Rhs Newsletter 10 2006

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16600 NE 80th Street, Room 106 Redmond, WA 98052 ~ Tel 425.885.2919

Our Mission: To Discover, Recover, Share and Celebrate Redmond’s History

website ~ www.redmondhistory.org e-mail ~ [email protected]



resident’s Corner

(Guest column by former Mayor Christine Himes)

HOURS: Mon.-Fri., 12-4 p.m., or by Appointment


edmond Reflections Hits the Presses

Back in 1975 many things were happening in Redmond. It was growing from a small town, with one traffic light, to a much larger city with development going on everywhere. That was when Paul and Barbara Beeson moved into Redmond. They bought and restored the old farmhouse and barn of one of the original family of settlers, the Perrigos. Today that beautiful spot is now home to the Eagle Rim apartment community and that farmhouse is the center and hub for Eagle Rim.

The Beesons also became involved in the

Redmond Historical Society's new Redmond Reflections ~ available now!

Redmond community through environmental issues, going to Redmond City Council

It’s true! After four years in the making, Redmond

meetings and numerous other County and

Reflections, the Society’s 800-plus photo essay of Redmond,

State meetings that affected Redmond.

will be available for purchase in October ~ just in time for holiday

gift shopping!

This is where I met Paul and Barbara.

We were immediately attracted to the same

Local author and historian Nancy

issues and concerns and this is also where

Way calls it “rich with

Paul and Barbara decided I should run

detailed stories and wonderful

for the City Council. There were so many

photos.” Senior City Planner

large issues facing the City, including the

Dianna Broadie appreciates

development of the old Redmond Golf Links,

the “many photos that will

the loss of other valuable open spaces,

lend new insight into the life

apartments converting to condomiums and

and culture of the

annexations happening all over.

Redmond area.”

(Continued on page 3)

The Redmond Recorder ~ OCTOBER 2006

NEXT MEETING Sat., Oct. 14 at 9:30 a.m. Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center TopicS: MAKING OF REDMOND REFLECTIONS and john couch's city slide show

(Continued on page 2)


History is Happening in Redmond!



edmond Reflections Available for Purchase!

2nd Saturday of the Month 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center 16600 NE 80th St

If you’re a Redmond long-timer, there’s a great chance you’ll find yourself, loved ones and/or friends mentioned and shown among the chapters that range from the area’s Native Peoples to our high tech economy.


For more recent Redmondites, the book has answers to questions like:

OCTOBER 14 November 11

What natural forces created our beautiful setting?

Why did people come to our village of Salmonberg?


How were they received by Native People?

What industry created our first business boom and why did it


Which of our mayors was responsible for the wagon wheel hub

system of roads that grieves drivers in congestion today?

Is Sammamish a river or a slough?

Where were nuclear warheads located off Avondale?

Where is the sunken forest that’s been underwater for 1,000 years?

2006 Executive Board Judy Lang President Naomi Hardy Vice-President Miguel Llanos Vice-President Teresa Becker Treasurer Margaret Wiese Corresponding Secretary Beryl Standley Recording Secretary

Board of Directors Terry Gordon Tom Hitzroth Jon Magnussen Amo Marr Daryl Martin Doris Schaible Patti Simpson Ward ...................................................

FREE Newsletter If you don't already subscribe, please sign up. Call the office at 425.885.2919 or e-mail [email protected]. Just state your preference of e-mail or U.S. Mail (e-mail is cheaper for the city and the photos look better, too!)

We hope to have copies of the book for sale at our next general meeting on Saturday, October 14. After that, they can be purchased at our office in the Old Redmond Schoolhouse during office hours or by mailing a check or money order using the form below. Shipping is complimentary within the U.S. for current members, so if you haven’t joined or renewed, there’s a form on the back that you can send in with the book order form below! (See page 5 for a look at a few of the 100 pages.)

✂ redmond reflections order form Price per book: $21.76 ($20.00 + $1.76 Washington Sales Tax) (Non-Members, please add postage: $3 for one book, $5 for two and $8 for three or more)

Your Name:__________________________

Mailing Name:___________________________

Telephone: ______________________

Address: _________________________


No. of Books Ordered: ____________

City/St./Zip: ______________________

The Redmond Reporter

Amount Enclosed: ________________


Published nine times annually Miguel Llanos Editor Patti Simpson Ward Newsletter Graphic Designer

Redmond Historical Society 16600 NE 80th, Room 106 Redmond, WA 98052

©2006 Redmond Historical Society

The Redmond Recorder ~ OCTOBER 2006


History is Happening in Redmond!

The President’s Corner (Continued from page 1)


Paul and Barbara applied the same

passion they had for their medical professions to shaping and helping resolve

Redmond was among the cities recently designated a “Preserve America Community” by first lady Laura Bush. The White House initiative showcases community efforts to preserve cultural and natural heritage.

some of Redmond’s growth issues and environmental problems. I always thought that they truly made people “start to think” about where the City of Redmond was headed. After being on the City Council and running for Mayor in 1979 (term of office was 1980-84) it was then that the

“I commend Redmond and its leaders,” Mrs. Bush stated, “for their commitment to preserve an important part of our nation’s historic past for visitors, neighbors, and most importantly, for children.”

die was cast for me. I was fortunate to have an excellent city staff and we went about setting goals and policies for park acquisitions and trail rights. In the meantime, I was handling the myriad of other challenges that go with running a city. For that experience, I will always be grateful. Much of the thanks goes to the Beesons. You know it has been said people come into your life for a reason. Paul and Barbara surely came into mine and how precious that relationship has been for me and my entire family, plus the huge benefit


aul Beeson’s Obituary

(Excerpt from Paul Beeson’s obituary in the King County Journal: October 18, 1908 to August 14, 2006)

it had for the City of Redmond. It is hard to

“Paul Bruce Beeson,

put it all into words.

a distinguished physician,

Paul passed away this past August

14th at the age of 97. I am going to attend

researcher and teacher

his memorial service at Yale University this

whose compassionate

November. I’ll be happy to report on that in

dedication to patient care

a later edition of “The Redmond Recorder.”

inspired generations of

In closing, I’m reminded of a quote from

medical students, died

Dr. William C. Menninger, founder of the

August 14 in Exeter, New

Menninger Clinic and Foundation: “Find a

Hampshire. Dr. Beeson and

mission in life and take it seriously.” We can

his wife, Barbara, lived in

certainly say that this exemplifies the life

Redmond for more than 25

of Paul and Barbara with their generous

years before moving to New

contributions to the welfare of the City of

Hampshire in 2002.”

Redmond and its citizens. Dr. Beeson will be missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers go to the Beeson family.


Contributions in Paul’s memory can be made to Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, 4554 12th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA, 98105. l

~ Christine Himes

The Redmond Recorder ~ OCTOBER 2006


History is Happening in Redmond!


ere You at Our September Meeting?

First time attendees are noted in BOLD TYPE and a

Redmond’s historic first

Adams, Ray Anderson, Betty Bartley, Dave Bartley, Elsie Bay, Joanne Becker, Teresa Blair, Dusty Watts Blair, Wayne Campbell, Sally Cisneros, Nancy Chinn, Yvonne Cleveland, Bonnie Coward, Liz Diesen, Chuck Emmanuel, Tony Fowler, Joyce Gilbert, Evelyn Goetschius, Millie Goetschius, Russ Gordon, Terri Hall, Tom Hammersberg, Clara Hammersberg, Jerry

★ ★



Hardy, Naomi Himes, Chris Hudson, Carolyn Ingersoll, Jo Ann Keeley, Elaine Kuhl, Betty Kuhl, Howard Llanos, Miguel Magnuson, Cheryl Magnuson, Gene Magruder, Joan Marr, Amo Marrs, Carl Marrs, Pat Martin, Bob Martin, Daryl Martin, Ward McCormick, Elma McCoskrie, Don McCoskrie, Eileen Miller, Larry Montgomery, Mary Muñoz, Alexa

Neal, Marion Olson, LeRoy Rockenbeck, Dave Rockenbeck, Margy Rosenbach, Patsy Rosenbach, Ruth Ann Schaible, Doris Smirnov, Sergey Solomon, Brad Stray, Fran Stray, Fred Swanson, Kris Thomases, Robert Tollfeldt, Anne Tollfeldt, Harvey Warner, Bill Warner, Norma Watkins, JoAnn Watts, Don Weiss, Rose White, Bob

park won’t see large structures built there after the City Council purchased property a block away to use for improved water wells. Thank you Parks Commission, mayor and council members for keeping Anderson just the way it is! l

Wiese, Margaret

View Some Natural History: Salmon It’s spawning season so you’ll find salmon on the Sammamish River and Bear Creek. The City is sponsoring naturalists at the 90th Street Bridge on the river on Oct. 28, 1-3 p.m., to explain the salmon cycle. Bear Creek

appy Valley Bridge Replacement

No New Structures at Anderson Park

(Tony Emmanuel alerted us to the fact that the Happy Valley bridge just east of the Old Brick Road and connecting to Highway 202 is being replaced. He also shared these memories.)

I called it the “Happy Valley Narrows.” This was a dangerous, deadly bridge.

Allowing a 55 mile an hour speed through a bridge this narrow was asking for trouble. Rob Klamser, who I believe was a City of Redmond engineer, was driving home from Ames Lake about 1970. He failed to make it through the narrow bridge and was killed. A few years later, another person rolled over while trying to squeeze through the narrow passage, and ended up

events are offered by the nonprofits Water Tenders (www.watertenders. org) and Redmond Organization for a Shared Environment (425.882.1846 or Redmond.rose@verizon. net), which offers short nature hikes.


in the mud at the swampy roadside.

Residents Online

After rolling several times, and

Education Hill resident Bob Yoder has started

destroying his sports car, he

online postings about

crawled through the weeds with

change within Redmond’s

just scrapes and bruises.

neighborhoods and city

Numerous other scrapes and

government. It’s free and

scratches occurred that went

folks can post responses.

unreported. How many, we might never know.

Check it out at



~ Tony Emmanuel

The Redmond Recorder ~ OCTOBER 2006

lacrosse12dog. l


History is Happening in Redmond!


Heap of Historical Thanks


nside Redmond Reflections Redmond Historical Society's new Redmond Reflections ~ available now!

To these geat people for donating treasures, expertise, time and envergy! Don Watts, Daryl Martin,


Armed Services

Dee Saunders, Joyce Fowler, Beryl Standley, Tom Hall for booth sitting at the Redmond Saturday Market. Roxy and John Phillips for undertaking an inventory of our artifact holdings. Sigrid Horning for assisting with the school display in the hallway case. Eastside Heritage Center for loaning us photos of Redmond High School graduating classes for display at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center.


A Sweet Icon

Dale Potter for help hanging display pictures. Joanne Bay for photos of Pete’s Place on Lake Sammamish, barber Ole Stakke at work, the Hideaway Tavern, Derby Days of long ago, Orchard Park and more. Cheryl Magnuson for playing


recording secretary at our last


general meeting. John Couch for making a 90-

Once again, we hope

minute photography presentation

to have copies of the

on behalf of the Society to City

book for sale at our


next general meeting on

Velda Kent Florer for the

Saturday, October 14.

framed aerial of the SE corner of

After that, they can be

116th and Avondale area, including

purchased at our office

the mobile home park built by her

in the Old Redmond

father, Leo Kent. And thanks to

Schoolhouse during

Jerry Hammersberg for delivering

office hours or by

and hanging it.

U.S. Mail.

The Redmond Recorder ~ OCTOBER 2006


History is Happening in Redmond!

SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT: A Realtor Rooted in Redmond

Welcome Erin Gordon McGowan, Board member Terri

Conrad Olsen's logging crew near Avondale.

Erin Gordon McGowan 425.641.9300 [email protected]

Gordon’s daughter and a Redmond realtor who’s just joined the Society at the Entrepreneur level! Here’s Erin about herself: "I grew up in a family of real estate folks: mom, grandad, uncles. And I was born and raised on the Redmond homestead of my great-great-grandfather, Conrad Olsen, whose barn and farmhouse still stand on Conrad Olsen Road (NE 95th Street). I was the fifth generation that lived on the farm and it’s now a City park. "Redmond’s history has always been part of our family history. In fact, my husband and I now live in the downtown home my great-grandfather Don Adler built in the 1940s. "I’m eager to use my love and knowledge of the Eastside to help folks buy and sell property. Please remember me when you think of local real estate, and give me a call." Erin Gordon McGowan



LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP (✓ Check one only.) $5.00 $20.00 $35.00 $200.00 $250.00 $1,000.00

❍ TRAILBLAZER (Student) ❍ PIONEER (Individual) ❍ HOMESTEADER (Family) ❍ ENTREPRENEUR (Supporter) ❍ CORPORATE (Business) ❍ HISTORY MAKER (Lifetime) All Contributions are tax deductable.

Please make checks payable to: REDMOND HISTORICAL SOCIETY

✉ Fill out the form below and mail it with your check to:

Redmond Historical Society Attn: Membership ORSCC, Room 106 16600 NE 80th Street Redmond, WA 98052


Name:______________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME EXACTY AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME TAG FOR GENERAL MEETINGS.)

Address: __________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________ Birth Date (Month/Day/Year): _____________________ If Family Membership, other names to be included: ________________________________________________________________ How would you like our complimentary newsletter delivere to you: E-Mail: __________________ U.S. Mail: __________________

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