Rogue Games Tabbloid -- March 22, 2009 Edition

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22 March, 2009

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]


a single combat.

S&W; Psionics, Part II

Like melee and missile combat, creatures engaged in psionic combat must select “weapons” and “armor” for the occasion. Each round, players must choose an attack mode and/or a defense mode from among those available to their characters, provided they can pay the power point cost for using them. Power points are expended before the attack or defense is used, regardless of whether they prove successful. However, once activated, they may be maintained without any cost for

MAR 21, 2009 06:21P.M. Here’s the section on psionic combat I promised. I’m a bit ambivalent about it, as it stands now, so I’d appreciate criticism that would improve it. I want it to remain fairly simple to use and I want to keep psionics as a side show by default, meaning that it never overshadows either melee or magic. Ideally, though, it should be easily changed to work as a substitute for magic in certain kinds of settings, so keep that in mind too.

the duration of the psionic combat. Activating a different attack or defense mode, however, requires the expenditure of power points, as does re-activating modes formerly maintained.

I’m also toying with changing the number of power points available by level, since, as written now, psionic combat would be difficult for lowlevel characters to engage in for very long. That’s by design, but I do worry it might be too hard as written. Once again, comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.

Some attacks are more effective against certain defenses than are others. The following chart shows the bonus or penalty to the psionic combat attack roll.

The material in the quote box below is hereby designated Open Game Content via the Open Game License. Empty Intellect Mental Thought Tower of Psionic Combat Mind Fortress Barrier Shield Iron Will In addition to employing psionic powers (see below), psionic creatures can also engage in psionic combat with one another through the use of psionic attack and defense modes. Psionic combat functions similarly to melee and missile combat, with an attack roll made against a target’s psionic armor class (PAC). If successful, attacks deal damage that reduce the target’s current psionic power points, just as melee and missile attacks reduce the target’s hit points. If psionic power points are reduced to zero, the psionic creature may no longer use psionic attack/defense modes or psionic powers. Such defenseless psionic creatures are even more susceptible to psionic attacks than are non-psionic creatures, as noted below.

Mind Thrust -3 +6 +1 +4 +5 Ego Whip +1 -2 -1 -3 +3 Id Insinuation -2 +1 -4 -1 +0 Psychic Crush -5 +4 +3 +2 -3 Mind Blast +3 +0 -3 -2 -1

All psionic attack modes suffer a -8 attack penalty against non-psionic creatures, except for mind blast, which gains a +4 bonus. Conversely, all attack modes gain a +8 attack bonus against psionic creatures who no longer possess any power points.

Psionic Attack and Defense All creatures, psionic and non-psionic alike, have a base psionic armor classs of 9. The creature’s Wisdom bonus (if any) affects the PAC. Psionic attacks are treated as if made by a first-level character, meaning that a roll of 10 or more on 1D20 is necessary to succeed against PAC 9, adjusted by the character’s Intelligence modifier (if any). A character’s Charisma modifier may apply either to PAC or the attack roll, at the discretion of the player. The modifier may be shifted between the two on a combat-by-combat basis, but not within

Attack and Defense Modes Unless otherwise stated, all attack and defense modes affect only a single creature at a time. Likewise, a psionic creature can always raise a defense mode as a reaction in response to a psionic attack mode, even if he or she has already acted in the round, unless the creature no longer possesses any


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

power points. Such a reaction requires the expenditure of power points, as usual, however.

Range: Self Duration: Immediate

Ego Whip Power Point Cost: 5 Attack Mode Range: 8ft

This defense mode summons the strength of the higher psyche to create a powerful bulwark against psychic attack.

Duration: Immediate

Mental Barrier

Power Point Cost: 3

Defense Mode

An ego whip targets the “I” or self and, overwhelming it with negative or vicious feelings that inhibit its ability to function properly. As such, this attack mode is only usable against a sentient being. A successful use of an ego whip deals 1d6

Range: Self

points of power point damage to a psionic target, while nonpsionic creatures are stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Power Point Cost: 3

Duration: Immediate

Empty Mind

This defense mode draws on innocuous, repetitive thoughts to shield the mind against unwanted intrusions.

Defense Mode

Mind Blast

Range: Self

Attack Mode

Duration: Immediate

Range: 40ft.

Power Point Cost: 1

Duration: Immediate

This defense mode induces a low-level meditative trance in which the mind of the creature using it becomes less distinct from the world around it.

Power Point Cost: 9 This attack mode blasts the minds of all creatures in a 40-foot cone with mental energy, dealing 1D12 points of power point damage to a psionic creature. A non-psionic creature is more susceptible to mind blast than to other psionic attack modes. On a failed saving throw, a non-psionic creature is stunned for 3d4 rounds.

Id Insinuation Attack Mode Range: 120ft

Mind Thrust Duration: Immediate Attack Mode Power Point Cost: 3 Range: 60ft Id insinuation attacks a target’s basest instincts, freeing them temporarily from the control of his or her higher psyche in order to induce confusion. A successful use of this attack mode deals 1d8 points of power point damage to a psionic creature, while non-psionic creatures are stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Duration: Immediate Power Point Cost: 1 This attack mode shapes mental energy into a “psychic blade” with which to “stab” the mind of the target. This deals 1d4 points of power point damage to a psionic creature, while non-psionic creatures are stunned for 1 round.

Intellect Fortress Defense Mode

Psychic Crush


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009


Attack Mode

[Lost Works] History of Empire City, Part 2

Range: 25ft. Duration: Immediate

MAR 21, 2009 04:17P.M. Power Point Cost: 5 This attack mode uses neural impulses to assault the target’s mind, thereby rendering mental activity more difficult. A successful attack deals 1D10 points of power point damage to a psionic creature, while a non-psionic creature is stunned for 2d4 rounds.

Another installment on Lost Works: History of Empire City. This one covers World War 2 to the end of the 1950s. When I wrote this, I had a nice section dealing with the Communist threat, but that was cut due to word count. I do not know what happened to that portion.

Thought Shield

World at War — 1940s-50s

Defense Mode

The 1940’s saw changes in Empire City. With growing tensions in

Range: Self

Europe, immigrants flocked to Empire City seeking refuge. This influx saw an already tight job market became tighter. Mayor La Guardia worked hard to stem the growing tensions among his citizens.

Duration: Immediate

This defense uses ephemeral, surface thoughts to protect the mind from attack.

Though the depression still gripped much of the nation, Empire City was not as affected. One reason for this was due to La Guardia’s fiscal policies. The other was due to his seeking numerous New Deal grants and projects. These help fuel construction, and numerous public work projects putting many back to work.

Tower of Iron Will

War effect on the city

Defense Mode

Seeking and winning re-election in 1941, La Guardia became the second person in city history to serve a 12-year consecutive term. Many wondered what the next four years would hold for Empire City, but a month later on December 7, 1941, the unthinkable happened, the United States was attacked when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. With the bombing of Pearl Harbor the U.S. increased production to supply the needed goods necessary for war. Increased production created numerous jobs needing filling. This helped put many Empire City residents to work as the city began supplying the war effort.

Power Point Cost: 1

Range: Self Duration: Immediate Power Point Cost: 5 This defense mode harnesses a creature’s determination and mental resilience to fashion a psychic barrier so powerful that it can protect other creatures, psionic or not, within a 10-foot radius around the user, who gain the full benefits of this defense mode as if they were using it themselves.

As the months passed, naval and supply ships clogged Empire City’s port. The streets teamed with soldiers and sailors enjoying everything the city had to offer. Even though the city did not slow down, Broadway’s lights dimmed at night during the war. To ensure Empire City remained safe La Guardia also placed security guards on all her bridges, tunnels and numerous factories. The war attracted unwanted attention to Empire City. Numerous foreign spies and saboteurs seeking to harm US war efforts snuck into the city. Responding to this, a few cloaked and costumed crime fighters’ stalked shadowed streets ensuring no harm befell anyone. Crimson Fist still haunted the nights, but was soon joined by the mechanical man Elektro and the dashing Lady Justice. La Guardia never publicly said anything, but he aided the city’s heroes as best as he could. In this way, the mayor ensured that the city remained safe from both crime and foreign sabotage.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

Empire Times May 3, 1943 Crime Fighting Trio Stops Saboteurs at Brooklyn Bridge Once again, Empire City’s citizens must thank their trio of protectors for keeping her safe. Last night Crimson Fist, along with Lady Justice and Elektro, prevented a group of Nazi saboteurs attempting to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge.

The growth of offices As the decade came to a close corruption once again rocked Empire City. In a series of newspaper articles written by Aaron Goldberg appearing in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle] alleging an alliance of police and judges actively protecting close to 4000 Empire City bookies. At the same time a new masked vigilante known as Enigma, began looking into the corruption and found evidence showing the current mayor, Bill O’Dwyer, was on the take. A Goldberg front-page story on December 15, 1950, revealed that known bookmaker Harry Gross contributed to O’Dwyer’s re-election. The revelation of Gross’ $30,000 campaign donation lead to the mayor’s investigation.

Though events are still sketchy, what is known is that at 12:33 PM last night Empire City Police and FBI Agents rushed to the Brooklyn Bridge. They were apparently tipped off that saboteurs had been captured and where waiting to be picked up. When authorities arrived, twelve Nazi agents were found tied, and dangling from the bridge. Though Crimson Fist has been a staple in the city for years,

Empire Times September 13, 1950 Questions over Enigma

recently two new figures have made their presence known. The two have made an impression on the city’s criminal element. They also apparently work in conjunction with Crimson Fist.

For the past few weeks’ criminals have been wondering who, or what, the purple clad Enigma is. Though police have no answers, the purple fighter of crime has made a name for himself since taking to the streets.

Making his first appearance at the 1939/40’s World’s Fair, Elektro the Mechanical Man was designed and developed by Westinghouse and was a fixture at the Westinghouse Pavilion. When the fair ended Elektro, was a distant memory until four months ago reappearing and stopping an armed robbery at Tiffany’s. Though Westinghouse designed and created the mechanical man, they continue to disavow all responsibility for his actions.

The first reports of Enigma are linked to a gambling ring reportedly broken up by him. Responding to an anonymous tip on August 3, police arrived at Bronx warehouse only to find twenty known bookies and number runners hogtied, with a purple question mark painted on their faces. Since then reports of a purple clad figure breaking up known criminal hangouts continue to surface. It was only last week that a name was associated with the lone crime fighter.

More is known of the beautiful crime fighter Lady Justice. This ravishing fighter of crime continues to make headlines as she fights against organized crime in the city. Making her début two months ago she prevented robbers from stealing mutinous from a harbor warehouse. Though beautiful, Lady Justice continues to show great skill and courage in her fight against crime, and no where is this more true with her shutting down a white slavery link originating out of The Bronx.

On a balmy September 6 night, police responded to a hostage situation only to arrive to the see the hostages freed, and their captures knocked unconscious. When questioned, the freed hostages said that the room filled with purple smoke. Though they could see nothing, they did hear sounds of a struggle. When the smoked cleared, the criminals were badly beaten, and male figure dressed in a purple body suit, was fleeing out the window. Before leaving, the figure turned and reportedly told the free captives that Enigma was here.

Though typically a loner, Crimson Fist has been seen in the company of these new crime fighters, and the three seem to be working together. With their vigilance, Empire City can rest a little easier at night knowing their protectors watch over them.

Though no one knows who he is, or what his motives are, it is clear that he is fighting a war on crime.

After serving his city for twelve years, La Guardia announced his retirement in 1945. During that same year, the newly formed United Nations met in their temporary headquarters at the Empire City Building in Queens. La Guardia, who actively campaigned to have the UN headquartered in the city, considered this a hallmark of his mayoral career. By the end of 1947, construction began on a more permanent facility. Sadly, La Guardia would not see the completion of the UN Building, because on September 29, 1947 he died of pancreatic cancer.

The Kefauver committee, which was already investigating organized crime, turned their attention to O’Dwyer and subpoenaed him to testify. Grilling O’Dwyer between March 19 and 20, 1951, in public hearings, the mayor admitted he knew of the police corruption and did nothing to stop it. In addition, O’Dwyer admitted he was friendly with members of the Five Families. Even more damning was his admittance of accepting a campaign contribution from not only Gross, but also their leader Frank Costello. Though the evidence was damming, and O’Dwyer was


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

politically ruined, he was never convicted of any crime. Leaving the city for Mexico City, the former mayor began stetting up his own private law practice. Before taking his first client, O’Dwyer was found shot in his Mexico City bed.


Another Awesome Map MAR 20, 2009 08:23P.M.

As the 1950s progressed, new buildings began springing up and numerous high-rises were added to the skyline. Architects copied the style of the UN Building with staggering results. New structures made from glass and steel began reaching toward the sky looking delicate in comparison to their older brick and stone counterparts. This new style of architecture created airy plazas that opened up the city, giving the city a face-lift. They showed that the old girl was still very much alive and thriving. The first, and maybe the best example of this, was the Lever House, and the 38-floor Seagram Building built in 1958. Other key additions to Empire City’s skyline were the Chase Manhattan, Equitable and Time-Life buildings. Besides the building boom, the Lincoln Tunnel project saw completion in 1957. Plans for the tunnel were first drawn up in 1930 when the Port Authority proposed a twin-tunnel underneath the Hudson River, linking Manhattan’s West 38th Street, and Weehawken, New Jersey. The first tube (today’s centre one) opened on December 22, 1937, and allowed only one lane of traffic in either direction. The tunnel passed expectations, and the heavy traffic forced construction of a second tunnel. Due to the World War II, the project experienced setbacks, but eventually the second tunnel opened north of the original tube in 1945. With the second tube, two lanes of east and westbound traffic were allowed, but quickly, with the growth of not only Empire City, but also New Jersey, the two tubes could not handle the increased traffic. Though plans for new tunnel were considered linking Manhattan’s 14th Street to Hoboken New Jersey, the Port Authority decided to construct a third tube of the Lincoln Tunnel. Construction began in 1951, and finally saw completion in 1957.

This is the map of the Upper Catacombs beneath the surface ruins of the monastery. It’s not part of the “true” dungeon levels, but I really like it. Combined with the ruins themselves, the Lower Catacombs, and the Hermit Caves, there’s plenty to do at Urheim before descending into the maw of Chaos itself. I’m really pleased by this set-up, since lots of lateral movement and meaningful choices about how best to proceed are an important part of designing a good megadungeon.

The 1950’s saw the start of an economic shift that would affect Empire City for decades. Before this time, and especially during the war years, the city was the nation’s manufacturing hub. As the city grew prosperous, and budget problems forced increased taxes, many factories could not afford to do business in the city. Hitting especially hard was a recession between 1953 and 1961 forcing many factories to either move or close completely.

Thanks, as ever, to the talented Fr. David for his cartographic work.



Various corporate headquarters moved into Empire City, filling the gap left by the factories. One reason for the moves was the growing amount of office space available in the city due to numerous newly built buildings. Though no one knew it, this shift in the economic base of the city would affect the city in other ways.

MAR 20, 2009 05:14P.M.

Posted in Games Tagged: Empire City, Games, Lost Works, thoughts

Short version: Much better than I’d expected but also much pricier than I could justify spending (which is good, since Monte Cook very kindly gave me a free month’s access).


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

Now, for the long version.

just enough graphics to be useful but not so many as to create visual clutter. I know some people have expressed disappointment at its relatively “bare bones” look, but I personally find it refreshingly elegant. The pages load quickly and I never had any trouble figuring out where to find what I was looking for. There’s also a built-in search engine in case you still have difficulty, along with forums to which Monte regularly responds with answers, even to technical questions about the site.

As people should know by now, I am very — how shall I say? — protective about the term “old school.” I’m one of those rare birds who strongly believes the term is both meaningful and useful, which often puts me at odds with some of my fellow gamers, who, for different reasons, would prefer that it be banished to the terminological netherworld. Ironically, this fact hasn’t stopped lots of people from throwing around “old school” to describe games and products that, by any reasonable definition, are nothing of the kind. But I readily admit that I’m an eccentric among eccentrics on this score. So, when Monte Cook conjoined the words “megadungeon” and “old school” when announcing his latest project,, I was among only a handful of grognards who took it as an affront (a “hissy fit,” one ENWorlder called it). There are several reasons I felt this way, the main one being that the old school renaissance is really hitting its

All dungeons live or die by their maps and Dragon’s Delve has some nice ones. First there’s a side view map of the place, which I just love. Not only does it remind me of the best old school dungeons, such as Stone Mountain from the Holmes set, it’s got a lot of flavor in its own right. I love each level of a dungeon having a name that describes it and apparently Monte Cook does as well. Level 1 is so far the only level to have its own map, which is to be expected, since the site is detailing Dragon’s Delve a couple of rooms a day. Level 1 is fairly small by the standards of truly old school megadungeons, but Monte has indicated

stride right now. Lots of gamers are taking notice of our little corner of the Net and engaging our ideas in a way they never did before. “Old school” and “megadungeon” are now regular topics for debate and conversation on forums and blogs and I don’t think there’s any question it’s because traditional gamers have done a great job of showing their continued relevance to the hobby.

that deeper levels will be bigger. Personally, I think size is a fairly small quibble, although I do agree that it would have been nice if Level 1 had more obvious room for expansion, since near-infinite expandability is an important quality of the megadungeons of old. On the other hand, the map doesn’t strike me as too obviously linear, with lots of options for meaningful decisions.

The second reason I felt as I did was because it wasn’t someone I strongly associated with old school D&D who was launching this site but Monte Cook, whom I primarily connected to the decidedly not-old school Third Edition and Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, a module I both disliked as an adventure and that I felt misrepresented Greyhawk lore. To be fair, Monte did a lot of stuff I did like, such as his various Planescape products, but I don’t consider Planescape “old school” by my definition. Finally, I was miffed by the subscription model, which I think is problematic when you’re dealing with an electronic product. I realize that most professional game designers aren’t going to follow the approach of the old school renaissance and give things away for free, but there’s something about paying for the privilege of having a product parceled out to you in small pieces over many months rubs me the wrong way.

Each room receives its own page on the site, complete with an image of a bit of Dwarven Forge dungeon terrain constructed to represent it. I think that’s a great idea, actually, first because it provides the referee with a better idea of what the room looks like, and second because it keeps the level map uncluttered with too much detail, a flaw common in many modern dungeon maps. As you can see by looking at a sample room, the descriptions are exhaustive, far moreso than I generally like. This is true even of otherwise empty rooms, since Monte has stated that, “Each [room] will have something of interest, and most will be fairly elaborate.” This is a case where I think the realities of his subscription model — providing something “meaty” every day — has trumped old school dungeon design principles, which demanded not only a large number of otherwise empty rooms but empty rooms without much of interest in them.

Combined, my first reaction to was probably irrationally over the top, even if it was understandable. Having now had a chance to explore the site at much greater length over the last week and a half, I’m in a much better position to evaluate it on its actual merits and flaws rather than on what I presumed it would be like. What I found was something that was decidedly more old school than we’ve probably seen from a big name designer of the 3e era. By that I mean that, if Monte Cook is a poser, he’s doing a very good job of it. Dragon’s Delve, the megadungeon he’s constructing, hits most of the right old school notes. There is in fact a great deal to like about it and I’m not ashamed to admit I may even steal an idea or three from it. At the same time, also highlights how much WotC D&D has strayed from its heritage, both mechanically and philosophically.

Looking back at the sample room, you can see a few features that I think are telling. As noted, they’re highly detailed, meaning you can just read the description and run with it; there’s little need to wing it. Whether one considers this a good or a bad thing is a question of taste, I suppose. The information is presented very clearly and is well organized, however. You’ll also immediately notice how unwieldy 3e D&D is, since game mechanics, particularly the stat blocks of unique NPCs take up a lot of space. You’ll also see that pretty much everything in the dungeon is quantified, with Difficulty Classes aplenty, not to mention formulae for calculating the effects of spells, etc. I recall Monte Cook stating that he was amazed at how “light” the mechanical component of felt to him, but, from my perspective, I found it the opposite, but then I play Swords & Wizardry these days. Many rooms also include a “Revisit” entry, which explains what the room will be like once the PCs have cleared it of its original inhabitants. That’s a nice touch and one that goes a long way toward conveying that a proper is a very straightforward and easy-to-use website. Navigation is simple and intuitive. Each page is nicely presented, with


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

megadungeon isn’t a static place. There are also wandering monsters, for which I give Monte bonus points. Overall, the site is extremely slick without being soulless. It’s easy to use and has lots of nice features, like the ability to download every page (or print it off) as a PDF, as well as hyperlinks to the D20 SRD and other useful outside sites. I hope there will be an ongoing compilation of the entire dungeon, as the Greyhawk Grognard is doing with his The Castle of the Mad Archmage. That would go some way toward making up for the lack of a print product associated with the subscription, since those who let their subscriptions lapse would still have something to show for the money they spent beyond some disjointed PDFs. In addition to the aforementioned forums, Monte also has a blog where he discusses the design of Dragon’s Delve and related topics. A lot of it would be of interest to old schoolers, I think, but much of it is also well known to us and there are also times when it’s clear Monte has very different interests and priorities than we do, at least some of which stem from the design


The Monastery of St. Gaxyg-atUrheim MAR 20, 2009 01:54P.M. The monks of Saint Gaxyg (popularly called “the Gray Monks,” after the color of their habits) were a Lawful order that undertook devotions, good works, and scholarship in equal measure, thereby winning them the esteem and affection of the folk throughout the land. So zealous were the monks in defending the realm against the depredations of Chaos that they established a monastery upon the crags of Urheim, under which

philosophy behind 3e.

existed a series of caves that not only spawned foul aberrations but whose supernatural taint drew monsters and evil men alike to itself. is a very ambitious project and a good enough idea that I’m going to be imitating it in broad terms. I would still balk at calling it “old school” without qualification, since both its native rules set and the nature of the subscription model demanded compromises I don’t consider wholly congenial. Despite that, there are many nifty things in Dragon’s Delve, as I said, and, in most cases, you can “retro-fit” its contents to make it more amenable to the TSR editions of the game. And there are times, such as in the presentation of puzzles, where Monte seems to understand the limits 3e places on play and so abandons mechanics entirely to make it a challenge to the player rather than his character. This isn’t revolutionary to old schoolers, but I imagine it might be to a lot of younger gamers, for whom 3e is the first D&D they ever knew. In this way, might prove an unexpected ally to the old school renaissance, by disseminating its ideas outside of the narrow confines of our community, but it’s too early to tell.

The monks valiantly undertook a generations-long project of cleansing Urheim of its contagion by venturing deep into its subterranean recesses to confront its denizens with holiness, magic, and steel. As part of their plan, they worked the very stone itself, giving it a Lawful pattern and sanctifying it in the name of St. Gaxyg. Slowly but surely, despite the cost to themselves, the Gray Monks did more than just contain Chaos; they pushed it back, defeating it in its very lair, in the process amassing items of mysterious origins and magical potency, along with other treasures, all of which they either put to good use or stored away, lest they fall into the wrong hands. While the monastery stood strong, it was a beacon of light in a darkened world. Pilgrims flocked to it in order to venerate the memory of the saint in whose name the monks labored and to gain spiritual edification from their example. Novices regularly entered the monastery, swelling their numbers and ensuring that Law carried the day in the battle beneath Urheim. Many warriors pledged themselves to the monks and joined them in their great task, which further strengthened their cause and led some to believe that the Chaos beneath Urheim might finally be defeated for all time.

In the end, my biggest beefs with are the price and the subscription model. At $10 a month ($8 a month if you subscribe for 12 months, reduced to $7 a month if you do so before the end of March), it’s too rich for my blood, considering that I already have my own Dwimmermount, not to mention Urheim, and a host of other megadungeons available for next to nothing. That’s a shame, because I do think shows great promise and hope its possible success will prove beneficial to the Old Ways. However, I’m not sure I can justify the cost in my particular case.

Alas, the taint of Chaos touches all things, even a bastion of Law, such as the monastery of St. Gaxyg. After several centuries and a succession of weak abbots, the Gray Monks grew indulgent, preferring wealth and influence to wisdom and piety. Slowly, the blasphemous spawn of Urheim reclaimed the caves as their own, pushing the monks out and reversing the hard-won victories of the centuries. Rather than fight them, as had their predecessors, the monks simply warded the entrance to the underworld and settled into a comfortable laxity. No longer exemplars of law and goodness, the wealth of the monastery aroused the envy of local lords, who eventually sacked it, putting the remaining monks to the sword, and seizing their treasures. Greedy though they were, these monks knew well enough than to disturb Urheim, leaving it safely warded by the holy magic of St. Gaxyg.

Presentation: 8 out of 10 Creativity: 7 out of 10 Utility: 6 out of 10 Buy This If: You’re a fan of Monte Cook, are looking for a new megadungeon, don’t mind a subcription model for content and/or don’t find the 3e rules a distraction. Don’t Buy This If: You can’t stand 3e rules, already have a megadungeon of your own, and/or dislike content being parceled out in small chunks over time.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

Chaos still issues its siren call, drawing evil beings, both human and otherwise, to Urheim. Rumors have spread that someone — or something — has found a way to enter the hidden caves once more, seeking both the wealth and evil power they reputedly hold. If true, the darkness the Gray Monks once fought could escape its prison and pour out across the land, heralding a terrible future ...

For those just joining us, Shadow, Sword & Spell is a new game James and I are working on. The game deals with fantasy, or as James recently put it: It’s our take on the “humanistic fantasy” of the 1930s through 1960s — Howard, Leiber, Fox, Vance, Pratt, De Camp, and so on. Like Thousand Suns, it’s intended as a “tool box” game, so that each referee can use it to create his own vision of the swords-and-sorcery genre. The full game is scheduled for a Fall release, but a playable preview should be available at GenCon this August.

ROGUE FEED The first question, and it is one that I have gotten in tweets as well as email, is a simple one:

Slow Day MAR 19, 2009 05:30P.M.

What is humanistic fantasy? Tired and swamped with work, so posting may be light today. My apologies.

Without getting philosophical (I leave that for James to do), I am going to share what I feel is humanistic fantasy. This is a topic I have been thinking about for awhile, and it is one predating not only Shadow, Sword & Spell, but Rogue Games. It is the thinking that inspired the creation, in part, Colonial Gothic. In a nutshell, humanistic fantasy is fantasy divorce of demi-humans as playable races. In essence it is putting the emphasis on humanity, and using humanity to highlight the fantasy.


Yet More on Wargames

Upon reading Howard, Leiber, Fox, Vance, Pratt, De Camp, Lovecraft and the like, the first thing you notice is that they heroes are humans. Using humans, it allows the fantasy, where it intersects with reality, stand out. Applying this to a fantasy game, taking the traditional (and not so traditional) fantasy races out of the gaming equation, it puts fantasy back into fantasy.

MAR 19, 2009 02:42P.M. I’m not much of a wargamer — thus making me a poser when it comes to the “grognard” title — but I am very interested in the history of the hobby, both in general and in how it relates to the development of roleplaying games. So, it’s with great pleasure that I read Zach Houghton’s post today that includes some fascinating historical documentation about Strategos, the post-Civil War era game that inspired the Braunstein scenarios run by Dave Wesley. This is very cool stuff and Zach’s to be thanked for digging it up.

So why are we doing this? Genre burn out. When one plays, or works, with fantasy, there is always the desire to go all out and throw as much as you can into the soup. After awhile it is boring to have just an “elf,” or a” dwarf,” or a “goblin.” You need to have cat people, birdmen, and a every growing hodgepodge of playable races because the same old same old, is no longer fantastical.


So why humanistic fantasy? Is it our desire to be pro human? No. It is about our desire to get back to the roots of fantasy, and allow things to be mystical again. In order to allow for the type of fantasy we want to explore — pulp fantasy — we need to strip away the trappings we are accustomed too. Doing this, allows the fantasy to stand.

[Shadow, Sword & Spell] In which we begin…

So what does Shadow, Sword & Spell give you? The options to play pulp fantasy game inspired by not only Robert E. Howard, but Clark Ashton Smith and H.P. Lovecraft.

MAR 19, 2009 02:28A.M. Yes, you read that right. This is not going to be a “Conan Game.” Or a “Deamlands” game. It is going to be a game about tone and feeling. Horror and discovery. Lost and mystery.

I have been silent when it comes to Shadow, Sword & Spell. This has now changed.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

It is going to be a game about fantasy.

growing hodgepodge of playable races because the same old same old, is no longer fantastical.


So why humanistic fantasy? Is it our desire to be pro human? No. It is about our desire to get back to the roots of fantasy, and allow things to be mystical again. In order to allow for the type of fantasy we want to explore — pulp fantasy — we need to strip away the trappings we are accustomed too. Doing this, allows the fantasy to stand.

[Shadow, Sword & Spell] In which we begin…

So what does Shadow, Sword & Spell give you? The options to play pulp fantasy game inspired by not only Robert E. Howard, but Clark Ashton Smith and H.P. Lovecraft.

MAR 19, 2009 12:22A.M. Yes, you read that right.

I have been silent when it comes to Shadow, Sword & Spell. This has

This is not going to be a “Conan Game.” Or a “Deamlands” game. It is going to be a game about tone and feeling. Horror and discovery. Lost

now changed.

and mystery.

For those just joining us, Shadow, Sword & Spell is a new game James and I are working on. The game deals with fantasy, or as James recently put it:

It is going to be a game about fantasy. Posted in Games, Rogue Games, thoughts Tagged: design notes, fantasy, Rogue Games, SS&S, thoughts

It’s our take on the “humanistic fantasy” of the 1930s through 1960s — Howard, Leiber, Fox, Vance, Pratt, De Camp, and so on. Like Thousand Suns, it’s intended as a “tool box” game, so that each referee can use it to create his own vision of the swords-and-sorcery genre. The full game is scheduled for a Fall release, but a playable preview should be available at GenCon this August.


[Lost Works] History of Empire City, Part 1

The first question, and it is one that I have gotten in tweets as well as email, is a simple one: What is humanistic fantasy?

MAR 18, 2009 10:14P.M.

Without getting philosophical (I leave that for James to do), I am going to share what I feel is humanistic fantasy. This is a topic I have been thinking about for awhile, and it is one predating not only Shadow, Sword & Spell, but Rogue Games. It is the thinking that inspired the creation, in part, Colonial Gothic. In a nutshell, humanistic fantasy is fantasy divorce of demi-humans as playable races. In essence it is putting the emphasis on humanity, and using humanity to highlight the fantasy.

Note, this chapter is now four years old. To save my time, I am posting this as is. I have done some spot editing, but I do not have time to give this the full tweaking. Consider this series of posts to be a glimpse into the archive. I will be posting the chapter every few days. The Jazz Age 1920-30

Upon reading Howard, Leiber, Fox, Vance, Pratt, De Camp, Lovecraft and the like, the first thing you notice is that they heroes are humans. Using humans, it allows the fantasy, where it intersects with reality, stand out. Applying this to a fantasy game, taking the traditional (and not so traditional) fantasy races out of the gaming equation, it puts fantasy back into fantasy.

The end of World War I ushered a new era to Empire City. A nation weary of war attempted to forget that time, and lose themselves in the endless party known as the Jazz Age. The Jazz Age ushered in a time of gin, music, money and crime. At the centre of this party was the lady, Empire City.

So why are we doing this? Genre burn out. When one plays, or works, with fantasy, there is always the desire to go all out and throw as much as you can into the soup. After awhile it is boring to have just an “elf,” or a” dwarf,” or a “goblin.” You need to have cat people, birdmen, and a every

The Party and the Crash When famed French architect Le Corbusier visited the city in 1920, he was asked for his impressions. In response, he stated: “A catastrophe,


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

but it is a beautiful catastrophe.” Nowhere was this more evident than in Manhattan. With its mix of neighborhoods, the newly built Equitable and Strauss Building, the Paramount Theatre, Gimbel’s Department Store, McAlpin, Ambassador Hotel, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, and Madison Square Garden spoke to this beauty.

Anthony Rosewood The Stork Club’s maître d’. Though events are still sketchy, police sources confirm that at 11:15 PM five gunmen stormed into the club attempting to assassinate Alfred “Pretty Boy” Nunzio, who was busy entertaining friends in the exclusive Cub Room. As they stormed into the room, many fled fearing for their life. Those staying behind, state that the room suddenly went black and filled with silence. Once the lights went back on, not only were the five gunmen unconscious and tied up, but Pretty Boy Nunzio and three companions were tied up as well. Pinned to the men was a flyer printed with a red fist.

The city enjoyed herself, but the good times ended on October 24, 1929, with the stock market crashed. The aftermath took a heavy toll on Empire City, evidenced by Mayor Jimmy Walker firing 1,100 teachers in 1931 in order for the city budget to meet expenses. Residents responded to this in outrage, but the ever smooth talking Mayor Walker, assured the public Empire City would suffer from no more cutbacks. By 1932, onethird of all Empire City factories closed and nearly one-fourth of the population was out of work. Completion of the Chrysler building in April 1930, showed that though many were hurting, the city did not stop growing. Enjoying a one-year

Police are reluctant to answer any questions, but this reporter has learned that at least two witnesses heard a man’s voice during the altercation. This voice is said to have been powerful and filled with hatred toward the gunmen.

reign as the world’s tallest building, the Empire State Building eclipsed it on May 1, 1931. That same year also saw the completion of the Holland Tunnel and the George Washington Bridge.

So, who is Crimson Fist? Is he a hero or menace? Only time will tell.

Completion of these two roadways made traveling between New Jersey and Empire City easier. Besides growing buildings and bread lines, there was another growth hidden from view—corruption.

Together they not only discovered corruption among numerous judges, but also within the women’s court. Governor Franklin Roosevelt expanded the investigation after a key district attorney witness was found murdered, and by April 8 the entire city government came under scrutiny.

Corruption runs deep The discovery of Empire City’s corruption court system by US Attorney Charles Tuttle in 1930 led Judge Samuel Seabury’s investigation into the city’s government. Seabury’s probe had the assistance of the shadowy figure the press dubbed: Crimson Fist.

Seabury, with help from Crimson Fist, discovered numerous city official taking bribes; money missing from budgets; the Vice Squad controlling a prostitution ring; corrupt judges; and more importantly ties to Charles “Lucky” Luciano’s gang. Even more disturbing were Mayor Walker’s ties to Luciano, and despite the allegations, Walker carried on as if nothing was wrong. It was after a public hearing that saw Seabury grilling Walker, the mayor resigned in disgrace on September 1, 1932.

Empire Times August 30, 1930 WHO IS CRIMSON FIST? Rocked by her share of gang problems, Empire City has a new protector in the battle against crime. This figure, known by some as Crimson Fist, has been waging a oneman war against city crime.

Even after Walker was out of office, the corruption continued, and Empire City slowly sunk deeper into debt. It would not be until January 1, 1934, when Fiorello H. La Guardia became the city’s 99th mayor, that the city would begin the long road to recovery.

Though police officials have publicly stated little, eyewitness’s accounts paint the same vivid picture of the city’s protector. For the past three months a man wearing a black trench coat, black brimmed hat, and a black scarf that covers all but his eyes, has taken down nearly fourteen criminals connected to cities gangs.

Lucky Luciano and Empire City Crime Born in 1897 in Lercardia Friddi, Sicily, Charles “Lucky” Luciano and his family arrived in Empire City in November 1906. From an early age, Luciano engaged in mischief and crime. It would be his lifelong friendship with Meyer Lansky that led to the creation America’s most powerful mob families.

With increased bloodshed connected to Empire City gang fighting, criminals are finding themselves not only dodging rival’s bullets, but also the shadowy vigilante’s fists. Many feel he is nothing more than a legend, but last night’s events at The Stork Club (East 53rd Street) have changed many opinions.

Luciano’s criminal career began as a child when he started a protection racket; by his teens, he was selling narcotics. This led to his becoming the leader of the notorious Five Points Gang in 1916. This propelled him into the profitable bootlegging business. By the Prohibition Era, Luciano (along with Lanksy, and partner Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel) was extremely wealthy from this business. It was bootlegging that brought him into contact with other Empire City crime bosses. One boss in particular took

“He’s ten-feet tall, and his hands are blood red,” claims


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

an interest in Luciano, and that was Joe Masseria.

States. For this to happen Muranzo saw two obstacles standing in his way. The first was the head of the Chicago mob, Al Capone. The second was Lucky.

Masseria was the main figure in Empire City crime. Seeing a chance to monitor a rising star, Masseria brought Luciano in, and they formed a partnership. Though powerful, Masseria was reluctant to move into new businesses and diversifying his empire. More importantly, Masseria, like the rest of the older gangsters, did not want to do business with nonItalians. Masseria’s old-time beliefs were the cause of the two continued arguments of the running of the business.

Lansky tipped his friend off to Muranzo’s plan, and in response Lucky sent four gunners to his office to kill him. With Muranzo dead, Lucky was now in charge. Not only was he head of the Five Families, but also he was the undisputed crime boss in Empire City. To this day, the Five Families that Lucky headed and strengthened still exist in Empire City.

Suspecting Luciano was going to muscle him out, Masseria had him handled. While standing on Sixth Avenue, Luciano was forced into a limo and abducted. While the limo was driving, Luciano was repeatedly beaten and stabbed. Thinking he was dead, Luciano’s abductors left him on a beach. Amazingly, Luciano limped to a nearby hospital where he recovered. Police tried to get him to testify as too who had beaten him. Luciano refused to answer any questions telling police: “Don’t you cops

Now known as La Costra Norsta, they stand as a testament to Lucky’s criminal empire. Unlike the modern era, the crime threatening the city was not the metahuman. Much of the bloodshed stemmed from the Prohibition Era which brought a new wave of crime, and in its’ wake came corruption. Because the threat was more mundane, then Jade Naga, there was not the number of superheroes present to stem the tide. Those more likely fighting this growing crime were government agents,

lose any sleep, I’ll handle things myself.”

police and the few citizens who took matters in their own hand as costumed vigilantes.

Surviving his brush with death, Luciano dubbed himself Lucky. He knew someone wanted him dead. Lansky’s discovery of Masseria’s double cross would have the biggest impact on Empire City crime. Convincing him it was time to act, Lansky advised Lucky to join forces with Masseria’s enemy Salvatore Maranzano. Though reluctant at first, Lansky’s arguments were persuasive. Meeting Maranzano in secret, Lucky switched sides, and doing so set off the largest gang war in Empire City history: Castellammarese War.

Though many felt all police and city officials were on the take, this was not entirely true. Those not corrupt tried fighting back and they had some assistance from the small hero community of the time. Crimson Fist was one such hero. After all, his work brought down a mayor and helped keep the Five Families in check. Also making appearances in Empire City was Reverend Temperance, who earned the ire of Lucky Luciano over the targeting of his bootlegging operation.

Starting in 1928, the Castellammarese War was a bloody battle of control between the older and younger Mafiosi. Gone were old alliances and rivalries, instead forces loyal to the younger Maranzano fought old timers associated with Masseria. With both sides busy killing each other; Lucky was busy cementing relationships with the younger leadership of both bosses’ gangs. The reason for this was due to Lucky realizing that the only outcome to the war was the death of both bosses. With both gone, and much of the older leadership gone with them, the younger members would take control, leaving Lucky as the boss of all.

With Lucky’s control of Empire City bootlegging, the Reverend caused Lucky a large share troubles. Throughout the era, Reverend Temperance shut down numerous speakeasies, distillation plants and distribution centers. All of Reverend’s work cost Lucky not only in profits but also in embarrassment. At one point, Lucky placed a $150,000 bounty on the Reverend’s head, and though many attempted to collect it, no one was successful. With the end of Prohibition, the Reverend’s threat ended, but Lucky’s problems were still not over. Crimson Fist caused Lucky the most problems. When he was not busy fighting crime in Empire City, he was busy uncovering the vast corruption links back to the Five Families. Also aggravating was the fact that it seemed Crimson Fist knew of Lucky’s plans before his own people did. Though he always felt someone within his inner circle was a traitor, Lucky was never able to find any solid proof or evidence of one.

With the fighting still going on in 1931, Lucky began seeing a shift in the battle. Up until this point, police ignored the killing. As long as innocent people were not caught in the crossfire, the police easily looked the other way. Crimson Fist’s appearance inspired a silent public to voice their outrage over the police’s lack of effort in stopping the killing. With Crimson Fist taking down criminals on both sides of the battle, Lucky realized that if the killing did not stop, a bigger attempt to deal with the problem would materialize. With Lansky’s and Siegel’s help, Lucky had Masseria assassinated in a Coney Island restaurant. With his enemy dead, Muranzo proclaimed himself the “Boss of Bosses” and created five crime families under him. The Five Families, as they are commonly known, were given areas of Empire City to control, with Muranzo in charge of it all.

Order Restore La Guardia came into office with the city facing a $30 million budget deficit, 142,000 families on relief, and only $29 million left out of a $70 million federal government relief loan. To fix the budget he raised taxes, reduced civil service salaries, and fired city workers. Though harsh, his actions led the city back to financial stability. La Guardia acted quickly to fight crime and started by ordering the arrest of Lucky Luciano; he purged city departments of corrupt workers, and tackled corruption in the police department. Appointing Louis Valentine

Though in charge, Muranzo was not content with being Empire City’s boss. He wanted to be the boss of all organized crime in the United


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009

as Police Commissioner, he eventually removed 244 bad cops from the police force during his tenure. His actions made it very difficult for the numerous gangs and the Five Families to do business in Empire City.

Posted in Games Tagged: Empire City, Lost Works, thoughts, writers

The purges had a fringe benefit as well; they helped fight crime. Despite her troubles, Empire City grew and became synonymous with wealth and culture during the 1930s. With the closing of the decade, the city played hostess to the World’s Fair and many looked toward what the future held. Little did they know that the future was about to grow darker.


More on Wargames MAR 18, 2009 08:29P.M. Here’s another perspective on the present and future of wargames. It’s also a few years old, but was written more recently than Greg Costikyan’s article.

Posted in Games Tagged: Empire City, Games, Lost Works, thoughts

Thanks to Rob Kuntz for the link.


Cleaning out the folders MAR 18, 2009 10:10P.M.


Final Megadungeon Update MAR 18, 2009 07:50P.M. Back in 2002 I was contracted to write the history chapter for the Empire City Source book that Guardians of Order was to release for their Silver Age Sentinels rpg.

I’m nearly read to go content-wise. I’m still waiting on a couple of maps and images and I need to complete something of my own, but otherwise we’re very close to being ready. I think, barring any big problems, you’ll see something online before the end of the week. If it carries over till next week, them’s the breaks when you’re doing this on the fly.

For those who remember SAS this was a super hero RPG, set in a world that was like ours, but slightly difference. The big change was that New York City, was renamed Empire City. Still, that is besides the point. I took the contract because I really enjoy writing history (as if Colonial Gothic is not proof of that), and I enjoy fitting real world history into a believable game setting history. Sadly, the book was canceled, and all the work I did to make Empire City believable, was put in the Wish It Worked Out File.

In any case, I’d like to once again thank everyone who’s provided me assistance in various ways. I think the end result is going to be pretty cool. Like a megadungeon itself, it’ll be an evolving project, one that starts humbly but will grow over time. I also think that, once the beginnings are out there and online, it’ll give many people a better handle on just what I have in mind, which’ll make it easier to contribute in the future.

There is some good stuff in there. I created a few heroes and villains that predated the game’s main heroes. I weaved in the game’s heroes, and set up a believable progression of how the game’s setting got to where it was when the game came out. Hell, I even weaved in the famous New York Daily News headline “Ford to City: Drop Dead.”

Anyway, just wanted everyone to know I’m still barreling ahead with this. It’s going a little slower than expected, but it’s still going to appear imminently. Next time I mention it, you’ll be able to see for yourself.

Empire City, seemed real. Yet, all this great work just sits in the Wish It Worked Out File mocking me. Still, I figured, it was time to release this back into the world. It also keeps off something I plan to do regularly, clean out the folders of things that will never see the light of day regularly. So why is this chapter so important? It taught me how to work with real world history and set it logically in a game. This is something I continue to do with Colonial Gothic


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

22 March, 2009


The basement of my current home has this enormously ugly bar built into it. When I say “enormously ugly,” I do not exaggerate — it’s a monstrosity of faux green marble and “stonework” paneling that I have a hard time imagining that anyone in the 1970s (when it was undoubtedly constructed) finding the least bit attractive. I’ve been meaning to destroy it for years, but, because it sits on top of a water turn-off valve, I know that eliminating it would mean moving the valve, making it a rather involved project. When I first moved into the house, I used to stand behind the bar when I was refereeing. It was my neo-Dungeon Master’s screen. I could rest all my books back there and roll my dice easily. Like its cardboard predecessors, it was fairly unwieldly — I had to walk over to the game table if I needed to inspect anything there — but there was a certain “aura of power” about it that provided focus to our sessions, which was important since our group grew quite large.

Retrospective: Dungeon Master’s Screen MAR 18, 2009 02:00P.M.

Despite all this, I’m not sure I could go back to using a referee’s screen. Somehow, the idea of it makes me feel self-conscious now. I’m not sure I can explain why, particularly given how readily I like to experiment with the Old Ways. And goodness knows I could use a handy collection of reference charts and tables rather than having to flip through books to find what I need. I just don’t know if a screen is the way to go, at least for me. So, if anyone’s looking for “dirt” to use against my old school credentials, enjoy! I haven’t used a referee’s screen in many, many years, mostly because I rarely get the chance to sit at a table large enough to accommodate all the people with whom I play, never mind unwieldy gaming paraphernalia as well. And referee’s screens are unwieldy, at least in my experience, none moreso than the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Screen. This product consisted of not one but two cardboard screens, each being a three-paneled gatefold. The insides of each screen were covered with charts and tables from the AD&D rulebooks, while the outsides were mostly festooned with artwork (incuding a rare example of color Dave Trampier art), though one panel on each was dedicated to playeroriented charts, like weapon damage or experience point requirements for each class. In my younger days, though, when we used to play D&D while seated at a ping-pong table, I used screens religiously and not just for the charts. Back in those bygone days, having a screen up conferred a weird kind of authority to the person sitting behind them and establishing one’s authority was important. Heyday of the “imperial referee” it might have been, but it’s often forgotten that one became emperor by making your players believe you were emperor. That is, simply being the guy who bought a module and was willing to run it for the group wasn’t enough to make one a referee. At one time or another, all the players in my old crew did this. However, only I was ever the Dungeon Master and part of the reason why is that I did all the little things that conferred this august title upon me: I was flexible but decisive, tough but fair, and, above all, someone the players wanted to beat at his own game. And I had a screen. The combination of these elements was a strange alchemy that elevated me in the eyes of my friends and contributed greatly to the feel of the game and it was that feel that kept us playing almost non-stop for years.


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