Rohit Q-paper Ops

  • June 2020
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Sample Question Paper-I Course Name : Computer Engineering Group Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD Semester Subject Marks Instructions: 1 9113 Time: 0 HOUR : FIFTH for CO/CM/IF and Sixth for CD : Java Programming : 80 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q1. Attempt any Four of the following 16 Marks a) State any four features of java. b) Describe arithmetic operators with examples. c) Describe different java access specifiers. d) How to create a package? Explain with examples. e) What is difference between vector and array? Give suitable example. f) Explain file input class with suitable example. Q2. Attempt any Three of the following 12 Marks a) Define the following terms i) Static method ii) Garbage Collection b) Give the working of Anonymous classes in details. c) Describe the various levels of access protection available for packages. d) Write an applet application that display the string “Click” every time the mouse button is clicked. Q3. Attempt any Three of the following 12 Marks a) What is a thread? Describe the complete life cycle of thread. b) Write an applet for each of following graphics methods. drawoval() , drawrect() , drawline() , filloval() c) Write a program to implement the fibonacci series using any control structure

d) What are similarities between Interfaces and Classes? Q4. Attempt any Two of the following 16 Marks a) Explain the following terms with respect to exception handling. i) try ii) catch iii) throw iv) finally b) Explain dynamic methods dispatch with examples. c) Write a program to create two threads so one thread will print odd numbers where as second thread will print even numbers between 1 to 20 numbers. Q5. Attempt any Three of the following 12 Marks a) Describe left shift and right shift operators with examples. b) How do we add class or interface to a package? c) Draw the life cycle of an applet and explain it. d) Distinguish between i) Inputstream and Reader classes ii) Outputstream and Writer classes Q6. Attempt any Three of the following

12 Marks

a) How do applets differ from application programs with examples? b) Write a program to demonstrate uses of implementing interfaces. c) Write an applet program that accepts two input string using <param> tag and concatenate the strings and display it in status window. d) Define an exception called “NoMatchException” that is thrown when a string is not equal to “India”.

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