River Pollution Saloni Gupta Xlri

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 837
  • Pages: 10
Saloni Gupta XLRI School of Business & Human Resources | Class of ’10

Tackling the challenge of River Pollution Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder approach

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

The current situation is above the danger mark

The River pollution problem has far reaching effects on many aspects of life. A few examples • India’s 14 major and 55 minor rivers receive over a million tonnes of sewage/ day • Most rivers running over D levels (excessive levels – unfit ) of pollution levels • Ganga polluted over 5000 times permissible levels • Stretches of Yamuna devoid of all aquatic life for over a decade • High percentages of Fluoride, Arsenic, Nitrate etc. which cause severe environmental and physical damage

River pollution in India has enormous environmental, economic, social, health related implications. It is an issue which demands immediate action. Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Involvement of all the stakeholders is crucial to handle the enormous task Numerous Unilateral Government efforts have failed to produce any tangible results. Rivers in India are increasingly getting polluted every second

•Any one solution or plan might have short term, or limited results for e.g. in Project Ganga • The enormous task can be handled better with an involvement of all stakeholders • A multi pronged, multi – contributor approach is required to handle this project Problem analysis

Industries NGOs Society

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Government bodies & Public Private partnerships

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Various stakeholders are the ones who are directly or indirectly involved with the issue The rationale for involvement of following stakeholders

Government Agencies • Legislative, Executionary & Judicial bodies provide a basic framework for the pollution control • Have already initiated a number of pollution control projects • Sole authority to implement laws and enforce standards

Public Private partnerships • Initiation of public private partnerships for this specific sector can lead to more effective utilization of resources, as proved by successful ventures abroad • Rapid deployment of state of art technology, owing to profit motives

Industries • Major sources of river pollution, hence responsible for pollution control & largely responsible for success of the pollution control ventures

Society • Biggest contributor and victim of river pollution Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Specific action plans for each of the stakeholders is essential to clarify roles and bring ownership

Government • Increasing efficiency in enforcing pollution control regulations • Bringing about stringent regulations for the pollution control • Consideration of environmental factors while framing policies • Empowerment of pollution control boards - Thousands of cases, handful of convictions • Economic incentives, tax subsidies for pollution control Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder model

Public Private Partners • Deployment of state of technology for pollution control for example – Reverse osmosis filters etc. • Efficient utilization of funds for pollution control projects • Accountability for tangible performance standards • Speedy and efficient execution of projects

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Resources for the plans - The cost of pollution control and safe water provisioning in India As per the Centre of Science & Environment, the cost of water pollution control is much lesser than the impending economic costs river pollution A. Damage costs Rs. Billion a Annual water pollution and sanitation related damage 366 costs 3.95% of GDP B. Avoidance costs a Pollution abatement in organized industry 10.1 b


Pollution abatement in Small Scale Industry T Wastewater treatment in 3696 cities/towns

c d

3.62 to 10.54


Provision of toilets to 115 million households

35.3 to 56.63



Problem analysis

Provision of safe drinking water



Annualized cost (Capital + 20% O& M Costs)

161.18 to 195

Annual cost as % of GDP

1.7 to 2.1%

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Specific action plans for each of the stakeholders is essential to clarify roles and bring ownership Industries


• Stringent following of the pollution control regulations • Steps to become Carbon and water positive at least neutral • Consideration of environmental impact as a business policy • Treatment of waste water at source • Compulsory Recycling and treatment of water

• Active participation in river pollution control mechanisms • Awareness and following waste water management, solid waste management etc. • Use or organic fertilizers, pesticides • Responsible use of water bodies

Initiatives which are important for river pollution control are – economic initiatives, institutional interventions, eco – entrepreneurship etc. Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring and impact analysis are crucial for the success of various initiatives To ensure effectiveness of various initiatives and implement them successfully, performance & impact measurement is critical. Various cost effective measures of monitoring are present which can be deployed

Problem analysis

Multi – stakeholder model

Action plans & performance

Impact & Performance Monitoring

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