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Software Announcement March 14, 2006

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus delivers regression testing bundle Overview

Key prerequisites

At a glance

IBM Rational  Functional Tester Plus is a new cost-effective functional and regression testing solution bundle that allows teams to test a wide variety of software applications, including Java  , Web, Web services, Microsoft  Visual Studio .NET, and thick client technology-based applications.

Refer to the Hardware requirements and the Software requirements sections.

The new IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus release:

Planned availability dates

Delivers a single, cost-effective bundle of tools for automated testing of a wide spectrum of enterprise software application technologies

Improves team-based communication through integration with the IBM Rational Software Development Platform

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus bundles IBM Rational Functional Tester, an Eclipsed-based automated functional and regression testing tool for testers and developers who are testing Java, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Web applications with IBM Rational Robot. IBM Rational Robot is an automated testing tool for applications built with Visual Basic, C/C++, Oracle Forms, Sybase PowerBuilder, and Borland Delphi.

March 14, 2006, electronic software delivery

March 16, 2006, media and documentation

IBM Rational Robot is available in English only.

This bundle also includes a test management solution for test planning, execution, and analysis of IBM Rational Functional Tester and IBM Rational Robot-based test scripts. For more information on IBM Rational products, visit http://www.ibm.com/software/ rational

For information about the IBM Passport Advantage  program, visit http://www.ibm.com/software/ passportadvantage

This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your IBM representative, call 800-IBM-4YOU, or visit the IBM home page at: http://www.ibm.com. IBM United States

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.



Availability of national languages

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus bundles IBM Rational Functional Tester and IBM Rational Robot into a single, cost-effective, functional and regression testing solution. It covers a wide variety of software applications for offering testers and developers .

Product description IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus V6.1.1

This Eclipsed-based, automated functional and regression testing tool for testers and developers who need superior control for testing Java, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Web-based applications offers: •

Support for testing of Java, Web and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET WinForm-based applications

Choice of language — Java or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET for test script customization

Native Java and Microsoft Visual Basic .NET editor and debugger for advanced testers

ScriptAssure  technology to accommodate frequent User Interface modifications

Automated data correlation and data-driven testing eliminates need for manual coding

Multiple verification points with regular expression pattern matching support

Advanced object map maintenance capabilities

Linux  test editing and test execution support

Built-in test management solution, which enables test planning, execution and analysis of IBM Rational Functional Tester-based test scripts

Simplifies configuration testing. Can be used to distribute functional testing among many machines, each one configured differently.

Tests many types of applications. Includes Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C++, Oracle Developer/2000, PeopleSoft, Sybase PowerBuilder, and Borland Delphi.

Ensures testing depth to the hundreds of properties of an application′s component objects, such as ActiveX Controls, OCXs, Java applets and many more, with just the click of a mouse.

Tests custom controls and objects.

Provides an integrated programming environment.

Helps you analyze problems quickly. Automatically logs test results into the integrated IBM Rational Repository, and color codes them for quick visual analysis.

Enables reuse. Ensures that the same test script, without any modification, can be reused to test an application running on Microsoft Windows  XP, Windows ME, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows NT .

Includes built-in test management solution, which enables test planning, execution, and analysis of IBM Rational Robot-based test scripts.


GA date

Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, PortugueseBrazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese — Traditional, English U.S., Italian)

March 16, 2006

Trademarks ScriptAssure is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Rational and Passport Advantage are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

IBM Rational Robot is an automated regression, functional and configuration testing solution designed for e-commerce, client/server and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications. It is used to test applications based on a wide variety of user interface technologies. •



IBM United States Announcement Supplemental Information March 14, 2006

RAM: Recorder and Editor

Offering Information Product information Information Web site






• •

Minimum: 256 MB Recommended: 512 MB

Test Execution Agent


Also, visit the Passport Advantage  Web site http://www.ibm.com/software/passportadvantage


• •

Minimum: 256 MB Recommended: 512 MB

Disk Space: Recorder and Editor

• •

Minimum: 800 MB Recommended: 1 GB

Test Execution Agent

No publications are shipped with this product. The IBM Publications Center http://www.ibm.com/shop/publications/order

The Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBM product publications and marketing material with a catalog of 70,000 items. Extensive search facilities are provided. Payment options for orders are via credit card (in the U.S.) or customer number for 20 countries. A large number of publications are available online in various file formats, and they can all be downloaded by all countries free of charge. News of many publications may be subscribed to via Mysupport. https://www-1.ibm.com/support/mysupport/ us/en/?OpenDocument

• •

Minimum: 425 MB Recommended: 1 GB

Software requirements IBM Rational Robot

Microsoft  Windows Millennium, Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5 or 6a), Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows 98 2nd edition

If developing or running test scripts written in the Visual Basic language, VB 6 on Windows 2000 or Windows NT is required.

If developing or running Java  test scripts, the JDK (IBM V1.1.7B or Sun Microsystems versions 1.2.2 or 1.3.0) is required.

If developing BEA WebLogic EJB scripts, installation of BEA WebLogic Server 6.0 on the same machine is required. If running, installation of WebLogic 6.0 client software is required.

Technical information

IBM Rational Functional Tester

Hardware requirements

Operating system for Recorder and Editor

IBM Rational Robot

• • • •

Windows 2000 Professional Windows XP Professional Windows 2003 Server Red Hat Linux version 9.0 (All functions except recording) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (All functions except recording)

Pentium class or equivalent, 200 MHz minimum (Pentium II 300 MHz, or better, recommended)


800 MB free disk space (minimum installation)

128 MB RAM is the recommended minimum; more memory generally improves responsiveness.

Operating system for Test Execution

Video Resolution 1024x768

IBM Rational Functional Tester Processor: Recorder and Editor

• •

Minimum: 450 MHz Intel Pentium II Recommended: 600 MHz Intel Pentium III

• • • • • • •

Windows NT4 (latest SP /SRP only) Windows 2000 Professional Windows XP Professional Windows 2003 Server Red Hat Linux versions 8 and 9 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Windows 2003 Server Workstation version 3.0

Test Execution Agent

• •

Minimum: 300 MHz Intel Pentium II Recommended: 600 MHz Intel Pentium III

This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your IBM representative, call 800-IBM-4YOU, or visit the IBM home page at: http://www.ibm.com. IBM United States

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.



Planning information Software Maintenance, previously referred to as Software Subscription and Technical Support, is included in the Passport Advantage Agreement. Installation and technical support is provided by the Software Maintenance offering of the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement. This fee service enhances customer productivity, with voice and electronic access into IBM support organizations.

An ID may only be reassigned for the long-term replacement of personnel, machine, program, or device.

Floating user

You may utilize the program, including installation of the program on multiple servers, provided that use of the program occurs via a license server, and the total number of concurrent users does not exceed the total number of floating user licenses obtained for the Program.


Passport Advantage program licenses

• • • •

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus

Rational Functional Tester CD Rational Solutions CD (Contains Rational Robot) Pointer Sheet License Read Me First Document

Part description IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User Annual SW Maint Rnwl Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Ratl Func Test Plus Flt Usr From Robot/RFT Flt Usr Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl Rational Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Rtl Func Tst Pls FltUsr From Robot/RFT FltUsr Zser Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User Initl 12Mo Ft Lic+SW Mnt Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User Annual SW Maint Rnwl Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User Subsq 12Mo Ft Lic+SW Mnt Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Ratl Func Test Pls AuthUsr From Robot/RFT Auth Usr Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries Annual SwWMaint Rnwl Rational Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Rtl Func Tst Pls AthUsr From Robot/RFT AthUsr zSer Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo

Security, auditability, and control The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities.

Ordering information This product is only available via Passport Advantage. It is not available as shrinkwrap. Product information Licensed function title

Product group

Product category

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus

Software Quality Software Quality

Program name

PID number

Charge unit description

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus for zSeries IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus for zSeries


Floating user


Authorized user


Floating user


Authorized user

Charge metrics definitions Authorized user: An authorized user (user) is one and only one individual, machine, program or device with a specific identity (ID) within or outside your enterprise.

A “proof of entitlement” (PoE) is evidence of your authorization to use a program and is required for each user accessing the program or any component, application, feature, function and/or capability thereof, either directly or indirectly, through any means on behalf of the user in any manner.

Users have unique specific identity and IDs cannot be shared.


An ID may establish one or more connections and count as a single User.



Passport Advantage supply Program name/ description Ratl Functional Tester Plus V6.1.1 Media Pack Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese — Traditional, English U.S., Italian) Red Hat Linux, Other, Linux for x86Series Intel-based servers CD-ROM Digital Disk — ISO 9660 Standard V6.1.1

The program may be installed on one or more computers, and accessed by multiple users provided that a user authorization has been obtained for each individual user. 1.

Part number


Part number BT02QML

Passport Advantage customer: Media pack entitlement details

Cross-platform product for use on zSeries Order the part numbers that follow when there is an intention to acquire this cross-platform product for deployment on the zSeries/S/390  platform. This set of part numbers provides the identical supply and authorization as the other set in this announcement. The distinction is to identify the planned deployment platform.

Customers with active maintenance or subscription for the products listed are entitled to receive the corresponding media pack. IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus V6.1.1 Entitled maintenance offerings description IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus Authorized User

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus Authorized User zSeries

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus Authorized User

IBM Rational Functional Tester Plus Authorized User zSeries

Media packs description

Part number

Ratl Functional Tester Plus Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese -Traditional, English US, Italian) Red Hat Linux, Other, Linux for x86Series Intel-based servers CD-ROM Digital Disk — ISO 9660 Standard Ratl Functional Tester Plus Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese -Traditional, English US, Italian) Red Hat Linux, Other, Linux for x86Series Intel-based servers CD-ROM Digital Disk — ISO 9660 Standard Ratl Functional Tester Plus Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese -Traditional, English US, Italian) Red Hat Linux, Other, Linux for x86Series Intel-based servers CD-ROM Digital Disk — ISO 9660 Standard Ratl Functional Tester Plus Multilingual (French, Korean, Chinese — Simplified, Spanish, Portuguese-Brazilian, German, Japanese, Chinese -Traditional, English US, Italian) Red Hat Linux, Other, Linux for x86Series Intel-based servers CD-ROM Digital Disk — ISO 9660 Standard


Part number

Program name/description Ratl Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Ratl Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl Ratl Functional Tester Plus Flt User zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Rtl Func Tst Pls Fltusr From Robot/RFT Fltusr zSer Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Ratl Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo Ratl Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl Ratl Functional Tester Plus Auth User zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo Rtl Func Tst Pls Athusr From Robot/RFT Athusr zSer Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo



Terms and conditions


This product is only available via Passport Advantage. It is not available as shrinkwrap. Agreement: IBM International Program License Agreement. Proofs of Entitlement (PoE) are required for all authorized use.

Part number products only, offered outside of Passport Advantage, where applicable, are license only and do not include Software Maintenance.


This software license includes Software Maintenance, previously referred to as Software Subscription and Technical Support. License information form number(s) Program name

Program number

Form number

Rational Functional Tester



On or near the planned availability date, the LI will be available for review on the IBM Software License Agreement Web site http://www.ibm.com/software/sla/sladb.nsf



Limited warranty: Yes


Warranty: This Program includes a warranty for one year from acquisition from IBM or an authorized IBM Business Partner. For one year from acquisition of the Program, this warranty provides the customer with access to databases containing Program information and FAQs, including any known fixes to defects, which the customer can download or otherwise obtain and install.

Passport Advantage

For Passport Advantage information and charges, contact your IBM representative or authorized IBM Business Partner. Additional information is also available at http://www.ibm.com/software/passportadvantage

Money-back guarantee: If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the Program and you are the original licensee, return it within 30 days from the invoice date, to the party (either IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired it, for a refund.

Business Partner information

If you are an IBM Business Partner — Distributor for Workstation Software acquiring products from IBM, you may link directly to Business Partner pricing information. An ID and password are required (use IBM ID).

For Programs acquired under the IBM International Passport Advantage offering, this term applies only to your first acquisition of the Program.

https://www.ibm.com/software/howtobuy/ passportadvantage/paoreseller/amer/ channelannouncement

Copy and use on home/portable computer: Yes


Volume orders (IVO): No

SP and iSeries are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Passport Advantage, Rational, zSeries, S/390, and PartnerWorld are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Pentium and Intel are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, Windows NT, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Passport Advantage applies: Yes, and through the Passport Advantage Web site at http://www.ibm.com/software/passportadvantage

Software maintenance applies: Yes

Software Maintenance, previously referred to as Software Subscription and Technical Support, is included in the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement. Installation and technical support is provided by the Software Maintenance offering of the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement. This fee service provides voice and electronic access to IBM support organizations. IBM includes one year of Software Maintenance with the initial license acquisition of each Program acquired. The initial period of Software Maintenance can be extended by the purchase of a renewal option, if available. While your Software Maintenance is in effect, IBM provides you assistance for your routine, short duration installation and usage (how-to) questions; and code-related questions. IBM provides assistance via telephone and, if available, electronic access, only to your information systems (IS) technical support personnel during the normal business hours (published prime shift hours) of your IBM support center. (This assistance is not available to your end users.) IBM provides Severity 1 assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year. For additional details, consult your IBM Software Support Guide at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/ guides/handbook.html

Software Maintenance does not include assistance for the design and development of applications, your use of programs in other than their specified operating environment, or failures caused by products for which IBM is not responsible under this agreement. For more information about the Passport Advantage Agreement, visit the Passport Advantage Web site at http://www.ibm.com/software/passportadvantage

iSeries Software Maintenance applies: No Educational allowance available: Not applicable

