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autumn/winter 2007/2008

Valdis Zatlers: An interview with the president Latvia's alternative capital city Walking the line


TRAVEL PEOPLE Valdis Zatlers: An interview with the President


18 20 24

We are delighted

Latvia's Top 20 palaces, castles and manor houses

ECONOMY Walking the line

BUSINESS EXPERT From a legal perspective

FAMOUS LATVIAN TOWNS Liepaja: Latvia's alternative capital city



TRADITIONS with the progress being made at Riga International Airport. Passenger numbers are rising 20-30 percent a year, making this the fastest growing airport in Europe. The variety of destinations available has passed 50 and should rise to 60 by the end of 2008. Such fast growth at an airport, however, demands a great deal of capacity. The airport development plan is, happily, going smoothly and according to schedule. The draft plan has already been completed and the first round of construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2008. The plan provides for the investment of LVL 200 million (EUR 285 million) in extending and expanding the airport. We will do our utmost to avoid any short-term inconveniences to passengers, but we think it is clear that the long-term benefits for passengers in enlarging the airport's capacity cannot be underestimated. After the reconstruction, Riga International Airport



will be able to handle 15-20 million passengers a year

The weird and the wonderful

- reaffirming it as the largest and most important airport in the Baltic region by far. We are also excited about other development plans



currently under discussion, including a new high-speed

Trondheim: Ghosts and fjords

tram link between the airport and the city centre. Another possibility for easier access to the airport is the construction of a branch of the railway line to


AIRLINE IN FOCUS Norwegian: Making Norway affordable for everyone

reach the airport terminal and even the option of an underground railway station. In the meantime, we expect more and more new flight routes from Riga to be announced in the near


future. A new system of discounts granted to airlines


for every new route launched will certainly be an

The now and will be of Latvian architecture

excellent incentive. This system, which has just been endorsed by the Latvian government, shows that Riga


RIGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT All the latest news and developments from the number one transport hub in the region

International Airport still has huge potential for further development. We wish you many enjoyable, varied and revealing journeys!

Kriˇsja¯nis Peters Chairman of the Board of Riga International Airport autumn/winter 2007/2008




Latvia's Top 20 palaces, castles and manor houses Here is the Gateway Riga guide to the Top 20 palaces, castles and manor houses in Latvia. We've listed them in alphabetical order to avoid favouritism. Many now offer overnight accommodation allowing you to be lord or lady of the manor, or indeed castle, for the night. 4


autumn/winter 2007/2008

2) Berghof Manor Berghof Manor House, which also

1) Bauska Castle

goes by the name Kalnamuiza, is one

Originally constructed in the

avoid queues. check-in online

of Latvia's top weekend break and

c15th, work continued on the

conference destinations. The totally

Livonian Order fortress for another

restored manor house now boasts 16

three centuries. Explore its medieval

hotel rooms, a presidential suite, its

fortress and ruins, climb the viewing

own tavern, museum and excellent

tower or time your visit to coincide

restaurant. Set in several acres of fields

with the annual International

and parkland Berghof can be perfectly

Ancient Music Festival.

combined with a trip to Liepaja.

Website: www.pilis.lv

Website: www.kalnamuiza.lv

Overnight stay: No

Overnight stay: Yes




3) Birini Castle Birini Castle is an ideal weekend retreat. It is situated on a hilltop surrounded by a vast park and an attractive lake. There is a museum and a small tavern within its territory as well as acres of forest to stroll in. Website: www.birinupils.lv


Overnight stay: Yes

4) Cesis Castle It is the fantastic backdrop of Cesis Castle that most impresses first-time visitors. Indeed, during the summer months the castle ruins play host to a number of outdoor performances. With many of its original features still remaining many Latvians consider this to be the finest castle in their country. Website: www.vvtc.cesis.lv Overnight stay: No



autumn/winter 2007/2008

One click to klm.lv for the best ticket prices, internet check-in with seat reservation, flight details, frequent flyer Miles and beyond.

7) Dobele Castle Only the romantic stone ruins of Dobele Castle remain. The Semigallian tribes burned down their c12th wooden castle rather than surrender it to their German crusader enemies. Today you can see the remains of the c14th Livonian Order Castle that was built in its place. Website: www.dobele.lv Overnight stay: No


5) Cesvaine Castle If this castle were a person it

8) Durbe Palace This c19th Palace puts one in

would be described as eccentric, fas-

mind of the stately homes of west-

cinating and seductive. Cesvaine was

ern European gentry. The palace

constructed with tender loving care

functions as a museum and her-

and a vivid imagination at the end

itage exhibition with ceramics

of the c19th. Its granite stone walls

workshops available.

wouldn't look out of place in

Website: www.tukumamuzejs.lv


Overnight stay: No

Website: www.pilis.lv Overnight stay: No




6) Diklu Castle This neo-baroque building was

a hotel, tavern and mill and is

language theatre performance was

surrounded by landscaped gardens

staged here. Part of the castle is

and parks.

now an exclusive hotel, proving par-

Website: www.igatespils.lv

ticularly popular with newly weds

Overnight stay: Yes

Website: www.diklupils.lv Overnight stay: Yes GATEWAY RIGA

The 125-year old castle is now

restored in 1896. The first Latvian-

during the summer months.


9) Igate Castle

autumn/winter 2007/2008

building has finally been restored and reflects much of its former glory after years of neglect during the Soviet era. Website: www.jekabpilsmuzejs.lv Overnight stay: No 10





11) Jaunpils Castle


Jaunpils is one of the best-preserved castles in Latvia. It was built, as so many castles in Latvia were, by the Knights of the Livonian Order. Originally constructed in 1301, it is fortified by towers, a 16

moat and inner courtyards. Jaunpils


is also an increasingly popular week-

10) Jaunmoku Manor

mer when thousands of locals pass

end break destination.

Jaunmoku Manor House marks

Website: www.jaunpilspils.lv Overnight stay: Yes

the gateway to the town of

This palace is said to mark the

Tukums. Famous Scotsman and for-

12) Jelgava Palace

mer Mayor of Riga George Armisted built it in 1901 to cele-

15) Mezotne Palace

Architectural wizard Bartolomeo

exact spot where the Semigallians fought their final battle against the

There have been castle fortifica-

tourists are already tucked up in

tions here since records began. The

bed for the evening.

first stone castle was built in 1214

Website: www.history-museum.lv

to replace a Livonian wooden

Overnight stay: Not unless you

fortress that was burnt down two

Rastrelli was also at work building

German Crusaders. Just minutes

Early in 2007 George Armisted

Jelgava Palace during his time in

away from Latvia's most famous

himself was honoured when a stat-

this region. The palace is now home

palace, Rundale, Mezotne's history

ue of him and his family was

to the Latvian Agricultural

dates back to the late c18th when

unveiled in central Riga close to

University, which is a far cry from

Russian Empress Catherine II

by Rastrelli, the man responsible

ongoing since 1950. Turaida Castle

the National Opera House.

the days when Louis XVIII of

entrusted the newly-built castle to

for St.Petersburg's outstanding

has an almost unrivalled setting

Website: www.jaunmokupils.lv

France lived here while in exile

Charlotte Von Lieven. The palace

Winter Palace. The magnificent

looming over the Gauja Valley.

Overnight stay: Yes

from his homeland.

years earlier. The Livonian Order captured Turaida in 1487. Parts of

17) Rundale Palace Rundale was planned and built

the present castle date back to the 1750s. Restoration work has been

went through a series of upheavals

interior houses 138 restored rooms

Website: www.turaida-muzejs.lv

in the c20th until recent years

leading to grand Rococo halls and

Overnight stay: No

Overnight stay: No

when it began to welcome hotel

reception rooms. The palace took

and conference guests.

five years to complete between

Koknese might only be a pile of

Website: www.mezotnepils.lv Overnight stay: Yes

ruins lying next to the River Daugava, but its romantic setting and 800-year old history make it

1736 and 1741.

The newly restored Ventspils

Website: www.rundale.net

Castle, close to the mouth of the

Overnight stay: No

Venta River, almost defines the

16) Riga Castle Our Latvian Castles Top 20

20) Ventspils Castle

image of Ventspils. The c13th castle

18) Slokenbeka Manor

contains a museum with an adjacent

wouldn't be complete without men-

This manor house has the

promenade running along the river-

Website: www.koknese.lv

tion of the official residence of the

proud distinction of being the

bank. The mix of the ancient and

Overnight stay: No

President of the Republic of Latvia,

only fully-intact fortified manor

the modern blends perfectly and is

namely Riga Castle, on the banks

house in the Baltic States. 500

one of the reasons why Ventspils has

of the River Daugava at the quiet

years of history are also available

become a tourist destination in its

end of old Riga. Riga Castle dates

for an overnight stay.

own right in recent years.

worth the effort to go and visit it.

14) Krustpils Castle Krustpils is one of many

autumn/winter 2007/2008

are the President of Latvia!

Website: www.jelgava.lv

13) Koknese Castle


through its museum while many

brate Riga's 700th anniversary.



19) Turaida Castle

palaces in Latvia experiencing

to 1330 and comes alive on the

Website: www.tukums.lv/turisms

Website: www.ventspilsmuzejs.lv

something of a renaissance. The

'Night of the Museums' each sum-

Overnight stay: Yes

Overnight stay: No

autumn/winter 2007/2008




al had to be rearranged - the ordinary

The president together with

traditions of family life had to be

his family

adapted to this high office. The presi-

Valdis Zatlers was elected President of Latvia on May 31 2007. In this exclusive interview Justin Walley asks the new president about how he is settling into the job and what his vision of the future for Latvia is.

rowdy nor a model pupil. I can

fourteen, working on an archaeological

mitted patriot could try to rise to.

reveal that my friends and I crept

dig, on the banks of the Daugava

into a neighbour's garden to filch his

River, for the summer. History has

grandmother about that monument in

ty. I learned then what I know now -

the centre of the city - our most

respect the fruits of others' labour.

sacred monument, the one with the

Another incident I'll always keep in

three stars held aloft - The Freedom

mind is the time I accidentally hit

Monument. I asked her why we call

my best friend on the head with a

the street that the monument is

rock when we were playing warriors.

found on, Freedom Street at home,

He bled, and I felt sick to my stom-

ground before you took the job as

when the sign said Lenin Street. I

ach. His father spoke to me, to calm


wanted to know why our relatives

me - he said that no real tragedy had

returned from faraway Siberia and did-

occurred, that accidents happen; that

Institute of Medicine in 1979 and

above all others. The head of state is

n't have a home. These were ques-

the main thing was that we should

worked as a surgeon. At the begin-

something of a national symbol, but

tions that came to me when I had

stay friends. It was then that I

ning of the 1990s I spent half a year

he is also a human being, who is

the eyes of a child - questions to

learned how to apologize - how to

in the United States as part of my

truly concerned with the welfare of

which my grandmother gave honest

overcome difficulties and move on.

professional training and saw how dif-

all of Latvia's citizens and is never

answers. She taught me to love my

beholden to any narrow interests.

homeland, and so I became a patriot.

Photo: Juris Krumins

my life - never covet another's proper-

major disappointments. I've mostly

the President, I have come to under-

today? The presidency entails the duty

stand that my office will often

of self-improvement; every single day.

involve seeking consensus - the

My first two months in office

President can help reconcile the

leaders - who are you most looking

of my nation when I rediscover the

forward to meeting and why?

classmates and I also founded a rock group, Mazie bra¯¸li ("The Little Brothers"). I was the drummer, and our music was in demand at parties back then. Please tell me about your back-

I completed my studies at the Riga

I won't name a single statesman or stateswoman I admire most, because I expect to meet many a

The presidency entails the duty of selfimprovement; every single day

Could you ever have imagined

powerful and controversial personality

when you were growing up that you

and such an approach to greatness is

might be head of state of your coun-

too narrow, in my view. Doubtless

try one day?

there are many persons who pro-

As a boy, I never thought that I

foundly affect the course of events,

could someday become President. I'd

and many, if not most of them, are

have to say, though, that one does

not heads of state or are heads of

better when one sets one's goals high-

state no longer. The world is blessed

er than one could expect to achieve.

with numerous figures whose coun-

have taught me that the presidency

apparently irreconcilable. This is what

is not a management position. The

the Satversme, Latvia's Constitution,

President is something more than a

intended. When I made the decision

The path to achieving a high goal,

sel, perspective, and approach, can

manager. He has to listen to different

to become a candidate for the presi-

most definitely demands sacrifices. The

influence the international communi-

viewpoints, distil varying perspectives,

dency, I read, reread, and analyzed

physical and moral burden one must

ty. When I meet great men and

and keep the national interest con-

the Satversme. The basic document of

bear is heavy. I can say this not only

women, I focus on what they have

stantly in mind when trying to bal-

our democracy makes it crystal clear

for myself, but also for my family.

accomplished and how they did it.

ance a host of competing interests,

that the President shall be someone

Our routine has been broken, of

Even the great make mistakes - but

needs, and desires. In order not to

who holds the national interest

course, and what had become habitu-

they learn from their mistakes.


autumn/winter 2007/2008


that I was mired in the past - my

You will meet most of the world's

experienced joy - I'm especially proud

down in details. Though I have

the question - what can I learn

fascinated me since childhood. Not

Thus far, I've not suffered any

settled into the job?

of the insight and authority given to

The presidency is a challenge that only a committed patriot could try to rise to

words that have stayed with me all

not reflect reality.

tomed to waking each morning with

the time. I first earned money at

this challenge. I remember asking my

have to take care not to get bogged

seemingly simple problems by virtue

I was an ordinary boy, neither

childhood that caused me to rise to

What are your feelings now you have

than two months, I've become accus-

pendent, like a typical Riga boy of

peas. He caught us and found the

fact that negative stereotypes really do

already been able to solve some

ing up in Latvia

it is the patriotism I absorbed in

lose sight of the broader dimension, I

Having been in office for more

As a teenager, I was rather inde-

dency is a challenge that only a comI'm bringing up patriotism because

An interview with the President

Please tell me about your life grow-

autumn/winter 2007/2008



Photo: Imants Predelis

Photo: Juris Krumins

Mr Zatlers

ferent the conditions of medical prac-

As to my political background, I

tice were in the West. I've taught at

was among those doctors who found-

Stradin¸sˇ University and served as the

ed the Doctors' Association of Latvia

The president

pays a visit to

the presidency. Because of my experi-

favourite modern books is Mario

Ludza craft centre

ence, I can find the flaws in adminis-

Puzo's The Godfather.

plants an oak-tree

world works, you should enter the

important things - our recent histor-

in the gardens

temple of every people - you should

ical experience and our remarkable

of Skrunda

try to see how each nation forged

success in swiftly developing a dem-

its history and was forged by it,

ocratic system of government with

study what is sacred in different cul-

the necessary institutional mecha-

tures, and learn to understand the

nisms for a civil society. We can

the EU and NATO and need to build

laws they live by. This is why I

share what we've learned about

trative systems, too - in education, for Where do you see Latvia in five

trade school

director of the Traumatological and

in 1988. I was never a member of

example, where there are serious prob-

Orthopaedic Hospital in Riga. Since

the Communist Party, and the

lems because of gaps in the reforms

2003, I've headed the Latvian

Doctors' Association elected me to rep-

that have been undertaken.

Association of Traumatology and

resent my profession in the Popular

Orthopaedics. Surgery has been my

Front. I do not look upon the

indulge in include skiing and cook-

upon these achievements. What we

think I will never follow a single

developing these structures. The sec-

profession for a quarter of a century -

Popular Front as a political party - in

ing - even my wife has been known

need to do is to better defend the

person. It's important to analyze the

ond thing is geography - Latvia is

I never stopped performing operations,

those days it united the entire nation.

to praise my talent for preparing

interests of our citizens, especially our

factors of greatness in great persons

located on the eastern border of the

not even when I became director of

We came together to change the sys-

meat dishes.

economic interests. We need to learn

- to discover why they worked in a

EU, and Latvians have a wealth of

the hospital. At heart, I'm a doctor.

tem, and we succeeded.

to take better advantage of the inter-

way that brought results. There is

historical experience that makes us

strength in diversity, and it's in

experts in working with Russia. We

diversity that each of us can find a

know what political difficulties with

formula for our own success.

Russia entail, and we know how to

Helping people has always been the most important thing in my life. I was awarded the Order of Three Stars, Fourth Class. Having my work

What do you do in your spare time away from this job? To be honest, I no longer have

recognized by my country was a very

much free time at all - when I do

emotional event for me. It's quite dif-

find a spare moment, I like to spend

ficult to describe such emotions -

it with my family.

when one sets them down on paper,

Until recently, I took a great interest in ISO standardization, even in

they feel flat.

Other small pleasures I sometimes

When I meet great men and women, I focus on what they have accomplished and how they did it

But what about simple pleasures such as music and books? At the end of my career I hope

years time? We've become a full member of

national structures we've worked so hard to become a part of. I hope to see Latvia as a happy, prosperous, tol-

there comes a day when the only

erant country in five years' time - a

thing I do is listen to music. I don't

country in which our citizens can ful-

consider myself particularly musical,

fil their dreams.

though - I lack a good voice and don't have the greatest ear. The atmosphere music can conjure up

Who is your greatest role model? Were I to mention a single

Latvians have a wealth of historical experience that makes us experts in working with Russia

extricate ourselves from a difficult How do you see Latvia's role changing in the world? The symptoms I see indicate that cally dynamic. The countries with a

player when it comes to economic

lot of say - those countries that make

cooperation between Russia and other markets.

have eclectic taste - from opera to

and journalists would try to draw

decisions on a global scale - can only

thinking, in striving to perceive errors

rock. I am especially fond of the

comparisons between me and a par-

be influenced if we offer a clear-cut

save as many people as we possibly

in a system and correcting them. The

blues, Latvian choral music, and

ticular statesman, as though I had

perspective. Latvia's policies must also

could. Psychologically, this was a ter-

Traumatological Hospital was the first


an idol. I haven't only one great

be dynamic. If we are inflexible and

rible ordeal; it quickly became clear

Eastern European hospital to be certi-

role model. I believe in gleaning

lose sight of the larger world, our for-

that we wouldn't be able to help

fied by the ISO, in 2002. Systematic

just Jack London's adventure stories

wisdom from many great figures. If

eign policy will suffer.


thinking has been useful to me in

but also Dickens. One of my

you want to understand how the

my life was being sent to Chernobyl

interested in systems and systematic

as a doctor in 1986. We worked to



autumn/winter 2007/2008

As a schoolboy, I read a lot - not

we possess ports, railroads and air links that make our country a major

authority, I'd seem to be a follower

my free time. In general, I am very

the entire EU. As a transit country,

all of the major powers will be politi-

has always fascinated me, however. I

Another major event that shaped

situation. This expertise is vital to

We can take advantage of two autumn/winter 2007/2008

What are the greatest challenges facing Latvia? In a word - unity. Our society has never been as divided as it is now. My main goal is unity - helping to GATEWAY RIGA


tiveness, and that's crucial in today's

to their casualties, he said that

it, every period of time is historical

changing world.

Estonian society was very understand-

and every era needs its President.

ing - especially after Estonia had suf-

When we restored our independence,

clarify their vision of Latvia's future

fered from cyber-attacks and their

Guntis Ulmanis was the man of the

development and work harder to

country received assistance from its

hour. Vaira Vı¯k¸e-Freiberga ushered

explain their plans to the people.

allies. Global reality requires us to

Latvia into the EU and NATO. Both

They need to prove the realism of

show our good will.

Guntis Ulmanis and Dr. Vı¯k¸e-Freiberga

Our politicians, however, need to

those plans by their actions. Our

Photo: Juris Krumins

were exceptional heads of state. This

must defend one's place, particularly if

is the beginning of a new era, and

more confident about returning when

that place is small. If we do not

Latvia needs a different kind of

they can see this clearly.

defend it, our place will become a

President. One who can continue the

vacuum and Latvia will cease to exist.

course of our foreign policy and rep-

We struggled for liberty and must

resent Latvia abroad, proving that we

in international peace-keeping opera-

struggle to retain it. The future won't

are a stable partner in the long term;

tions in the future or has the country

be any different - defence is necessary.

but one who can also reach out to

learned some hard lessons from its

Each of us has the duty to try to

people in all of Latvia's regions, espe-

involvement in NATO operations?

make this world a better place.

cially to those who feel left out.

Will Latvia have a more active role

Mr Zatlers

We must know our place. One

future is bright, and people will feel

This is definitely a very difficult question - the decision to send our

Internationally, we need a President, How do you think you will do

who works hard, not only as the

build a dynamic, democratic, cohe-

European Commission and NATO. I

nies are like ambassadors - “Made in

and a member

soldiers into combat is never an easy

things differently from the former

head of state, but also actively strives

sive state and society. This will

affirmed our close relations with the

Latvia” means quality, and supporting

of the National

one, especially if the war is far from

president Vaira V¯ı k¸ e-Freiberga?

to defend Latvia's interests, especially

require self-confidence - Latvian socie-

Nordic countries, and most recently I

their business efforts is vital to our

Armed Forces

their homes. When I asked Estonia's

ty needs to understand that we can

visited Afghanistan. I had to see

nation's future.

attain our goals. We must vanquish

Afghanistan with my own eyes, talk

the crisis in trust by believing in

to President Karzai personally, and

What can you do to encourage

ourselves. If people don't have faith

discuss the current situation in the

more Latvians to stay in this country

in their political leaders' plans for

region with the ISAF military com-

instead of living and working abroad?

improving their lives, they end up

manders, so that I could speak of

losing faith in themselves. This loss

Latvia's role in that war-torn country

countries that have attracted those

of self-confidence destroys the capaci-

with conviction. I wanted to meet

emigrating from Latvia, like Ireland. It,

ty of the country to succeed.

with our soldiers face to face, to

too, experienced an exodus - many

We should try to learn from those

The four cornerstones of our for-

offer them encouragement and per-

Irish people emigrated to the United

eign policy are EU and NATO mem-

sonal recognition of their bravery.

States, Great Britain, and other coun-

bership, our strategic partnership

Latvia's participation in international

tries. When Ireland's economy

with the USA, and a pragmatic rela-

peacekeeping operations is crucial to

improved, however, many people

tionship with Russia. The keyword

our security, and our troops need to

returned to their homeland. Latvia

for our policy is continuity - we

know that.

should study the factors involved in

must take care of what we've

In economic matters, our primary

Ireland's success. Many young Latvians are taking

accomplished and build upon it. We

challenges are increasing our competi-

cannot let our achievements lie fal-

tiveness and better representing the

advantage of the opportunities the EU

low and be overtaken by weeds. The

interests of our business community

offers, studying abroad or gaining

care of what we've worked for will

in the global system. I won't shy

valuable professional experience in

be central to my presidency.

away from the word “lobby.” We are

other lands. This is a good thing, and

a small country, so we must work

once they return they are well placed

are evidence of that continuity - I

harder than others to defend the

to take advantage of our growing

visited our neighbours in Lithuania

interests of those who are responsible

economy by using the knowledge and

and Estonia first, then Brussels for

for our economic growth. Our entre-

experience they've gained. This will

discussions with the leaders of the

preneurs and our innovative compa-

help Latvians increase their competi-


autumn/winter 2007/2008

My first trips abroad as President


Foreign Minister about the reaction

The decision to send our soldiers into combat is never an easy one, especially if the war is far from their homes

I don't see a need to compare and contrast in this way - the way I see

our economic interests. I hope to be such a President.


and services prices. In January, the

may need to devalue its currency (the

Latvian market, it seems unavoidable

subsistence wage stood at LVL 124.33,

lat), which is at the low end of its

that certain adjustments will be nec-

increasing to LVL 133.58 in July.

fluctuation band (the Bank of Latvia

essary to bring Latvia back on track

allows the currency to trade in a 1%

to a more sustainable growth trajec-

carried out numerous research projects

range against the Euro). According to

tory. The big question however, is

on the tight situation in the labour

Bear Stearns chief currency strategist,

whether adjustments will occur in a

Latvia could clearly be impacted if

measured and controlled manner, or

recent weakness in emerging market

if more typically the economy will

currencies gathers speed.

be subject to more turbulent and

The Latvian Ministry of Welfare has

market, another driver of inflation in the Latvian economy. Their results indicate that labour force “imports” from foreign countries will be an urgent necessity in future.

Walking the line After nearly a decade of robust economic growth, Latvia currently appears to be on the brink of more challenging times ahead.

Offers are now appearing on the

the Lat, according to Denmark's

Latvia very closely to determine how

Danske Bank. However, intervention

economic data flow in future drives

prices grew by 9.9% compared to

will be unlikely to overcome the

any potential negative impact on

February 2006. To try to cool the

market's perception of questionable

specific sectors of the economy.

economy and contain inflation the

economic fundamentals i.e. the high

Latvian central bank has recently

current account deficit and debt mar-

raised its key interest rate to 6.00%.

ket dependencies of Latvia make it

private company based in Riga,

vulnerable to increased risk aversion.

advising clients on acquisitions,

Services (EAS) summarise the main

come to an end.


From 1st January 2008, new cadastral land values will become

Real Estate

effective which will lead to increases

Housing prices in most districts of

in real estate tax payments, thereby

Riga decreased by 1% in May, and

putting further downward pressure

in June there was a price drop of

on the demand for real estate as an


autumn/winter 2007/2008


ty, business valuation, and financial modeling.

high in the coming months particu-

projects from buyers who failed to

Baltic countries credit bubble should

larly following the recent sell off in

receive mortgages. A tendency

flatten in the beginning of Q4 of

equity markets.

remains for clients who cannot

the current year, but this scenario is

receive an official bank loan to

only possible if the European Central

approach small credit companies.

Bank and other global banks will

For further information, please contact: Kelvin Hooke BSc ACA [email protected]

Outlook/ Summary


At the macroeconomic level, Fitch

In their real estate market review

continue to implement more strin-

Ratings has warned that Latvia could

Eurodeal Advisory Services

for the first half of 2007, Arco Real

gent fiscal policy and if responsible

be at risk of an "abrupt adjustment

Elizabetes Street 13 - 1

Estate concludes that the proportion

authorities of the Baltic countries in

in capital and financial flows and

Riga LV - 1010

of speculative deals is decreasing, espe-

future will avoid fiscal stimulation".

slowdown in economic growth."


has grown by 11.3% in Q2 2007 compared to Q2 2006. Latvia's cur-

The Government is trying to play down devaluation risk

disposals, debt raising, private equi-

down devaluation risk, but global risk

“according to out base scenario the

data and econometric models, GDP

price boom in Latvia has officially

The Government is trying to play

Standard & Poors (S&P) in a

acquire apartments in new real estate

According to the Latvian Central

Global Property Guide the housing

EAS is an independently owned

Credit market / currency risk

aversion is likely to continue to be

Statistics Bureau, based on available

BSc ACA of Eurodeal Advisory

ket participants will be watching

recent statement commented that

GDP growth / Inflation

Economic expert Kelvin Hooke

sudden changes i.e. shocks. All mar-

the market selling Euros to support

market to purchase contracts to

cially in the new housing market.

3.5%. According to research centre

The central bank is intervening in

so high was in February 1997 when

The last time when inflation was

asset class.

All market participants will be watching Latvia very closely

rent account deficit stands at a whopping 22% of GDP, the highest level in the EU according to Fitch Ratings. Central Statistics Bureau data indicate that from the beginning of the year, Latvia's subsistence wage has increased by LVL 9.25 or 7.44% primarily due to rapid increases in food

Speculation is increasing that Latvia

Considering current drivers in the


signals and some negative reports coming out from the rating agencies. Many of the people putting money into Latvia are sophisticated investors. One mustn't be too alarmist. There is still plenty of money to be made in Latvia. [email protected]


From a legal perspective

Ziedonis Udris The legal requirements for setting up a new company is not so important. The main thing is what is the margin of profit. Lawyers who specialize in taxes would say a lack of capital gains tax when you buy and sell shares in a company is very

Economic storm clouds appear to be gathering, yet many of Latvia’s leading legal minds are positively optimistic about the future. Gateway Riga asked four of the leading law firms in Latvia for their

cerns are shareholder relations. A

ment of the operations, as delegation

advice for foreigners setting up new

proper shareholders' agreement is in

of management responsibilities to

businesses here in Latvia, the poten-

many cases fundamental. Aside from

someone on site without regular

tial pitfalls and their views on the

this I would say that anyone plan-

supervision tends to be quite a risky

current economic climate.

ning to open a business here should


be prepared to devote a substantial

KRONBERGS & CUKSTE Valters Kronbergs

Setting up a business is a straight-

better ways to pursue the stated

forward process that almost any

goals? That's part of what law firms

decent law firm can perform to an

should be advising. For more com-

adequate standard. What clients should look out for, however, is whether the prospective law service provider can communicate clearly with them in their own language, as what means one thing to one person doesn't always mean the same thing to the other, even without the potential added complexity of English as a second language. Understanding the client is fundamental. Are there different ways of looking at the structuring? Are there



autumn/winter 2007/2008

plex matters it may well be advisable

For more complex matters it may well be advisable to select a law firm with an international reputation and network

to select a law firm with an international reputation and network. That will tend to indicate the presence of some measure of quality assurance. Being in an international network, which includes the UK, France and Germany and a number of east European jurisdictions is clearly a strength. When it comes to starting up a business in Latvia, the process is fairly straight forward. The main con-

amount of attention to the manage-

There are plenty of opportunities here despite a number of analysts'

important. It is very good business to buy, restructure, make cost effective and sell to an investor if you pay no

ance is needed. I'd compare the situ-

the current situation in Latvia and

in Latvia can be much more tricky.

ation to the gold fever in the US. I

the corresponding anti-inflation

For example, new companies should

need it now or I'll miss out!!


be particularly careful about develop-

Loze, Grunte & Cers is one of the

ing their employment agreements.

largest law firms in Latvia with more

There are quite strict laws on this

than 15 years experience. We are a

issue, and important technicalities.

full service business law firm with

When hiring an employee you

Company income tax regulations

alliance partners in the Baltic States.

should have a very clear employment

are much more attractive when com-

We are stable and know the market.

contract from the start.

[email protected]

capital gains tax. After all, the most attractive thing for businessmen is


maximizing profit.

pared to other countries such as

It is also very popular to enter the

Riga is the true centre of the

France and Switzerland.

Baltic market by means of acquisition

Baltics for real estate, economic and

What is not so attractive is the

commercial interests, though an

labour force leaving Latvia. There are

expensive city because business is

reasons for this such as industries

coming here. The legal business will

that can produce added value not

always be strong here and we will be

developing, as people would wish.

here for many years.

Recently a Swedish investor closed

[email protected]

its wood-processing factory stating it


was not cost effective anymore.

Filips Klavins

If the management is not using

I'd compare the situation to the gold fever in the US

of an existing company, although that is much more complicated. As in all of Europe, M&A activity in Latvia is extremely high right now. Entering the market can have its own very different pitfalls, which is why performing legal (together with other types) of due diligence is a must for the client making the

its own capital then they cannot and

acquisition. Due diligence is like a

should not rely on a locally hired

legal audit of the target company.

individual for project management.

Setting up a business in Latvia is

Regulatory approvals need to be

very simple and registration of a

remembered, for example, clearance

is real estate and it is a concern

company takes a couple of days. If

from the Latvian Competition

whether they will complete some

one of the shareholders is a Latvian

Council in certain situations.

projects. Does a project have clean

company, a shareholders' agreement

title? Is it possible to build commer-

is advisable.

The market with the most to lose

cial property? Do they have all

Judging by the volume of our own work we see that the economy

Most of all you need to trust

is constantly expanding. While M&A

authorizations from the state to com-

your partners so choose the right

is super active, I guess the real

plete the project?

partner and make sure they have a

estate bubble is the biggest worry

good reputation.

everyone is talking about right now.

(In Latvia) we are spending more than we are earning. There is no rea-

There are no specific problems

But problems in the real estate mar-

son or explanation for certain prices

or pitfalls. Latvia is a good coun-

ket will most of all harm the more

and fees - these don't relate to the

try for investment and I'm opti-

speculative elements of the market,

official market situation - more to a

mistic about the future of this

black market. For example taxi driv-

country. As to economic problems,

difficult when setting up a company

ers' fees, the price of a bottle of

because of overheating in the real

unless you make an obvious mis-

water - simple things.

estate market, our government has

take. The situation has been very

phere - foreign businesses are very

There is no reason for it to be

solid quality real estate projects will continue. Overall, there is a dynamic atmos-

started implementing an anti-infla-

stable for several years now and is

positive about Latvia. It is interest-

forever. There is a danger that a lot

tionary set of policies and some

much different when compared to

ing to note that more and more of

of things are overvalued such as the

heat has already steamed out, so

the early years after independence

our local clients are looking at other


to speak.

when it was wild and wooly.

interests outside of Latvia and seri-

Nowadays it is a pleasure. The com-

ously planning to expand abroad.

Why? It is ridiculous. It can't last

I also believe though that it is a

If your projected business to a

stage we have to go through. In the

great extent depends on loan funds,

mercial register is very efficient. It

US, downtown areas are dead. In five

it is possible to get a negative reply

takes 1-2 days to get the ball rolling

speculation about devaluation of the

or ten years time maybe we will

from the bank, if your project looks

at the register.

Lat. I don't think it will happen.

experience the same here. More bal-

like mere profiteering; that is due to


autumn/winter 2007/2008


Other aspects of starting a business

I also don't listen too much to

[email protected]


Latvia's alternative capital city Forget Riga, the most happening place in Latvia at the moment is Liepaja. 24


autumn/winter 2007/2008

Located on the attractive and sandy

musicians and bands and played host

This is best illustrated by the expan-

For as long as anybody can remem-

west coast of Latvia, the city of

to annual concerts that sometimes

sion of the city's airport. If you

ber the only place worth living and

Liepaja is undergoing a renaissance,

put Riga to shame.

thought it was only possible to fly

working in within the boundaries of

transformation - call it what you

Latvia has been Riga. The Latvian

will - that is seeing it emerge as a

capital has overshadowed all the

regional capital, cultural centre and

other towns and cities in this coun-

tourist destination in the true mean-

try to such a degree that a signifi-

ing of the terms.

cant proportion of the local popula-

Why is Liepaja on the up? Well,

In fact, in 1919 Liepaja was briefly

In 1919 Liepaja was briefly the capital of Latvia

in and out of Latvia via Riga then

the capital of Latvia, and for the

think again - as well as boasting

four previous years leading up to

direct flights to/from the capital you

that date it even had its own curren-

can reach Liepaja from Hamburg and

cy with 27 different bank notes!

Copenhagen. Watch this space! If

Liepaja is cool but unpretentious,

you read this article early in 2008

tion have never even bothered to

part of the explanation is no doubt

exciting without 'the strut' and is

then chances are that a handful of

visit the other main cities of

down to the independent spirit of

planning for its long-term future in a

new destinations connecting Liepaja

Ventspils, Daugavpils and Liepaja.

this city, which for decades has pro-

world where Riga will no longer be

to the continent have recently been

duced many of the country's top

the centre of most Latvians' universe.


Things are changing however.

autumn/winter 2007/2008



A place for the night: Liepaja is full of great hotels ranging from top of the range to affordable but cosy. Merchants' Guild House, Liepaja


class hotels that are springing up all

Theatre, the c18th Hay Market and

the district make for Karosta Prison -


over the city mirror the development

the attractive churches of St Joseph's

the only open military prison in


of the airport. Those in the know

Cathedral and St Anne's Lutheran

Europe. Here you can choose to be

beer or two (or whatever takes your

will tell you that for quality and


locked up, verbally abused by prison

fancy) and enjoy the live music at

value for money many of these


guards and even spend the night

either Pablo Rock Café or Fontaine

establishments are way ahead of

tion of caffeine at one of the restau-

under lock and key!


what is on offer in Riga.

rants on Rose Square - the beating

The fresh, imaginative and high-

Take an injec-

heart of the city.

Here are Gateway Riga's tips on how to spend the perfect day out in Liepaja:


Jump on a tram

and ride it to the end of the line there is no better way to take in the sights of the real Liepaja. You are

Photos: Liepaja Tourism Development


Take breakfast in one of

unlikely to get lost, as there is only

the many unpretentious cafes in the

one tramline. Mind you, it does

attractive centre of Liepaja.

stretch for nearly 13 kilometres and


takes around 30 minutes in each

Walk off the calories by

exploring the cobbled streets of the


city centre. Start your walking tour off


with a visit to St Trinity's Church

After marvelling

You can choose to be locked up, verbally abused by prison guards and even spend the night under lock and key!


Having explored

The Karosta

choice. http://www.hotelkolumbs.lv/


Have a glass of

Lay down your

Prison people can organize a visit for

head for the evening at one of the

you to Liepaja's Northern Fortress, a

many excellent Liepaja hotels ready

vast fortification system built under

for more exploration in the morning

instructions from the Russian Tsar.

or a fond farewell to Latvia's alterna-

Most of the fortifications were

tive capital city.

destroyed during World War I but the underground labyrinths can now

Buses run several times a day

be explored.


Getting there:

Take a walk

along Liepaja's often-windy blue-flag

between Liepaja and Riga. Air Baltic operates a twice-daily service between Riga and Liepaja

at centuries of contrasting architectur-

harbour promenade.

with return flights starting from just

known in these parts as Trisvienibas

al styles ranging from wooden build-


baznica. The church organ was once

ings to an abandoned Soviet army

your hotel to freshen up and change

also operates direct international

the largest in the world.

barracks, jump off the tram and

into your eveningwear!

flights from Liepaja to Hamburg and

explore the weird and wonderful



town and make sure you visit the

Karosta District of the city.

your hotel or in one of the excellent


autumn/winter 2007/2008


and saunas is an excellent four-star

choice of restaurants in the centre of

beach and return along the working

Continue exploring the centre of

Hotel Kolumbs with its 'Sky Bar'

Nip back to

Either dine in

11 lats including all taxes. Air Baltic

autumn/winter 2007/2008




only is this one of the oldest open-air museums in Europe, but

Ever wondered what Latvia looked like one hundred years ago or more?


Tues-Sun 11-17

herb garden in the back yard.

Contact: 67226467



Riga Area

Museum of Pharmacy This year the Museum of

The Museum of Foreign Art This houses the biggest collection

Pharmacy celebrates 20 years since it first opened its doors to the

of foreign works of art found any-

public. The building itself is an

where in Latvia, with the added

architectural monument, but it is

attraction of being located inside Riga

the fascinating collection of drugs,

Castle. The collection includes west-

strange devices, books and medici-

ern European art dating as far back

nal products dating back to as far

as the c15th. The eclectic mix of for-

as the c17th that are the main

eign art centres on pieces from

draw here. Other interesting attrac-

Greece and Egypt.

tions include a mock up of an old



autumn/winter 2007/2008

Many tourists mistakenly believe that exhibits such as steam locomotives and armoured train carriages are the exclusive domain of trainspotters

Brivibas gatve 440

Latvia's experience of domination by


Daily 10-17

two totalitarian regimes during the

Contact: 7994106

c20th. If you wish to have some

[email protected]

understanding of the tragic road on


which Latvians have travelled to get to this point in their history, then this museum is an essential part of

The Latvian Museum of Photography

any tourist itinerary.

The Latvian Museum of

old Riga

Where: When:

Strelnieku laukums 1, Every day 11-18

than 10,000 items of interest for visi-

Contact: 7212715

tors, with the collection growing by


the week. One of the nicest features

[email protected]

years old.

pharmacy and a (marijuana-free)

[email protected]

Occupation Museum documents


in appearing to be more than 100

Pils laukums 4, old Riga

and interesting museums on offer in

items of cultural interest.

photographic studio, which succeeds

Where: guide to some of the most quirky

voking and educational. The

of this old town museum is a replica

At the last count there were 44 museums listed as open to the public in the Latvian capital, and a further 84 dotted all over the rest of Latvia. Here we offer you Gateway Riga's

Disturbing, upsetting, thought pro-

also it has in excess of 100,000

Photography already boasts more

The weird and the wonderful

The Occupation Museum

The Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation


Marstalu iela 8, old Riga


Mon-Thurs 12-19,

Dom Cathedral this huge museum is

Fri-Sun 10-17

recognised as being one of the oldest

Located within the grounds of the

three minutes away on the tram

Contact: 7227231

in Europe. Exhibits on display chart

from the old town such shortsighted


the history of this Baltic country

opinions cause many to miss out on

[email protected]

from the c10th to the present day. If

9,000 items of Latvian railway history

you can't find something of interest

and memorabilia.

among this collection of more than


Uzvaras bulvari 2/4 Tues-Sat 10-17

The Latvian War Museum

half a million items, then it's clearly


Riharda Vagnera iela 13



Mon-Sat 10-16

Contact: +371 67232849

fortification towers. Today it has one.

[email protected]

The 'Powder Tower', dating from the


Palasta iela 4


c14th, is a functioning museum,


Daily 10-17

Contact: +371 67213008

Once upon a time Riga had 25

which features four permanent exhi-

The Latvian Railway History Museum The completely fascinating Latvian Railway History Museum is almost

The Latvian Ethnographic Museum Ever wondered what Latvia

This huge museum is recognised as being one of the oldest in Europe

time for you to give up the museum visiting game all together.

Closed Monday

bitions documenting the wars and

Contact: 7356676

conflicts that have afflicted Latvia


since 1914. Exhibitions include “The

[email protected]

Latvian Army and Navy 1919-1940”

completely overlooked by visitors to

looked like one hundred years ago

Riga. Firstly, many tourists mistakenly

or more? The Latvian Ethnographic

believe that exhibits such as steam

Museum is a collection of buildings

locomotives and armoured train car-

including windmills and taverns

riages are the exclusive domain of

that have been moved over time


trainspotters. Another factor putting

to the outskirts of the capital to

Contact: 7228147

temporary exhibition hall presents

visitors off is the museum's location

keep alive the Latvia of yesteryear


around 8-12 contemporary exhibitions

on the 'other side' of the river. Just

for locals and foreigners alike. Not

[email protected]

per year, while the main halls are

and “The Road towards the Barricades 1945-1991” Where:

Powder Tower,

The National Art Museum Built around 1905, this museum

Smilsu iela 20, old Riga

retains all the warm, cobwebbed

Every day 10-18

atmosphere of its former days. The

autumn/winter 2007/2008



given over to work by Latvian greats such as Rozenthals and Purvitis.

political life in Latvia.

enjoys good coverage, and special

The museum was founded in 1990

exhibitions add to the appeal of this


K.Valdemara iela 10a

in order to save from destruction the

high-quality museum, which first


Mon 11-17

last documental evidence of 400 years

opened its doors in 1959.

Tues-Sun 11-17

of the Jewish presence in Latvia.

Contact: 7324461


Skolas iela 6

[email protected]


Mon-Thurs, Sun 12-17



Atbrivosanas iela 102


Tues-Fri 10-17 Sat 10-16

Contact: 4622464

Quirky and fun are done in big

and its open-air museum is a fine example of this. The attractive, how life once was in the Ventspils area. Exhibitions include a narrowgauge railway.

[email protected]

Riga Motor Museum

Ventspils is a town on the up

family-friendly museum documents


Contact: 7283484

The Ventspils Seaside Open Air Museum

The Fire fighting Museum of Latvia

The Roja Sea-fishing Museum Roja is another fishing community




Daily 10-18

Contact: 3624467

Housed in a magnificent and ever-

of note and the village's museum is

[email protected]

um. Famous exhibits include some of

so-slightly strange Art Nouveau build-

well worth a visit for its exhibitions


the former Soviet hierarchy's fleet of

ing this is worth a visit for the

on life and work in North Kurzeme.

American cadillacs.

measures at this out-of-town muse-

building alone as well as for the fine

The village is also a good overnight


Sergeia Eizensteina iela 6

displays of fire fighting equipment

option for exploration of the nearby


Daily 10-18

and memorabilia from the last two


Contact: 7097170


tion regarding museums is suscepti-


Selgas iela 33 Roja Mon-Sun 10-18



Hanzas iela 5


[email protected]


daily 10-17

Contact: 3269594

Contact: 7331334

es 138 restored rooms, which lead to


grand Rococo halls and reception

The Riga Film Museum

rooms. The palace took five years to

Originally founded in 1988, the Riga Film Museum went through a

construct between 1736 and 1741.

Outside Riga…


meticulous overhaul last year, which means it is now more accessible than ever. At the last count there were

The Turaida Museum Reserve


The Turaida Museum Reserve

houses more than 6,000 items telling

Daily 10-19

the story of this pretty, rural area of

Contact: 3962197

Latvia. The museum is now in its fifteenth year.

including posters, movie reels and

information about Turaida and

[email protected]

audiotapes. The 'Cinema in Latvia'

Sigulda 800 please refer to our

exhibition is of special note.

archived issue of Gateway Riga pub-


Peitavas iela

lished in the summer of 2007. You


Tues-Sat 11-18

can find it at www.riga-airport.com

Contact: 7358873

Where: When:


Turaidas iela, Turaida. Near Sigulda

[email protected]

Mon-Sat 10-18

Contact: 2971402 http://www.turaida-muzejs.lv/

Riga Jewish Community Museum

[email protected]

400 years of Latvian Jewish history has been documented at this interest-

Rundale Palace

Built around 1905, this museum retains all the warm, cobwebbed atmosphere of its former days

Pavilosta is one of, if not the

Bauskas region



Dzintaru iela 1 Pavilosta


Summer only. Weds-Fri 11-17

The Cesis Museum of History and Art Explore the castle and its environs

Weekends 12-16 Contact: 3498276 [email protected]

including the former coach house and the creepy cellars. The museum offers a well-documented record of all matters connected to Cesis. The best time to visit is when it is possible to

The Latgale Culture and History Museum No other region in Latvia is so

combine your trip with a concert,

misunderstood as Latgale. With its

many of which are held in the

own regional language and significant

open-air castle grounds.

cultural and historical influences from

ing museum that doubles up as a

Rundale Palace was planned and


Pils Laukums 9, Cesis

Belarus, Poland and Russia, Latgale is

community centre. Jewish traditions

built by Rastrelli, the man responsible


Weds-Sun 10-17

arguably the most interesting region

and culture are well documented, as

for St.Petersburg's outstanding Winter

Contact: 4122615

for culture buffs in this country. The

are many references to social and

Palace. The magnificent interior hous-


Latgallian language and culture


autumn/winter 2007/2008


if you are planning to visit any of the museums listed out of season.

finest, fishing towns in Latvia. The Pavilosta Regional Studies Museum

should not be missed. For more

ble to change. Please check ahead

Pavilosta Regional Studies Museum


around 75,000 items on display

Your museum visit: The informa-

Ventspils is a town on the up and its open-air museum is a fine example of this

autumn/winter 2007/2008




a small triangle of land surrounded by the River Nidelva and the dark and moody Trondheimsfjord just beyond that. Venture outside of the city towards the north and you will soon find the peace, open spaces and tran-

Ghosts and fjords

Photos by Jørn Adde © Trondheim kommune

quillity of the Arctic Circle.

This season's highlight: Christmas shopping in one of the world's most Christmassy countries. If

time visitors than a great number of

tale views of Trondheim's wooden

ent ways ranging from pretty to

the A-list European destinations

warehouses, museums and the River

rugged and from sublime to graceful-

which are now all the rage.


Northern Cape at 71 degrees north

Once upon a time, Trondheim was one of the most powerful cities in

there is nowhere in Europe quite like Norway, particularly when you factor in an unmatched quality of service in hotels, restaurants and bars and a national people who do 'friendly and welcoming' in a gen-


Parliament, Ting, met in this city, and even today Trondheim is where modern kings and queens are crowned. Nidaros Domkirke, Trondheim's impossibly big cathedral is the largest medieval building in Scandinavia. Most locals will tell you that this c11th masterpiece (with Romanesque

Nidaros Domkirke, Trondheim's impossibly big cathedral is the largest medieval building in Scandinavia

to Trondheim. It also operates flights

Trondheim, the 130-km long

to Trondheim through Oslo. Prices

Trondheimsfjord and the adjacent

start from just 22 euros including all


archbishop's palace, which goes by the tongue-twisting name Erkebispegarden. Although much of this has been restored, parts of the building date to the c12th when Trondheim was one of Europe's top ten most important cities.

also added to the eclectic architectur-

all about its café culture, while dur-

teeth and false smiles that often

al mix) is haunted by a slightly odd

ing the winter season snow lies on

greet visitors on their travels.

ghost who deposits fresh roses on

the ground in the narrow alleyways

In the summer months the city is

the floor every other week. Many

that wind their way in and out of

remains relatively low in the current

locals also regard the medieval

the main streets and avenues of the

hot European destinations list and

church ruins of St. Olav's as ghost

city centre.

yet this perfectly-sized atmospheric

central in Trondheim.

autumn/winter 2007/2008

above the city for unrivalled views of

direction takes you to the former

and c19th English Gothic features

Nearby is the wooden old town

Try to get up into the hills just

around the DomKirke in the opposite

opposed to through the usual gritted

city, part medieval, part completely


A pleasant five-minute stroll

uine 'take me as I am' way as

Norway's third city, Trondheim,


Europe. In medieval days the Norse

Once upon a time, Trondheim was one of the most powerful cities in Europe

this season - the planet's greatest

Norwegian flies directly from Riga

We perceive beauty in many differ-

Kristiansand at 63 degrees to the

check out the airline's website:

Getting there from Riga:

bridge, Bybrua, which affords fairy

With its mainland stretching from

sight of the Northern Lights during

Gateway Riga tip:

modern, has got more to offer first-

boxes and a few more besides.

taxes and fees. For more information

light show.

With tourists from all over the world flocking to Eastern Europe for weekend breaks the country, which is arguably the most beautiful on the whole of the European continent is, often, strangely overlooked.

ly understated. Norway ticks all these

you are very lucky you might catch

The most fascinating part of Trondheim is here and is, in fact, autumn/winter 2007/2008




Making Norway affordable for everyone

From humble beginnings

Already Norwegian employs more


autumn/winter 2007/2008

point-to-point routes to 75 desti-

www.norwegian.no. In 2004

nations, with more than 7.9 mil-

Norwegian launched its “Low Fare

lion passengers choosing to fly

Calendar” for which the airline has

Norwegian in 2006.

received considerable praise. The cal-

In 2005 Norwegian began operat-

should be able to afford to fly”.


are purchased on

endar gives a comprehensive review

The words 'low cost' and 'Norway' don't usually sit well in the same sentence but, thanks to the airline Norwegian, this perception has been changed forever.

It is now possible to fly directly between Norway's fascinating “third city”, Trondheim, and the Latvian capital Riga

Over 80% of Norwegian's tickets

Norwegian now operates 122

Five years ago Norwegian launched

than a 1,000 people and boasts a

its first flight - a 50-minute trip

fleet of 24 Boeing 737-300 aircraft.

between Oslo and Bergen.

Around twelve months from now

Competition was tough, as it always

it will have leased a brand new

is, in the cutthroat airline industry

fleet of 11 Boeing 737-800 in a

particularly in the Scandinavian sec-

move which will enable the for-

tor where, for years, SAS had dominated the skies.

Over 80% of Norwegian's tickets are purchased on website

of all fares for each destination for

ing low-cost flights between Oslo

a whole month and makes it easy

and Riga. Fares including all taxes

for travellers to find the lowest fares

on this five-times per week route

available. Using this cutting edge

have often been cheaper than the

website it is also possible to book

cost of a taxi ride in central Oslo.

hotels, day trips and rent a car at

With hordes of Norwegian tourists

very competitive prices.

discovering the delights on offer in

More evidence, in fact, that

Latvia, and many curious Latvians

thanks to Norwegian travelling to

choosing to do the same in the

and from Norway is now affordable

beautiful Nordic country it was only

for everyone.

a matter of time before Norwegian took the prudent decision to expand

For reservations and information

its Norway-Latvia operations. It is

about prices and schedules, please

now possible to fly directly between

visit www.norwegian.no. You may

Norway's fascinating 'third city',

also call Norwegian's call centre in

ward-thinking airline to offer long

Trondheim, and the Latvian capital

Riga on tel. +371 900 6200.

haul flights to its customers - a

Riga. Prices on this route start

move which looks certain to

from just 26 lats one way, all taxes

of Europe's largest low-cost airlines

cement Norwegian's reputation as

included. That's about the same

beautiful city of Trondheim read

and continues to abide by the

being one of the fastest expanding

price as parking your car in a cen-

our special Destination Guide on

words of its vision that “Everyone

airline operators in the world.

tral Riga car park for two days!

page 34.

Five years later Norwegian is one

autumn/winter 2007/2008

For more information about the




The now and will be of Latvian architecture Love it or hate it modern architecture is here to stay. building which will dominate the

for many Latvian nationals, indeed

Well at least, that is, until it is no

(Saules Akmens) was completed in

Riga skyline, there will also be a new

represent some kind of Latvian

longer modern at which time it will

early 2004 and for many symbolized,

pedestrian bridge, underground pas-


either be knocked down, seen as a

for good and for bad, the realities of

blot on the landscape or considered

the country's entry into the European

as classical. The rules of modern

Union that very same year.

architecture seem to dictate that new

Sun Stone is, for now, Latvia's

buildings should reject ornament and

largest and most modern office build-

historical style. Foremost new build-

ing with fans and those who

ings should be functional and, fol-

absolutely detest the building found

lowing on from this concept, they

in equal number. There again that's

must adopt the unwritten principle that the materials and their functional requirements are central to determining the final design.

The present and future of contemporary Latvian architecture The most dominant example of modern Latvian architecture is currently the 26-floor Hansabanka



Sun Stone is, for now, Latvia's largest and most modern office building

sages, subterranean parking and a

The input of Austrian architectural

completely reconstructed section of

guru Jan Meissner in this project

Mukusalas Street.

should help ensure that the Castle of

The Castle of Light (as those in favour of the project affectionately refer to it) will, it is said, be a

Light does not turn out to be the White Elephant of Light. It is not clear whether those

metaphor for the most important

behind the conceptualisation of the

images and legends of Latvian folk-

Da Vinci project were big Dan

the effect that modern architecture

lore and folk song. Architect and

Brown fans caught up in all the

tends to have upon us.

designer of the building Gunars

hype surrounding his book, but

Birkerts reckons that legend says,

regardless of this the Agenskalna

of public debate, high profile meet-

After what seems like an eternity

“when brave men and women sum-

project looks certain to change the

ings and enough paper plans to

mon it, the castle will rise from the

face of Riga forever. Three sizeable

require a forest the size of Latgale

darkness, and the people will once

three-floor buildings with shops and

being chopped down, it looks like

again be free.” This might sound like

restaurants will stand close to the

construction work is about to finally

the soundings of a self-indulgent/self-

banks of the River Daugava.

begin on the Latvian National

promoting architect, but when the

Architects involved in this project

Library (LNB).

building does finally dominate the

include Architekten Von Gerkan and

skies of the Latvian capital it will,

Vincents Arhitektura.

As well as an immense library autumn/winter 2007/2008

The Castle of Light will, it is said, be a metaphor for the most important images and legends of Latvian folklore

Photo: ©Hansabanka

Headquarters building. Sun Stone

autumn/winter 2007/2008



A blast from the not-too-distant contemporary past

The first and last place you see in Latvia

Zaiga Gaile helped prove to many

'The glazed rhombic prisms laid in various planes encircle the new con-

First impressions count and last

structions. The facades resemble crys-

impressions stay with you forever.

talline ice compositions arousing feel-

that modern architecture doesn't

That is why Riga International

ings of being in the northern region.

have to mean an obsession with

Airport is perhaps the most impor-

The harmony of grey and blue

glass and the size of your lift shaft

tant symbol of all in regard to con-

colours is dominant in the interior.'

when she redesigned the c19th plaster factory on Balasta Dambis. The three storey brick apartments excellently combine the industrial heritage of yesteryear with classy, comfortable modern living. One contemporary building that is big on glass, though you might not realize it on first sight, is

Modern architecture doesn't have to mean an obsession with glass and the size of your lift shaft

temporary Latvian architecture. As Riga has become the regional

In the end RIX managed to find the ideal balance between commer-

centre for tourism and business, so

cial, functional and architectural

too, the airport has had to go

considerations. The work goes on

through a modernizing metamorpho-

though, with big plans to develop

sis on a gigantic scale. Annual pas-

RIX into the leading transport hub

senger numbers are now in the mil-

in Eastern and Nordic Europe. Top

lions rather than hundreds of thou-

architect Andris Kronbergs and the

sands and with the construction of

company ARHIS are the people

Chocolate House on Riga's

new terminals the designers needed

responsible for this cutting-edge 21st

Hospitalu Street. SZK have pulled

to construct spacious, light and trans-

century project. And what we con-

off the seemingly impossible by

parent facilities for passengers' pleas-

sider as being the contemporary

constructing a contemporary apart-

ure, comfort and access.

architecture of today will no doubt

ment block entirely constructed

The geometry of the new build-

be perceived in a very different way

from dark chocolate-like glass

ing's facades differs, as the designers

in 2015 when Riga Airport might

blocks. You are guaranteed to

wished, from that previously associat-

well be welcoming 10 million pas-

either love or hate this particular

ed with the rather more dour Riga

sengers to its brand new and

piece of modern architecture!

Airport of the 1980s and 1990s.

extended terminals.



autumn/winter 2007/2008

Tango Seduction


October 26 / Riga Congress House www.makroconcert.lv

Chippendales October 4 / Sapnu Fabrika www.makroconcert.lv

AVE MARIA Classical Concert

Concert of the Year of Latvian Symphonic Music


December 8 / Liepaja Theatre www.liepajasteatris.lv

The only department store in Riga. Stockmann department stores are known for their wide collection of

Onyx LIVE October 27 / Sapnu Fabrika www.urbaniagroup.com

October 6 / Riga Dom Church

European Christmas Festival

high quality products, competitive prices and good service. The

December 8 / Dom Square +371 722 7573

Stockmann Department Store offers a wide selection of fashion, cosmetics,


October 8 / Arena Riga www.bilesuserviss.lv/

Swingle Singers November 5 / National Opera House www.hbf.lv

Igor Moiseyev Ballet October 9 / Arena Riga www.bilesuserviss.lv/

'The King' The Musical (Elvis Presley)

Nordic Film Festival

November 6 / Riga Congress House www.bilesuserviss.lv

Vanessa Mae

Concert Winter Journey December 13 / Museum of History of Riga and Navigation www.bilesuserviss.lv

October 12-18 / Arsenals www.arsenals.lv

Skating Championships European Tour

World Series K-1 Grand Prix

November 10 / Arena Riga www.makroconcert.lv

October 13 / Arena Riga www.rigaconcert.lv

Ray Horton Concert

Stars Circus

November 10 / Fashion Club www.topconcert.lv

October 19 / Arena Riga www.rigaconcert.lv

Tap Dogs Concert

A Year Says Goodbye to the Sound of Organ

Tomas de Madrid Flamenco Theatre

November 14-16 / Arena Riga www.positivus.com

December 31 / Dom Square +371 722 7573

October 23 / Riga Congress House www.asg.lv

UEFA European Championships Qualifier

Baroque Christmas Concert December 18 / Great Guild www.bilesuserviss.lv

Harlem Gospel Choir December 26 / Riga Congress House www.bilesuserviss.lv

Latvian Independence Day Celebrations November 18 / Nationwide www.rdkp.lv


brands as well as Stockman's popular own brands. The cosmetics depart-

Elkor Plaza has a commercial area of 30 000 m2,

ment is the place for perfumes, cosmetics and accessories. Stockmann home department offers stylish and reasonably priced home textiles,

and plenty of car parking places. We have a wide range of household appliances, electronic

kitchenware, glassware and china and domestic appliances for your home.

goods, sport's shoes and clothes, as well as goods for pleasure.

You can also take advantage of good selections of fresh, high-quality gro-

Don't miss the hundreds of toys and goods on offer for

ceries and speciality delicacies of Stockmann Delicacies.

children either! The 2nd floor of Elkor Plaza is devoted to the world of

13. janva¯ra iela 8, Riga | www.stockmann.lv

furniture and contemporary living, with furniture for bedrooms, living rooms, nurseries and kitchens. Elkor Plaza also has one of the best collections of domestic textiles, bedroom accessories, lighting fixtures and carpets that can't be found anywhere in the Baltics.



Opera La Traviatta

opening November, 2007

January 2 / Latvian National Opera House www.opera.lv

Furniture, lamps, home textiles, interior design products, as well as practical items for decorating your home are all available in one place

Opera The Birds Lisa Gerrard Solo Concert November 18 / National Opera House www.lisagerrard.com

January 6 / Latvian National Opera www.opera.lv

Vaya Con Dios Concert November 20 / Arena Riga www.propeller.lv

January 20 / Latvian National Opera www.bilesuserviss.lv/

Carmen Opera Rigas Ritmi Christmas Concerts November 28 - December 5 / www.rigasritmi.lv

January 24 / National Opera House www.opera.lv

January 31 / History of Riga and Navigation Museum www.bilesuserviss.lv/

December / Dom Square


centre is the first choice when it comes to treating your home with

Since the shopping centre first opened in 2001, Spice has always

the latest design trends.

prided itself on a reputation for excellence in quality, good service and being the first choice for family shopping. Spice is much more than a shopping destination. Its story is tied up in the people who have passed through its doors, worked here and added to its corporate values.

Nye, Monton, Clarks, Gerry Weber are only some of the brands represented.

December 1 / Arena Riga www.balticmusicgroup.com

Special attention is devoted to children with a new shopping alley full of children's goods and our unique Kids' Village.

The Nutcracker Ballet Listings compiled with the help of www.rigaoutthere.com

Joe Cocker World Tour

autumn/winter 2007/2008

side resort), as well as its functionality and all-in-one concept - our

Yorker, Okaidi, Van Rein, Swatch, Lindex, Timberland, Murphy and

Alice Cooper and Foreigner

December 7 / Arena Riga http://www.bilesuserviss.lv/

centre, 5 minutes from Riga Airport, 20 minutes from Jurmala beach-

ZARA, Pull and Bear, Bershka, Promod, Ecco, MEXX, New

Traditional Christmas Market

December 2 / National Opera House

Local and world famous furniture and interior design brands com-

Lielirbes iela 29, Riga | www.spice.lv

Concert by State Chamber Orchestra


- in the largest furniture and interior design centre in the Baltics. bined with the convenient location and access (15 minutes from city

One-act Ballet Plays


women, men and children. The wide collections include leading world

Brı¯vı¯bas gatve 201, Riga | www.elkor.lv

November 17 / Latvia v Liechtenstein / Skonto Stadium www.lff.lv


Stockmann fashion departments offer quality clothing and shoes for

December 10 / Arena Riga www.vanessa-mae.com



home products and food to make your shopping enjoyable. Apocalyptica

Information correct at time of going to press.

Wine and dine at our cafes and restaurants suited for all tastes: choose from LIDO, Lulu pizzeria, Loft Bar, Ganbei and the everfamous Vairak Saules. The best reward for us is Your loyalty to SPICE. Lielirbes iela 29, Riga | www.spice.lv

ripened aromas, leaving clients knowing that most seafood should simply be threatened with heat and celebrated with joy. In addition to the restaurant's culinary excellence, clients can also enjoy the soothing sounds of live musical accompaniment at

The Gastronome Seafood Restaurant specializes in the finest preparation of the widest array of fish and seafood in Riga. Customers are able to pick and choose any


of the products offered on display to satisfy their tastes. With delicious scents and flavours Gastronome's open kitchen grill teases even the most selective of appetites. Through much experience, Gastronome's chefs are masters of delicately accentuating

the Gastronome restaurant in Reval Hotel



Restaurant Piramı¯da is for those who are seeking excellent international cuisine

Special offers, business lunches and gourmet menu available. GASTRONOME seafood restaurant Reval Hotel Latvia, Brı¯vı¯bas iela 31, Riga tel for info and reservations: +371 67772391 e-mail: [email protected] www.gastronome.lv GASTRONOME seafood restaurant Interior and delicatessen center mc2, Krasta iela 68a, Riga tel for info and reservations: +371 67019634 e-mail: [email protected], www.gastronome.lv

Saint Germain

together with an intimate and elegant

Experience the charm and enchantment

ambiance in the heart of Riga`s business

of France! Have a glass of exquisite wine!

Our executive chef's creative and

We welcome you to Latvia's only wine

fresh approach to cooking is reflected

restaurant - “Saint Germain”. Antonijas iela 9, Riga tel +371 67334019 www.saintgermain.lv

an extensive menu. The restaurant is open daily from 7:00 till 23:30 Business lunch A la Carte from 12.00 till 16.00

in our international cuisine menu concentrating on the key elements of each dish and enhancing their unique flavours and textures.

I Love You

Restaurant La Boheme

Discover this little gem tucked away

Named after Puccini's opera, La Boheme

in one of the cobbled streets so

has a little something for everyone. This

admired on a recent visit by Prince

restaurant in Riga's Art Nouveau district is

Charles. Strange name for a café, you

divided into a trendy upscale life style café

may say – not really. Step inside and

and cocktail lounge with lite food such as

pretty soon you realise that I Love You

salads, soups, pastas etc. during the day

Coffee Nation

loves its customers and its customers

Restaurant Bergs

and an elegant fine dining restaurant with

If you are searching for a stylish place for a cup of excellent

love I Love You. Whether it’s breakfast,

Restaurant Bergs, decorated in a con-

delicious international cuisine in the

Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia (Reval Hotel Rı¯dzene) tel +371 67324433 [email protected] www.revalhotels.com

J.Aluna¯na iela 2A, Riga tel +371 67321938 fax +371 67321920 [email protected]

an evening beer with your friends or

temporary style, has been thoughtfully

evening. The sophisticated food is as deli-

varieties of coffee and coffee-based cocktails, we will share with you

Sunday brunch with your sweetheart,

designed to provide guests with possibili-

cate as the smooth jazz and light classical

our passion for their quality and preparation secrets. Located in

you’ll feel right at home. Order a cock-

ties of calm and intimate retreat in the

music playing in the background. Our spe-

Riga's centre we are easily reachable by foot and open from 8 am

tail, sink into one of the sofas down-

business centre of one of the most excit-

cial gourmet menu is served personally by

till 10 pm.

stairs and forget your worries. And if

ing city parts. The modern interior is

executive chef Ma¯ris Jansons.

For Your convenience COFFEE NATION bars are equipped with

you care about music, then I Love You

accented with African colours and design

Seats: 80


WiFi Internet access meaning that you can still be in touch with

is spot on – no pop here, just quality,

elements. The restaurant has a nice glass

Opening hours: Weekdays 12:00-23:00

This Italian club-restaurant is an

the whole world while you enjoy your cup of coffee with snacks,

intelligent alternative sounds!

veranda with views of the hotel courtyard

Saturday 14.00-23.00

ideal place to enjoy an Italian-style

and beautiful fountain. There, on our

Sunday: Closed

ambience. At our place, you can savor

summer terrace, our guests can enjoy the

Price level: (4 - 8 Ls; 10 - 25 Ls)

sophisticated cuisine, as well as our

If you are leaving the country from Riga's International Airport then there's also the chance to enjoy a cup of coffee in our COFFEE NATION airport bar before departure. New!!! Coffee Nation is now available in Riga International Airport's brand new terminal. Tirgon ¸u iela 4, Old Riga Dzirnavu iela 72 P.Briezˇa iela 7 Kr.Valdemara iela 21 Ierik¸u iela 3 Shopping mall Domina Blauman ¸a iela 5 Krasta iela 46 Shopping mall Mols International Airport “Riga”



Aldaru iela 9, Riga, tel +371 67225304 [email protected] www.iloveyou.lv

calm and leisurely life of Bergs Bazaar. Restaurant Bergs under the leadership

HOTEL CENTRA Audeøju iela 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia tel +371 67226441, fax +371 67503280 [email protected] | www.centra.lv


coffee - COFFEE NATION is the right choice. By serving around 40

sandwiches or wraps.

Aspazijas bulv. 36/38, Riga LV-1050, Latvia tel + 371 67225411, fax + 371 67216140 [email protected] | www.metropole.lv

culinary treasure offers fine dining and

and financial district.

Forget the rush of Riga for a moment!


Situated under a glass pyramid this


Gastronome seafood restaurants

Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia tel +371 67770900, fax +371 67770940 [email protected] | www.hotelbergs.lv

HOTEL LAINE Skolas iela 11, Riga, LV 1010, Latvija tel +371 67289823, fax + 371 67287658 [email protected] | www.laine.lv

generous wine-list. Our restaurant is well-suited for business meet-

of chef Kaspars Jansons provides our elite

ings, social events, and

clients with exquisite cuisine and distin-

romantic dinners.

guished service. Working hours: 12:00 - 24:00 Elizabetes iela 83/85, Bergs Bazaar, Riga tel +371 67770957 fax +371 67770940 [email protected] www.hotelbergs.lv

Marijas iela 13, Riga, Berga Bazaar tel +371 67284801

MONIKA CENTRUM HOTELS Elizabetes iela 21, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia tel +371 67031900, fax +371 67031901 [email protected] | www.centrumhotels.com


Otto Schwarz Someone once said, “there are some restaurants which are so unique that they become legendary and part of history”. As you gaze over one of the most extensive wine lists in the Baltics, be sure to Hotel de Rome

enjoy the fantastic views of the Freedom

Raibais Balodis (Colourful Dove) Open daily for breakfast


the Konventa Seta in Riga's old town, this stylish restaurant offers a wide variety of

Business lunch every working day

international dishes. The decor of Raibais

from 12:00 till 4:00 pm.


Balodis is designed to complement its

Start your journey back to medieval

romantic interior. It is also an ideal place

times in the heart of Old Riga in Latvia. Relax in the glimmering lights

from 6:30 till 10:30 am.

Lunch and dinner

of candles. Try the favourite dishes and

place for business lunches and private dinners. Breakfast buffet

7:00 - 10:30

Business lunch

12:00 - 15:00

from 12:00 till 11:00 pm.

to enjoy a relaxed, vast and unlimited buffet breakfast.

Restaurant Otto Schwarz is an excellent

Live music Kale ¯ju iela 9/11 (Hotel Konventa Seta), Riga tel +371 67087501

Established in 1994! - The first and

every working day

still the number one Irish pub in Riga.

from 19:00

Located in the very heart of the Old

every working day

Town it features very friendly staff and offers delicious food and a real old-fash-

Kal¸k¸u iela 28 (Hotel De Rome), Riga tel +371 67087600

drinks of King Philip I, Duke Charles

Paddy Whelan's Irish Pub & Sports Bar

ioned BBQ served all day long till after

of Burgundy and Margaret of York.

Bon Vivant

midnight. Great prices, 18 different kinds

Listen to the Ancient Wall and the Old

A genuine Belgian beer café interior

of local and imported Beer & Cider on

Well whispering the secrets of the Order

and responsive staff makes for

tap, and a wide choice of wines and spir-

of the Knights Templars. Find your

a pleasant mood in the Belgian beer

its. From time to time it is possible to

medieval treasure. Find your philoso-

café Braserie “Bon Vivant”. You can get

enjoy live music in a relaxed, kicked

pher’s stone. Find your Grail.

a taste of 24 sorts of famous beer. The

back atmosphere. All major SKY Sports

beer is served in exclusive toby jugs.

and other satellite sporting events shown

Roze ¯na iela 1, Riga, tel/fax +371 67224748 [email protected] www.rozengrals.lv

The food in our Belgian beer café

live on a large screen, numerous flat

should suit every taste. You can have

screens and TVs. Excellent courtyard and

the 1.5 metre long sausage Bon -

street-side summer terraces.


D'vine Bar

Vivant served on a special oak-tree

The modern, cosy,

The modern design and very special

board for 4 persons.

lighting elements create a unique atmos-

"Bestsellers" on the

phere where the guests can enjoy good

with its French quality and German

first floor of the

wines and spirits, as well as trendy


“Albert Hotel” offers

Tapas, tasty salads and delicious desserts

Live music "jazz moods"

Recreation Centre, which is one of the

international cuisine.

from the open kitchen. On the 3rd floor

every Thurstday and Saturday.

largest and most beautiful log buildings

You can enjoy the best meals of Italian,

the D'vine Lounge can be found, which

Chill out atmosphere.

in Europe.

French, Greek, Russian, Chinese cuisine

is an excellent place for various business

Open daily:

The Express Restaurant offers:

etc. We also offer Latvian national food,

events, presentations, banquets, wine

Sun - Thu: 11 am - 01 am

• 100 various cold dishes as buffet;

a special Children's menu, as well as

degustations and private parties.

Fri - Sat: 11 am - …

• Holiday meals and banquets;

Business lunch every working day from 12:00 to 15:30 Working hours:

7:00 - 23:30, last order at 23:00

KB BED & BREAKFAST Kr.Barona iela 37, Riga LV 1011, Latvia tel + 371 67312323, fax + 371 67316953 [email protected] | www.kbhotel.lv

HOTEL RIøGA Aspazijas bulv. 22, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia tel +371 67044222, fax +371 67044223 [email protected] | www.hotelriga.lv

Gre¯cinieku iela 4, Riga tel office +371 67210249, 1st floor +371 67210150, 2nd floor +371 67210254

library style restaurant

group menus and a banqueting menu.


Located in the quaint surroundings of

Kalüküu iela 28, Riga LV 1050, Latvia tel + 371 67087600, fax + 371 67087606 [email protected] | www.derome.lv

Monument and the park below.

Brasserie Bon Vivant will amaze you

[email protected], www.pub.lv

REVAL HOTEL RIøDZENE Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia Reval Reservation Centre tel +371 67772345, fax +371 67772332 [email protected] | www.revalhotels.com

• Music every night;

Open: Sun- Thu 12.00 - 24.00

Ma¯rstal¸u iela 8, Old Riga tel +371 67226585

Fri- Sat 12.00 - 01.00


• Banquets at your place.

D'vine lunch

Express Restaurant

Mon - Fri 12.00 - 15.00

Use this opportunity to enjoy

You are welcome from 12:00 am - 11:00 pm.

a wide range of cold delicatessen, exquiDzirnavu iela 33, Riga tel +371 67142750 fax +371 67331718 [email protected] www.alberthotel.lv



Elizabetes iela 55, Riga (Reval Hotel Latvija, entrance from Elizabetes and Brı¯vı¯bas street corner) tel +371 6 7772217 www.revalhotels.com

autumn/winter 2007/2008

site hot dishes, LIDO cakes and desserts in the romantic atmosphere offered by the Express Restaurant at the LIDO

Krasta iela 76, Riga tel for info +371 67504420, tel for booking +371 67700000, www.ac.lido.lv

REVAL HOTEL LATVIJA Elizabetes iela 55, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia Reval Reservation Centre tel +371 67772345, fax +371 67772332 [email protected] | www.revalhotels.com



separate construction project close to the airport building aims to turn a

10 NEW ROUTES IN 2007-08

of expo and conference facilities and three hotels. One of the three hotels

Several airlines help Riga International Airport to broaden its choice of destinations even further.

The Baltic countries' leading airport has the vision of a new terminal building to keep up with its fast-growing capacity.

Frankfurt, Bremen and Tampere, as

About 10 new routes will be

Glasgow in Scotland.

opened at Riga International Airport

Ryanair is now aiming to carry

cious new Latvian expo complex.

through the remainder of this year

950,000 people a year on its routes

and into next year. Almost all of

to and from Riga International

- but still within walking distance -

them will be launched by low-cost

Airport. airbaltic and Ryanair have

will stand high-rise office buildings,

airlines, which have made travel

the largest market share in Riga, serv-

and a leafy recreation area will be

affordable to the vast majority of

ing 44 percent and 26 percent of all

landscaped at the centre of the busi-

Europeans, including the citizens of

passengers, respectively, in the first

ness park. It will be possible to stroll

the three Baltic countries.

seven months of 2007.

Latvian national carrier airBaltic,

ing more Latvians, Lithuanians and

departure pier for the terminal, due

from the airport terminal via a cov-

Estonians to an ever-expanding range

to come into use by the start of

ered pedestrian walkway lined with

Irish low-cost airline Ryanair and

flights to Hurghada, Egypt's exciting

of destinations. The 3 million mark

2008 as a boarding area for passen-

shops. A monorail may link the

British low-cost carrier easyJet are to

Red Sea Riviera resort, and to

for passengers in 2007 should be

gers from non-Schengen countries.

complex and the airport with down-

launch most of the new routes.

Tashkent, the colourful capital of

reached in December. Figures could

Known as Terminal Development

town Riga.

Ryanair will launch flights in early

Uzbekistan. Riga-Hurgada opens at

grow by another 30 percent in 2008.

Stage 5, the new pier will be similar

November between Riga and Bristol

the end of October, with flight times

So the much-needed new terminal extension project, a runway extension and a massive new business park

It is becoming increasingly clear

Stockholm, London, Liverpool,

Ryanair, and the third part of a spaFurthest from the airport terminal


routes from Riga, including flights to

well as the Irish capital Dublin and

is likely to be a 5-star Radisson SAS property, another will belong to

break in Latvia.” Ryanair already operates eight

plot of wasteland into a new highrise business park with a striking set

English to take a pleasant winter

EBO International, a Latvian com-

airBaltic is launching scheduled

to the existing one, complete with

pany with Norwegian capital, is to

in the UK and Shannon in Ireland.

that give excellent possibilities for

air bridges.

invest EUR 400-500 million in the

This comes on top of earlier

passengers flying from Helsinki and

Riga Airport Business Park, which will

announcements of new Ryanair

St Petersburg via Riga to connect and fly on to Hurghada.

Further designs for Stage 6, specifi-

next to the airport site are among

cally the construction of a brand

occupy 22 hectares of land. EBO has

routes to Bergamo Airport, Milan,

that Riga International Airport will in

the major development projects that

new terminal building to cover the

concluded a 25-year lease agreement

from 17 January 2008, and East

10 year's time resemble a bustling

have been designed to keep RIX sev-

existing car parking area in front of

with the airport, with the option of

Midlands (Nottingham), UK, from 30

allow passengers flying from

metropolis. Construction work will

eral steps ahead of its rivals in the

the airport, are now ready. The

extending for another 25 years.

October 2007.

Scandinavia and Germany via Riga

coming years.

ground floor of this new building

Developments are not only being

These futuristic projects should

will be taken up by baggage han-

confined to new buildings, however.

a new destination from Riga,” said

December 2007. Other new airBaltic

help Riga make its dream of becom-

dling, screening and sorting. Above

The runway is also being upgraded.

Wilhelm Hamilton, Ryanair's director

routes are likely to be announced

ing a major intercontinental transit

will be a spacious check-in area with

It will be extended to 3,200m to

of operations for Northern Europe.


hub a reality.

airline offices and shops, while an

cater for large aircraft with a full

“The starting date could not be bet-

underground sorting area will be

load. By the end of 2008, RIX is

ter, giving passengers flying from

located below ground level.

likely to see more fully loaded jumbo

Riga a chance for some Christmas

time of going to press was yet to

jets and large cargo planes landing

shopping, and just in time for the

decide on the specific destinations.

soon start on a new terminal covering the area to the front of the current terminal. The older buildings around the airport will be knocked down to make room for sparkling new structures. The reputation of Riga

Riga International is an airport in constant development

One major development phase has already been completed - an EUR 8

International Airport as the Baltic

million, 10,000 m2 terminal exten-

region's main airport continues to

sion that allows for the separation of

of Stage 6 is 2010. The existing ter-

on its runway. The runway lighting

grow. But with the number of pas-

passengers flying to and from non-

minal building, meanwhile, will

system is also being upgraded.

sengers rising by more than 30 per-

Schengen countries once Latvia joins

become a closed-off departure lounge.

Riga International is an airport in

cent a year, capacity at the airport

the Schengen Agreement, scheduled

Taking the airport's development

constant development. Greater capaci-

will have to keep pace in an effort

for early 2008.

An optimistic date for completion

even further into the future is Stage

ty is an attractive factor for airlines

7, which encompasses another air-

and it is likely that, as more and

been placed to the far side of the

craft pier to the north, connected to

more airlines start flying to what

approach road. Planners are now

the terminal by a gallery. Beyond

may well become a well-priced

gers a month was reached in June,

preparing designs for a new multi-

that, in around 2012, a fourth pier

regional hub, still further develop-

July and August 2007, bringing more

storey car park.

may be built.

ments will be needed to cope with

to prevent long queues from building up everywhere. A new record of 300,000 passen-

tourists to Riga and Latvia and send-



A new long-term car park has

Next to be created is a second autumn/winter 2007/2008

Besides all this relentless activity, a

“We are thrilled to offer Bristol as

Riga-Tashkent, whose flight times

to connect comfortably, starts in

easyJet plans to open several new routes from Riga in 2008, but at the

even larger passenger flows. autumn/winter 2007/2008



area is growing wider. Besides Latvians, more and more Lithuanians and Estonians are using it. The airport serving the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, by contrast, celebrated its millionth passenger in August, two weeks before RIX celebrated its 2 millionth passenger. Riga International Airport, already one of the fastest growing airports in Europe, plans to serve 3.1 million passengers in 2007. Latvian transport officials say that in 2008 a further growth of 30 percent is possible. In 2006, the airport served 2.5 million Photo: www.travelnews.lv

passengers, 33 percent more than the previous year. Audrius Latisevicˇius was flying with airBaltic from Riga to Oslo. Amid the festive atmosphere in the airport lobby, cameras flashing, he received an airport privilege card that will allow him to use the airport's


The fact that the lucky passenger

business-class services for a year.

is a Lithuanian, who wins an assort-

Who was the lucky 2 millionth passenger at Riga International Airport this year? Here's a clue: he's not Latvian.

ment of prizes from the airport and from the Latvian airline airBaltic, points to an interesting trend in the kind of people being attracted to use the airport in Riga as opposed to

Lithuanian citizen Audrius Latisevicˇius, from the northern

That includes unlimited access to

other airports in the region. The prize-giving event underscores

the Solo Club, Riga International

More and more Lithuanians and Estonians are using Riga International Airport

Airport's business lounge. Solo is a restful relaxation zone in an area far removed from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the airport. There, Andrius can enjoy unlimited free-ofcharge access to the Internet, a vari-

Lithuanian town of Birzˇai, has

that Riga International Airport is

become this year's 2 millionth pas-

strengthening its position as the

senger at Riga International Airport.

largest and most significant airport in

It looks likely that the airport will

the Baltic region. Because it has by

parking for 250 hours without

increase the total number of passen-

far the widest range of flight destina-

charge. He also wins two free tickets

gers in 2007 to over 3 million.

tions in the region, Riga's catchment

for any airBaltic flights he chooses.

Production Check-In Media SIA Mu¯kusalas iela 45/47, Rı¯ga, LV 1004 Tel: +371 67228509 +371 29208200 Magazine reg. nr. 000703023

Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley Contributing writer Anatol Stephens Art director Inese Laiza¯ne Managing Director Ma¯ris Je¯kabsons Advertising and Sales Enquiries: [email protected] Tel: +371 29208200 Editorial: [email protected] Comments and opinions: [email protected] General information: [email protected] Website: www.riga-airport.com

ety of snacks and drinks, the latest issues of the world's most highly influential newspapers, and free car

Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for Riga International Airport. It is distributed three times in 2007. Circulation: 20 000. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Media or Riga International Airport. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such materials sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material. All prices are subject to change without notice. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors. Printed by Kroonpress, Estonia.

Special thanks for help and/or providing photos: Valdis Zatlers, Enars Plinta, Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Kelvin Hooke, Valters Kronbergs, Liepaja Tourism Development, Trondheim Tourism, Norwegian Airlines.

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