Robin-quizblnk (2)

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,684
  • Pages: 128
2 chances

• The name of which archipelago is derived from Latin for “island of the dogs” ?

• It is a part of Spain

• Canary Islands

• About which event on 30th June 1997 did Chief guest Prince Charles make this remark : • an "awful Soviet-style" performance

• The handing over ceremony of Hong Kong, by the British to China

Sarengi • Also the name of Laxmi Bai’s horse

• Which country is nicknamed the “Shell-fare” state because of a welfare system that includes free health care, education and even help from the government with buying a house ?

• The head of state has assets of more than 20 billion US$, a personal collection of over 6000 cars and is the 4th richest royal alive

• Brunei • Shell-fare because of the huge interests Shell oil has in this country

Who is missing ?

• 37.578 Kmph

Usain Bolt • Laureus sportsmen of the year since 2000

Mural depicting whom ?

• Harvey Milk

• He was born in Tianjin in China in 1902. • In 1943 the Japanese took over the Shaochang missionary station where he was working as a protestant missionary. He led the internment camp spiritedly before his untimely demise on 21st February 1945, five months before liberation. • Recently, before the Beijing games, it was revealed that he had been offered freedom by the Japanese but ceded his place to a pregnant woman. • Who ?

• "I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run, I feel His pleasure."

• Eric Liddel

• He was a friend of Pythagoras and once saved his life. He possessed superhuman strength and was a 6 time Olympic champ between 536 & 520 B.C. • Who ?

• Inspired the name of a Nestle product


• Who is the only person to have his works simultaneously topping the TV charts, Box office & book sales in the USA ?

• This was in 1994

• • • •

Michael Crichton ER Jurassic Park Disclosure


• Antonio Carbajal who played 5 world cups for Mexico

Aloe vera

• Whose epitaph reads • “He lies here somewhere” • ??

Werner Heisenberg

• What is this style of painting called ?

• Ragamala depicting ragas

Connect • Vauxhall, Chelsea, Southwark, London, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Tower, Westminster, Battersea, Albert, Lambeth, Millennium, Kew, Barnes. • Not an exhaustive list

• All bridges on the London Thames

• Kareena Kapoor

Complete these taglines • • • • • •

“____ This”, “Hot as ____”, Mile High ____”, “Lucky ____”, “Fun Comes Usually Kneeling”, “____ on the beach”.


• Who or what displaced King Gyanendra on the Bank Notes of Nepal ?

• Mt Everest

• The worst defeat in the U.S. Presidential elections was sustained by John Quincy Adams in the 1820 elections. He won only one electoral vote in a straight election. This vote was given to him for a specific reason. What?

• So that George Washington would remain the only US President to have been elected unanimously. James Monroe was the winner in 1820.

• For what specific reason was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle knighted in 1902 ?

• For his services in the Boer War

• Who made his acting debut along side Amir Khan (his first role as an adult) in Ketan Mehta's 1984 film 'Holi ‘ ?

• Ashutosh Gowarikar

“He has only 2 expressions, one with the hat and one without it.” • One brilliant filmmaker about another brilliant filmmaker. • Give me both names.

• Sergio Leone about Clint Eastwood

• Concert for Bangladesh at Madison Square Garden in 1971

• Which word meaning a newcomer is derived from certain pieces in Chess that are almost always played towards the end of the game ?

• Rookie from rook

• Bentley

• Who is till date the only person to have received the Nobel peace prize posthumously ?

• Dag Hammarskold

• In the Quran, there are two chapters called "Injil" and "Tawrat". What are they better known as?

• The Old & New Testaments of the Bible

• What animal is this ?

• Liger a cross between a lion & a tigress

• ID this Swiss Tourist spot

• Reichenbach falls

• Which entertainment movement began with all its works dedicated to Rosa Parks ?

• Gangster Rap


What is this exhaustive list of events depicting : 1926 - At a desk in a newsroom 1927 - Walking past a tennis court, carrying a walking stick 1929 – Being bothered by a small boy as he reads a book in the subway 1930 – Walking past the house where the murder was committed 1935 – Tossing some litter while Robert Donat and Lucie Mannheim run from the theater 1938 – Outside the court house, holding a camera 1938 – In Victoria Station, wearing a black coat and smoking a cigarette 1940 – Walking near the phone booth 1940 – Leaves the hotel, wearing a coat and hat and reading a newspaper 1941 – Midway through, passing Robert Montgomery in front of his building 1941 – Mailing a letter at the Village Post Office 1942 – Standing in front of the Cut Rate Drugs in New York 1943 – On the train to Santa Rosa, playing cards 1944 – In picture ad in the newspaper for Reduco Obesity Slayer 1945 – Coming out of an elevator at the Empire Hotel, carrying a violin case and smoking a cigarette 1946 – At a big party , drinking champagne and then quickly departing 1947 – Leaving the train and Cumberland station, carrying a cello 1948 – Trademark can be seen on a neon sign board 1950 – Looking at the maid 1951 – Boarding a train carrying a double bass fiddle 1953 – Crossing the top of a staircase 1954 – On the left side of the class reunion photo 1954 – Winding the clock in the song writer’s apartment 1955 – Travelling by bus 1955 – Walking past the parked Limousine of an old man who is looking at paintings 1956 – Watching acrobats in the Moroccan marketplace 1958 – Walking on the street in a gray suit 1959 – Missing a bus 1960 – Wearing a cowboy hat, passing by the office window 1963 – Leaving the pet shop with two white terriers 1964 – Entering the hotel corridor from the left 1966 – Sitting in the Hotel d’Angleterre lobby with a blond baby 1969 – Is being carried on a wheel chair in airport 1972 – In the centre of the crowd wearing a bowler hat, he is the only one not applauding the speaker 1976 – In silhouette through the door of the Registrar of Births and Deaths.

• Cameos of Alfred Hitchcock

• Aravind Adiga

• During the days of vaudeville in the US in the 1880s audiences often heckled performers on stage by booing and throwing cheap foodstuff. • A term “…………. gallery” (named after the thrown food) was used for this kind of unappreciative audiences which inspired the name of a comic strip. • Which comic strip ? • Incidentally the strip’s author hated the name as he thought it was undignified

• Peanuts • It was originally called Lil folks

• Who are the only 4 players to have won both junior & senior Wimbledon titles ?

• Borg, Pat Cash, Edberg & Fedex

• Which singer released an album titled E=MC2 last year ?

• Mariah Carey

• As a child why did Lewis Carroll receive the somewhat cruel nickname “Dodo” ?

• His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson & he used to stammer getting stuck at “Do…Do….” while saying his own name

• The proper Sanskrit term for what was “Sahagamana” ?

• Sati

* 24 April 1964 – it’s head was sawn off and stolen by politically oriented artists of the Situationist movement, amongst them Jørgen Nash. The head was never recovered and a new head was produced and placed on the it. * 22 July 1984 – her right arm was sawn off. The arm was returned 2 days later by two young vandals. * 1990 – another attempt was made to cut her head off, which resulted in an 18 cm deep cut in the neck. * 6 January 1998 – she lost her head for the second time, the culprits were never found, but the head was returned anonymously to a nearby TV station, and on 4 February the head was back on. * Paint has been thrown on her several times, including one episode in 1961 where her hair was painted red and a bra was painted on her. * 11 September 2003 – it was blasted off its rock, possibly with dynamite. * In 2004, it was draped in a burka as a statement against Turkey joining the European Union. * May 20, 2007 – it was found draped in a Muslim dress and head scarf.

All vandalism attempts on what ?

• • •

• • •

The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen Harbour

• In relation with English grammar connect deer, moose & sheep

• Singular n plural same words

• What Guru dakshina did Barbareek the grandson of Bhim offer Krishna before the start of the Kurukshetra war ?

• His own head

• Archers in medieval England used to have a spare bow-string which they used in case they tore the original. Which phrase arose from this ?

• Second string

Round on musical instruments

• Bones



• Fire treated clay from Manmadurai & Panruti are used to make which instrument ?



Bob Burns playing his bazooka

• This instrument consists of an air supply pipe, a chanter, a drone & one other item from which it gets it’s name. • Which instrument ?


Connect • • • • •

Devdatt Paundra Sughoshmani Pushpakau Anantavijaya

5 conches of the Pandavas


Mohun Veena


Batman villains

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