Rhs Newsletter Nov 2008

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REDMOND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 16600 NE 80th Street, Room 106 Redmond, WA 98052 ~ Tel 425.885.2919

VOLUME 10, NUMBER 9 Our Mission: To Discover, Recover, Preserve, Share and Celebrate Redmond’s History

website ~ redmondhistoricalsociety.org email ~ [email protected] HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ~ and by appointment


Visit Our New eb Site



arming Before Golfing

As much as we love our old web

site, we decided to create a new one ~ with a new address ~ that we can more easily update with stories, photos and announcements.

Check it out at: Aries Family Produce Farm

redmondhistoricalsociety.org Here’s a sample of what you’ll find: •

Copies of our past newsletters

Willows Run Golf Course now dominates the Sammamish Valley

area near downtown ~ but back in the old days, the Aries family’s produce farm was the center of attraction.

dating back to 2001

Society President Pro Tem Judy Aries Lang was born into that

Select biographies

Italian family as was her sister Angela ~ and both pulled a few carrots

A list of items we sell (great holiday gift ideas!)

and worked in the packing shed at Aries Gardens. Join us on Saturday, November 8th, when the sisters take us on a slideshow and video tour. “The farm started with three partners in 1921 and six acres,” Judy

Upcoming heritage events

Video clips (e.g. Derby Days and

in the valley, according to the East Side Journal. In 1930, they employed

one of the last trains through town)

about 80 farm hands at the busiest time.”

Many, many thanks go to two tireless volunteers for putting this together: Richard Morris and Patti

recalls. “By 1928, it had nine partners and 87 acres and was the largest

“Head lettuce was the biggest crop, with half the acreage planted in lettuce,” Judy adds, “but over the years they also grew carrots, cabbage, cauliflower,

Simpson Ward, who’s already our

beets, turnips, spinach, potatoes and

newsletter graphic artist.


Our original site is still around as

The farm closed in 1968 with an

well (redmondhistory.org). In fact we

equipment auction. A video was

link to it from the photos that show up

made, part of which will be shown

at the bottom of the new home page.

at the meeting. “All the big veggie

Our thanks to Ilya Smirnov and his

farms folded around this time,” Judy says.

family for having built and maintained

“An end to the era of truck farming in

that site over the years! l

the valley.”

The Redmond Recorder ~ November 2008


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH 10:30 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON at the




History is Happening in Redmond!



arjorie Stensland Costello: Our Newest Lifetime Member

10:30 to Noon

Talk about rooted in Redmond!


Our newest lifetime member,


Marjorie Stensland Costello, was not only born in town, but her Stensland side has been in the Redmond area since 1894! Granddad John Stensland was a

2008 Executive Board Judy Lang President pro tem Chris Himes Vice-President Miguel Llanos Vice-President Joanne Westlund Treasurer Margaret Wiese Corresponding Secretary Beryl Standley Recording Secretary

logger who lived in the Union Hill area, having come from Norway with his three brothers. Her dad, Halvor Stensland, was born in Seattle in 1897 and “moved” to Union Hill 14 days later. Her mom, Rose Herzog, was born in a log cabin on Cottage Lake.

Board of Directors Mary Hanson Nao Hardy Jon Magnussen Doris Schaible Joe Townsend Patti Simpson Ward

Office Manager Monica Park


Charles Diesen

Birthday Card Coordinator Amo Marr

Library Liasion Andy McClung

................................................... Our finances are public record and may be viewed at the office. ...................................................

FREE Newsletter

If you don't already subscribe, please sign up. Call the office at 425.885.2919 or e-mail [email protected]. State your preference of e-mail or U.S. Mail (e-mail is cheaper for the city and the photos look better on-line).

The Redmond Recorder

Published nine times annually Miguel Llanos Editor Patti Simpson Ward Society/Newsletter Graphic Designer

Major Sponsors

The Redmond Recorder ~ November 2008

New Lifetimer Marjorie Stensland Costello

Her father served in World War I and Marjorie has been very active with the American Legion Auxiliary, having been a member for 75 years after being signed up at three -years-old! In 1948, she led the Redmond chapter ~ and became the youngest auxiliary president in the state. She’s served as president on and off since then. She also worked at the Redmond Drugstore when it was owned by Norman Smith. And she has volunteered at the Sammamish Valley Grange, the Veterans Hospital and the Kirkland Senior Center gift shop. Marjorie is one of seven siblings and raised five boys ~ three with her first husband, Jim Erickson, and then two with Gerald Costello. She’s lived the last 42 years at the same home in Rose Hill. “I’ve lived in Redmond for all but nine months,” she says. “I just love the community. I don’t want to live anywhere else.” l

Current Lifetimers

Our list of lifetime members continues to grow. If you’d like to become

a lifetimer yourself, please see the membership form on the back page. John Anderson

Clare “Amo” Marr

Barbara Neal Beeson

Daryl Martin

Brad Best

Allison Reed Morris

Marjorie Stensland Costello

Charles Reed

Liz Carlson Coward Edward Hagen Naomi Hardy Patricia Weiss Jovag

Frances Spray Reed Vivian Robinson Laurie Rockenbeck

Barbara Weiss Joyce

Margy Rockenbeck

Glenn Lampaert

William Rockenbeck

Roy Lampaert

Doris Bauer Schaible

Judy Aries Lang

Don Watts

Miguel Llanos

Rose Weiss

Jon Magnussen

Margaret Evers Wiese


History is Happening in Redmond!


edmond School Fundraisers ~ From 1911

The oldest Redmond newspaper in our collection dates back to November 24, 1911 – a year before Redmond

was incorporated as an official town! It was Vol. 1, No. 6, of the Redmond Press, and included the two articles below about school fundraisers:


Redmond school will give a box social and entertainment

The Avondale school will give

at the school house tonight, Friday November 25, the proceeds to go

a basket social and entertainment

towards paying for the piano.

at the school house on Saturday,

The boxes will be auctioned off in a novel way. Each girl will be in a

November 25th. The proceeds are

booth with only decorated shoes visible, and each shoe will be auctioned

to be given towards a school organ.

off, the highest bidder getting the box that goes with the pair of shoes.

All are requested to come and have

The booths will consist of a Candy Booth, an Apple Booth, a Popcorn

a good time and enjoy themselves

Booth, and a Gipsy Booth. There will also be the famous Art Gallery, a

and also help the school get the

reproduction of the world’s famous painters will be on exhibition. Some


of the reproductions are “The Horse Fair,” “Weary Travelers,” “My Native

The school now has about thirty

Land,” and others. It will be Redmond’s only opportunity to see these

pupils: nine in the high school and

famous paintings.

twenty-one in the lower grades.

The Art Gallery will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. Packer;

Miss Adelaide Abercrombie is the

the Japanese Booth and Fishing Pond under the supervision of Miss

teacher in the High school and Miss

Egtvet; the Candy Booth, Popcorn Booth and Apple Booth by Miss

Vida Carver in the Grammar grades.

Hartman and Miss Falker will have charge of the Gypsy Booth.

The following are the pupils in the

A good time is assured to all and lots and lots of fun will be the

High school: the Misses Ella, Helen

order of the evening so don’t fail to attend and help make a jolly

and Bessie Mitchell, Adaline Provan,

evening of it as well as helping out with the piano.

Mr. George and Verne Chamberlain,

The admission price will be free but what it costs you to get out ~ well you can talk to us about that the next day.


Julia Beba, Sam Hutchinson and Albert Robstad.


The Redmond School in 1911-1912. The school was located in Anderson Park and student names listed are: Genevieve Reed, Clemence Martin, William Anderson, Odd Olson, Myrtle Olsen, Hazel Huffman, John Huffman, George Keller, Clarence Stitham, Howard Wallace, Oliver Perrigo, Arthur Connery, Dorothy Brown, Cordelia Wallace, Mildred Shanks, Manny “Ed” Tardy, Lyle Forrester.

The Redmond Recorder ~ November 2008


History is Happening in Redmond!



ere You at Our October 11th, 2008 General Meeting?

Heap of Historical Thanks to:

These folks were! First time attendees are noted

in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS! Adams, Ray Alexander, Margo Bruneau, Bernie Bruneau, Pierre Burns, Sarah Davies, John Elduen, Violet Emmanuel, Tony Garland, Lillian Gilbert, Evelyn Gwerder, Frank Hahnlen, Charlotte Hammersberg, Clara Hammersberg, Jerry Hansen, Tom Hanson, Mary Himes, Chris Ingersoll, Jo Ann Jeppesen, Joanne Jeppesen, Tony Keeley, Elaine Kenyon, Bruce Klein, Ron Lang, Judy Leeds, Leon LeTourneau, Philipe Magnuson, Cheryl Magnuson, Gene Magruder, Joan Magruder, Roy

Martin, Bob Martin, Daryl Martin, Ward McCoskrie, Eileen Miller, Larry Moffett, Leena Montgomery, Mary Muñoz, Alexa Norvold, Jan Park, Monica Penberthy, C. Penberthy, Ina Phillips, John Phillips, Roxana Pickett, Virginia Rau, Beth Rosenbach, Patsy Rosenbach, Ruth Ann Salmi, Ann Scott, Claudia Solomon, Brad Standley, Beryl Stray, Fran Stray, Fred Tollfeldt, Anne Tollfeldt, Harvey Townsend, Joe Vallene, Arlyn Yoder, Bob

Charlotte Hahnlen for photos from the WWII Lake Washington Shipyard (above and Page 5), some old tax records and school papers, wedding pictures, a baptism certificate and a high school diploma. Loita Hawkinson of the Kirkland Heritage Society for Buckley’s Garage photos, a Friendly Village cookbook and a Raab’s furniture store yard stick. Ardith Johnson Yuhl of Puyallup for background on the Perrigos and Johnsons, and Patsy Rosenbach for bringing the haul in. Clara and Jerry Hammersberg for restoring the finish to the table leaves on Bill Brown’s dining room table. Tom Hansen for continuing his mother’s

Proposed Slate of RHS Officers Were’s what the board of directors proposes for the 2009 executive board. If you’d like to nominate yourself or someone else to a position please contact us at 425.885.2919 or [email protected]. The membership will vote at the Chris Himes


Judy Lang


Miguel Llanos


for the items the Society sells. Lillian Garland for contributing information about early local hotels and logging

John Phillips for applying for, and receiving, a $1,900 4Culture grant for the Society to purchase software to organize our database of

Joanne Westlund Treasurer Beryl Standley

Patti Simpson Ward for creating a price list


November 8th general meeting.

Mary Hanson

tradition of bringing cookies to our meetings.


Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary

The Redmond Recorder ~ November 2008

Robb Scharbau for contributing a TV/DVD.


History is Happening in Redmond!


oliday History Happening (Free!)


ho Donated the Johnson Photo?

The Society received a photo of the late

December 6 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Art and Ruby Johnson at our April general

Winters House, 2102 Bellevue Way SE, Bellevue


Discover holiday traditions of the Eastside’s past, with Santa,

meeting. We’d love to know who donated it for our records.

music and heritage crafts at an open house by the Eastside

Heritage Center. Presented in partnership with Bellevue Parks &

donated it, please contact the office at

Community Services. For more information, call 425.450.1049 or

425.885.2919 or redmondhistory@hotmail.

visit www.eastsideheritagecenter.org. l

com. l

If you’re that person, or know who


he Lake Washington Shipyard in Kirkland

Charlotte Hahnlen donated this World War II photo

of workers (mostly women!) at the Lake Washington Shipyard in Kirkland. See another photo that she gave to the Society on page 4 of this newsletter.


✂ Redmond Reflections Order Form Also available at the Redmond Library!

We ship free for current members, so if you haven't joined or renewed, there's a form on the last page of this newsletter that you can send in with the book order form below. Price per book: $21.78 ($20.00 + $1.78 Washington Sales Tax) (Non-Members, please add postage: $3 for one book, $5 for two and $8 for three or more) ADDRESS TO MAIL BOOK(S) TO:



Telephone: __________________________________

Address: __________________________________

No. of Books Ordered: ________________________

City/St./Zip: _______________________________

Amount Enclosed: ____________________________


Mail completed form (please print clearly) and check or money order to:

Redmond Historical Society

16600 NE 80th, Room 106, Redmond, WA 98052 The Redmond Recorder ~ November 2008


History is Happening in Redmond!


IS YOUR BUSINESS ROOTED IN REDMOND? if so, Redmond Historical Society is looking for partners who, in exchange for a tax deductable financial donation, would be allowed to reach our 1,200 readers via this space and on our website at: www.redmondhistory.org Contact Miguel Llanos at [email protected] or by phone at 425.869.9806.



Renewing members, please send in your 2008 dues! LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP (✓ Check one only.) $5.00 $20.00 $35.00 $200.00 $250.00 $1,000.00

❍ TRAILBLAZER (Student) ❍ PIONEER (Individual) ❍ HOMESTEADER (Family) ❍ ENTREPRENEUR (Supporter) ❍ CORPORATE (Business) ❍ HISTORY MAKER (Lifetime) All Contributions are tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to: REDMOND HISTORICAL SOCIETY

✉ Fill out the form below and mail it with your check to:

Redmond Historical Society Attn: Membership ORSCC, Room 106 16600 NE 80th Street Redmond, WA 98052


Name:______________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME EXACTY AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME TAG FOR GENERAL MEETINGS.)

Address: __________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________ Birth Date (Month/Day/Year): _____________________ If Family Membership, other names to be included: ________________________________________________________________ How would you like our complimentary newsletter delivered to you: EMail: _________________ U.S. Mail: ___________________

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