Rohtash Singh Shekhawat

  • October 2019
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napier university business school Facilities Management Coursework The coursework comprises an Individual Essay, which is due in Week 8, and represents 50% of the overall assessment weighting. Full details are to be found in the Assessment Unit. Examination The examination will be attempted in Week 14 or 15 and represents 50% of the overall assessment weighting. Full details are to be found in the Assessment Unit. Welcome to Facilities Management

You are required to produce an Essay on one of the following three topics: Evaluate the increasing emphasis that hospitality operators are placing upon effective facilities management. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples drawn from a sector of the Indian hospitality industry of your choice. • Within the context of a type of hospitality operation, and construction project, of your choice, evaluate the essential characteristics of a well defined and developed construction project proposal. • Within the context of a type of hospitality operation, and construction project, of your choice, evaluate those issues and challenges typically encountered during the course of both undertaking and completing construction works. •

5 Coursework Assignment Facilities Management – Study Guide 20

5.2 Requirements Your work is to be submitted in Week 8 and should: • Be structured in essay format • Have a main text comprising no more than 1,500 words • Be word processed • Include a List of References and be correctly referenced within the text (using the Harvard system)

5.3 Guidance Notes 5.3.1 Format You can access a comprehensive set of Guidance Notes on Essay Writing at Appendix A at the back of this Guide. An electronic version is also available to you via WebCT Vista. All pages should be numbered. Appendices are not appropriate in essay format, nor are Figures or Tables. A margin of no less than 2.5cm should be left on the right hand side of pages to allow room for markers’ comments.

Remember all academic writing is in the third person, singular, present tense. For example, it is correct to state “Jones (1998) states hospitality is a fast growing and increasingly diverse industry in India”, but incorrect to state “Jones (1998) stated hospitality is a fast growing and increasingly diverse industry in India.” Similarly, it is correct to state “there is much evidence to confirm that hospitality is a fast growing and increasingly diverse industry in India”, but incorrect to state “I have read that hospitality is a fast growing and increasingly diverse industry in India.” 5.3.2 Structure Your Essay should be structured as follows: • Cover Page • Introduction • Methodology • Main Discussion (structured using appropriate headings and sub-headings) • Conclusion • List of References Coursework Assignment Facilities Management 21 nt – Study Guide

5.3.3 Methodology You are not expected to undertake any extensive research in preparing this Essay. Nevertheless, in any piece of academic writing, it is always wise to justify the reliability of the information upon which it is based. As such, you should briefly explain how your study has been approached, and outline the research that you have undertaken in its preparation. There are two principal types of research, namely secondary (or desk) and primary. The former relates to information gathered from sources which already exist; examples include textbooks, journals, government publications and industry reports. The latter relates to information gathered specifically for the purposes of a study; examples of common methods used include interviews, questionnaires and observation. Note there is no requirement for you to undertake any primary research for this Assignment. In sum, you should merely aim to include a brief outline of your overall approach towards your secondary research. 5.3.4 Content The content of your Essay will depend upon your choice of topic. Bear in mind the Assignment is designed to provide you with an opportunity to evidence your knowledge and understanding of the underpinning theory that relates to your chosen topic and thus, by implication, to relate it to practice in industry. You need to

therefore ensure that your discussion is based upon, and makes direct reference to, some of the key theoretical constructs relating to your chosen topic. It is also important to ensure that your work is illustrated with appropriate industrial examples; two or three are expected in a piece of work of this nature and length. 5.3.5 Length Limit It is important that you observe the stipulated limit regarding the overall length of your Essay. You are expected to indicate the total word count at the end of your “Conclusion” section. It is normal practice to allow +/- 10% of a stipulated limit before penalties begin to be imposed for undue length. 5.3.6 Word Processing Handwritten submissions of coursework are no longer acceptable. All student work should be word processed using Arial size 12 font. Coursework Assignment Facilities Management – Study Guide 22

5.3.7 Referencing It is crucial that you provide a List of References at the end of your Essay, and reference adequately within your written work. You should note that only the Harvard System of Referencing is acceptable at Napier University; the Oxford (Numbering) System of Referencing is not used. Referencing, and the related issue of plagiarism, are both comprehensively covered during Programme Induction. You can access comprehensive guidance notes on both referencing and plagiarism within WebCT Vista, and also on Napier University’s Learning Information Services (NULIS) website. As you prepare your essay, you are also most strongly encouraged to run drafts through the “turnitin” anti-plagiarism software, available on WebCT Vista, in order to check the level of originality of your work, and thus your liability to possible allegations of plagiarism. You should also note that all students are now required to submit coursework not only in hard copy format, but also electronically through WebCT Vista, using “turnitin.” As a result, academic staff are able to check levels of originality at a glance.

5.4 Assessment Criteria Your Essay will be marked against the following criteria: Specific criteria (as related to the Module Learning Outcomes): Research and methodology: evidence of supporting research; quality and relevance of information gathered; method and approach; industrial examples 15% Subject knowledge and understanding: evidence of background reading and

investigation; breadth and depth of study; levels of comprehension and understanding of principles and issues 20% Analysis and evaluation: levels of analysis, evaluation, interpretation and application of theoretical frameworks; structure, depth and development of discussion; synthesis and utilization of material 25% Conclusions: relevance, clarity and justification 10% Total: 70% Coursework Assignment Facilities Management 23 nt – Study Guide

General criteria: Presentation and format: writing style; clarity; spelling and grammar; conformance with essay format 10% Structure: strength; logic; cohesion; flow; linkage to theoretical frameworks 10% References and referencing: breadth; relevance; currency; balance; citation practice 10% Total: 30% Remember your final percentage mark will be weighted to 50% of the overall Module weighting.

5.5 Submission Date Your Essay should be submitted by no later than the end of Week 8, both in hard copy to your Local Tutor, and also electronically to the Module Leader through WebCT Vista, using “turnitin” software. Feedback will be provided by no later than the end of Week 10. Late submissions will not be accepted unless authorised in writing by your Local Tutor. Ensure you keep an electronic copy of your work.

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