Romeo And Juliet: Unit Test Study Guide

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 8
Name ___________________ Date _________ Period _____

Study Guide Romeo and Juliet 1. Where was William Shakespeare born? _________________ 2. What year was Shakespeare born? _______________ 3. What is significant about Shakespeare’s birthday and the day he died?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ 4.

Approximately how many words did Shakespeare invent? ____________


Name three words Shakespeare invented.


_____________ _____________


What is the name of the dictionary in which new words added to the English language are recorded? ___________________________________________


What kind of poem is the Prologue to Romeo and Juliet? _____________


What function does the “Chorus” serve throughout Romeo and Juliet?



What two things does the Prologue tell us about the ending of Romeo and Juliet?


1. 2.


10.Where do Romeo and Juliet first meet?

__________________________________ 11.How many lines does a sonnet have? ______

12.How many syllables are in each line of a sonnet? ______

13.What are the last two rhyming lines of a sonnet called? ______________

14.How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? ______

15. How

many sonnets are in Romeo and Juliet? ______

16.What do actors apply to their lines when they read Shakespearean sonnets in a sing-song way? ___________________ ___________________

17. Make

sure you know which part of sonnet lines to underline when actors speak sonnets using the answer to #16 (above).

Example: I love to read good books all day and night,

Practice underlining sonnet lines on the following examples:

Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;

18. Make

sure you know how to draw a diagram for an English sonnet. (Found in your notes, the letters stacked and connected in different ways, showing which lines rhyme together). Draw a sonnet diagram here:

19. Be

familiar with the following dramatic literary terms. (Found in your Holt Reader on p. 311 and in notes you took in class.) Write the definition of each below:


______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Tragedy

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __

Tragic hero

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Tragic flaw

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Comedy

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Dialogue

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Monologue

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Soliloquy


______________________________________ __ Aside

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ Props

______________________________________ ______________________________________ __

Be familiar with the following plot elements and what happens during each in Romeo and Juliet. Name one event in each act that contributes to the action of the play. Also write the literary term we associate with each act, (i.e. exposition, etc.) Use your completed worksheet to help you with this part. Act III:

Act II:

Act IV:

Act I:


Act V:

During which act of Romeo and Juliet does the play turn from a comedy to a tragedy? ___________________


What happens in the above act that turns the play from a comedy to a tragedy? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

22. Did Elizabethan playwrights use words or scenery, props, and lighting to create their scenes? ___________________________________________ 23.What is Romeo’s last name __________________ Juliet’s? __________________ 24.Be familiar with the definitions of the following vocabulary words: * (Look them up in an online dictionary if you need to)











25. Name

at least two themes and one motif from Romeo and Juliet, and provide an example from the play that represents that theme. Theme: _____________________________________ Example from play: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Theme: _____________________________________ Example from play: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Motif: ______________________________________ Example from play: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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