 20 characters.  This is a name for identifying the group only. It is never used in the game. (2) Autoname Group  Names the group automatically according to what monsters are in it. For example, a party of two zombies would be renamed to "Zombie x 2". Note that names that would exceed 20 characters are abbreviated. (3) Test Battle  Allows you to conduct a test battle with the selected monster group. When this button is clicked, the Test Battle Window is displayed. (4) Change BG  Allows you to change the background the group is shown on. Clicking this button displays the background list.  This background is for test purposes only, and will be applied to all test battles. It has no effect on the game. (5) Formation View  Shows how the enemy group will be laid out when fighting it.  When a monster is left clicked, its number, name, and X/Y coordinates will be shown in a small popup window.  To move an enemy, just drag and drop it. Movement, by default, is in 4 pixel increments. Holding the shift key while moving allows single pixel movement.  When a monster is right clicked, the [Invisible] option will appear in a popup window. When this is checked, the monster will be invisible when battle starts, and will not act. To make it appear, use the [Show Hidden Monster] command.  When [Alignment] is set to [Automatic] it is not possible to move the monsters around. (6) Add  The currently selected enemy in the right hand list is added to the group. It will be added to the formation view.  The maximum number of enemies in a group is 8. (7) Remove  Removes the currently highlighted monster from the group. It will disappear from the formation view. (8) Remove All

 All enemies in the group are removed.

(9) Auto-Align  Arranges the enemies into two vertical lines according to number. (10) Habitat  Determines the terrain types this group can be encountered on.  For example, if your enemy group will only be encountered in "Sea" tiles, do not check any box other than "Sea". (11) Battle Events  The events which run during battle. For more information see the Battle Events topic. Random Monster Parties  It is possible to make monsters in a party appear at random.  First of all, make the group as normal, and name it. Then right click its name in the list and click "Random" An (R) will

appear next to the name to let you know it's active.  When this group appears in the game, the monster ID numbers will change accordingly.

[Database] -> [Attribute]

(1) Name  Name of the attribute. Can be up to 8 characters long. (2) Attribute Type  Specify whether attribute is for a weapon or magic type.  If a weapon attribute is set to a skill, that skill can not be used if the hero has no weapon with that attribute equipped.  When a character attacks, the one weapon attribute and the one magic attribute with the highest damage multipliers are chosen from all weapon and magic attributes linked to that attack.  The actual damage multiplier is an average of the two attributes chosen as described above. For instance, if the damage multiplier for the weapon attribute is 200% and the damage multiplier for the magic attribute is 50%, then the actual damage multiplier used is 200% x 50% = 100%.  If one or both of the attributes has a negative damage multiplier (absorption), then the damage multiplier used is the largest of the negative values. For instance, if the damage multiplier for the weapon attribute is 200%, and the damage multiplier for the magic attribute is -50%, then the actual damage multiplier used is -50%. (3) Damage Multiplier  These determine the damage multiplier for an attribute, used by both heroes and enemies. The A-D field range is 0%-1000%, while the E field can go from -999% to 1000%.

 For example, if the A setting of the "fire" attribute was set to 200%, and an enemy with a fire resistance of A was attacked

by a weapon or skill with the fire attribute, the enemy would take double damage.  The A setting tends to be the highest damage modifier, while E tends to be the lowest. Since it is possible for the E setting,

and only E, to go below 0 in RPG Maker 2003, it is advised to keep with this trend. Unless the percentages are different, the setting for the hero/enemy won't matter.  When the E setting is set to a negative number, the enemy/hero will gain HP instead of losing it when attacked by a weapon/skill with that attribute. For example, if the E setting of the "water" attribute is set to -100%, using something with the water attribute on an enemy will cause it to gain HP equal to 100% of the damage dealt.

[Database] -> [Condition]

(1) Name  Name of the condition, up to 8 characters long. (2) Extent of Effect  This determines how persistent the effect is. If [Ends After Battle] is selected, the condition will be cured when battle ends. If [Persists After Battle] is selected, the condition will be present until cured with an item/skill etc. (3) Color  The color that the condition will be displayed in. Select one from the pull down list. The colors that can be used change depending on the text colors used in the system set. (4) Priority  The priority of the condition. Ranges from 1-100.  When afflicted with multiple conditions, the one with the highest priority will take precedence.  When multiple conditions are afflicted simultaneously, conditions with a low priority (About 10 or so) will recover automatically, as the higher priorities take over. (5) Action Restriction  Determines the restriction on movement while afflicted with this condition.

-> No Restriction -> No Action Allowed -> Attack Enemies Randomly -> Attack Allies Randomly

: No limit on hero movement. : Hero cannot take action. : Player loses control of the hero and they attack random enemies. : Player loses control of the hero and they attack random allies.

(6) Susceptibility  The probability of the condition being afflicted. Input a % probability from 0%-100% for each letter.  It is recommended that you stay with the trend that A is the most susceptible and E the least. This means that if a hero/monster has a setting of A, they will be highly likely to be inflicted with the condition, while at E they will be immune/almost immune to it. If the susceptibility settings are not set differently from each other, the settings will not be evident in the game. (7) Recovery  There are two possible ways to recover from a condition that can be set here.  [Recovery Time] Allows you to set the maximum number of turns this condition can last,, from 0 to 999 and the % probability that it will be healed each turn, from 0%-100%.  [Recovery from Physical Damage] Allows you to set the % probability that the condition will be healed when the hero/monster is physically damaged, from 0%-100%. Also, skills with a higher attack influence will be more likely to heal conditions this way. (8) Base Statistic Alteration  Allows you to half or double a statistic when inflicted with this condition. If a box is checked, the corresponding stat will be changed. (9) Hit Percentage  Allows you to modify the hit rate when inflicted with this condition. Range is from 0%-100%. (10) Prevent the Following Skills from Being Invoked  Allows you to prohibit certain skills from being used. If a skill has an attack/intelligence influence greater than the number input, you will be unable to use it.  To activate this, check the appropriate box and input the number. (11) HP  The amount of HP lost by the character in battle or on the map.  [Damage/Recovery per Turn in Battle] allows you to decrease/increase the hero's HP every turn, either by a % (0%-100%) or an absolute value. (0-999). The two can be combined.  [Field Map] allows you to decrease/increase the hero's HP by the specified amount, ranging from 0-999, every time they take the number of steps specified in the box, ranging from 0-100.. This is only applicable if the condition is set to "Persists after Battle". (12) MP  Contents are identical to the HP field. (13) Additional Effects -> Evade All Attacks: When afflicted with this condition, the subject cannot be hit by normal attacks. (Skills can still hit). -> Reflect Skills: When afflicted with this condition, skills used on the subject will have their damage reflected back to the user. -> Equipment Cannot be Changed: When afflicted with this condition, the subject cannot change their equipment. (14) Animation  Allows you to select the animation used for the character when afflicted with this condition.  Select the animation number of the animation/extended animation you wish to use.  The default for this is the "Bad Status" animation. * Note  The only parts of the first "Death" condition that can be modified are the susceptibility and the extent of effect.  This condition is set aside for when the HP of a hero or monster is 0.  If a hero has this condition, they cannot recover unless processed by an event, an ally uses a revive skill on them or a revive item is used on them (Usable on unconscious heroes must be checked). If the entire party falls under this condition,

the game is over.

[Database] -> [Animations]

(1) Name  Name of the animation, up to 20 characters long.  This name will never be used in the game. (2) Animation File  The file used to make the animation. Click the [...] button to assign a new one.  Here, you can select between "Battle Animations" (96x96) and "Large Animations" (128x128, Battle Animation 2) (3) Target  Select an enemy from the list. It will be shown when playing the animation. This is for test purposes only and has no effect on the game. (4) Scope  Defines the range the animation is carried out on.  Select between "Local" (Single target) and "Global" (All enemies). (5) Y Axis Line  When Scope is set to Local, this indicates the central line for the animation. Choose between "High", "Center" and "Low". (6) Frame  The number of frames which make up the animation. Ranges from 1-500. Click the [...] button to bring up the Number of Frames window. (7) Frame No.  A list of the frames in the animation. To select one, click on it, or cycle through the list with the [Back] and [Next] buttons.

(8) Frame View  Shows the current frame view. For more information, see the Frame View topic. (9) Cel List  The cels in the animation file selected are shown here. The cel on the far left is assigned the ID number 1.  Click on a cel to select it. It will be surrounded with a border. (10) Effect Timing  Flashes the target, animation, screen etc, plays sound effects.  Double click on a blank spot in the list to open the Animation Effect Timing window. Also, you can click on an item already set to alter its details.  To delete an item, click it in the list and press Del.  When you right click an item, a shortcut menu for it will will appear with the commands for Edit, Cut, Copy, Pastes and Delete. (11) Use Grid  When this is checked, cels in the frame will move in 8 pixel increments. (12) Clone Previous  Copies the previous frame. (13) Mass Copy/Clear  Copies or eliminates multiple frames.  Click the button to bring up the Mass Copy/Clear window. (14) Autocomplete  This function automatically carries effects though selected frames..  Click the button to bring up the Autocomplete window. (15) Mass Modify  This function opens the Cel Properties window allows you to apply new transparency settings, magnifications etc. to selected frames/cels. (16) Play  Plays back the animation in the frame view as it will appear in battle. * Note The 1st battle animation will be set as the enemy's normal attacking animation. Therefore, it is necessary to set the 1st animation to one suited to an attack, such as "Punch A".

[Database] -> [Terrain]

(1) Name  The name of the terrain, up to 16 characters in length. (2) Damage  When the hero steps on a tile set to this terrain type, the party will lose HP equal to the number in this box.  The damage range is -10 to 10. 0 is the normal value, but using a higher number can simulate terrain which takes a lot of physical effort to pass through, such as poison swamps. Additionally, if the number is negative, the party will be healed instead. (3) Encounter Rate Multiplier  Changes the encounter rate percentage for the terrain based on the map setting. The range is 0%-500%.  The default setting is 100%. With higher values, there will be a greater chance of encountering an enemy group. (4) Vehicle Interaction  Sets whether skiffs (small boats), ships and airships can pass through the terrain.  Even if the [Airship can Land] box is checked, the airship cannot land unless passable by airship is also checked. (5) Sprite Display  Sets the way the hero sprite is displayed when moving on a tile set to this terrain.  You can attain effects like passing through water and forests using the transparency settings. (6) Background Association  This is the background image shown when fighting an enemy group on the terrain.  There are two types of backdrop, "Background" and "Frame".  When the [Change BG] button is clicked, you can select the background to use in the selection window.  When using the "Frame" type, there are two background layers, which can be scrolled independently horizontally or vertically.  The layer/layers selected when using frame will be used as the battle background when fighting enemy groups on a tile set to this terrain.  The position of the white lines in the grid determine the vertical positioning of the characters/enemies, the position of the characters/enemies in normal battles (Front row and back row), the position of the characters/enemies in back attacks (Front and back row) and the position of characters/enemies in a surround/pincer attack.

(7) Sound Effect  This sets a sound effect to be played each time the hero walks on a tile set to this terrain.  When the [...] button is clicked, the sound selection window is displayed, allowing you to change the sound effect played.  When [Play only if Damaged] is checked, the sound effect will only be played if the "damage" box value (See label 2) is not 0. (8) Special Battle Types  Sets the probability of Initiative, Back, Surround and Pincer attacks. -> Initiative (Enemy<-Hero) Attack on enemy's back. Enemy escape is harder. -> Back (Hero<-Enemy) Enemy surprises party. Party appears on the left, enemies on the right, and party escape is harder. -> Surround (Enemy<-Hero) Party surrounds enemies. Enemy cannot escape. -> Pincers (Hero<-Enemy) Enemies surround party. Party cannot escape. * If the hero placement is set to "Manual" is is not possible to initiate Surround/Pincer attacks.  When the box for a battle type is checked, you must enter a % probability for this type to occur, up to a total of 100%.

Initiative Back Surround Pincer

10% 10% 5% 5%

In the example above, the percentage for normal battles to occur is 70%.  It is entirely possible to have 100% probability for special battle types. There is no minimum percentage for normal attacks.  The side with pre-emptive attack will begin battle with a full ATB gauge.

(9) Grid Depth of Field  When entering a battle, this allows you to make the grid viewpoint "Shallow" or "Deep".  If the white lines in label (6) are changed manually, this setting is cancelled.

[Database] -> [Tileset]

(1) Name  Name of the tileset, up to 20 characters long. (2) Tileset File  The file used for the tileset. Click the [...] button to bring up the Tileset Selection window. (3) Lower Layer/Upper Layer  The layer of the tileset to edit. The options available change depending on what layer you're on. (4) Editing Mode  The editing type for the current layer.  Lower layer editing contains the [Terrain], [Passability] and [Directional Pass] modes. Upper layer editing contains [Passability] [Directional Pass] and [Counter Flag]. Depending on which mode is selected, the editing tools available on the tileset on the right change.  For more information on the tileset editing features, see the Tileset Specifications topic. (5) Water Tile Animation  Water Tile Animations in a tileset have 3 animation frames.  [Sequence] Choose between a 1-2-3-2 sequence (Plays animation then reverses it) or a 1-2-3 sequence (Plays animation then loops back to the beginning).  [Speed] Choose between "Slow" and "Fast".

[Database] -> [String]

[Page 1] [Page 2] tabs  Here you can set the fixed sentences used in messaged within combat. Type the sentences into the corresponding editbox.  Words or letters in parenthesis show variable sections of the message, and are filled in automatically by the game.  The sentences are classified by use below [Battle Message] [Level-up Messages]

: Messages displayed during battle. : This notifies character level ups and learning skills.

[Page 3] [Page 4] tabs  These tabs are for messages used for Inns and shops.  [Messages for Shop Type A] to [Type C] are messages used when the Open Shop Window command is used. The set of messages used is dependent on the setting of the Call Shop command.  [Messages for Inn Type A] and [Type B] Are used with the event command Show Inn Message. The set of messages used is depandent on the setting of the Show Inn Message command.  In [Other Strings], you set the messages to display the number of possessed items, the number of equipped items, and the unit of currency. The items owned and items equipped strings can be up to 16 characters, and unit of currency up to 6 characters. When the event command [Show Inn Message] is executed, the currency unit is displayed. [Page 5] tab  Here the terms used for HP, attack power, menu commands, stats, saving, load, etc. are set.  In the [Statistics and Equipment] section, you can change the names of abilities and equipment types, as well as their abbreviations. These can be up to 10 characters long normally, and up to 2 characters for abbreviations.  The [Commands] section covers battle and menu commands, as well as the Save/Load/Quit messages on the title screen.  In the [Save and Quit Screen Messages] section, the messages and commands on the saving/loading screen are set. If you've converted an RPG Maker 2000 project to RPG Maker 2003 format, even though the Vocabulary is different, there should be no areas where strings are set up incorrectly, and there will be no problem in producing the game.

[Database] -> [System]

(1) Vehicle Graphics  Determines the graphics used for vehicles. Click the [Set] button next to the Skiff, Ship or Airship to change its graphic. (2) Title Screen  Determines the graphic that will be shown when the game is started. Click the [Set] button to change it. (3) Game Over Screen  Determines the graphic that will be shown when the player loses the game. Click the [Set] button to change it. (4) Starting Party  Select the heroes that will be in the party when the game starts. Select each member from the pull down list. (5) System BGM  Determines the background music used for battles, riding vehicles etc. Click one of the [...] buttons to select a new BGM for that function. (6) System Sound Effects  Determines the sound effects used for moving the cursor, pushing the decision key, battles etc. Click one of the [...] buttons to select a new sound effect for that function. (7) System Graphic  Determines the appearance of the menu, shop icons and the numbers used in timers.  Click the [Set] button to change the system set used.  [Graphic Pattern] determines the way the background is set. The options are as follows. -> Stretch to Fit : The pattern of the menu background will be stretched to fit the box. -> Tiled Display : The pattern of the background will not be resized, and will be tiled as-is. [Text Font] Choose between MS Gothic and MS Mincho. (8) Map Transitions (9) Battle Entry Transitions (10) Battle Exit Transitions  Determines the screen transition used for erasing the showing the screen on maps and in battle. Screen effects like "Mosaic" and "Zoom in" can be applied.

 [Map Transitions] is for when the hero enters/leaves a map. [Battle Entry Transitions] is for the start of a battle and [Battle

Exit Transitions] is for when a battle ends.  Choose the transition used to show/hide the screen from the pull down lists.

[Database] -> [Common Events] -> [Common Event Settings]

   

Common events are created in the [Common Events] tab of the database. Click an item from the left hand list to display information about it on the right. The left hand list displays the ID number then the name of the event. The procedure for creating a new common event is detailed below.

(1) Name  The name of the event, up to 20 characters long. (2) Trigger  The condition that triggers the event. The 3 trigger are listed below. -> Call: The event will run when called from another event. -> Auto-Start: The event starts automatically when the game is started. Other events are halted. -> Parallel Process: The event starts automatically when the game is started and runs parallel to other events. This is useful for making an ingame clock. (3) Trigger Switch  If this is checked, the event will only run if the specified switch is ON. Only applies to the Auto-Start and Parallel Process triggers.  Enable it by checking the box and selecting a switch. (4) Event Contents

 For information on event contents, refer to the Event Commands Window topic.

* Note In this program, you can call common events in battle. The commands that can be used are limited, however.

[Database] -> [Hero] -> [Experience Curve]

 This window determines the amount of experience needed to reach each level.  The window on the left side is the experience value required for each level. There are two tabs in the window, which

indicate the standard experience value of each level in the manner below. [Total Experience] : This displays the total experience required to reach each level, counting up from level 1. [Experience per Level] : This displays just the experience required to reach the next level, and not what the player has already accumulated.  Setting is defined by the combination of three numerical sliders. When the respective slider is moved, the numerical list in

the graph and the left side changes. Adjust your curve accordingly. [Primary]: This is the basic starting value, ranging from 1 to 2000. [Secondary]: The ratio at which to increase value. Larger values increase the amount of experience required to level. [Tertiary]: This is added to the Primary and Secondary values. * When the total experience value exceeds 9999999, that section of the graph will have a dotted line instead, indicating that the level can no longer rise with the settings like that.

[Database] -> [Hero] -> [Base Statistics]

 The statistic value for each level is determined by the statistic value curve.  This window allows you to set Max HP, Max MP, Attack, Defense, Intelligence and Agility.  On the graph, the horizontal axis shows level, and the vertical shows the statistic value. The value can either be set

manually, or two possible automatic settings can be used.  The three settings are detailed below, using Max HP as an example. The other statistics can be modified in the same way.

Manual  The statistic value in each level is set independently. 1. [Level] Ranges from 1 to 99. 2. [Max HP] Ranges from 1 to 9999. * The values can also be changed by dragging the bar for the appropriate level up and down. Automatic (1) Specify Endpoints  Statistics are set by entering values for level 1 and 99. 1. When the [Specify Endpoints] button is clicked, the curve formation window is displayed.

2. Input the HP value for level 1 and level 99. (Ranges 1 to 9999) 3. [Accelerate Growth] slider can be used to make the Curve shallow or steep depending on your preferences. There are several increments between early, equal and late. 4. Click OK. The window is closed and a statistic curve is created automatically based on your settings. (2) QuickCurve  Automatically produces a random statistic curve of one of four types. "Outstanding", "Above Average", "Average" and "Below Average".

[RPG Maker 2003]

About the program  This

program is designed to create Role-Playing Games (RPGs), a popular game genre.  With a user-friendly graphical interface which allows the user to customise all aspects of the game, it is easy to produce a

real game with no knowledge of programming.  RPG Maker 2003 comes with its own library of graphics and sounds, called the "run time package" or RTP. This allows the

user to begin creating games immediately. Of course, original materials may also be used.  It is not necessary to have RPG Maker 2003 installed to play games made with it.


[Database] -> [Battle Animation] -> [Animation Effect Timing]

 [Frame] The frame to apply the animation effect to.  [Sound Effect] You can choose a sound effect to play along with the animation. Click the [...] button to open the Sound

Selection window.  [Flash] Choose one of the 3 flash scopes using the radio buttons.

-> None -> Target -> Screen

: No flash. : The target of the animation flashes. : The whole screen flashes.

 [Color] The color to apply to the flash. There are four changable settings, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and Magnitude (V).

Each setting has 32 stages, 0-31. Change a setting by dragging the slider or inputting the number directly. The resultant color is indicated in the [Sample] window.  [Shake Scope] Choose one of the 3 shake scopes using the radio buttons.

-> None -> Target -> Screen

Area Settings

: No shake. : The target of the animation shakes. : The whole screen shakes.

(1) Name  The name of the area, up to 24 characters. It is advised to name the area something relevant to the town/district etc. it is in. (2) Boundaries  The range on the map that the area will cover. To edit the range of the area follow the procedure below. 1. Click the [...] button. 2. The [Define Area Boundaries] window will be displayed. Drag a box around the part of the map you want this area to cover. If you drag another box in a different place, the old area box will be removed. You can change the map view magnification to 1/1, 1/2 or 1/4 using the buttons below it.

3. When you have finished defining the range of your area, click OK. The [Define Area Boundaries] window will be closed. (3) Enemy Encounters  Defines the random monster groups that will be encountered when the hero is walking within the area boundaries.  Double click inside the Enemy Encounters frame and the [Define Encounters] window will be displayed. Choose a group from the pull down list and click OK.

 The probability of encountering each group in the list is equal. For example, if there are 5 groups in the list, there is a 20%

chance of encountering each of them (1/5). To increase the chances of encountering a particular group, add it to the list more than once. Also, if a monster group is defined in the map properties and area properties, the map properties setting will be factored into the encounter chance.  The probability of an enemy encounter is dependent on the number of steps set in map properties.  If you right click an item in the list, a shortcut menu will appear. Each of its commands are detailed below.  Right clicking the list will bring up a shortcut menu. The commands are listed below. You can also execute the commands by pressing the shortcut key next to the command.

-> Edit -> Cut -> Copy -> Paste -> Delete

: Opens the Define Encounter window, allowing you to modify the encountered group. : Removes the group from the list and copies it to the clipboard. : Copies the group to the clipboard. : Add the contents of the clipboard to the list. : Removes the group from the list.

[Database] -> [Battle Animation] -> [Autocomplete]

 This function can automatically replicate cels between frames in the animation smoothly.  [Frame Range] The starting and ending frame to complete.  [Cel Range] The starting and ending cel to complete.  [Carry Through] Choose from "Image Section", "Magnification" and "Transparency".

[Map] -> [Areas] Area  An area is part of a map set aside that can have specific settings applied to it. This is called "Area Data".  The enemy groups that appear in the area can be set independently of the map setting. The enemy group setting for a map reaches across the entire map, but enemy groups set to an area will appear only in that area. In other words, you can set up "Habitat areas" on a map whereby an enemy will only be found in a certain place on that map.  You can create an area to make an additional location for teleport skills on the same map. This means that you can have several locations on one map that can be jumped to using a teleport skill. * References [Database] -> Skills [Event] -> [Command Summary] -> [Command Reference] -> Teleport Target Management Creating an Area  To create an area, follow the procedure below. 1. Right click the map you want to create an area for, and click the [Create Area] command.

2. The [Area Properties] window will be displayed. Here you can set the boundaries of the area and determine the monster groups that will appear inside it. For more information on this, see the Area Settings topic.

3. When you have finished setting up your area, click OK. The area will be created one level down from the map.

 When an area is clicked, its accompanying map and boundaries will be shown in the map view. This is only an indication of

the area, all events and map editing must still be done on the map itself.

[Map] -> [Map Summary] Map Summary  Maps are the basis of any game. Your hero walks around on them, the events you interact with are on them, and you get into battles on them.  Using the map editor you can make all the locations your game needs, from dungeons to towns. The collective term for the maps is the "Map Tree". Map Structure  The map will appear as a single picture in the game, but in reality is somewhat like a jigsaw puzzle, made of various tiles, like grass, mountains, sea etc. The smallest unit in a map is a tile.  A map has two layers of tiles, and different tiles depending on which layer you're editing. Lower layer (Sea, grass etc.) and upper layer (Treasure chests, buildings etc.) There is also a third layer, which all the events, such as the hero and vehicles, are placed on. Map Sizes  The smallest possible size for a map is 20x15 tiles (The size of the game screen), while the largest is 500x500. Maps can be any size in this range.  If disk size permits, many maps can be made.  In the actual game, as previously stated, the screen will show 20x15 tiles at any one time. Maps larger than this will center the camera on the hero, and scroll with him as he walks.  It is also possible to make the horizontal or vertical axes of a map loop round when the edge is reached, giving the impression of a round, or spherical world.  Obviously, you'll want your hero to be able to go to and from the various areas in the game, for example between the world map, a castle and a town. For this you need to use teleport events to connect the maps together. Parent Map/Child Map  With multiple maps, you can arrange them in a tree structure, similar to the way Windows does. The main map is called the parent map, while maps inside the parent are called child maps.  The child-parent relationship offers several benefits to map making. You can have the child inherit the background music, save, teleport and escape settings, and battle background of its respective parent. With this method, the mediocrity of setting each map's options individually can be lessened.

[Data] -> [Image Specifications] Stationary graphic images [Standard] Data format: PNG, BMP, XYZ (Raw material) Colours: 256 (8-bit)

(Note)  When dithering pictures in a True Color (16.7 million colors/24 bit) environment, the colors shown after dithering may differ depending on the system environment, graphics card, etc. Using software that can adjust palettes with 15-bit precision can mitigate this problem. [Size Constraints] (Unit of measurement: pixels) (1) Battle Backgrounds Folder: Backdrop Image size: 320x240  Each battle background image is contained in 1 file. (2) Battle Animations Folder: Battle Image size: 480x480  Each cel in a battle animation is 96x96 pixels. This allows 5 cels per line, as shown by the red outline, and 5 cels per column. (3) Battle Animations (large) Folder: Battle2 Image size: 640x640  Each cel in a large battle animation is 128x128 pixels. This allows 5 cels per line/column. (4) Character Sets Folder: Charset Image size: 288x256  Each walking pose is 24x32 pixels. (1)  4 directions (Up, down, left right) x 3 frame walking pattern (Left, middle, right  Total of 12 frames per character. (2)  Each file has two rows of four characters, for a total of eight characters. (3) (5) Battle Charsets Folder: BattleCharSet Image size: 144x384  Each animation frame is 48x48 pixels. The order of animation frames is left, middle, right.  Each file has 8 rows of 3 frames. (6) Weapon Charsets Folder: Battleweapon Image size: 192x512  Each animation frame is 64x64 pixels. The order of animation frames is left, middle, right.  The left, middle and right frames of the weapon animation repeat in the same manner as battle charsets, so the left and right hand attacking animations fit with the weapon movement.



(7) Tilesets Folder: Chipset Image size: 480x256  Each tile is 16x16 pixels. One tileset file has 16 rows of 30 chips.  The behaviour of a tile depends on its placement in the tileset. For details of positioning and use refer to Standard tileset details. (8) Facesets

Folder: Faceset Image size: 192x192  Each faceset is 42x42 pixels. One faceset file has 4 rows of 4 faces, making a total of 16 per set. (9) Frame Graphics Folder: Frame Image size: 320x240  A frame graphic file is composed of a single image. (10) Game Over Screens Folder: GameOver Image size: 320x240  A game over screen is composed of a single image. (11) Monster Graphics Folder: Monster Image size: 16 to 240x16 to 240  A monster graphic is composed of a single image. (12) Panoramas Folder: Panorama Image size: 80 to 640x80 to 640  A panorama is composed of a single image. (13) Pictures Folder: Picture Image size: 1 to 640x1 to 640  A picture file is composed of a single image. (14) System Sets Folder: System Image size: 160x80  The system set determines the appearance of numbers in the game and the colours available for messages. For more details refer to Standard System Graphic Information. (15) Battle Menu Set Folder: System2 Image size: 80x96  The battle menu set determines the cursor used for targetting, the ATB bar, and the numbers used for HP and MP display in gauge type battles. (16) Title Screens Folder: Title Image size: 320x240  A title screen is composed of a single image. Sounds/animated resources (17) Movies Folder: Movie Format: AVI (*.avi), MPEG (*.mpg) (18) Music Folder: Music Format: MIDI (*.mid), WAV (*.wav), MP3 (*.mp3)  When MIDI controller event 111 is inserted into a MIDI on track 1, it can be made to loop to that point when the song ends. For instance, a victory fanfare where you don't want the intro to play again. If you don't want the song to repeat at all, insert controller event 111 at the end of the song. (19) Sound Effects Folder: Sound Format: WAV (*.wav)

[Map Editor] -> [Miscellaneous] -> [Import and Export Resources]

 In this window, you can import, export or delete various resources from the project.  For resource formats, please refer to the Image Specifications topic.  The management window functions are as follows.

(1) Folder List  Each folder contains the files for a certain resource. The folder names and type of resource they contain are listed below. Backdrop: Battle: Battle2: BattleCharset: BattleWeapon: CharSet: ChipSet: FaceSet: Frame: GameOver: Monster: Movie:

Battle Backgrounds Battle Animations Battle Animations (Large) Battle Charsets Battle Weapons Character Sets Tilesets Facesets Frame Graphics Game Over Screens Monster Graphics Movies

Music: Panorama: Picture: Sound: System: System2: Title:

BGM Files Panorama Backgrounds Picture Files Sound Effects System Sets Battle Menu Sets Title Screens

(2) File List  All the files in the currently selected folder and the RTP are displayed here. If a file in the folder has an identical name to an RTP file of the same type, the RTP one is ignored. (3) Import  Imports an external file to the currently selected folder to use in the project. (4) Export  Exports the currently selected file to a specified location. (5) Delete  Erases the selected file. (6) Import Type  Sets the file extension to use when importing graphics.

Editor Game

Battle Algorithms  The attacking character is designated as A, and the defending character (the one being attacked) is designated as B.  Success or failure of certain things are determined by a random number.  When using an attack with attributes assigned to it, damage fluctuation and effectiveness are separately calculated.

Normal Attack Damage Damage (HP decrease value) = (Attack power of A / 2) - (Defense power of B / 4)  The actual damage fluctuates between 80%-120% of this value.  In the event of a "Critical Hit", damage is multiplied by 3.  When B defends, the damage taken is reduced to 1/4.

Normal Attack Hit Ratio Hit ratio (%) = 100 - (100 - hit ratio % of A's equipped weapon) * (1 + (agility of B / agility of A - 1) / 2)  When "Ignore Monster Evasion" is checked, the hit rate becomes the basic hit rate of the weapon.  Hit ratio can change according to afflicted conditions.  When B is afflicted with a condition that prevents action in battle, hit rate is automatically taken to be 100%.

Skill Damage Damage = Base Damage + (Attack power of A / 20 * Attack influence of skill) + (Defense of B / 40 * Intelligence Influence of skill)

 For each point of variance, damage fluctuation will be ±5% more, up to a total of ±50%.  When [Ignore Defense] is checked, the damage algorithm is as below.

(Defense power of B / 40 * Attack influence of skill) + (Intelligence of B / 80 * Intelligence influence of skill)  When B defends, the damage taken is reduced to 1/4.  Skills that cancel the death condition will heal a % of HP instead of an absolute value if no other options are checked. (If

the value is 100 or more, the character will revive with 100% of their HP.) Success Rate of Skills Success Ratio (%) = Success Rate  For a skill with multiple effects, each is checked separate to see if it fails or not.  When an attack that reduces HP or MP fails, all other effects and conditions of it are ignored.

Escape Success Ratio Escape success (%) = (1.5 * (Average agility of party / average agility of monster group) * 100  For example, if the average agility of the party and monster group is the same, escape success ratio is 50%.  Every time an escape fails, 10% is added to the escape success ratio.  If a pre-emptive attack is made, escape success ratio will be 100%.

Battle Event Setup

 Battle events are created in the [Monster Group] tab of the database.  Click on the enemy group you wish to create an event for to select it.  The settings are as follows.

(1) New/Copy/Paste/Delete Page  Page operations. They function in exactly the same way as the page operations in map events. (2) Trigger  The condition required to process the page. The event will only run if its condition is met, otherwise nothing will happen.  When the same trigger is applied to multiple pages, the page with the smallest number will be processed, unlike map events.  When the [...] button is clicked, the [Define Battle Event Triggers] window will be displayed. Choose one or more of the following triggers. -> Switch -> Variable equal to the specified number. -> Turns Elapsed

: Processing of the event will start when the specified switch is ON. : Processing of the event will start when the value of the specified variable is greater than or : Processing of the event will start when the specified number of turns have elapsed. Input is

in the form A x + B. For example, if A=3 and B=1, the event will be processed every 3 turns starting with turn 1. (1st, 4th, 7th etc.) If both A and B are set to 0, the event will be processed at the very beginning of the battle before command input. -> Monster : Processing of the event will start when the specified monster has taken the specified number of turns. Input is in the same form as "Turns Elapsed". -> Hero : Processing of the event will start when the specified hero has taken the specified number of turns. Input is in the same form as "Turns Elapsed". -> Party Exhaustion is Between : Processing of the event will start when the party's "exhaustion" is between the specified percentages. The formula for exhaustion is: 100 - 100 x ((Current HP/Max HP) x 2 - (Current MP/Max MP) / 3) -> Monster : Processing of the event will start when the specified monster's HP is between the specified percentages. -> Hero : Processing of the event will start when the specified hero's HP is between the specified percentages. -> Hero : Processing of the event will start when the specified hero uses the specified battle command. (3) Event Contents  If the trigger(s) are met at the beginning of a turn, the event will execute. It will run through its commands every time the conditions are returned true.

Battle Event Setup

[Database] -> [Monster] -> [Behavior]

 Allows you to set the possible actions for an enemy's attack  [Preconditions] Allows you to set a specific condition which must be met to carry out the action. The procedure for this is

detailed below.

-> None: This action has no requirements. -> Switch: The action will be used when the selected switch (Click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window) is ON. -> Turns elapsed: The first textbox is for the first turn the action will be used on, and the second if for the number of turns afterwards it will be used again, so if 3 is in the first and 5 in the second, the action will be used on the 3rd, 8th, 13th etc. -> Monsters Present: The action will be performed only if the number of monsters present is within the specified range. -> HP: The action will be used when the monster's HP is in the specified range, the first textbox being the lower bound and the second being the upper bound. -> MP: Works the same way as HP, except MP is applied instead. -> Party Level Average: The action will be performed if the party's average level is within the specified standards, the first being the lower bound and the second being the upper bound. -> Party Exhaustion: The action is used when the Hero's exhaustion level is within the specified range. The exhaustion level is determined by 100 - 100 x ((Current HP/Max HP) x 2 - (Current MP/Max MP) / 3). The first textbox is the lower bound, and the second is the upper bound.  [Priority]: If 2 or more actions have the same preconditions, the one with the higher priority will be used.  [Action Turns Switch ON/Aciton Turns Switch Off ]: After the action executes, you may have it turn a switch on or off.  [Action]: This is the action that will be performed. Select one from the list box. The available actions are described below.

-> Basic

: Normal actions that any monster can use.

--> Attack --> Double Attack --> Defend --> Observe Battle --> Charge Up --> Self-Destruct --> Escape --> No Action

: Attacks normally.. : Attacks twice : The enemy defends for one turn. : The monster does nothing. A message is shown. : The monster forfeits its turn to make its next attack stronger. : Kills the monster and damages the party. : Monster attempts to run away. : The monster does nothing. No message is shown.

-> Skill: The enemy uses a Skill. Select one from the pull down list. -> Transform: The monster transforms into another monster. Select one from the pull down list. * Processing Monster Actions The action the monster will take is determined by the following. 1. The possible actions are sorted into those whose conditions are met and those whose are not. For identical conditions, the actions are sorted by priority.. 2. The effectiveness of the action in the current situation is calculated. This value is compared to all the other actions and produces a probability of each action being used. 3. The executed action is chosen randomly based on the probability calculated above.

[Main Editor] -> [Miscellaneous Functions] -> [BGM Selector]

 Allows you to listen to the BGM files in the editor before you choose one to play. You can also just use it to listen to music

while you're working.  Clicking the [Play] button begins playback of the BGM. To stop it, click [Stop].  This window can be opened by clicking the button at the bottom left of any database window. (It has a musical note on it).

(1) File List  Lists all the BGMs that can be played. Select one by clicking on it.  When you double click a BGM, it is played back. (2) Fade-in Time  Allows the BGM to be faded in at an interval of up to 10 seconds. If "None" is selected, the BGM will begin playing immediately. (3) Volume  Choose the volume to play the BGM at, from 0%-100%. (4) Tempo  Choose the speed of playback, from 50% to 150%. At 100% it will play at normal speed, at 50% it will play at half speed, and 150% will play at 1.5 times the normal speed. (5) Balance  Determines the left and right balance of the playback through the speakers. If the slider is centered, the BGM will play through the left and right speakers at the same volume. (6) Play  Plays back the selected BGM. (7) Stop  Stops the BGM that's currently playing.

Message Message Display Options Face Graphics Show Choices Input Number Switch Operations Variable Operations Timer Operations Change Money Item Management Change Party Change Experience Points Change Character Level Change Character Base Statistics Change Skills Change Equipped Items Change Character HP Change Character MP Change Character Condition Complete Healing Simulated Enemy Attack Change Hero Name Change Hero Title Change Sprite Association Change Face Association Change Vehicle Graphic Change System BGM Change System Sound Effects Change System Graphics Set Screen Transitions Enemy Encounter Open Shop Window

Show Inn Message Enter Hero Name Teleport Memorize Position Call to Memorized Position Enter or Exit Vehicle Set Vehicle Start Position Change Event Location Trade Two Event Locations Store Terrain ID Store Event ID Hide Screen Show Screen Tint Screen Flash Screen Shake Screen Pan Screen Weather Effects Show Picture Move Picture Erase Picture Show Battle Animation Hero Sprite Transparency Flash Sprite Move Event Proceed with Movement Halt all Movement Wait Play BGM Fade BGM Memorize BGM Play Memorized BGM Play Sound Effect Play Movie Key Input Processing Change Map Tileset Change Parallax Background Change Encounter Rate Tile Substitution Teleport Target Management Allow/Disallow Teleport Set Escape Target Allow/Disallow Escape Open Save Menu Allow/Disallow Saving Open Main Menu Allow/Disallow Main Menu Conditional Branch Label Jump to Label Loop Break out of Loop End Event Processing Erase Event Call Event Insert Comment Game Over Return to Title Screen

Supplementary Windows Command Reference

Common Event Settings

[Database] -> [Common Events]  Allows you to create general purpose events that can be used or called from any point in the game.  For details, refer to the Common Event Settings topic.  Common events can also be called from battle, but some commands will not work (Commands that are map event specific

have no effect in battle) ...Especially when you've imported common events from RPG Maker 2000.

[Main Editor] -> [Toolbar] -> [Contents of Toolbar]

The commands in the menu bar are also arranged in an icon-based toolbar below the menu. This allows you to select a command just by clicking on the appropriate icon, rather than selecting it in the menu, making it easier. Create a new project. Open an existing project. Close the currently opened project. Create a gamedisk. Save changes. Revert to last save. Lower layer/upper layer/event layer editing mode. *The currently selected mode's button will be pushed in. 1/1 zoom (Far left), 1/2 zoom (Second from left), 1/4 zoom (Third from left), 1/8 zoom (Far right). *The currently selected zoom's button will be pushed in. Open the database. Open the resource manager. Open the BGM Selector. Open the event search window.

Test play your game. Toggle full screen mode on/off. Toggle title screen in test play on/off. Open the help file.

[Map] -> [Creating Map Events] The procedure for creating an event in event editing mode is as follows. 1. Choose "Event Layer Editing Mode" from the "Map", "Editing Mode" menu.

2. Double click the square you would like to place the event on.

3. The [Event Editor] is displayed, allowing you to modify the contents of the event.

4. When the compilation of the event is complete, it will appear on the map as a tile. This will also serve as the start position of the event.

Database Settings Hero Class Skill Item Monster Monster Group Attribute Condition Animation Animation 2 Terrain Tileset String System System 2

Common Event Supplementary Windows

[Database] -> [Database Settings]  [Database] Controls the various settings that are used in the game. The various tabs are listed below.

Hero : The characters controlled by the player. Graphics, initial equipment, experience curve etc. can be set. Class : The classes (jobs) that the characters can have. Experience curve, special skills that can be learned etc. can be set. Skill : The special skills that can be used in the game can be set here. Item : The various items that will be collected during the game are set here. There are 11 types of item, such as "common items", "equipment" (Weapons and shields), "medicine" (Recovery items) and "skill books" (Items that teach skills). Monster : The monsters that will be encountered in the game are set here. Graphics, behavior patterns and statistics such as attack power can be altered. Monster Group : Monsters can be arranged into groups on this tab. The formation of the group and battle events can be set. Attribute : The attributes that can be set on skills and equipment. Depending on the "level of resistance" a hero or monster has to an attribute, damage can be increased or reduced. Condition : The status changes that happen to heroes are defined on this tab. The resistance levels etc. can be set. Animation : This is where the various animations used in battle are set. Animation 2 : This tab is for the animations used for the heroes in battle. Battle Layout : Settings relating to battle such as the battle type and commands available to each hero can be changed here. Terrain : This is where battle backgrounds and their properties are assigned, such as grass and sea. Damage when passing over, vehicle passability etc. can also be customised. Tileset : This tab is for defining the tilesets used for the maps. Graphics, tile terrains and passability can be set here. String : Here you can define the terminology used in various places and events throughout the game, such as the title menu commands. System : Here you can set up the main game system settings, such as background music, sounds and title screen graphics. System 2 : This tab was newly added for this program. It allows you to set other things influencing game operation, such as the commands shown on the menu screen. Common Event : General-purpose events that can be called from any map are defined here. Adding Data  All tabs exluding [String], [System] and [System 2] have fixed data functions.  By selecting an ID from the menu on the left, the information window on the right changes to show the details about the selected item.  To select an item, you can either click its name or use F4 and F5 to cycle through the list.  You can have a maximum of 5000 items in each tab. To change the number, follow the procedure below. 1. Click the [Array Size] button to bring up the [Array Size] window.

2. Input the new number in the [Array Size] box. 3. Click OK.  If you right click a piece of data in the list, a shortcut menu will appear, with commands for copying, pasting etc. The

function of each command is as follows.

Copy : Copies the selected data to the clipboard. Paste : Pastes the data on the clipboard in the selected ID slot. (You can only paste an item identical to the tab's type). Clear : Removes the selected data. Multicopy : Copies multiple items of data. Input the number of items you wish to copy and click OK. Starting from the currently selected item, it and all data after it up to the selected number will be copied to the clipboard.

• •

If the array size is decreased, all data in the removed items will be permanently lost. If the array size is increased, the new pieces of data will be set up like any other undefined slot. It is not possible to delete the first item in the conditions tab. This is a special condition set aside by the program for when the hero's HP reaches 0.

[Basic Functions] -> [Editor] Opening and Closing  Open the program by clicking the Start Menu, then Programs, Enterbrain, RPG Maker 2003.  To close the program, click the "Exit" command in the Project menu, or click the X button in the title bar. Input and Selection  In this program, there are various input windows. The input method for each depends on its contents. There are some where keyboard input is required, while others just have to be clicked. The windows and their input methods are as follows. (1) Input Box  When the input box is clicked, a cursor "|" will appear, and keyboard input will be accepted. When a key is pressed, it will be input in the position of the cursor. It can be moved between characters with the left and right arrow keys.

(2) Numerical Input Box  When the input box is clicked, a cursor "|" will appear, and number input will be accepted.  There is also a slider bar on the right of the box. Clicking the ? button will increase the value by 1, while clicking the ? button will decrease the value by 1. Alternatively, click and hold the button to the right of the arrows and drag the mouse up or down to change the value. Each pixel the pointer moves will change the value by 1.

(3) Radio Button  The user must choose one of the options inside the frame by clicking on it. The currently select option will have a black circle inside it. (4) Check Box  The user selects as many of the options in the frame as desired. The option is selected if there is a tick in it. (5) Pull Down List  The user selects one option from a list. Click the arrow button at the right to show the entire list, then scroll to the desired option and click to select it. (6) List Box  A list of items is shown. To select one, click on it. The currently selected item will be highlighted. (7) [Set] and [...] buttons  When these are pushed, a new window will be shown to select the item. These are mainly used for graphics, sounds and variables. (8) OK, Cancel and Apply  These buttons are present in windows to confirm or cancel changes made to them.  When OK is clicked, the new settings are saved and the window will close. Clicking Cancel closes the window and retains the previous settings, while clicking Apply will save the new settings but keep the window open.

[Data] -> [Error Message Troubleshooting] "Invalid Battle Animation" A part of the database where a battle animation is needed has either been removed or corrupted. Double check that there is an animation set for heroes, classes, weapon animations etc. "OS Call Failed" This happens when you have a large number of programs open and Windows can't handle another one. To remedy this, close any unneeded programs. [When you have a problem you can't fix...] Troubleshooting for this program can be found at http://www.enterbrain.co.jp/digifami/. New errors and solutions are added periodically (Sorry, but we cannot answer questions in email.)

Event Summary Note on Event Settings Event Commands Window Switch Selection Window Variable Selection Window Event Pages Map Event Common Event Battle Event Event Commands

[Event] -> [Event Commands Window]

 When all preconditions and trigger conditions for an event are met, it will start processing its contents. The contents of an

event are defined with "Event Commands".  Event commands all alter part of the game in some way while playing. Changing hero statistics, moving an event, showing

a picture on the screen etc. can all be done with event commands.  There are 92 event commands that can be used in map events and common events, and 36 in battle events. (Get Advo to

check this bit)  The method for adding event commands is common to all types.

List Breakdown  All commands that the event is to process are listed in the event commands window.  Commands are processed one at a time, from top to bottom.  The meaning of each symbol in the list is as follows. [<> (Command Name) (Command Settings) ] : The name of the command to be processed and any optional settings associated with it. [:]: If a command goes onto multiple lines, it is prefixed with this. It also prefixes the end case for a conditional branch. [<> (On its own) ] : Signifies the end of the event page. This cannot be deleted. Adding a New Command  The procedure for adding a new command to the list is detailed below.

1. Double click a line with a [<>] in it. 2. Click the button for the event command you wish to add. 3. The setup window corresponding to the selected command will be displayed. Add any optional settings desired and click OK. 4. The event command will be added in the position of the [<>] you double clicked.

Command Operations  When an item in the list is right clicked, it will be highlighted and the event commands shortcut menu will be displayed. This contains commands that you can use to alter existing commands in the list. Each command is detailed below. -> Insert (Enter): Insert a new command immediately before the highlighted one. -> Edit (Space): Alter the settings of the highlighted command. -> Cut (Ctrl+X): Copies the selected command(s) to the clipboard and removes them from the list. -> Copy (Ctrl+C): Copies the selected command(s) to the clipboard. -> Paste (Ctrl+V): Inserts the commands held in the clipboard immediately before the highlighted one. -> Delete (Del): Removes the currently selected command(s) from the list. -> Select All (Ctrl+A): Highlights all commands in the current page.  It is possible to select multiple commands by holding shift before clicking them. This limits the actions available, however.

[Event] -> [Event Pages and Divergence] Page  In map events, you can make multiple content sections with different effects. Each content section is called an "Event Page".  You can create a total of 100 pages in one event, and set different contents and starting conditions for each. In other words, you can have 100 different functions in one event.  During the game, the event will run the page with the highest possible number that meets its conditions.  Using switch and variable conditions, you can make an event that changes after a certain task is completed. You can also make people who say different things at certain times, or an event that appears halfway through the game. Divergence  "Divergence" is when the flow of an event is divided into several options, or "forks" depending on a certain condition being met or not.  Using the "Conditional Branch" command, it is possible to divide the flow of processing so that only the case where a condition is met will be run.  It is also possible to create a branch where the condition is not met, or create conditional branches inside branches. You can also set multiple conditions to one case. Using divergence in this way allows you to finely tune the running of an event to your specifications.

[Main Editor] -> [Miscellaneous Functions] -> [Event Search]  Searching is used to find the place where a specific Variable, Switch, or Event is used.

(1) Search Parameters  Select between variable, switch and event name with the radio buttons.  Click the [...] button to select the variable or switch to search for. (2) Search Scope  The range can be determined as follows. -> Current Map: Searches the map currently shown in the map view.

-> Common Events: Searches all Common Events. -> All Maps and Common Events: Searches all maps and Common Events. (3) Search  When this button is clicked, it searches (1) For the item and (2) The setting of the searching range. (4) Results  When an item is selected, its location is displayed.  The result of searching is dependant on (1) searching item (2) the setting of the searching range.

[Event] -> [Event Summary] Event  In an RPG (Role Playing Game) the player takes control of a hero or heroes in a fantasy world. As the game is played, the story advances.  With this program, "events" are used to give the player things to interact with in-game.  Using events, the story advancement and overall operation of the game can be carried out according to the user's requirements. Dividing complex tasks into several events makes it easier to understand the code involved and allows errors to be identified and fixed quickly. There are 3 different types of event, "Map Event", "Battle Event" and "Common Event". The options available will differ depending on the event type, since each is used for different purposes. Map Event: This event type manipulates the heroes and events that are encountered throughout the game. These can be used to create NPCs (Non Player Characters), shops, or manipulate the map settings. The user is required to choose a graphic for events of this type, as they will appear on the map. These events can be run based on certain conditions that regulate when an event appears, and what activates it. Start Condition: Sets up a condition that must be met before the event will being processing its commands. Event Contents: The list of commands that the event will run when processed. There are 101 different event commands in total.

[Database] -> [Battle Animation] -> [Frame View]

Arrangement  The cel arrangement is detailed below. 1. (7) Choose the frame to edit. 2. (9) Choose the pattern to use from the pattern palette.

3. The current animation for the frame will be shown in the frame view. Selection  The cel is surrounded by a rectangular frame according to the pattern size.  The number of the cel is indicated in the top left hand corner. Higher cel numbers appear towards the front.  The frame has different colors depending on certain things. The colors and their meanings are as follows. White : Currently selected cel. Red : Unselected cel. Blue : Cel from the previous frame.  To select a cel, click inside its frame. (You cannot select blue cels.) If you click ctrl while selecting a cel, the one immediately behind it will be selected. Movement  To move a cel, click and hold the mouse button inside its frame and drag it to its new position. When the Y axis line is centered, the middle of the frame view is (0, 0).  If you hold shift while moving a cel, all cels in the frame will be moved.

Operation  If you right click a cel, a shortcut menu will be displayed. Also, you can open the Cel Properties window by double clicking a cel. Cel Properties : Allows you to change the cel number, color, magnification and transparency of the cel. Cut : Copies the cel to the clipboard and removes it from the frame view. Copy : Copies the cel to the clipboard. Paste : Pastes the cel held in the clipboard into the current frame. Delete : Removes the cel from the frame view. Increment Image ID : Decreases the number of the cel by 1. Decrement Image ID : Increases the number of the cel by 1. Settings  [Image Section] The number of the cel.  [Magnification] The magnification of the cel. Ranges from 20%-800%.  [Color] The color to apply to the event. There are four changable settings, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and Saturation (S).

Each setting ranges from 0%-200%. 100% is the default for all settings. Change a setting by dragging the slider or inputting the number directly. The resultant color is indicated in the [Sample] window.

Game Starting and Ending  To play the sample game, go to start, programs, Enterbrain, RPG Maker 2003, and then the folder for the game. Click on the game name to start it.  On the title screen, you can either choose to start a new game, load a saved game or quit the game. You can also quit by clicking the X button at the top right of the title bar. * The directory of the sample game may differ depending on where you installed it. Game Operation  The game can be controlled using 3 types of arrow key, decision key and cancel key.  Each key executes a certain operation when pressed. The operation and corresponding keys are listed below. (Operation Key) (Input Key) Cursor Key (Up) Up arrow key, [K] [8] (Down) Down arrow key, [J] [2] (Left) Left arrow key, [H] [4] (Right) Right arrow key, [L] [6] Decision Key [Enter] [Space] [Z]

Cancel Key

[Esc] [X] [C] [V] [B] [N]

* The number directions refer to the numbers on the numpad. * When using a joystick or gamepad, the control stick functions as the arrow keys, buttons 1 and 3 as decision keys and button 2 as a cancel key.  The keys have different functions depending on whether the player is in the menu, controlling the hero on a map etc. The

functions are detailed below. (Operation Key) (Moving Hero) (Selecting commands) Cursor Keys The hero is moved up, down, left or right. Cursor is moved up, down, left or right. Decision Key Turns an event towards the hero when interacted with. Selects the item highlighted by the cursor. Cancel Key Calls up the menu. Cancels the most recent menu command. (*1)  There are other keys that can be used in the game. They are as follows.

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [/] [*] [-] [+] [.] The following function keys also have uses in the game. [F4]: Toggles between full screen and window mode. [F5]: Toggles between normal size and double size in window mode. Sometimes, if the game is slowing down, changing to normal size will help. [F12] : Returns to the title screen. In-game Commands  You can customise the menu commands in the system 2 tab of the database. Item Skill Equipment Status Change Row Formation ATB Mode Save Quit

: Use an item in inventory. : Use a learned skill. : Equip an item in inventory. : Shows the status of a character. : Changes between front and back row. : Changes the order of the characters in the party. : Changes between "Wait" and "Active". : Saves the game. : Quits the game.

The names of these commands will differ depending on how they are set in the string tab of the database. The example above used the default names.  The commands that can be selected in battle are as follows.

(A) Party commands that can be chosen when the battle type is set to Alternative or Gauge types. Fight : Begins the ATB counts and allows you to choose battle commands. Autobattle : The computer controls all characters for you, choosing their commands until either the battle ends or all party members die. Run Away : Attempt to escape. (B) Character commands (These will be selected after choosing fight in Alternative or Gauge types) Each character's in-battle commands can be customised in the battle layout tab of the database. Attack : Attacks with equipped item. Item : Uses an item in inventory.

Defend : Defends for one turn, taking less damage than usual from enemy attacks. Escape : Attempt to run away from battle. Skill : Use a learned skill. Row : Switches between front and back rows. The names of the commands are completely up to the maker. The examples used here are the default names for the command archetypes. *1 In some cases, it is not possible to cancel a chosen command.

[Main Editor] -> [Menu Bar] -> [Game] Menu

Test Play  Starts test play. For details refer to the Test Play topic. Full Screen Mode  Toggles between full screen and window mode when test playing.  When the button is pushed in test play will take place in full screen. If not, it will be in a window. Show Title  Toggles between showing title in test play and not showing title in test play.  When the button is pushed in, the title screen will be shown in test play.

Map Properties Map Compilation Tools Area Settings

[Event] -> [Supplementary Windows] -> [Custom Event Pattern]

 The [Move Event] command brings up this window, which allows you to move the hero and events. The settings are

explained below.  This window is the same as the one shown when you click [Define Movement] in the event editor. However, in that window

you cannot select the event to move. (1) Event Name  Select the object to move from the pull down list. (2) Frequency  The movement frequency of the event, from 1-8. The higher the number, the less of an interval there will be between steps. (3) Movement Pattern  The pattern for the event to follow. Each "command" is processed in order from top to bottom, and will move the event on the map accordingly.  To add a new command, click the position where you want the command to go (IT will be highlighted) and click the button for the command you want.  To remove a command, highlight it and click the [Delete] button. If [Clear List] is clicked, all movement commands will be erased.  If an item is right clicked, the shortcut menu will be displayed, which contains the [Cut] [Copy] [Paste] and [Delete] commands.  [Options] There are two additional options that can be applied. Check one or both of them to activate it. -> Repeat Pattern: When the end of the command list is reached, it will loop round to the beginning and process it again. -> Ignore Impossible Moves: If an event is in a position where it cannot carry out a command in the list, the command will be skipped. [Note]  When using Move Event, the character's animation settings defined in the Event Editor are used, so some commands will not have any effect if you've chosen "Fixed Direction" or "Non-Continuous"  When multiple move event commands are carried out on the same event in succession, only the most recent one will be processed. In order to run each of them to their completion, be sure to add a [Proceed with Movement] command directly afterward each command.  Speed, transparency, animation, direction and graphic changes will persist after the command has been processed. [Command Summary] <> Move Up <> Move Right

Moves the event one tile up. Moves the event one tile right.

<> Move Down <> Move Left <> Move Up/Right <> Move Down/Right <> Move Down/Left <> Move Up/Left <> Move Randomly <> Move Towards Hero <> Move Away from Hero <> Move Forward <> Increase Move Speed <> Decrease Move Speed

Moves the event one tile down. Moves the event one tile left. Moves the event one tile up and one tile right. Moves the event one tile down and one tile right. Moves the event one tile down and one tile left. Moves the event one tile up and one tile left. Moves one tile in a random direction. Moves one tile in the direction of the hero. Moves one tile away from the hero. Moves one tile in the direction the event is facing. Moves the speed of the event up by one stage. (*1) Moves the speed of the event down by one stage.

<> Face Up <> Face Right <> Face Down <> Face Left <> Turn 90° Right <> Turn 90° Left <> Turn 180° <> Right/Left 90° Turn <> Face Random Direction <> Face Hero <> Face Away from Hero <> Wait <> Move Frequency Up <> Move Frequency Down

Changes the facing of the event to up. Changes the facing of the event to right. Changes the facing of the event to down. Changes the facing of the event to left. Turns the event 90° right from its current facing. Turns the event 90° left from its current facing. Turns the event 180° from its current facing. Randomly turns the event 90° left or right. Changes the facing of the event to a random one. Faces the event towards the hero. Faces the event away from the hero. Character movement is halted for a second. Moves the frequency of the event up by one. Moves the frequency of the event down by one.

<> Begin Jump <> End Jump <> Lock Facing <> End Face Lock <> Phasing Mode ON <> Phasing Mode OFF <> Stop Animation <> Resume Animation <> Increase Transparency <> Decrease Transparency <> Switch ON <> Switch OFF <> Change Graphic (*4) <> Play Sound Effect

Makes the event "jump" into the air. Moves the event down from a jump. Locks the event in the direction it's facing. (*2) Allows you to change the event's facing again. Allows the event to pass through impassable tiles. Renders the event subject to impassable tiles. Animation of the event stops. Animation of the event starts again. Increases the transparency of the event. (*3) Decreases the transparency of the event. Turns a switch ON. Select it in the window and click OK. Turns a switch OFF. Select it in the window and click OK. Changes the graphic of the event. Select the graphic file and graphic to use, and click OK. Plays a sound effect. Select the sound, volume, tempo and balance, and click OK.

*1 All events have a built in "Move Speed Down". The hero moves at normal speed, and there are 6 stages; 1/8 normal, 1/4 normal, half normal, normal, twice normal, and four times normal. *2 When the event graphic is changed, the facing lock will be retained. *3 There are 7 stages of transparency. It is not possible to make the event completely transparent using these commands. *4 The hero, vehicle and event graphics will remain after the change.

[Map] -> [New Map]  Using information supplied by the user, a new map is created. The procedure for creating a map is detailed below.

1. When the project folder or a map in the map tree is right clicked, the map shortcut menu is displayed. Click "New Map".

2. The [Map Properties] window is displayed. Here you can modify the map dimensions, tileset used etc. For more information, see the Map Properties

3. When you have chosen the settings you want, click OK. 4. The new map is created, displayed, and selected in the map tree. It will appear one level in from its parent map.

[Map] -> [Map Properties]

The options below are also applied when you make a new map. (1) Name  Name of the map, up to 24 characters.  This name will be shown when using a teleport skill. It is probably a good idea to give the map a name that reflect the location, such as "World Map", "Dungeon 1F" etc. (2) Tileset  Choose the tileset to make the map with from the pull down list. (3) Dimensions  The map size in tiles. The first box is for horizontal size, and the second one is for vertical size. It can be anything from 20x15 to 500x500. Note  The origin coordinate of a map is always 0, 0 (The bottom left tile).  If you edit a map size to be smaller than it was originally, extra map data will be deleted. For example, if you resize a 100x100 map to 50x50, any tiles after coordinates (49, 49) will be lost. (4) Wrapping  Select from the pull down list the type of wrap you want the map to have. -> None -> Vertical -> Horizontal

: The map does not wrap round at all. : The map will wrap round up and down the way. : The map will wrap round on the left and right hand sides.

-> Both

: The map will wrap horizontally and vertically.

(5) Enemy Encounters  Defines the enemy groups that will be encountered randomly while walking around the map.  When you double click in the box, the "Define Encounter" window is displayed. Select the enemy group in the pull down list and then click OK.  The probability of encountering each group is the same. For example, if there are 5 groups in the list, the probability of

encountering each will be 20% (1/5). To increase the chance of encountering a specific group, just add it to the list multiple times. Additionally, if the enemy group is set to an area, and you are not in this area when a battle occurs, that group will not be included in the encounter algorithm.  Right clicking the list will bring up a shortcut menu. The commands are listed below. You can also execute the commands by pressing the shortcut key next to the command. -> Edit -> Cut -> Copy -> Paste -> Delete

: Opens the Define Encounter window, allowing you to modify the encountered group. : Removes the group from the list and copies it to the clipboard. : Copies the group to the clipboard. : Add the contents of the clipboard to the list. : Removes the group from the list.

 [Encounter Rate] The minimum number of steps needed to initiate an encounter. For example, if the value was 20, the

probability of a battle would increase every step, until you reached 20 steps, when a battle would occur. If this value is set to 0, you will never get into a battle. (6) Use Parallax Background  Allows you to show a picture on the map. When in a tall building, such as a tower, you can use a picture of a distant view to give the map depth.  Parallax backgrounds are on the same layer as lower layer tiles. If there is no area with transparent color on the map, the parallax will not be shown.  The procedure for setting a parallax background is detailed below. 1. Click the [Use Parallax Background] button. This enables the Parallax Background window. 2. Click the [Set] button to open the [Select Parallax Background] window. 3. The parallax backgrounds you can use are listed on the left. A preview of the picture is shown in the box on the right. Click OK to confirm the selected background.  If no options are set, the image will be stationary. It will appear to be moving when the hero walks.  If [Horizontal Scroll] or [Vertical Scroll] are checked, the panorama will move in the opposite direction as the hero, at half

the hero's walking speed.  If [Autoscroll] is checked, the map will scroll even if the hero is stationary. Choose the [Speed] from -8 to 8. If the value is

negative, the scroll will be in the opposite direction. (7) BGM  Determines the background music which plays while walking around the map. The options are detailed below. -> Same as Parent Map : Plays the BGM used in the parent map. (Only applicable if a parent map exists). -> Entrust to Event : Uses the BGM specified in an event. If there is no event with a Play BGM command in it, no BGM will play. -> Specify : Plays a specific BGM. Click the [...] button to bring up the BGM Selection window. (8) Battle Background  Determines the battle background used when encountering an enemy group. The options are detailed below. -> Same as Parent Map : Uses the battle background from the parent map. (Only applicable if a parent map exists). -> Use Terrain Settings : Uses the background for each tile's assigned terrain. -> Specify : Use a specific battle background. Click the [...] button to bring up the Select Battle Background window. (9) Teleport  Determines whether or not you can use teleport skills on the map.

-> As in Parent Map -> Allow -> Forbid

: Uses the teleport settings from the parent map. (Only applicable if a parent map exists). : The player can use teleport skills on this map. : The player cannot use teleport skills on this map.

(10) Escape  Determines whether or not you can use escape skills on the map. -> As in Parent Map -> Allow -> Forbid

: Uses the escape settings from the parent map. (Only applicable if a parent map exists). : The player can use escape skills on this map. : The player cannot use escape skills on this map.

(11) Save  Determines whether or not you can save on the map. -> As in Parent Map -> Allow -> Forbid

: Uses the save settings from the parent map. (Only applicable if a parent map exists). : The player can save on this map. : The player cannot save on this map.

Random Dungeon Generator Using the Random Dungeon Generator, it is possible to make random dungeon maps that change every time you enter them. This not only reduces the time taken to create a dungeon map, but is also good for making dungeons that you have to enter many times. To use this function, the "Use Random Dungeon Generator" box must be checked. Then the dungeon settings will become available. The different options for this function are detailed below. (12) Dungeon Generation Guidelines  Specifies the type of dungeon to make. The types are as follows. -> Single Winding Passage : Creates a dungeon composed of several thin passages. A small square room will be created around and events on the map, such as treasure chests and the entrance. -> Rooms Linked with Passages: Creates a dungeon composed of several rooms, linked with thing passages. -> Maze-like Passage Structure : Creates a dungeon "maze" full of passages, forks and dead ends. -> Open Room with Obstacles : Creates an open room with "Obstacles" lying around.  Passage Granularity determines the width of the passages generated, either 1x1 or 2x2. This option is only available when

using the "Single Winding Passage", "Rooms Linked with Passages" and "Maze-like Passage Structure" types.  When "Rooms Linked with Passages" is selected, you can input the standard room dimensions.  If you want to surround the outside border of the map with the same tile, check "Surround Map with Wall Tiles". The tile

selected for the ceiling will be placed all round the outside of the map. (13) Ceiling  Determines the tile used for the dungeon's ceiling. Double click the box to select the tile used.  If an "Automatic Formation" tile is used for the ceiling, the tile connections will still be drawn automatically. (14) Wall  Determines the tiles used for the dungeon's upper/lower walls. Double click either box to select the tile used.  If the check box for "ON" in the upper wall is not checked, the dungeon wall will only be 1 tile high. When it is checked, the wall will be 2 tiles high. (15) Floor  Determines the tiles used for the dungeon floor. There can be up to three types (A, B, C) with the frequency ratio 4:2:1. Double click one of the boxes to select the tile used.  Damage floors and tiles set to impassable can be selected. Using an impassable tile may cause the hero to get stuck.  As with the ceiling, if an automatic formation tile is used for the floor, the tile connections will be drawn automatically. (16) Obstacle  Determines the obstacles for the map. The obstacle size can be set to one of 4 choices, 1x1, 2x1, 1x2 and 2x2. (Need Advo to look over the next bit). There can be up to three obstacles. Double click one of the boxes to select the tile(s) used.  The frequency ratio of all three obstacles is the same. Note

When using the Random Dungeon Generator on a large map, like 500x500, the dungeon formation may become slow on less powerful CPUs.

[Event] -> [Note on Event Settings] Auto-Start, Parallel Process  Auto-Start/Parallel Process events will endlessly repeat their contents. In addition, an event set to Auto-Start will halt all

other events until it is stopped.  Because of this, ending an auto-start/parallel process event requires a "shutoff" condition. A concrete method for this is

activating the event by turning a switch ON in another event, and turning it OFF when you want the event to stop.  Unless a method such as this is used, auto-starts will freeze gameplay. If test play ever freezes for any reason, pressing

ALT+F4 will close the game window.

[Database] -> [Battle Animation] -> [Mass Copy/Clear]

 Copies or clears multiple frames.  [Frame Range] The range of frames to copy/clear.  [Action] Choose between copy and clear.  [Starting Frame] The frame to begin copying from.

[Database] -> [Battle Animation] -> [Mass Modify]

 [Affected Frame] Check the box for all frames you wish to modify.  [Affected Cels] The cels within the frame to change. If the frame does not have a cel with the appointed number, no action

will be carried out on it.  [Image Section] Allows you to change the image section used in the selected cel(s). Check the box to enable it.  [Magnification] Allows you to change the magnification of the selected cel(s). Check the box to enable it. Range is

20%-800%.  [Transparency] Allows you to change the transparency of the selected cel(s). Check the box to enable it. Range is

0%-100%.  [Color] Allows you to change the color of the selected cel(s). Check the box to enable it. There are four changable settings,

Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and Saturation (S). Each setting ranges from 0%-200%, 100% being the default. The resultant color is shown in the sample window.

[Main Editor] -> [Menu Bar Contents]

 The menu commands are divided into 5 menus on this bar.  To execute a command, open the corresponding menu and click the command.

Project Map Tools Game Help

: Options regarding the setup of the projects. : Options regarding manipulation of map data. : Calls up windows for creating and managing game data. : Options regarding test play. : Calls up the help file or displays version information.

[Main Editor] -> [Gamedisk]  Converts your game into a finished product, collecting all the game data into an executable. With a game disk, people who

do not have this program can play your game.  The procedure for creating a gamedisk is detailed below.

1. Click the [Create a Gamedisk] command. The gamedisk window will be displayed.

2. If you want to include the RTP with your game, check [Include Runtime Package in Gamedisk]. * To play the game on a PC without RPG Maker 2003 installed, it is necessary to include the RTP. 3. Click [Begin]. The executable for the game will be created in the folder specified. When the specified folder is the floppy drive. following the creation of the gamedisk you will be prompted on the number of floppies needed in total and to insert disk 1. Continue inserting disks until the process is complete.  The creation of the gamedisk will retain the original folder structure.

Using the Gamedisk  In order to play the game, it must first be installed.  The procedure for this is detailed below. 1. Double click the setup.exe file that came with the gamedisk (Its icon will differ depending on your system) 2. Select the folder to install the game to. There are also two additional options that can be selected. They are as follows. -> Create a Start Menu Shortcut: This will allow you to run the game from the programs section of the start menu. If this is not checked, start the game by double clicking RPG_RT.exe in the folder you installed it to. -> Add Uninstaller: This will allow you to remove the game using add/remove programs in the control panel. If this is unchecked, remove the game simply by deleting the folder. 3. Click [Begin] and the installation will start.

Event Search BGM Selector Import and Export Resources Test Play Create Gamedisk

Main Editor Contents Menu Bar Contents of Toolbar Miscellaneous Functions

[Main Editor] -> [Main Editor Contents]

(1) Menu Bar  Contains commands that help with making the maps and characters. (2) Toolbar  The commands in the menu bar can be executed just by clicking the matching toolbar icon. (3) Map View  Shows the map you are currently editing. If you right click in event editing mode, the event shortcut menu will be displayed. (4) Map Compilation Tools  Contains the various tools used for making/editing a map. (5) Tileset View  This window shows all the tiles that can be placed on the map in the current editing mode. (6) Map Tree List  All the maps in the game are listed here in a "tree" layout. The highlighted map is the one you are currently editing. (7) Help Text  A short description of the command the mouse pointer is over. (8) Edit Mode Text  Displays the current edit mode. (9) Map Information  The name of the current map and the selected coordinate.

[Main Editor] -> [Menu Bar] -> [Map] Menu

Save Map  Saves all map changes. Revert to Last Save  Cancels all map changes made since the last save.  When you click it a message will come up asking if you want to proceed. If you click OK, all changes will be lost. Cancel will stop the process and return you to the map editor. Editing Mode  Changes the editing mode. Choose between lower layer, upper layer and event layer modes in the sub-menu Map Zoom  Changes the zoom ratio of the map view. Choose between 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 in the sub-menu.

Map Summary Tiles New Map Map Tree Hierarchy Save Map Map Compilation Area Operation Windows

[Map] -> [Map Compilation]  This part of the editor is where the game maps are made, using the map compilation tools. The map itself will be shown in

the map view.  For information on the map compilation tools, refer to the Map Compilation Tools topic.  The procedure for drawing a map using the pen tool are as follows.

1. Click the map in the tree list. It will be highlighted and appear in the map view. If you are editing a new map, it will be filled with the water tile.

2. Depending on whether you are in lower or upper layer editing mode, the tiles you can place are different.

3. Click the pen tool in the map compilation tools bar.

4. To select a tile to place on the map, click it. The currently selected tile will be surrounded by a border.

5. Click in the spot on the map where you want to place your tile. It will be drawn there.

[Main Editor] -> [Meni Bar] -> [Help] Menu

Contents  Calls up the online help file (This document). Version Information  Displays version information for the program.

[Map] -> [Map Compilation Tools]

(A) Map Compilation Tools  The tools used for compiling a map are as follows. The button for the currently selected tool will be pushed in.

Undo the last action: Cancels the last change made to the map, and reverts to the state before it was made. Undo is limited to the last 3 actions made. Select map elements: Allows you to copy/paste part of a map. Drag the selection tool around the area you wish to select. The selected area will be surrounded by a dotted line. Zoom using the mouse buttons: Changes the zoom ratio of the map. Left clicking will zoom in, while right clicking will zoom out. Place map elements freehand: Allows you to place tiles on the map freehand. Click in a square to place the currently selected tile there. Place map elements in a rectangular pattern: Places the selected tile in a rectangular fashion. Drag and move the mouse to make different sized rectangles. Place map elements in an elliptical pattern: Places the seelcted tile in an elliptical fashion. Drag and move the mouse to make different sized ellipses. Flood fill map elements: Use this to quickly fill areas using the same tile with the currently selected one.  If you right click in the area selected using "Select map elements", the shortcut menu will be displayed. The commands are

as follows.

-> Cut (Ctrl+X) : Places the selected area on the clipboard, and replaces the area on the map with a flood fill of the currently selected tile. -> Copy (Ctrl+C) : Places the selected area on the clipboard. -> Paste (Ctrl+V) : Places the map area on the clipboard in the center of the map view, with a selection area around it so that it can be moved. -> Clear (Del) : Flood fills the selected area with the currently selected tile. -> Select All (Ctrl+A) : Draws a selection line around the entire map. Note If you have used "Select All", the selection area can only be cancelled by selecting one of the other map compilation tools. The procedure for copying part of a map to place it somewhere else is detailed below. 1. Select the "Select map elements" tool and drag around the area you wish to copy/move. 2. Right click inside the selected area, and either click Cut or Copy, or press the appropriate shortcut key. The selected area is placed on the clipboard. 3. Move to the part of the map you want to place the copied area in. 4. Right click and select Paste of press Ctrl+V. The area that was copied is placed in the middle of the map view. 5. Move the mouse pointer inside the dotted line. It will change to a four-pointed arrow. 6. Left click and drag the area inside the dotted line to the desired position. 7. Click outside the dotted line. The copied area will be drawn to the map, and the dotted line will disappear.  You can move the area within the dotted line by dragging it with the mouse.

(B) Currently Selected Tile  To select a tile to place on the map, click it. When the mouse pointer is inside the tileset view, it will change to a dropper. The currently selected tile will be surrounded by a border.  You can also select multiple tiles at once by dragging around the tiles in the tileset view. Treat them the same as you would a single tile. This makes it easier to construct buildings made of four tiles, for example.

 When using the tools to place map elements freehand, in a rectangle or in an ellipse, you can change the currently

selected tile to a tile on the map by right clicking an instance of that tile on the map. For frequently used tiles, this can be more efficient.

Creating Map Events Map Event Shortcut Menu Map Event Setup

Project Summary Project Creation Project Operation

[Map] -> [Map Event Setup]

 The various features of the event editor are detailed below.

(1) ID  A unique number to identify the event. It is automatically assigned upon creation.  When using the [Store Event ID] command, this is the number that is stored in the variable.  In Variable Operations, when using [Sprite] and the operand, this is the reference used for Map ID. (2) Name  The name of the event. It will automatically be assigned the name Event[ID number] but you can also give it a custom name up to 20 characters long.  When manipulating specific events using event commands, this is the name that will be shown. It is recommended to give your events a meaningful name to make it easier to differenciate between them. (3) Event Page  The number of the event page. Clicking on the tab will display that page.  By clicking the "New Page" button at the top of the screen, you can create a new event page.  During the game, the event page with the highest number that satisfies its preconditions will be processed first. New Page: When a new page is created, it will be assigned an ID one number higher than the previous one. Copy Page: Copies the currently selected page to the clipboard. Paste Page: Pastes the page in the clipboard immediately after the currently selected one. If there are any pages after it, their ID numbers will increase by 1. Delete Page: Removes the currently selected page. If there are any pages after it, their ID numbers will decrease by 1. (4) Event Preconditions

 This feature allows you to set certain conditions which must be met before the event page will run.  There are 5 different types of condition, and 7 conditions in total.  The event will only appear in the game when all conditions for that event are met. Likewise, if any of the event's

preconditions are turned off at some point, the event will disappear.  An event with no preconditions will always be shown in the game.  When the preconditions for multiple event pages are identical, the one with the highest ID number will be processed.

-> Switch: The page will only be processed if the specified switch is ON. When this is checked, the name of the switch to test for will be shown in the text box. It is possible to set up to 2 switch conditions. -> Variable: The page will only be processed if the variable meets the specified condition. To change the variable tested, click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. You can choose between "Equal to", "Greater than or Equal to", "Less than or Equal to", "Greater than", "Less than" or "Not Equal to" for the conditions. The number to test for is input in the third box. -> Item: Only runs the event page if the party holds the specified item. Select the item from the pull down list. -> Hero: Only runs the event page if the selected hero is in the party. Select the hero from the pull down list. -> Timer: Only runs the event page if the selected timer has less than or equal to the specified time remaining on it. The minutes box ranges from 0 to 99 and the seconds box from 0 to 59. If 0 seconds is selected, the event will not appear while the timer is running. If there is no timer set, this condition is ignored. It is possible to test "Timer 1" and "Timer 2" separately. (5) Event Graphic  This is the graphic that will be used to represent the event on the map. It is a good idea to use a graphic that portrays what the event is, i.e. a shopkeeper or treasure chest.  The graphics that can be used for an event are limited to the upper layer tiles in the map tileset, and any graphic from a character set.  When the event is shown on the map, any transparency settings used in the tile's terrain will be applied.  The procedure for choosing an event graphic is detailed below. 1. Click the [Set] button. This brings up the "Select Event Graphic" window. 2. Select the graphic file to use from the list on the left. The character sets/tiles in the file will be shown on the right. 3. Click the graphic you want to use. It will be surrounded by a border. After selecting the picture, choose the initial facing and frame for it. 4. Click OK. The graphic is assigned to the event.  If you want to make the event's graphic transparent again, select a transparent tile from the tileset.

(6) Movement Type  This option allows the event to move around the map by itself in a variety of ways. This can be used to make NPCs that randomly walk around towns, for example.  The movement types are detailed below. -> Stationary : The event does not move from its initial position. -> Random : The event moves around the map in random directions. -> Vertical : The event moves up and down the map from its initial position. If it hits another event or impassable tile, it switches direction. -> Horizontal : The event moves left and right from its initial position. If it hits another event or impassable tile, it switches direction. -> Toward Hero : The event moves towards the hero's position. -> Away from Hero : The event moves away from the hero's position. -> Custom Pattern : The event moves in a predefined pattern. Click the [Define Pattern] button to bring up the [Custom Movement Pattern] window. For more information on the movement options, see the Move Event topic.  When using any movement type other than [Stationary] you can also set the [Speed] of the event, from 1 to 8. The higher

the number, the less of a delay the event will take between actions. (7) Movement Frequency  This is the speed the event moves at. There are 6 stages, from 1/8 normal speed to normal to 4 times normal speed. The default for events is half normal. (8) Animation Type

 Choose an animation type from the pull down list.  If the event's trigger condition is "Action Key", the event will turn to face the hero when activated.

-> Non-Continuous: When moving, the event will cycle through its three animation frames. -> Continuous: The event will cycle through its three animation frames, even when stationary. -> Fixed Dir/Non-Continuous: When moving, the event will only face in the direction it started in, and cycle through its three animation frames. -> Fixed Dir/Continuous: The event will only face in the direction it started in and cycle through its animation frames, even when stationary. -> Fixed Graphic The event's graphic will be fixed. It will not change direction when moving, and will not use its animation frames. -> Spin Around The event will cycle its 4 directions clockwise, giving the impression of spinning. (9) Event Layer  This determines the layer the event will appear on, and dictate its interactivity with the hero.  Choose a layer from the pull down list. -> Below Hero: The event will appear to be below the hero, and will be obscured by him and any upper layer tiles. This layer is mainly for things that the hero will walk over, such as stairs or moving floors. -> Same Layer as Hero The event will appear to be on the same level as the hero, and will be subject to the same obstacles. This layer is for things the hero will not be able to pass through, like doors or non-player characters. -> Above Hero: The event will appear to be above the hero, and will obscure him and any upper layer tiles. This layer is for things that are on a higher plane than the hero, like birds or wires trailing along the ceiling.  When [Disallow Event Overlap] is checked, events will not be allowed to pass through each other, regardless of what layer they're on. (10) Trigger Condition  This determines what starts the initial processing of the event.  Choose a condition from the pull down list. They are detailed below. -> Action Key: This condition will activate the event when the hero is standing either on the same tile as the event (In the case of below/above hero events) or one tile up, down, left or right of it (In the case of same layer as hero events) and the player presses the action key. -> Touched by Hero: This condition will activate the event when the hero touches it. (Occupies the same tile) -> Collision with Hero: This condition will activate when either the hero touches the event, or the event touches the hero. -> Auto-Start: This condition activates the event as soon as the map is entered. All other events are disabled while it's processing. -> Parallel Process This condition runs the event all the time, and repeats the code on the page. Runs parallel to other events, allowing them to continue.  For event layers that involve the hero standing on the same tile as the event, he will not face the event.

(11) Event Commands  The event commands that are to be processed on the page are listed here.  For more information, see the Event Commands Editor topic.

[Main Editor] -> [Menu Bar] -> [Project Menu]

New Project  Creates a new project. Open Project  Opens an existing project.  You can open an RPG Maker 2000 project and convert it to RPG Maker 2003. Close Project  Closes the currently opened project.  If the map data is not saved, you will be prompted asking if you want to save it. If "Yes" is clicked, the map data is saved and the project will be closed. If "No" is clicked, the command will be cancelled. Create Gamedisk  Converts the game into an executable file. Exit  Closes RPG Maker 2003.  If the map data is not saved, you will be prompted asking if you want to save it. If "Yes" is clicked, the map data is saved and the project will be closed. If "No" is clicked, the command will be cancelled.

[Events] -> [Map Events] -> [Map Event Shortcut Menu]  In event editing mode, right clicking on a map square will bring up the map event shortcut menu. The commands are as


-> New Event (When there is no event in the square):

Opens the [Event Editor] window to create a new event. -> Edit Event (When an event already exists in the square): Opens the [Event Editor] window to alter the existing event. -> Cut: Copies the currently selected event to the clipboard and removes it from the map. -> Copy: Copies the currently selected event to the clipboard. -> Paste: Places the event in the clipboard on the selected map square. -> Delete: Removes the event from the map. -> Place Party Starting Position: Sets the position that the party starts in at the beginning of the game. -> Place Vehicle Starting Position: Sets the position that a vehicle starts in at the beginning of the game.

-> Place Teleport Event Places an event that teleports the party from one location to another. In the map view, click the [1/1], [1/2] and [1/4] buttons to change the zoom. 1. Click on the map you want to teleport to from the tree list on the left. 2. Click on the tile you would like the party to be teleported to, and then select the direction they'll be facing in after the teleport. Then click OK.  When the party or vehicle starting position is altered, the old one is deleted and the command is re-executed.  Using [Place Teleport Event] is a shortcut way to create a teleport event, making the job easier for the user. These are

normal events, though, and can be edited the same as any other. The event will automatically be set up with three commands, [Hide Screen] [Teleport] and [Show Screen].

[Project] -> [Project Creation] To create a new project, follow the procedure below. 1. Choose "New Project" from the Project menu.

2. The [New Project] window is displayed. The 3 fields are as follows. [Directory Name]: Name of the folder that the project will be kept in. Can be up to 40 characters long. [Game Name]: The game's name. Can be up to 40 characters long. [Project Path]: The path to store the project in. Click the [...] button to select a name folder. 3. Click OK. The new project will be created with 1 blank map which will be selected in the map view. •

It is not possible to have two identical directory names in the same folder.

[Project] -> [Project Operation]  The procedure for opening an existing project is detailed below. (*1)

1. Choose Open Project from the Project menu. The [Open Project] window will be displayed.

2. Click the project you want to open and click Open, or double click it. (*2)  It is also possible to rename or delete a project in this window. The procedure is as follows. (*3)

Renaming a project 1. In the [Open Project] window, click the [Rename] button. The [Rename Project] window will be displayed.

2. Make whatever changes to [Directory Name] and [Game Name] you like, and click OK to confirm the changes. Deleting a project 1. Select the project you want to delete from the list and click [Delete]. 2. You will be asked if you really want to delete the project. Click "Yes" to go ahead with the deletion, and "No" to cancel. (*4) Converting RPG Maker 2000 projects  Navigate to your RPG Maker 2000 project directory and open the project you wish to convert.  Open the database and then click OK. You will be asked if you want to convert the project to RPG Maker 2003 format. Click "Yes" to proceed or "No" to cancel. Once converted, the project cannot be opened in RPG Maker 2000. *1 A project cannot be opened if there is already one open in the editor. *2 Only projects in the current folder can be opened. To change the reference folder, click the [...] button and navigate to the folder that contains the project you want to open. *3 If there is already a project open, it must be closed to reselect the [Open Project] window. *4 Once a project is deleted, it cannot be opened again.

[Data] -> [Special Symbols Summary] Inventory Symbols: $A: Sword $B: Shield $C: Star of Solomon(David) Planetary Symbols: $D: Sun $E: Moon $F: Mercury $G: Venus $H: Earth $I: Mars $J: Jupiter $K: Saturn $L: Uranus $M: Neptune $N: Pluto Astrological Signs: $O: Aries $P: Taurus $Q: Gemini $R: Cancer $S: Leo $T: Virgo $U: Libya $V: Scorpio $W: Sagittarius $X: Capricorn $Y: Aquarius $Z: Pisces

Assorted Symbols: $a: face (smile) $b: Face (normal) $c: face (frown) $d: sweat 1 $e: sweat 2 $f: spade clear $g: heart clear $h: diamond clear $i: club clear $j: spade filled $k: heart filled $l: diamond filled $m: club filled $n: skull $o: cross $p: sun $q: moon $r: Dot (small yen) Arrows: $s: Up $t: Right $u: Down $v: Left $w: Up-Right $x: Down-Right $y: Down-Left $z: Up-Left

Standard System Graphics 2 Information

A : The cursor used in battle. (16x16) B (1~3) : 3 gauge types used in battle. (48x16 each) C (1~6) : 6 gauge types used in battle (16x16 each) D : Status numbers used in battle.

[Project] -> [Project Summary]  All the heroes, maps, enemies, events etc. must be stored in a "project".  When a project is created, it will be stored in folders on the hard disk, keeping various data in their own folder. The project

management menu allows you to rename or delete projects.  There is no limit to the number of projects that can be created, but only one can be edited at a time.

Standard System Graphic Information


: Background color of the window (32x32) : Frame color and window arrows (32x32) : The 2 kinds of pattern used for command cursors. (32x32 each) : 4 icons for use in shops. (8x8 each, 4 frame animation pattern) : Background color of menu. (16x16) : Letter shadow color. (16x16) : Numbers used for timers. (12 in total, 8x16 each) : 2 shadow patterns for airship. (16x16 each) : Letter colors. (20 kinds, 16x16 each)

* The following 5 colors are used for system functions. 0 1 2 3 4

: Default text color. : Status text color. : Statistic rise color. : Statistic lower and command failure color. : HP/MP decrease color.

 These are the colors that will be used when using the \c[number] function in message boxes.

[Map] -> [Revert to Last Save]  When [Map] [Revert to Last Save] is selected from the menu, the map tree and events are modified to the state they were

in when the user last saved.  The map data from the save is read, and the map tree recompiled.

[Data] -> [Standard Tileset Details]

A1~A2  These sections are for the automatically drawn shorelines when used in conjunction with the sea tiles (B). There are 12 tiles in each section. (3x4)

A : Determines what the tile looks like when there is a shoreline on all four sides. B : Determines what the tile looks like when there is a shoreline on the left and right. C: Determines what the tile looks like when there is a shoreline on the top and bottom. D: Determines what the tile looks like with the shoreline in the four corners. I~III: The 3 animation frames for A~D. B  This section is for the sea/deep sea tiles. There are 12 tiles in this section. (3x4)

A : Shallow Water. B : Shallow Water with the Deep Water boundary in the four corners. C : Deep Water with the Shallow Water boundary in the four corners. D : Deep Water. I~III: The 3 animation frames for A~D. C (1~3)  The animation section of the tileset. 3 animations with 4 vertical frames each can be made. D (1~12)  These sections is for the automatically arranged terrain tiles on the lower layer. Each section is 12 tiles. (3x4)

A (1 tile) B (1 tile) C (1 tile) I (9 tiles)

: Standard pattern used when placing single instances of the tile. : Parent pattern. (Ground tile). : Tile pattern with the parent pattern in the four corners. : Automatic arrange pattern. The center tile surrounded by all 8 corner/edge tiles.

E  This section is for the lower layer tiles, up to 144 in total. If you are using a parallax background on a map, this section

must have at least one tile filled with the transparent color only. F  This section is for the upper layer tiles, up to 144 in total. The background color in this section should be made the

transparent color (As well as any other parts of the chipset with transparent parts).  If desired, you could just make this entire section transparent.

Note The boundary lines are placed based on the parent pattern. It is recommended to match the parent pattern on a tile with the type of land you want it to be on. For example, if you have a "Snow Mountain" tile, its parent pattern should be the "Snow Field" so that when you place a snow mountain tile adjacent to a snow field one, no boundary line is drawn.

[Map] -> [Save Map]  Map data is not automatically saved. To save it click Save Map in the map menu.  When Revert to Last Save is clicked, the previously saved map data is read and the maps are recompiled.

Custom Event Pattern

Experience Curve Basic Statistics Monster Behavior Test Battle Frame View Animation Effect Timing Mass Copy/Clear Autocomplete Mass Modify Tileset Specifications

[Event] -> [Switch]

 A switch can either be ON or OFF. Switches can be used to mark a certain task being fulfilled, or meeting a certain person

etc.  When the game is started, all switches are set to OFF.  There can be 5000 switch in total. Each switch is identified by a unique ID and optionally by a name.  Wherever a switch is used, there will be a [...] button to open the Switches window. The settings of this window are as

follows. (1) Block List  Click on a block of switches to select it. The number inside the parentheses indicates the range of the block, the first number being the starting ID, and the second number being the end ID. (2) Switch List  This window will display 20 switches at a time.  To select a switch, click it and it will be highlighted. Then click OK.  You can also select a switch by double clicking on it.  When you right click an item, a shortcut menu is displayed. This contains the commands to cope, paste or clear switches. (3) Name  The name of the switch. Can be up to 20 characters long. (4) Array Size  Changes the total number of switches used.  When the button is clicked, a new window will come up. Input the new maximum number and click OK.

[Database] -> [Monster Group] -> [Test Battle]

 The settings for test battle is as below.

1. Select the desired type of battle with the radio buttons. 2. Select the display position of the party/monsters (Automatic formation only) 3. Select the number of people in the party. 4. Assign parameters to each participating character as desired. * The hero statistics are based on the settings in their ability value. * When [Initial Stats] is clicked, the initial stats and equipment will revert to their original state. 5. Click [Start Battle] to begin the test with the chosen settings. When battle ends, the window will be closed automatically.

[Main Editor] -> [Miscellaneous Functions] -> [Test Play]  Before making your game into an executable gamedisk, you will want to make sure that everything works and there are no

bugs. This program has a function to do that called "Test Play".  Before initiating test play, the map data must be saved. If it has not been saved, a dialog box will be displayed when you

click test play asking you to save it. Click "Yes" and test play will start.  After a short wait, a new window will appear.  If Game->Full Screen Mode is selected, the test play area will take up the entire screen. Additionally, if Show Title is

selected from the Game menu also, the game's title screen will be shown.  It is not possible to edit the game in test play. Only switch and variable values can be modified.

Test Play Operation  The keyboard controls in test play are exactly the same as in the final game. Test Play, however, has the following special keys exclusive to it. [Shift] : Displays message text instantly. [Ctrl] : Enables "Phasing" (Player can pass through impassable tiles, and no enemy encounters will occur) [F9]: Shown the debug menu (Detailed below) [F10] : Momentarily stops execution of an event. If you have an auto-start event that doesn't stop repeating, you can use this to halt it for a second.


: Ends the game and returns to the title screen.

Debug Menu Operation  The debug menu allows you to turn switches ON and OFF, or change the value of a variable.  The window on the right is divided into two column. The ID and name of the switches/variables in the current block are shown in the column on the left, and their values are in the right hand column.

· The window on the right shows the list of switch/variable blocks. "S" signifies switch, and "V" signifies variable. The value in the brackets is the block's range. The operation method is outlined below. (When cursor is in the switch/variable block window) Left/right arrow keys Up/down arrow keys Decision key Cancel key

: Cycles through the list of switch and variable blocks. : Changes the currently selected block. : Confirms the block selection and moves the cursor into the window on the right. : Closes the debug window.

(When cursor is in the switch/variable list window) Left/right arrow keys Up/down arrow keys

: No function. : Change the currently selected switch/variable.

Decision key Cancel key

: Modifies the value of the currently selected switch/variable. : Moves the cursor back to the block window.

(Changing values) Switches : Toggles the switch between ON and OFF. Variables : Select the new variable value using the left/right arrow keys to move between digits and the up/down arrow keys to change the number. Press the decision key to confirm the new value.

[Map] -> [Tiles] Tiles

 A tile is the smallest element of a map.  You can place multiple layers on one map square. (There are 3 layers)  A map is composed of several tiles, which are defined in the map data.

Tile Types  There are two types of tiles, upper layer and lower layer.  There are four types of tile in the lower layer. The position of each is indicated in the below screenshot.

(A) Sea Tiles The tiles used for water on the map. There can be up to 3 sea tile animations. When a sea tile is adjacent to other lower layer tiles, the shoreline is drawn automatically. (This is known as "Automatic Arrangement") The shoreline display in an RTP tileset for the shallow sea (left and center) differs from the shoreline display for deep sea (right). (B) Animated Tiles You can put 3 different animated tiles, such as waterfalls or fountains, into a tileset. Each has 4 frames of animation. (C) Automatic Arrangement Tiles These are the tiles that represent various terrains, such as grass, snow, mountains etc. When they are placed adjacent to each other, the links between them are drawn automatically. There can be up to 12 different automatic arrangement tiles. (D) Standard Tiles These tiles are "as-is", or in other words their appearance on the map will be the same as in the tileset view. There can be up to 144 of these in a tileset. The upper layer also has up to 144 tiles, which working in the same way as standard tiles. The background color in the upper layer is usually the transparent color, and will not be shown on the map. Note "Automatic Arrangement" is a function that joins up adjacent tiles. Each automatic arrangement tile is actually composed of 12 separate tiles, which determine the pattern. The example below shows how three snow tiles are connected together.

Tileset Settings The tiles aren't just pictures on the screen, they all behave differently, depending on the settings chosen in the "Tileset" tab. Passability: Controls whether or not the hero can pass through the tile. It is also possible to make tiles passable only in certain directions. Terrain: The terrain assigned to the tile. Determines the battle background shown when fighting an enemy group on that tile. You can also control whether vehicles (Skiff, Ship, Airship) can pass through the tile. Terrain settings are defined in the Terrain tab of the database.  Tile settings are set in the Tileset tab.

[Database] -> [Tileset] -> [Tileset Specifications] Terrain  Determines the terrain type set to a tile. Only applicable to lower layer editing mode. For more information on terrain settings, see the "Terrain" topic.  The terrain type set to a tile is indicated by the ID number of the terrain being shown on top of the tile. The terrains and their associated IDs are listed on the right.

 The procedure for assigning a terrain to a tile is detailed below.

1. Click the terrain you want in the list on the right. 2. Click a tile to assign the terrain to it.  The [Set Uniform Terrain] button can set all tiles in a set to the same terrain. Click this button, select the terrain you want

from the pull down list and click OK. Passability  Allows you to specify which tiles can/cannot be passed over by the hero.  The passability of a tile is indicated by the symbol on it. Click it to change the passability type.  The passability types are as follows.

: Passable : Impassable : Appears over hero (Tile obscures hero's graphic.) : Wall Tile (Hero can pass through vertically, but not horizontally) Directional Pass  Allows you to specify which directions a passable tile can be passed through.  The passability of a direction is indicated by the symbol on it. Click it to change the passability type.  The passability types are as follows.

: Hero can pass through the tile in the direction of the arrow. : Cannot pass through.  For example, if only the top and bottom arrows for a tile are selected, the hero may only pass through that tile vertically, to

the one directly above/below it. Counter Flag

 Only applicable to upper layer tiles. Allows the hero to interact with the tile between himself and an Action Key event as if

the tile were the event (Example: A Shop Counter.)  The counter flag is indicated by the symbol on the tile. Click it to change the flag.  The flag symbols are as follows.

: Counter Attribute. : No Counter Attribute. Note When the passability settings of a lower/upper layer tile differ, passability will be determined by the setting of the upper layer tile. For example, if a lower layer tile is set to passable, and an impassable upper layer tile is placed on it, the hero will not be able to pass through it. Likewise, if an impassable lower layer tile has a passable upper layer tile placed on it, the hero will be able to pass through.

[Main Editor] -> [Menu Bar] -> [Tools Menu]

Database  Calls up the database window. Various game settings, such as the statistics of the heroes, are defined here. Resource Manager  Calls up the resource management window. Here, you can import the various, graphics, sounds and movies for your game. Listen to Music  Calls up the BGM Selector. You can listen to a midi/wav to see if it will fit a certain place in the game, or just listen to music while you work. Event Search  Calls up the event search window. Here, you can search for a specific event name, variable or switch, and see all the places it is used in the game.

Variable Selection

 This is a list of the variables used in the game. Variables allow detailed condition management by storing values which

cannot be easily determined, or even random numbers.  The range for a variable value is -9999999 to 9999999, and is always an integer. Decimal values are truncated.  At the beginning of the game, all variables are set to 0.  You can have a maximum of 5000 variables in a project. Each of these is identified by a unique ID number, and optionally

a name.

 This window is shown when the [...] button in a window is clicked and the name box is in relation to a variable. The features

of the variable selection window are as follows. (1) Variable ID List The list of all currently used variables. They are shown in blocks of 20, the number on the left of the hyphen (-) is the starting ID of the current block, while the number on the right is the end ID. (2) Name List  The name and ID number of the 20 variables in the block are listed here.  To select a variable, click it in the list and then click the OK button.  You can also select a variable by double clicking it.  Right clicking a variable in the list brings up the shortcut menu, which contains the "Copy", "Paste" and "Clear" commands. (3) Name  Name of the selected variable. It can be up to 20 characters long. (4) Array Size Changes the total number of variables in the game. When the [Array Size] button is clicked, a window comes up prompting the user to enter a new number for the maximum variable count. Enter this number, then click OK.

[Map] -> [Map Tree Hierarchy]  If you drag and drop a map in the map tree onto another map, it will become the child of that map. Its position in the tree

will be modified accordingly. 1. Position the mouse pointer over the map you want to move, and click and hold the mouse button to drag it.. 2. Move the pointer so that the target parent map is highlighted, while still dragging the map to be moved.

3. When you let go of the mouse button, the map will be moved to its new location underneath the parent map.

 Right clicking a map brings up the map shortcut menu, which allows you to do things like edit, copy and delete maps. The

description of each command is as follows.

-> Map Properties : The [Map Properties] window is displayed, allowing the user to change the options for the map. For more details see the Map Properties topic. -> New Map : The [Map Properties] window is displayed, allowing the user to create a new map. For more details see the New Map topic. -> Create Area : Opens the Area Settings window, where you can section a map into areas and specify which enemies can be encountered on each. -> Generate Dungeon : When using the [Random Dungeon Generator], this command will generate a new map, retaining the same settings. -> Copy Map : The selected map is copied onto the clipboard. -> Paste Map : The map held on the clipboard is copied as a child of the selected one. -> Delete Map : The selected map and all child maps associated with it are deleted. -> Shift Map : Shifts the entire map the specified number of tiles in the specified direction.  When [Shift Map] is selected, the Shift Map window will be opened. Choose the direction to shift the map in (Up, down, left,

right) and the number of tiles to move. Tiles which move past the boundary of the direction they're moving in will be looped round to the opposite side.  When a map has a [+] next to it, it means that it has one or more child maps. When you click the [+], it changes to a [-] and

all child maps associated are listed. Click again and it will revert to the [+], hiding the child maps again.

[Database] -> [Class]

(1) Name  Name of the class, up to 12 characters. (2) Options  Special settings for the class. -> Two Weapons Allows the class to equip a weapon in the shield slot. This makes the class unable to equip a shield. Useful for classes which excel in attack power. -> Lock Equipment A character in this class cannot have their equipment changed. Useful for NPCs which join the hero and have a specific set of equipment for the entire time they're with you. -> AI Control A character in this class cannot be controlled by the player in battle.. The computer acts for them. -> Mighty Guard Classes with this option will take even less damage when defending than usual. (3) Basic Statistics  The Max HP, Max MP, Attack, Defense, Intelligence and Agility for the class. Double clicking a graph brings up the Base Statistics window. (4) Experience Curve  The amount of experience needed to reach each level. Double clicking the graph brings up the Experience Curve window. (5) Skill Progression  The list of skills that the class learns at certain levels. They are sorted by level from lowest to highest.  Double click in a blank area of the box to add a new skill. Select the level to learn the skill at, and the skill to be learned. Existing skills can be edited by double clicking them.  To remove a skill from the list, click it and press delete.  If you right click the list, a shortcut menu is displayed with the "Edit" and "Delete" commands. (6) Condition Resistance  The degree of resistance the class has to a condition being afflicted. There are 5 stages, from A-E.

 The letter changes from E>D>C>B>A when left clicked, and goes the opposite way when right clicked. The actual effect of

each letter is dependent on its setting in the conditions tab. As a general rule, A is the most effective (Least resistant). (7) Attribute Resistance  Sets the level of resistance (From A-E) that the class has to each defined attribute.  The letter changes from E>D>C>B>A when left clicked, and goes the opposite way when right clicked. The actual effect of each letter is dependent on its setting in the attribute tab. As a general rule, A is the most effective (Least resistant). (8) Battle Commands  In each class, the commands available in battle can be customised. -> Command Name: -> You can choose battle commands for each class, selecting the commands you want to use from the pull-down menu. Each class can have up to 7 different commands, including [Row], which is always the last command on the list. It's probably best to have "attack" as the first command. (9) Animation Group  Specifies the battle charset set group to be used for this class. Select the animation group from the pull down list.

[Database] -> [Animations 2]

Common Settings (1) Weapons-Poses-Animation Type  Change the item to be edited. Choose between them by clicking on the appropriate tab. (2) Name  Name of the animation. This encompasses weapons, poses and entended animations and can be up to 20 characters long. Weapons (3) Page  Each page can have animations for up to 8 weapons.  There are 4 pages, allowing for a total of 32 weapon animations per character. (4) Animation View  The currently selected animation file is displayed here. (5) Weapon Graphics  To change the weapon animation for a slot, click the [Set] button next to it. The [Select Weapon] window will be displayed.  When a file is selected from the list on the left, a preview of it will be shown on the right. Choose one of the weapons in the preview window by clicking on it. (6) Weapon Animation Name  Name of the weapon animation, can be up to 18 characters long. (7) Character Graphics  Select an animation for the character being edited. -> Right Hand : The character will attack with the weapon in their right hand. -> Left Hand : The character will attack with the weapon in their right hand. -> Both Hands : The character will attack with their left hand and then their right. -> Weapon Only : The character will not be shown, and only the weapon will animate. Poses (8) Page

 Each page can have animations for up to 8 poses.  There are 4 pages, allowing for a total of 32 poses per character.

(9) Animation View  The currently selected animation file is displayed here. (10) Pose Graphics  To change the pose animation for a slot, click the [Set] button next to it. The [Select Pose] window will be displayed. (11) Pose Name  Name of the pose, up to 18 characters long.  You cannot modify the names of the first 12 poses. -> Idle Stance -> Right Hand -> Left Hand -> Skill Use -> Dead -> Damage -> Bad Status -> Defending

: The pose used when the hero is not doing anything in battle. : The pose used for attacking with the right hand. : The pose used for attacking with the left hand. : The pose used when using a skill. : The pose used when the hero is dead. : The pose used when the hero is damaged. : The pose used for when the hero is inflicted with a condition. : The pose used when the hero defends.

-> Walking Left -> Walking Right -> Victory -> Item

: The pose used when walking left. : The pose used when walking right. : The pose used when the player wins a battle. : The pose used when using an item.

Animation Type

With extended battle animations much larger characters can be made. The animations you make are linked with each pose, so you can have up to 32 extended animations. You can have different extended animations play for "skills" or "items". Extended animations for the first 12 poses must be matched up, since you cannot change them. For example, the "damage" animation must be set to pose #6 since it is fixed. (12) Pose  The extended animation to go with the selected pose is set. Click a pose to select it. (13) Extended Animation

 If you would like to use an extended animation for a pose, click the radio button for "Battle Animation" and select the •

animation to use for the selected pose. When using an extended animation for weapon attacks, it is necessary to select the animation in the animation window of the item tab.

[Database] -> [Battle Layout]

(1) Layout Customisation  The position of the selected hero can be changed by dragging it. You can also change between rows with the radio buttons, but this is only for test purposes and has no effect on the game. -> Front Row : Damage inflicted on enemies is high, but enemy attacks are stronger and hit more often. -> Back Row : Damage inflicted on enemies is low, but enemy attacks are weaker and hit less often. * Row has no effect on skills. * The commands available in battle for each hero can be customised. Battle Commands Editor You can create multiple commands with the same archetype for different purposes. Click the [Set] button to bring up the Battle Commands window. Click the command ID you wish to edit to select it. Battle command names can be up to 10 characters long. Select the archetype for the command from the pull down list. The archetypes are as follows. Attack :The hero attacks with their currently equipped weapon. It is highly advisable to have at least one of these for each character. Item : Allows the player to use an item in their inventory.

Defend : The hero moves into a defensive position and damage taken is halved. Escape : The party attempts to run away. Skill : Allows the player to use a skill they have learned. Skill Subset : Allows the player to use a skill they have learned that is in the specified subset. After creating a subset command, it will be added to the skills tab as a new classification, so you can add skills to it. Link to Event : The function of this command will be handled by a battle event. Customising Battle Commands The battle commands of every hero are customisable. First select the hero you would like to customise the battle commands of. Use the pull down list to select the commands you would like the hero to have. All the commands defined in the battle commands editor will be displayed in the list. To set up a steal command, make a "steal" command in the battle command editor, then make a battle event with the trigger "character uses the [steal] command", then make the code for it. Each character can have up to 7 battle commands. The 7th is the fixed command "Change Row". The commands in battle will appear in the order they are chosen. It is, however, highly recommended that you make the first command an "Attack" type, the reason being that without an unlimited damaging command, if both party and monsters run out of MP for skills, neither will be able to act. (2) Character Placement  Determines the position of the heroes in battle.  There are two methods, which you can choose between using the radio buttons. They are "Manual" and "Automatic". Manual : The heroes can be moved around at will. Click on the name of the hero you wish to move and then click and drag that hero in the preview window to their new position. Automatic : The heroes will be arranged according to the grid settings on the terrain they are fighting on. It is not possible to move them in the preview window. (3) Battle Type  Select the type of battle with the radio buttons. -> Traditional : The HP and ATB bar are shown in the menu window. When using a skill, the amount of MP consumed will be shown next to its name. It is also possible to change the size of the window. -> Alternative : The HP, MP and ATB bar are shown in the menu window. You can choose between fight, autobattle and escape before the ATB gauges start counting. It is also possible to change the size of the window, and whether it is transparent or not. -> Gauge : The hero's face graphic, HP, MP and ATB bars are displayed in a row at the bottom of the screen. (The numbers and gauges used will be different depending on the system 2 graphic used) (4) Random Encounter Death Handler  Allows you to customise what happens when a game over occurs in battle.  There are two options, "Game Over" and "Call Common Event". Select them with the radio buttons.  If [Teleport Before Executing Handler] is checked, you can teleport to a map before the custom handler begins processing. Click the [Set] button to change the teleport location.

[Database] -> [System 2]

(1) Menu Command Customisation  Allows you to customise the commands in the menu. There can be 8 commands in total. (There are actually 9, but the 9th is the fixed command "Quit".  Select the commands that will be shown in the game menu, in the order you want them to appear.  The commands that can be customised are "Item", "Skill", "Equip", "Save", "Status", "Row", "Order" and "ATB Mode".  The "Order" command allows you to choose the order of your party members in the menu.  The "Row" command switches a hero between the front and back row. Unless modified in the menu, all characters will be in the front row. New party members will be in the front row by default. (2) Frame  Allows you to set a frame to be shown around the screen throughout the game.  Check the [Use Frame] box then [Set] to select a frame. (3) Battle Graphics  Determines the graphics that are used in battle.  Click [Set] to change the system set used. (4) Reverse Battle Animations when Attacked from Behind  When this box is checked, battle animations when you are in a back attack situation are mirrored.  If the box is not checked, battle animations are always played as they were created.  Sometimes this will strain the CPU and slow battles down.

Call Common Event [Function]  Call and processes a common event.  After the common event has been processed, the event that called it will continue from its next command. [Options]

 Select the name of the event to call from the pull down list.

* The event commands that can be used in a battle event are limited. Please note that this can sometimes cause errors during battle.

Enable Combo [Function]  Allows an attack/skill to be used more than once in a single turn. [Options]

 [Number of Repetitions] Number of times to execute command. This can either be selected using the sliders or input


Force Flee [Function]  Forces the party/enemies to escape from battle. [Options]

 [Target] Choose who will escape from battle with the radio buttons. The options are detailed below.

-> Party Flees -> All Monsters Flee -> Only this Monster Flees

: Hero party escapes from battle. : All monsters in the battle escape. : Monster selected in the list box escapes.

 If [Ignore if Target is Surrounded] is checked, the target will not be able to escape if it is caught in a surround/pincers


Change Class [Function]  Change the class of the selected hero. [Options]  [Character] The hero whose class will be changed. Select one from the pull down list.  [Class] The new class to assign to the character. Select one from the pull down list.  [Level] Determines how to handle the character's level after the class change.

-> Retain Current Level : No change. -> Character Becomes Level 1 : The character's level goes down to 1.  [Learned Skills]

-> No Change in Skills -> Add Skills up to Current Level in New Class and Delete Old Skill gives them all the skills that their new class has at that level. -> Add Skills up to Current Level in New Class to Old Skills has at that level to the skills already possessed.

: No change. : Deletes all skills possessed by the character and : Adds all the skills that the character's new class

 [Base Statistics]

-> No Change in Statistics -> Halve Statistics -> Change Statistics to Level 1 in New Class new class. -> Change Statistics to Current Level in New Class level in their new class.

: No change. : All stat values are halved. : All stat values are changed to the level 1 stats in the character's : All stat values are changed to the stats for the character's current

 When [Show Level-up Message if Level Differs After Class Change] is checked, a message will be shown if the character's

level changes.

Change Battle Commands [Function]  Changes the battle commands declared in the Battle Layout tab. [Options]

 [Hero] The hero whose battle commands are to be modified. Select one from the pull down list.  [Command] Select the command(s) to add/remove. The items in the pull down list are (All) and every battle command

defined in the battle commands editor. Choose between [Remove] and [Add] to change the operation. When the hero in question already has 6 battle commands, [Add] will not be selectable.

Message [Function]  Allows you to show a message in a box on the screen. [Options]  [Message] The message to display. Up to 4 lines of text can be shown in one box.  Each line can display 38 characters with a faceset being used, and 50 without. These boundaries are indicated by the

vertical grey lines. (Due to English-Japanese character set issues, the lines can be a bit inaccurate sometimes.)  You can also put "Control characters" in a message that have various effects. There are 12 of them, as listed below.

\\ Shows "\". \c[n] Changes the text color to the color that matches n, n being a number from 0 to 19. \s[n] Changes the text speed to n, where n is a number from 1 to 20, 1 being the fastest. \n[n] Displays the name of the hero in the database with ID n, n being any numerical value. (\n[0] will show the name of the first member in the current party) \v[n] Displays the value held in variable n, n being any numerical value. \$ Shows the amount of money held. \! The remainder of the message after this code is only shown when the player presses a key. \. Adds a 1/4 second delay to the part of the message which follows this code. \| Adds a 1 second delay to the part of the message which follows this code. \> / \< Displays the part of the message between \> and \< instantly. \^ Closes the message window without key input.


Shows half a space.

 The $ character can also be used for the special message symbols built into the software. For a list of these, see the

Special Symbols Summary topic. [Note]  The input for one message box is limited to 4 lines of 64 characters. If a lot of control codes are used, the number of letters which can be displayed in the box is reduced.  When you reach the character limit on a line, additional characters entered will be ignored. It is necessary to press enter to go to the next line.  Control characters such as color change are processed even while the message is being shown.  The colours which can be shown using "\c" are determined by the system set used.  The control character must be directly after the \, otherwise it won't work.  The \v control character can now be nested inside \n, to show a hero name based on a variable, in the format \n[\v[x]].

Message Display Options [Function]  Modify the way messages are shown. [Option]

 [Window Type] Determines the appearance of the message window. The two types are listed below.

-> Normal : Standard window type. -> Transparent : Message window is not shown.  [Window Position] Determines where the window is shown. Choose from the following three options.

-> Top -> Middle -> Bottom  [Options]

-> Autoselect Window Position to Prevent Hero from Being Obscured: If the hero is underneath the message box when it comes up, its position is changed so that the hero is visible. -> Allow Other Events to Continue While Message is Shown: The message does not halt other processes while it is showing. [Note]  The settings chosen for the message display will still apply when the event ends.  To revert to the previous settings, another message display options command is required with the old settings chosen.

Face Graphics [Function]  Shows a face graphic in a message. [Option]

 Click the [Set] button to open the Select Face Graphic window. Select a face graphic from the list on the left, a face from

the preview on the right and click OK.  [Display Position]: Determines whether the face will be on the left or right side of the message.  [Flip Image Horizontally]: Mirrors the face graphic.

[Note]  The new face graphic only affects the current Event. Once it ends, the face reverts to its default blank setting.  The face graphic is applied to the message window immediately after setting it.  For Events involving more than 1 speaker, it is necessary to use the Face Graphics command before each speaker's line

of text.

Show Choices [Function]  Shows a number of choices in a message window.  Executes sections of code based on the choice made. [Options]

 [Choice 1] ~ [Choice 4] Each choice can be up to 32 characters in length.  When the choices are set, a number of handler events will be created equal to the number of choices.

(Example 1) [Choice 1] and [Choice 2] are set. [Choice 3] and [Choice 4] are ignored, and two choice handlers are created. (Example 2) [Choice 3] only is set. [Choice 4] is ignored. [Choice 1] and [Choice 2] are set as choices with no caption. Three choice handlers are created.  [Cancellation Behavior] Set the choice cancellation method. The options are as follows.

-> Ignore: No cancel method, user must select a choice. -> Select Choice (1~4): Choice is cancelled if the specified choice is selected. -> Execute Handler: A handler for an additional "cancel" case is added.  When this event command is used, the respective choice handlers (including cancel) will be created. After the choice is

made in-game, the block of code for that choice will be executed and the event will continue from the end case of the choice command. [Note]  When a message is shown directly before the choices are listed, if there are three choices or less they will be shown in the same box. If there are four choices the message will show on its own prior to the choices being displayed.

Input Number [Function]  Allows the player to input a numerical value in a message box.  Assigns the value input to a variable.  [Options]

 [Digits Allowed] Number of digits player can input, from 1 to 6.  [Store in Variable] The variable to store input in. Clicking the [...] button brings up the variable selection window.

Switch Operations [Function]  Turns a switch ON or OFF. [Options]

 [Switch to Change] The switch that is to be changed can be selected with one of the following three methods.

-> Single Switch : One switch is altered. Click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window. -> Switch Range : Modifies a range of switches. Input the beginning ID and end ID of the range. -> Variable Reference : The switch whose ID matches the value of the specified variable is changed. For example, if variable 0002 is chosen, and the value of that variable is 5, the switch with ID 0005 will be modified. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Choose the operation to carry out on the switch. The operations available are as follows.

-> Turn ON -> Turn OFF -> ON/OFF Toggle

: Turns the switch ON. : Turns the switch OFF. : If the switch is ON, it will be turned OFF. If it is OFF, it will be turned ON.

Variable Operations [Function]  Modifies the value of a variable/variables. [Options]  The Variable Operations window has three options, [Variable to Change] [Operation] and [Operand].  [Variable to Change] has three different ways of choosing a variable, detailed below.

-> Single Variable : Only one variable is changed. The variable in question can be selected by clicking the [...] button, which opens the Variable Selection window. -> Variable Range : A block of variables is changed. The user is required to select the ID number of the first and last variables in the range. -> Variable Referece : Changes the variable whose ID is equal to the value of the selected variable. For example, if a variable with value "5" is selected, the change will be carried out on variable 0005. The variable in question can be selected by clicking the [...] button, which opens the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Sets the modifier used for the variable change.

-> Set Equal -> Add

: Sets the variable to the specified value. : Appends the specified value to the value already held in the variable.

-> Subtract : Takes the specified value away from the value already held in the variable. -> Multiply : Multiplies the specified value by the value already held in the variable. -> Divide : Divides the specified value by the value already held in the variable. -> Modulus : Divides the specified value by the value already held in the variable and returns the remainder. (Example: If the specified value is 10, and the value held in the variable is 1234, modulus will return 4.)  [Operand] Sets the value used for the variable change. The options are detailed below.

-> Number: The value is input manually. -> Value of Variable: The value is set to the value held in the selected variable. For example, if the variable selected had the value "2", 2 would be the value applied to the variable change. To select the variable used, click the [...] button, which brings up the Variable Selection window. -> Value stored in Index: The value is set to the value of the variable whose ID matches the selected variable. For example, if variable 0005 was selected, and the value in variable 0005 was 2, the value in variable 0002 would be used. To select the variable used, click the [...] button, which brings up the Variable Selection window. -> Random Number between (X) and (Y): Generates a random number between the value in the first box (X) and the value in the second (Y) to use as the variable operand. For example, if 0 is entered in the first box, and 100 in the second, a random number between 0 and 100 will be generated and assigned to the selected variable. -> Item: The value of the variable is set to the number of an item which is held by the player, or the number of the item the player has equipped. The item is selected in the first box, and held/equipped is selected in the second. -> Hero: The value of the variable is set to the selected hero's level, experience, the value of a statistic, or the ID number of a piece of their equipment. The hero's name is selected in the first box, and the statistic is selected in the second. -> Monster (Battle event only): The value of the variable is set to one of the enemy's statistics. The monster name is selected in the first box, and the statistic is selected in the second. -> Sprite (Map event/common events only) The value of the variable is set to the map ID of the map an event is on, its X/Y coordinate or scene coordinates. The event in question (a) is set in the first list, and the position data to use (b) is set in the second. (a) Sprite --> Hero : The hero sprite. --> Skiff : Small boat vehicle. --> Ship : Large boat vehicle. --> Airship : Airship vehicle. --> This Event : The event that is currently being executed. --> [Event name] : One of the events on the map. (b) Position Data --> Map ID : ID number of the map the event is currently on. --> X Coordinate : X coordinate of the event. --> Y Coordinate : Y coordinate of the event. --> Facing : The direction the event is facing in. * Value is 1 when facing South (Down) * Value is 2 when facing West (Left) * Value is 3 when facing East (Right) * Value is 4 when facing North (Up) --> Screen-Relative X : X coordinate of the event in relation to the screen. --> Screen-Relative Y : Y coordinate of the event in relation to the screen. -> Other There are 10 additional operands. They are detailed below. --> Money: The amount of money currently held by the party. --> Timer 1 Seconds: The number of seconds remaining on timer 1. --> Timer 2 Seconds:

The number of seconds remaining on timer 2. --> Size of Party: The number of people currently in the party. --> Number of Saves: Number of times player has saved the game. --> Number of Battles: Number of battles player has fought. --> Number of Victories: Number of battles player has won. --> Number of Defeats: Number of battles player has lost. --> Number of Escapes: Number of battles player has run away from. --> MIDI Ticks: Returns the time position (in milliseconds) of the currently playing MIDI, or 0 if no MIDI is playing.

Timer Operations [Function]  Operates a timer.  Allows you to have an event occur after the timer has reacher 0.  You can have 2 timers running simultaneously. [Options]  [Select Timer] Choose between timer 1 and timer 2.  [Operation] The operation to carry out on the timer.

-> Set : Set the timer to the specified value. -> Start : Starts the timer. -> Stop : Stops the timer.  [Amount of Time] The value for the timer to start from. You can set the value using either of the methods below.

-> Set to (X) Minutes and (Y) Seconds: Sets the timer to the specified number of minutes and seconds. -> Get Number of Seconds: Assigns a number of seconds to the timer equal to the value held in the specified variable. For example, if variable 2 is selected, and its value is 5, the timer will be set to 5 seconds. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Options] There are two other timer options. These are only available when using the "Start" operation.

-> Display Timer Onscreen: Shows the timer's remaining minutes/seconds on the map. -> Timer Runs During Battle: Timer will still count down even while in a battle. [Note] When accessing the menu, the timers will stop.

Change Money

[Function]  Adds or removes money from the party's stockpile. [Options]

 [Operation] Choose an option with the radio buttons.

-> Increase Money -> Decrease Money

: Gives money to the party. : Takes money from the party.

 [Amount] Choose one of the two methods below using the radio buttons.

-> Fixed Amount: Allows you to set a fixed amount between 0 and 999999. -> Amount Stored in: Adds or removes an amount equal to the value of the specified variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value of that variable is 5, 5 gold will be added/removed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.

Item Management [Function]  Adds or removes an item from the player's inventory.  Only one type of item can be added/removed with each command. [Options]  [Operation] Determines whether to add or remove an item.

-> Add -> Remove

: Adds the item to the player's inventory. : Removes the item from the player's inventory.

 [Select Item] There are two ways to select the item to add/remove, as shown below.

-> Specific Item: Select an item from the pull down list. -> Item with ID Stored in: Adds/removes the item whose ID matches the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value held in that variable is 5, the 5th item in the database will be added/removed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Amount] The quantity of the item to add/remove.

-> Fixed Amount : Input a specific quantity into the box. -> Amount Stored in : The quantity is made equal to the value in the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value held in that variable is 5, 5 items will be added or removed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.

 This command will not remove items the heroes have equipped.

Change Party [Function]  Changes the heroes who make up the current party.  Each change party command can either add one member or remove one. [Options]

 [Operation] Specifies whether you want to add or remove a party member.

-> Add -> Remove

: The hero joins the party. : The hero leaves the party.

 [Target] The character that will be added or removed.

-> Specific Character : The operation is carried out on the hero selected from the pull down list. -> Character with ID Stored in : The operation is carried out on the hero whose ID matches the value held in the chosen variable. For example, if variable 0002 is chosen, and the value in that variable is 5, the 5th hero in the database will be added/removed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. [Note]  It is possible to make a party with no members in it.

Change Experience Points [Function]  Increases or decreases a hero's experience. [Options]  [Target] The hero whose experience is to be increased/decreased can be selected as follows.

-> Entire Party: All members of the current party gain or lose experience. -> Specific Character: Only the specified hero is affected. Choose one from the pull down list. -> Character with ID Stored in: The command affects the hero whose ID matches the value of the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value in that variable is 5, the 5th hero in the database list will be affected. .Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.

 [Operation] Determines whether experience is increased or decreased.

-> Increase Experience Points : Adds experience. -> Decrease Experience Points : Takes away experience.  [Amount] The amount of experience can be chosen using one of the methods below.

-> Fixed Amount: Input a number in the box from 1 to 9999999. -> Amount Stored in: The ammount increased/decreased is equal to the value of the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is chosen, and the value of that variable is 5, 5 experience would be added/removed.. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  When [Show Level-up Message if Level Increases] is checked, a message will be shown if the hero's level is higher than it

was before after the experience is added.

Change Level [Function]  Increases or decreases the level of the selected hero/heroes. [Options]  [Target] The hero/heroes to modify the level of. The options for target are detailed below.

-> Entire Party: The levels of all party members are changed. -> Specific Character: The level of the selected hero is changed. Choose the hero from the pull down list. -> Character with ID Stored in: Changes the level of the character whose ID matches the value of the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is chosen, and the value in that variable is 5, the level of the 5th hero in the database will be changed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Specifies the action to carry out on the target.

-> Add Levels -> Remove Levels

: Adds on to the level of the target. : Takes away from the level of the target.

 [Amount of levels] The number of levels to add/remove.

-> Fixed Number : Modifies the level by the number input in the box. -> Number Stored in : Modifies the level by the value in the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is chosen, and the value in that variable is 5, 5 levels will be added or removed from the target.  [Show Level-up Message if Level Increases] will show a message if the level after the command is higher than it was

before it.

Change Character Base Statistics [Function]  Increase or decrease the stats of a hero.

 It is only possible to increase or decrease one stat with each command.

[Options]  [Target] The hero/heroes whose statistics are to be modified.

-> Entire Party: Statistic modification is applied to everyone in the current party. -> Specific Character: Only the specified hero's stats are changed. -> Character with ID stored in: Changes the stats of the hero whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the stat change will be carried out on the fifth hero in the hero tab of the database. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Operation] Specifies whether to add or subtract from the statistic.

-> Increase Statistic -> Decrease Statistic

: Points are added to statistic. : Points are taken away from statistic.

 [Statistic] Determines which statistic will be changed, selected from the pull down list.  [Amount of Points] The number of points to add to/subtract from the stat. The choices are shown below.

-> Fixed Amount: The stat change is input as a numerical value. -> Amount stored in: Adds /subtracts points equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, five points will be added or subtracted from the selected stat. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window. [Note]  For Fixed Amount, HP ranges from 1 to 9999, while all other stats are 1 to 999.

Change Skills [Function]  Adds or removes a skill from the skill list of the hero/heroes. [Options]  [Target] Determines which hero/heroes will learn/forget the skill.

-> Entire Party: Modifies the skills of all members of the current party. -> Specific Character: Modifies the skills of the selected character only. -> Character with ID Stored in: Modifies the skill of the character whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the skill will be given to/taken from the fifth hero in the hero tab of the database. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Operation] Determines whether to add or remove the skill.

-> Add -> Remove

: Adds the selected skill to the skill list of the target. : Removes the selected skill from the skill list of the target.

 [Skill] Set which skill to be added/removed.

-> Specific Skill:

Choose a skill from the pull down list. -> Skill with ID stored in: Adds/removes the skill whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the fifth skill in the database list will be added/removed. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.

Change Equipped Items [Function]  Change the equipment of a hero/heroes. [Options]  [Target] Specifies hero/heroes to modify the equipment of.

-> Entire Party: Equipment modification is applied to everyone in the current party. -> Specific Character: Only the specified hero's equipment is changed. -> Character with ID stored in: Changes the equipment of the hero whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the equipment change will be carried out on the fifth hero in the hero tab of the database. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Operation] Specifies whether to add or remove equipment.

-> Equip Item: Removes the currently equipped item and equips the new one. -> Unequip Item: Removes the currently equipped item.  [Item] Specify the item to equip.

-> Specific Item: Equip the item selected in the pull-down menu. -> Item with ID stored in: Equips the item with ID equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the fifth item in the items tab will be equipped. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Slot from which to Unequip Item] Specify which equipment to remove.

-> All: Remove all equipment. -> Weapon: Remove weapon. -> Shield: Remove shield. -> Armor: Remove armor. -> Helmet: Remove helmet. -> Accessory: Remove accessory. [Note]  If you equip an item that isn't in your inventory, it will automatically be added.

Change Character HP [Function]  Increases or decreases the HP of a hero.  Allows you to create an event that heals or damages the party. [Options]

 [Target] The character to change the HP of. The selection settings are detailed below.

-> Entire Party: HP of all party members will be modified. -> Specific Character: HP of the selected character only will be modified. -> Character with ID Stored in: Modifies the HP of the character whose ID matches the value held in the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value in that variable is 5, the HP of the 5th hero in the database will be modified. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Determines whether to increase or decrease HP.

-> Increase HP : Adds HP to the target. -> Decrease HP: Takes HP away from the target.  [Amount] The amount of HP to increase/decrease. The options are listed below.

-> Fixed Amount

: Input a specific value from 0 to 9999.

-> Amount stored in : Uses a variable for the change value. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, 5 will either be added to/subtracted from the hero's HP, depending on the setting. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Option] If [HP Reduction can Kill Target] is checked (only applicable to HP decreases) the hero will be killed if his HP

reaches 0 through this command. Otherwise, its HP will never go below 1.

Change Character MP [Function]  Increase or decrease the MP of a hero. [Options]

 [Target] The character to change the MP of. The selection settings are detailed below.

-> Entire Party: MP of all party members will be modified. -> Specific Character:

MP of the selected character only will be modified. -> Character with ID Stored in: Modifies the MP of the character whose ID matches the value held in the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value in that variable is 5, the MP of the 5th hero in the database will be modified. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Determines whether to increase or decrease MP.

-> Increase MP : Adds MP to the target. -> Decrease MP : Takes MP away from the target.  [Amount] The amount of MP to increase/decrease. The options are listed below.

-> Fixed Amount : Input a specific value from 0 to 9999. -> Amount stored in : Uses a variable for the change value. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, 5 will either be added to/subtracted from the hero's MP, depending on the setting. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.

Change Hero Condition [Function]  Changes the current condition of the hero. [Options]

 [Target] Selects which range of heroes to affect.

-> Entire Party: The command affects all members in the current party. -> Specific Character: The command affects only one hero. Select one from the pull down list. -> Character with ID Stored in: The condition change will be carried out on the hero whose ID matches the value in the selected variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and that variable's value is 5, the condition of the 5th hero in the database will be changed. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Operation] Specifies whether to inflict or remove the condition.

-> Add Condition -> Remove Condition

: The condition is added to the selected hero. : The condition is removed from the selected hero.

 [Condition] Choose the condition to add/remove from the pull down list.

Complete Healing [Function]  Cancels all negative conditions and fully replenishes HP and MP of the specified target. [Options]

 [Target] Specifies the target to heal.

-> Entire Party: Executes the heal on all members of the current party. -> Specific Character: Heals the selected character only. -> Character with ID Stored in: Heals the character whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the heal will be carried out on the fifth hero in the hero tab of the database. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.

Simulated Enemy Attack [Function]  Inflicts damage on the selected hero/heroes, as if an enemy had attacked them.  This is not to be confused with the [Change Character HP] command. This command simulates an enemy attacking, using various statistics, as opposed to directly altering the HP. [Options]  [Target] The character(s) who will receive damage.

-> Entire Party: All party members will be damaged. -> Specific Character: Only the selected hero will be damaged. -> Character with ID Stored in: Damages the character whose ID is equal to the value stored in the specified variable. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, the damage will be applied to the fifth hero in the hero tab of the database. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [Attack Power] The base attack power of the simulated attack. Because the value is not halved using this command, like it

is during battle, the value entered should be half of the monster's actual attack power.  [Defense Effect] The amount of influence that the hero's defense stat has on the damage taken, from 0%-100%. At 100%,

damage taken will be decreased by 1/4.  [Intelligence Effect] The amount of influence that the hero's intelligence stat has on the damage taken, from 0%-100%. At

100%, damage taken will be decreased by 1/8.  [Variance] The range of fluctuation for the damage value, from 0-10. For each unit, ±5% is added to the fluctuation rate.

 [Store Amount of Damage Dealt] Stores the damage value in a variable after executing the command. To change the

variable it is stored in, click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. A good use for this is displaying the damage value in a message.

Change Hero Name [Function]  Changes the name of one hero. [Options]

 The procedure for changing the hero name is as follows.

1. Use the pull down list to select the hero whose name is to be altered. 2. Type the new name for the hero in the text box. Change Hero Title [Function]  Changes a hero's title. [Options]

 The procedure for changing a hero's title is as below.

1. Select the hero whose title is to be altered with the pull down list. 2. Type in the new title.

Change Sprite Association [Function]  Changes the walking sprite of the selected hero. [Options]

 The procedure for changing the sprite is as follows.

1. Select the Hero whose sprite is to be modified from the pull down list 2. Click the [Set] button to open the Select Sprite window.

3. Select the file that contains the desired graphic. 4. Click the desired graphic, and click OK.  When the checkbox [Transparent] is selected, the character becomes slightly transparent.

Change Face Association [Function]  Changes a hero's face image. [Options]

 The procedure for changing the face graphic is as follows.

1. The pull down list allows you to select which hero you want to edit. Once selected, his/her current faceset is displayed. 2. Press the button to open the Select Face Graphic window. Choose the new graphic and click OK.

Change Vehicle Graphic [Function]  Changes the graphic used for a vehicle. [Options]

 The setting procedure is detailed below.

1. [Vehicle] determines which vehicle's graphic to modify. Its current graphic is shown in the [New Associated Sprite] box. 2. Click the [Set] button to bring up the Select Sprite window.

3. Select the character set file to use for the vehicle from the list on the left. 4. When [OK] is clicked, the selected graphic in the file will be shown in the [New Associated Sprite] box.

Change System BGM [Function]  Modifies the settings for System BGM. [Options]

 The procedure for changing the BGM is detailed below.

1. Select the [Event] to change the system BGM for from the pull down menu. The currently selected BGM will be displayed in the box on the right.

2. Click the [...] button to open the BGM window.

3. Click the new BGM to use in the list and click OK. It will appear in the right hand box. * You can also play a BGM in the window by clicking [Play]. To stop playback, click [Stop]. [Fade-in Time] : Allows the BGM to be faded in at an interval of up to 10 seconds. If "None" is selected, the BGM will begin playing immediately. [Volume] : Choose the volume to play the BGM at, from 0%-100%. [Tempo] : Choose the speed of playback, from 50% to 150%. At 100% it will play at normal speed, at 50% it will play at half speed, and 150% will play at 1.5 times the normal speed. [Balance] : Determines the left and right balance of the playback through the speakers. If the slider is centered, the BGM will play through the left and right speakers at the same volume. Change System Sound Effects [Function]  Modifies the settings for System sound effects. [Options]

 The procedure for changing the sound effect is detailed below.

1. Select the [Event] to change the system sound effect for from the pull down menu. The currently selected sound will be displayed in the box on the right. 2. Click the [...] button to open the Sound Effect window.

3. Click the new sound to use in the list and click OK. It will appear in the right hand box. * You can also play a sound in the window by clicking [Play]. To stop playback, click [Stop]. [Volume] : Choose the volume to play the sound at, from 0%-100%. [Tempo] : Choose the speed of playback, from 50% to 150%. At 100% it will play at normal speed, at 50% it will play at half speed, and 150% will play at 1.5 times the normal speed. [Balance] : Determines the left and right balance of the playback through the speakers. If the slider is centered, the sound will play through the left and right speakers at the same volume.

Change System Graphics [Function]  Changes the graphic file used for the system. [Options]

 Select the graphic file you wish to use from the list on the left. A preview of the currently selected file will be shown on the

right.  [Graphic Pattern] determines the way the background is set. The options are as follows.

-> Stretch to Fit : The pattern of the menu background will be stretched to fit the box. -> Tiled Display : The pattern of the background will not be resized, and will be tiled as-is.  [Text Font] Choose between MS Gothic and MS Mincho.

Change Screen Transitions [Function]  Changes the screen transition used when showing and erasing the screen during a teleport, showing and erasing the screen at the start of battle and showing and erasing the screen at the end of battle. [Options]

 The settings are detailed below.

1. The type of screen change is selected in the first box. Each type has a show/erase option. 2. The associated transition is selected in the second box. The options will be different depending on whether show or erase is selected for the transition type.

Enemy Encounter [Function]  Initiates a battle. [Options]

 [Special Battle Conditions] Use the radio buttons to select the battle type; "No Special Conditions", "Initiative", "Back

Attack", "Surround Attack" or "Pincers Attack". If the character placement in the Battle Layout tab is set to manual, Surround and Pincer attacks cannot be selected.  [Monster Group] The monster party to fight. There are 2 ways of selecting the group, detailed below.

-> Specific Monster Group : Choose a group from the pull down list. -> Monster Group with ID Stored in : Fights the group whose ID matches the value held in the specified variable. For example, if variable 0002 is selected, and the value in that variable is 5, then the 5th monster party in the database will be fought.  [Battle Background] The background that will be shown in the battle.

-> Use Background Defined in Map or Terrain Settings: Shows the background which corresponds to the current tile/terrain. -> Specific Background: Choose a specific background. Click the [...] button to open the [Select Battle Background] window. You can also select from Loose Formation and Tight Formation. -> Use Background Associated With: Use the background for a certain terrain. Select the terrain to use from the pull down list.  [Escape Handler] Determines what happens when the party escapes from the battle.

-> Disallow Escape -> End Event Processing -> Execute Custom Handler

: The party cannot escape from the battle. : Ends processing of the event that started the battle. : Adds a new "Escape" case to the command.

 [Defeat Handler] Determines what happens when the party is defeated in the battle.

-> Game Over -> Execute Custom Handler

: Goes to the game over screen. : Adds two new cases to the command, "Defeat" case and "Victory" case.

 [Option] If [Being Battle with First Strike without Affecting Enemy Disposition] is checked, the party will begin battle with

their ATB gauge at max.

Open Shop Window [Function]  Allows the player to buy and sell items held in inventory. [Options]

 [Transactions Available] Allows the user to set the type of shop.

-> Buy and Sell -> Buy Only -> Sell Only

: Player can buy from the shop and sell items they hold. : Player may only buy items from the shop. : Player may only sell items they are holding.

 [Shop Message Set] Allows the user to set the message shown when the shop is opened.  [Goods for Sale] Shows the items which will be sold in the shop. Only applicable to "Buy and Sell" and "Buy Only" types.

All items defined in the database will be displayed in the right hand box. When the [Add] button is clicked, the item is taken from the right hand box and put into the one on the left. When the [Remove] button is clicked, the item is deleted from the left hand box and returned to the full list on the right. Additionally, if the ctrl key is held while selecting an item, you can add/remove multiple items simultaneously.  [Option] If [Define Custom Handlers for "Transaction Made" and "Transaction not Made"] is checked, two handlers will be

added to the command.

Show Inn Message [Function]  Calls an inn where the party can rest.  An inn will remove all conditions and fully heal the HP and MP of the party. [Options]

 [Inn Message Set] The message that is shown when the inn is called.  [Price] The cost of the inn, from 0 to 999999.  [Option] If [Use Custom Inn Handler] is checked, new cases will be added for staying at the inn and not staying at the inn,

so you can define your own inn events. [Note] If the price is set to 0, the inn will be processed instantly with no message being shown.

Enter Hero Name [Function]  Shows the enter hero name window.  In the game, this allows the player to change the name of a hero. [Options]

 [Hero] Select which hero to change the name of from the pull down list.  [Initial Character Set] The first character set that will be shown in the window. The choices are "Hiragana" and "Katakana".  When [Show Default Name in Entry Area] is checked, the hero's original name will be shown in the window.

[Note]  The controls for inputting a name are as follows. Arrow keys : Movement of cursor. Decision Key : Adds current letter to name. Cancel Key : Deletes the end letter of the name. (Note: Due to Japanese/English character set issues, Enter Hero Name does not work.)

Select Teleport Location [Function]  Teleport the hero to a different place.


 [Magnification Ratio] Choose between 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 views.

1. Choose a map to teleport to from the tree list on the left. 2. Click the tile on the map that you want the hero to be on when you teleport. 3. Choose a direction for the hero to face after the teleport. The choices are [Retain Current Facing] [Up] [ Right] [Down] and [Left]. Then click OK. [Note]  Teleporting a hero onto a tile that isn't set to passable will result in the hero being unable to move. When using the random dungeon generator, the teleport position will be taken into account when making the map, and the hero will never be teleported onto an impassable tile.  When the map changes using this command, the erase and show screen transitions from the system tab of the database will be used. However, when the Hide Screen command is used prior to this one, the system settings will be ignored and the transition used for hide screen will take priority.

Memorize Position [Function]  The hero location is stored into variables.  You can use the same variables to return to the same place using the Recall to Memorized Position command. [Options]

 [Storage Locations] The command requires 3 Variables. One to hold the Map ID, one to hold the X coordinate and one to

hold the Y coordinate. Use the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.

Recall to Memorized Position [Function]  Changes the hero's position based on variable values.  You can use this in conjunction with "Memorize Position" to teleport the hero back to a previously visited place. [Options]

 [Recall Location] Select the variables which hold the Map ID, X Coordinate and Y Coordinate you wish to teleport to.

Clicking the [...] button will bring up the variable selection window.

Enter or Exit Vehicle [Function]  Places the hero inside a vehicle, or causes the hero to exit a vehicle when he is already riding one.  This command simulates pressing the action key. [Options]  There are no options for this command.  The command can only be executed if the conditions below are met. If they not met, the command will do nothing. i Entering a Skiff (Small boat) or Ship There must be a Skiff or Ship one tile away from the hero. ii Exiting a Skiff (Small boat) or Ship The vehicle must be one tile away from a terrain passable by the hero. iii Entering an Airship The hero must be on the same tile as an airship. iv Exiting an Airship The vehicle must be flying over a tile with [Airship can Land] checked. Set Vehicle Position [Function]  Modifies the position of a vehicle.


 [Vehicle] Choose from Skiff (Small boat), Ship or Airship.  [Location] Sets the location for the vehicle. The methods are detailed below.

-> Specific Location Moves the vehicle to the map/coordinates specified. The procedure is as shown below. 1. Click the [...] to bring up the Teleport Location window. 2. Select the map to place the vehicle on from the tree list on the left. 3. In the map view on the right, select the tile to place the vehicle on. 4. Select the direction for the vehicle to face [Retain Current Facing] [Up] [Down] [Left] or [Right] and click [OK]. -> Location References from Variables Moves the vehicle to a position defined by 3 variables. [Stored Location] Select the variables for Map ID, X coordinate and Y coordinate. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. Change Event Location [Function]  Places an event in a different position. [Options]

 [Event] The event to change the position of.

 [Location] This can be selected using one of the following methods.

-> Specific Location The location coordinates are chosen by the user. The procedure for changing the coordinates is detailed below. 1. Click the [...] button. The [Location] window is shown.

2. Click the position you want to move the event to. 3. Select the direction you want the event to face in after moving with the radio buttons. The choices are [Retain Current Facing] [Up] [Right] [Down] and [Left]. Then click OK. -> Stored Location The location coordinates are determined by variables. Select the variables that hold the X and Y coordinate values. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. [Note]  The events which can be moved are limited to the map the event that executes this command is on.

Trade Two Event Locations [Function] •

Swaps the positions of two events.


 [First Event] [Second Event] The events to swap. Select one from the pull down list.

[Note]  To be the target of a position change, the event must be on the same map as the event with this command in it.

Store Terrain ID [Function]  Stores the Terrain ID of the selected location into a variable. [Options]

 [Location of Target Tile] There are two ways to choose a target tile, as shown below.

-> Specific Location: Directly targets a location whose Terrain ID is to be placed into a Variable. This is done by the following method. 1 Click the [...] button, and the map window will be displayed.

2 Select the location to get the ID from. Press the OK button to return to the previous window. -> Location References by Variables: Insert the Variables that house the X and Y coordinates of the Terrain whose ID you wish to set to Variable. Click the [...]button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Store Terrain ID in Variable] The Variable that the Terrain ID will be stored in is selected here. Click the [.. ] to bring up the

variable selection window. [Note]  This command is limited to the map that the Event it is in is on. You cannot use this command to get Terrain IDs from another map.

Store Event ID [Function]  Stores the ID of the selected event into a variable. [Options]

 [Location of Target Event] There are two ways to choose a target event, as shown below.

-> Specific Location: Directly targets an event whose ID is to be placed into a Variable. This is done by the following method. 1 Click the [...] button, and the map window will be displayed.

2 Select the event to get the ID from. Press the OK button to return to the previous window. -> Location References by Variables: Insert the Variables that house the X and Y coordinates of the event whose ID you wish to set to Variable. Click the [...]button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Store Event ID in Variable] The Variable that the event ID will be stored in is selected here. Click the [.. ] to bring up the

variable selection window. [Note]  This command is limited to the map that the Event it is in is on. You cannot use this command to get event IDs from another map.

Hide Screen [Function]  Shows the screen again after it has been cleared with [Hide Screen]. [Options]

 [Transition Method] Sets the method used to hide the screen. The options are detailed in the [System] topic.

[Note]  After executing this command, use [Show Screen] to display the screen again. If [Show Screen] is used without using this first, it does nothing.

Show Screen [Function]  Shows the screen again after it has been cleared with [Hide Screen]. [Options]

 [Transition Method] Sets the method used to show the screen. The options are detailed in the [System] topic.

Tint Screen [Function]  Changes the RGB tone of the screen. [Options]

 [Color] Drag one of the sliders, or input the number directly, to change the ratio of Red (R), Blue (B) and Green (G), and

Saturation (Sat). The range is from 0% to 200%.  The default for all sliders is 100%. The color on the 0%-90% side is darker than usual, while the 110%-200% side is lighter.

For example, when only the red slider is high, the screen tone will have more of a red tint to it than anything else. The [Sample] bar shows a preview of the tone the screen will have.  [Transition Time] Time taken until the tint change is fully done. Uses units of 0.1 seconds.  [Option] When [Wait During Transition] is checked, no other event commands will be processed until the tint change is

complete. [Note]  The screen tint is also applied in battles.  The tint does not affect the menu, message windows, faces, pictures or movies.

Flash Screen [Function]  Changes the screen tint to another color and then back to the default based on the time set. Using this command, it is possible to make the screen flash instantaneously. [Options]

 [Color] Drag one of the sliders, or input the number directly, to change the ratio of Red (R), Blue (B), Green (G) and

Strength. The range is from 0 to 31 (32 stages). The color that will be shown in the flash is indicated in the [Sample] box.  There are two different ways to initiate a flash, selected with the radio buttons.

-> [Flash Once] [(X) tenths of a second] Initiates a single flash, for (X) tenths of a second, (X) being the number in the box. The range is 0 to 1000. -> When [Begin Flashing] is selected, the flash will repeat until the [Cease Flashing] command is used. This makes it possible to have the screen flashing continuously while the event carries on. -> [Cease Flashing] Stops the screen flash started with [Begin Flashing]  If [Flash Once] is selected and [Halt Other Processes while Flashing] is checked, no other event commands will be

processed until the flash stops. [Note]  [Strength] modifies the intensity of the flash. At a lower number, the flash will become difficult to see, so the recommended default is 31.

Shake Screen [Function]  Shakes the screen from left to right. This command can be used to simulate an earthquake. [Options]

 [Strength] There are 9 different strengths for the shake, ranging from weak to medium to strong. Obviously nearer the

"Strong" level the shake will be more intense. The value is selected by dragging the slider.  [Speed] There are 9 different speeds for the shake, ranging from slow to medium to fast. Obviously nearer the "Fast" level

the shake will be faster. The value is selected by dragging the slider.  There are two ways to shake the screen, selected with the radio buttons.

-> [Shake Once for (X) tenths of a second] Shakes the screen once for (X) tenths of a second, (X) being the number in the box. -> When [Begin Shaking] is selected, the shake will repeat until the [Cease Shaking] command is used. This makes it possible to have the screen shaking continuously while the event carries on. -> [Cease Shaking] Stops the screen shake started with [Begin Shaking]  If [Shake Once] is selected and [Halt Other Processes while Shaking] is checked, no other event commands will be

processed until the shake stops.

Pan Screen [Function]  Scroll the screen to a different area. [Options]

 [Operation] Determines the command to be carried out on the screen.

-> Lock Pan State -> Unlock Pan State -> Pan Screen -> Return to Origin

: Screen panning is stopped and locked in its current position. : Screen is unlocked and can be panned again. : Scrolls the screen in the direction specified. : Scrolls the screen back to center on the hero.

 [Direction] Specifies whether the screen will scroll [Up] [Down] [Left] or [Right]. Only applicable to the "Pan Screen"

operation.  [Tiles] Number of tiles to scroll in the direction chosen. Only applicable to the "Pan Screen" operation.

For example, if [Right] is selected as the direction, and [Tiles] is set to 2, the screen will scroll 2 tiles right.  [Transition Speed] The speed at which the screen scrolls. When the speed is set to "Normal" the screen will scroll at the

same speed the hero walks. Only applicable to the "Pan Screen" and "Return to Origin" operations.  If [Halt Other Processes During Transition] is checked, no other event commands will be processed until the scroll is

finished. The checkbox is only applicable to the "Pan Screen" and "Return to Origin" operations. [Note]  If a map has the minimum possible dimensions on one or both axes, the scroll for that direction is ignored.

Weather Effects [Function]  Initiates a weather effect, such as snow and rain. [Options]

 [Effect] Type of weather effect to use.

-> None -> Rain -> Snow -> Fog -> Sandstorm

: No effect. : Rain effect. : Snow effect. : Foggy effect. : Sandstorm effect.

 [Strength] The strength of the effect. The ferocity at which rain and snow fall, the thickness of fog, and the amount of sand/

wind strength in sandstorm. There are 3 different strengths, [Weak] [Medium] and [Strong]. Strength is only applicable to rain, snow, fog and sandstorm. [Note]  The weather effect continues when teleporting to a new map, and also in battle.  It is not possible to have multiple effects occurring simultaneously. When a new effect is selected, the one before it stops.

Show Picture [Function]  Shows a picture on the screen.  A maximum of 40 pictures can be shown on the screen at any one time. [Options]

 [Picture No.] The number of the picture to show. Ranges from 1-40.

When multiple show picture commands reference the same Picture No. the most recent one will apply. For example, if A is assigned to picture number 1, and then B is assigned to picture 1, picture 1 will have the settings set for B. Picture "layers" are in order of number. When picture 1 is shown in the same spot as picture 2, picture 2 will appear on top.  [Image File] The image used for the picture. The procedure for selecting one is shown below.

1. Click the [...] button to bring up the [Select Image File] window. 2. Select the graphic file to use from the list on the left. A Preview of the selected picture is shown in the area on the right. When you have selected the desired graphic, click OK.  [Display Coordinates] The coordinates of the center of the picture can be chosen two ways. The methods are detailed

below. -> Specific Coordinates : The X and Y coordinates are input directly. -> Variable Reference Selection window.

: The X and Y coordinates are referenced from variables. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable

 [Picture Scrolls with Map] When this is checked, the picture will scroll along with the map. If not, it will stay in the

coordinates it was shown in.  [Magnification] The magnificaiton ratio of the picture. Ranges from 0%-2000%. At 100%, the picture will be shown at

normal size.  [Transparency (Top Half/Bottom Half)] The % of transparency applied to each half of the picture. Ranges from 0%-100%.

At 100%, the picture will be completely invisible.  [Transparent Color] Choose whether or not to apply the transparent color to the picture.

[Use] Applies the transparent color. [None] Does not apply the transparent color.  [Additional Attributes] Allows you to change the color tone of the picture, or add rotation/waver effects to it. Click the [...]

button to bring up the Picture Transformations window.  [Color] The color to apply to the event. There are four changable settings, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and Saturation (S).

Each setting ranges from 0%-200%. Change a setting by dragging the slider or inputting the number directly. The resultant color is indicated in the [Sample] window.  [Effects] Applies a special effect to the picture. Check the box for the effect to use it. You cannot use both at the same time.

-> Rotation -> Waver

: Revolves the picture at the speed selected. : Ripples the picture in waves. Select the magnitude for the wave.

Move Picture [Function]  Changes the attributes of a picture being shown on the screen. [Options]

 [Picture No.] The number of the picture to manipulate. Ranges from 1-40.  [Target Coordinates] The coordinates of the center of the picture can be chosen two ways. The methods are detailed

below. -> Specific Coordinates : The X and Y coordinates are input directly. -> Variable Reference Selection window.

: The X and Y coordinates are referenced from variables. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable

 [Magnification] The magnificaiton ratio of the picture. Ranges from 0%-2000%. At 100%, the picture will be shown at

normal size.  [Transparency (Top Half/Bottom Half)] The % of transparency applied to each half of the picture. Ranges from 0%-100%.

At 100%, the picture will be completely invisible.  [Additional Attributes] Allows you to change the color tone of the picture, or add rotation/waver effects to it. Click the [...]

button to bring up the Picture Transformations window.  [Transition Time] The time taken to transform the picture to its new settings in 0.1 second units. Ranges from 0-1000.

 [Option] If [Halt Other Processes During Transition] is checked, event processing will stop until the picture transformation is

complete. Player input will not be accepted.

Erase Picture [Function]  Erases the selected picture. [Options]

 [Picture No.] The number of the picture to erase. Ranges from 1-40.

Show Battle Animation [Function]  Shows a battle animation on the map. [Options]

 [Battle Animation] The animation that will be shown. Select it from the pull down list.  [Target] The event that the animation will be played over. Can select hero, one of the three vehicles, the current event that

is running the command or any other event on the map.  [Halt other Processes] Event processing will be stopped until the animation finishes.  [Global Scope] Shows the animation on the whole screen.

Hero Sprite Transparency [Function]  Allows you to make the hero sprite transparent or not. [Options]  [Transparency State] Select an option using the radio buttons. -> Transparent : Hero becomes transparent. -> Opaque : Hero becomes non-transparent. Flash Sprite [Function]  Covers the event sprite with the selected color and changes back again gradually. You can give the impression of a flash using this command. [Options]

 [Target] The event to flash. Select it from the pull down list.  [Color] The color to apply to the event. There are four changable settings, Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B) and Strength (V).

Each setting has 32 stages, 0-31. Change a setting by dragging the slider or inputting the number directly. The resultant color is indicated in the [Sample] window.  [Flash Cycle Time] The amount of time taken for the color to revert to normal in 0.1 second units. Ranges from 0-1000.  [Halt Other Processes While Flashing] will halt event processing until the flash finishes. Player input will not be accepted in

this time. [Note]  [Strength] modifies the intensity of the flash. At a lower number, the flash will become difficult to see, so the recommended default is 31.

[Event] -> [Supplementary Windows] -> [Custom Event Pattern]

 The [Move Event] command brings up this window, which allows you to move the hero and events. The settings are

explained below.  This window is the same as the one shown when you click [Define Movement] in the event editor. However, in that window

you cannot select the event to move. (1) Event Name  Select the object to move from the pull down list. (2) Frequency  The movement frequency of the event, from 1-8. The higher the number, the less of an interval there will be between steps. (3) Movement Pattern  The pattern for the event to follow. Each command is processed in order from top to bottom, and will move the event on the map accordingly.  To add a new command, click the position where you want the command to go (IT will be highlighted) and click the button for the command you want.  To remove a command, highlight it and click the [Delete] button. If [Clear List] is clicked, all movement commands will be erased.  If an item is right clicked, the shortcut menu will be displayed, which contains the [Cut] [Copy] [Paste] and [Delete] commands.  [Options] There are two additional options that can be applied. Check one or both of them to activate it. -> Repeat Pattern: When the end of the command list is reached, it will loop round to the beginning and process it again. -> Ignore Impossible Moves: If an event is in a position where it cannot carry out a command in the list, the command will be skipped. [Note]  When using Move Event, the character's animation settings defined in the Event Editor are used, so some commands will not have any effect if you've chosen "Fixed Direction" or "Non-Continuous"  When multiple move event commands are carried out on the same event in succession, only the most recent one will be processed. In order to run each of them to their completion, be sure to add a [Proceed with Movement] command directly afterward each command.  Speed, transparency, animation, direction and graphic changes will persist after the command has been processed. [Command Summary] <> Move Up <> Move Right

Moves the event one tile up. Moves the event one tile right.

<> Move Down <> Move Left <> Move Up/Right <> Move Down/Right <> Move Down/Left <> Move Up/Left <> Move Randomly <> Move Towards Hero <> Move Away from Hero <> Move Forward <> Increase Move Speed <> Decrease Move Speed

Moves the event one tile down. Moves the event one tile left. Moves the event one tile up and one tile right. Moves the event one tile down and one tile right. Moves the event one tile down and one tile left. Moves the event one tile up and one tile left. Moves one tile in a random direction. Moves one tile in the direction of the hero. Moves one tile away from the hero. Moves one tile in the direction the event is facing. Moves the speed of the event up by one stage. (*1) Moves the speed of the event down by one stage.

<> Face Up <> Face Right <> Face Down <> Face Left <> Turn 90° Right <> Turn 90° Left <> Turn 180° <> Right/Left 90° Turn <> Face Random Direction <> Face Hero <> Face Away from Hero <> Wait <> Move Frequency Up <> Move Frequency Down

Changes the facing of the event to up. Changes the facing of the event to right. Changes the facing of the event to down. Changes the facing of the event to left. Turns the event 90° right from its current facing. Turns the event 90° left from its current facing. Turns the event 180° from its current facing. Randomly turns the event 90° left or right. Changes the facing of the event to a random one. Faces the event towards the hero. Faces the event away from the hero. Character movement is halted for a second. Moves the frequency of the event up by one. Moves the frequency of the event down by one.

<> Begin Jump <> End Jump <> Lock Facing <> End Face Lock <> Phasing Mode ON <> Phasing Mode OFF <> Stop Animation <> Resume Animation <> Increase Transparency <> Decrease Transparency <> Switch ON <> Switch OFF <> Change Graphic (*4) <> Play Sound Effect

Makes the event "jump" into the air. Moves the event down from a jump. Locks the event in the direction it's facing. (*2) Allows you to change the event's facing again. Allows the event to pass through impassable tiles. Renders the event subject to impassable tiles. Animation of the event stops. Animation of the event starts again. Increases the transparency of the event. (*3) Decreases the transparency of the event. Turns a switch ON. Select it in the window and click OK. Turns a switch OFF. Select it in the window and click OK. Changes the graphic of the event. Select the graphic file and graphic to use, and click OK. Plays a sound effect. Select the sound, volume, tempo and balance, and click OK.

*1 All events have a built in "Move Speed Down". The hero moves at normal speed, and there are 6 stages; 1/8 normal, 1/4 normal, half normal, normal, twice normal, and four times normal. *2 When the event graphic is changed, the facing lock will be retained. *3 There are 7 stages of transparency. It is not possible to make the event completely transparent using these commands. *4 The hero, vehicle and event graphics will remain after the change.

Proceed with Movement [Function]  All Move Event commands immediately before this command are executed together. [Options]

 There are no options for this command.

[Note]  This command only ends if the Move Event command also ends, so the game may freeze if the Move Event cannot be completed. Just check the [Ignore Impossible Moves] box in the Move Event command to prevent this.  If the Move Event is assigned to the Player, and is set to Repeat, the game will freeze.

Halt All Movement [Function]  The currently running movement is stopped. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

Wait [Function]  Prevents player control for a specified period of time. Used for situations where you want an event to finish moving, or manipulate a picture sequence, before the player regains control. [Options]

 There are two methods to select the wait time. Select one using the radio buttons.

-> [Wait for (X) tenths of a second] Input a time, in 1/10s of a second, to wait for. -> [Wait Until Key is Pressed] Halts movement until the player presses a key. [Note]  Using this command can achieve the same effect as [Proceed with Movement].

Play BGM [Function]  Stops the currently playing BGM and starts playing a new one. [Options]

 Select the audio file to play from the list on the left, then click OK.  You can listen to the highlighted BGM by clicking [Play]. To stop it, click [Stop]

[Fade-in Time] Allows the BGM to be faded in at an interval of up to 10 seconds. If "None" is selected, the BGM will begin playing immediately. [Volume] Choose the volume to play the BGM at, from 0%-100%. [Tempo] Choose the speed of playback, from 50% to 150%. At 100% it will play at normal speed, at 50% it will play at half speed, and 150% will play at 1.5 times the normal speed. [Balance] Determines the left and right balance of the playback through the speakers. If the slider is centered, the BGM will play through the left and right speakers at the same volume. [Note]  If the currently playing BGM is selected, this command will do nothing.

Fade BGM [Function]  Gradually reduces the volume of the currently playing BGM to 0% (Fades it out). [Options]

 [Fade Out Time] The amount of time taken to fade out the BGM, from 0 to 20 seconds. Choose the time by dragging the

slider. 

Plays back the last BGM performed in the BGM selector.

Fades out the BGM using the settings chosen. You can hear what the fade will sound like in the game.

[Note]  Fading out the BGM does not stop it playing.

Memorize BGM [Function]  Memorizes the BGM currently being played, for recall using the Play Memorized BGM command. [Options]  There are no options for this command. [Note]  Only one BGM can be memorized at a time. Memorizing another BGM overwrites the previously Memorized one.

Play Memorized BGM [Function]  Plays the BGM last referenced in a [Memorize BGM] command. [Options]  There are no options for this command. [Note]  If the memorized BGM is the same as the BGM that is currently playing, nothing changes. If no BGM is memorized, then the music stops.

Play Sound Effect [Function]  Plays back a sound effect. [Options]

 Click the name of the sound effect to be played from the list on the left to select it, the click OK.  Playback of the audio file can be adjusted when you select it. Click [Play] to listen to the sound with the selected settings,

and [Stop] to stop playback. [Volume] Choose the volume to play the BGM at, from 0%-100%. [Tempo] Choose the speed of playback, from 50% to 150%. At 100% it will play at normal speed, at 50% it will play at half speed, and 150% will play at 1.5 times the normal speed. [Balance] Determines the left and right balance of the playback through the speakers. If the slider is centered, the BGM will play through the left and right speakers at the same volume. [Note]  This command allows you to play a sound effect several times in a row.

Play Movie [Function]  Plays back an AVI or MPG file. [Options]

 [Movie File] Select the movie file to play back. Click the [...] to open the Select Movie File window.  [Resolution] Specifies the resolution to show the movie at. X axis ranges from 1-320 pixels, and Y axis ranges from 1-240

pixels.  [Coordinates of Upper-Left Pixel] Determines where the top left pixel of the movie is shown. The two method choices are

detailed below. -> Specific Coordinates : An absolute X and Y value is chosen. X axis ranges from 0-320, and Y axis ranges from 0-240. -> Variable Reference : Gets the X and Y values from variables. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. Key Input Processing [Function]  Stores the numerical value of a key pressed by the player to a variable.  It is possible to wait for presses of only a certain key. [Options]

 The keys that can be checked for and their corresponding number codes are as follows.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Corresponding Key(s) (When Num Lock is on) Down Arrow Key, J, 2 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option has not been checked) Left Arrow Key, H, 4 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option has not been checked) Right Arrow Key, L, 6 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option has not been checked) Up Arrow Key, K, 8 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option has not been checked) Enter, Space, Z Esc, X, C, V, B, N Shift 0, 0 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 1, 1 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 2, 2 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 3, 3 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 4, 4 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 5, 5 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 6, 6 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 7, 7 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 8, 8 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) 9, 9 on NumPad (When the "Number Keys" option is checked) +, + on NumPad - - on NumPad *, * on NumPad /, / on NumPad


. on NumPad


Corresponding Key(s) (When Num Lock is off)

1 Down Arrow Key, J 2 Left Arrow Key, H 3 Right Arrow Key, L 4 Up Arrow Key, K 5 Enter, Space, Z 6 Esc, X, C, V, B, N 7 Shift 10 0 11 1 12 2 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 9 20 + 21 22 * 23 / * Note This is the standard for keyboards with a ten-key attachment (1-0, -, +). Regardless of the Num Lock settings of a PC with no ten-key attachment, it is not possible to map functions to these keys.  [Store Key Code in] specifies the variable to store the number value of the pressed key in. Click the [...] button to bring up

the Variable Selection window.  [Store Amount of Time it Takes to Press Key] will store the amount of time the player took to press a key in units of 0.1

seconds in the specified variable. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window.  [Keys to Process] specifies which keys will be stored when pressed. If there is no check in the box for a key, no processing

can be done when it is pressed.  [Wait Until Key Pressed] will halt event processing until one of the keys is pressed. This option is selected by default.

Change Map Tileset [Function]  Changes the tileset used on the current map. [Options]

 Select the new tileset to use from the pull down list.

[Note]  Only the tile graphics are changed. The tile ID relationship is retained.

 The change is only applicable to the current map. When the hero teleports to a new place, the tiles are reset.

Change Parallax Background [Function]  Changes the parallax background image shown on the map. [Options]

 [Graphic] The parallax background that will be shown. You can select it by clicking the [Set] button and then clicking OK.  When [Horizontal Scrolling] or [Vertical Scrolling] are checked and the hero moves, the parallax will scroll in the opposite

direction at half the hero's walking speed.  When [Autoscroll] is checked, the parallax will scroll even then the hero is standing still. The scroll speed ranges from -8 to

8. When the number is negative, the scroll goes in the opposite direction. [Note]  Even if there is no parallax background set in map properties, this command can be used to set one.  The background change is applicable to the current map only. When the hero moves to a new one, the original background is restored.

Change Encounter Rate [Function]  Modifies the number of steps required to initiate a battle on the map. [Options]

 [New Rate] Ranges from 0 to 999.

[Note]  The encounter rate change is applicable to the current map only. When the hero leaves the map, the standard encounter rate for the new map is applied.

Tile Substitution [Function]  Replaces a certain tile on the map with a new one. [Options] The procedure for this command is shown below.  [Tile Layer] Select from upper/lower tiles.  [Original Tile] and [Substituted Tile] Click the [Set] button to choose a new tile for either of these, then click OK.

[Note]  This command will replace all occurrences of the selected original tile with the new one. If you're trying to achieve and effect like a door or chest opening, use an event with a condition.  The tile change is only applicable to the current map. When the hero teleports somewhere else, all tiles will be changed back to their original.

Teleport Target Management [Function]  Adds or removes possible targets that can be selected from when using a teleport skill.  Only one teleport position will be used for each map or area. [Options]

 The procedure for adding a teleport target is outlined below.

1. Choose the [Add Teleport Target] operation from the radio buttons. 2. Click the [...] button to bring up the [Location] window.

3. Select the map/area and position to place a teleport target for in the list on the left by clicking on it. 4. You can change the map zoom for the map by clicking on the 1/1, 1/2 or 1/4 buttons. 5. You can also turn a switch ON after teleporting. Click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window.  The procedure for removing a teleport target is outlined below.

1. Choose the [Remove Teleport Target] operation from the radio buttons. 2. Click the [...] button to bring up the [Location] window. 3. Select the map/area to delete the teleport target from in the list on the left by clicking on it (There is no need to specify a position). [Note]  If a new teleport target is added for a map that already has one, the old one will be deleted.  It is possible to create multiple teleport locations on one map by adding them in areas instead of the map itself. It is advised that you place the location inside the area.  When a teleport target is set for a map/area, it will appear on the list of places when using a teleport skill.

Allow/Disallow Teleporting [Function]  Allow the player to use teleport skills, or stops them from being used. [Options]

 [Operation] Allows you to choose between [Forbid] and [Allow Teleporting].

[Note]  This setting is only applicable to the current map. When the hero leaves the map, the setting will return to normal.

Set Escape Target [Function]  Sets the position to move to when using an Escape skill. [Options]

 To set an escape target, follow the procedure below.

1. Click the [...] button. The [Location] window will be displayed.

2. Click the map/area to create an escape position in from the list on the left. 3. Click the position on the map to escape to and click OK. You can change the map zoom to 1/1, 1/2 and 1/4 using the buttons under the map view. 4. If [Turn Switch ON After Escaping] is checked, the selected switch will be turned on after the skill is used. Click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window. [Note]  There can only be one escape position set at any one time. If a new escape position is set, the old one is deleted.  Escaping is identical to teleporting, and they both function the same way. You can distinguish between each by having them used in different situations. For example, if the hero uses a teleport skill in a dungeon, he can return to a previously visited area. If he uses an escape skill, you could have him return to the beginning of the dungeon to try again.

Allow/Disallow Escaping [Function]  Either allows the hero to use escape skills, or prohibits him from doing so.


 [Operation] Choose between [Forbid Escaping] and [Allow Escaping].

[Note]  This setting only applies to the current map. When the hero teleports to a new one, the escape settings are reset.

Image Specifications Standard Tileset Details Standard System Graphic Information Battle Algorithms Special Symbols Summary Error Message Troubleshooting

Open Save Menu [Function]  Calls the save menu, allowing the player to save their game.  This command can allow you to set certain saving points on a map with normal saving set to forbidden. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

Allow/Disallow Saving [Function]  Either allows the hero to save or prohibits him from doing so. [Options]

 [Operation] Choose between [Forbid Saving] and [Allow Saving].

[Note]  This setting is only applicable to the current map. When the hero leaves, save settings will return to normal.

Open Main Menu [Function]  Opens the menu screen. [Options]  There are no options for this command. [Note]  While the menu is open, event processing will stop. When the player exits the menu, the event will continue from the next command.

Allow/Disallow Main Menu [Function]  Allows the player to open the menu, or prohibits them from doing so. [Options]  [Operation] Choose either [Forbid Main Menu] or [Allow Main Menu].

[Note]  When the menu is disallowed, it must be allowed again before the player can open it again.

Conditional Branch [Function]  Create a forked event for one or more divergent conditions. [Options]  The condition options are listed below, and are divided over two tabs.  When [Execute Custom Handler if Condition Not Met] is checked, a new case will be added for when the condition

specified is not true.

-> Switch Tests to see if the selected switch is [ON] or [OFF]. To change the switch, click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window. -> Variable Tests a variable for a certain value condition. The options are the variable (A), the value to test for (B), and the comparison method (C). For example, if the desired condition is "Value in variable 0001 is greater than 5" A should be set to 0001, B set to 5 and C set to "Greater than". (A) Variable: Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. (B) Value to test for: The two types of value are listed below. --> Number : Directly input a number from -9999999 to 9999999. --> Variable Reference : Select a variable to draw the value from. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. (C) Comparison Method: There are 6 methods for comparing the value, as listed below. --> Equal to :A=B --> Greater than or Equal to : A >= B --> Less than or Equal to : A <= B --> Greater than :A>B --> Less than :A Not Equal to : A != B -> Timer 1 Tests the amount of time remaining on timer 1. Minutes are input in the first box, seconds in the second, and in the third you can choose between "or more" and "or less". -> Timer 2 Tests the amount of time remaining on timer 2. Minutes are input in the first box, seconds in the second, and in the third you can choose between "or more" and "or less". -> Money is Tests the amount of money held by the party. In the first box choose from "at least" or "less than" and input the value to test for in the second box. -> Item

Tests whether the party possesses or does not possess a certain item. The condition is selected in the first box, and the item in the second. -> Hero Tests a condition based on one of the heroes. Click the [...] button to bring up the Hero Options window. The options are as below. --> Hero is in party --> Name is --> Level is at least --> HP is at least --> Can use the (X) skill --> Has the item (X) Equipped --> Afflicted with (X) Condition

: Tests whether selected hero is in the party. : Tests to see if the selected hero's name is the same as the string in the input box. : Tests to see if the selected hero's level is greater than or equal to the specified value. : Tests to see if the selected hero's current HP is greater than or equal to the specified value. : Tests to see if the selected hero can use the specified skill. : Tests to see if the selected hero has the specified item equipped. : Tests to see if the selected hero has the specified condition.

-> Sprite (X) is Facing (Y) Tests to see if the selected sprite is facing in the specified direction. -> Party is Riding (X) Tests to see if the party is currently riding the specified vehicle. -> Event was Started Using Action Key Tests to see if the event the condition command is in was initiated by pressing the action key. -> BGM has Played Through Once Tests to see if the currently playing BGM has already looped round once.

Label [Function]  Sets a marker in an event that can be returned to.  To go to a label after it's been set, use "Jump to Label". [Options]

 [Label] The number of the label. Can be anything from 0 to 100.

[Note]  When the same label number is used more than once in an event, it will jump to the one highest up in the commands list.

Jump to Label [Function]  Instead of running the next command, the Event jumps down (or up) to the Label specified in the setting of this command. [Options]  [Label] Input the number of the label that will be jumped to.

[Note]  The referenced label must exist in the same event page as this command.  When the selected label does not exist, this command does nothing.

Loop [Function]  The Event commands within the loop are constantly repeated. [Options]  There are no options for this command.  The lines where you can place Event commands to be looped are defined in the event page.  Until a Break out of Loop command is used, the loop will continue to run.

Break out of Loop [Function]  Commands bring processed inside a loop are halted, moving onto the next event command. [Options]  There are no options for this command. [Note]  When this event command is used outside a loop, it halts event processing.

End Event Processing [Function]  Halts execution of the event the command is in. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

Erase Event [Function]  Removes the event that executes this command. [Options]  There are no options for this command. [Note]  The event will only disappear while the hero is still on the map. When he moves to a different one, the event will come back.

Call Event [Function]  Processes another event or common event.  When the specified event finishes processing, the one that called it will continue from the next command. [Options]

 The event to call is determined using one of the methods below.

-> Common Event: Calls a common event. Choose one from the pull down list. -> Map Event: Runs a map event. Choose the event and page to run from the pull down list and number box. -> Event Referenced from Variables: Runs a map event. Uses one variable for the event ID and another for the page number. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection Window. Insert Comment [Function]  Allows a comment to be inserted in an event. Comments are shown in green. [Options]

 A comment can be up to 4 lines long, 60 letters per line.

[Note]  Comments make it easier to remember what a certain event in your game does, especially in complicated sections of code.

Game Over [Function]  Ends the game and displays the game over screen. Press a key to return to the title. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

Return to Title Screen [Function]  Ends the game and goes back to the title screen. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

Change Monster HP [Function]  Increases/decreases the HP of one enemy. [Options]

 [Monster] The monster to change the HP of.  [Operation] Determines whether to increase or decrease HP.  [Amount] The amount of HP to increase/decrease. The options are listed below.

-> Specific Amount : Input a specific value from 0 to 9999. -> Amount equal to (X)% of current HP : Adds/subtracts (X)% from the monster's current HP, where (X) is the value in the box. -> Amount stored in : Uses a variable for the change value. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, 5 will either be added to/subtracted from the monster's HP, depending on the setting. When the [...] button is

clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.  [HP Reduction can Kill Target] Only applicable to HP decreases. If this is checked, the enemy will be killed if its HP

reaches 0 through this command. Otherwise, its HP will never go below 1.

Change Monster MP [Function]  Increases/decreases the MP of one enemy. [Options]

 [Monster] The monster to add/subtract MP to/from.  [Operation] Determines whether to increase or decrease MP.  [Amount] The amount of MP to increase/decrease. The options are listed below.

-> Specific Amount : Input a specific value from 0 to 9999. -> Amount stored in : Uses a variable for the change value. For example, when a variable with value 5 is selected, 5 will either be added to/subtracted from the monster's MP, depending on the setting. When the [...] button is clicked, you can select the variable to reference in the select variable window.

Change Monster Condition [Function]  Change the condition of one enemy. [Options]

 [Monster] The monster to change the condition of.  [Operation] Determines the modification used, as shown below.

-> Add -> Remove

: Inflicts the selected condition. : Cures the selected condition.

 [Condition] The condition you wish you inflict/cure.

Show Hidden Monster [Function]  Shows an enemy that was set to [Invisible] at the beginning of the battle. [Options]

 [Monster to Show] Select the monster in the party that you want to show from the pull down list.

[Note]  If the selected monster was not invisible in the first place, this command does nothing.

Change Battle Background [Function]  Modify the background used in battle. [Options]

 Choose the background to use from the list on the left. A preview of it will be shown in the box on the right.

Show Battle Animation (Battle Events) [Function]  Shows a battle animation in battle. [Options]

 [Battle Animation] The animation that will be shown. Select it from the pull down list.  [Target] The monster/monsters that the animation will be played over. Can select all enemies, or one of the monsters in the

group.  [Halt other Processes] Event processing will be stopped until the animation finishes.

Conditional Branch (Battle Events) [Function]  Create a forked event for one or more divergent conditions. [Options]

 The condition options are listed below.

-> Switch Tests to see if the selected switch is [ON] or [OFF]. To change the switch, click the [...] button to bring up the Switch Selection window. -> Variable Tests a variable for a certain value condition. The options are the variable (A), the value to test for (B), and the comparison method (C). For example, if the desired condition is "Value in variable 0001 is greater than 5" A should be set to 0001, B set to 5 and C set to "Greater than". (A) Variable: Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. (B) Value to test for: The two types of value are listed below. --> Number : Directly input a number from -9999999 to 9999999. --> Variable Reference : Select a variable to draw the value from. Click the [...] button to bring up the Variable Selection window. (C) Comparison Method: There are 6 methods for comparing the value, as listed below. --> Equal to :A=B --> Greater than or Equal to : A >= B --> Less than or Equal to : A <= B --> Greater than :A>B --> Less than :A Not Equal to : A != B -> Hero (X) is able to act Tests to see if the selected hero can take action in battle. -> Monster (X) is able to act Tests to see if the selected monster can take action in battle. -> Monster (X) is the current target Tests to see which monster in the party is currently targetted. -> Hero (X) uses the (Y) battle command

Tests to see if the selected hero used the specified battle command. Select the hero in the first box and the command in the second.  When [Execute Custom Handler if Condition Not Met] is checked, a new case will be added for when the condition

specified is not true.

End Combat [Function]  End the battle and return to the map view. [Options]  There are no options for this command.

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