
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,129
  • Pages: 20
Two little eyes to look around, Two little ears to hear each sound,

One little nose to smell what's sweet,

One little mouth that likes to eat.

Wee Willie Winkie Runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs In his nightgown. Rapping at the windows, Crying through the lock, "Are the children all in bed? For now it's eight o'clock." You are my sunshine, my little sunshine;

You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you; Please don't take my sunshine away

This little piggy

went to market,

This little piggy This little piggy

stayed home, had roast beef,

This little piggy

had none,

And this little piggy cried, Wee, wee, wee, all the way home.

The itsy bitsy spider


went up the water spout,

came the rain

Out came the sun

and washed the spider out.

that dried up

And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up

all the rain,

the spout again.

Hey Diddle Diddle The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed To see such fun,

And the dish ran away with the spoon!

One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine ,ten,

Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right.


, Mary

How does your garden

With silver bells

Baker's man! So do I master,

, pat-a-cake,


and cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row.


, quite contrary,


As fast as I


Pat it, and prick it,

And mark it with a T,

And put it in the oven,

For Tommy

and me. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her; He put her in a pumpkin shell & there he kept her very well.

Polly, put the kettle on, Polly, put the kettle on, Polly, put the kettle on, We'll all have tea.

Blow the fire and make the toast, Put the muffins on to roast, Blow the fire and make the toast, We'll all have tea. Sukey, take it off again, Sukey, take it off again, Sukey, take it off again, They've all gone away.

Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife! Did you ever see such a sight in your life

As three blind mice?

A-hunting we will go, A-hunting we will go, Hi-ho the derry-o A-hunting we will go! A-hunting we will go, A-hunting we will go, We'll catch a fox and put him in a box

And then we'll let him go!.

Daffy Down Dilly Has come to town In a yellow petticoat And a pretty green gown.

Early to Bed

Cocks crow in the morn To tell us to rise, And he who lies late

Will never be wise. For early to bed And early to rise, Is the way to be healthy

And wealthy and wise.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses And all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty together again!

It's raining, it's pouring; The old man is snoring. He went to bed And bumped his head And couldn't get up in the morning. "I went up one pair of stairs." "Just like me!"

"I went up two pairs of stairs." "Just like me!" "I went into a room." "Just like me!"

"I looked out of a window." "Just like me!" "And there I saw a monkey."

"Just like me!"

Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating of curds and whey; There came a big spider, And sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, Eating a Christmas pie; He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum, And said, "What a good boy am I!"

The Man in the Moon Looked out of the moon, Looked out of the moon and said:

"It's time for all children on earth To think about getting to bed."

Mister Sun, Mister Golden Sun Please shine down on me; Mister Sun, Mister Golden Sun Hiding behind that tree. Here we all are waiting for you, So come on and do that thing that you do! Oh, Mister Sun, Mister Golden Sun Please shine down on, Won’t you shine down on, Please shine down on me!

Do you know the Muffin Man, The Muffin Man, The Muffin Man? Do you know the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane? Yes, I know the Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man, The Muffin Man. Yes, I know the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane.


had a little lamb,

Little lamb

, little lamb


Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, Everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day, School one day, school one day, It followed her to school one day, Which was against the rules.

It made the children

To see

laugh and play, Laugh and play, laugh and play, It made the children laugh and play,

a lamb

in school.

And so the teacher turned it out, Turned it out, turned it out, And so the teacher turned it out, But still it lingered near... And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about, And waited patiently about

Till Mary did appear. "Why does the lamb love Mary so? Mary so? Mary so? Why does the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry. "Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know. The lamb, you know, the lamb, you know! Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply.

Bow-wow, says the dog,

Meow, meow, says the cat,

Grunt, grunt, goes the hog,

And squeak goes the rat.

Tu-whoo, says the owl,

Caw, caw, says the crow,

Quack, quack, says the duck,

What the cuckoos say, you know.

When the circus comes to town, I love to see the clown Racing round the great big top, His trousers falling down.

He's such a funny person, He makes me laugh and shout. I always feel so happy When the funny clown's about!

The farmer in the dell, The farmer in the dell, Hi-ho, the derry-o,

The farmer in the dell. The farmer takes a wife, The farmer takes a wife,

Hi-ho, the derry-o, The farmer takes a wife.

The wife takes a child, The wife takes a child,

Hi-ho, the derry-o,The wife takes a child. The child takes a nurse, The child takes a nurse, Hi-ho, the derry-o,The child takes a nurse. The nurse takes the cow, The nurse takes the cow, Hi-ho, the derry-o,

The nurse takes the cow. The cow takes a dog, The cow takes a dog, Hi-ho, the derry-o,

The cow takes a dog. The dog takes a cat, The dog takes a cat, Hi-ho, the derry-o, The dog takes a cat. The cat takes a rat, The cat takes a rat, Hi-ho, the derry-o,

The cat takes a rat.

The rat takes the cheese, The rat takes the cheese, Hi-ho, the derry-o,

The rat takes the cheese. The cheese stands alone, The cheese stands alone, Hi-ho, the derry-o, The cheese stands alone. The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'Round and 'round, 'round and 'round; The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish; The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, All through the town. The door on the bus goes open and shut, Open and shut, open and shut; The door on the bus goes open and shut, All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep; The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, All through the town. The gas on the bus goes glunk, glunk, glunk, Glunk, glunk, glunk, glunk, glunk, glunk; The gas on the bus goes glunk, glunk, glunk. All through the town.

The money on the bus goes clink, clink, clink, Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink; The money on the bus goes clink, clink, clink All through the town. The baby on the bus goes "Wah, wah, wah! Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!" The baby on the bus goes "Wah, wah, wah!" All through the town.

The mommy on the bus says "I love you, I love you, I love you;" The daddy on the bus says "I love you too." All through the town.

Pizza, Pizza - it’s a treat. Pizza, pizza - fun to eat! Stringy, gooey cheese so yummy; Pepperoni in my tummy. Pizza, pizza - it’s a treat. Pizza, pizza - fun to eat!

This old man, he played one, He played knick knack with his thumb, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone;

This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played two, He played knick knack with my shoe, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played three, He played knick knack on my knee, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played four, He played knick knack at my door, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played five, He played knick knack, jazz and jive, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played six, He played knick knack with his sticks,

With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played seven, He played knick knack with his pen, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played eight, He played knick knack on my gate, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played nine, He played knick knack, rise and shine, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played ten, He played knick knack in my den, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home. 11 This old man, he played eleven, He played knick knack up in heaven, With a knick, knack, paddy whack, Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home.

12 This old man, he played twelve, He played knick knack, dig and delve, With a knick, knack, paddy whack,

Give the dog a bone; This old man came rolling home.

Wash, wash, wash your hands, Wash those germs away. Soap and water does the trick, To keep them clean all day.

Georgie Porgie


, pudding and pie;

the girls

and made them cry.

When the boys

came out to play,

Georgie Porgie

Goosey, goosey, gander, Whither dost thou wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber.

There I met an old man Who wouldn't say his prayers; I took him by the left leg, And threw him down the stairs.

ran away.

Lullaby, and good night, With pink roses bedight, With lilies o'erspread, Is my babies sweet head. Lay you down now, and rest, May your slumber be blessed! Lay you down now, and rest, May thy slumber be blessed! Lullaby, and good night, You're your mother's delight, Shining angels beside My darling abide. Soft and warm is your bed, Close your eyes and rest your head. Soft and warm is your bed, Close your eyes and rest your head. Sleepyhead, close your eyes. Mother's right here beside you. I'll protect you from harm, You will wake in my arms. Guardian angels are near,

So sleep on, with no fear.

Ole King Cole Ole King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he; He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl, and he called for his fiddlers three. And ever fiddler, he had a fine fiddle,

and a very fine fiddle had he. "Twee tweedle dee, tweedle dee," went the fiddlers Oh, there's none so rare as can compare with King Cole and his fiddlers three.

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