Roncalli Elementary School Parent Newsletter October 1, 2009
PD Day Please note that there is an upcoming Professional Development Day on Tuesday, October 6th. Consequently, there will be no classes for students on that day.
will be eligible to win prizes. The walk will be held on Friday, October 16th at 1pm. All funds raised will be used to enhance the educational opportunities for our students as approved by School Council.
International Walk to School Day Thanksgiving Assembly Our Grade 1 students will be hosting a Thanksgiving Assembly, next Friday. The assembly will begin at 10:45 am. We look forward to their presentation as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
We will again this year be participating in the International Walk to School Day on Wednesday October 7th. We will again assemble on the field at McNiven Place, and from there proceed to school. Further information and permission slips will be sent home in next day or so.
Pictures Thanksgiving Food Drive We will once again this year participate in the 19th Annual Metrobus/VOCM Thanksgiving Food Drive. During the week of October 5th – 9th (next week) we are asking students to bring non-perishable food items to school. This food will then be collected by representatives of Metrobus and VOCM and presented to the Community Food Sharing Association on behalf of Roncalli Elementary. Thank you in advance for your support!
Thanksgiving Holiday Monday, October 12th is a school holiday in celebration of Thanksgiving Day. We hope everyone has an enjoyable long weekend.
School Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 20th. Further information will be sent home next week. Provincial School Studios will be taking the pictures this year.
School Website Please note, that our website is up and running. We will be attempting to keep it updated regularly. Quite a bit of information has been added. Newsletters will be posted and then archived. As well, current school events will be posted. Check it out at Thanks to Mr. Walter for all his efforts and work with our website.
Allergies Fundraiser As you are aware, we are currently holding our first fundraiser, our annual walk-a-thon. At this time, we would like to encourage students to continue to seek pledges from family and friends. Information and pledge sheets were sent home. Participating students
Please note that we do have students in our school with serious life threatening allergies to all nuts, fish and kiwi, so we ask that parents refrain from sending in food items which contain these products.
Roncalli Elementary School Parent Newsletter October 1, 2009
Children’s Reading Connection
Each Friday is a recycling drop off day at our school. Each student participating in this program will be eligible to win prizes.
The Children’s Reading Connection is now accepting registration for its Fall Reading and writing Program. Reading Improvement and enrichment classes will be offered. Classes begin on Saturday, October 3rd. For further information contact Linda at 256-7610.
Parking As noted, our doors open at 8:25 am and dismissal is at 2:45pm. The parking lot is often congested and can be quite dangerous with so much traffic and excited students. As in the past, to ensure safety, the following procedures will be used: 1.
In the afternoon, bus students will be dismissed first from the student entrance. Private vehicles must not block the bus lane of the fire lanes adjacent to the school.
2. After the bus has left the parking area, students who walk or who are picked up, will be dismissed and led down the chapel exit or the front door depending on which class they are in. Please discuss with your child the importance of walking in the parking lot because of moving vehicles. It is our hope that everyone will cooperate with these procedures as we try to ensure the safety of all students. .
Please drive
Gameboys, I-Pods, etc. Students who bring Gameboys, I-Pods and other such electronic games do so at their own risk. These are very expensive toys and many children have similar ones. We cannot be responsible for any lost Gameboys or accompanying games or other electronics. We strongly encourage all students to leave these items at home and spend time at lunchtime socializing with friends, playing games, reading, etc.
Outside Intercom We now have an intercom on the main entrance door. In the next few weeks, this will be moved to the back (office) door. The front doors will be locked shortly after 9. They will be unlocked from about 11:50am12:05 and from around 12:35-12:50pm and again around 2:35 pm. All other times, the office must be paged and we would ask all parents/visitors to proceed to the office. Once buzzer is moved, all visitors will need to use office entrance. Signs will be posted. School Council Elections –Wanted: Parent
Representative! We have a vacancy for a parent representative on school council. Parents who wish to put their names forward or nominate someone are asked to make a brief statement outlining why you would like to be a member of council with a short resume, for publishing and distribution to parents. Nominations/resumes will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, October 9th. If needed, voting will take place during the week of October 19th -23rd.
Thought for the day… “Let your enthusiasm radiate in your voice, your actions, your facial expressions, your personality, the words you use, and the thoughts you think! Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” ………………Ralph Waldo Emerson
Roncalli Elementary School Parent Newsletter October 1, 2009