Rp Session (the Bat)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 7,329
  • Pages: 13
Rain decided to wander about again. She really had nothing to do. So she looked around and was observant of things. Her observation skills were higher than that of the average dingbat of a person trying to notice things. I mean Alex taught her for a majority of her offensive and defensive skills-skills that she had the basic understanding of because of the event of her past. So it was no great surprise that she noticed the man receiving all the wrong signals from a worn out friend or that the evening birds started calling out precisely at 7 pm. But the sound she couldn't pick out when near a fence was a distressed cry that could barely be heard. Rain went in one direction and it died out of her hearing range so she traveled in the other and it grew somewhat louder. But what was it? Not a cat for it was far too soft and cats yell when injured of scared. So she looked all around and then she found it- a poor unlucky little bat. It had gotten caught up in some nasty barbed wire and had lost a good amount of its life giving substance. -Its blood. "So small a thing should not die so young." Rain spoke quietly aloud. She then bent down to pick up the bat and her actions were immediately thought to be that of harm. Meaning.... she got bit. 'Ouch' Rain thought. But take the creature away from it current location she did. "Little dear I'm not going to let you die death around me is not permitted." Rain whispered. And so Rain started to go home a project on hand to accomplish. That is to nurse the bat to top condition. In her choice of path to come home and the fact that it was getting late it seemed sad that it was a night like this when people came to try and do things of poor taste and to the wrong person none the less. For you see others noticed Rain while going home. And they decided that they wanted to have a little fun with this young lady whom was by herself. So in an eventful amount of timing halfway to her house, they confronted her trying to get Rain to come with them. Which she was opposed to doing in the first place and after saying no for the umpteenth time they wanted to force her to come. And their tactics would have been brutal if her defensive nature combined with her worry for her newly acquired bat set her off when the grabbed her and started their attempt to move her to an unfriendly location to do unfriendly things in an unfriendly manner. So being ticked of Rain jerked away from them with strength they didn't foresee. And swiftly immobilized them with skills they did know she had. And then she proceeded to finish her way home with a few new bruises. You see they tried to fight back and in the process they only bruised her. Rain had now arrived home and she started the process of cleaning and bandaging the bat getting a few bits here and there in protest. She completed her process and let the bat be. She didn't own any cages and she didn't plan on caging the bat. She then tended her own wounds and passed out on the couch after locking up. Rain woke up and went about taking care of her friend. She had found out that her batty patient was a female upon looking it up on the Internet. Yay Internet. In the process Rain got bit several times but taking care of the critter and cleaning the wounds and making sure that she was healed properly was more important that a bit of blood loss. So far the bleeding on the bats part had stopped. Which Rain was pleased to find. Now the fun part helping it get used to people. There was no way she was letting it back into the wild if that was going to be that case why save it in the first place? It would be torn apart and stray cat food be before it could live even one more day. She felt bound in part to her now. It was almost like putting this bat back together was part of healing herself. Rain chuckled. "By the time I'm done with this bat I'm going to have healed my physical self plenty times over." Halfway through the cleaning Rain was humming which she noticed calmed the creature. So humming and healing Rain quickly finished what she had to do with the bat for the day. And so with her own revelation that her mind was to go on a roller coaster to accept her own miss givings in life she opened up all the way back to that bloody birthday. ~Flashback~

The place seemed to look like a scarlet paint ball fight had occurred. But the truth was far more tragic. Having run late to her celebration in the main gathering hall Rain had no clue that the surprise was going to be bigger than she expected or wanted. Running to her on mental condemnation with all the innocence she should have kept for so much longer she opened the doors to see an amount of people lying there covered in not only their blood but their neighbor blood. And with the amount of blood she saw it was nothing compared to the wounds that made them bleed. Running from person to person she desperately looked for her whole world-her parents. Upon finding them they had very little left in them to be called alive. "Run" she was told. "Run now and live" "No" she wanted to scream but shock had stolen her voice. She was left voiceless as she sobbed with the last moment of her true parents existence. 'Why?' she thought bitterly. 'Why?' it was then that she got up and ran out of the hall to come upon the mass murderer. He had come back to revel in the deaths of her loved ones. 'NO' she thought. 'I won't allow it.' With that her mental self blacked out in such a pit of rage that an eight year old should never reach. ~End flashback~ Rain never knew what happened. All she knew was that she had blood on her, which could have been explained by her search for her parents and the getting close to them. And that she was far far from her home. She was in a place called Ireland clutching a will that she really did need. No one else in her family was alive to claim any thing from it. And no one else knew about her family’s wealth. Rain was left in peace as she ran it through her mind then just like that let it go. I was night now so Rain grabbed an invention of Alex's and hers a hover board She carefully picked up the bat and headed out the door. When she was outside she sat on the hover board and place the bat in her lap. 'A nice sky ride will do us both some good.' Rain thought. As the bat stirred awake again Rain feared that it would try to flee. So she watched her. All the bat did was take a look at it surroundings then at its handler and just start to softly chatter in to the night sky. 'She must be missing her buddies.' Rain thought. "And her family." Rain completed out loud. "Family, what a notion." Rain said before the night she blended into a night long passed. ~Flashback~ In the eighth year of her life she had been passed from orphanage to orphanage. It seemed no one wanted the depressed eight year-old. That was until too tourists to Ireland came and saw her wandering about by her self so solemn that they thought she was just lost. These two people confronted her and asked if she knew where her parents were and why she was out so late at night. "My parents are long gone and I was just walking." She told them " You mean you got separated and you’re trying to find them?" they inquired. "Yes and no. I can't go where they are yet. They wouldn't want me to die." They seemed to understand and the next day they adopted Rain. They believed no child like that should be left without parents a child needed love and attention something they didn't get where Rain had been living. They didn't know that one other family had taken interest in her for different prospects. This family thought that first she would be a wonderful person to play with their son. All the grace of a royal and she wouldn't have to ever leave. Plus with her quiet temperament they wouldn't have to worry about her being loud and embarrassing their house. So when they finally made up their mind and came a week later they were mortified that she was gone. So much that they would do anything to get her back even kidnap the poor child. ~End flashback~ Rain drifted back into reality as she heard noises louder than before. Upon opening her eyes she saw that her lovely bat had company and that the company was flying about around Rain happily chattering to their friend. Soon after realizing

Rain had noticed them they landed on her as if accepting that she was a kind person and so her friend accepted her as well. Though the fun did not last. The wind picked up and she couldn’t hold her steady hovering with out scaring the bats around her. So the bat crew and herself departed. Rain flew or hovered….back to her home. Once entering she changed the bats bandages the old ones had gotten unclean. And she checked on just how well the bat was healing. Which the process wasn’t going so well. She grabbed a bottle of ointment that she used for her own nasty injuries and applied it. It had some mystical powers that slightly sped up the healing process of certain things. ‘If only this stuff could heal the mind misfortunes as well as the bodies.’ ~Flashback~ It was the dawn of her 12th birthday. Rain like she had done every day since she was eight ignored the days significance. Her adopted parents like each year they had her in their house tried to make the best of the day. Over they years they had taken her to parks, sent her to schools known for their friendly atmosphere, and spoiled her the best they could. Rain just stared of into the midst of life wanting nothing more than to forget everything. On the other hand she knew forgetting was only a way to run away from her problems. So she just did her best to put up a front. But as this day would have it a different family had found out her location at last. They had searched for years to find her. They wanted her at any cost. And so as a family of people who got what they wanted they plucked her straight from her bed before the adults living with her woke up. After taking what they wanted they took her to their mansion. And soon they introduced her to their young boy. The boy was a few years older that Rain was. Him being three years older. He first got different thought than his parents upon meeting her. He didn’t want her to be his playmate. But he did want to play with her.… As it was they had another captive in their property. This captive being stronger escaped within a week or two of her being in the household. Upon noticing her sullen expression this captive asked if she wished to leave. He gained a nod from her. The now freed captive then held her gently but strong enough not to drop her and fled from the mansion and took her to England. ~End Flashback~ Rain knew now just how lucky she was to barely escape much mental torment from that boy. She knew because she was told by the boy who was now a man just how much he wanted her back then. And she knew because of how much he wanted her just recently. Rain snapped away from her past and watched as the ointment did its wonders on the bat that she was nursing to health. The worst of its wounds were healing. It had less and less flesh wound and now it soon became broken bones and the such. That she could still work with. As she came closer to the bat again it nipped at her hand and took some blood. Her realizing that it may have needed something to eat just let to bat have it’s intake. In the following days Rain’s companion showed considerable increases in She had fixed the places with broken bones and mended them with feather Soon all that was left to do was start flying rehabilitation. Something relate to. With her own issues with the trust that people would be able with her.

health. like care. she could to stay

~Flashback~ With in the time Rain spent with Alex she had found out his name a few of the tings he was interested in doing and that he liked music. Like wise her had only her name her very few interests and that she herself also liked music. That was

within only the first few weeks. Farther on they agreed that Rain would cook her own meals while Alex would take care of laundry and that they both would try to talk a little about themselves at least once a month. In which time Rain finished what she would have needed to learn in for at least the rest of her high school life. And farther she learned how to become technologically advanced. Soon Rain and Alex joined their techno-minds to create a prototype hover-board. And soon after that and a few fixing of kinks they were able to produce two real models. Later after some tinkering with scraps Rain had anklet that defied gravity. The brain of the gizmo came from Alex who had far much more time in the past to figure out how it would work. She just gave him the challenge and he rose to it successfully. In between building things and listening to music Alex taught Rain basic fighting techniques ranging from offensive to defensive and with and with out weapons. That and how to make makeshift weapon with nearby objects. Needless to say the time that rain spent with Alex opened him up and recharged his frozen heart just a bit and just days before the date he set out to tell her so. She was found by them again. And so she was taken away by that family. The son told just how glad he was to see her and be within grasping distance. At which she spat at his feet and he reply was to slap her face. To which she glared and racked him. Soon though she fought her way out of the castle and went back to where she first came. She was far to pissed at the place to stay for long. She collected part of her inheritance and left to go to the small country called Japan. She had been disappeared for two years sorting out just what to take back home. ~End Flashback Rain seethed from her memories as her comrade seethed from the frustration of getting a grip on flying again something that had been so trivial. Within a few days she had gotten a hold if it once again. And soon Rain realized that she wouldn’t know what to do with the bat. She wanted to keep her but she didn’t know just how to keep care of her. Rain new that she couldn’t just keep feeding the bat her own blood. Who would she give her to? Who would want a bat? Rain spent that night pondering two things. The first was the bats name. One name that came to mind was Rauslaine. The first half was to represent the beautiful memories of her mother as well as her last crimson red vision of her. The last part was to represent her mom’s death seeing as she was lain to sleep by being slain brutally. The second was pondering even more on just who would take care of the bat. Who would take her? She could think of at least one person but she didn’t know where she was. That and se didn’t know if se wanted to see Rain herself. Rain grimaced she need to get back in contact with hr friends. Soon she drifted back to the meeting of other friends after coming back from her first home. ~Flashback~ It was on a fair day that Rain and Taylor met. He had come by her culinary booth to sample a treat and loved it. He then asked for her to be his culinary partner. She replied by asking him why he didn’t just ask for the recipe. To which he stated he wanted to have a business in the culinary world. So she let him take all her recipes under oath that later in life she would run the business to which his parents agreed to help. Soon Rain found they became a huge success. Rain planned on letting them keep all the money they earned while they held on to their positions. Later on when Rain was a bit older she met the Moka sisters to which she offered to help sponsor Jay’s books so she could support her sisters and give a loan to Lyla to start her café on its tracks. ~End Flashback~

Now she knew that they were doing rather successful within the e-mail she read after inviting them to Japan. Things hadn’t gone well though so Rain got them a place for apartment flats. Rain then decided to go out for a walk and give Rauslaine a chance to sleep peacefully. Rain walked through the park. Some people came across her path they felt like today was a good day to hit on a girl and try to get some action. Feeling a bit devious after having so much time to herself Rain played along for a bit. Soon when the line for asking if she wanted to have some fun with one of them came she smiled and said “What you can’t all play with me at the same time?” Which got them as red-faced as a kid with a cold. To which she knew they where being perverted….and so they told her to come along. After which she said they could have fun right where they were. And They blushed again. So Rain proceeded to let them know her meaning of fun. That is she beat the crap out of all of them. Rain came back home since it was later on in the night and picked up Rauslaine. She decided to ask her teacher Aki-sensei if he had seen Neji-dear the person whom she thought would love her batty friend. She brought some cheesecake and a few aspirin remembering her teachers luck last time she saw him he just might need it. And so Rain dragged out her board letting the bat fly along side her. Amusingly enough the bat followed her instead of flying away. So cute. Rain flew just fast enough to lead to bat. so it took her a while to get there. In the mean time she remembered some of the more amusing things about being in this town. ~Flashback~ It was the first week that she had gotten to the town and Rain found an apartment quickly. Soon after her boos knowing her age told her that she had to go to school. Rain was working a part time job to appear normal. So Rain dropped her job and entered the strange school of Ouran High School. It was a nice place if you ignored the annoying paint job on the walls and the girls who had no lives who just had to obsess over boys. Ugh. Soon though Rain found that those boys where quite a riot to hang out with. She met some awesome people in this town. From the baking genius named Lena to the flirts that she soon trained to omit the word princess around her. She had come to befriend some one that lasted through bickering fights and others that knew just how to make anyone laugh. There was Diotima whom she found loved cookies. Heh. Had it really only been about a year now? Could time really go by that fast? ~End Flashback~ Rain arrived at Akihori's house. She landed and placed her board on the wall near the front door. Then, she knocked. ~Aki’s P.O.V.~ His eye twitched when she revealed cash from her bra. Speaking of getting money like a whore.. Akihiro wiped at his lips with the back of his hand and went to explore the house. Not long later, he heard a knock at the door. A visitor? He went to his door and…couldn't open the door. He tried several times, getting rather frustrated, unbeknownst to the rock laid outside the door to keep him from getting out. He went to the nearest window and opened it instead, looking out to see who it was. "... What?" ~Rain’s P.O.V.~ "Hey teach! I come by questing information. I bring cheesecake and aspirin for the trouble of putting up with my inquisitiveness. My I enter?" Rain asked. ~Meanwhile Neji’s P.O.V.~ Neji wandered around the market area while in a sudden daydream, a lot had changed from a few months ago....She hated her teacher, fell in love with him, only then to be brutally fought over with, got pregnant, got married, got arrested, and end

up back with her love who now had no idea who she was... You know I didn't sign up for this... The vampiress thought with a smile, after picking up a few things from the store. But I suppose it was worth it... A little while later Neji found herself standing outside of the palace gates and staring up at it. "............" I've always thought about Akihioi.....but I've really never had the time to think about myself...Will I really be able to have him and my crown as well? " What cha doing princess?" ~Aki’s P.O.V.~ "...." Akihiro didn't recall how Rain had helped Neji and him out before. There was, however... some twinge of familiarity. He merely brushed it off as probaby having seen Rain at the school. "If you can open the door, come on in. It seems.. there's a rock in the way." Had that girl seriously barricaded him in? ~Rain’s P.O.V.~ Rain toed the rock out of the way just enough that she could get in the door. But too little for Akihiro to get out sensing that was what someone wanted. "any way If you don't remember me I'm Rain I came by a while back when you and Neji where in a situation. Speaking of Neji I am curious if you have happened to see her. I haven't seen her since the end of December. I would like to asked her a question and would lie to do so soon." ~Aki’s P.O.V.~ So here was another witness to his and Neji's little relationship.. Great. Before Akihiro knew it, he too, would probably be convinced of it. "Just missed her. Went out to the grocery store or something. Is that cheesecake sugar-free?" ~Meanwhile Neji’s P.O.V.~ "Hmmm?" Neji turned her head and noticed a dark haired girl watching her from behind the bars. Was this a new servant? " Hi I'm Ran-Mao! Vincent's sister!" " Oh..." Was the only thing the vampiress could say towards this, she had always known the chain smoker had a sister, but never pictured the girl coming here. " How is Vincent?" Ran-Mao shrugged, " Last I saw getting a bit chummy with the Prince". " Chummy?!" Neji blushed and twitched. " Sin isn't gay". Perhaps the girl had really meant...Sin was having one of his break downs and Vincent was comforting him as usual. Ran-Mao shrugged again and opened the gate just before pulling Neji in within the palace walls. " Whatever! But come on I'm sure Kingy would be happy to see you!" " Ran-Mao no! I have to get home to Akihori!" The vampiress protested as her bags fell from her hand. ~Rain’s P.O.V.~ "I won't push any thing about reminding you if your forgot. that thought ah...Neji's out. Hm. And yes it is. I figured Neji might be in a nothing bad for your health mood. It tastes great though. I had one a few weeks ago." Rain sighed. "Well I guess I should be going to look for Neji. I don't want to bother you with

me presence. I'll see you when I can at school ok teach?" Rain then slipped out of the house nudged the rock back where it was and flew off towards the grocery store. Bat in tow. ~Neji’s P.O.V.~ " No! I can't come back here!" Neji continued as the little girl continued running while holding onto her hand. " Kingy your princess is here!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here it is finally...My moment with Sin. Vincent thought to himself as the prince allowed him to kiss him, and even start to move his hands more down towards his pants. " Vincent...I'm not ready for this again..." The blonde whispered, still sore from Satoshi and Cain. " Sin I'm not going to hurt you...I'll be gentle..." Vincent assured the younger boy. " Alr-..." " PRINCESS NEJI IS HERE!" Before Sin could finish what he was about to say, the chain smoker was pushed away into the wall. Screw him and everyone else! Neji was here! After being pulled into the room, Neji stood and stared at Sin like a deer caught in the head lights and about to be ran over by a car, just before she curtsied to the prince and to Vincent who now stood in the corner, obviously annoyed at the sudden turn of events. " My beautiful Neji". Sin stood from the bed and walked over to the Empress as if nothing had ever happened to him. The girl had seem to come when he needed her most..." Neji I am surprised you are, not that I am not happy to see you. I planned to come for you once business was taken care of. Did the smurf finally drive you away? Hmph I knew I couldn't even count on that bastard to look after you...Even after how he tried to fight so hard for you". " My prince..." Sin placed his hands upon Neji's shoulder and kissed her, and Neji who knew better then to resist him anymore, placed her arms around him as well and returned the kiss. Ran-Mao rocked on her heels and watched the Royals kiss, just before looking over and giggling at her jealous older brother. " I should be going...I'm sure your really busy..." Neji suggested quietly in a quick manner, once she had broke the kiss when she felt it had lasted long enough. " I have things to do..." The vampiress realized as soon as she said this.... It was a no no...Sin frowned and gripped her arm tight. " More important then spending time with your husband...?"

" No..." Neji whispered. " Excellent! Come along Neji, while your hear Neji we should go out shopping for things for the baby". Sin replied as he pulled her out and along. "........" I'll be late Akihiro. Akihiro is probably wandering around the house lost without me and hungry! Neji thought and assumed, as if the blue haired were some dependent animal. Akihiro I promise I'll find away to break away! The white haired girl sighed as she watched her cousin skim about the expensive looking baby items......She had actually hoped to drag Akihiro along and make him shop with her for these things. Every now and then Neji would look back at the siblings for help, Ran-Mao only stared back with a smile...Oblivious that the Empress didn't want to stay.... Vincent on the other hand looked the other way, as if to say she was on her own...Served the girl right for coming and ruining he and the prince's moments. I wanna go home... Suddenly the prince and Neji's cell phones rang at the same time, and they both picked up...Apparently who was ever calling had managed to connect the phones to where they could speak to them at once. " Father?!" " Father..." The prince grinned. " Your back in Japan?!" " We'll be waiting for you...." I have to get back home... Neji closed her phone and gripped it firmly within her small pale hands; her father was in Japan.... Along with one of Sin's parents, perhaps even both! And to top the cake she was pregnant with a child that wasn't Sin's. I had planned to tell father when I got my story straight...and when Akihiro was comfortable... The girl looked down at her stomach.... and accepted it couldn't be avoided.. Akihiro just had to lose his memory... " I'm sorry Sin, but I have to go!" The vampiress shouted as she took off the other way, before he could grab her or even punish her for leaving without permission. " I'm going to prepare for father!" " But the palace is the other wa-DAMMIT NEJI NO!" Sin shouted angrily back, surely the girl wasn't going to dare get the smurf involved again.... He had already made up his mind to make sure the baby hair would be dyed blonde. " I'm here!" Neji shouted, after bursting through the door of Akihiro's house and running straight towards the bedroom, in order to find something decent to wear. " Akihiro clean your self up!" ~Aki’s p.o.v.~ Akihiro had sat himself down; devouring the cheesecake Rain had so graciously brought him. Delicious, sweet cake... He could never seem to find sugar-free ones that were actually any good. It had been quite awhile, and Neji hadn't returned..

Had she finally taken a hint and left him alone? Could he be that lucky? Awhile after those thoughts, when she still hadn't returned, he was laying back on the couch, eyes staring up at the ceiling. "Where the hell is she?" he muttered, and then paused.... Why would he care?! He didn't want her here in the first place! It was pissing him off he couldn't stop wondering about her. He had nearly fallen into a light doze when the vampiress finally showed up. "You're here! ....... Dammit." He got up and moved to the door to the bedroom. "Clean up for what?" ~Neji’s P.o.v.~ " Just do it!" Neji demanded, struggling to place on a new corset and tie it herself, before throwing on the rest of what she needed. " You need to make a better 2nd impression with my father!" The vampiress continued as she moved to the bathroom to brush her teeth. " Please Aki! If you don't my father is going to kick your a-" There was a hard knock upon the door. Fuck my life... From the vibe she suddenly felt, Neji knew better to keep the guest at the door waiting long, without another word to Akihiro she ran towards the door, opened it, and curtsied to her father. " Father..." How did he know I was here...? Did Sin have something to do with this? No he wouldn't set himself up like that... " Neji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " W-what?!" Neji stammered at the sudden loud and usual greeting, before she could question further, she felt arms thrown around her, and a cheek rubbing happily against her own. " Father?!" She questioned aloud, making sure to look over abit...Yes indeed it was the white haired male. " My beautiful lovely daughter! I've missed you! Papa hasn't seen you since your wedding night! At last the day has finally come! I've waited so long for the day you'd be able to rule at my side!" Yin shouted as he pulled his daughter closer to him. Neji remained frozen from shock, her father's hidden father complex side had finally slipped out, due to his happiness.... It was creepy for the vampiress.... She didn't like it at all.... It made her sick to see her father like this.... She had to stop it. " F-father...I'm..." ~Aki’s P.O.V~ So he had already met the father and he didn't like him? That was never a good base for a relationship, but at the moment, he wasn't particularly worried. He walked into the main door to see the commotion for himself. For some reason or another, seeing the white-haired male hugging the girl… Bothered him. What the hell? "Ehh.. Should I make coffee?" He hadn't at all cleaned up as the girl told him. He still had a bandage around his head from the surgery, a casual t-shirt, and hip-hugging jeans.

~Neji’s P.O.V~ ".........." Yin ignored Akihiro, he remembered who the blue haired was...and the only thing that mattered to him right now was his daughter... " What Neji?." He then asked her in his usual tone, it killed him on the inside to put up his little act earlier, but Sin's father betted that he wouldn't....Why the fuck did the blonde want him to act more......towards his daughter? It was hard enough having to hide the truth and keep the old traditions locked away. Much better....Neji closed her mouth and shook her head......She wouldn't have to say anything....Yet. " I am just so happy to see you made it here safely.." " Of course Neji". Yin muttered in a quick harsh manner, just before he looked to Akihori coldly. " I don't drink coffee...Tch if anything...If you can afford it, wine would be most suitable". The white haired male said in a smooth taunting voice. " Neji surely you are only over here for turtoring right?" " A-ah..." ~Aki’s P.O.V~ Akihiro was a little put off when the male started acting in a completely new, colder manner than before. He decided he didn't like this man at all. "I do have wine, but it's for me and me alone. I won't be sharing it with a bastard such as yourself, and for your information, she's not here for tutoring. She's here to make me discover our love." ~Neji’s P.O.V.~ Akihori no... Neji mentally moaned, when her father moved away from her and seemed to quickly appear face to face infront of the blue haired. " Bastard eh? Hmp since you seemed to be banged up already..." The Emperor started, when he took noticed to the bandages. " I'll let that comment slide...Now that I remember..I did allow my daughter to stay with you for a moment, but to watch her as her teacher.." The white haired grabbed Akihori by his collar. " Because if you've touched her...I'd have to skin you alive.." " F-father..." Neji protested softly. ~Aki’s P.O.V.~ Akihiro turned his eyes away from the other as he was brought closer, appearing in every sense uninterested with him. "Perhaps it's your daughter you should be keeping your eye on. She's obviously more interested in having her hands on me than anything else." He turned his head back to Yin. "Mind getting those dainty hands off me?" ~Neji’s P.O.V~ Akihori you idiot.... Neji's eyes widen with panic, from what she could remember...The vampiress had told her father she loved Akihori, but she could also tell that her father thought she wasn't serious....Just going through that rebellious period. How was she suppose to calm the white haired male when Akihori was throwing low blows. " Neji". Yin sighed as he continued holding Akihori's collar, " Tell this commoner trash that you have no interest in him." " I-I..." The vampiress looked up nervously and poked her index fingers together. Some how...knowing that she was going to have to repeat herself was scary. What if I said I had no interest?! Aki with his memory gone wouldn't care anyways?!

This was really scary.... Suddenly as a last resort option Neji broke into her best princess tears. " Father I am so sorry for coming here, but he was giving me the advice I needed.... Father I'm pregnant..." The room slowly but surely started to breath ice-cold air. ~Rain’s P.O.V.~ Rain went on her way to the store. on the way there she flew into a tree and had her board totaled. So she walked the rest of the way to the store which took her a while. Rain got there about a half an hour after Neji left but not knowing exactly what time or how long Neji was going to be there Rain looked through the entire store any way checking around about three times. Then after having check thoroughly Rain left the store and tried to think of where to go next. After think her self into a headache Rain sat down and realized just what the tree crash did to her just now noticing the scraps running around her arms and legs. What were her thoughts on this? 'Trees suck.' Then after getting some bandages from the store and wrapping up her cuts Rain just decided to go back to Aki's house. Which took her a while now that she was feeling her scraps. And so Rain trekked back to Aki's house taking a rather long time. ~An hour later~ it seemed at this point in time people just liked trying to hurt Rain. You see Rain had two males stalk her for the last hour and when she told them to come out. They decided she was a weak injured girl easy for the taking. Rain figured they were like most of the male population thinking of only one thing. And so with their thought clashing Rain entered a state of anger from her annoyance of not just being able to get to her friend deliver the bat and be happy about it. So taking her sweet time of it rain proceeded to vent on these two unlucky men. Leaving them with about as much pride in them selves as a turtle. Rain continued he walk back to Aki's house a little more bruised and with re opened cuts. And as she finally made it back she knocked again. ~Aki’s P.O.V.~ Akihiro sweat dropped at the sudden change of temperature in the room, feeling a rather scary and dark aura dropping over them all. "Advice? Is that what I was supposed to be giving you?" If so, he hadn't noticed in the least. He clearly wasn't catching on to Neji's timid ness around her father. "Besides, isn't the kid supposedly mine?" ~Neji’s P.O.V.~ Due to Akihiro's comment....Neji's princess tears were void....The teacher was trying to get both of their death warrants signed.. " Father he didn't mean it!" Yin remained quiet for a moment, his daughter's news had shocked him....and he honestly didn't believe her until he looked down and got a good look at Neji. Someone was going to die...Everything from before and now were adding up. The vampire pulled back a fist and punched Akihori right between the eyes. " YOU FUCKED MY DAUGHTER!" ~Rain’s P.O.V. ~ Rain got annoyed with waiting out side plugged in her music and entered the door. She proceeded to wait out whatever was happening to make it hard to hear the knocking of the door. She let Rauslaine flit about the room. ~Aki’s P.O.V.~

Stars exploded before Akihiro's eyes, sending him reeling back several steps. He cursed, placing a hand between his eyes and now harboring a freshly throbbing head. "Like hell I did! I haven't touched her! Not that I know of anyway." If only he really knew how much he had touched and groped and kissed, among many other provocative verbs. ~Neji’s P.O.V.~ Yin wasn't listening now, he was already convinced this blue haired had knocked up his little girl. " Father stop it!" Neji screamed, she wanted to go forth and stop her father's hand....but her feet didn't move. The white haired suddenly picked up Akihori and threw him out his own window near the door. ~Rain’s P.O.V.~ Rain saw Aki fly through the window. She refrained from going out side to see if poking him with a stick was an option. ~Aki’s P.O.V~ Before Akihiro's vision even had time to clear, he heard glass shattering around him. For some reason, it sounded distant. As if he were merely hearing it on TV or something. He didn't even feel anything until he was on the ground outside, several shards embedded into him and gashes over his face, neck and body. Most were minor, but there were a few rather deep ones. Was he seriously going to have to visit the hospital the same day he got out? He grunted in pain and pushed himself up onto his elbows. Was there a way he could run in and grab his gun? He doubted it. He'd have to give old-fashioned fighting a try if he continued to attack. ~Neji’s P.O.V.~ Yin kicked the rest of the glass out of the way before stepping out of the window himself. Without a word he stepped over and grabbed Akihori by his blue haired and dragged him back inside, and began slamming him into the walls repeatedly. How dare this bastard...How dare he touch her...It was painful enough he had Neji married off to Sin, but now he had to deal with this. " Father calm down!" Neji moved forward and grabbed the Emperor's arm, from the expression upon her face...She knew of course now and before hand...She shouldn't have done that. " You little whore..." Yin growled, grabbing Neji by the throat and lifting her into the air so she dangled within his grip. It was clear the vampiress was now struggling for air, while trying to use her own strength to pry the other off. ~Aki’s P.O.V~ Akihiro felt the strain of his stitches, threatening to snap open. This stress on his body was edging him toward unconsciousness, but when he cracked open his eyes to see the man's grip on Neji, he suddenly felt incredibly.. protective. Not pausing to think where this strong feeling was coming from, he grabbed the nearest object to him, some sort of fancy vase that Sin must have had put in here, and smashed it across Yin's face. ~Neji’s P.O.V.~

Yin's eyes averted to Rain, but he said nothing towards her mention of wanting Neji down to give her a gift....Just for being there he actually considered killing her along with the teacher. Before any of these thoughts could continue further, he hissed and dropped his daughter when the vase broke against his face. Akihori was a dead man.... The white haired's hair shadow his eyes as he reached up to touch the blood trickling down from his cheek... "..........." Neji coughed upon the floor and looked up at Rain. What was she doing here?! " Go.." She mouthed. ~Rain’s P.O.V~ Rain getting peeved at the day walked over to Neji placed Rauslaine in her hands. "I'm to tired to even ask anymore. Have Rauslaine or give her to some one else I don't care just don't set her free she is just recently healed. If you need to contact me I'm at my apartment. I'm going home and going to sleep." Having stated that Rain left the premises and went home after getting there she flopped on her bed and went to sleep.

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