Rock A Mania Details

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  • Pages: 5



Notice: This document is a legally binding agreement. By signing this agreement you are acknowledging that you have read, understood fjJ~d accepted the terms and conditions stated on this agreement. You further acknowledge and agree~tfipt you are waiving your rights to bring court action to recover compensation or obtain any other re'iredy for any injury Idamage to your self or your property.

Event Dates: This is to certify that I, i / NRIC/Passport No. ,have read the rules and regulations pertaining to my participatio,p in the Rockamania XIV organized by the Temasek Polytechnic Adventure club and Temasek p01vi,echnic Sports Climbing. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I, for my heirs, executor . and administrators, release and forever discharge the Temasek Polytechnic Adventure Club and Spos Climbing Rockamania XlV Organizing Committee, for their sponsors, their appointed staff, officials ~r agents, of all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses which I may have against ther$ arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this event, including travel to or~rom this event, including all accidents, injuries or death that may be suffered by me before, during or after the event, or damage to my equipment sustained during my participation in this event. I understand that this indemnity includes any claims based on negligence, action, or inaction of any df the above parties. I acknowledge that there are significant elements of risk associated with the sports climbing, bouldering and fitness training regime and equipment. I further acknowledge the nature and extent of the risks inherent in climbing and the use of its related facilities. I recognize the difficul~ies of the event and attest that I am sufficiently fit physically to complete this event and that I have ,hot been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional.lalso acknowledge that Ihave read and will abide to the Rules and Regulations stated in this form. Name of Participant



25 th & 26th of July 0

pt & 2nd of August

Reporting Time: ttJ0vice (sec) -1300, 25th July ~ovice (open) -0800,26 th July



\ ----------------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------­

,Open - 26th July 09, 1300hrs


Intermediate - 1st August 09, 0800hrs


I, , NRIC/Pa~sport No. , hereby allow my son/daughter/ward to participate in the above mentioned Rocka mania XIV organized by Temasek Polytechnic Adventure Club and Sports Climbing a~ would not hold the organizers, sponsors, staff and officials responsible for any accidents, damage~, mishaps, injuries or loss of life that may occur in the course of or as a result of his/her participation in this event.


.\Speed - 25 th Jul 0 y 9, 1630hrs

rgamzed By: O ~


TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC Name of ParentI Guardian

Signature, "


*Note: In the event that bad weather be experienced during the competition, 1 events from the closed category will be postponed to the following weekend, to the discretion of the organisers.


I, , declare that I have less than one year's climbing experience and acknowledge that i will face disqualification if I fail to follow this declaration.

Name of Participant



Incomplete forms will be deemed invalid and will be dealt with as stated in the Be of Rules & Regulations.

Personal Particulars

Rules and Regulations 1 General Rules and Regulations 1.1 Registration Closes on 20'" July 2009. 1.2 Fees: Open Categories (Difficulty)- 5$12.00 (Speed Individual)f 5$6.00 1.3 On-the-spot registration after the registration window period will only be allowed if there are any vacancies. An additional fee of 5$4.00 will be collected for on-the-spot registration. 1.4 Only full-time students of secondary schools will be able to participate in the Novice category. 1.5 Only full-time students of secondary schools, polytechnics, jupior colleges, ITEs, international schools, universities and any other education institutes in 5in~apore will be able to participate in Intermediate, i Professional & Speed categories. 1.6 Climbers who have represented Singapore within the span oUhe last 3 years, or who are part ofthe Singapore National Team are eligible to compete in th~ Difficulty-Pro and Speed events. 1. 7 Status of national climbers will be according to the list provid/!d by Singapore Mountaineering Federation (SMF). \ 1.8 Each school is limited to 5 participants for each category, Except for novice (secondary school) category 3 participants. '

2 Submission of registration forms 2.1 Registration forms can be directly mailed to the address stated below. 2.2 Cheques should be crossed and made payable to 'Temasek PCiytechnic- Adventure Club'. (To be mailed along with the registration forms).

3 Registration 3.1 Competitors are required to bring their student pass or student identification card of their education institution for identification and verification purposes on the day of the competition. 3.2 Competitors will receive the event T-shirt and a goodie bag upon registration. 3.3 Each school is limited to S participants for each category, excePt for novice (secondary school) category 3 participants. 4 Attire/Equipment 4.1 An event shirt will be issued to each participant upon reporti~g on the day of the event. All competitors are required to wear the event shirt throughout their event (isolation and climb). 4.2 Note: Event shirt will not be issued to speed participants. Participants to be dressed in school based shirt. 4.3 No bare bodied climbing. 4.4 Harnesses and helmets will be provided for all competil~rs but they may choose to use their own. S Judging I 5.1 Difficulty: Competitors will be judged according to the legitimate hold-touch point; height reached by dynamic means is allowed.

6 Appeals 6.1 If a competitor disputes the results ofthe competition, a 30 minutes of the release of the results and must be cash and will only be refunded if the appeal is successful.

appeal must be made within by a sum of 5$50.00 in

7 Important note 7.1 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend any p~rt ofthe Rules and Regulations without prior notice. The Book of Rules and Regulations will be available on request. 7.2 There is a quota on participants for this competition in order to tally with our planned schedule. 7.3 Event shirts will be given while stocks last.

For enquiries please do not hesitate to contact

Xue Qian at 96258553 (HPJ

[email protected] (Email)

Temasek Polytechnic - TP Sports CHmbing C/O TP Adventure Club,

Student & Alumni pepartment,

Blk 30 #02-01 1/02, 21

Tampines Ave 1 Sin$apore 529757






Date of Birth Address School

Postal Code


Contact No.






"Age S/M/l/Xl

I*T-shirt size

Categories ( please tick accordingly)


Novice ( secon~ary school)



c:;, Women

Difficulty- Novice (open).



c:;, Women

Difficulty - Intermediate



c:;, Women



c:;, Women


c:;, Women


Difficulty - Open



Speed (Individual)



Meditallnformation - Is there a history of/ have you ever had: 1. Chest Pain, Coronary pro~lems, High Blood Pressure ............... ..

2. lung Problems ( Bronchiti$, Tuberculosis etc.) ......................... ..



I No


4. Head Injury, Fits, Epilepsy, Fainting Attacks, Migraine ................. .

5. Back! Neck Problems .......L..................................................

6. Diabetes .............................1.............................................. .

7. Eye (Vision)/ Ear (Deafnes~) Problems .................................... .

8. Nervous Illness ...... ;......... 9. Arthritis, Bone or Joint Injury ...................................................

10. Surgery within the last 3 iyears ...............................................

11. Allergies (Drugs, Food etc.) ...................................................

12. Routine Medication Needs ....................................................


( If yes to any of the above, please specify: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Do you have any other disability or medica! information you wish to highlight?

For Women only: Are You P{egnant? No_ _ Yes_ _

I In the event of an emergeney

Person to contact: Address:

Relationship: _ _ __

Tel:_ _ _ __

t declare that all the inform~tion provided by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


* Subject to availability of sizes

Date "As of 1,t January 2009

ROCKAMANIA XV Programme Flow Saturday 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 11:00 11 :30

~:OO 13:00 i 14:00 16:30 17:00 17:15 18:00 19:30 -


! 7:30 8:00 8:30 r-­ 9:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 17:30


25th July 09 Briefing for officials & Admin preparations Registration for Novice (Close) Isolation close for Novice (Close) I Novice (Close) commence Novice (Close) end Isolation close for Intermediate (Close) Intermediate (Close) commence • Intermediate (Close) end Speed commence . Registration for Open category Speed end i Isolation close for Open category Open category commence I Open category ends - .. ----26th July 09 I Briefing for officials & Admin i preparations Registration for Novice category . Isolation close for Novice category_ i Novice category commence Registration forNovice (Secondary.1 i Novice category end I Novice (Secondar:y) commence ' Novice (Secondary) end ~



I Registration for Intermediate (Close)

Registration for Speed Finalise to 16 best









i Isolation close for Novice (Secondary) i

ROCKAMANIA XV Programme Flow

7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 13:00

1st August 09 Briefing for officials & Admin preparations Registration for Intermediate category Isolation close for Intermediate category Intermediate category commence Novice (Secondary) Finalist registration

13:30 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:30 18:00

Intermediate category end Novice (Secondary) Finals commence Registration for Speed (16 Finalist) Novice (Secondary) Finals end Speed commence Speed end


Sunday 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11 :30 12:00 12:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 18:00

2nd August 09 Briefing for officials & Admin preparations Registration for Novice Finals Isolation close for Novice Finals Novice Finals start Novice Finals end Isolation close for Intermediate finals Intermediate finals commence Isolation close for Open finals Intermediate finals end Open finals commence Open finals end Arrival of GOH Speed (Top 4) commence Speed (Top 4) end Prize presentation ends



Novice (Secondary) Finali ~t Isolation close

Finalise to 4 best

Registration for Intermediate finals Registration for Open finals

Registration for Speed (Top 4)

Prize presentation

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