Rhetorical Analysis

  • May 2020
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America Perez 3/19/19 8th

Rhetorical Analysis Essay High quality persuasive writing and speaking advance the progress towards social justice and equality. In letter from Birmingham jail the purpose was to convince people he belongs in Bergham because segregation was in Bertram. In Genetics of Justice by Julia Alvarez her purpose was to persuade her audience to speak up for justice. In Malala Yousafzai speech to the U.N her purpose was to advocate for women's right, girls education, and free education all over the world for every child. All three wrote a lot of pathos. A little bit of ethos and logos. MLK jr. did the best job on explaining rhetorical. Letter from Birmingham Jail was to convince people he belong in bergham because segregation was in bethlehem. He used appeals to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to advance his purpose that he belongs in bergham to end segregation. King begins his argument with various appeals to Pathos. “But despite these notable exceptions I must honestly reiterate that I have been disappointed with the church". (9). This is an appeal to Pathos because he's speaking about religion which is a emotionally topic This advances his purpose by doing better with his cause because his audience doesn't want to disappoint. The second reason he offer is "My shattered dreams of the past... deep moral concern serve as the channel through which our just grievances would get to the power structure." (9 ). This is an appeal to Pathos because it make the audience feel bad for him and guilty. This advances his purpose because they want to have higher morals and not to feel bad, so they'll help stop segregation. The third reason he offers is, "In deep disappointment, I have wept over the the laxity of the church" (10). This is an appeal to Pathos because his audience, the church leaders feel the disappointment. This advances his purpose by telling the audience that he belongs in bergham because of segregation. MLK Jr. was successful for using rhetoric because he did all three rhetoric in his story’s. He also use logos and not many that we read didn’t had many logos in there stories. In a genetics of justice by julia alvarez her purpose is to persuade her audience to speak up for justice. At the beginning of the text she talks about her mother side of the story of how her mother thought that the dictatorship was a handsome guy but over the year she started to know more about the dictator and how he is a bad person. "thousand had lost their lives in failed attempt to return the country to democracy." This event advance her purpose by knowing the true nature of this dictator who will killed

anyone that is trying to leave this country. Then, Alvarez goes on to describe "obsession" This is shown when she say "He became something of an obsession with her living as she was by then in exile with my father, isolated from her family who were still living on the island. This event advance her purpose is that her mother was still in her haunted memory that the dictatorship was a celebrity when she was little. Julia Alvarez was successful on connecting emotion to their audience. She also use a lot of credibility to her audience explaining what happen back at her home. Yousafzai's purpose for her speech was to advocate for women's right, girls education, and free education all over the world for every child. "The extremists are afraid of books and pens, they are afraid of women and afraid of change and equality" (paragraph 8 probably ). This is an appeal to pathos because it makes the audience feel that they shouldn't be afraid of the Taliban's. This advance her purpose because she is speaking out on why the terrorist are afraid of education and how the Taliban doesn't want children or girls to know more about it. "I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights, but I am focusing on women to be independent and fight for themselves" (paragraph 11). This is an appeal to ethos because she's a women and that makes her have credibility to say those words. This proves advances her purpose because she telling all the girls/women to be indepent and how the guys could support them on it. Malala Yousafzai did use a lot of pathos in her story to explain the issue about children education. Malala and Julia are both similar to talk about the issue that they or another person had to experience. I think MLk Jr. did the best on explaining to us about rhetoric. He did all three rhetoric in his letter and was also good explaining it to us. And plus he was religion leader. Malala was successful to but she wrote a lot of pathos then the other two. But MLK jr. did a better job because he did add all three in his letter. “My shattered dreams of the past… deep moral concerns me as the channel through which our just grievance would get to the power structure”. He explains it better because he’s making his audience so emotional about how his dreams were shattered.

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