Rio Unit 08 Origin Of Life Assessment

  • April 2020
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RIO Unit 08- Biology Origin of Life and Evolution 1. In which reproduction situation would there be a greater possibility for the evolution of a new species in organisms? (Evaluating) A Binary fission B Fertilization C Budding D Sporulation 2. Which example best supports the concept that new varieties of organisms are still evolving? (Analyzing) A Increasing need for new antibiotics B Increasing number of individuals in the human population C Decreasing number of new fossils discovered in undisturbed rock layers D Decreasing activity of photosynthetic organisms due to warming of the atmosphere

3. In fruit flies with the curly wing mutation, the wings will be straight if the flies are kept at 16 degrees Celsius. What is the most probable explanation for this? (Generating) A Fruit flies with curly wings cannot survive at high temperatures B The environment influences wing phenotype in these fruit flies C Height temperatures increases the rate of mutations D Wing length in these fruit flies is directly proportional to temperature 4. What could possibly be determined using biochemical analysis of different chlorophyll pigments in plants? (Integrating) A How plants reproduce asexually B How plants pass favorable traits to their offspring C Why some plants produce hemoglobin D Which plants might have a common ancestor

5. What are the structural similarities between the flippers of whales and the arms of humans are used to show? (Applying) A Human species began life in the oceans B Human species and whales have a common ancestry

7. The diagram below represents a section of undisturbed layers of sedimentary rock in North Carolina and shows the location of fossils of several closely related species. According to currently accepted evolutionary theory, which is the most probable assumption about species A, B, and C? (Generating)

C Whales are older than the human species D Whales evolved from the human species 6. The study of homologous structures in mature organisms provides evidence for the evolutionary relationships among certain groups of organisms. Which field of study includes this evidence of evolution? (Organizing) A Comparative cytology B Biochemistry C Comparative anatomy D Geology

A Species B is more abundant than species C. B Species C existed before species B. C Species A and B are genetically identical. D Species B descended from species A.

8. Which group of organisms is believed to be among the earliest to evolve on Earth? (Organizing) A Arthropods B Cnidarians C Prokaryotes D Reptiles

9. Which concept was not included in Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection? (Organizing)

10. What was the basis of Darwin's theory of evolution? (Knowing) A Use and disuse B Natural selection C Mutations D Hybridization 11. Which is the concept that species have changed over long periods of time? (Knowing)

A Survival of the fittest

A Ecology

B Struggle for existence

B Embryology

C Overproduction of offspring

C Spontaneous generation

D Punctuated equilibrium

D Organic evolution

12. The diagram below illustrates the change that occurred in the frequency of phenotypes in an insect population over 10 generations. What is a probable explanation for this change? (Integrating)

13. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, what were the differences between species the result of? (Applying) A The disuse of body structures B The transmission of acquired characteristics C Natural selection D Mutagenic agents

A Over time there was a decrease in the adaptive value of gene a B Over time there was an increase in the adaptive value of gene a C Over time there was an increase in the population of this insect D Over time there was a decrease in the mutation rate of gene A

14. Two nucleotide sequences found in two different species are almost exactly the same. What does this suggest about the two species? (Evaluating) A They are evolving into the same species B They contain identical DNA C They may have similar evolutionary histories D They have the same number of mutations

15. The diagram below shows undisturbed sedimentary strata at the bottom of an ocean. The fossils found in layer B resemble the fossils found in layer A. What does this similarity suggest? (Analyzing)

16. What is the name of the theory that evolutionary change is slow and continuous? (Knowing) A Punctuated equilibrium B Geographic isolation C Speciation D Gradualism 17. The spotted touch-me-not, a flowering plant, has seed pods that burst open when touched and forcefully eject their seeds. Why would such an adaptation be favorable? (Evaluating) A Aids in the dispersal of the species.

A The fossils in layer B were formed before the fossils in layer A B Modern forms of life may have evolved from earlier forms of life C Vertebrate fossils are only found in sediments D The fossils in layer A must be more complex than those in layer B

B Attracts insects that aid in pollination. C Prevents germination within the seed pod. D Can cause genetic changes to occur.

18. Breeders have developed a variety of chicken that has no feathers. Which methods were most likely used to produce this variety? (Applying) A Artificial selection and inbreeding

20. Which is a breeding method used by humans to produce new and improved varieties of plants and animals? (Knowing)

B Grafting and hybridization

A Independent assortment

C Regeneration and incubation

B Crossing over

D Vegetative propagation and binary fission

C Artificial selection

19. What did Mendel's discovery that characteristics are inherited due to the transmission of hereditary factors result from? (Integrating) A Careful microscopic examinations of genes and chromosomes B Dissections to determine how fertilization occurs in pea plants C Breeding experiments with many generations of fruit flies D Analysis of the offspring produced from many pea plant crosses

D Natural selection

21. In many organisms, what are most heritable differences caused by? (Analyzing) A Mutations during gamete formation B Chemicals in the environment C Gene shuffling during gamete formation D The effects of radiation

22. What occurs when individuals within a population with the average form of a trait have the highest fitness? (Applying) A Directional selection B Stabilizing selection C Directional selection D Disruptive selection 23. Which of the following is necessary for the formation of a new species? (Analyzing) A Reproduction at different times B Geographic barriers

24. Which is the first step that occurred in the speciation of the Galapagos finches? (Organizing) A Establishment of genetic equilibrium B Behavioral isolation C Arrival of the founding population D Ecological competition

25. Which of the following materials was not present in the early Earth environment? (Knowing)

C Different mating behaviors

A NH4 (ammonia)

D Reproductive isolation

B CO2 (carbon dioxide) C H2O (water) D O2 (atmospheric oxygen)

26. Which of the following functions can RNA perform under certain conditions? (Applying)

A Adaptive radiation B Asexual reproduction

A Catalyzing chemical reactions C Coevolution B Processing messenger RNA after transcription C Helping DNA replicate D All of the above 27. What is Earth’s most recent era? (Organizing) A Paleozoic B Cenozoic C Mesozoic D Precambrian 28. What process has a single species that has evolved into several different forms that live in different ways undergone? (Analyzing)

D Convergent evolution

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