Rogue Games Tabbloid -- May 18, 2009 Edition

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18 May, 2009

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]


past five years the group has been one of the most prominent of the numerous salvage operations that work Shinjuku.

[Lost Writings] All in a Days Work

In the years prior to the Devil Shake, Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance purchased numerous works of art. The Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance Building housed this collection on the 42nd floor in the Seiji Togo Memorial Yosada Kusui Museum of Art. Named after the artist Seiji Togo, the museum displayed over 100 pieces of his stylized works. The museum also was known for its extensive foreign collection, which included works by Gauguin and Van Gogh. When the quake hit Shinjuku, this collection was left behind; now five years latter Nagumo wants the art back. Three months ago Toshitsugu Nagumo, head of Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance, contacted Kiich. Nagumo offered 100 million-Yen if Hyobanshi, Ltd. would enter Shinjuku and recover the entire art collection. For the past three months all has been going well, but that will soon change.

MAY 17, 2009 04:36P.M.

Big Eyes Small Mouth which was published by the now defunct Guardians of Order is perhaps the one game that I return to time and time again. For me it is one of the perfect game systems out there. I have ran numerous campaigns, both large and small, and tinkered with the system for a very long time. All in a Day’s Work is written for Guardians of Order’s Demon City Shinjuko and set five years after the Devil Shake. The players are employed by Koizumi & Yuasa and have been assigned to retrieve the hard drive from the Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance Building. Told that the hard drive is located on the 38th floor, the PCs have no clue what awaits them. Any type of PC can be used, and characters should be created with 15 Stat Points, 15 Character Points and 20 Starting Skill Points. PCs with Demonic Sub-Abilities, or trained in Nempo can be used as well.

The quake was caused when Levih Rah attempted to summon the Demon Void to Earth. Numerous demons entered into the world, and before the ritual was completed Levih was interrupted, and only Shinjuku was affected. Angered, Levih learned that the ceremony could not be preformed for another ten years. Promising his master he would prepare the world during that time, Levih went back to work and waited. Many demons serve Levih, but there are also many that act independently and bask in the evil and death of Shinjuku. One of these demons is Ichikurouka.

The adventure was run back in 2001, and appeared in Alarums and Excursions. This is the first time this has been seen since then. Over the next week or so I will post the rest of the things I wrote for this campaign.

When Ichikurouka answered Levih Rah’s summons, he did so for his own reasons. Although he had no desire to follow the orders of a weak human, Ichikurouka came for one simple reason-boredom. The demon wanted new souls to terrorize, and new experiences. A fiercely independent demon, Ichikurouka stayed out of Demon Void politics and kept to himself. When he arrived on Earth, he basked in the evil and explored the ruins for victims to torment. A lover of things of great beauty, Ichikurouka claimed many treasures and added them to his collection. As is typical, power attracts followers, and three weaker demons took roles as servants to Ichikurouka.

All In a Days Work Game Master Introduction Five years ago an earthquake rocked Tokyo. Centered in Shinjuku the Devil Shake, as it is known, destroyed Japan’s center of government and the headquarters of many powerful corporations. Since the time of the Devil Shake people have stayed away from the city. Government offices and businesses have relocated to other wards, and access to Shinjuku has been restricted. Some still call this place their home, but the majority live danger filled lives on the fringes. The deeper you travel into Shinjuku the more deadly the place becomes.

Over the next few years the three demons explored the city for new treasures for Ichikurouka’s to add to his great hoard. During one of their searches a month ago, they found numerous works of art in an abandoned building. Telling their master of their discovery, Ichikurouka traveled there to examine the treasures himself. Not only did Ichikurouka find great treasure, but more importantly, found his new home. The building was a work of art, and Ichikurouka decided that it was a more fitting abode for a demon of his stature. This lair is located in the Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance Building, a fact that the salvage team from Hyobunshi, Ltd. did not know.

Founded five years ago by Kiich Hyobunshi, Hyobunshi, Ltd., specializes in Shinjuku recovery. The Devil Shake destroyed much, and many fled without brining anything of value with them. For a steep fee, Hyobunshi workers brave Shinjuku and recover items for a client. From mainframes, to personal belongings, Hyobunshi retrieves it all. For the


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

18 May, 2009

Aoki Concepts is a successful software manufacturer once headquartered on the 38th Floor of the Yosada building. When the Devil Shake hit the Aoki employees were forced to leave much of their work behind. The company relocated, and thankfully a majority of their information was located in offsite storage. As the slow clean up process began they discovered that they had no backups of some of their more experimental software designs. Going through their records they discovered that these designs were stored on a hard drive still located in the old headquarters. This has led Aoki Concepts to contact Koizumi & Yuasa, Inc.

The street, Junigo Gairo, runs north to south, and passes through Central Park while cutting through the Nishi-Shinjuku district. This district once held the offices of corporations and the municipal government. Even five years after the Devil Shake, the district is still dominated by skyscrapers. Some of them have collapsed, but a majority of them still stand abandoned. The area is home for many demons, which make the abandoned buildings their home. The area is cold and windy due to the skyscrapers funneling the chilly northwest winds down to street level. Checking the hand held computer, the PCs can tell that it will take about a half-hour of walking to reach the building. They have to travel south along Junigo Gairo, till they get to the Shinjuku Train Station. From there they can head west for two blocks until they reach the building.

Koizumi & Yuasa are a salvage company that has been in business for fifty years. In the time since the Devil Shake the company has moved into the lucrative Shinjuku salvage operations. Using its long-standing reputation as a highly skilled and competent salvage operation, the company saw a flood of business. When Hyobunshi, Ltd. went into business the two companies furiously competed for the same contracts. Much to the chagrin of Koizumi & Yuasa, it was the young upstart company that snagged the Yosada contract. It was not long before Koizumi & Yuasa won a new contract, and that was the Aoki Concepts salvage. What appears to be a simple assignment for Koizumi & Yuasa will soon prove to be one of life and death.

The streets are strewn with rubble from the many collapsed buildings, and the wind howls through the empty canyons. While the PCs are traveling to the building, they encounter one of the many dangers in Demon City, the Demon Kid. The Demon Kid is very mischievous, but weak in comparison to the other demons inhabiting Shinjuku. Though weaker, the Kid is cunning, and loves to use his powers to lure in unsuspecting victims. His favorite trick is to pretend to be a lost boy, and then when his rescuers approach, he attacks.

Playtime To lure his victims in, the Kid relies on his weak illusion ability. From the time the PCs enter Shinjuku, the Kid hides among the shadows and follows the party. He harasses them by using his powers and throwing rocks at them. He also has a sling shot that he uses to shoot balls of fire at the party. When he grows tired of this the Kid finally makes his move and pretends to be lost so that the PCs approach him. Once they approach, he reveals himself and strikes.

The adventure starts at the offices of Koizumi & Yuasa, Inc. The players have been asked into the briefing room and told that they have an assignment. They are told that they must retrieve a hard drive from the abandoned offices of Aoki Concepts. The offices are located on the 38th floor of the Yosada Fire and Marine Insurance Building, in the NishiShinjuku District. The players are told that they must get into Shinjuku, retrieve the hard drive, and return with it to headquarters. The PCs are able to pick what normal equipment they want and transportation is provided to Junigo Gairo. From there they need to reach their destination on foot. The Yosada building is located near the Shinjuku Station, in the northern end of the district.

Demon Kid Stats Body 4, Mind 4, Soul 4

The PCs are also given a hand held computer, which contains the following information: directions on how to get to the building, a diagram of the Yosada Building, a floor plan of the 38th floor, and the location of the server that the hard drive resides in. The computer is small, light and has a battery life of eight hours. This computer does not hold any other information.

Attributes Art of Distraction Level 2, Demonic Powers Level 1, Speed Level 1, Unique Character Attribute (always warm) Level 1 Defects

The PCs are warned that they might run into a recovery team from the competing firm of Hyobunshi, Ltd. The company is still recovering art objects from the Seiji Togo Memorial Yosada Kusui Museum of Art, which is located on the 42nd floor of the Yosada Building. They are told to be careful while in Demon City, and to watch out for the rivals.

Marked (1 BP), Physically Unappealing (1 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes Demonic Attack Level 2 (Ball of Fire, 20 points of damage, linked with slingshot, short range), Elasticity Level 1, Illusion Level 1, Natural Weapons Level 1 (horns)

Once the players are ready they are escorted to a waiting helicopter. Flown north the PCs can see the Demon City below them. It is late morning, and though the sun is shining, Shinjuku seems to be gloomy and dark. It takes about thirty minutes for the helicopter to make its flight around Shinjuku and land at the outskirts of the district. The PCs are told that it will wait for them until they return.

Skills Acrobatics (tumbling) Level 1, Archery (slingshot) Level 2, Urban


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

18 May, 2009

Tracking (ruined) Level 2

comfortable. Once done, Teruo joins the PCs and tells them that it was three demons that serve a powerful demon named Ichikurouka that attacked the man’s group. Ichikurouka claims the Yosada building as his own, and hoards the art from the gallery. Teruo explains that the demon is greedy and cruel, and that if the art is not bothered then Ichikurouka keeps to himself. Teruo also explains that the three demons that serve him are dangerous, but very stupid and can easily be tricked.

Derived Values Attack Combat Value 4, Defense Combat Value 4, Health Points 40, Energy Points 40 The Kindly Old Man

Questioning him about what he knows Teruo explains that he has lived in this present home for five years. During the past five years he has seen much; after all he has not survived this long by being careless. Demons haunt Shinjuku, and all that live in the area talk of Ichikurouka. Teruo says that if the PCs happen to meet Ichikurouka that water and cold weakens him. The PCs also learn that Ichikurouka is vain and responds well if his ego is stroked. Asking about the other demons, Teruo states he does not know much other then their names, which are: Sutendofurasu, Fudewofurua, and Kuroaza. Teruo knows nothing else, and tells the PCs that once they have completed their mission they can return and get their friend. He explains that the man will be ready to travel in a few hours.

Approaching the Shinjuku Train Station the PCs come upon a horrific scene. Strewn across the road are the remains of two tracked vehicles and twelve men. The men are mangled, and look to have been attacked by monsters. Examining the vehicles the PCs notice that they belong to Hyobunshi, which is confirmed by the uniforms they are wearing. Examining the scene the PCs hear faint moaning coming from inside one of the vehicles. Investigating, they find a badly injured man still buckled into his seat. Getting the man out of the vehicle is difficult due to the fact that he is still strapped into his seat. The PCs need to devise a way to get him out, while at the same time being careful not to aggravate his wounds further. Once the man is out, the PCs notice he is still conscious. Questioning him, the PCs learn that the group was a salvage team from Hyobunshi, and they were leaving the Yosada building with their latest recovery. While they were driving away, three large creatures attacked them. One tore through the vehicles as if they were made out of paper, and killed everyone inside. The other two took all the art that was in the vehicles and then went back toward the Yosada building. Once the man tells his story he passes out.

Teruo is not what he seems; he is actually a demon in disguise. Teruo’s actual name is Suzumebachi, and is a rival to Ichikurouka. For the past two years the two have been feuding with each other. The origins of this feud go back to when Ichikurouka claimed Suzumebachi’s territory as his own. Suzumebachi and is not above using others to do his dirty work, and he relies on his illusions to lull people into thinking he is only a kindly old man. Suzumebachi (Teruo Akakuchi)

While they are thinking about what to do, an old man surprises the PCs. The man is hunched over, and he uses a staff to help him walk. Looking at the PCs he tells them to relax; he is here to help. Asking who he is, the man introduces himself as Teruo Akakuchi. Teruo is a kindly old man, and does not seem to be a threat. Any questions the PCs have, Teruo answers warmly and openly. He has lived and worked in Shinjuku all his life, and he now lives in the ruins making do with what he has. Teruo questions the PCs as to why they are here, and listens attentively to what they have to say. He offers to take them to his home, which he tells them is close by.

Stats Body 5, Mind 8, Soul 8 Attributes Demonic Powers Level 4, Energy Bonus Level 2, Heightened Senses Level 3 Defects Bane-Chemicals, Bug Spray (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (1 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes Demonic Attack Level 4 (Stinger 40/4, burning), Dissolve Into Swarm Level 4 (wasps) Elasticity Level 1, Exoskeleton Level 3, Flight Level 1, Illusion Level 5 Skills Acrobatics Level 4, Medical (Acupuncture) Level 1, Unarmed Attack Level 1 Derived Values Attack Combat Value 7, Defense Combat Value 5, Health Points 65, Energy Points 80

Transporting the wounded man is a problem since he cannot walk. A stretcher or some other method of transporting the wounded worker needs to be developed. Once ready Teruo leads the PCs a few blocks to the south, and then turns west. After a few more blocks Teruo turns down a narrow dark alley that has the wind coldly whipping through it. Teruo leads them to a small door, and once unlocked, he motions the PCs to follow him down the steps. The stairs lead into a warmly lighted basement, and the entire scene is pleasant and comforting. Teruo points to a small bed, and tells the PCs to put the injured man there.

Troubles in the Building Leaving Teruo’s lair the PCs have a short walk to the Yosada building. The streets are quiet; the only sound is that of the wind whipping through the ruins. The PCs see nothing as they make their way to the building. Twenty minutes later they arrive at the Yosada building. The entire place looks to be deserted, except for a few lights shining through the windows above.

While going to a cupboard and getting out a doctor’s bag, Teruo explains that he was a doctor before the earthquake. For the next half-hour, Teruo looks over the man, and sets his broken bones and tends to his wounds. He is also skilled in acupuncture, and uses it to make the man more

Inside the building, the PCs discover that the floor is covered with


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

18 May, 2009

rubble, and that the escalators are not functioning. There appears to be random power outages leaving some floors with no power. The PCs need a light source of some type in order to navigate inside the building. There is also some structural damage, and at times, the building sways noticeably. The sound of groaning metal can be constantly heard in the background.

unrecoverable. Examining the area, Fudewofurua surprises the PCs by crashing through the ceiling. Fudewofurua resembles a lizard, and his tail constantly lashes from side to side. He is a deadly fighter who enjoys killing. Though strong and imposing, Fudewofurua is very stupid and easy to distract. Food of any type causes him to lose interest in fighting and instead eats happily. PCs fleeing the room have Fudewofurua pursue them. He does not tire and stalks the party throughout the building. The GM can work the details of the out for themselves. If the PCs leave the building, Fudewofurua stops his pursuit.

Traveling through the building is hazardous and if the GM wants, there can be a few natural obstacles for the PCs to encounter. Some examples of this can be falling ceiling tiles, stray electrical wires, and even collapsing portions of the floor. All of this should be minor, but should keep the players on their toes.

Reaching the 38th floor the PCs come to a locked door. The lock can be picked, and once opened, the PCs see they have reached the offices of Aoki Concepts. The office takes up the entire 38th floor, and checking the hand held computer, the PCs learn that their destination is near the back, toward the east wall. The office is a mess, with furniture and rubble scattered throughout. Walking through the room, the PCs notice that the floor is covered with bones. If they are not careful and step on the bones, their cracking will wake the sleeping Kuroaza. If they walk carefully and do not disturb the bones, they are surprised by Kuroaza sleeping on a pile of bodies in the center of the room.

Checking the hand held computer, the PCs learn that a staircase leads to the Aoki offices on the 38th floor. The staircase is on the fifth floor atrium, and was once an emergency stairwell. A quick check of the elevators confirms that they do not work. The escalators lead to the 5th floor atrium, which at one-time looks to have been breath taking. The damage caused by the Devil Shake and the subsequent years of exposure to the elements has taken a toll. Rubble is scattered throughout the area, and the PCs see that some of it has been cleared away forming a path to the staircase. Searching the area the PCs notice various bits of equipment left over from the Hyobunshi Salvage team. There are two generators, various tools, and other miscellaneous equipment scattered about. Surprisingly the floor in front of the stairs is covered with pieces of different colored glass.

This large demon is covered with dark blue spikes, and calls this floor home. When hunting through the Demon City, he brings his prey here so that he can eat in peace. He is very strong, but lacks cunning or creativity. He simply attacks all out and uses his spikes to cut through his opponents and overwhelm them.

Approaching the stairs the glass begins to shift forming a tall, lean body. Standing in front of the PCs is Sutendofurasu the Glass Demon, and she is the first of the three servants of Ichikurouka. Immediately she attacks the party and tries to prevent them from going up the stairs. Sutendofurasu is smart and she uses her powers effectively. Unfortunately her body is weak, and once dealt with Sutendofurasu’s body shatters and the glass fills the air.

Once Kuroaza is dealt with, the PCs can get to the door leading to the server. The door is locked and stuck in the jam. Once removed the PCs discover that all the servers have toppled over. By using the hand held computer the PCs can approximate where the server was originally standing. Searching the area they find it, and can get at the hard drive. If none of the PCs have any skills with computers all checks to remove the hard drive will be extremely difficult. PCs with skills in computers will only have a difficult time removing the hard drive. Once removed the PCs can travel back down the stairs and exit the building.

It is a long and grueling walk up the stars to the 38th floor. The climb is endless, and quickly grows tiring. The stairs are dark and the only way to see is by using flashlights. The stairwell also acts as a wind tunnel, making the wind howl as it races down to the lower floors. The wind is cold and after reaching the 10th floor the PCs will start to be affected by cold. Play up the grueling endless climb, and the bitter cold.

Back on the 5th floor lobby Ichikurouka is waiting for the PCs who are surprised at the sight in front of them. Ichikurouka resembles a large, 2 meter, red snake. He is angry that his lair has been violated and he attacks the PCs. Filled with rage he uses his flame breath and fire shield to punish the thieves. Ichikurouka is a powerful fire demon, but has weaknesses to cold, water, and fire extinguishers. He loves to taunt his enemies, and during the fight he insults the PCs and boasts about his great powers.

When the PCs reach the 20th floor they see that the wall has been knocked down. From the stairwell they can see what use to be a large office center. Desks and furniture are stacked near the walls, and the entire center portion is clear. Examining the wall more closely it appears that the entire section was cut out using a powerful saw.

The PCs could decide to play to Ichikurouka’s ego and by doing so can avoid a rather nasty fight. After all, the party is not interested in the demon’s hoard; they are here for a rather ugly hard drive. By playing to his ego Ichikurouka backs down and listens to what the PCs have to say. By being humble and offering not only praise, but also assurances that they are not thieves, the demon eventually backs down. Once Ichikurouka is dealt with the PCs can leave the building and return to

In the center of the room the PCs see two raised tables, along with some empty wooden crates. Examining the tables, the PCs find floor plans and an inventory list of the art objects recovered from the museum on the 42nd floor. This was a work area for the Hyobunshi salvage team, and studying the papers the PCs learn that over half the gallery was recovered. They also learn that about 25% of the collection is


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

18 May, 2009

Teruo’s lair. Upon arriving the PCs discover that the entire place has been ransacked. A fight looks to have taken place, and blood covers the floors and walls. Searching the room the PCs find no trace of Teruo, but discover the mangled body of the Hyobunshi worker. There is nothing else in the room. Let the player’s assume that the old man was attacked and taken away. In truth, once the PCs left for the Yosada building, Suzumebachi dropped the Teruo illusion, and made a meal of the wounded worker. He ransacked the place to make it look like he was attacked, and then left to wait for the PCs to clear out of his new lair.

Body 7, Mind 8, Soul 7 Attributes Demonic Powers Level 4, Energy Bonus Level 2, Heightened Senses Level 4, Powerful Mind Level 3 Defects Bane-water, cold, fire extinguishers (2 BP), Marked (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (1 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes Demonic Attack (Flame Breath, 50 damage, area, burning, flare, spreading, short range, inaccurate, slow) Level 5, Demonic Attack (Fire Shield, 30 damage, aura) Skills Unarmed Attack Level 1 Derived Values Attack Combat Value 7, Defense Combat Value 5, Health Points 70, Energy Points 95



Stats Body 3, Mind 7, Soul 7 Attributes Demonic Powers Level 3, Extra Attacks Level 2, Art of Distraction (shifting colored glass) Level 3 Defects Delicate Body (1 BP), Marked (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (1 BP), Servitude (1 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes Adaptation Level 3, Animate Reflection Level 5, Demonic Attack (Glass Shards, area of effect) Skills Unarmed Attack Level 1 Derived Values Attack Combat Value 5, Defense Combat Value 3, Health Points 50, Energy Points 70

The PCs face no further challenges as they travel back to the waiting helicopter. The city is quiet and it is late in the afternoon when they arrive back to the helicopter. Once strapped in, they are flown back to the office so that the hard drive can be delivered to the client. The PCs career as salvage workers can be used for the basis for other adventures. This offers many hooks for a GM, and Suzumebachi can be used as a recurring foil. He is above doing his own dirty work, so he uses his convincing illusions to lure people into doing his bidding. What Suzumebachi’s true motivations are is unknown. He is a schemer and desires great power, but with the current environment in Shinjuku, the time is not right for Suzumebachi to take power. He is content with waiting, and causing as much havoc as he can.

Fudewofurua Stats Body 9, Mind 4, Soul 6 Attributes Damn Healthy, Demonic Powers Level 3, Extra Attacks (tail) Level 1, Fortified Body Level 2 Defects Easily Distracted-food (1 BP), Empty Mind (1 BP), Marked (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (1 BP), Servitude (2 BP) Demonic SubAttributes Extra Limbs (2 extra arms) Level 2, Natural Weapons (tail striker, claws) Level 2, Special Move (cat-like, silent, untrackable) Level 3, Unholy Strength Level 2 Skills Unarmed Attack (strikes) Level 1, Unarmed Defense (wrestling) Level 1 Derived Values Attack Combat Value 6, Defense Combat Value 4, Health Points 95, Energy Points 50

Posted in Games, Salvaging Chaos Tagged: BESM, Lost Works, writing


As of May 15, Swords & Wizardry occupies the first place for the latest sales competition. I think that’s pretty significant, if only because it suggests the March victory by Fight On! magazine wasn’t a fluke. Obviously, the old school community remains a niche market, but, far from being a haven for tight-fisted old grumps who haven’t bought any new gaming products since 1984, it’s pretty clear to me that grognards will shell out for good products that genuinely speaks to their preferences. Little wonder then that there are several existing game companies that are planning to launch old school product lines over the next few months.


Swords & Wizardry #1 MAY 17, 2009 02:39P.M.

Stats Body 8, Mind 2, Soul 7 Attributes Demonic Powers Level 3, Focused Damage Level 1, Heightened Sense Level 1 Defects Awkward (2 BP), Easily Distracted (1 BP), Empty Mind (1 BP), Marked (2 BP), Servitude (2 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes Natural Weapons (spines, claws) Level 4, Tunneling Level 3 Skills Unarmed Attack Level 4 Derived Values Attack Combat Value 5, Defense Combat Value 3, Health Points 75, Energy Points 45

The old school renaissance continues apace. Fight on!

Ichikurouka Stats


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