Rootless Zine 3

  • November 2019
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Tk O4"q VL/*4 A*auza k uw WeAl R../;'"h S;,r^.2 Z00Z Th.Wt-t

Vtl-"t47, hae- 1

The other day I was walking down 34'nStreetGeling pretty hot. The new bright yellow pumps I I hadjust purchasedhad a lot to do with that. As I sashayeddown the boulevard,pumps under my arm, I passedtwo Hasidsstoppedin the middle of the sidewailqarguing in Yiddish. Forgetting myselfi,as I often do, I sloweddramatically,strainingto catchthe drift of what they were saying. I felt the briefestthrill of connection,the feeling I alwaysget when I stumbleupon Yiddish speakers,whoever they may be. The thrill was cut short as they looked at me strangelyand I that they wouldn't have any idea what my , rememberedthe way I must look to them. I imagined interestin them might be. But isn't it obvious?'Look pastthe yellow pumps!It's me, Rokhl, Yiddishist, klezkamper,FolksbieneYiddish Theafie super-titlesuper-kvetcher.'But the moment was over and I went home to ponderthe distancebefween"us" and "them." And to h:y on my , new shoes. lt often seemsas if being a Yiddishist/klezrnophile/secular bnei zion puts one behind an impermeablebarrier when it comesto our more religious kin. But the truth is that if we imagine that barrier to be solid it's only our insecuritythat makesit so. There is an entire specftum betweenmyself, the RootlessCosmopolitanand the WilliamsburgerHasid and it is possibleto frnd commonnodes(and friends)at every point. For example,a lot of my friendsdo ethnographicwork in the Hasidic world. They collect tunes, observedances,interview folks. Has no one noticed that while "we" may look to thosesheltered communitiesfor raw material,it is truly the secularworld of Klerkamp and its ilk that is keeping the traditional Jewish arts alive in any meaningfulway. Justrecently a council of Hasidic Rebbes in Brooklyn declaredtlrat the numberof musiciansat any simkhe could not exceedtwo. That's right, trvo. How will traditionalJewishsimkhemusic survive in such an ahnosphere?The Rebbes haveperfectly good, humanerc:rsonsfor imposing suchhard measures.It is appropriatefor their community. But, barukh ha-shem,thereis an enorrnouscommunity out here in my world tending the flame of traditional simkhemusic. Further,many of my readershave probablynoticed that Klezkamp and its imitators havegotten progressivelymore accommodatingto observantfolk. You're not imagining it, I've spokenwith peoplewho have been with this thing from the very beginningand they tell me that the tone of theseevents,especiallycome Shabbes,was never as full with the faux-brengenspirit (pseudoHasidicjoyousness)as they are today. And more and more religious folk come every year. It used to be a truism that the peoplewho embracedYiddish and klezrnerwith the most zeal were the oneswho were the most alienatedfiom mainstreamreligiosity. While thosefolks are still around (hey there!) it's no longer so easyto make such sweepingstatsments. And finally, if you neededfirther proof that we truly are a spectrum, consider the fact that a small, but significang contingentof Hasidic folk are seekingout secularYiddish culture on a regular basis.Being the super-titleoperatorat the Folksbienethis seasonallowed me to observe gs51hand the 2,3 or 5 young Hasidic men at every show-One night we had two couplescome and tre husbandof one of the couplescouldn't stop praisingthe show to the director, telling him how his wife would hear nothing but lines and phrasesfrom the show for the next two weeks. And this was a show with a woman singrng and men and women dancing with each other! Consider also a friend of mine who doesa secular radio show in Yiddish featuring new Jewish music and other Jewishnews.[n Hasidic Brooklyn he is a celebrity. B'emes,ben emunes. !



Isn't this what being a RootlessCosmpolitanis all about.The confidenceto go from fauxbrengento real-brengenand the love of one's peoplethat drives you to seekout the unique spirit that every different Jew has to offer. As always,peaceand irie vibes, RootlessCosmopolitans.

Zayt bagrisrand borckh habo, Rootless Cosrnpolitans I have so much to say to you sometmesI can't even sleepat night I toss and hrm thinkins alnut which Jcwish Heroes shall get shouts-outin the Editor's Note this year. Hmnq there's Elzet, otherwisc known as Rabbi Judah [,eyb Zlotnick. Rabbi, lawyer, folklorist. He wrote under a pseudonym becausehis sccular ways conflicted with his religious beliefs. Soundslike one ofus, to me. One of Elzet's truJy phanomenal cfea[ons was a book called "Davenen." Within were collecterl hundredsof Yiddish sayings basedon thc Jewish liturgical cyclc. Just one dclicious example:of a ncwly mamed lad who dawdlcd a Shabbcsmoming wirh his wife (ending to one duty) when he should have been in shul (rendingto another duty) it was said "F'adoyt er ahava raba, kurnt er nisht tsu shma yisroel." I hope you'll buy back issres of RC or sead me submissions

Cr.q$lk@guprt-sels )

I hope you'lt share your top Jewishguilry pleasureswith me. Mine are (rn no particular order): 'l clcvised FriarsClub Roasts,A&m Sandler,The Red Tent and the Nanny.

I also want you to know that I got the best late Klanike present the other day when I heard Fyvush Finkel speakng Yiddish to Al Franken during the Oy Oy Oy Show. Oy, it was a mekhaye. On tlrat note, I rernain full ofobsessions, passronsand love for my rnfrriatingly fabulous and stiff necked people. Mit liebe, Rokhl bas Cyprus (Rachael Ka&isserl Rootless ; Cosmopolitan and Original Daughrer of Zi<xr)

Jrnql, Afr;A^^h,rTou,en/a Vbh*
(//"4/ Z"-ter" L/ S/.lb^ A,r"l

By Rokhl bas Cyprus

I hadto remind myself more thanonce while readingKiddush ha-Shemthat thoughthe eventsof the book takeplace in 1648,SholemAschwrote itin 1926. In New York City. For all I know, he couldhavebeensitting in his apartment on WestEnd Avenueand writing in a cafeteriaon Broadwayduring the aftemoon.And Yet. Despitethe skin crawlinglybad translationof one Rufus Learsi,Kiddush ha-Shemis utterly compellingandtransportsoneright into Ukraineof 1648.EvervdavJewishlife of the 176 century,itsie*iures, smells, andmost importantly,its everpresent dreadjump offthe paper.Asch masterfullydealswith one of the themes which traditionallyhasbeenthe subject of so much Jewishambivalence,selfdefenseand the usesof violence.

resentments and religioustensionisrew, theChmielnickiuprising.Zlocnov i"s destroyedand the Jewsflee where thev can.A numberof themeventually end up seekingrefuge within the fortifieA ya.llsoflhe city of Tulchin. There,an alliancebetweenpole andJew is f"ig.a andtogethertheyexperience ,or. " thrillingvictoriesagainstthe Cossack hordes.Thesevictoriesare the most excltrngscenesin the book. Kiddushha-Shemmeans..sanctifi cation of the name"and it is a mitzveto i," fo, the sanctificationof His name.Thi;meansthat Jewsareobligatedto choose martyrdomratherthan be forced to commit threedifferentacts:murder of anotherJew, forbiddensexualrelations and idolatry.A Jew is alsoobligatedto die ratherthan be forced,for thi pu.por" of religiouspersecution, to transgrestt. l1w (any religiouslaw) publicty"One alsodiesa martyrif he or streis titteC simply becausesheis a Jew.But *t ui of the Jew who is able to defendtrimseli Whar is his obligarionto himsetf anjlo otherJews?

TheChmielnickiuprisingof 1648has beencalled,with little exaggeration, a mini-Holocaust.One hundredthousand Jewswere murderedby Cossacksled by BogdanChmielnicki.The Cossacksand Ukrainiansresentedthe way that the Polishnoblesruled them fiom afar by usingthe Jewsas their intermediaries. For example,Kiddu.rhha-Shemfeatures a Jewishinnkeeper(and the parnossof Zlochov)who is also forcedby the local Polishnoblemanto hold the key to the Ukrainianchwch. When the Ukrainians want to openthe church for a baptism, the come to the innkeeperand beg him to open the church,though they have no moneyto pay the tax imposedby the

First we must examinethe thrilling battle sceneswith which we, the Jewishieader. are rewardedafter sufferingthrough so much Jewishsuffering.In the fortified city of Tulchin the Jewsof Zlochov seek refugeand enter into their alliance with the Poles.Asch goesinto great detail of the cunningand savagerywith which the Jews meetthe attackingCossacks.

nobleman.The Jew is torn between wanting to let the tlkrainians in to the churchwithout payingand fearingthe retribution to be exactedon him by the nobleman.


Ir 'sh

Iewjs f ulch :ape a :lotr gr :laves J0rr gll

But as XC()rn

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Thor, hc.roi drsco and t th<-ru readir coura AmI t\hat transf gftenc Imme, the pe ustot Kn-vor

"FrequentlYthe Jewsallowedtne to comecloseto the Cossacks their crowbarsfor aPPIY rvall and makinga breach.Thenthe Jews rvouldsuddenlYhurl down uponthema hail ofrocks and pour down on their heads cauldronsof seething tallow...And more thanoncedid the Jews,as in the ancienttimes of Jerusalem,sallYforth out of the citY,and with uttercontempt ofdeath,theYfell uPonthe ranks of the Cossacks,killed manYof them,and drove the rest back to " theirtents... tt's hardnot to inwardlYcheerthe fervrshvictoryon the fortified walls of f ulchin.After pageafter achingpageof i'apeand murderof innocentJews-oh non goodit feelsto be that which we haveso longbeendenied:a courageous, porrerful, cunningJew. But as the battle rages,the descriptions Ncome moregruesome: "With criesandblazingeYes' theY[the Jews] tore through the cloudsof smokewhich belchedfrom the mouthsof the cannon,and fell uPonthe Cossacks,bit them with their teeth,gougedout their eYeswith their fingers'and with their long knivestheYslashedthroatsand cleavedheads." Thoughwe are still cheeringthis new hc'roicJerv,the readerbecomes discomfortedwith so much eye gouging and throatslashing.All of a suddena thoughtoccursto the cheeringJew readingthis tale of uniqueJewish .ouragi' is such violence tobe savored'l Am I injoying thisjust a little too much? What is to follow sucha ghastlY transformatioriof the formerly meek ghettoJew? Immediatelyfollowing the descriptionof the peakof Jewishviolence,Asch brings us to the tent of the Cossackleader Knvonos.He is receivinga folk remedy

for his achingbones.An old woman bringsa live kid to the warriorand tells him to bathehimselfin its bloodand cover his legswith the body.It's a thoroughlydisgustingscene.The otd womantells the Cossack,"You have givenSatanhis due,now he will calm himself."As if that weren'tenough,in the next line we readthat"the Cossack leadernow felt his pain relieved.The young,fresh,still palpitatinglittle body yieldeda pleasantwarmthlike the body of an infant."Ewww. Of course,it's easyto distanceoneself from suchbehavior.The readeris not madeto identifuwith the Cossackleader Krivonos.But thejuxtapositionof the bloodiestscenesof Jewishviolencewith that of the Cossackbathingin the blood of a sacrificialkid is the way that SholemAsch forcedus to examineour own embraceof Jewishviolence. The final battlefinds theJewsof Zlochov in a position wherethey can avoid their own marryrdom.They have joined forceswith the Polesto successfullyfight offthe Cossacks.At the momentthat the Jewsmight really triumph over their enemy,it is revealed that their Polishallies havesoldthem out to the Cossacks.The Jewsare summoneden masseto the castleof the PolishDuke andtold to not only surrendertheir valuables,but all their weapons.The betrayalis revealed.The first reactionof the Jewsis to massacre the Poles: "And there was a young man there from Karsoon;he was thin and tall and his eyesblazed with the vengeanceof God. His ear-lockstrembledand the teeth in his jaws chattered with anger, for the wrath of the Lord burned strongwithin him. And he snatchedup a long knife and cried to the Jews:'The Gentiles have betrayedus herejust as in Nemirov. Let us avenge ourselveson them with the vengeanceof the [ord, for God and his Torah.'

$gt nf

Tk Oa*,*^I;ql,w 04;6;4-, H/,,r:/k Dil,r4 "l An Essay in Dzaynglo (the iewish-ingtish pinkhas ranguage)by


i Rushefstcyi

Beginningin the l6n century, Polisharistocratsadoptedwhat theybelievedto be the dressof this earlyBosphorankingdom.But havingno ideawhat real had lookedlike, they Sarmatians substitutedthe costumeof the Turkish and Tartar warriors that ChristianEuropefacedin its battleswith the Oftomans.

RootlessCosmopolitanreadersare probablyawareof the connection betweenHasidicmen's dressand { the gqb worn by Polishnobility of I the l8b cenftry. Today,kapotes (blackcaftans)tied with gartlscan be found in Hasidicneighborhoods like Williamsburg,Boro Park and Mea Shearim.But tracingthe origin of this styletakesus on an interestingtrip far eastof the Vistula. I



Polishportraitureof the times showsmenwith shavedheads, longwhiskers,caftansand lanciful (soundfuniliar?) Often headware theyareposedreclininglike Sultans.

The milieu that gaverise to the Hasidicadoptionof the caftanwas the l8h centurvPolish/Lithuanian Commonwealth-the land from which the Baal ShemTov created a revolutionarystrainof Jewish practice.The Polisharistocracy, calledthe Szlachta,had constructeda nationalmyth to justify their superiorstatus.

of the The Polishenlightenment late l8thcenturysu'eptau'a1'the the Ironically', cultof Sarmatism. liveson in the aesthetic Sarmatian streetsof Brooklvn.whcreultraorthodoxJewishmcn dresslike rrho borrowed Catholicaristocrats costumesfrom Muslirnu'arriorsin an effortto irnitatenomadic pagans.

Sarmatismwas the belief that the Szlachtawere descended from ancientTurco-lraniantribeswho invadedfrom the Black Seato rule over the Slavicpeasantry.While todaythe conceptseemslaughable, it was consistentwith the nationalisticmythologiesof the times. The Arthurian legendserved a similarpurposefor the monarchs of England.


Editori.rl It er,l congrotu)d!es



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t;'lo bt_(;lu 1')'t !;tu oN.ltao'u$r?{o -Iy-nyor-t nlyr)Iy D'l-19 oN.t.t 60:ory)to y;lu nl''19'lyl'yl'[]l;1olu-]o ly)l,y-.|-.li71l0 .!-lpryoygp':g)o v;to-tt.l.l$)tr to ,o pg): y;ro'ytlo )r:rr u' ,)tlglgl oD'oogyol.lp oo')ry:t'tg:'ty;'lu't ;.to'.1.1 tllyoo'ol.ti2 oN.ll y;tu-olt.l:u y;.to Jyr-lt;tut6 ll o'lt)t;u,a

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.0tyl'yg izr'lsD'll

'.lc Jcrrscanavengethemselves l.ric'>.a "rrhite beard"rebukesthe

It is clear from the previousvictories of the Jewsover the Cossacks(alongside the Poles)that, shouldthey decideto keepfighting, they could massacrethe Polesand the approachingCossacks' Thus the "white beard" (speakingfor

.\rc thcscthe merciful sonsof '.r-'mercrtul?... Jewsare ;r'sgrnsrblefor one another!If r trukrll thc-Gentiles,theywill 3\ engcthemselveson the Jews tri othercities...We will notbe liLeuo\Gentiles...We will not rvrth revenge the ;vofane KrJdushha-ShemwhichGod rqurresof us."

ScholemAsch himselfl)appealsnot so much to the halakhic imperativeof selfsacrifice,thoughself-sacrificeis requiredto avoid taking the life of anotherJew or Jews.More convincingly, Asch seeksto cultivate within his reader a disgustand distrust for the violence suchdefenseencompasses. Is a life worth living, Asch asksus, once we haveallowed our enemiesto reduceus to their level?

o; l-







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., ,-.^^^ -..i,rn with rewess the Beset which Dfficutties e saru of An historicalreview specialreferenceto her legulposition by L. Ilands


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print:-11:l.Pl::,f":Xj*::',1'l;1e17)^^^ -y i ::!t Bngland: (Bayswater, *' 6 J..*rl ;6" t;"'r'' "" Enough. rheagunahF.- --" ;;', '-;,'f; Yt"i"i Yt"i"i;; -J ::.lllt is crushed *a"rit.

whichBeset Dfficulties theJewess Some

*rinlr tiuiiffi""

:l.t:.1j:"jtuPbjnf always reflected,n..t iltr"uttil;f men,and second,a lack of sensitivitvt., tv the-needs of women.rft"l"*"rrrr'rr suffering-under political opp*ion, on the.olher is !and, likely to be a victim or Not Jewsh Enough,as therei; ffi;ly a lack of Jewishrepresentation within her local gou"rnrn.nt.

with SpiLial Referenceto her Legal Positionis a 16-pagepamphlet;written and privatelyprintedin tltZ Uya somewhatmysteriousEnglishwoman named"L. Hands."SomiDrPculties doesindeeddeliveron its tiile's promise. ,,-_ .. ,, Surveyingthe Jewishlegalpositionof ,fu2*'ry* women,Ms. Handsu.curutily pinpoints the "Difliculties" arisingfrom historical reasoningappliedin the all-too-hereand-now.First and foremostamong


"chainedwomen"') Eventoday,so seriousis the plight of the agunohwho cannotobtaina get that sheis not merely "Beset" but also "plagued,""harassed," "distressed,"and "embittered"to saythe least'

M,r&,estwb eH Z',"qnf

UpontheChildlessWidow,andsoo* %Jb.r*gn1fu%"r* leadsthisreaderto ofl'erherown summation: yotu A".t"g;;*"tt


-,:-: .& 'uic - r-'i - :! :rr r ':{: -'3 ,., - 't^:*

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''€ I approaches introducinghimselfas "cantor phil," this is a Difficulty which 't?r 'foo is Jewish.Believeme, we haveall :''. beenBesetby Cantorphil at onetime o, -t . --: another,However,when your boss approachesyou to put the Hebrew *o.d, t-t' on the company"holiday card," J carefullyiconographized without baby or angels,but hasfailedto nolict . Jesuses that Hanukkahwas over two weeks dgo,_ that is a caseof Not JewishEnough.And_._.". when you areashamedto tell your boss you don't know the Hebrewlettersor 'r' how to spell"Hag Sameakh"and you ., simultaneously feel irritatedbeingthe -. .,1 tokencompanyJewessand youreally : wish they would put the Hebrewon the ;, 0. card and get it out in time for Hanukksh, r*ri well, Dear Reader,that is a devilishcaS€s . ._ of both Too Jewishand Not Jewish _ .., Enough.Sadly,Ms. L. Handsoffersno resolutionto oneBesetbv sucha paradox. ro b--.-



Besetby only two kindsof Difficulties, namely, Too Jewish and Not Jewish Enough.Whenyou really think aboutit, everythingfalls into one of thosetwo categories.The agunah,for example,is clearlya victim of Too Jewish,whereas political oppressionis almostalwaysa

- .r.

With respectto the Moderately_ observant and SecurarJewesses, I woul , '^fro" rr.- i^it^,,"-:,;;..*;.;:::"'.;;^:-'

oragunot(theso-ianed theseisrhecase

If thereis a critiqueto be madeof Ms. Hands'booklet,it is, first, that her examplesonly devolvearoundthe most As I religioussub-groupof "Jewesses." needhardlytell you, dearreader,the andevenSecular Moderately-Observant Jewessis aboutas Besetas it is possible to be. Secondly,Ms. Hands'admirable summaryfails somehowto Providean overarchingprincipleor schematicby which the AverageJewess'Diffrculties can be understood.Reviewingthe specificsof the casessheenumeratesSocialConditions,PoliticalOppression, Divorce-The Brother-in-Law'sClaim

r -,,*ight of thousands

(ffiJfu,a*ltt&at 41t*7oue

Finally,to the questionof Ms. Hands' , ?- t identity.All that is known of the frl authoressis that in 1920shedeliveredarr... . expandedpaperbasedon this pamphlet Dr i. ;. lr ;

(Beset,con't from previouspage) at the Internationa WomenZionistswhich was heldin Londonin July 1920.It is conceivable that she was the Lydia Handswho, in 1880,publisheda versionfor young readersof the Germanmedievalepic poem, the Nibelungenlied.But a breakof almost40 yearsbetweenpublished works seemsunlikely,and unlessshe were very young at the time of her Mtttel Deut.schphase,shewould haveto be ratherelderlyby the time of the 1920 conference.The name"L. Hands"does. in its simplicity,suggesta pseudonym, but arguingagainstthis is the pamphlet's inscription.Distributionwasprivate, with the title pageverso marked"From Miss Hands,57, PortsdownRoad, London,W-9"; and written in by handin virtually every extantcopy,"With compliments."Why sendcomplimentsif the addresseecouldn't be surewho you were?Thus we must assumethat our friend and foremotherL. Handswas simplya rank-and-fileJewessboth wellversedin traditionalJewishknowledqe and amply Besetby the attendant problemstherein.

FU"ttu,tWPU4 /a'y'ilot z ltt


Paul Celan (Frenchpoet born in Bukovina)

Bruno Schulfz (author of The SanitariumUnder the Sign of the Hourglass)

Sidney Hillman (born in Lithuani4 yeshivarebel, legendarylabor organissl, helped found the CIO)

Louis-Ferndinand Celine (Frenchnovelist author of the masterpiece Journeyto the End of Night, Nazi sympathizerand all around gump) Cherles Schultz (responsiblefor the entire shataof SnooPY objets tn landfills aroundthe countrY;

Sidney Wilhelm (Crroundbreakingand prophetic radical sociologisg authorof Who Needsthe Negro)

:,.*Nw Y"rl. ',

E6,vard Said be damned, Jews have always proudly looked " East. In Eastern Europe they looked toward Zion. In Amerrca : they look toward Eastern Europe. In Manhattanople they look i to the mysterious and enticing East. As Pinkhas llushefsky i points out in his article on Hasidic dress, Hasidic Jews came to


ildr"ss the way they do now becauseof the Orientalist | rcndenciesof certain TurkophilePolish nobles.So take a ,l Rootless Cosmopolitan'sadviceand hit thesesiteswhenyou're the East' I in N"* Yorkand seekingsomewisdomfrom i I


j 1. tempte of Dendur, MetropolitanMuseumof Art, 56 Avenueand 86& Street iAvailable for private weddings,supplyyour own Ksrnakian priest 2. Kalustyan;s Importers of Fine Spices,LexinglonAvenueand 28d'Sfeet :Forbidden ricefor sale,just don't ask the lady at the counterhow to make it. J3.Turkuaz Turkish Restaurant,Broadwayat l00thStreet , Theydo this thing with creamy eggltlant,you'll plotz 4. DaheshMuseum of Art, 580MadisonAvenue Thefinest collection of Europeanacademicart, much ofwhichfeatures Orientalist themes 5. East-West Books, 5* Avenue at l2t,, Steet Youcanfeel like a Thurman(Uma, Gandonor Robert) while buying esotericafor the wholefamily. Yogaon the secondfloo

Prao;** .4"1 A*l;$le"*rt


d t R^,,^5Y,J/;qlql' A f?*i .a Po"gtttt

by A. Meydl, Anonymous Correspondent to Rootless Cosmopolitan If I had a nickel for every time I am asked why I becameso involved with Yiddish I would be rich. Halevay! The reality is that I am strugglingto survive financially by working with the Yiddish languageon a daily basis.Over severalyears,it has evolved from a firn project to a languagethat I mutter in my sleep. When I beganstudying Yiddish for fiur, I never imaginedthat it would becomemy profession(meshteynsgezogt).I simply liked the languageand the soundof it. I liked how a few words were familiar and how many were not. I becamefluent over a period ofseveral years,through a combinationof intensiveacademicstudy, reading music, and spendingtime with native speakers.I immersedmyself further and further in the culture until I realizedthat I could only go deeper. I love the facesof older peoplewho talk abouttheir youth in a place and time that is completelydifferent from my own- I love the soundof the Yiddish languagein the kitchen and on the stage,hearinga song aroundthe table as the sun goesdown. This is not only the Yiddish of nostalgiaand badjokes - this is my own heritage. In 2003, I moved to New York - the heartof today's Yiddishlmd - to work as a Yiddishist. The life I lead now is a far cry from the boring (but stable)job, brutal winters, and cheaprents that I left behind in the Midwest. In New York, I have patched togethervarious part-timesjobs, all involving Yiddish. The resulting experience is frequentlymaddeningand occasionally rewarding. How did it happen?No strategy,really. I beganby seekingout work involving the Yiddish language,without any concrete goals other than learning,improving my languageskills, and promoting the language

and culture. I found a variety ofjobs administrativework in Yiddish organizations,cataloging archiving, teaching,performing, child care.At one point last year, I realizedI had eight jobs. I was running betweentwo or three different jobs in one day, skipping dinner, trying to balancethe needsof many dernanding employers.Sincethen, it has stabilized somewhat yet I often still feel like a yeshive-bokher;eatingdays at different jobs in orderto ekeout a living. My day-to-daywork is often mundaneexceptfor the fact that it's canied out in a languagethat many insist is alreadydead. Composingand banslatingbilingual correspondence and articles; organizing cultrual eventsand meetings;plodding throughpiles of books - literary masterpieces,obscureself-publishedpoets, grisly Holocaustmemoirs,translationsof classics,and new (yes, new) novels and poetry; preparingnew literary and linguistic projects,strugglingwith cryptic handwritten entriesand pageafter page of Yiddish text; tediouslycatalogingarchivesand databases. I even care for Yiddish-speakingchildren playing in the snow,cooking noodles, readingbooks in Yiddish and English, and learningfrom eachother. I also perfonn as a Yiddish singer and songwriter,sometimes evenas an actor. It is especiallyexhilarating to perform for an audiencewho understands the language. I'm thrilled just to be in New York and to be working with Yiddish, but like the freshfacedyoung artist who comesto the big city to make it, I have also becomeolder and wiser - some might say cynical and disillusioned.It's a tazy life, and the instability really grateson me. I neverknow if onejob will be theretomorrow, if the organization'smoney will run out or if someonemore aggressivewill shouldertheir

wav to the front, while I, the ever-polite fatl $shind Miiwesternel' '""i;;h;;-[io tttat in the caPitol.of YiJC.ftf^nA, workers in Yiddish to.acceptan o.**irutlons are often expe{ted work envkollment where low I ""'a,.Uf" t""k of benefitsprevail'Ithink *"#;e that I say rp."Jf", othsrs as woll when becomerict\ I do i,ir"tgft I don't expect to have be able to PaYthe rent' to ;;;" to lr"ul,h in***ce, and to be able aftendYiddish and Jewish a ""i"""tJfv eventswithout feelinglike Poor wedding' lavish a at ,o*rP"r*n

May, 2OO4 To the cats at lleeb:




aresuppos€dlv iurt"r"Midwesterners

enter^the fo, tn",' workethic'I could ;; if I il"J"*" ."ulm *h"t" I will beprized li"i--Jvr" literature (in English).Ifr:u .

f"ili"'"se I w.ould':'YY:i1f,"t:.0^ I would have-a








iy intellectuals'

if haditioru onthisheYmish

whose a small group of students

* .11 p'i"'p,n * T:acat ::'.T#"H::X?]" manY Yet money. as a spoken *",ft"'"gft it's alreadydead thatangersme' How:uot:u"h t;;#,and f;"inating languagebe rendered ;;;: is accessibleonly i-i ria", urittl e dook"ttrai to a few?

politics , As annoying as the

, yia[rni-i




Yiddish - you are in my blood'




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letyou go,jq{

a Frar*Iy Heeb, you're awfully proud aboul' what? Shockrng a tallls bunch of peopleby portrayrng a nakel Chnst weanng the like a locier ioorn towel? That's really a no-brainrx ln sh
debate-about I've yet to sec l{eeb spark a genuine, intellectual fideasr. l've yet to seea Senurnelyradical thought put forth rJewish Press' may say' in your pages,despitewhat the your eldersdoesn't Berng a-b;ct of bad assesand shrcking much. for really count rn a We all know that getting Abe Foxman's boxer bricfs t*irt irn't all that drffrcult- t low about pnn(rrg something ^ AIJL Hq t that would rcally causehea( palpitations over-at What about an appreciation ofthe late Jewish histonan He wrote about the endurance of antrtutu*i"* Su**tt i"r,,it sm at a t" structural and conceptual incompatibilities to wnt€ a of Judaism and Christianity. He had the chutzpah book about it called "You Gentiles' in 1924' Maybe they've Go, talk this one over with the Suicide Grls qot something substantiveto add to the dialogLre l".{" . . I'licontinue bidding on vrrtage copiesof Jewish ;-;;G". 6 on Ebay and counting the &ys titt Heeb issue 6,**o

Very truly Yours' RokN bas cYPrus

can be in

of ttereis a powertulsense

1communiry, cofiltrdtment' and shareq torn motivaredbY Passionand ;*Jim by arnbivalence'



I I I . :1...t;"..I

just give up and SometimesI think I should it th: '-",g1t1 ]"ii"",. I could just get ajob orgaruzanon:u *norl{ or evenin theJewish



below me are making Pierogtes'

ho*' rareit is Peopledon't seemto realize wlth ,tt"-.i-a"Vt to find young-people Tlgl lo commrttee are who and skills ""ii.ti"l* Yiddish' In the organizational ;;rkt"ffih the problemis funding how -"tt{ i*;f isn't is and who sets it Yiddish ;;;iltil;" mainstream *O- scteenof most general "",f." i"*ittt ..g-izations' let alone funders.But even (and somehmes a Yiddish orgBnizationsconhnue ".o""iuffyl wherethe worker's il;;"dil"n. is exploited in order to commiEnent a cause worker ;""eY. But when both the ;;;;; through-bad and the causeare sacrificed takhles? the *nditions, what's ;;il;g t1

publicity I just ftrushul issue 5 and got yortr [-[cebrelatcd m) urxlatec-mail Chcc agatn'you'vefarledto m{l cven So, you sh
. l,'

I can't say

for you butI can't enartssry

().lcsfibns, Comrnc^f5'am ia ScnJ 5, bmissions? .-noKHLKgGAAIL'cor,t


VMW BY Rokhl bas CYPrus David Mandelbaumhasbeenmany things,from a battlarei rl,hts youth, to a professionalYiddish actor with the FolksbieneYiddish Theatre.He is also the ne plus ultra of Yiddish soul in Washington Heights,itself a bastionof Yekkitude and little old ladiesnamedGsrt and Dot (God blessthem.) David is a beaconto me, with his beautiful Yiddish, rich family history, and almost inexplicable devotion to residing here in the lofty Heights.You can keepyour Henry Kissingers,your Ruth Westheimers,even your JacobJavitzs (hometown"heros" all.) I'm proud to saythat David Mandelbaumis my neighbor.Here, for the first time in print is the story of David and his family as they traveledthroughJewish time and space.



Cl:,|,;^,p"Lal David's parentsfall in love and marry, though not without somefamilial resistance' While his paternalgrandfatherwas the mayor of Chibin (the only Jewishmayor in Poiand) he was also a misnagid'David's maternalgrandfather,on the other hand was a BresloverHasid and the town shoykhet' Differenceswere overcomeand true love prevailed,through deportationto Siberia a iojourn in Kazakhstan' brief repatriation to potanO,a spell in Stuttga( Germany' and frnally, a home in WashingtonHeights'

!u:rr-.tD 'liN 'lrT ulill BH]r Dpu)DTluD N ]r: "l.N .ut'.r'r r'llr utrlr\ !l 'l1N lb$lbu lB 1$b!11 urD'1:J)T!'1 ''lrRf 11$.'IH11N nDU''lr\N , :J]lNil'l::P)\'1u ul$ll1 : 1 r r [ b n i l N b D 5 : J U, b u t r n ] N U ) ' J \ I D N I]I\ N ' N . t s45-25||

|g]"lf 4,s lzqa)



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:** /'J W I ul' J'u tl'^""'|/ 0u Ha^'o 0/^/4"t'/ &,ynt|tYa1l;ea, Eo*4 Arx'rrx.,t"1 170" tt44 The ultimate Yekke yeshiva. Young David sometimeswent there to hearthe choir. By himself.

1gE"tl".l r'il B^.J"//.V

The first video storeis openedin WashingtonHeightsby recentlvarrivedRussianJews.

Ctl,4:.; A*nu t4J nT Shtd. lk Ultt tl*l at l6l" WhenRabbi Weinstein'scongregation Steetmoved, they were absorbedinto the Bridge Shul.

18 t44'1klvub t.a W*e4.r

19' 9"rA ,^l E+*f, Auqa, Dr.r.l^dat Stl;U The Dombrover Ruv was fhe brotherof the Chibiner Ruv. The elder Mandelbaumhad studiedat the Chibiner Ruv's misnagdish weqhiva in Pnlnnrl

191' SlMl .4.1 &1,'r;4; Ar,.ru4k4r^^otd The Mandelbaumsmove to this shtiblewhen they move into an apartnent in nearbyLafayette Gardens.

A^4fu"1.*^Ar,rnu:'" lk'f70't In a little brownstonethe son of Rabbi Judah Turnauerusedto blow the shofarlike nobody's business.David madea point to hear him wheneverhe could.



This is where the Mandelbaumslived in their fust apartrnent.

$f S$.r4.+l Fc,lWala* A nearbyGerman-Jewishsynagogue. RelationsbetweenYekkes and polish Jewswere "cordial" but also ..nonexistent."

16f tl"rrl k14'.r^B4.J4t 'f . l Aru*,rla Also Rabbi Weinstein'scongregation. the homeof Rabbi Weinstein'sBoy Scout troop. This is the first synagoguethe Mandelbaumsattendin WashingtonHeights. Purelyan interim measure,as Mr. Mandelbaum searchesfor a more intimate shtibl.

$f 9'*t1*19*,tw7 l|e rptlartT'l/*')

P/64V.4t;44 .t a

Davia attendsRarnazthough l2h sade. At Ramazhe is Bar ldidah'd and has Rabbi as Lookstein (father of Haskell) a teacher-

The ftrst shtibl where the elder Mandelbaum feels comfortable' having found a consJegationof Polish Jews' inom somewereChibiner' "f

I .l


/",Jtl't WhenAlibris andEbaylet you down,and you just can't locatethat obscuretitle you absolutelygotta have,friend, look no further than the Christian Patriot AssociationBook PublishersCatalog.Get the skinny on the incometax scam(T'helllegal Tax Protester Information Book), the down-low on do-it-yourself munitions (HomemadeGurc and HomemadeAmmo) and tnrth you always suspectedabout globalization(The Demonic Rootsof Globalisrz).Oh, and they'vegot a real hard-onfor Mormons,too(Mormonism, Magic and Masonry.)Wait,you sayyou couldn't carelessaboutMormons,munitionsor moneylaundering?For thosewith a more ... discriminatingtaste,of course,the CPA has a wide rangeof Judaica.They've got almostall my favorites,evena set of the Zohar pricedat what I'm sureis below KaballahCenterprice,but no ToldusYeshu.I'vepicked out someof the bestof the CPA titles to sharewith my RootlessCosmpolitanreaders. Enjoy!


I Jd

hiro.i .xpund3 up h tdcb d i.s d.r mds.lo d.*oy hir Chridimiv lnd him th. bc.drds Oocldn.



.Srr Masl.dy. iludy.mding Sd realy h.ppd to th. Million' J.s slppodly .rl.rmrnd.d bry Hdtd. $m th. .(reda^ry pputirbn displaccmcnl. Sich occur.d bfor.. durang. Md afr.. Worb Wr i - th. vd mmmcnls ol vrry much dt. J.$sh retug.G inlo lh. Mt Unton. h.dq Md pd.rtn.Wrin.n $th th. aid d ! €o6pd.r d dlhuang may Zhi{ lercd, thtt long-aw.ilcd b@k !dd! soth.. chapr.r ro th. r.eii6ir hidodqr+hy d th. 'Hokaun.' A'bi€.aphy.lnd.r,, Chdt. labtc3, M+i. 2S prg.r - paf-


# 98t -Ot0

lo obtdn cmtd d mtb him . puppd

# 900{9$s

THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE by Robeft H. Williams # 90G2S}S



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lo c.9tur.

ou. cohtry_

t 9()G23+S THE ATI-AS OF JEWISH HISTORYby Manin Gilbeft A dictrd f.d{,

ffpdlum ud Mhg

# 735{3

d tp**m.F h oa th Jdsh lighl on hi difi.r.d

r.6 p@t. ndlml

h hl$ry. tm Mchnt i.ningt-

mffii& Mcldmli

mlg.|h:, to th.

(U3l 2o,oo)


AUSCHWITZ: The Final Count Edited by V. Bird



THE BIGOTSBEHINDTHE SWASTIKASPREE by Joseph P. Kamp 6tG oi thc tuSNmdh Lo.guc .nd simits dd ddgrolp hdrd by .ngg.rd'E distdre, Sdic'incidcntr In hdk!ild Srcd.

# 9Ol+19


BLOOD RITUALby PhilipdeVier lhlt b@t b u d.m9t to Mdl. r cmpl.t. history d Jdsh Fdud Murdcr lhroughod hl{qy. Th. bginnings d dd mdd.r r. mad6 ptdn. A rm}tinc ot cg bgdd b dd dd yor Sdb w to tu y.d m. on ht! subid hh b@t tl ba a d!6h, pardack .*dd ld. 23 ts96



THE C-9 REPORTDUTY. HONOR. COUNTRY Amic. L ffi. sfrdChrHbity$d s hb @ F*H Cndffiy.

r htmgd dd by un-Arnd6r. Fd ffi ilr|d Mhtb th.ollsu* dry dh h. h o, rdng ffi hb

d rlt, l. birly Sccdrv.Ib d dddi€


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o{ tr ffd }rrdrd d .k tr do d tk


you d tshjd h tsret, Zioh

Zffibm. mv tu



THE DAMN]NG PARALLELS:of The Protocots "Forgeries'Adoptedand Fulfiiledin the UnitedStates by Jewish-RadicalLeadership by Roben Edward Edmondson * 9(l{)-?52A-S



srav6 radrre

d rh. lws

d thc JGs_



FACTSARE FACTS by BenjaminH. Freedman

In hd ith.dddd lo h6dthsll of ilcnc. d Sdcgtho co* Md lo U.d t sbld ! laldy md s htrcdly s s tu b. I,lo lncfrd lr ndo to ingl d hdMddt kus. bry h4fnd lo b. M lo a c.tu;n ec; hcithd hm F.rmpld m!6n. frm dhin b thd rcen. i E &ci6 hd dno CodmmM ed Jddrm il. b h.tddrbly bd om to th dhd, I history ol p@ph wld h ffi cmtdMo $bsbtidty to m und66lding d th pred ffi m|ro&il6'r ffi b Fd*t nundd dh elbcd d |w clippk€r @umding h. Jdth rob ln h cmmsid Pneg[|P]E |M.gehOdchdBusrd

t 9lt{to9

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# 961-{Xr2 THE GREATHOLOCAUSTTRIAL by Michael A. Holfman h. illy Erd Zun&l Mphbl.Dlo

r l.OO

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d pubtsh.. rh Fdhg

# 941-OOt t3.oo THE GREATJEWISHMASOUEor The Ass tn The Lion's Skin by UnknownAuthor Puui$c.! d.: Thc dicl. pr6.nrd in thB pmpht.i udilbtdt..Th cr.d Jaish Masquo' ir thc rcfi d e rtuE *6. idcnlity, h rcg.d, b nd lnm lo usTh6dgandcorySich @ Jdo turrctu ceic! no iffituio tub s lo tr lhc aulb migh hm b.n d phc. uy bdicatbo d th d h ori{in. Mhld, h. dtds of thir w( dt&h utuddty rcp|s ttf, r.d d gblicd ffyapF$ yc6 34d dddp Hinod d to 6 b hgtdthd h [email protected] indr a tb Fu.ldmcnlalid Schd d DDUght b Silc d b @nrNsil Ctrd, t wE d6Ud lo js!6 n h l' fd fom ds [ fid .Fd o tb pr96 d d sml monhry Fblk.ton,lh.'ffi - P+&f, Gcntit... { p€d

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r br d h H;d&n 9b Zbih, ds.m[km. Md GEn ChdsliMity.

hd 6 gui& byh P*nin.. mo^ry d

Prdc* .xFd1


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Pt'fl"Wh Ho*Tk "

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t 25sachdsnddo.dwlthahk &aso dlw6 8ws€ks lo,shl4

PmdlotsDncadud€, ry Atcbhslo.shdqos



KOL NIORE p.ay.r b &dv.


dTTOFC@{nY: CANAOA -lr tn tdli6t M( OVERSAS-zo*ol I /5 tor seh eddnbnslbok totd. tj.irr mdrlrn. { dhMhh Unld gd6 muslrp.bhU S lunds Arboqordo, o, chsk drawnsaU S. Mnk i! appropdato hrsro Sl9pd ds ds.l.klq you wad'AkPost.'ptsas€ apo.orlfrst€ly I J mo.ths lo a(wo tultd sond Tfopdar€ smMt toffi (qrtudy p. tubb b@k dk.ruol,.


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Wo are di$q.o€

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Black Hat, White Rior is the name of a recentlyreissuedalbum by a little rememberedfirst wave punk band called the Misnagdimr. The fact that a bunch of Satmaryeshivabokherswould call themselvesMisnagdim gives you an idea of the "fuck you" factor at work here. Originally releasedin 1979,Black Hat, Wite Rlor enjoyeda brief burst of airplay in the UK. The Misnagdim even supportedDesmondDekker on his March 1979tour of the Outer Hebrides and Wales2.This was mostly due to the fact that the Misnagdim and Dekker sharedthe samemanagement,Leslie Kong, a ChineseJamaicanwho owned the famousBeverley's Ice Cream and RecordShop in Kingston. The Misnagdim eventuallydroppedKong after being wooed to the managementof Sir Lew Grade.Sir Lew saw the potentialin punk rock and envisioned himself a JewishMalcolm Mclaren-3 It's not clear if the move to Sir Lew's managementis what promptedthe band'sabrupt implosion in May 1979, but forcing the band to don Beatleswigs during their appearanceon Top of the Popscouldn't havehelped band morale.


Reviewed byRokhtbas Cyprus ignoramuscan come as close to God as the greatestrabbinic scholar. He made Judoism meoningful for the mossesat a time when its humanqualities were being neglectedby its rabbinic leaders. Punk rock showedthat, similarly, any guitar and a lignoramus with accessto a iminimum of chordscould changethe of the music world forever if possessed dgfit kavonah. Ignoramusesaround the lworld cheered. I I

I Unfortunately,the Misnagdim'ssub!g"*" of punk nevertook off. For iexample,one of the best songson the ialbum, Get the hell of my bima you !bloody skinheadsQ"kiah) would seem 'to be in the vein of the popular antiracist genre.But the song is actuallya rarity for punk rock, an instrumental featuringa 33 secondshofar solo. The rest of the album is made up of clumsy diatribesand not one but two circumcisionprotestsongs:Pieceof V Thing and OrelaArgument.The low point probablycomeswith the Misnagdim's attemptto deal with the touchy subjectof inter-marriage."Dea to my family" containsthe memorable refrain "l married a shiksas/rebbewat to fix her/ I'm deadto my family/dead my familyidead to my family/ but hap in bed6."

The great historian Jacob Rader Marcus saysthat "Hasidism was not a revolt againstthe Jewish religion but againstits leadersand their interpretation of it. The Besht[Ba'al ShemTov] taughta new

While the Misnagdim's one and only releaseis interestingto us as a curious reflectionof a very specific time and place,it is also a reminderof the challenge,and limitations, of permanent

wayto worshipGod...He insisted spiritualperfectioncomesnot through learningbut throughpersonal devoutness, andthusthe humblest

revolution as an artistic mode. rI1eD. Opponents ' A leading exporterofhyphenated namesand

Merlin Shepard ' He also apparentlyfanciedhimself a Jewish Samuel Goldwyn and a Jewish David O. Selznick, even as Jewish versions of Goldwvn and Selznick were alreadv extant.


Heb. Abomination; also, someoneblonder and skinnierthan you'll ever be o Which almost certainlydid not havea sheet with a hole cut in it

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