Reychele Buenavidez Vertsol Reader

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A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

A VerticalMarket Solution For RetailReader by: R eychel eD.Buena vi dez



A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Table of Content Dedication Preface

4 5-6

Book R eview s(Clue train M anifesto)......................................................................................................7 Chapter 1: Internet Apocalypse .......................................................................................................810 Chapter 2: The Longing ...................................................................................................................1112 Chapter 3: Talk is cheap ...................................................................................................................1315 Chapter 4: Markets are Conversation.............................................................................................1621 Chapter 5: The hyperlinked Organization......................................................................................2225 Chapter 6: EZ Answers .....................................................................................................................2627 Chapter 7: Post Apocalypse ............................................................................................................2829

Book R eview s(W eb 2.0)..................................................................................................................................30 Chapter 1: Max Mancini: eBay ............................................................................................................3133 Chapter 2: Alan Meckler: .............................................................................................3435 Chapter 3: Eric Engelmann: Blog lines ..............................................................................................3638 Chapter 4: Gina Balanchine: Ming ......................................................................................................3940 Chapter 5: Dorian Carroll: Technocratic ............................................................................................4142 Chapter 6: Raju Vegesna : Zoho..........................................................................................................4344 Chapter 7: Richard MacManusL: Read/Write Web & Web 2.0 Workgroup ...................................4546 Chapter 8: Tj Kang: ThinkFree .............................................................................................................4748 Chapter 9: Patrick Crane: LinkedIn .....................................................................................................4950 Chapter 10: Shaun Walker: DotNetNuke ............................................................................................5153 Chapter 11: Biz Stone: Twitter .............................................................................................................5455


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 12: Seth Sternberg: Meebo....................................................................................................5657 Chapter 13: Joshua Schachter: Chapter 14: Ranjith Kumaran: YouSendIt ..........................................................................................6162 Chapter 15: Garrett Camp: StumbleUpon ..........................................................................................6364 Chapter 16: Rodrigo Madanes: Skype ................................................................................................6567 Chapter 17: Rod Smith: IBM Corporation ..........................................................................................6869 Chapter 18: Tim Harris: Microsoft Corporation ...............................................................................7071 Chapter 19: Bob Berwin & Tim Bray: Sun Microsystem .................................................................7274 Chapter 20: Michele Turner: Adobe System Incorporated .............................................................7576

95 T heses..................................................................................................................................................77-123 VER T S O L ..................................................................................................................................................124-150


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Ded ication For m y Fam ily… Who’s always been very supportive and understanding throughout my busy term which is this term, and even all throughout my studies here in College of Saint Benilde.

For K ristine Joy Beq u illo… Who has helped me grew spiritually, mentally nad emotionally, and the reason why I was able to express myself to the fullest extent I knew .

For M y L ola… Who had just passed away last November 21, 2008; the reason why I finished this book is because of her, and also the reason why I do have the strength, courage and enthusiasm to finish this book.

For M r.PaulPajo… Who taught me the essence of patience, effort and enthusiasm in doing all of this things with his subject. And for helping instilling in my mind that really “Markets are Conversation.”

For M y L ord … For the great blessings he has bestowed me and my family, for the gift of life, for the love of my parents, brothers and sisters, for the opportunity to know my classmates more during this course and for the gift of nature. For the gift of enlightenment, for clearing my thoughts, for giving me wisdom, and also for the support, guidance and mercy. For the gift of fortitude that I remain faithful and steadfast in my love for the lord in spite of my weaknesses and failures… ..


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Preface Mindless of what they say efforts make a winner. And I’ve proven much. Finishing this course or this subject VERTSOl or Vertical Market Solution as BS-IS student of my batch was not that easy, putting into consideration that poverty indeed is never a sin but always take a crucial and vital part in my life. This, together with the complexities of life and adolescence made my endeavor even more complicated. And so whether you agree with me or not, we cannot deny the fact that money makes the world go round. It is not enough that we exert effort and a lot time and improve our intellectual abilities; maximum efficiency still requires the special participation of earthly toy’s specifically money. In line with this , it has been written to provide readers specifically IT related students of DLSCSB with the basic ideas of VERTSOL or Vertical Market Solutions. This book inspires students to further read the full text of book reviews and 95 theses presented in this book. Moreover this is not only for you to read and comprehend but also analyze, criticize, interpret and further apply these great ideas and reflections and reviews, the community and society as a whole. This book is divided into two (2) general areas which includes book reviews about Cluetrain Manifesto, Web 2.0 and other book reviews from other books which is also in line with the course Vertical Market Solution. These two books are read and created its own book reviews per chapter in order to provide readers specifically it’s authors insights, feedbacks, ideas, reactions about the certain topic that they are explaining about the book. Both of this book do have connections/ relations about the vertical market solution course. That’s why it truly help us readers and students to understand market, retailing, retailing technology and the like and be able to experience it into the real world. Cluetrain Manifesto has 7 chapters that are why if you’re going to observe it also has 7 book reviews. While Web 2.0 has 20 chapters that are why it does also have 20 book reviews. All this book reviews came from the own effort and knowledge of yours truly. The other areas or the 2nd area of this book was all the reflections about the 95 theses also from Cluetrain Manifesto. All this 95 theses do have its own reflections/ reactions containing 250 words per thesis. These 95 theses reflections/reactions were all based from the thoughts that each sentence provides. Meaning all the ideas, reflections, information and insights came from the own thoughts and point of views of yours truly. This 95 theses will help you readers understand the true essence, functions and meanings of market, retail and a lot that is related to vertical market solution. These two common areas will definitely reinforce the knowledge you already have so that in your writing, reading and speaking you become more confident in conveying your ideas to your readers or to


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez your listeners. This will help you understand and effectively share your knowledge opinions, data, and information’s and so on. Knowing you have the knowledge about all these things will make you feel confident in whatever you do, just so do I. As we always say knowledge with confidence is the key to success. Let me end this with a good piece of advice; the roots of education are bitter but its fruits are sweet. Just instill in yourself the greatness of enthusiasm, for it is in enthusiasm for it is in enthusiasm that a new tomorrow is born: Mindless of what they say effort makes a winner.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

ClueTrain M anifesto Book Review s (Ch apters 1-7)


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 1: Internet Apocalypso Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Let us speak, though we show all our faults ad weaknesses- for it is a sign of know it, and out with it....”

strength to be weak, to

--Herman Melville Learning Expectations: 1. Understand what's really about the introduction as well as in chapters 1-3 of the book. 2. Learn and understand what Cluetrain Manifesto do means, and how this title of the book related to even three chapters of the book that i will be reading later on. 3. Collect and be expose to new mishmash of words that I know at first cumbrous to understand but later on I'm expecting that as I go through the chapters i will not be inculpable in understanding those words. Review: We individual always don't know how life is short, for the reason that people were always too busy doing things for their work, for their friends, and for their family as well. Which leads sometimes through confusions, and don't know what's really important at all in their lives. Maybe because they were just too busy and focused on how to achieve success with their lives, that's why for them time is short and life is short so there's no room for wasting time. But what is success really? Too often the standards for success are measured by the level of education we attained, the amount of money we have / you have in a bank, the size of your house or how much material possessions we own. And since that's a measurement for success for today, that's how busy people of today on how to achieve those things with their respective lives. So the question is who doesn't want to be successful just in time? So what? Is this all there is to like? And that's what the fact; we do admit that we learned to live with it. We learn that life is like this, life is like that, but it's true according to the book that “this seemingly simple understanding in the seed of profound wisdom”and it’s true. With these facts, we clearly see that our environment meaning the situations that we are into and the people that we deal with it and the environment that we deal with have already changed and the complexities of the peoples and business lifestyles have started to manifest. Given these factors and ideas that drive us within the box of social limitations what it is that we should maintain in order to lead and effective life. It is also consider as a longing for us humans, a longing for acceptance, connection for living and a longing for a release from anonymity. Because we human want to be part of the world and be accepted by companies and by market forces. And so if there's a real way and there's a lot of ways to solve problems like this there are also ways on how to get over for that so called “we die”.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

And now we all know that just like seeds trying to spring up from the grounds, Net grew like that in an obscure and impenetrable manner. And since its part of the technology it is obviously populated by those who are geeks, wizard, and misfits. And since Internet was not that known and was starting already, nobody gave attention about it but then it continue to grew and now becoming large. And so we can observe that Net do work differently than business itself. Based on the book Net was built by those people who have lots of questions, curiosity, and attempting and wanting to try something, that's why, World Wide Web came out. Came out and created references for those people, and for wanting to have connections and for those who actually understands on it. And so because of internet we cannot deny the fact that millions have been attracted and today there are lots that continuously having interest on it. Where in back then it was only primitive, old, daunting, and uninviting for most people because they don't how to use and deal with it. And maybe their minds were not that open for that kind of technology. Internet now became a key or serves as an eye opener for all, especially for most people to have connections and communications without thinking of any constraint and perhaps without advertising. Because in most cases it really empowers and impassions the said connections and communication for most people also. That's why it really affects every area of our lives, wherever new knowledge ad new way is coming to light and that said new knowledge was increasingly preceding that drives us and our voices to do and how we do our own craft. And this is what we most want to talk about the voices that come within us. And its true enough that conversation really needs by any companies and by market as well. Why? because in markets language grew and its true enough that markets are conversation, because if we are going to observe, in the market a lot of different noise can be heard. Because a lot of different conversations from different people are there in the first place. Markets are conversation maybe because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and so it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; maybe it’s because of its sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing” can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together. Economies of scale: Mo Bigga Mo Betta; pointing out and reviewing how scientific management affects Ford company by Taylor's theory and so if were going to analyze and go back on how Ford was affected and how scientific management of Taylor worked, maybe we can say that “ Scientific Management is not any efficiency device, not a device of any kind for securing it's essence involves a complete mental revolution on part of the working men as to their duties towards their work, towards their fellow men, and they take more rapid pace. Taylor responses through the application of systematic scientific time study regarding the problem. The systematic time simply means breaking each job down into simple basic elements and with the anticipated corporation of workers, timing and recording them. And so in this management introduced by Taylor it stimulated management’s ability to take great control of all aspects of production including tooling, machines, material methods and job design. Thereby stimulating the continued replacement of skill with the standardization approach favored by American productions techniques” Same as to those business also who applied bureaucratic management to their businesses also degrading / de-skilling their workers because of the reason that they are isolated to / from one another.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Learnings/Insights: Perhaps no other field will be affected as greatly by technology and Internet as communications. “Bill gates wrote in 1996, “The revolution in communication is just beginning.” universal email ad computer on every desk, and in every home, will not be dream but reality. In 2000, writer John Gage, n an article for the library congress on the future of the Internet, predicted that economic cost will be minimal. “Tomorrow, with complete computer systems on a single chip debates about cost will over. The devices will cost nothing. With the advent of high-bandwidth wireless connectivity, linking them together will cost pennies.” He points out that the debates will no longer focus on how and when technology will create “world wide conversation” but how these changes will affect the life we live. He wonders “what forms of language will evolve” and even more dramatically “what being human means” in this new interconnected universe “


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 2: The Longing Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport” --King Lear Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Understand what “Longing”means to this chapter Relate chapter 2 to the chapter 1 Learn something new and exciting to this chapter Collect and be expose to new mishmash of words that I know at first cumbrous to understand but later on I'm expecting that as I go through the chapters i will not be inculpable in understanding those words.

Review: In today’s environment we know from this generation how to use newly invented things like cell phones for message and even for calls and a lot more cause most of it has a lot of features already that's why it's still selling and continuously spreading to the market. PSP for a lot of new and 3D games. DVD / VCD player for playing music and movies. And a lot more. And since all of the items mentioned are in line with the new technology for today, and we do now that how each of them functions......And so in connection to this chapter, in this generation a most of us have internet in our laptops and even in our computers, using it was really fun and really amazing because of the different websites that we can see and we can try as well and that's the reason why this generation mostly students and even professionals speaks out on what they do, what's fun, and even what was the newly website. Based on the book “longing” or a “longing” indicates “that something is missing in our lives. What is missing is the sound of the human voice” and this longing was occurs in the managed age. Age where business introduce management. Because as we all know that in business there are lots of functions that are interrelated to one another; Controlling, Leading, and organizing of their resources in order to systematized performance and maximizes efficiency in order for them to produce a productive product in the market place. I do agree on this chapter that there are tremendous advantages to believing one lives in managed world: Because its true enough that there's no room for error and for risk as well if we know how to managed our own world, if we really know how to deal with it. If you've noticed that everything in your environment works simply and works smoothly then that's the reason why things are managed into you world because if not things will caused you to be embarrassed. Maybe you here this kinds of questions “who cares about what I'm going?” and maybe you here this “It’s not fair!” Back then life said to be unfair.....but the truth it lots of things in life are not unfair. There are lots of circumstances, instances like leave you feeling like there's no way out and no one


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

understands your confusions in life; “and so the managed world will compensate you”. And lastly in a managed world you know how and what interest you. But of course this is not all constant, why? This is because risk, injustices and failure are always there and so we have no assurance that everything will constantly and properly delivered in a manner that we expect it to be. And if it occurs its better if we don't feel like we are cheated by the world, instead be think that it wasn't always thus, of course that's part of living, that's a norm of living. It became quite confusing for me when I've read the lines in this chapter that says “the truth is that businesses cannot be managed. They can run......” I told my self why? I became curious already. Maybe because I've learned from my past business subjects that businesses needs to “manage”properly. And that lesson was already instilling in my mind and in my way of thinking. What I've understand with the line was that they can exist but beyond those executives that manages the business. I don't know if what I've understood was correct. When it comes to “Professionalism” i do agree to the ideas of these chapter that professionalism do come because it is mandatory, because it is mandated by of course the management or the managed environment of businesses. That's why when we say professionals; we do know that it deals for those personalities who are in the high level of career standards of the society. And being professional was also connected for their jobs mostly for those who are in the business world and in a managed environment. We cannot deny the fact and its true enough that when we speak we hear our voice we hear what we say and more importantly we know that it sounds in human way. In more instances it's our way on how we communicate and how we express or react in a manner that we want it to be hearing by others. It reflects our strongest personality; because into our voice it shaped our own personality it shaped our soul. But our voices are the same just like the other even if we are in the business or in a managed environment. And if we noticed managed businesses taken our voices for the reason that it’s not just powerful when it comes to forces but also it was influencing force. I think the reason why we immediately accepts t Web in our environment of today it's because it invites us to a world that can easily access information that we want, a connection and communication that most Filipino wants because of the culture and even other culture also, in the new communities where there lots of new things and invites us into a place that you can showcase, voice out or broadcast your own ideas in something that maybe others can understands. Learning’s/ Insights: “Web provides a place like we've never seen before” “Web is a public place that is crucial”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 3: Talk is cheap Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “The voice emerges literally from the body as a representation of out inner world. It carries our experience from the past, our hopes and fears for the future and the emotional resonance of the moment. If it carries none of these, it must be a masked voice, and having muted the voice, anyone listening knows intuitively we are not all there.” --David Whyte, the Heart Aroused Learning Expectations: 1. Understand why “talking is cheap” 2. Understand and learn more about “voices”, what more it can do and at the same time its other importance. 3. Understand and learn more about “conversation”, what more it can do and at the same time its other importance. 4. Collect and be expose to new mishmash of words that I know at first cumbrous to understand but later on I'm expecting that as I go through the chapters i will not be inculpable in understanding those words. Review: We do see a lot of things that are man made in our environment; these can be furniture’s/ appliances, decorative stuff, paintings and a lot more. And these are all made through the toil and labor of those who owns it. And sometimes if were going to noticed there are times / instances that craftsmen’s describes their craft, the product that they did, and the information specially the voice coming to them was a true force coming to their heart. When it comes to the times that they were creating those products, those craft, it go through also just like other to failure, practice and learning’s that really need to take place first before achieving those kinds of product. The message of this was before we develop courage in which not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to do things that you are afraid to do. Because when courage is there you can face the challenges and difficulties that life has to offer. And so Its better if were going to bring what craftsman’s what artist attitude into our work because that’s the reason why we are enable to do something and that’s because it’s who are, and that who we are molded as into what person we are right now.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez S ome Artist nowadays have do not have confident to show their ability and skills to create new things from nothing to something or from next to nothing. That’s why they say that artist have stubborn faith when it comes to their abilities and skills; having faith and confident gives shape or molding you and a fire forcing you to do your craft and to establish themselves as an individual and that’s through their medium and through their work. Business depends on most of creative and knowledgeable workers. Why? Because they do believe that if heads and hands are working in a creative and knowledgeable way they can produce craft that is uniquely and totally different from other, because they are those who take pride in their work. Web is not different from what was stating above, because in producing Web in every page of that there’s always a person behind it. Through this we can say that people behind it have this kind of voice that comes of focus, attention, caring, connection and in honesty in purpose; a voice that truly reaches directly and personally into our life, into our beings and also touches our soul and our spirit. That’s why if were going to take a look at what Web truly gives us, it gives us an opportunity or even a chance to escape in the broadcast world of media. In our environment we see a lot of people talking, we see a lot of people do have different conversations from one another that sometimes in an open and even in a close forward conversation. And sometimes this can be from inside and outside. And sometimes we are participating because we have to participate and we have no choice but instead participate to that said conversation. Now, what’s new is that Internet, Net and Web does change and balance the impact of the said conversational equation. In this case technology was continuously increasing the chance and obviously showing and focusing to the importance of conversation in the environment, in the society and even in the world. Because in conversation we can touch, connect to other people no matter how far the distanced are. It’s not new for us in how e-mail works in this our generation. How it change our lives, how it makes our life easier and how it makes letter or message computerized. And it true enough that it is better than or more immediate medium than paper. Because as we all know and all of us know and witness how long will it take for you to receive message from your friends, relatives and family in the time that pen and paper was using. Unlike today, we can see a big difference and big changes when it comes to mailing. Why? It’s because of the more advance and more benefits that e-mail can bring us. If were going to see how it works in today’s generation we can say that a lot of people were enjoying to use it for the reason that it does not give hustle time for them to send and receive messages coming from their loved ones. That’s why this chapter says “the ease and directness of e-mail is forgoing new connection---new conversations----throughout virtually every business. Newsgroup “also records the conversational thread structure of their message, unlike e-mail, so you can see who is talking to whom and why.” Just like e-mail and mailing list its also a channel for conversation which also serves for all people to be get connected. Chat took also a place in the world of communication. We often see a lot of people who knows and understands the environment of chat and as well as how it functions. If were going to differentiate it from any other channels of conversation we can say that its more live genuine, more substantial and more human than any other channel existing.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

The aspects of chat amazes a lot of people maybe for the reason that it compress the distance, meaning no matter how far you are to whom you are talking, and of course enabling globe spanning conversation on an obvious manner. It’s totally different from e-mail because it has the environment that makes user excited and believed because it’s just like you are using phone and having conversation over the other side of the world, but in a way that you are having conversation in a typing manner and you received the replies also in words but take note this is a live thing. That’s why it has built a lot of community in its own environment. To sum up this chapter, it’s true enough that our conversations do lots of changes in the business and IT industry. It has already reaching more people more customers more than we all know, because people do have different ways on how to hear conversations instead of talking directly. That’s why I do believe in this chapter that says “The volume of conversation about us we don’t participate in directly is almost always greater than the volume we are personally involved in. We respond not only to the honesty and integrity of our conversations on the Net but also to those indicators of integrity in other people is conversation”. Learning’s/ Insights: With the different channel we’ve introduce to us it give us the easiest way to be connected to everyone, to have and expand conversation to everyone; they made them possible that a “single message can be distributed to vast audience, and then serve as a seed of conversation”; A kind of conversation that really creates and gives amazing impact and change not only to business industry but also to the IT industry as well.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 4: Markets are Conversation Name of the book: Cluetrain Manifesto Amazon Link: N/A Quotation: “Conversation is a profound act of humanity. So once were markets.”

LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1. To know why markets are said to be conversations 2. To find use of the things learned from this chapter 3. To be able to apply to real life situations the things learned in this chapter REVIEW: The first markets were filled with people, not abstractions or statistical aggregates; they were the places for exchange, where people came to buy what others had to sell, and to talk. For thousand of years, we knew exactly what markets were: conversations between people who sought out others who shared the same interests. Social, based on having interests, open to many resolutions, essentially unpredictable, and spoken from the center of the self, are the kinds of conversations people were having since they started to talk. The arrival of Industrial Age did more than just enable industry to produce products more efficiently. Management’s approach to production and its workers was quickly echoed in its approach to the market and its consumers. The economies of scale they were gaining in the factory demanded the economies of scale in the market. By the time it was over, we had forgotten the one true meaning of market. In the twentieth century, the rise of mass communication media enhanced industry’s ability to address even larger markets with no loss of shoe leather, and mass marketing truly came into its own. With larger markets came larger rewards, and larger rewards had to be protected. More bureaucracy, more hierarchy, and more command and control meant the customer who looked you in the eye was promptly escorted out of the building by security. During the Industrial Age, the movement of materials from production to consumption was a long and complicated process. The development of new transportation systems eased the burden and the global systems flourished. Business began to understand itself through a new metaphor: Business is shipping, where producers package content and move it through a channel, addressed for delivery down a distribution system. It was effectively applied not just to the movement of physical goods, but also quickly applied to the packaging and delivering of marketing content. It was efficient to manage, delivery of different type of content to consumers, where one size could fit to many, and the distribution channel which was the broadcast media was more than ready to deliver. The symmetry was perfect.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

But, there is no demand for messages. That’s the awful truth about marketing. It broadcasts messages to people who don’t want to listen. It’s worse than noise. It’s an interruption and Anticonversation. So, marketers tried to disguise their messages as entertainment, commercials disguise themselves as one-act plays, press releases play the part of an important stories, and advertising masquerades as education. We launch marketing campaigns based on strategies; we bombard people with messages in order to penetrate markets. In short, business became a constant war with the market, with the Marketing Department manning the frontlines. Markets once were places where producers and consumers met face-to-face and engage in conversations based on shared interests. Now, business as usual is engaged in a grinding war of attrition with its markets. No wonder market fails. We know that the real purpose of marketing is to insinuate the message into our consciousness, to put an axe in our heads without our noticing. They will teach us to sing the jingle and recite the slogan. If the axe finds its mark, we toe the line, buy the message, buy the product, and don’t talk back. For the axe of marketing is also meant to silence us, to make conversation in the market as unnecessary as the ox cart. This system was quietly maintained, and our silence goes unnoticed beneath the noise of marketing-as-usual. No exchange between seller and buyer, no banter, no conversations. The long silence— the industrial interruption of the human conversation— is coming to an end. On the Internet, markets are getiing more connected and more powerfully vocal everyday. These markets want to talk just as they did for the thousand of years that passed before the market became a verb with us as its object. The internet is a place. What happens on the Net is more than commerce, mare than content, more than push and pull clicks and traffic and e-anything. The Net is a real place where people can go to learn, to talk to each other, and to do business together. It is a bazaar where customers look for wares, vendors spread goods for display, and people gather around topics that interest them. It is a conversation, at last and again. These conversations are most often about value: the value of products and of business that sell them. Not just prices, but the market currencies of reputation, location, position and ecery other quality that is the subject to rising or falling opinion. In one sense, the only advertising that was ever truly effective was word of mouth, which is nothing more than a conversation. Now word of mouth has gone global. Networked markets are not only smart markets, but they’re also equipped to get much smarter, much faster than business-as-usual, as stated in the Cluetrain Corollary, wherein the level knowledge on a network increases as the square of the number of users times the volume of the conversation. Business-as-usual doesn’t realize this because it continues to conceptualize markets as distant abstractions and the Net as simply another conduit down which companies can broadcast messages. But Net isn’t a conduit, a pipeline or another television channel. The Net invites your customers in to talk, to laugh with each other, and to learn from each other. Connected, they reclaim their voice in he market, but this time more reach and wider influence than ever.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

The power of conversation goes well beyond its ability to affect consumers, business and products. Market conversations can make and unmake and remake entire industries. We’re seeing it happen now. In fact, the internet itself is an example of an industry built by pure conversation. The process of building the Internet was a little like building a bridge: start with a thin wire spanning a chasm, then spin that single wire into a thick cable capable of supporting heavy girders and the rest of the structure. Incredibly, no one directed this effort. No one controlled it. The people who incrementally built the Internet participated solely out of enthusiasm, an enthusiasm driven by a shared and growing vision what this strange thing they were building might ultimately become. Conversation may be a distraction in factories that produce replaceable products for replaceable consumers, but it’s intimately tied to the world of craft, where the work of hands expresses the voice of the maker. Conversation is how the work of craft groups proceeds. And conversation is the sound of the market where creators and customers are close to feel each other’s heat. People are talking in the new market because they want to, because they’re interested, because it’s fun. Conversations are the “products” the new markets are “marketing” to one another constantly online. By comparison, corporate messaging is pathetic. It’s not funny. It’s not interesting. It doesn’t know who we are, or care. It only wants us to buy. So what becomes of marketing? How do companies enter into the global conversation? How do they find their own voice? Can they? How do they wean themselves from messaging? What happens to PR, advertising, marketing communications, pricing, positioning and the rest of the marketing arsenal? Ironically, public relations have a huge PR problem: people use it as a synonym for BS. The call of the flack has never been an honorable one. Dishonesty in PR is pro forma. A press release is written as a plainly fake news story, with headline, dateline, quotes, ad all the dramatic tension of a phone number. The idea, of course, is to make the story easy for editors to “insert”in their publications. But an editor would rather insert a crab in is butt than a press release in their publication. No selfrespecting editor would let a source— least of all a biased one— writes a story. And no editor is in the market for a thinly disguised advertisement, which is the actual content of a press release. Public relations not only fails to comprehend the nature of stories, but imagines that “positive” stories can be “created”with press conferences and other staged events. The best of the people in PR are not PR types at all. They understand that they aren’t censors; they’re company’s best conversationalists. Their job— their craft— s to discern stories the market actually wants to hear, to help journalists write stories that tell the truth, to bring people into conversation rather than protect them from it. Indeed, already some companies are building sites that give journalists comprehensive, unfiltered information about the industry, including unedited material from their competitors. In the age of the web where hype blows up in your face and spin gets taken as an insult, the real work of PR will be more important than ever.


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Many Internet companies say advertising is how they are going to make their money. And the sum of advertising on the Web keeps going up. But, Web advertising is already an inside joke. While it is true that ad campaign puts your company’s name in tens of millions of banner ads will buy you some recognition, it still counts for little against the tidal wave of word-of-Web. It’s like people tend to listen to real people answering their question about a certain product, instead of reading the manufacturer’s page. The speed of the word of mouth is now limited only by how fast people can type. Word of Web will trump word of hype, every time. Ads may still have hypnotic subliminal effects but we now have the world’s largest support group encouraging us to acknowledge that there is a power greater than ourselves. It’s the conversation that is the Web. Marketing communications don’t really talk about communications. They actually spend most of their days thinking about how to hide what’s really going on in the organization. Even at their most complete— in the form of brochures and other stiff-necked paper goods- marketing communications painted a glossy picture believed. So, if you want to take your first baby step towards entering the market conversation, avoid any brochure ware on your site. But does not mean that you should put up a site that consists of nothing but the facts expressed in Times New Roman text. Your site needs to have a voice, to express a point of view, and to give access to helpful people inside your corporation. Traditionally, Marketing departments engage in pricing exercises to discover a market’s ceiling. This makes obvious sense when the supply side controls the means of both production and distribution. Pricing interchangeable products for a mass market is just a matte of testing how high you can raise the bait out of the water and still have the fish bait. Set the price, maybe tweak it, and you’re done: all the fish are going to have to pay the same price. But when it comes to prices, the Web acts like a craft world in which prices aren’t uniform across all products. Each hotel room, each Beanie Baby, and each hand-declared by the supplier was paid by the customer now becomes more of a dance, sometimes a courtship, and always a conversation. Positioning was not even an issue until 1972, when Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote the book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. According to them, the goal of positioning is to own one word in your customer’s mind. The human mind is as closed as a clam and just as roomy. There are five principles of the mind: 1. Minds are limited. 2. Minds hate confusion. 3. Minds are insecure. 4. Minds don’t change. 5. Minds lose focus. In short, minds are so pathetic that they desperately need help, even if it comes in the form of an axe. That’s what positioning is for. Positioning actually is about something much more important, something that gets trivialized by those who reduce it to generating a catchy tagline. Positioning is about discovering who you, as a business, are— discovering your identity, not inventing a new one willy-nilly. Positioning should help a company become what it is, not something it’s not. Marketing has been training its practitioners for decades in the art of impersonating sincerity and warmth. But marketing can no longer keep up appearances. People talk. They get on the Web and they let the whole world know that the happy site with the smiling puppy masks a company with coins where its heart is supposed to be. They tell the world that the company that promises to make you feel like royalty doesn’t really reply to e-mail messages and makes you pay the shinning charges when you return heir cranny merchandise.


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The market will find out who and what you are. That’s why you poison your own well when you lie. You break trust with your own people as well as your customers. You may be able to win back the trust you’ve blown, but by only speaking in a real voice, and by engaging people rather than delivering messages to them. The good news is that almost all of us already know how to talk like real people. It’s easier to locate and disarm the marketing messages buzzing in our heads than to disable the vocabulary that’s been slipped in. At a word level, we at all times slip into the old marketing-speak. Nowhere is this truer than in the technology industry. So our advice: speak real words. The new Web conversations are remarkably sensitive to the empty pomposity that has served marketing so well. You might as well try to sew closed fishing net. The simple fact is that your employees are already joining the market conversation. And in most cases it’s because they find conversations about what they are working on to be really interesting. They like talking with customers. They like to help. And, they also like complaining if the business is flawed at heart. If you want to hear the sound of new marketing, listen to the conversations coming from inside, outside, over, and above even the hardest-shelled companies that still think marketing means lobbing messages into crowds. Here is the same sound our ancestors heard in those ancient marketplaces, where people spoke for themselves about what mattered to them. Silence will be taken as arrogance, stupidity, meanness or all three. Talk as a person with name, a point of view, a sense of humor, and passion. Marketing needs to become a craft. Recall that craftworkers listen to the material they’re forming; shaping the pot to the feel of the clay, and designing the house to fit with even reveal the landscape. The stuff of marketing is the market itself. Marketing is can’t become a craft until it can hear the new— the old— sound of its markets. By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: ? Markets are actually conversations. It’s not just the process of selling and buying but rather the interaction that goes between the seller and the buyer. ? Business evolved together with technology, that is, transfer of products, information and services became faster as new media for transportation arises. ?

Internet is a can now be considered as a market.


The only advertising that was truly effective was word of mouth.


Conversations can build markets, just as how the Internet was built.

? Marketing is not interesting if it’s very usual. People love to talk and to listen to funny and interesting conversations. Marketing should be that way instead of the usual ads we see.


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Advertising in the net is somehow irrelevant.

? Positioning seems fun. It is the foundation of an organization and allows the division of work and responsibilities to different personnel. ? Entering a conversation should follow certain rules. Butting in is entirely not advisable. Proper voice should be used, as well as the correct and understandable words. Also, everyone is allowed to speak. Expend rather your efforts into making building a company that stands for something worthwhile. ? ?

Speak as a person with a name, a point of view, a sense of humor and passion. Listen for a change.


Marketing needs to evolve, like what happened to market.


By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk.


Shut up for a while.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 5: The hyperlinked Organization Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Amazon Link: N/A Quotation: “Business is a conversation.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1. To know the meaning of hyperlink 2. To relate Web hyperlink to organization 3. To see possibilities of seeing a business as a hyperlinked organization REVIEW: The Web has led every wired person in your organization to expect direct connections not only to information but also to the truth spoken in human voices. And they expect to be able to find what they need and do what they need without any further help from people who dress better than they do. This happened not because of a management theory or a bestselling business book but because the Web reaches everyone with a computer and a telephone line on her desk. Within this world, the Web looks like a medium that exists to allow Fort Business to publish online marketing materials and make credit card sales easier than ever. Officially, this point of view is known as denial. The Web isn’t primarily a medium for information, marketing, or sales. It’s a world in which people meet, talk, build, fight, love and play. In fact, the Web world is bigger than the business world and is swallowing the business world whole. However, the true opposite of a fort isn’t an unwilled city. It’s a conversation. Fort Business’assumptions are being challenged by a meek little thing: a hyperlink. The Web isn’t predicated on individuals. It’s a web. It’s about connections. And on the World Wide Web, the connections are hyperlinks. It’s not just documents that get hyperlinked in the new world of Web. People do. Organizations do. The Web, in the form of a corporate intranet, puts everyone in touch with every piece of information and with everyone else inside the organization and beyond. Hyperlinks have no symmetry, no plan. They are messy. More can be added, old ones can disappear, and nothing else has to change. Compare to your latest reorganization where you sat down with the org chat and your straightedge and worried holes and imbalances and neatness. Org charts are pyramids. The ancient pharaohs built their pyramids out of the fear of human mortality. Today’s business pharaohs build their pyramidal organization out of fear of human fallibility; they’re afraid of being exposed as frightened little boys, fallible and uncertain. So, here’s some news for today’s business pharaohs: your pyramid is being replaced by hyperlinks.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

To have a conversation, you have to be comfortable being human— acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers, being eager to learn from someone else and to build new ideas together. You can only have conversation if you’re not afraid to be wrong. Otherwise, you’re not conversing; you’re just declaiming, speechifying, or reading what’s on the PowerPoint. To converse, you have to be willing to be wrong in front of another person. Conversation also occurs only between equals. Conversations subvert hierarchy. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy. Being human among others subverts hierarchy. The web is undoubtedly a part of your business plans. While you’ve been hiring consultants to create a slick corporate intranet, establishing policies about who gets to post what, and creating a chain of command to ensure that only appropriate and approves materials show up on your internal corporate home page, your engineers, scientists, researchers, even the marketing folks, have been creating little Web sites for their own use. No one is controlling what’s posted on them except the people doing the posting. No one is making sure that the corporate logo is in the right place. No one is making sure that the writing is official, officious and as dull as the pencil drawer of a recently downsized middle manager. The intranet revolution is bottom-up. There’s no going up. If a company doesn’t recognize this, the top-down intranet it outs in can breed the type of cynism that results in ugly bathroom graffiti and mysterious golfing cart accidents. These new Web conversations are actually being used to get some work done. It turns out that Web is infecting organizations with the characteristics of its own architecture. So, if you want to know what a hyperlinked organization looks like, look at what the Web itself is like. The Web has a character sliced into seven themes: 1. Hyperlinked. 2. Decentralized. 3. Hyper time. 4. Open, direct access. 5. Rich data. 6. Broken. 7. Borderless. From these characteristics of the technical architecture of the Web come the changes that are transforming your business. Your organization is becoming hyperlinked. Hyperlinked organizations are closer to their markets, act faster, and acquire the valuable survival skill of learning to swerve. The hyperlinked relationships are, like the Web of hyperlinked documents, a shifting context of link of varying importance and quality. They are self-asserting, not requiring anyone else’s authority to be put in place. Traditionally, business is an indoor sport. A business is, after all, a bringing together of talented people who agree to work to achieve some common goals. We’ve assumed “togetherness” means we have to centralize power, control, and resources. But there are lots of ways to be together. Org charts are written by the victors. But hyperlinks are created by people finding other people they trust, enjoy, and in some ways, love. Self-reliance goes far beyond the technical realm. But, there’s a dark side to self-reliance. It can encourage a type of arrogant cynism that reacts to anything that the business tries to do for you. In this view of the world, there’s what I can do with my own hands and then there’s a red tape. To the Web cult of self-reliance, the business is not only an obstacle, it’s them, the other. Self-reliance breeds with disengagement with the business but more direct engagement with the real work of business.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Business likes to think that it operates on a master schedule that devotes into lots of supporting scheduled, just as the corporate strategy devolves into objectives and then into tasks and just as the org charts foliates into branches, twigs, and finally leaves. In a perfectly run business, all the schedules tick in sync. The Web decentralizes time by letting hyperlinked groups form that are driven by their do-itourselves zeal to get stuff done now. But what happens to deadlines if time becomes decentralized? Let’s leave open the possibility that deadlines are basically slackers. In fact, hyperlinked teams— rules by the laws of connection— are motivated by a genuine desire to turn out a product or help a customer. They will work as hard as they can to do right by their customers and coworkers. They know better than anyone, in many instances, when work can realistically be finished. Managing them simply means asking them. The decentralization of time creates other ripples. When you allow people to control their own schedules, they don’t always cut their day into clean work and nonwork time periods. Their personal lives begin to invade Fort Business. The Web changes time from sequential to random. The Web is making us impatient with anything we can’t skim. The Web time isn’t just seven times faster than normal time. It’s also a thousand times more random— in a good sense. There’s a price to assuming that secrecy is normal, that everything is to be kept secret unless otherwise noted. Not only do you have the expense of keeping the secret, but you lose the value of information. Information by its nature only has value insofar as it’s known. And, when combined with smart people with an impulse to solve problems and to exploit opportunities, information increases its value. Information wants to be free, sure. But it wants to be free because it wants to find other ideas, copulate, and sawn while broods of new ideas. Controlling information is like trying to control a conversation: it can be done and still be genuine. People wander around in information and learn where to find the stuff that count, the stuff that’s wrong in enlightening ways, the stuff that’s purposefully offbase, the stuff that’s fun, and ludicrous. Documents are one type of information that needs to be free. People used to keep their drafts secret for fear of looking like idiots, but now they post them and acknowledge they may be completely wrong. Work has gone from an individual task to a group task. The old model of keeping drafts secret until the moment of publication has been broken; ideas are now public from their inception. Ideas are assumed to be given out freely rather than hoarded. People are brought in not because they are in a chain of command but because they have necessary skills, share interests, and are fun to work with. Sober-sided reports that were the mark of professionalism are often replaced by humor-filled interchanges. Fear of letting information out would cripple this project; the report would emerge would be far more inferior to what arises from a free interchange ideas. Besides, the Web lets everyone talk to everyone, in every department, across divisions, with a strategic customers and even competitors. There are no secrets. You want people to make better decisions. But open access to information also means that you’ve undercut your normal decision-making process. There are lots of reasons for governance through voting, including assuring that the people have a say in setting policies that affect them, but one is particularly relevant to business: wisdom is property of groups. In most instances, groups are collectively smarter than their individual members and often make more sensible decisions. The fact that typically the only group in a corporation that gets to vote is the board of directors is not an accident; decision-making is usually more an exercise of power than an act of


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

wisdom. Of course, majority vote isn’t the only way to make decisions. There’s consensus, compromises, negotiations of every stripe. Yet, for all this richness, in business we default to autocratic rulings. The business now consists of a shifting set of hyperlinked groups, self organizing, inviting in participants based on the quality of their voice, regardless of where they are on the org chart. Business is a conversation. The Web is hitting business with a force of a whirlwind because it is a whirlwind. The closely held, tightly packed, beautifully tooled prices are being pulled apart. They are rebinding themselves in patterns determined by the conversations that are occurring in every conceivable tone of voice. The character of business is becoming the same as the character of the Web— an explosion reconfigured by the intersection of hearts. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: ? Hyperlink is a connection between different networks. Anyone can connect its network to another network even without asking permission. ?

A business can be a hyperlinked organization.


The seven characteristics of the Web can be applied as well in an organization.


Time is very important in business.

? Even if business can be decentralized, discipline must be practice in a way that working time is separate from personal time. ? It is more efficient to avoid keeping drafts secret. To have a conversation means to accept that we are prone to errors. ?

Voting can be used as a means of decision-making in an organization.


The Web is not about information. It is about conversation since it is a voice


Stories are a big step sidewise and up from information.


? conversations

The Web is an economy of voice, where people gain a lot of things through


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 6: EZ Answers Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Amazon Link: N/A Quotation: “If love is the answer, cold you please rephrase the question?” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To know which question should be asked To know the answers to certain questions about the internet To find clarity regarding the previous topics To gain more knowledge about the Web

REVIEW: At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, new power sources replaced much human grunt work. Producers immediately saw that thus was good thing. Moreover, they saw that repeatable processes and interchangeable parts were an even better thing. By the time the twentieth century rolled around, industry hit upon an even more potent multiplier: interchangeable workers. The assembly line turned workers into machines. Through this stroke of genius, craft skill was effectively hosed, and workers were told to shut up and do what they were told. Mass production led to mass marketing, which led to mass media. Broadcast applied the fundamental mass production brainstorm to marketing communications. Slowly, some companies began to realize that workers knew more than they’d been letting on— mostly because no one had asked them for about a hundred years. This led to the reemergence of the craft in the workplace, and a concomitant revaluing of speech— a fancy way of saying “lead, follow, or get out of the way”. Ideas, talk, and conversation were now encouraged among workers because they helped to deliver what organizations so desperately needed: a clue. While speech was actively elicited from workers because it carried suddenly invaluable knowledge, it was not yet sought in any significant way from customers— a concept still perceived by many corporations as more dangerous than godless communism and universal healthcare combined. However, to market fractionation, consumers had already become far less interchangeable. Then along came the internet and all hell broke loose. By its nature, Internet technology encourages open distributed speech. The human voice is the primary attractor, both to the medium and within it. Markets and workers are once again crafting their own conversations, and these conversations are also about craft— things we do that we actually care about.


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Business is being transformed, but not by technology. The Web is simply liberating an atavistic human desire, the longing for connection through talk. The Web is inherent and intrinsically free. Businesses will perceive this fact as either a blessing or a curse depending on how much they value freedom, a quality of mind and heart not typically underscored in the average corporate mission statement. Ironically, we ask questions about the future of the Web because we think there’s a present direction that can be traced into the future. But in fact, the questions we ask aren’t going to predict the future. They will create the future. Our job now is not to answer questions. It is to listen past the questions based on fear and to hear the questions of the heart. Why? Because the proper answer to a heartfelt question is a conversation and conversations make the world. The Web got built by people who chose to build it. The lesson is: don’t wait for someone to show you how. Learn from your spontaneous mistakes, not from safe prescriptions and cautiously analyzed procedures. Don’t try to keep people from going wrong by repeating the mantra of how to get it right. Getting it right isn’t enough any more. There’s no invention in it. There’s no voice. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: ? Markets are therefore coming into a new ascendancy. And increasingly, we value only two qualities: 1. the engagement and passion genuine craft. 2. Conversations among recognizably human voices. ? Questions were not asked to know the future of Internet. Rather, questions will create the future of Internet technolog. ? The Cluetrain Hit-One-Outta-the-Park Twelve-Step Program for Internet Business Success 1. relax 2. have a sense of humor 3. find your voice and use it 4. tell the truth 5. don’t panic 6. enjoy yourself 7. be brave 8. be curious 9. play more 10. dream always 11. listen up 12. rap on ?

The proper answer to a heartfelt question is a conversation.


Learn from your experience.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 7: Post Apocalypso Name of the Book: Cluetrain Manifesto Amazon Link: Quotation: We will strive to listen in new ways— to the voices of quite anguish, to voices that speak without words, the voices of the heart, to the injured voices, and the anxious voices, and the voices that have despaired of being heard. Richard M. Nixon, first inaugural address, 1969 Although a system may cease to exist in the legal sense or As a structure of power, its values (or anti-values), its philosophy, its teachings remain in us. They rule our thinking, our conduct, our attitude to others. The situation is demonic paradox: we have toppled the system But we still carry its genes. Ryszard Kpuscinski, Polish journalist, 1991 LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To know which question should be asked To know the answers on what is CLUETRAIN MANIFESTO means. To find clarity regarding the previous topics To gain more knowledge about the Web

REVIEW: Internet is ironic, that’s what the new expression and mode that internet gets in this days. Why? Maybe it’s because it uses strategies for its audience that is mainly opposite to what internet really means or as to what internet is really means or as to what internet really does. According to this chapter “invisibility and ignorance are powerful weapons” I wonder why? I tried to find the connection? But yes there is really a connection, because ignorance is a power but not a kind of value that we often talk and glorify. Now if were going to observe, a person or an individual starts to get invisible or starts to feel that they just like air who can’t see by anyone, is when you start ignoring them, when you start letting them know and feel that they have no value, that they are not important. And in relation to technology more likely in relation to internet and business; its true that in the earlier times/days business ignores internet; that time internet is invisible and not visible to the business world. For the reason that during that time business don’t even know “yet”how internet works in the business world.


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Now we can all see and notify that net was really extending and developing. It encourages interactive and new communication and conversation between strangers on truly grand scale. It is a new scale that people never experience in other public and business forums in which the reality of physical distance limits their reach and binds tem to familiar communities. I like to point this out “There never was any grand plan on the internet, and there isn’t one today. The net is just the net. But it has provided on extra ordinarily efficient means of communication to people so long ignored, so long invisible, that they are only now figuring out what to do with it” Meaning net/ internet seems to encourage some people to indulge their pent up range by or through conversations or communications. Because through net makes information specially conversation become visible and open to public and of course to the cloud. Because online conversation are not the same as face to face conversations or even telephone conversations, because when people talk online we can observe that there are no body language cues and vocal intonations to tell the recipient internet your message. If you are experienced with online dialogs, you may not realize how important and useful all of this “unspoken”communication/ conversation are. I do like the idea of this chapter on how it describes “voices” specially “human voice” and also “life”; these two have connections to corporations when you’ve read this chapter. I like the idea because, I do agree that corporations voice is not similar to human voices because human voice has its own impact, ha its own power and it’s more genuine compared to the voice of the corporation. And it’s true enough that life is “anti-formulaic” and “anti-institutional” because life it self cannot be institionalized and can never captured because it’s true really that life is free. So now in this generation, I can almost see a world “where everyone was constantly learning, where what we’ve wondered was more interesting that what we knew, where curiosity counted for more than certain knowledge, where what we can give was more valuable than what we held back, where joy was not a dirty word, where play was not forbidden, where business was to imagine worlds people might actually want to live a song play, and where a world was created by people, for the people not perishing from the earth forever.” A world that this chapter and the whole book want us to imagine… … … … … WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: ?

Net is just a net.


Life is free.


Net is good for organizing markets.


Invisibility and ignorance are powerful weapons.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Web 2.0 Book Review s (Ch apters 1-20 )


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 1: Max Mancini: eBay Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “You blur the lines between a desktop experience and a Web experience, and that’s really where everything is headed.”

— Max Mancini Learning Expectations: 1. To know what does the word “heroes”mean in this book. 2. To define and to know as well what “WEB 2.0” is in the first place and be able to know also what does it really mean. 3. Why and how this exist in from the past and present years. 4. What are the new about WEB 2.0 5. How does it affect the market, technology specially the different business that are in line with the technology. Review: We say that changes was the only constant thing in this world that’s why it’s not hard to understand and it’s not hard to believe that that all web continuously changing and so we can say that this change may either a change for the better or maybe a change for worst. But most of the time we are ware that changes in our environment especially in technology gives a better result not only to small things but also to big thing in our society especially in the field of different business in the market. This change also was mostly referring to the interaction occurring on the web. And one of the examples of this interaction would be blogs like Wordpress, Blogging 101, Blogger buzz, etc and also the Pbwiki’s which we do used by a lot of people today. There are lots of them which we may say the sources of changes and evolutions. EBay was one of the companies that are well known successful in their business or in their field. They have lots of service offered to people like or including ecommerce, and so they make money through their unique strategies in which bringing buyers and sellers together, and have a charge fees.


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And another thing was their PayPal System which really plays an important roles even in a simple transactions they have in the in their business. According to one quote in this chapter that says ““You can’t necessarily rely on individual sites being where the Internet economy is going.”. Which means that as a business you have to be flexible enough because internet economy was changing and continuously changing that’s why EBay was building and encouraging their people to innovate through experimenting because through experimenting, they know and they believe that through experimenting this will give them reliable information and ideas on how people particularly customers, participates in an ecommerce business and how this affects their business internally and externally. EBay provides entertainment for users and also letting them discover new things through their business or through their sites, because what they do want to give people is not only entertainment but more importantly helping a lot of people in the market to discover a lot things through the web and though their business. When it comes to defining Web 2.0, according to this book or this chapter, Web 2.0 as somebody describes it, is that “it was atomization of the Web”But the I think the original definition was this “Web 2.0, it’s creating a lot more openness so you can integrate things that you would have had to build from scratch before” but as to what I’ve understand is that Web 2.0 was a platform or a web service that is capable of distributing information. And so in relation with EBay since they are centered in transaction systems it results to “inherent monetization” monetization based on it’s definition “Monetization is the process of converting or establishing something into legal tender.”; which developer and using things that are distributed that’s why monetization models need to evolve significantly to decrease and to avoid the number of business who will go out of the business. There are some companies who goes out of the business sees to be part of how do things do evolve. But even though companies have their own ways or strategies to last longer in the business industry they have to still create and pursue economic value ij their business. This chapter asked if EBay sees security continuing to be an issue. In EBay it’s not. Why? because they built this kind of security model that also build “trust and safety pretty significantly” on their business. A transaction through PayPal was one of the examples to show security. And so in business or as a business or as business you need to go with the flow in the industry or in the market no matter how and what the future and change will offer because what is important is that you might facing things and still letting people to still catch up on the newest or latest on your business. No matter how you are independent in a huge market. And last thing would be, is that I do agree with the this chapter says that “creating compelling experience for the consumers, then that’s really important” which I do believe that people is the primary assets of a business and so creating profitable relationship to them was a very important factor while you are or if you want to go in business.


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Learning’s: ?

Our success makes us heroes in the industry.


Pursue Economic Value.


People do have different definition of what is Web 2.0 is all about.


“Self publishing has enabled many things to happen frankly; it’s supporting a lot of the economy, from a page view perspective, in that you can distribute widgets in content, things like that.


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Chapter 2: Alan Meckler: Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote:

“Going back into the 1990s, I believe that there really were Web 2.0 properties; it’s just that nobody knew to call them that. In fact, they were mocked.”

— Alan Meckler Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know what is Learn more about To know the connection between and Web 2.0 How Web 2.0 affect To know how perform in the business industry as well as in the market.

Review: EBay and have different definition as to what Web 2.0 is all about maybe because they’re point of vie and experienced with Web 2.0 and using it was totally different from one another. The effect of Web 2.0 to their business was also different. If were going to observe and if were going to analyze, that if you plan to engaged or go into business and you want that your business was in line with technology for example, you will noticed that, and you’ll know that internet would have a great impact today and tomorrow because this was the never ending and continuously demand of all. And that was Allan Meckler saw when he was starting this site which was the When at first he just had thought of it terms of how this could be used in academics settings. To this chapter what he says serves an eye opener that internet will be long lasting demand of people because internet would continuously be evolving and developing through out the years. And to now, it’s true enough that a lot of different websites and blogs in the cloud was really covering technology


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on the internet and so it’s better if the companies and business would work on it and continue pursuing this things in their business in order for them to continuously expand and increase the experience and exposure of their business in the technology through web or through internet. I do agree that technology nowadays was focused and taking advantage to those hardware and software to turn into a very unique, very high quality of hardware and software as compared to those hardware and software late years as compared to other products of the business. Because companies or business today’s do want to have products that are in demand and has high competitive advantage to other products and services of other businesses. I do also believe and I would still believe to what this chapter states that community is very valuable because that’s the reason why business like and EBay gives value to community because this would give and create great impact in getting the interest of different buyers in the market for them to be able to invest, patronized and get known their product as well. Now if were going to go back and recall what was really advertising is all about… maybe we can say that this was the process or activities in a specific business of companies to published and endorsed their products to people and to market. But if your going to compare advertising yesterday from today we can say that it was totally different in away that advertising today was reached high level of development and also in way that today it was more technical because of the different devices, gadget or for short because of the technology. Though their main goal is to deliver and focused on advertising to the vertical interest of people, I don’t believe that that advertising by itself is enough of a driver because there are strategies that need to do and consider. It think and lot of people thinking and believing for sure to the idea or to the predictions that internet was the only thing in this world that would not be passé because its purpose, it’s used and its value to a lot of people worldwide should continuously revolutionized. And also because it gives people, businesses, markets benefits and more benefits that would make their life easier and more convenient. This was also the reason why still believe that if there’s still internet that continuously expanding then there would still be a great impact and effect that would give to their businesses, assuming that it’s for good or for the better as well. Learning’s: ?

Web sites must not only give people full entertainment but also it should allow users to explore and discover new things through the sites.


Internet will continuously revolutionize for the next years and the years after.


It’s nice to see things in the future that whatever service dealing with computers or technology will talk to you and find of information to you.


Web sites or blogs truly covers technology on the internet.


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Chapter 3: Eric Engleman: Bloglines Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Web 2.0 brought the learning curve down to a really low level so you didn’t need to be a computer engineer to be able to run your own blog site.” --Eric Engleman, general manager, Bloglines Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To learn what is Bloglines is all about. To learn how Bloglines work and exist in the cloud. To learn what are the relationship. Learn what their purposes on why they built their site are. To learn how Web 2.0 affects Blogline.

Review: In today’s generation or in today’s setting there are lots of popular websites that are in line or related to blog, in which enables the users to blog on their own, to comment on others blog as well as to subscribe to other sites as well. Blog sites were a technology that allows all people who have this talent and creativity to write interesting things about something. I never knew that Bloglines is a brand of, and only I was able to know it when I was reading this chapter. But what I do only knew is that site like was one of the reliable, ergonomic, and useful sites in the cloud because as to what I’ve observed, if you’re going to search something to this sites this will give you a lot of related sites and offers you other sites that would also fit and help you give a lot of flexible and reliable data’s and information that you are looking for. So Bloglines was created because its founder Mark Fletcher saw, amazed and inspired to a lot of people who writes interesting things on line, because from that time there was a lot of blog sites existing online. So via RSS content he built his own application. As stated in the previous sentences in the previous chapters, EBay and has different definition and point of view about Web 2. And so in the case of Bloglines they based their understanding


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about Web 2.0 to the other book which I do read before the “Cluetrain Manifesto” which states that it was the “earliest conversation leading to Web 2.0”so for Engleman.It’s an application as a platform. Bloglines are data driven in a way that they give value and importance to data’s and information that users was building and creating on their own blogs, meaning they value what people wants producing and creating, what people wants to their blogs; Because anybody or users can customized their own web experience nowadays. It was also a platform “but not yet”. But it was a Web as a platform according to this chapter. According to this chapter one of the great things about Web 2.0 is that it lowers the hurdles of users, which means that it allows the user to explore and discover new things, new relationship and more importantly new ideas and information in the cloud. And also helps user to make their life efficient, effective and convenient in a way that using web 2.0 they can accomplish things, task or work without sweat because it’s easy and ergonomic. Also they allow all this things even outside the so called “silicon valley” Another great things about Web 2.0 is that the information are public like what other like what other blog sites like to which on blog rolls you can see work of others because its accessible and tagged most likely. There was also constant surprise of Bookmarklets in Bloglines. “it is a matter of really talking to the customer base” Meaning being or practicing as a business to be customer driven is the only key for any web company to survive in the industry for the next years and for the coming years after. Because being customer driven, also means that you are close not only to your market, to people but also to the opportunity to think of the ideas and strategies on how to deal with the continuously expanding and increasing demand of people in the market in terms of technology. Meaning you are close to reality that’s why you need to study and understand it very well. One of the quotes in this chapter says that “the users are now in control, whereas in the past they were not in control”because they know already how to take control or their user experience which I think is good enough. And yes I do agree that a lot of things, data’s and information would be generated today tomorrow and more over the future. And we must or we have to understand all of those in order for us to not only be updated to new one in the technology but more importantly to catch up as to what future has to offer.


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Learning’s: ?

Bloglines allows a lot of things for their users such as allowing them to write or post interesting things in their blog sites.


There are lots of great things about Bloglines such as Bookmarkelts, being public of the information etc.


Bloglines offers delight and surprises.


“You didn’t need to be a computer engineer to be able to run your own blog site.”


“In tech world, a lot of these things are still really complicated for the average of person”


“People need to constantly talk to their customer base, to constantly innovate and come up with great ideas”


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Chapter 4: Gina Bianchini: Ning Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “I think the freedom that is enabled by the Internet and what people are doing with it today is just really profound.” — Gina Bianchini Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know more about Ning. To know why it is built. To know the difference of Ning to other sites in the cloud. To know how Ning performs in the cloud especially to market. To know the effects of Ning to it's user around the world.

Review: What sets Ning apart from other social networking sites is that it is actually a platform fro creating social networks and not necessarily a social network itself. As a student, I think Ning has a great resemblance with schools and other scholastic institutions. A school greatly contributes to a person’s social relationship, the same way it shapes a person. When I entered high school, the first thing I did was to look for those people who belong to the same class as I. When I found them, I then started looking for interests we share. That was the first stage of us creating our group. Some time later, we started having lunch together, finishing our projects so we could catch up with the deadline, and even sharing the same answers during major examinations. When we had our vacant time, we go to malls and amusements parks. But most of the time, we talked. We barely had a moment of silence because most of us enjoyed sharing what we have in mind about some things. We talked of different topics everyday and we rarely argued. The same way a school becomes the platform of different social groups, Ning allows people to create social networks, where they would meet people and share their interests and ideas.


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Increasingly, the internet is going to closely reflect how people organize in the real world and, with it, you are going to see an exaggerated set of human nature online. People spend so much time in their computers as they customize their MySpace and Friendster accounts. Others enjoy uploading pictures in their Multiply Accounts. These things people do simply became a part of their daily lives. It became a part of their busy schedule that at the end of a very long day, they would somehow manage to check their accounts and see who has viewed it. As I visit some friends’websites, I often notice how expressive they were as to creating their thoughts into layouts. They also posted some blogs and their welcome messages often speak of their personality and what should the visitor expect in their websites. Often, photo albums contain hundreds of photos of that site owner, flavored with different emotions, poses and settings. Also, such website shows nothing but all the positive and good characteristics of an individual. The owner usually makes an exaggeration about how adorable he could be. At some point, it can be very irritating to the visitor of such site, but often, it is very effective. Visitors of that site always end up believing that person. Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“What is happening right now really outs that whole set of big, gigantic systems integration out of work.” “The technology is moving so fast that the layers of coordination and centralization just don’t apply anymore. They are irrelevant, and if spend too much time on those things, you will become irrelevant, too.” “The incredibly large numbers associated with online advertising would be a clear indication that there is a market here for free-based web-services that are advertising supported.” “Increasingly, the internet is going to closely reflect how people organize in the real world and, with it, you’re going to see an exaggerated set of human nature online.” “The whole concept of “behind the firewall”is slowly but surely being challenged.” “Web 3.0 or the Semantic Web is an interesting, theoretical discussion amongst a small group of people who really care about it. It is not a mainstream behavior.” “There are only less than 15 percent of the total 1.3 billion person online populations who have actually been on a social network. In what other market would you say that the game is over when only 43 or even 100 million out of 1.3 billion people are using something?” “You are going to see an increase in the number of social networks for every conceivable niche, need, interests, location— in every language, for every conceivable purpose, in ways that extend and expand communication that cannot be imagined today.” “The whole point of having a definition something is to have something that people agree on. Localization is absolutely critical.” “Ultimately, what really motivates people to be involved in social networking and social media is giving people freedom, giving people choice, giving people the ability to meet and connect with people they would never otherwise meet.”


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Chapter 5: Dorion Carroll: Technorati Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “For Technorati, a lot of Web 2.0 is about authenticity, accountability, interaction, and this idea of the peoplepowered or the social web.” — Dorion Carroll Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know first what is Technorati To understand what this site can offer to people particularly to different users. To know the reason of its existence in the cloud. To know its competitive advantage among other sites in the cloud. To know it's strategies to be able to continue to their businesses.

Review: People can now communicate with a mass audience, most of whom hey will never encounter and not know who saw their stuff. With blogs, we could easily give opinions about things that concern us. It was not a one-way communication, because eventually, we would get feedbacks. It wasn’t about taking to a stuffed toy where we expect nothing but fixed stare. It was very far from a diary either, where we express our feelings and thoughts and yet we expect not a single word of comfort in return. When we post our blogs, we are talking to a great number of people with different minds, and different understanding to different topics. We are giving them the freedom to express their innate ideas, where it’s not just them who’ll benefit but also us, as the readers. And when we read blogs, we are somehow participating in a campaign for self-expression. We connect to people we’ve never met and yet we believe them. We create motivation that tends to allow people to express themselves in front of the masses. It doesn’t matter what you look like. It’s just about what you say about something and about how your words reach different types of personalities, and how you create an effect. With a given topic and a millions of bloggers, it’s like we are opening millions of identical boxes, only to find different contents inside, on which we would always find useful.


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Instead of getting your morning paper with just one editorial view, all of a sudden you have hundreds- if not thousands- of views and reactions from others about these things. As a student, I definitely found blogging an essential reference of research, especially when opinions of real people of needed. Talking to people is a good idea. You need to be transparent, you need to be open. Who wants to listen to some filthy hypocrite? We are real people and it’s common that we look forward to speaking with real people. What we say defines our role in the communication process. If what we speak of is different to what we have in mind, then we definitely got the wrong idea of blog. That was the whole point of it. What comes out of our mouth has a great tendency to affect people. So, we better make sure that it’s ourselves that we express not just some awful propaganda. It’s about honestly trying to engage an audience and hearing what they have to say, if it’s bad, it’s bad. Of course, it’s very normal to see some contradicting points of view. People are forced to defend what they think of a certain thing. On the other hand, people can also be convinced and change side as to what they believe. Blogs create connections between people and their beliefs.

Learning’s: ?



? ? ? ?

“Web 2.0 lets people recognize each other, build communities, and create connection where they couldn’t before. It’s public social discourse that lets people connect, that gives opportunity to have an open sharing of ideas. Anybody can pick up a cellphone and digital camera and shoot some photos or videos and upload it instantly, and millions of people have the opportunity to see it.” “People can now communicate with a mass audience, most of whom they’ll never encounter, and not know who saw their stuff. Instead of getting your morning paper with just one editorial view, all of a sudden you have hundreds- if not thousands- of views about and reaction from others about these things.” “In startups, you absolutely have to cut lots of corners. You don’t need the purity of essence architecture to solve a particular problem. What can you hack together this weekend? Get it out there, see if it sticks. If it doesn’t, fail fast: move on to the next idea. If it takes off, then you worry about the scaling of it. Those people that want to survive have to learn to make things work and learn the lesson; those that don’t go under.” “Actually, talking to people is a good idea. You need to be transparent, you need to be open. It’s not about controlling the message. It’s nor 20th-century one-to-many mass marketing. It’s about honestly trying to engage an audience and hear what they have to say and if it’s bad, it’s bad.” “It’s not about mass marketing; it’s about actually understanding the masses. A huge swell of people can react positively to a major corporation acknowledging their mistake, putting a plan out there and letting folks engage. “ “Technorati strongly recommends that people don’t just cherry-pick the “best” posts. It’s really good to have some opposing points of view.” “For Technorati, a lot of Web 2.0 is about authenticity, accountability, interaction, and this idea of people-powered or the social web. “


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Chapter 6: Raju Vegesna : Zoho Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Enterprises have some complex work flows, and I don’t think online applications… are ready to really fit into the complex workflows in enterprises yet. They’ll get there someday, though” — Raju Vegesna Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know what's the reason behind the name Zoho. To understand and as well as know it's what kind of business they are. To know what is the relationship of Zoho and Web 2.0 To analyze and determine its uses to business field. To know its importance of their sites to different demographic sectors.

Review: Zoho according to Raju Vegesna was not a company; its a division, it's one of the brands of AdventNet which has several brands. Zoho is the only one division which focuses on the online software. It provides number of tools such as Zoho writer, Zoho shows, Zoho sheet, Zoho meeting, Zoho note, Zoho planner, Zoho project and Zoho mail. And tools also including CRM which is a database application, wiki tools and chats. So all of this are what Zoho offers to a lot of site users in the cloud. Noticed that there are lots of information in the internet particularly to the different website we've seen and we've always visited, and so this information were from what? of course the answer would be, it came from the crowd, from people, meaning all the reliable and useful information that we use, that we get from different websites from the net came from the “combination of wisdom of the crowd and the read/write Web and if this is so, this is what the Web 2.0 They have different views/ opinions as to how they actually define Web 2.0 and so far this was the best thing or the best definition that I may say very fruitful and very layman's, it was very true. Because according to them, according to what Vegesna said that goes like this “Users are communicating with content publisher, and the user is part of the content publishing?”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez This simply means that it allows user to have an open, wide and two way interaction to the web. It was not like other web sites that is boring, not interesting and offers only a so called 'read only Web”which for me not good and not nice as a user website. Because of course as a user what we want is that something that can allow us and offer us something that is very interactive, that is very relational because that's what keeps us awake and that was keep us explore more things about the site. Since in business working is the number one thing that needs to do so that your business will run and continuously perform in the market. Zoho fits to the world of working business, it fits on the working side. because they are proving users/individual specially business to work online using the different tools stated above. And this are again tools like Zoho writer, Zoho shows, Zoho sheet, Zoho meeting, Zoho note, Zoho planner, Zoho project and Zoho mail. And take note this offers a lot of advantage like collaboration, mobility etc. In this chapter they've mentioned about wikis, and as to what they've said about it, I agree on it. Because I think the wikis that was mentioning in the chapter was i think or maybe the same to like pbwiki that I'm also using now with my VERTSOL subject. So it's true that there are no formats there because everything is on the web page, it's online, so you can create spreadsheet to wikis for example. And so meaning this provides and allow real-time collaboration and real time communication through Zoho's word processor. Since Zoho are implementing “wisdom from the crowd” they have seen a lot of advantages and a lot of values of implementing so and this like users drive the application, they are driven by the community particularly to the users because of the reason that they are forced by users to certain application and that was the development and the success that they we're saying. And so implementing this kind of principle was i think a very interesting thing to do because you know what are the things that market and consumer wants, and also it helps you as a business to develop and improve your CRM, and lastly help you to keep on being customer/consumer, user driven and also this serves as your competitive advantage to others. Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“Users are communicating with content publisher, and the user are part of the content publishing” “Real-time collaboration and Real-time communication is what is enabling the web-based word processor.” “if you data and all applications you need are online, there is no reason to depend on the particular system. Mobility will eventually follow.” Being community and user driven can be an advantage for a different business in the market. Online working can cause great collaboration and mobility. Providing users tools that is useful for their business can also be a factor that makes them interested and interactive as well. “Combination of wisdom of the crowd and the read/write Web and if this is so, this is what the Web 2.0”and so meaning different informations that we use or that we get from the web came from people came from the crowd.


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Chapter 7: Richard MacManusL: Read/Write Web & Web 2.0 Workgroup Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Whereas the last era of the Web was people publishing things and you went onto the Web to read it, with the current era anyone can contribute, can write content, or can launch applications on the web,”

— Richard MacManus Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Richard MacManus. To know about all his developments with regards to Web 2.0. To know what does it mean about “Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup”. To know how this “Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup”functions in the cloud. To know what are the benefits of it's different users in using this kind of applications..

Review: It is remarkable to know, how Richard MacManus founded and developed two of the most functioning huge Websites, the read/Write Web and Web 2.0 Workgroup together with Fred Oliveira and Michael Arrington; and there are so much interesting matters to discover and to learn about it. Read/Write Web is a popular Web blog that focuses on the Web technology News, Reviews and Analysis. While Web 2.0 Workgroup is just one example on their early efforts to help bring attention to the topic and the site was originally an attempt to focus on the technology. His observations and connections with the industry lead to a number of insights. Read/Write Web is a blog about Web technology and covers news and and analysis just like what we see and different blogs that also functions in different sites in the cloud. It tries also to cover quality and the pulse and have an emphasis in explaining the latest trends about Web 2.0; the later has come to be the marketing trend. In a nutshell it defines the era of the Web we have right now. It means a lot of things, so it is very hard to technically define it.


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Probably the big main feature of web 2.0 is that everybody can contribute, everybody can post and everybody can share a lot of interesting things in the web or even in the sites. Everybody can also create and aggregate content, and personalize their own content. one of the things that a lot of people are sort of tricked on, is that because everyone can contribute content, and so it is hard to focus on the best content in terms of filtering technology, it is definitely something that still being worked on. I agree that Semantic Web is slowly coming and definitely possible but it is bubbling up rather than being defined top, down as Tim Berners Lee probably wanted it to be when it started talking about it. There is always misunderstanding around the eras of Web 2.0. Ajax made Web sites a lot more interactive and Google is probably the main proponent of that. On the other hand, we have Adobe and Microsoft which have vis technologies. There are two basic trends, first is the browser based which Google is going with using Ajax and second one is the wedified desktop. According to Mac Manus, they have seen a lot of activities in search at the moment, there are lots of companies trying to be the next big thing in search. We've got a blog devoted to this called that is one trend they've really been following quite closely. There are probably two areas that MacManus following the closest, one is that Web office, Yahoo, which is a web office collaboration suite and of course, Google that released their power point presentation. In general at the moment, online advertising is the way that things have been monetized; there have been a lot of recent acquisitions on that era as well. Microsoft and Google have both acquired online advertising companies. On the other hand, he thought that premium content is kind of lost art on the Web. In the near future, well see more Microsoft Software delivered as a service over the Web. This will happen to a lot of other types of software as well. MacManus mentioned also that quality of content bothering oldschool publishers and see issues coming with the free flow of open informations and definitely, Youtube are a prime example, even if in blogging a lot of people copy the blogs of others without giving credit. There are lots of this stuff happening there, but there are not a lot of people can do at this time. Others have a feeling that there are lots more to be played out and it is definitely and unsolved problem.

Learning’s ?

“Web 2.0 has come to be the marketing term.”


“With regards to a lot of blogs in the cloud, it is true that event though everyone or anybody can contribute, it is hard to find the best content.”


“Semantic Web is slowly coming, but it is bubbling up rather than being defined top-down.”


“Premium content is kind of a lost art on the Web.”


“The big dream is that the Web becomes more intelligent.”


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Chapter 8: Tj Kang: ThinkFree Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “We are about to change the way the software was used and distributed. We are going up against this 800 lb. gorilla in Redmond, Washington” — Tj Kang Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Tj kang. To know also what is “ThinkFree”. To know how and why “ThinkFree”was developed. To analyze what are the the diffrence of 'ThinkFree”from other web sites in the cloud. How is it going to change the perspective of people with regards to different softwares as well as to Web 2.0

Review: “We were about to change the way software was used and distributed”. That's what Tj Kang's main objective when he started to create and enhance ThinkFree. He thought that this will be a very exciting and very interesting thing that is good for everyone. From the very start, when he was still in college, Tj Kang has been in computer industry for a lot of years. While his focused is in online office applications. We can obviuously and easily saw from his experiences that he is also aware of what is happening with the Web 2.0. Tj Kang is the Ceo of ThinkFree, where he leads the strategic decision and direction of the company. He has a background that helped lead to what is now considered a prominent Web 2.0 site. And he is also known as the co-inventor of the Korean word processor. The idea of creating a software company that will develop personal productivity tools. The best idea for him; because the feeling of competing and competitions against Microsoft which everybody guessed his doing all his life became more and more difficult. And so he felt that he had to find a new business model very quickly, until then his business model had been to create the software and to sell it to hardware vendors for bundling but he changed this to provide office productivity as a service.


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They were doing the software as as a service and service oriented architectures to some extent, the launched of the very first version of the online office service was done in early 2000 and the media like the angle so we were covered by the major media interviewers, they're wondering if Microsoft was vulnerable to the disruptive changes. Mr. BallKler initially replied that Microsoft is different and it's basically immune to these disruptions. There are two issues or barriers that keep people from moving from the desktop to the Web. First is the security and the other is the off line issues. There will always be people who are concerned about the security of the data's and files, so that security is more an issue with company's customers. People do must of their work inside the browser, except when they have to use their office software that they do run on their desktop. Therefore, they need to provide a way to cached data and the application so that they can continue to use it when not connected. As we have learned from the previous chapters, Web 2.0 means different things to many people, so there's only one correct definition of Web there are more interesting matters about it such as the variety and diversity of the ideas about the term that means a lot of people. But we can also say that the Web is an application platform, this is probably a different definition than what must other people give. And there is another aspect of it that includes the idea of wisdom of crowds. There were so much people that feels very grateful because of this very interesting matter that we called Semantic Web or Web 2.0 and it's high probability that it will be very helpful in the future, hopefully not too distant in the future. At this point in time they are just offering a full text search on the text that you have in your private storage. Semantic web is quite promising; they have a development team who are expert on this. They have all this kind of interesting ideas that hold great promise, like classifying and searching documents based on meaning rather than matching keywords. Microsoft office has been dominant for so many years, that most people don't even remember there were other office productivity solutions. Just because somebody does come out with an applications that work better and a little bit cheaper, must users won't switch because the cost of converting is so high. When computing platform itself changes, then people are forced to changed the way they work.

Learning’s: ? ?

? ?

“There are two main issues or barriers that keep people from moving from the desktop to the Web; Security and the off line issue...” “People do most of their work inside the browser, except when they have to use their office software that they run on the desktop. You therefore need to provide a way to cache data and the application so that they continue use when not connected.” “When the computing platform itself changes, then people are forced to change the way they work.” “Just because somebody does com out with an application that works better and at a little cheaper price, most users won't switch because the cost of converting is so high”


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Chapter 9: Patrick Crane: LinkedIn Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “I see Web 2.0 as a course correction...[that] weaves the social fabric back together can now consume and share things, and discuss them, interpret them, and ultimately get the lens on the world, and it's not just your own individual perceptions and observations anymore; its back the old ways. ”

— Patrick Crane Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4.

To know who is Patrick Crane. To understand what is is allabout. To know how was this functions on the cloud and in the market as well. To analyze how was it's different users such as students, businessmen etc. benefited from LinkedIn. 5. To know why and how is it developed. Review: According to Patrick Crane description of Web 2.0, it is fundamental course direction for the internet. The reason behind this is that Web 2.0 is the advent of the individual publisher and the advent of the crowd consumption and interpretation of media. With regards to group consumption, he believes the way the way that people used to consume media and information coming at us as a group. Now, Crane founded and developed LinkedIn, a network that can be searched and used to extend your network. This network can be employ to search for some clients, consultants, professionals and other subject matter experts, jobs, and business opportunities, hirings and so much more. You can use it to do everything you would want to do with the professional network. LinkedIn is a professional network site, it uses many of the core technologies and capabilities and social networks.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez B ut it is exclusively for connecting professionals together. And through those connections, enabling them accomplish task, get information’s about their market and their industry, so search and ultimately get things done. Linked In is likely one of the most referenced Web 2.0 sites due to it's ability to connect people together ad provide social interactions among them. It matters hugely to people that they do well and that they are seen as doing well in their chosen pursuit. LinkedIn's unique take on the Web 2.0 and unique take co-social networking is such that those relationships that are formed are reflections of people and the people need those relationships for life. There are people who are just trying to do collections and attempting to get the highest number of connections on LinkedIn. But in fact this is the kind of behavior that gives a big worry for him because thay are not helping themselves. The more people they connect to, the more people who accept their invites, as opposed to say they don't know about those persons and then the fabric of their particular network n LinkedIn is weaken a little bit. If they think about how they typically used LinkedIn, what happens most often is that they are trying to work for the right person in an industry or company to deal with. And maybe it's because they want to work with other people, they want to make a deal, they want to purchase products of a particular company or something else, then they need to have an introduction to them. The moment that one person do something that isn't transparent and doesn't give the user 100% choice or options, you'll maybe get into trouble. Sites must be really obvious, transparent, and front and center on the choices they give to a Web 2.0 user about what is the broadcast about the user. The way that people consume on the Web and ultimately the way that they publish, promote and post is all going to change pretty dramatically. Additionally, the way that information is distributed and shared is going to changed dramatically. And will be brought about by the social and professional networks. Learning’s: ?

“Sites must be really obvious, transparent, and front and center on the choices they give to a Web 2.0 user about what is the broadcast about the user.”


“The moment that one person do something that isn't transparent and doesn't give the user 100% choice or options, you'll maybe get into trouble.”


“On of the reasons why blogging sites go crazy is that people can self express and they don't have to just sit there and be told what to read.”


“I consider Web 2.0 a new technology that solves an age-old problem. The age-old problem is maintaining and keeping alive human relationship that matters to you.”


“Web 2.0 establishes the relationships we have in the off line world, out the in the online world, and enables that group consumption to again happen. Web 2.0 and social networking is not a fad.”


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Chapter 10: Shaun Walker: DotNetNuke Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Web 2.0....was sort of the best attempt at coming up with a nice buzzword for a whole lot of new technology and innovative ways that people are using the Internet.”

--Shaun Walker Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Shaun Walker. To know all about DotNetNuke. To know and identify the relationship of DotNetNuke to Web 2.0. To identify services and functions of DotNetNuke. To analyze it's difference to all other websites around the cloud.

Review: DotNetnuke is a website for a platform that can be used to build projects such as commercial web sites, portals and vertical applications. This was released on December 24, 2002. It is a open source web application framework that runs on the Microsoft technology stack. It is the most successful open source community project on the Microsoft platform; DNN provides a solid foundation for future support. As of how they define Web 2.0, they defined it first in one aspect which is user-generated which means that people or consumers nowadays are more interested in contributing in the cloud rather than in the past they just want to consume anything and everything that is provided by the cloud. Users, people or consumers nowadays are looking for more interaction, exchange of knowledge and opinions about interesting things in the environment or in the society, which serves as the great factor in a very fruitful communication in the web sphere. Another thing would be the social networking which relates or has a connection with to the usergenerated that have been explaining a while a ago in the previous sentences. Which means that it also tie into the association of the different users to one another in the web environment. That's why it is true enough that friendster, facebook, multiply, myspace and a lot more is becoming a new media of communication because a lot also of people in this generation interact through different web sites in the


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cloud; it's becoming very common. But despites of the tings that it is becoming a new communication of media, still it is really an issue that when it comes to searching/search and syndication it's becoming more difficult to find what you're looking for. That's why you need a more advanced search capabilities and syndication content. DNN allows user to build their own web sites, it also has a modular architecture where use can plug in features such as discussion forums, blogs and wikis.--all which revolved around user-generated content. DNN can also be used to build large community web sites. Which users can have account on the site , and they can associate with one another through different modules. According to Walker there's no one features that's more important but when it comes to media perspective social networking has got the most hype. While when tit comes to model perspective search syndication and content management would be the leader. With new technologies like AJAX, it really improves the user experience so that they are not constantly waiting for thins to happen to get response out of the server. I do agree that the semantic web as a concept might represent the whole new paradigm shift.....because as stated in this chapter there are pretty objectives criteria to measure things or categorize things. And so it's true enough that web 3.0 is not really a semantic web, it's not yet to call semantic web. The coolest thing about web 2.0 according to Walker and so based from his works are the mainstream consumer adoption web technologies which means and which shows his being users driven; that the application can sheer number of people that use those web applications on a daily basis and people use them as a day to day communication mechanism to keep in touch with their family and friends. According to this chapter scale is going to be a constant concern. That fact they they come this far in terms of being in scale it and provide decent performance means that they will be able to continue to adapt to the added load in the future. Connectivity was really becoming and already reality in some areas today. And yes, because people nowadays people are smarter and getting smarter. And so it is possible for this generation to have connectivity/connection to be always available. If web 2.0 is the big thing today, Walker sees that the nest big thing or the revolution on the web would be people have freedom to experience the nest flavor of the year. And for us it is good and it is better to see different, large and thousands of social network sites to improve and adopt for the changes. Another thing would be, more availability of devices that will have computational power behind them provide a decent experience. And probably even more accessibility to the Internet through kiosk and other mechanism.


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Learning’s: ?

“Technology is going to continue in advance “


“Connectivity in the future won't be problem anymore “


“Internet is becoming more and more embedded part of people's lives..”


“ There is a lot of ideas around the Web 2.0 that are more network-oriented, human oriented, rather than just positioning at a specific piece of technology”


“There’s gong to continue to be a need for desktop application.”


“A lot of the players that are large today in terms of the Web 2.0 world will need to evolve in technology.”


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Chapter 11: Biz Stone: Twitter Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “The web is increasingly a social environment and... people re using it to communicate with one another, like they've always done— but now in such an open way.” --Biz Stone Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Biz Stone. To know more about To know other functions and abilities of To know benefits and importance of To know the relationship of Twitter to Web 2.0

Review: Twitter is a worldwide community where members send updates about what they are doing or thinking at any given moment. This updates are sent through or via text messages from the Twitter site or a mobile phone or via instant messages (IM) from Jabber, AIM, LiveJournal, or Gtalk. User can keep up with what they are doing by seeing what they post on their twitter feeds. Twitter is often described as a micro-blog because it is's short message format and it's ability to follow what a person is doing. It has struck a chord with the worldwide activity. And Biz stone was the man behind this number one site. Twitter is growing based all around this concept of “What are you doing?” to which you answer— 140 characters or less. This goes out to your friend so you all stayed connected. Since it's up to the user weather he/she wants their twitter message to go only to their friends or to everyone in the world of twitter, and so this also means and shows that there seems to be a lot of value in keeping that openness out there on the web. Meaning through the so called “openness”opportunity surely knocks. There seems to be a lot of value in keeping the openness out there on the web. Meaning you never knew when someone going to come along and say “I really like what you are doing; how would you like to work to my company?” or “I really like your post; how would you like to hang out? Anything like that.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez People may on their own. People do sort of find their ways to determine what they do/don't want to share. That's why in most cases people find value in the openness. Web is increasingly a social environment and that people are using it to communicate with one another, like they've always done --- but now in such an open way. User can do all of this in an effort to express themselves and share their thoughts with other people— that is, communication and elf expression. And so as they define Web 2.0, as a public acceptance of the fact that the Web is highly social utility. Web 2.0 is openness. The idea is that the more open these technologies and services are, the better. Meaning there are lots of interesting things, knowledge and ideas are being created when it was openly shared and distributed to others as well as in the cloud. Because this was one way of knowing that people can really understand what you’re talking about. The open factor, the idea that the more you can open up your platform, your idea, or your concept to invite other people to build on top of it, and work within it , the better. And if they create more systems, it will be even more social. This openness in general is really the broadest definition. That's why Twitter also provides improve and secure social network that is currently and continuously happening to twitter, because that's what they valued and a so their users as well, because through this, fruitful and powerful conversation happened. The business model of Twitter is going to be diversified with which they can continue providing people interaction and cooperation with other social network where they can come in and out. it is a simple concept but creates better result. And when it comes to the recommending to people on focusing on the core site concept and not worry about the business model up front, they says that before inventing communication technologies you have first focused on the product itself and then focused on the reliability of it in order to not end up with something that isn't going to work and if it's in line with innovative technology they have to make sure if they have a compelling product before they invest resources into there venue model. Learning’s: ?

“Openness is also increasingly important to a lot of companies nowadays. “


“For most people there is no Web 2.0 there is just the Web”


“ Web 2.0 is this big, growing realization that the Web is increasingly a social environment and that people are using it to communicate with one another, likely they've always done— but now in such as open way.”


“ The more you can open up your platform, your idea, or your concept to invite other people to build on top of it and work within it, the better. “


“You have to provide an Application Programming Interface so that other developers can build on to your platform.'


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Chapter 12: Seth Sternberg: Meebo Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “If you don't [innovate] then you'll lose market share and you'll wish you did” --Seth Sternberg Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Seth Sternberg. To understand and know more about Meebo. To understand and relate Meebo and Web 2.0 To analyze and determine services and functions of Meebo. To know it's importance of their sites to different demographic sectors.

Review: Meebo is to instant messaging what programs Hotmail and Gmail are to email. The y brings the ability to socially interact with anyone else in the world with the only requirements being a browser and IM handle. Meebo has shown the power of Web 2.0 and the community. It changes the instant messages or messaging by doing two key things. One, it provides user a simple a single interfaces that can be connected to all other different instant messaging networks. Second would be they removes installation of software’s to the users machines but instead letting users to access the site through opening a browser. That's why Meebo takes social networking to a whole knew level just what like Twitter's doing. Why? it is because there are lots or thousands and millions of users where visiting and using Meebo per day per month and per year and that is a lot of social interactions. The whole goal of Meebo is that IM and the Web can be so much more than IM and software. Meaning they want it to be like the next new level of the other booming software’s and websites around the cloud. They want it to be competitive enough to the market, since it was allowing people to create much more applications-like experiences on the web, so things like Meebo and Writely are good examples of that. Meebo did instant messaging on the Web.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez Just want comment on this thing that says “empowering the individual voice....let[s] any given individual to become a publisher.”and this is true enough because there are lot's of sites nowadays that allows a lot of different users to be the publishers of their own work. And this can be seen for example through the sites such as blogs, YouTube, Flicker and a lot more; Not only does it make them a publisher, but it lets them become a publisher who actually has a reasonable chance of being found. And so this also allows them to provide opportunity to all the users to find them through the site. According to this chapter advertising on the web is now very efficient an efficient liquid market. It is much easier, if you have a site with a lot of traffic to make money on that. And so, that is another part key element because that enables a lot of the investments that is going into the full stuff of these days. Advertising is so liquid and so efficient that anyone can put it on the site now. Meaning there are lots of companies today that uses and combines advertising and technology in order to show and offer their products to market. Because they believe that this is a big factor that would help them to show their products to the public and helps the company to get more market for their products to be patronized by lots of people in the market. The point is, there are places that any individual can go to get ads on their site and to make some amount of money on their site. The thing is to make significant money in advertising you need either a very large size or a much directed web site. The concept of advertising is so broad in the web. There are lots of people saying there have to be advertising fatigue thing, but this is not the case at all. Maybe there is a lot of advertising fatigue around a standard banner to video to product placement to integration in product. And so it is much deeper than that. To this chapter, I saw the importance and power of open source, not only because it has been a really good for Meebo, but also because everything can be access into other IM networks. And then you can then go in there and fiddle with the code to make it better. And that's huge but it is still supported by the open source community. But we cannot deny the fact that being open source means you have no worries anymore, in Meebo's case one of the big defend ability points of Meebo is that it is insanely hard to scale. And the reality behind it is that how you get all the different things to talk to each other and to interact together is the real secret sauce behind Meebo in particular.

Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“Advertising on the web is now very, very efficient— an efficient, liquid market. “ “There are lots of people saying there have to be advertising fatigue thing, but this is not the case at all. “ “You are going to build a very different kind of organization if you are going after the enterprise. “ “Because of Open Source you can go fiddle with the code to make t better. “ “Without doubt, the user experience with the Web 2.0 stuff is a lot better. “ “The market forces efficiency. “ “Folks have to figure out ways to make money other than by just serving up a bunch of page to load. “ “At the end of the day, the great thing about the Web 2.0 is that if you have really smart people, they can do really awesome stuff. “ “if you don't do web 2.0 then you loose your market. “


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Chapter 13: Joshua Schachter: Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “We find ourselves in a world where we have unfathomable riches of which we’ve only scratched the surface. If computer technology stopped advancing for a few years right here, we probably wouldn’t be in terrible shape.”

— Joshua Schachter Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Joshua Schachter? To know more about delicious. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets.

Review: Delicious is a Social Bookmarking service, which means you can save all your bookmarks online, share them with other people, and see what other people are bookmarking. And since this is online users can access this website anytime, anywhere to any browsers that they have in their own computer. It also means that we can show you the most popular bookmarks being saved right now across many areas of interest. In addition, our search and tagging tools help you keep track of your entire bookmark collection and find tasty new bookmarks from people like you. Which means life of different users was easy in a way that using tags provides you the ability to easily categorize, sort, and search your favorites. And through these simple things users will surely get interested and get amazed with this site. Delicious site is something that for me it helps and motivates people and more importantly its user to be organized in a way that their site enables to organized all the sites that their users wants. And we cannot deny the fact that as time goes by there are lots of interesting sites that caught the interest of many users in the cloud.


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And so it’s true because according to delicious sites, using folders were the old ways of a lot of computer users to organize everything they have, or for example every bookmark they have. It is ok at first if users do had only few files, bookmarks, few folders and the like, but as time goes by we cannot control and we cannot deny the fact that collection grew sometimes every time, every minute and even every second, and so it pisses as of, it makes lour life harder because it became harder and harder to decide what goes where and what are the things that needs to keep and constantly organized. According to them especially to Schachter web 2.0 was of the economic conditions of the ability for people to take passion in a topic and actually implement something. Which means that this could really give smaller cost to all the developers in the community in a way that it provides them key concept that are really said to be necessary in building an applications. And so if were going to take a look at this definition of web 2.0 according to delicious site, we can say that they have this positive opinion or point of view in using or engaging in web 2.0. Meaning web 2.0 gives this kind of benefit to their site in a way that it really helps them in building and providing these functions that they constantly gave to their users. “I built delicious not because I had a business plan, not because I thought there would be money there, but because I wanted it; I had the ability to build something and the desire to see it happen.” this statement of Schachter really strike me most, why? Because I know and I do believe that if you want or if you have something to happen and something to offer to people you don’t have to based as to what plans you have in your hand meaning that “something” that you want to achieve must be in your passion, meaning it should the things that you really want and you know wholeheartedly that you can do it because you have the knowledge, the skill and the ability to make it happen. And lastly, Delicious site mentioned about the things that they would considered important features of web 2.0, and they said that, particularly Schachter , the cost of implementation and the cost of failure are so low that we’re able to prototype and try lots and lots of things, very, very quickly. Because if were going to observed all things that work in their site we can say that this are all very effective, low cost and very efficient. This can be the reason why delicious site continuously improving and growing in their field. And so to sum it up maybe is should say that as I go through the site of delicious, even though I only learned it first time when I visit it, I should say that it’s ergonomic in a way that I don’t get a hard time to explore on their site because it’s easy even though I haven’t visited all of the functions that it can offer to the public, I still say that this site was fun and very reliable to all it’s user just like other sites that do offers the same features like them.


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Learning’s: ?

“Instead of spending millions of dollars on technology, people are able to build a low-end PHP/Linux sort of environment for building pretty much anything. As such, you are able to try out a lot of ideas, many more than previously, because there are lower transaction costs for trying things out.”


“Web 2.0 is less the name of a specific phenomenon, and more of a label we put on particular observations.”


“Because Web .20 is vaguely defined, it’s also similarly vaguely used.”


“If the Semantic Web is version three of “something,” then SQL was version two of it, not the Web.”


“People don’t agree on terms, methodology, technology, parts, or components, and there are radically different ways that people implement and even think about problems. Right now it is deep, magical voodoo.”


“If computer technology stopped advancing for a few years right here, we probably wouldn’t be in terrible shape.”


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Chapter 14: Ranjith Kumaran: YouSendIt Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “That’s where Web 2.0 started; it was to help people more easily get into services like ours, which are braindead simple to use. So, it has allowed people to have conversations that they wouldn’t necessarily have been able to have.”

— Ranjith Kumaran Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Ranjith Kumaran? To know more about YouSendIt. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets.

Review: YouSendIt was launch in 2004 they have this kind of task that always observed and noticed by the people specially thousands and millions of it’s user to instantly & securely send, receive & track large and important digital content. That’s why what they do are well focused because they have a primary focused to all what they do and what they offer as well and so they do it very well. They offer convenience in sending and transferring different files, solutions and the like to others. Users can just YouSendIt without leaving their work environments; this is the solution for on-demand digital delivery. While YouSendIt has a focus on what they do, you’ll find that their task ntouches on many of the critical issues that people face with the Web, which only means that they serve as solutions on the different sectors, markets and a lot more who has this problem in transferring and sending important files in a much easier, much more “on demand” endeavor. This includes securely sending information as well as tracking where information has been sent. For some perspective on current Web trends, including Web 2.0, one of the co-founders of YouSendIt, Ranjith Kumaran, has some experience to share.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez When I used to go to the site of YouSendIt I admit that at first I don’t understand the site, even if it seems easy to explore. I don’t know how it functions only when I read this chapter I’ve realized a lot of things about the site itself. And so if I were going to analyzed it, I saw that this site was somehow like yahoomail because its functions and its features are somehow related and somehow connected to one each other. One of the definitions that they gave about 2.0 that I may say that I do like most is that which I think is the ability for the “Web to connect people and enable collaboration.” And also the question that says “Is there an interesting conversation going on around that file transfer?.” Which for me is the best thing that other companies or other sites must have also to consider, and I do agree that web 2.0 really helps to have fruitful and reliable information and conversation along or through a specific applications in the cloud. That’s why one of the best features that YouSendIt told was web 2.0 has this kind of ability for people to easily adopt services and thus connect to more people and starts more conversations. Which means only that web 2.0 allowed people to have conversations that they wouldn’t necessarily have been able to have. This shows and state that web 2.0 was really an eye opener for all those who have applications and also for those who are planning to build an application in the future that using this web 2.0 really creates profitable customer/consumer relationship and so through this they will be having information’s that can be helpful and reliable for their decisions and strategies that they will implement in the present and even in the future. YouSendIt site was a kind of site for me that simply believe in the paradigm “always connected” which means that people are important, that conversations was very important because it is a powerful tool in order for the company to grow and continuously connect to people, to market and to their business as well. Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ?

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“The ability of the Web to connect people and enable collaboration is enabled through allowing the re-syndication of data and services by anyone.” “At a high level, Web 2.0 is about enabling interesting conversations and collaboration. The more people you can service, the more value they get out of it.” “One of the most important things of new services applications is complex user interaction, and I think that AJAX does enable more robust user interactions.” “It is very important to be able to push some of these applications back out of the browser and onto the desktop, but make it as accessible and easy to use and connected as possible.” “Folks think that Web 2.0 happened overnight. It’s a 10-year-old overnight success. Things like Ajax have been around for quite awhile.” “There’s kind of a balance between how you want to enable your team to be productive and at the same time, the onus is still on vendors to make sure that we live up to the promises that we make on security and usability and availability. Additionally, by outsourcing a lot of the services through companies like ours, people are becoming more productive.” “If our users aren’t asking for it, we’re going to leave it out. There’s almost a stigma if you’re not following the latest and greatest thing.” “The desktop is pretty engrained right now in the way people do things, but I think it’s almost coming full circle to where the desktop is more of a terminal to more sophisticated applications on the Web.”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 15: Garrett Camp: StumbleUpon Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Web 2.0 is really about the user experience and not the underlying technologies”

— Garrett Camp Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Garrett Camp? To know more about delicious. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets.

Review: Stumble Upon is a kind of web sites that helps you discover your own favorite websites through their site. This site enables millions of user discover interesting sites that will surely to capture their interest of users because it Stumble Upon knows that users cannot manage and discover knew website because millions of websites added everyday. People do have their own interest for example photography, cooking, art., fashion etc. And so with Stumble Upon they will discover great things particularly great websites that suite their own interest, meaning they can discover great photos, video, blogs, web pages, by just clicking the stumble button that will able to bring them by one website after another. The difference with stumble upon is that everything is tailored by the user’s interest. Weather if it’s on movies, animals, sports, sites, gadgets, etc. Stumble Upon learns what you like and what makes it better. With the idea of “connect, meet and share” they will be able to teach people particulary their users to connect with the network of the same people, with their friends of course share their interest and new discoveries and also meet people with the same interest as what also they have. And through you can see that conversations happens in the cloud which makes stumble upon very particular with the said conversation and connections. Because through this a lot of surfers, users or people are being educated connected.


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“By using the community, StumbleUpon gathers positive and negative ratings to help those sites that are really good float to the top while others sink out of sight. The overall result is that with a little bit of tagging and categorization, you can quickly find sites that others thought worthy of recommending on any given topic.” According to them they are using a combination of human opinions and machine learning to immediately deliver relevant content, StumbleUpon presents only web sites which have been suggested by other like-minded Stumblers. User is also presented with a high quality web site based on the collective opinions of other like-minded web surfers, which means that they are providing their users exactly what the users are not expected to see in a way that they provide user’s reliable facts and information that would really help them. Stumble say s that “We are not trying to replace search engines or become a search engine, but instead be a discovery tool for when you just want to be entertained or want to discover something interesting. We are primarily focused on discovery and are one of the leading companies focused on that right now.” And I do agree whit what they say because as to what I’ve experience exploring to their site, I may say that they only providing users entertainment and search engines that are different from other site. Because they know that if it’s going to be their competitive advantage today they will have this kind of assurance that a lot of users will patronize what they are doing and continuously believing with the power, functions and importance of their sites among others. Learning’s: ? ?

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“Today, if you have an idea that you want experiment with, it doesn’t cost very much to try.” “LAMP is one of the bases upon which many Web 2.0 systems are built. LAMP is one of the core technologies that have allowed people to do so much for free. A lot of start-ups, including Stumble Upon, would have had a difficult time if they had to pay for software or database licenses.” “The whole point of Open Source is to be able to build apps in an interactive fashion based on people’s feedback, to start with something small and improve based on people’s feedback.” “Companies need to think about how they collect data, use data, and what people’s expectation of privacy is. It’s each company’s responsibility to make the people realize what they are submitting to, what information will be made public, and so forth.” “The general trends are toward community interaction, social systems, personalization, recommendations, and more proactive information filtering that will help us go beyond Google, where you must specify exactly what you want.”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 16: Rodrigo Madanes: Skype Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “The most important thing is that even though we felt in the ’90s that the Internet was having a big impact in people’s lives, we’re seeing in this decade that it’s reconstructing a lot of industries and shifting a lot of value around while improving people’s lives.” — Rodrigo Madanes Learning Expectations: 1. To know who is Rodrigo Madanes? 2. To know more about Skype. 3. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. 4. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. 5. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets. Review: “Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis. Skype created a little piece of software that makes communicating with people around the world easy and fun. With Skype you can say hello or share a laugh with anyone, anywhere. And if both of you are on Skype, it’s free.” “Skype is available in 28 languages and is used in almost every country around the world. Skype generates revenue through its premium offerings such as making and receiving calls to and from landline and mobile phones, as well as voicemail and call forwarding. Skype, based in Luxembourg, has relationships with a growing network of hardware and software providers and is an eBay company (NASDAQ: EBAY).” “The website is operated by: Skype Technologies S.A. Registered address: 22/24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg Trade register number: R.C. Luxembourg B96.677 VAT number: LU 20180441”


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Skype provides other people to make easy calls anytime and anywhere in the world. Meaning the functionality of Skype meant that the location did not matter. Because you can reach other people through their site by just downloading the program called “download Skype” and then you can make calls from your computer — free to other people on Skype and cheap to phones and mobiles around the world. “Internet is pulled into what you can do.” Which means that skype is not different from other instant massages programs in the cloud that provides also not only voice communications but also things or features such as video and chatting. This kind of features or functionalities that offers users of their programs were not knew to us because aside from skype we do experience this kinds of from other programs such as Yahoo Messenger etc. I like how Skype define Web 2.0 and that goes like this “For me, Web 2.0 is such a complex set of technologies and enablers. The best definition is that it is the resurgence of web innovation after the dotcom bust in 2002. It was in great part triggered by some technology and the critical mass of broadband users around the world. That led to the ability to have increased communication between people, watching videos, being able to have very interactive web pages, and more. Broadly speaking, it is the resurgence in web innovation.” which for me states that web 2.0 serves as an eye opener for them as a company to continuously increases and spread the essence of communications in the market as well as to all the users and consumers of it. Aside from web 2.0 is increasing communications, it is also impacting and changing people’s lives it also allows reconstructing industries, business, markets and a lot more into the coming years. Transformation would also be one importance that I really see in the web 2.0 just like this site saw in a way that telecommunications is at the beginning of what will be a longer transformation. rich functionality, like presence, messaging, as well as the ability to migrate in a conversation between a chat, a voice call, and media sharing, all of which creates a lot of value and improves peoples lives. Learning’s: ?

“By definition, Web 2.0 is the resurgence of web innovation after the dot com bust in 2002. It was triggered in great part by technology and the critical mass of broadband users around the world, and led to people being able to communicate more.”


“AJAX, AIR, Flash, and those kinds of technologies have contributed to and are components of Web 2.0, but Web 2.0 is the result of a critical mass of people with broadband, enabling technologies, large investments and start-ups, and a combination of low-cost, Open Source packages that enable these start-ups to accelerate very quickly— all of those things led to a transformation in the industries of telecommunications, advertising, and television.”


“Even though we felt in the ’90s that the Internet was having a big impact in people’s lives, we’re seeing in this decade that it’s reconstructing a lot of industries and shifting a lot of value around while improving people’s lives.


“In most periods of substantial innovation, which tend to last five to ten years, you will encounter a number of obstacles and problems along the way. This is typical with technology and innovation.”


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“The Semantic Web is a way to figure out how to structure this whole set of data on the Web so that you can navigate through it much better.”


“You can grab a widget, copy and paste it, and put it somewhere else. Years ago, that would have been unthinkable. The Web is getting more homogenized and more easily “cut and paste”-able.”


“Web 2.0 is one of the great technology phases that was mostly consumer- led. We’ve seen a lot more benefit to consumers in this phase and a lot more lagging response of passing these benefits on to enterprises.”


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Chapter 17: Rod Smith: IBM Corporation Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Web 2.0 is about how businesses are changing, how people are collaborating, and how people are unlocking content to be used in new and innovative ways through customization, at orders of magnitude of less cost than they’ve ever had before.” — Rod Smith Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Rod Smith? To know more about IBM Corporation. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets.

Review: I”BM incorporated started nearly a century ago, in 1911. Its roots, however, go back even farther than that, they are mainly focuses on their products and services. The company is well-known in the mainframe arena and has also been a big proponent of Open Source, Linux, and more. It would take an entire book to describe what IBM has done and what they do now. With such a vast history, IBM is a company worthy of being asked for an opinion on current and new technologies.” IBM corporation is a not only change driven but also customer driven, because what they do or what they provide to the market was all boils down to their responsibility to collaborating broadly and productively the industry as well as shaping and developing businesses markets and emerging standards and technologies. Customer driven in a way that they do value the feedback and comments of customers in today's generation, because they know that people nowadays are keep on asking questions to business and markets which on the other hand makes technologies to be mature. and it is true enough that Customers today are eager to hear what is on the horizon— it’s a fast changing world today.


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Because they always want to share with the conversation that is happening not only with the company but as well as to all the business and markets everywhere. So, that’s what they do, and they’ve had a really fun time doing it. IBM corporation sticks to O’Reilly definition:”it is the intersection of social changes, economic changes, and technology changes. That is what makes Web 2.0 elusive; it hasn’t been about one technology. It’s about how businesses are changing, how people are collaborating, and how people are unlocking content to be used in new and innovative ways— much faster and simpler than ever before.” Which in my opinion simply explains how web 2.0 brought social change, economic change, and technology change not only to company, to business, to market to people but more importantly to people or to consumers. It is not about technology only it's about how is it affect or how is it making people interactive, collaborative and how business change develop and transformed into something that is productive and profitable. Web 2.0 truly provides strategic and innovative ways for business and for people to become faster and simpler and in a way that they want technology business and markets to be. I would like to end this on the this two sentence that says “Web 2.0 really is empowering and can help transform IT and line-of-business relationships.” which means that for IBM web 2.0 from that time gave passion to all the business specifically those who are in line with technologies because this provides profitable relationship. Next thing would be “Some innovations will be successful business-wise and some will fail. And that’s a good thing.” that explains that not all innovations can be successful and can be implemented because this not perfect, this sometimes not reliable for the business because this sometimes fails and create impact to the company and to the business. Learning’s: ?



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“Web 2.0 is that intersection of social changes, economic changes, and technology changes. It’s about how businesses are changing, how people are collaborating, and how people are unlocking content to be used in new and innovative ways through customization, at orders of magnitude of less cost than they’ve ever had before.” “Users want to share information, and in the past did not have a cost effective channel with which to do that. Web 2.0 offers them that and they seem to resonate quite well with it. Line-of-business people need to be involved in the decisions of publishing and making that information available.” “A lot of folks that are getting their lead customers and their people together really do crosspollinate on ideas that a business can try to turn around and harvest and harness and go to market quickly.” “Some innovations will be, business-wise, successful, and some will fail. And that’s a good thing. You want to have some successes and some failures, at the right cost point.” “ Now you‘ve got a different level of granularity where you’ve got widgets and things talking back to data sources on the backend, but architecturally, it’s just a nice extension.” “Applications don’t have to live forever. They’re “disposable,” and they really are situational: they’re good for a certain partnership, and then they can go away.” “Web 2.0 really is empowering and can help transform IT and line-of business relationships. A lot of what Web 2.0 does is let you visualize your middleware investments.”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 18: Tim Harris: Microsoft Corporation Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Enterprises want to take advantage of the social and collaborative aspects of Web 2.0 but don’t necessarily want the business models of Web 2.0 shoved down their throat.” — Tim Harris Learning Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To know who is Tim Harris? To know more about Microsoft Corporation. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets.

Review: I know Microsoft since before college, they are the company that nearly everyone in the modernized world has heard mentioned. Being the creator of the leading web browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer, means that anyone working with Web 2.0 or the Web in general is also likely to be fully aware of Microsof. Microsoft views Web 2.0 take an expansive view where we look at the capabilities— the technologies, the business models, and the social constructs— expensive view means requires software running on the Internet and on the desktop. There’s the business model pillar— the fact that business models have become inextricably linked to the software and so most of the focus there is on advertising models of all sorts of subscription models and other business models around the delivery of software to the user. The last pillar people have a tendency to talk about are these social constructs; the bidirectional communication that Web 2.0 enables— blogs, wikis, social mapping software, and things like that— things that create or give the end user the ability to communicate back to the people who are running the software.


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Microsoft deliver the technology that enables things like information feeds to come down to the box to provide matching and collaboration between the people as in the matchmaking scenarios. From the business model side, there is advertising, digital distribution of games, and the ability for game publishers to sell additional content on top of the games they sell in a box model, so new business models are definitely there. And then from a social model, people have their friends list, they can voice-chat with one another, they can text chat with one another, they can meet up with their friends in these virtual spaces and play games. One of the unique advantages that Microsoft brings to bear, is the simple fact that the have this huge breadth. They are the only company that can provide developer tools that span all of the consumer scenarios, all of the enterprise scenarios, the consoles, mobile phones, desktop, and browsebased— you name it. According to Microsoft Corporation, Web 2.0 has this new social construct–type software that enables collaboration— that democratizes the publishing of information out to the Internet. So if I had to say that there was one that stands on top or stands above the rest, the big one is the social side of it, but then the technology and business pillars are absolutely enablers of that. So, Microsoft Corporation was also one of those corporation who is also in line in information technology business which also provides reliable applications and information to people, to business and to market as well. They are also allowing collaboration, transformation and conversation to the people particularly to the market. Microsoft Corporation i think and i do believe was continuously doing their responsibility as a creator and provider of the leading web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and a lot more. I hope even web 2.0 Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“People have a tendency to put Web 2.0 in the “browser bucket,” and say that if it is not running in a browser it is not Web 2.0.” “Microsoft is the only company that can provide developer tools that span all of the consumer scenarios, all of the enterprise scenarios, the consoles, mobile phones, desktop, and browser based— you name it.” “The real key is making sure that standards, protocols, and interoperability are there. “It is obvious that business models are changing.” “The need for developers to be cognizant of the business model under which their application is going to be distributed is greater than ever.” “Enterprises want to take advantage of the social and collaborative aspects of Web 2.0, but don’t necessarily want the business models of Web 2.0 shoved down their throat.” “A lot of people think that if you build an AJAX application with and RSS feed, you’ve done Web 2.0.” “There is no consensus in the industry of what Web 2.0 is.” “It is hard to not say that Web 3.0 has already “jumped the shark.” “It has taken almost 10 years for Web 2.0 to come about after the technological underpinnings were put into place.”


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Chapter 19: Bob Berwin & Tim Bray: Sun Microsystem Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “Anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday.”

— Tim Bray Learning Expectations: 1. To know who is Tim Bray & Bob Berwin? 2. To know more about Sun Microsystem. 3. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. 4. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. 5. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets. Review: First time I heard this sun micro system in my progap1 and 2 class, because my professor was a certified sun instructor of this company, and based on how he describe to us what is sun microsysytem , it is the company or the site where in java programing language was the actually behind their company and it is true enough that sun was actually involved in hardware, operating systems, programming languages and more like Microsoft and apple company. According to Sun one of the things that’s changed in the last few years is that it has become much easier to become a web developer. These new technologies have come along so that anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday. There is a culture of contribution that is extending the developer population, which is obviously a really important population for Sun The combination of the Web is becoming more interesting because of things coming in from the edges, and the technology becoming more interesting because of more contributors, is on balance and a real good thing for us because they are in the business of selling the infrastructure that all of this is going to run on.


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When it comes on defining web 2.0, what I've noticed is that Berwin and Tim do not have the same point of view when it comes to web 2.0 though they both believe to what it can do to all the application in the cloud. Tim says that Web 2.0 is the Internet based on the culture of contribution— the culture of contribution from the edges by individuals and by technology developers. While Berwin says that Web 2.0 is a leveling of the playing field where the players are all equal. We all agree that there is this notion that the information flow is not one-way, it is not unidirectional, so all the people and all the participants on the Web have an equal say in how the Web and the information on the Web resolves. And according or based on what Tim and Berwin state about the most important feature that web 2.0 has is that people can easily adopt, create or built certain application or websites without studying a lot things that is related in doing this kind of thing. That;s why they says that The fact that you can be part of it. The fact that if you want to contribute, you don’t have to be a journalist, an analyst, or a university professor. The fact that if you want to build a web site, you don’t have to have studied Java EE for years. That is a big deal. And that is where it gets very interesting. There isn’t a single-entity control or anything anymore. That is the beauty of it. After reading this chapter i may say that i do agree to what was the tag line of sun micro system company “The Network is The Computer”which is for more than 20 years now. Because it is true enough that the more that anything that makes the Internet bigger and better and gets more people involved is good for Sun as well as for those also who are engaged with this kind of business. Continuously providing people a better place like net, applications and technologies that will make their like easier, comfortable and the like will truly serves a way for sun and for others to Continuously make something from people and for people. Learning’s: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“People have a tendency to put Web 2.0 in the “browser bucket”and say that if it is not running in a browser it is not Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a leveling of the playing field where the players are all equal.” “It is all about empowering the people at the edge to contribute to the richness of the Net. The things that make the Web interesting these days are the things coming in from the edges, not the things coming out from the center.” “Enterprises need to think a lot about how they are going to succeed in a world where they no longer control the flow of information. They need to surf and ride on the flow of information rather than trying to fight it.” “Anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday.” “It is really dangerous to identify Web 2.0 with a particular technology. There are some hot Web 2.0 sites that are really Web 1.0 in their technology.” “There may be cases where directly implementing Web 2.0 technology may not directly drive revenue ideas and ROI, but looking at the larger picture, it is phenomenally huge.” “If you look at Web 2.0 features and consider the number of people that might potentially want to participate, then we are just beginning.” “The traditional approach where you write big software-licensing checks now and then derive the business value for it 18 months later is getting increasingly hard to sell. One of these really defining characteristics of the new-style web applications is that “time to market”is very important.”


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Chapter 20: Michele Turner: Adobe System Incorporated Name of the Book: Web 2.0 Heroes Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers By: Bradley L. Jones Library Reference: N/A Amazon Link: Quote: “[Web 2.0] is all about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure that we built with “Web 1.0”to enable extremely rich experiences now, that we couldn’t do back in the day.”

— Michele Turner Learning Expectations: 1. To know who is Michele Turner? 2. To know more about Adobe System Incorporated. 3. To know what are the strength and weaknesses of this site among other site in the cloud. 4. To know the relationship of this site to web 2.0. 5. To know as well its functions that can offer to public or as to their markets. Review: From the very start that I know Adobe products or adobe applications, because I usually seen most of it's environment and experience how to use it' functions. I know Adobe photoshop which is very know until today because of it's features that allows user to edit something particularly photos , posters, magazines and a lot more. It also allows user to create, explore and be creative enough in doing certain projects through this applications. Next thing would be the Adobe Flash which has a features and a functions that is somehow advance compared to movie makers, because it has a lot of advancement compared to other applications that also allows user to create a movie file, or a video file and presentations as well. Lastly the Adobe Acrobat Reader that allows to read files that is in PDF format. Their other products include also Adobe ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Flex, InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere,Director, RoboHelp, and many, many more. The products cover a number of different categories including design, publishing, developer tools, digital imaging, eLearning, web design, web publishing, video, and audio. Few companies can boast a 98 percent penetration within a market. Adobe, however, can with their Flash Player.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez Additionally, few companies are currently able to target both designers and developers effectively, but yet again Adobe is succeeding. In the Web 2.0 space, this seems to have given them an advantage. Adobe is a major player in the web space. When you look at some of what they have done as well as where they are headed, it is easy to believe that Adobe will continue to be a major player. According to them Web 2.0, which is user-generated content; content is king, giving the users a lot of control, opening up APIs, opening up feeds and being able to bring lots of different content types together to create new experiences. Those are the major things that start to define Web 2.0. That and changes to the user interfaces. In summary, it is all about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure that we built with “Web 1.0” to enable extremely rich experiences now; we couldn’t do that back in the day. We are on the edge of this very exciting time with these we benabled desktop applications. You’ve seen the trend with widgets; full-blown applications that are significant and that are rivaling big experiences on the Web that people aren’t expecting. Not simple media players. At Adobe, they see themselves as the enabler of Web 2.0. From Creative Suite being used to create so much of the content and the user interfaces on the Web, to our programming languages Flex and ActionScript that are delivering RIAs, in the browser with Flash Player and on the desktop with AIR, and by being the premier format for video on the Web with Flash, Adobe is a part of nearly every Web 2.0 experience today. . That's why I do believe that soon in the coming years adobe company will be able to increase and spread all their applications in the cloud in a way that it is going to be the most technology that has been able to update itself so pervasively in the history of technology. And so talking about Web 2.0, and you have to talk about how important user-generated content is to driving technology as well. It is all tied together.

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“All of this technology was there since Web 1.0, but the content wasn’t. Until we made the content compelling, it really didn’t take off. Now with Web 2.0, it is about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure that was built with “Web 1.0” to enable extremely rich experiences now, that couldn’t be done back in the day.”


“Flash Player is on 98 percent of all desktops worldwide. Adobe can update a new version, a new rev, of the software to 85 percent of all desktops within nine months. It does this by content pull. An RIA really provides a much more effective user experience and just makes the whole p1rocess of getting through a massive amount of data so much easier for a user.


“That is what is important about these technologies, whether it is AJAX, Flash, or Silverlight— designers or developers are making the perusal of massive amounts of data so much simpler.”


“Pieces of Web 2.0 such as user-generated content, better community support, better personalization, the ability to go in and select what is wanted and to cull out all the stuff not wanted— this is all being incorporated into the major sites today.”


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The trends in the consumer space are towards much cleaner, more effective patterns and user designs that are coming out of Web 2.0.”


“The whole service-oriented architecture that has been invested in can definitely be seen driving Web 2.0 into the enterprise. We definitely don’t see SaaS as a fad, but as where software is going to a large degree.”


“As much as we’d like to say Wi-Fi is everywhere, it just isn’t. Just look at how often your cell phone fails. That is very mature technology and it is not consistent.”


“Online/offline support is going to be very important for the foreseeable future. We are on the edge of this really, really exciting time with web-enabled desktop applications.”


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9 5 Th eses Reflections


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

1. Markets are Conversation. If I’m going to define market as to what I’ve learned from my marketing subject before, that “Markets may be any of a variety of different systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby persons are coordinated, goods and services are exchanged and which form part of the economy.”or in layman’s term is a place where you can find and buy goods that are available. And also if were going to define conversation based on dictionary; is an informal talking together of two or more people. And if were going to relate the two we can say that its true enough that markets are conversation, because if we are going to observe, in the market a lot of different noise can be heard. Because a lot of different conversations from different people are there in the first place. Markets are conversation maybe because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and so it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; maybe it’s because of its sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing” can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together. 2. Markets consist of human beings not demographic sectors. It’s true that Markets are consist of human beings meaning people not demographic sectors like hospitals, malls etc. Because they are the center of the business, mass, people, customers, sellers, are what markets focused on, and not those demographic sectors. If your going to take a look at the market, you will see, number one, are the customers in which one of the important element in the business, because they are the start of the market, the start of the business, because market and business are in them. Meaning without this kinds of human beings, business can no longer stay in the industry or in the market. And without them there would be no profit coming into the business or into the market because they are the source of money. And in the business / other thing in the business is just a expense that leads to breakdown. That’s why one quote says “Customer or people are the profit. Everything else is the expenses”. Other human beings in the market were sales people which can probe customers to learn more about their problems products etc. They can also adjust the marketing offer to fit the special needs of each customer. They can also negotiate terms of sales, and also can build long term personal relationships with the key decision makers. Other human beings are a supplier that provides you by the materials. And intermediaries, those that help in promoting, distributing and selling your product. You can also linked sales person as one of the intermediaries in the markets. So its true enough that markets consist of a lot of human beings because they serves as a actors influencing specific company’s ability to transact business effectively and perform effectively within the market to its target markets. 3. Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice. As a human being we are aware, and we know how to distinguish sounds. And so if we hear something that sounds like us human beings, then that’s not consider as a human voice. It’s not new for us how voices of human being/people sound in a conversation. Sometimes it’s something that is true; it’s something that serves as a basis of most business in the markets. Because it’s something that they would like to listen with and something that they would like to hear, because to those voices in a conversation between humans or they called in a marketing world “customers”, they could easily identify


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

the needs and wants of their customers, so they know what needs to be in their product in order for it to be patronized and continue to earn profit in the market. Usually smaller companies hear those conversations; hear those human that are conducted by humans. Why? It’s because they are closer to customers by default. That means they can easily communicate or have conversation in a more direct and personal way with customers. And so with how they communicate, it sounds human because they use familiar language instead of jargon. The site and their product can have human voice instead of sounding like a corporate drone. Being small means you can talk with your customers, not down to them. And so being simple can actually be a huge advantage, especially when it comes to communication and conversation. And so in connection with this theses, I do agree with this paragraph in the book Cluetrain Manifesto that said “But learning to speak in a human voice is not some trick, nor will corporations convince us they are human with lip service about "listening to customers." They will only sound human when they empower real human beings to speak on their behalf.”Which really gives a very good thought and explanation of the theses, “Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice.” 4. Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived. They say that people recognizes each other through the sound of their voices because they know and they can identify as to what is the voice of a human being than to not. We also know and aware that voices has a power in so many ways. It has a power to change something, a power to make others believe, a power that is really unique when it comes to fighting what you believed in and a power that could help others make their decision makings sometimes in good manner and sometimes in dire. We also do know that everything is not constant and the only constant in this world is CHANGE, because everything changes or everything will change and we cannot say in what way does this kind of change will occur/ happen. While everything changes I do believe that one thing will remain as it is or will remain constant and that is still the unedited voice coming from a human or coming from the person. But we cannot deny the fact that it can be modular. And there will come a time that even my voice and your voice, and voices of the people will be mixed and can be mingle with other people, maybe in a more unique way or could be in a new way. And so if were going to analyze whether a voice of a person was delivered in the manner that he/she was joking, explaining, complaining, dictating etc. still you would see that individuals do speak do expresses themselves and their voices in a unique, simple, natural, open, sincere, pure or anything that is uncontrived. And so I want to share this quote in connection with this these: "Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall. --Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1809 - 1894)” 5. People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice. Human voices as they say are consist of sounds and truly made by them. They used this not only to hear what they want to express or to hear what they want to talk but also for them to recognized by others. Like what I’m saying in the previous theses of “Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived”people recognizes each other through the sound of their voices because they know and they can identify as to what is the voice of a human being than to not. And this recognition happens mostly in form of communicating or communications. And so we formally focused on our voices the human voices because we most often and most naturally use our voices to communicate our different ideas to others in our immediate environment. Sometimes people do communicate in different way because there are lots of ways of today on how to communicate and be recognized, because the way of communication of today is high-tech. That’s why


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

sometimes people do communicate through e-mail, voice mail and there are still on snail mail. Others do communicate through telephone, cell phones and even through face-to-face. We all know that voice of humans have different sounds/tones some have husky voice, some have thin voice etc. And so sometimes we are encountering confusions when it comes to the voices of others because there are times that voice of a person change as they grow or even sometimes because of the gadgets that we are using nowadays like telephone, cell phones etc, because sometimes it affects on how we speak, meaning sometimes we have different voice in phones unlike when we speak in a face to face manner… that’s why sometimes people do have problems when it comes to recognition of voices. Voice recognition is "the technology by which sounds, words or phrases spoken by humans are converted into electrical signals and these signals are transformed into coding patterns to which meaning has been assigned" [ADA90]. 6. The Internet is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply not possible in the era of mass media. We do know that Internet/Web gives a lot of importance nowadays specifically in this generation, because now we cannot deny the fact that Internet/ Web was typically or essentially the human expressions already. In every scenario and in most cases what makes it interesting to everybody was not only what the content it has but also the fact that it includes a human voices which we can say a part of all the context of human life. That’s why it’s true enough that it’s not just simply machine to machine to machine transactions of data because there’s a lot more that really involves on it. There are thousand of web sites but not all of them are exciting, because what’s exciting is the ability of people is involved, their ability to talk or to communicate to other people using their own voices, and this is through being online on the net itself. That’s why in order for the web/ internet to work their must be an involvement of individuals who are willing to express themselves to it in ways that they want. That’s why its true that there’s no single individual could possibly talk in thousands in a normal conversation; internet is there to encourages people not only to interact with the computer (with net) but also interact with others as well. Because of this many people today were deeply engaged in communication with each other and now defy traditional notions of time and space and are linking people and ideas all over the world. 7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy. According to some books that I’ve read before, Hypertext are those of software technologies for multimedia presentations. And so by definition, hypertext contains only text and limited amount of graphics. It is indexed by software links so that they can quickly searched by the reader. For example, if you’re going to analyze, when your using graphic package using Microsoft PowerPoint, if you’re pointing and clicking your mouse on the underlined term on a hypermedia document, noticed that your computer automatically or may instantly bring you up to another display using text, graphics etc. “It is developed by using software packages that rely on specialized programming language like Java and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which creates hyperlinks to other parts of a document or to other documents. Hypertext documents can thus be programmed to let the reader navigate through multimedia database by following a chain of hyperlinks through various multimedia files. The websites on the World Wide Web (www) are popular example of this technology. Thus, the use of hypertext software in web browsers and other programs provides an environment for online interactive presentations.” Hyperlink subverts hierarchy maybe for the reason that, or it has something to do with the existing hierarchies are in fact being subverted by the Web. And if were going to take a look at it seems hard to evaluate and understand for the reason that it such a broad statement that is hard to analyzed. And so in connection with, there is a continuous change in the business and in how it behaves and also the he role of the mainstream media. And nowadays there is also appearance of new hierarchies in various web domains and its significantly different sorts of hierarchies; “Even if hyperlinks result in future


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

hierarchies, I believe the ones who created them (the people) will just as easily remove them, if they end up counter to the public interest. The hierarchies that are most threatened are existing structures, for their pecking order is usually determined by some form of protected knowledge or other access, and increasingly, people are seeing this for what it is: self-serving.” 8. In both internet worked markets and among intranet worked employees, people are speaking to each other in a powerful new way. Words are traditionally reserve for momentous occasions that may ring true and indeed inspirational. But these words serve as an instrument of enlightment , the messenger of our thanksgiving , reflection of hope, and may unveil the essence of brighter potentials. Imagine if you’re going to say or hear these lines. Isn’t it powerful enough? Isn’t it very encouraging? Our society was full of people talking or having a conversation to each other. They are speaking to each other, and if you’re going to ask what their topic is or what they are talking about or speak about, it’s a lot, and it was all different topics. If we can observe, we all talk, we all speak, and people talk and speak in a way they want t, in a way they feel to. There are people who talk/speak fast way and even in slow manner. They talk/speak sometimes in a low and in aloud voice depending on their emotions. But what ever it was and how it was executed its all that they are speaking to each other in different purpose and also in a powerful/ influencing way. Why? Maybe it’s because we want to speak or to talk to other people not only for the sake of just having a conversation, not just for talking, but also for the sake of having fruitful conversation and for the sake of those people who want to influence others , want to exchange ideas to others. Because its true enough that it takes hard work and proven results to be able to influence others to follow you to believe in you or even to listen to you, but only when you have others following you that you can claim you are leading for leaders, and that you can claim you are talking/speaking with sense to other for normal individual; otherwise you are only walking. That’s why even though you’re in an internet worked markets or even your part of the internet worked employees, you both can or speaking in a powerful way because you want to make sense in whatever thought you want to share or to convey to other people. 9. These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social organization and knowledge exchange to emerge. Conversation and communication are connected to each other in a way that conversation is a way of communicating also; in both sides people are involved to it. In communication or in communicating rather, a goal has to be translated into a message and that message has to be communicated well to others. An so in relation to networked conversation, it’s powerful in a way that it is conducted in a modern way of having conversation to others, because we are using technology, actually new form of technology when it come to having conversation and communication to other people. No matter how far they are to us. That’s why it’s also building new form of social organization online, actually a modern type of social organization. And since were living in technology today, we are also communicating or having a conversation to others with technology in our side, or using technology, like what stating in the previous sentence. And so, that’s why it shows also a powerful knowledge exchange and more over it really and continuously emerging. Networked conversation reminds us and thought us again that in communication accuracy, simplicity and clarity is the key not only to have/ having good conversation but also in exchanging knowledge to others for it to continuously emerge. Accuracy in a way that what you say is true and you convey it with conviction and a great sense of credibility. Simplicity in a way that when you want your message or a message to retained in minds of who was talking to or who we is talking with. And clarity in such a way that you think about of others, the language to use for them and the kind of questions they might ask and should be answered. Meaning network conversation enables us to communicate effectively, in which there is appoint in leading


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

and communicating because an effective and powerful conversation and communication as well requires your or our ability to share what you think and fell about the environment, the situation and the people as well. 10. As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally. Since I’ve starting the book Cluetrain Manifesto I’ve always l like the idea of being joined in conversation. Companies today are getting bigger not only in way that there are lots of establishments rising from our society but in such a way that all of them are getting advance and competitive in a higher level because of the condition of markets today. But still there are companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. “ In a similar way, Funky Business states that: "Today people can and want to be independent (...) We should consider ourselves as brands (...) People want to be employable, they update their knowledge to result appealing to their bosses" "Individual competition= what one knows X who one knows" Individual knowledge and network as the basis for business, pillars also of the new Internet and the end of traditional corporations as we know them. A company would be similar to what we currently know as a project, and in this picture, an employee would be what a company is nowadays. As a result of that, and with the fast spreading of knowledge and network using the Internet as an optimal channel, business processes within a corporation would be as efficient as a perfect competition market. Bottom up efficiency that will be also apply to customer relations, products and services. “ And since technology are getting wider and getting advance, people were trying to adopt whatever changes in whatever changes that technology has. And the more it changes, the more it gets wider demographic sectors as well people were continuously and simultaneously riding and adopting. That’s why a lot are getting smarter getting informed and a lot are organized specially markets, and so that’s why also a lot of people are participating because no one wants to live with the environment that has no capability to adopt to what’s future and change brings. 11. People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products. We all know that it takes hard work and proven results to be able to influence and make us believe for something. Because we individually wants to have proofs before we try or buy something. And this kind of instances or chances can be encounter to different markets. Why? Because if were going to observe the behavior of vendors specially the people, buyer, or consumer they have this kind of attitude when it comes to buying a specific product, they to like first ask some one which can be their neighbor, their friends or their relatives if that kind of product was really effective or reliable enough that it can meets their demands specially their needs. And sometimes they try to ask their co-consumer about the products and so they have started conversation and exchange of ideas within that kind of products. So, with this kind of conversation people get to have this kind of idea and conclusion sometimes that they get enough and better information with the person that also experience what they already experience. And through this they are building not just a conversation but a conversation that is genuine, fruitful, and reliable enough that can be their basis when it comes to their decision makings. That’s why we cannot deny the fact that people do believe to what they convey to others because they know that, that kind of experience was more and true enough than what a corporate was saying. It’s just like what the other these were saying that corporation’s doesn’t speak as what people does.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. In a company we’ve noticed that they have their own strategy on how they will be running their company, how to handle their employees, and how to market their own products. They their own conversation about their status, their products, their manpower etc; In which people don’t even know on what is it all about. And so meaning people do only know that this product is from that company but don’t even know what conversation they have with that product. But companies can know how this product was working to people, or how was it to people. Why? Because through open market or through networked market people are often and free to have open conversation and exchange of information because that’s what they want an open communication that can make the corporation or the company connect to people or to it’s consumer in a way that they can get their feedback not only to their company but moreover to their product. I do believe that it was a good thing about the networked market. Why? Because they can openly have their own conversation, their own communication in a most genuine and fruitful way of executing it, and of course letting it heard by the corporation or by the company in order for them to know about the fields they need to improve and maintain, of course for the effectiveness, efficiency and performance of their company to market. And so to sum up, because of being open of the networked market companies do get information about the performance of their product to market through the conversation and communication that executing by the people or by the consumer in the market. That’s the conversation in the networked marked was consider powerful and genuine because event though the news is good or bad they convey all information to everyone. 13. What's happening to markets is also happening among employees. A metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing between the two. Nowadays cost of living is a matter of issue because as years ago by, the cost of living gradually increases, making most Filipinos suffer from poverty. The cost of living is highly affected by what we call “Market”. It is a place where buyers (consumers), who demand goods or even services, and sellers (suppliers), who in turn provides for the consumer’s need, meet. It is a fact that that many Pinoys are unemployed or underemployed. This is part of our country’s population is greatly affected the changes occurring in the market. As we have observed, not only unemployed people are affected but employees as well. A person, whether employed or unemployed is significantly influenced by the events happening in the market. At different time’s intervals, most market has progressive and declining stages. So if the market tends to slow down, the country and its people, most specifically its employees also tend to slow down. Meaning, the market’s turnouts is the same with what is occurring to our employees. For example when the inflation rate increases (price of goods in the market), meaning the market is somehow unprogressive, the workers ma experience nominal decrease in their financial capability to support daily expenses so they may request for increase wage. Inversely stated, when the market is stable, then the employees and employment rate is also stable. Actually establishing direct relationship between the market and employees is quite difficult. So to further explain their relationship, the introduction of the Metaphysical contract called “Company”is necessary. A company maybe a corporation, a partnership or any form of business; These firms needs employees and workers for them to meet their objectives, which is to be profitable. A company like mediator, which has a direct relationship with a market, simply because firms are the active participants in the market. Additionally, market with few firms or companies, it would have a declining effect. That’s why, a competitive market means that it contains competitive. Companies where skilled workers can find if due to unforeseeable events, the market declines, one remedy is to increase prices of goods as stated earlier. When this happens, the companies may terminate employees or temporary decrease their compensation.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Inversely when the market progresses, employees are proved to be benefited their companies may increase production which needs many human resources and increase in compensation and benefits their ability to comply their daily expenses are parallel with markets improvement. A company’s action depends on market fluctuation which directly affects its employees. This only means that whatever happens in the market affect s the employees whether the two are being connected or compared directly or in their commonality that is through companies. 14. Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked conversations. To their intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat, and literally inhuman. Corporation and net workers are different when it comes with talking about their business to their intended audience. Corporation often speaks formally and in a professional manner. They used to sound hollow because sometimes they have to be impressive to the other professionals and people who are hearing then through using flowery words that are flat literally in human also these formal and professional conversations make them appear unbelievable and irrefutable through using visual analysis and other statistical basis. Moreover, if there is any vague understanding in the information, the audience can asked it personally and see how they react and explain it further. However, networked conversation makes it easier to the audience. First of the advantages is that, less effort is needed than seeing the companies personally. They can just simply site in the website and log in. Another advantage is formal or professional conversation are not necessary therefore it’s easy to understand their conversation because they can also use whatever language they want as long as the net worker can understand or translate it. Online audience, finds it more approachable in networking in regards with asking question. Any private conversations can kept without the other audiences knowing it and from their, networking conversation is low cost. If were going to take a look at and compare difference between voice of companies to those voices who are involved in the networked conversation we can say that they are truly different from one another, in a way that corporation thinks as a corporation that’s why conversations are different while voices from network conversation sounds, formed and shape by those genuine voices of people which is powerful than or compared to a corporations. 15. In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of business— the sound of mission statements and brochures— will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court. In connection to this theses just want o share with you the blog from, an article about SUN MICROSYSTEMS. Sun Microsystems: Blog Heaven Hundreds of Sun employees write weblogs about their work. Does all this chatter add up to better business? "Markets are conversations," announced the famous New Economy screed The Cluetrain Manifesto, published in 2000. The manifesto's theme is that the Internet allows many more such conversations -- but that they are only valuable if they are conducted in an authentic human voice. "In just a few more years," the mani-festo warns, "the current homogenized 'voice' of business -- the sound of mission statements and brochures -- will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th-century French court." Many dot-com nostrums are best forgotten, but the idea that honest, unfiltered conversation between companies and customers might actually be good for business lives on -- and, in fact, is being embraced by dozens of large firms, from Microsoft to Maytag. To the degree that open conversation does happen, it's happening largely through weblogs, or blogs. In their first incarnation in the late 1990s, blogs were mainly personal online diaries, repositories of their authors' daily experiences, passions, and frustrations. But over the past year or two, a new kind


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

of web-log has emerged: the employee blog. Maintained on company servers and open to the public, these blogs are used by many high-tech workers for debate, free association, and collecting input about projects… … … … … … … … … … … ..” It’s sad to see an occasional small company— off to a good start at first— forget its roots and spew “self-important jargon” of producing the best-in-the-world product; hiring a team of “industry experts” and summing up their total experience years into some arbitrary number; “professionally promoting unique information to exceed customer expectations,”etc. Ninety six years of combined experience? How do you slice it? And most important: what’s in it for me, a person on the outside of your business? You got it— nothing. The more you talk about yourself, pad yourself on the back, and beat yourself in the chest, the less I want to listen. Or, as a corollary, the more I get pissed off at your ramblings. I’m hoping more and more companies finally understand they need a human voice. People have learned to gauge corporate BS quite well. “Business as usual”doesn’t fly anymore. And that’s a good thing! Reference: (see whole article here) 16. Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony show, are no longer speaking to anyone. In advertising, most of the companies use the creative pitch which is commonly referred to as “dog and pony show” Dog and pony show was a colloquial used in the United States in the late 10th and early 20th centuries to refer to small travelling circuses that toured through small towns and rural areas. The names obtain from the typical use of performing dogs and ponies as the main attractions of the vents. The show itself and the performance of the characters were typically held in open-air, such as race tracks on municipal parks and localities that were too small or remote to appeal the main tent of circus performances. In the last part of the 20th century, the original meaning of the term has largely been los. More recently, smaller areas of the mid-western United States have come to know the term as “horse and pony show” The term has come to mean any type of presentation display that is somewhat pitifully contrived or overly intricate, or put or for purposes of gaining arrival fo9r 17 program, rules and regulations etc. It is often used in the business to describe the period immediately prior to the initial public offering of a stock issue when the company’s management travels extensively around the country to personally present their business to potential investors and thus attempt to make interest in purchasing shares of the company. In the service industry, it is a action meant to show the customer what he wants to see or to the so called antiquated method find not what he needs to know in order for him to maintain a position of privileged or favor. The term “the dog and the pony show” is not widely accepted in other areas of the country in the earliest period. Nowadays companies taking same pathways in the road of business are no longer employing the program in their operation because of few valid reasons and some management purposes. 17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding themselves. In this generation we know and we should know that marketing is still marketing. Because if were going to take a look the market itself we can still see and we can still say that Social media has this kind of capability to change the ways or strategies of the companies to communicate to it’s consumer, customers, or to its audience, it also gives chances, in a way that it allow business to join in the genuine conversation of the markets through listening and at the same time getting feedbacks to their most valuable resources which is non other than their consumers.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

And so through this or through it they see their markets and their business/companies as well communicating with complete transparency. But how does really these can be integrated with more traditional online communication approaches? “It examines online markets, clarifies the issues, and shows you how to jumpstart your use of the web as a vehicle for building profitable relationships “ So to these theses, we can say that it provides or it tells us that if companies involved in an online markets it was also that same market that usually watch their ads on television. And it’s true enough! Why? Maybe it’s because they are those companies who wants to have this technical, transparent and easy conversation to their audience as well as to their valuable customers. And of course a company who is involved and assumed this kind of online markets, they want to rate or to evaluate how was it going or how was it working with the market itself. That’s why I don’t have any idea on why this book says that a market that used to watch their ads on television are “kidding themselves”I don’t see the connection from now. Reference: d%3DBMNBMT+Companies+that+assume+online+markets+are+the+same+markets+that+used+to+watch+their+a ds+on+television+are+kidding+themselves.&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=4&gl=p 18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. For me the main issue with this these was the value of feedback and conversation specially the voices to those conversations in the markets. Because its true enough that if you don’t see any value from those voices and conversations in the market your loosing the opportunity. And those opportunities may be or can be your competitive advantage to other companies. It says “best opportunity” maybe because what you can hear from them specifically from your customers or from those of your consumers will be a great key and the best opportunity for you to continue and develop your companies or business efficiency and effectiveness to the market itself. Read this article: “Feedback is a process of mutual communication and reciprocation between employers and employees. It depicts the pulse of the organization. In most IT organizations employee feedback is a scientific process. It is done at various levels— before implementing a new policy or announcing promotions. Many consider employee feedback as a diagnosis of a company. The entire process of feedback— involving the design, analysis, implementation and chalking out of action plans— are handled in a scientific manner. A few companies are comfortable designing their own feedback process, while others conduct these surveys through various employee feedback tools available in HR packages, and also take the help of external HR consulting firms. The Q12 Questionnaire offered by Gallop, Engage-ment Study by Hewitt, and Great Places to Work by Grow Talent is some of the key feedback tools used by many organizations. Various kinds of information can be captured through employee feedback. At the company level, it could be awareness about the organization’s financial status, its global strategy, whether the company has become a better place to work, about team spirit, etc. Within the job it could be variety of work, quality of work, and role-play. If it is about personal development of an employee, it could cover training needs and the resources available in the organization. Eventually, feedback is required for any communication.” And I do agree to what information and idea it provides to all companies and businesses in the market, because FEEDBACK really gives chances and best opportunities for CHANGE. Reference: ologylife01.shtml+importance+of+feedback&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=ph


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19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance. In today’s scenarios, since technology gives a lot of impact to those demographic sectors especially to those companies and business in this society or even to this country. Now many forward looking companies have recognized the opportunity to talk to their customers because they know that if they’re going to blow it they lost the chance as well as the opportunities it offers. Companies now do directly communicate with their markets, maybe because I think it’s through the social media (networking). Many businesses are starting to see the public relations potential of the chat room and are adding chat capability to their sites as a way to communicate with customers directly, besides developments in the chat room phenomenon itself. Now just want to share some passage from this article that shows and gives a lot of information on why companies must communicate directly and at the same time must not blow the chance of communicating directly to market. If a company has a site representative, for example, the rep can provide customer support on the Web via text or voice, answering questions as people shop and expanding a real-world business practice into cyberspace." “In February Catherine Valenti reported on that according to The Cluetrain Manifesto, a new book from high-tech industry insiders Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger , "Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance...businesses must adapt to the quick, new forms of communication the Internet provides if they want to survive." She cites an example from the book of a conversation from an angry owner on a Saturn newsgroup. The man had complained about being given and then charged for services he didn't ask for when he brought his car into a Saturn dealership for an oil change. Other Saturn owners who had experienced similar situations also wrote in. The online audience was eventually addressed by a Saturn mechanic who explained the company's policy on maintenance service to the group. Valenti further reported that by doing this, Saturn had essentially responded to the fast-moving Internet conversation but according to the book, many other businesses haven't been as successful at responding in similar situation She wrote, "Companies can no longer stick to their old-fashioned marketing tactics when there is a whole world of people out there having discussions about them over the Internet, the authors argue."… … … … . And so Companies must ask themselves where their corporate cultures end. If their cultures end before the community begins, they will have no market. Reference: blow+it,+it+could+be+their+last+chance.&hl=tl&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=ph 20. Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them. I don’t’really have ideas on what’s really the meaning of these theses. What I’ve only understand is that a company or even an organization needs to have this kind of idea that markets needs to be understand. That companies as well must have join to the conversations that’s happening to the market itself in order for them to know that not all the time markets are not laughing at them, because the truth is “markets are often laughing at them”like what this theses tell us. Markets are laughing maybe because for some obvious reason sometimes that they did some actions or implementations those markets feels that it’s not a big thing… .or rather it’s a wrong thing. And it’s true enough even in our normal life as an individual we don’t see those people or individuals who


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laughs at us at our backs because we do know that they only laugh when we talk to them face to face. But the truth is, and we cannot deny the fact that they can laugh at us or they do laugh at us for some reasons. Now I’d like to share this article that I’ve read from the net, that has really a relation or a connection to this these. This article was entitled. Sony and the Blogosphere: Missed Connections. “Sony and the Blogosphere: Missed Connections March 6th, 2007 · 2 Comments “Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.” 20th of 95 Theses from the Cluetrain Manifesto Sony has come under much scrutiny in the past year and has illustrated that they do not understand how to communicate on the Web as we know it today. They have been also been the subject of many blog posts regarding their products, hacking them, reviewing them, attacking Sony practices, and much more. Sony has often taken a strong arm approach to dealing with information they do not want shared, and they have taken an even stronger approach to users modifying their hardware, or criticizing their business practices. To highlight these problems I will further discuss Sony vs. Homebrew on the PSP, Sony and its Rootkit, Sony vs. Kotaku, and Sony vs. blogs on the PS3.” Reference: (see whole article here) 21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor. They say that as presenters don’t take your self seriously because it might cause their audience serous too that makes the conversation or discussion boring. And so sometimes it’s recommended to add some humors to the discussion to make the audience alive and enthusiastic all the time during the whole discussion. And so what I’ve understand to this these was, Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense o humor. Why? Maybe it’s because the idea of transparency seems to be taking off right now. The Cluetrain notions of these theses: “Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor”. “Some companies are great at transparency. But only when secrecy isn’t an inherent mandate” “But maybe this idea of transparency is different from my interpretation. Maybe it means that companies are reactively honest when the market asks questions, but that doesn’t feel right. To me, transparency feels like an all-or-nothing proposition. It seems like it’s a decision to proactively initiate a discussion with a market to build trust and a relationship rather than just admitting the truth when pressured.” “The only way to true authenticity is when it is based on an individual’s core, unique quality, a quality shared by no other. Then a business has a truly unique niche that another cannot duplicate because they will never possess the core specifics necessary. It is possible to build these intrinsic into a company by using those qualities possessed by the founders and managers of a company.” I do believe and I do agree that in order for you to build trust and relationship to your market is true wholeheartedly and honesty answering their questions and keep going in to their conversation, because remember conversations in the market are powerful and conversation in the market are genuine. Reference:


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22. Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view. It’s true enough that not all the time sense of humor includes or putting some jokes; make people laugh and the like. Because this would also mean, describes and understands as “value”, value in the sense that it creates truth ness to something. And so in relation to this thesis that says that “Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web site rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view “Having effective marketers on the supply chain executive team is critical to a company's growth and prosperity. Without big values, a little humility, straight talk and a genuine point of view, your company might enjoy short-term gains but will struggle with long-term viability Exceptional marketers build an organization around big values, a little humility, straight talk and a genuine point of view. Marketing does not support the organization. The organization supports marketing. What we -- your market -- have wanted all along is to be treated with respect and to be connected to other people. Thanks to New Marketing tactics like blogs and YouTube videos and the like, it's easier than ever to give us what we want.” I wonder at first how true this thing is. But later on I’ve realized that it’s true enough that “people want to do business with people. And right now jargon-laden communications, online brochures disguised as Web sites, and fear of the new stand in the way. Having great marketers running things would make all the difference.” Reference: 23. Companies attempting to "position" themselves need to take a position. Optimally, it should relate to something their market actually cares about. th

This thesis as what I’ve noticed do relate to the 24 thesis saying that “Bombastic boasts— "We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"— do not constitute a position.” And so this states that the number one preeminent provider of the XYZ of the consumer was the market. It simply reminds the marketers as well as the whole market that if they want to attempt or to accept position they must be in line with what the consumers wants and with what the consumers need. Maybe one of the reasons is because consumers do want markets that relates to them and that markets that do join to what they convey to one another. Because most of the consumer believe that if the companies do really know on what their markets cares about they do also know they have this clear conversation and connection not only in terms of needs and wants but also to what are the consume/markets expectation to the products and services that company will going to show or will going to sell to them. To this thesis the “word” position for me means “being a provider” provider that truly relates for people for market and just for people and for market. It’s a position for me that gives the consumers/ customers in the markets a benefits and importance by those companies who wants to have and attempting to have this so called ‘position”. That’s why I do believe that getting a position or having a position like this is not that easy, because you have to consider a lot of things, just like having a decision to a certain situations


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24. Bombastic boasts— "We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"— do not constitute a position. We are born in the place where there are lots of people, people whom engaged into business and who are into business. In short we are born, and we are all here where markets and business exist in our lives. And through enough we are aware that they do want that position, they do also know that position, and maybe they are destined to have that position. In out family the preeminent provider of children’s food, clothes education etc. was the parent. In our country the preeminent provider of laws, security etc was our government. And when it comes to the preeminent provider of products and services to the consumers was the market, the business as well. And so in connection to this thesis what I want to point out in this thesis saying that “Bombastic boasts— "We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"— do not constitute a position.” “We” for me stands for the market itself while the line “preeminent provider of XYZ” was also the market itself who provides lots or different products and services to the changing consumer in the market. And in relation to this, since we all know that market was the number one preeminent provider of what we need and what we want as a consumer and they are positioned to be the provider, so it means that they are not constituting or in layman’s term establishing positioned for consumer because the truth is they are really positioned by the consumer to be the preeminent provider of products and services for us consumers in the market. And so bottom line would be: Not all demographic sectors/business are positioned to be a provider, because some are constitute or establishing a position for themselves which sometimes not good while they are in the market. That’s why this thesis says this line “Do not constitute a position”. 25. Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people with whom they hope to create relationships. Ivory Towers as what I’ve understand is a place where companies reside or where companies where into, or companies do usually do their works. And to this I really want to point out that I do really agree; and that companies in order to achieve and trace success to their business must go down to their ivory tower and extend their arms, to talk to people, and create personal relationship to it. Because talking, building/creating relationship to people or even to market itself is like listening to not only to the needs and wants of the people, of the market but also listening to the heart, to the cues/keys that would help companies to built products and services that came from people and more importantly for people. Listening to people/market was also start getting the pattern as to what people/market usually want to buy or want to have in the companies’products and services. And so this reminds us the value of customers and customer satisfaction as well. Customer value by definition is a benefit that the customer gains from owning and using products compared to the cost of obtain product. And customer satisfaction by definition also, depends on the products perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyers expectations, and if were going to recall based on the marketing concept, customer value and customer satisfaction are closely linked to quality and total quality management in which an approach of constantly improving the quality of products and business process. And so it’s true enough that a companies must create, maintain and enhance strong value lade relationship with people/customers and other stakeholders. Because creating, delivering and communicating superior customer/people value is always the key for a company or for a business to achieve success.


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26. Public Relations does not relate to the public. Companies are deeply afraid of their markets. When I read the or even hear “public relation” or “PR” what comes first in my mind was “marketing”because according to the marketing concepts public relation is a part of promotions that build and improve customers demand and so also use to offer positive images of the company and the brand. And since marketing states that it was or that was “public relation”, but honestly I got confused to what this thesis states or refer to that “public relation does not relate to public” because for all the time I do believe and I do agree that public relation as part of marketing communication mix was important and really gives impact to companies, and do relate to the public, since it’s “public relation” And so what it maybe wants us to realize is that public relations of a specific companies doesn’t really mean that they are closer to public, that they are closer to people. Because there are times or there are instances or chances that they do think things for people and just for people. But those things sometimes do not / does not relate closely to people or to public as well. And so maybe this was this thesis wants us to analyze; if companies public relations do really help their business to get closer and do get related to people, to market or to public. And about “companies are deeply afraid of their markets” maybe for the reason that companies do based what they do in terms of products and services they built, their processes, their practices, their promotions etc. Because most companies believed that market is powerful, markets do give a lot of great impact to the business of the companies. Because if markets get bored, if markets get down, and if markets get ignored or rejected by the companies or by business it would affect the internal and external process/part of the company. To this thesis what I’ve learned is that as a company or as a owner of specific kind of business we don’t have to be afraid to our market as long as we know how to go down with them, as long as we know how to deal with them, to communicate with them, to build relationship with them etc. Because that’s the best way or the best thing to do, for us to say that we do relate to people we do relate to market it self and we relate to public as well. 27. By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep markets at bay. Based from the past thesis that I’ve encountered one says that “whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting argument or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open and, natural, uncontrived.” And another one says “People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice.” These two connects to this thesis saying “By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep markets at bay.” And so meaning talking to people are not just going down to ivory tower because talking to people, listening to them, hearing what are they’re needs wants and expectation to market must have this kind of language that would connect, interact and communicate to everybody in a very large/wide range of scale. Maybe this was one of the reason why those unsuccessful business in the markets do not succeed in managing their own business because they don’t know how to use the language of people language that even in a distant can invite and can welcome a large number of people specifically customers. That’s why through not using the so called “Language” they don’t know that they are start building walls between people and their business. So now in today’s situation or scenario we can say or we can observe that business or most of the business in the markets do know that they have to speak or to talk in a language that can understand by lot of customers/consumer and can even in the distance invites, and does not sounds arrogant in order for them to not build walls between them and to people and to market as well. Because as a business they have to maintain and continuously build profitable relationship to their consumers because we do know and they do know more that every consumer/customers is a profit while everything else are just expense.


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28. Most marketing programs are based on the fear that the market might see what's really going on inside the company. In a marketing world they say that it’s stressful but truly enjoyable, maybe because one of its job or purpose is to manage profitable customer relationship through attracting new customers and retaining and growing current customers. And their other job that maybe nit seen by all is that creating programs that are based on the fear that the market might see what's really going on inside the company. To this thesis what I do understand is that markets success is directly dependent on their customers/consumers value and satisfaction, responsive on the needs and wants of their consumers and its true enough that these are all affecting the retailers of today. Most of the businesses today have become more consumers oriented because they do believe in the marketing concept which states that “the belief that all business activities should be geared toward satisfying the wants and needs of the consumers.” And it’s true enough that this marketing concept cannot be applied or cannot be implemented and consumer satisfaction cannot be obtained without planning. Planning which includes strategies and programs that will able to apply and share to different consumers in the market. And so I do agree that all companies who have marketing departments should based all their marketing programs to their consumers and more importantly in the big picture that they think that might happened in their company. It’s important in the sense that companies know how to deal with the trends in the market of course as seen through their marketing programs which may ring through and indeed may lead to achieving success. 29. Elvis said it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds." Honestly I’m not familiar with all so songs of Elvis Presley but I do know some. Anyway I don’t think there’s anybody in the history of music that has been able to really sort through the complex emotions in a love affair like Elvis Presley. And as he says, “We can’t go on together with suspicious minds...” Yes, we can’t go on together with suspicious minds, can we? So it’s time for some straight talk. It’s time for us to really get together around the issues that bring us together and the issues that divide us. I want to share this article to you that truly connects and relates to what this thesis trying to say for us one of the consumers and customers of the business in the market: “Let’s face it. It’s been a buyer’s market for a long time, but I think for all of us, we should celebrate the fact that there is advertiser demand. The flood waters are arising. We are going to have a lot better times ahead. The truth is that the world that we build, the practices we put into place, the relationships we put into place, the rules that we set together, the policies, the relationship that we have that we define today is going to stay with us for a long time. So let’s look forward to a time when there is a lot of advertiser demand, when we are doing a lot of business together. Do we want to keep going on the way we are now? Do we want this to be any way you want me to be anymore? I think not. So I want to start off with the positives in the relationship, and from the seller’s point of view, what makes us love you? I tell you, I started off from the point of view that if you as an advertising agency have incredible relationships with the very best sales organizations in the business, that you can get the best work out of Yahoo! and AOL and MSN and Sportline and MarketWatch and ESPN and Weather Bug and all these great sales organizations, if you’ve got their creative energy firing for you, if you’ve got them committed to helping your client’s business succeed, that’s terrific. That is a great value proposition for you.


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So how do you make that happen? How do you get the best work, most efficient work, most effective work, out of these sales organizations? Well, here goes: “ And yes I do agree that it’s time for us to face everything now in the market because what we see serves as an opener for as to take our actions that can change develop and improved what’s happening in the business industry but also to entire market as well. Reference: 11.asp+Elvis+said+it+best:+%22We+can%27t+go+on+together+with+suspicious+minds&hl=tl& ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=ph 30. Brand loyalty is the corporate version of going steady, but the breakup is inevitable— and coming fast. Because they are networked, smart markets are able to renegotiate relationships with blinding speed. We all know that brand is defined as a name form, sign symbol or design or combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of a product or anything that is related for the product identification. And one of the advantages of brands or brand names are consistency, attributes, quality and value and identification. Now if were going to tackle more of brand concepts you will encounter brand equity along the way which states that it is the value of a brand, based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand association and other assets such as patents, trademarks and channel relationship. Brand equity also is the positive differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product. And the advantages of which are association, credibility, awareness and lastly the LOYALTY. And so in relation to this thesis, we do know that when everything in the market goes successfully businesses benefits on to it. For example if business do know that their products and services were trusted by lots of consumers or by lots of their customers in the market this was their stage or level of being steady because they do know what’s happening in their business products and services as well ass they do know how are this working in the market. But if there comes a time that the ‘trust or loyalty”of people transfer to other business we can say and it’s true enough that it’s predictable and avoidable because I think as a business or in a business they should know how to avoid going to that scenario or how to avoid loosing of loyalty/trust of people to your business because in the market its true enough that business are networked that’s why changes and negotiation can happen in unpredictable speed. 31. Networked markets can change suppliers overnight. Networked knowledge workers can change employers over lunch. Your own "downsizing initiatives" taught us to ask the question: "Loyalty? What's that?" If were going to define “loyalty” we may defined it in different ways because we do all have different views also on how to defined this thing. I like the definition of loyalty provided by Fred Reichheld in his book, The Loyalty Effect. He defines loyalty as the willingness to make an investment or personal sacrifice to strengthen a relationship. Sound’s great right? This definition creates a lot of ideas about everything in my mind specifically it’s relation to this thesis because I do want to connect this definition to this thesis as well. In relation and in connection to this thesis, in a business loyalty is important factor in terms of customers and employees. Why? Because an employee helps the business in retaining their customers and If a company treats their employees right, those employees become more efficient and productive in their daily tasks. Profits go up, retention increases.


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“And again and again that a company’s prime mission needs to be creating customer value, most of you in small business realize this, but it’s reaffirming to see hard-and-fast facts to back up what many of us intuitively know. Customers don’t come to a small business looking to boost our profits; they arrive seeking value. If we consistently create value, profit will come. Treat employees well and they’ll perform well for you; well that’s pretty basic, now isn’t it? But we tend to forget, we tend to think we need to cut corners or just improve efficiency and that’ll lead to greater profits” And so bottom line would be: Remember, People are the third element--along with Brand and Package-of any small business marketing success story. And it’s only by creating value for our customer that we build profitable businesses. Reference: 32. Smart markets will find suppliers who speak their own language. In marketing’s environment specifically in the companies microenvironment, suppliers was one of the forces affecting a company’s ability to serve customers. And we do say and we do all know that suppliers provide the resources needed to produce goods and services for the different businesses in the market. But we cannot deny the fact that not all suppliers in the markets are capable and consistently providing the resources needed to produce goods and services that all business needs in order for them to consistently work on to the different processes of their business within their company, and also in order for them to continuously maintain the transaction with their consumers provided also with their product of their own businesses. If were going to compare intelligent people from those people who are entitled smart, I may say or you may say that smart people was a head and higher when compared to those who are entitled intelligent people. Why? Because if were going to analyze and observe the characteristic of both, we can and we can observe that smart was more strategic when it comes to work/task compared to those intelligent. Because even though are intelligent enough for different things or for a specific work or task it’s much better and it’s much faster when you apply those intelligence with a strategic move or plan. I do agree that if you are one of the smartest markets in business industries you’ll know how to find everything for your business, you’ll know how to find people like suppliers because of the number one reason and qualifications you want them to be, and that was through understanding and speaking the language you have as a business. And I agree also that it’s better if we have or if we find/get suppliers that do have this kind of ability to speak in a language not only with the business itself but also to the soul of the business. 33. Learning to speak with a human voice is not a parlor trick. It can't be "picked up" at some tony conference. When it comes to the concept of “Learning”people do have their different views on it, some says that learning was not that easy because of some reasons. And others say that it’s easy to learn and it’s a must for us to learn. And I do agree to those who are thinking that learning is easy compared to those who have their reason that learning is not easy. And it’s true enough that learning or learning something was easy although sometimes it depends to the people. That’s why we do all says that “learning is a never ending process” so why learning is hard? Well it’s not really… … and so if were going to relate this to “learning” to the thesis that says “Learning to speak with a human voice is not a parlor trick. It can't be "picked up" at some tony conference.” Which means and illustrates that the word “learning”was contradict to what we all believed, because in


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the business world or in a market world it’s hard to learn how to speak in human voice though it’s only speaking or talking to business and to people as well. That’s why it says that learning to speak in a human voice is not a “parlor trick” meaning its not anything like a trick that can everyone get it immediately in order to perfect and learn it because it’s not easy to learn , its not easy to “picked it up” like some tony conference. Meaning learning to speak in human voice needs to be learn more passionately, needs to apply more confidently and more importantly needs to share, experience and build more not only to business, not only to market, but also to people as well. In order for them to continuously think of ways on how to improve their processes, practices and strategies when it comes to dealing with market trends especially to changing customers using also human voice. Because as we all know, speaking in a human voice was also a way of effective communicating practice not only to the conversation in the market but to the conversation of people in the market as well. This will also serve as a chance to those opportunities in the market that understand and speak also in human voice. 34. To speak with a human voice, companies must share the concerns of their communities. Sometimes when we are in the market noticed that consumer/customers do share a lot of things in their co-consumers, co-customers or we can also say co-buyers. They share and exchange ideas about their experience for example to a specific brand of products they buy, to specific stores they went through and a lot more; but not only in little things in the market but sometimes in big things as well. In Management concept as to what I’ve learned from my past management subject; that it’s better if the information’s, data’s and feedbacks that gathered from an investigation, observation or from studies must be applied for it to be have a significance and value not only for the business or for the entire companies but more over to the consumers/customers of your business as well. In the market, some business sometimes wants to talk with buying offices, visit vendors and showrooms, tour on a different factories, let their employees attend seminars and fashion shows, talk to other successful business or developing business and tour to different outstanding stores in the market. And so through this they are able to gathered information’s, study it, analyze it, process it etc. And since they were doing this kind of thing for their business, this thesis reminds and states that through processing the information’s that comes sometimes to different bodies like demographic sectors etc. Companies as speaking in human voice like what markets do and like also what people particularly consumers/customers of different business does. Companies must share the concerns of their communities because it’s one of way of understanding not only companies to consumer/customers but also consumer/customers to companies. Meaning not all the time people must be in stage that they are those who only have to understand by the companies or by the business, it is better if there are times as well that people allow companies to share their concerns for them; the concerns of their community for them. It should be a give and take strategies/techniques in both sides of companies and consumers. 35. But first, they must belong to a community This thesis was related or has a connection in other thesis which says that “Companies attempting to "position" themselves need to take a position. Optimally, it should relate to something their market actually cares about. And so in order to have this relationship they must belong to a community. And this community was the only community where consumers/customers belong. Just like in the same and simple scenario that we have in our environment, in our society, if we have or if we want to know something about a specific issues, about what’s new or what’s the latest, we as individual trying to get “in’ trying to engaged and involved ourselves to or for example a group of people, a famous place etc.


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And so in relation to market, companies and business; in order to get detailed and reliable information to help business work and continue to perform the efficiency, productivity and effectiveness in the industry. And so in order to be able to easily reach the success in the field of business. Companies must not only go down to their Ivory Tower, must not only build profitable relationship to people, must not only just talk to people but more importantly be belong to their community. Because being ‘belong” to people’s community when you are in business industries was also being more than customer driven all the way I guess, because you are extending not only your business to people but also the soul of your business to people, in a way that consumers/customers would always want it to be, being ‘belong” also means being one of the people, being one of the consumers or being one the customers. And so this means that your business, your companies has this kind of ability to understand the changing market as well as the changing consumer/customers. Because being ‘belong’ to the community helps business ad companies identify consumer’s trends and will help also buyers make better decisions. It helps also monitor changes in the consumer market. And lastly it helps business to think techniques and strategies that would be applicable to the consumers. 36. Companies must ask themselves where their corporate cultures end. We do all know that companies do have and do know their corporate mission, their corporate vision, corporate processes as well as their corporate cultures. But if were going to ask this question, is business or is a company know where their corporate culture ends? Definitely we can’t say no at first and we can say because for now it really depends. They say that corporate cultures are invisible because this are things like beliefs, values, standards, paradigms, worldviews, moods, internal conversations, and private conversations of the people that are part of the group or that are part of the business/company. This is the foundation for all actions and decisions within a team, department, or organization. Corporate cultures based on its definition “A blend of the values, beliefs, taboos, symbols, rituals and myths all companies develop over time” this corporate culture sometimes based on the mission and vision statement of a company; as to what they or the whole company believe in. Now if the company knows their mission statements then they must also know where their corporate culture ends because as we can see and if were going to analyze and compare its definition to this thesis we can say that companies must know where their business ends where their values, their beliefs, their standards etc as a business or as a company will end so that they will know also how to deal with future demands, with future competitions and with their future markets as well. So that they will know if markets and opportunities are coming to their business they know how to deal and go with the flow of situations. 37. If their cultures end before the community begins, they will have no market. As to what I’ve stated in the previous thesis and as what previous thesis said that “Companies must ask themselves where their corporate cultures end.” because “If their cultures end before the community begins, they will have no market.” So this states the power and importance of knowing where your corporate culture ends. As early as you write or published your mission and vision statement of your company/business start asking yourself and the whole business questions like this “where our corporate does cultures end?” Because you’ll know already the answer to this. And maybe your answer or the answer would be “as long as markets are calling and needing our products and services we will be existing and continuously improving and developing. It’s just like in the saying that “regrets are always at the end of decisions”; when your culture ends before the community begins then you will have no market. It’s true right? A sometimes opportunity come once or knocks ones so be better to grab it already when it’s still there for you.


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So bottom line would be: there are really instances in the business industries as to what I have observed that business stops their operations or worst thing would be their whole operations and then that’s only the time or there will come a time that opportunities comes. And so meaning companies and business as must do know already where their corporate culture ends and where their corporate culture ends because this will help them determine and know if their markets will come or if there’s still market that specific point in time. 38. Human communities are based on discourse— on human speech about human concerns. When we say markets are conversation it means that markets are the place where conversations begins and where a lot of conversation happens. And since communities are located also in the market I do believe that they are also based from conversation, on communication or to so called “discourse”. It’s because communities are full of information, full of knowledge and ideas, full of human voices, and are full of human speeches and concerns. Communities are close to market for the reason that they are both need by the different business and companies in the market in order to grow and in order to improve. Communities are based on discourse because they are the place or the location in the society or in the environment where you can hear a lot of comments, a lot of sharing, and a lot of concerns from people, from human beings particularly customers/consumers. This are the place where you can hear reality, especially the true voice of reality because it came from people that consumes or who buys products(goods) and services to the market. That’s why this kind of community was or can be reliable enough for business and for companies as well, for them to study, analyze and hear this things, not just things but important things and true things that can be a basis for change, for development and for growth as well o their businesses. Because conversation from people, comments from people, concerns from people and sharing from people in the community are one of the true, reliable and very informative resources for big and all companies or businesses in the market. Because voices of human beings beside from what we have learned from the past is that “Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.” Another thing would be that voices of human voice from the market as well as from the community are not just powerful but also it can be describe as ‘genuine voice”why? Because their voices are from and based from reality , based from a discourse community. 39. The community of discourse is the market. We say from the very beginning that markets are conversation and so communities can be seen in the market and as stated in this thesis a community of discourse is the market itself. Why? Because if we’re going to take a look at the meaning of the word “discourse” this means a lot, it can be speak, chat, tell, discussion, comment, and conversation etc. And so if we’re going to paraphrase it as to what I’ve understand it is like this “community of conversation is the market” meaning builds a conversation or do practice conversation in their place then we can say that it’s true enough that, that community is or can be called a market. And so this can also means that community was also a conversation if it’s is really a community of discourse. Now if a community is a discourse community we can also say that this community was a community or a market that business can get information’s and ideas that will be a able to help them develop, explore, create and invent new products and services for people and for markets. Now I can see the essence and importance of community in the different companies as well as to the different business in the markets or in the industries. And so companies and business must go down to their ivory tower, talk to people, talk to different communities in order for them to know the conversations there. And not only that for them also to be able to collect information’s through


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experiencing life, people’s cultures etc. because going down with them and be with them was the reality that all business must see and must study. 40. Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse will die. As stated in the previous theses we say that in order to know about the community or about the market, first company or business must be belong to the community in order for them to know the information, the idea of what the market or the consumer needs and wants not only to the products and services of a specific company but more over to the expectation of the market/consumer to the whole company as well. We cannot deny the fact that the market or our market plays an important role in the different business or to the different industry we have in our society or in our environment, they are the reason why business continuously building, creating and producing products and services to people. And if markets are none or if the markets are gone there will be no source of idea or source of information the business have, because markets or community are the main sources it. And I think the reason why business was existing. And I do agree and it’s true enough that “companies that do not belong to the community of discourse will die”. Why? Because they don’t know the conversation in the market, and if they don’t get updates on what’s happening to the market, there are instances that they don’t go with the flow of competition, they don’t go with the flow of what’s new and passé in the industry/in the market. And so if we’re going to look at the essence or the importance of community to the companies, we can say that for the companies it’s a big factor that companies must be belong to a community if they do want their business to continuously working and continuously doing their operations to the market, because if not, as to what have stated in this thesis “companies that do not belong to the community will die” This thesis only reminds us specially businesses in the markets that “being belonged” were important and “being belong”creates a big factor in the companies, in their business. 41. Companies make a religion of security, but this is largely a red herring. Most are protecting less against competitors than against their own market and workforce. To this thesis I would like to focus on four things which are security, competitor, market and workforce. Security— if we can observe and if were going to analyze that in business, companies do have and companies do value security to their business because they want to secure not only financial aspects inside their business but also they do want everything in their company to be secure and to be safe even if it’s internally or externally. And so this maybe the reason why this thesis say that “Companies make a religion of security”. Next thing would be competitors— this includes business or even people that are involved in the so called competition in the market that is always happening in the market as well. Because we all expected and we all know that when you engaged yourself in business, competitions are always at you side, meaning competitions are always there. Why? This is because competitions help demographic sectors, companies and businesses to strive more and to compete more but in much better if it’s better if we do compete in a professional manner. Another thing would be market and workforce which we do all know that— based from its definition market is a place where buying and selling of customers and sellers of the different business happens. Workforce again based on definition ‘The whole body of employees, either in an organization or across an industry or All the workers employed by a specific organization or nation, or on a specific project”. So now if were going to connect this four keywords together, we can say that this thesis explains that or states that in all business in the market they all value the benefits, the essence and the importance of security, competitors(competition) workforce and markets to their business. But along this value, I think businesses do value more markets compared to competitions or competitors in the markets.


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42. As with networked markets, people are also talking to each other directly inside the company— and not just about rules and regulations, boardroom directives, bottom lines. When we say network markets we say that people have their freedom to speak, they have this freedom to talk to other people in the company. And this conversation that’s happening in the market is about different issues inside or can be outside of the company. And sometimes we do observe that what people keeps on discussing with each other no just about the rules and regulation they like and that don’t like, the boardroom directives etc. But also they have this kind of conversation that truly about company and their market. In connection to this thesis “Networked markets are beginning to self-organize faster than the companies that have traditionally served them.” This was based from the clue train manifesto which means and connects and related a lot this thesis. This states the importance, essence and benefits of the market to the companies as well as the level of networked markets compared to the companies. And so meaning if networked markets are beginning to self organize then companies must do the same thing also in order for them to go with the flow of events or scenario in the markets. This would also help them know that network conversation and networked markets enables us to communicate effectively, in which there is appoint in leading and communicating because an effective and powerful conversation and communication as well requires your or our ability to share what you think and fell about the environment, the situation and the people as well. Bottomline would be :”A market has network externalities if consumers’utility from purchasing aproduct depends on which other consumers buy the same product. A highlighted special case of this is two-sided markets with network externalities.” Referenece: 43. Such conversations are taking place today on corporate intranets. But only when the conditions are right. When we say corporate intranet it means that you are sharing different kind s of information’s with the employee, your colleagues, etc and as well as affectivity and effectiveness within the company or inside your business. And a lot were saying that this corporate intranet or having this corporate intranet on you business is you way to improve efficiency, productivity and effectiveness not only to your employees but also to the entire company or business as well. Why? Because you are in the right workplace, you are in the more efficient and effective workplace. And now we cannot deny the fact that there are lots of resources in the market that would help a lot of business and companies in the market to build their own corporate intranet. But of course investing on it needs to have cost, because intranet do have expensive cost like other software in the market but you have an assurance that it is reliable enough if you want certain process in your business And So in relation to this thesis I may say that it is true enough that having networking, internet and intranet etc in this generation includes also extremely high level of conversation between people to people, between business to business and between business to people as well. And this only exists and this is only exercise and observed only when it was done right and the condition is right. Conversations are empowered because business, people and markets can access information anytime and anywhere with just an Internet connection. Now you have a fast, easy, and secure way to access and continue your business.


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44. Companies typically install intranets top-down to distribute HR policies and other corporate information that workers are doing their best to ignore. As stated in the previous sentences of this reflection, it is said that intranet empowered and helps business in a way that business, people and markets can access information anytime and anywhere with just an Internet connection. And through this business can now have a fast, easy, and secure way to access and continue your business. And it also means that intranets allow every company to build their intranet with the click of a mouse-it's all web-based. It also combines the security of a hosted intranet with the power of online collaboration tools to save money and increase productivity. In a way that employees with the certain companies allows them to work on the most productive, on the most effective and in the most efficient way that they can, and it because of the intranet that they have. And when it comes to security issues, we do know that it “is a top priority with secure offsite facilities, redundant servers for 99.9% reliability, real-time back-ups, free upgrades, spam, and virus protection.” “Now you have a fast, easy, and secure way to access business-class email, group calendars, critical documents, and time-sensitive projects from any Internet connection. Organize important business documents by company departments. Share calendars, contacts, and projects online. Give customers or mobile workers access to projects and events.” And so we can say that intranet do really have benefits to all companies and business out there, because it is reliable enough for the different businesses and as well as companies in the market. 45. Intranets naturally tend to route around boredom. The best are built bottom-up by engaged individuals cooperating to construct something far more valuable: an intranet worked corporate conversation. Based from my past readings about intranet, when it was first introduced in the market there are lots of criticisms about it, there are lot’s of issues and questions about it in short, “intranets were dismissed by critics as the latest in a seemingly endless parade of technological fads and buzzwords.” ; And if were going to observe one of the usual and most common thing that the consumer / markets / companies ask when there’s latest in the technology world is that “how is it important? How is it work/performs?...and more importantly how it benefits the companies as well as its entire business? There are lots of reason why intranet exist, why a lot of company want to have this thing because of the reason that it allows employees or individual for a speedier communication and access to information than the Internet. It makes them to be more cooperative and collaborative enough to finished or to build something with value in the company. And through this we can see that employees are worked in corporate conversation. Another thing about the use of an intranet is that it also “allows companies to control their business easier and manage their employees more successfully, because they are worked with connection, they allow to work with collaboration... Less paperwork, increased productivity, added flexibility, and versatility are other factors that intranet users take advantage of. All of this adds up to a bottom line that is attractive in any business decision: the ability to save money and increase profits.” 46. A healthy intranet organizes workers in many meanings of the word. Its effect is more radical than the agenda of any union. Organizing everything is not simple. Because it’s hard to organize everything if you don’t know how and if you’re not strategic enough to manage everything, so if your not that kind of person who can manage everything then it’s pretty sure that you’ll be having a hard time also to manage people like what human resource manage does. They screen, they select and they train people and you have to believe because it is true enough that when you handle or when you manage people it’s not that easy.


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And so in relation to this thesis I can say that intranet really was one of the key to organized and manage not only work of the people or specifically worker or employees in the company but also manage and organized them (employees). Meaning intranet improves and provides workforce productivity. Which helps user particularly employees/workers locate and view information faster and use applications relevant to their roles and responsibilities. And also it allows “users to access data held in any database the organization wants to make available, anytime and - subject to security provisions - from anywhere within the company workstations, increasing employees' ability to perform their jobs faster, more accurately, and with confidence that they have the right information. It also helps to improve the services provided to the users.” And lastly Time: With intranets, organizations can make more information available to employees on a "pull" basis (ie: employees can link to relevant information at a time which suits them) rather than being deluged indiscriminately by emails. Reference: 47. While this scares companies witless, they also depend heavily on open intranets to generate and share critical knowledge. They need to resist the urge to "improve" or control these networked conversations. Since we know and since a lot of companies and business know about the advantages of having an intranet in the business or in the company, we can also think that since intranet was a big factor in a certain companies or business their operations and managements also depends on it, because one it helps their employees and the entire organization to manage and organized everything including companies operations and activities inside the companies, and second it generates and share critical knowledge among the employees. That’s why they must improve and develop what ever they have as a business. And so since intranet are reliable enough because there are lots of business and companies nowadays has intranet and there are also organization in the markets wanting to have intranet in their business and companies; So it’s true enough that intranet improves, empowers, generate critical information and knowledge through Communication among employees: “why? Because intranet means and serves as powerful tools for communication within an organization whether it is horizontally or vertically; It is also useful in a way that it communicate strategic initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization meaning the type of information that can easily be conveyed is the purpose of the initiative and what the initiative is aiming to achieve, who is driving the initiative, results achieved to date, and who to speak to for more information. By providing this information on the intranet, staffs have the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the strategic focus of the organization.” Reference: 48. When corporate intranets are not constrained by fear and legalistic rules, the type of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like the conversation of the networked marketplace. I do agree to this thesis that’s states “When corporate intranets are not constrained by fear and legalistic rules, the type of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like the conversation of the networked marketplace.” Because for me it’s true enough that when corporate intranets are not guarded or are not controlled by rules, regulations and policies it will be more interesting, it will be more fruitful and informative in a way that it has it’s own freedom to express and to open a conversation that is also true or genuine enough for the market.


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And so in relation to networked conversation, And networked marketplace it’s powerful in a way that it is conducted in a modern way of having conversation to others, because we are using technology, actually new form of technology when it come to having conversation and communication to other people. No matter how far they are to us. That’s why it’s also building new form of social organization online, actually a modern type of social organization. And since were living in technology today, we are also communicating or having a conversation to others with technology in our side, or using technology, like what stating in the previous sentence. And so, that’s why it shows also a powerful knowledge exchange and more over it really and continuously emerging. Networked conversation reminds us and thought us again that in communication accuracy, simplicity and clarity is the key not only to have/ having good conversation but also in exchanging knowledge to others for it to continuously emerge. 49. Org charts worked in an older economy where plans could be fully understood from atop steep management pyramids and detailed work orders could be handed down from on high. If were going to take a look back organizational charts based on it’s definition it goes like this “it is a formal structure of an organization” which means that it show graphically the hierarchical authority, roles, and responsibilities of people within an organization and as well as functions and relations within an organization. For the employees particularly to the new employees this would help them in a way that they can be familiarized to what the structure of that certain organization is a all about as well as for them to be able to understand what will be going to happen within the organization. Many people think and pointed the strength, the weaknesses and the limitations of the organizational chart within the company. “Others have coined a dizzy array of buzz words to categorized organizations, including networked organization, transnational organization, front-back organizations, and boundarlyness organization, learning organization, virtual organizations and social networks.” “Nevertheless organizational design continues to be one of the important and challenging demand on the top management, because it influences and interconnects the corporate and the business, strategy, marketing, decision making, communication, finance and investing, and leadership within any organization. And organizational chart continue to play a major role in the process, although they may look quite differently from the traditional tree like forms of the past. Simply because people can more quickly absorb information when it is on in a graphical way.” And so in connection to this thesis we can say that organization chart helps not only people in an organization but also the entire organization as well to improve and continue their process, their functions and responsibilities externally moreover internally. 50. Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on knowledge wins over respect for abstract authority. We say that organization, as we always know by it’s definition a group of individual bound together has a common goal by a set of authority-responsibility relationship; required whenever group of people work together to reach common goal. And we said that organizational chart represents the organization’s best attempts to configure it in order to meet its declared objectives. This shows the level of responsibilities, position and authority within a certain organization. In the organizational chart you will see chain of command which states, shows or illustrates authority and responsibility relationship that is link by its superior to all of their employees. The next thing would be the unity of command which states that it simplifies the lines of communication, and lastly the channels of communication that can be an evidence or evident of lines or responsibility and authority. In the years that past we do know that in an organization hierarchical levels should be clear, in a way that identifying individuals or employees should be within or at the same level of the organization. Why? Because, these will serve as an evident/ evidence that nothing those who are at the same level of the


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chain of command, meaning their position should denoted their relative authority and power within the structure. And so in relation to this thesis that says “Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical.” maybe this means that, since in today’s generation technology is boom and continuously booming. Organizational structures within certain organization is just shown thorough linking positions, authority and responsibilities, because in today’s scenario people do and company usually get engaged in to what is “hi-tech’” or into technology. That’s why most of the organization chart was not like before meaning its not the culture type of organizational chat we’ve seen before. 51. Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia. I do agree that command and control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia. Because if were going to trace back what Max Weber contribute to us, some years ago, we can say that this is still a very important consideration. His notion of rational or pure bureaucracy was without doubt the single most important statement on the subject in the social sciences. By the time that organizations grew in size and became more complex, the search for the theory of organizations led to Max Weber and his bureaucratic model. Weber tended to emphasize the significance of formal organizations a together with their impact of rules, roles and hierarchies. And so we cannot deny the fact that “organizations can be very effective just what like command and control management does within a certain organization.” The Command and Control form of management is based on military management. Primarily, the idea is that people do what you tell them to do, and if they don’t, you yell at them until they do, and if they still don’t, you throw them in the brig for a while, and if that doesn’t teach them, you put them in charge of peeling onions on a submarine, sharing two cubit feet of personal space with a lad from a farm who really never quite learned about brushing his teeth.” They are well controlled and somewhat predictable. But it is this very fact that causes many of the problems that are associated with these types of organization. Rules tend to be restrictive employees get bored and restless, and the organization finds great difficulty in recognizing the qualities of the employees and making good use of them. And so there is a tendency for organizations to become more and more bureaucratic as they get older.” 52. Paranoia kills conversation. That's its point. But lack of open conversation kills companies. To this thesis I’ve realized the power of conversation and paranoia in the setting. And so the thought of saying that lack of open conversation kills companies. Meaning it has a connection and relations to the so called “open channels of conversation or communication. Because open conversation/communication are those types of communications and conversation where everybody and anybody within the organization or in the company do have the liberty/freedom to talk, to share and to be aware of information involved. And one the examples of which are notice boards, newsletters, and minutes of the meetings which are circulated to all staff, non-confidential internal mail which is distributed openly, as well as blogs of the company which all employees are free to write and post interesting things or even not that interesting things to the company. Even multi-user computer systems which offer significant advantages to an organizations in the case of non-restricted information. Access is via numerous terminals throughout the organization. All of these are the essence and importance of open conversations and communications within a certain organizations or company. And without this, or lacking of this, will lead to slowly killing the company. Because interaction, communications, conversations and collaborations within the organization and company was not there, meaning it doesn’t exist. Because if the company maintains, develop and improve open communication and conversation as well will be more receptive and accessible by


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establishment of an effective communications system, because information needs to flow freely around the organization, around the companies. And so in order to determine how effective the open conversation and open channel communication are within the organization, we must look at whether the right information has reached the right person at the right place and at the right time. 53. There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with the market. We all know that conversation can happen anywhere and everywhere. And this conversation can be reliable enough and sometimes cannot, because there are some conversation that is just a simple conversation and sometimes there are also that really means a lot and really important to others because sometimes this can be a useful and reliable information for some actions and decisions. When it comes to the conversation that is happening inside the company we can say that most of this are very formal and most of this are very serious because as we all know every time they will be having a conversation it should be cleared, it should be documented because that’s their basis as to how they will going to deal with something in the company and will they going to decide on something about their products, employees, projects and a lot more for example. This conversation also sometimes secure and confidential meaning not all information’s that is in the conversation in the company can be heard and can be shared and distributed to the market, it should only be around the company or inside the company. And so when it comes to the conversation about the market, we can say or I may say that this kind of conversation is an open conversation which means information’s are shared and distributed to all other people in the market. And this conversations are reliable, fruitful and genuine enough for all specifically to the company for the reason that this are the basis of the companies for their products, for their decisions and even for their strategies on how to deal with the changing environment as well as to the changing consumers and markets. 54. In most cases, neither conversation is going very well. Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control. A person in an organization should only have one direct superior to avoid inconsistent directives that brings confusion in action and conflict thus reducing the organization efficiency and effectiveness. And also we know that a person given a responsibility in an organization should also be give authority to attend responsibility. And so if were going to analyze, giving people superior, responsibility and authority could help them and could also help work and communication flow freely, smoothly and clearly. In an organization it is better and it should have a communication or a conversation that is really going and flowing very well because if not this might causes failure and chaos among employees and might as well to the whole company. That's why i do agree to what this thesis says “Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control. “ because I do agree that most of the failure that is really happening inside the organization can be traced on the notion of command and control. If were going to take a look at for instance, how does an employee fails to his/her work, well in most cases if he/she was new in the organization, and if the organization doesn't know how to explain and show how the organization works and how their employee must work then this could be one factor as to why employees and organization don't understand each other. That's why we cannot deny the fact that conversations failure can be traced back and can cause the ineffective flow of command and control inside the company. And so it is better and it more efficient and effective if an organization work on, focused, implements and maintains their command and control management.


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55. As policy, these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken. Command and control are met with hostility by Intranet worked knowledge workers and generate distrust in internet worked markets. Intranet as we all know is a private network inside the organization that uses internet technologies to provide an internet -like environment within the enterprise. for information sharing, communication, collaboration, and support of business process. Communication and collaboration which includes email, voice mail, paging, faxes and group ware. Web publishing – easy, attractive and low-cost way of publishing and accessing multi media business information. And business operations and management which is the platform for developing and deploying critical business applications to support business operations and managerial decisions making across the internet worked enterprise. Command and control I think is very useful in an organization only if they know how to deploy maintain and implement it to their organization. But if not it is true enough that this can be an unfriendly action and an friendly management that might lead through the distrust of a lot of employees inside the organization. And not only that the worst thing would be it might create hostility by Intranet worked knowledge workers and might as well generate distrust in internet worked markets. Why? maybe it's because conversation and communications are very important factor in the organization as well as in the market. And so if this things happened, that it create distrust in internet worked market, then it can loose market it, can loose people and it can loose organizations. Meaning command and control management must have to be managing in a more focused way in order for the organization to monitor and manage and maintain the trust of the market especially in the people. 56. These two conversations want to talk to each other. They are speaking the same language. They recognize each other's voices. As stated in the previous thesis there are two conversations that is happening, one is the conversation of the company and the other one is the conversation in the market. And we say that conversation in the company is somehow different when compared to the conversation that is happening in the market. Meaning they have their own characteristic, they have their own uniqueness as to what their conversation is all about. And I do agree and I do believe that this two conversation want to talk to each other and they must talk to each other. In a way that they will help each other to understand and share what their own conversation talks about. Because through this open and shared conversation will be helpful enough in order to create a certain idea and decision that will help both of them. They are speaking in the same language. Yes it's true because I do believe that what they convey to each other, they can understand one another because they are speaking with the same language, and they can both go with the flow of their conversation. That's why we can say that it is a very big factor that even if company and markets do belonged to the two different conversations still they can understand one another because they speak in the same language. And lastly, since they speak in the same language it is true enough also that they can hear one another and they can recognize their voices. Meaning there are times and most of the times they want to hear and recognize one another because they want a basis, they want to rely on something that is reliable and something that can be very useful for their organization. 57. Smart companies will get out of the way and help the inevitable to happen sooner. Usually in businesses, in any kinds of business, they have these kinds of attitude that they don’t stick from one strategy or either from one product only. Because there times that they do try and change all of this things depending on how it will give them growth, development and change in the status of their business in the market. Because of most of them believes that in business sometime, you have to be


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flexible enough to try or to adopt things in your environment because this may affect you as a owner or even the whole business or company as well. And it’s true enough that companies who usually try this kind of thing are those companies who are smart enough and competitive enough in the market. Because they are those companies who are not afraid of challenges, whoa are not afraid of criticism and who are not afraid of failure, because they do know of course what they are doing in their business, in their companies. And so of course they do also know the effect of adopting changes and trying something new in their business or in the companies, because for sure they predicted it already And so as an addition to this thesis which says “Smart companies will get out of the way and help the inevitable to happen sooner.” Which means that smart companies sooner or later will be going out on their ivory tower and then will pursue or help the foreseeable things that might happen in the future. And we cannot deny the fact that these are the things that might help or might destroy their companies for sure. 58. If willingness to get out of the way is taken as a measure of IQ, then very few companies have yet wised up. We all know that not all companies today are not that willing for changes, because there still companies who stick to what they believed in no matter how these change impacts a lot of other companies in the market. It’s true enough that if you adapt to some changes, you will succeed already, still it’s up to you and to your companies on how to deal with it, on how to play with it. Meaning not all companies nowadays, even though competitions in the market are getting tough and getting stronger, not all of them are willing to get out of the way. Because not all of them I think are being influenced and educated about the conversation in the market, about what markets what people do need to them. Even though from the start they have this knowledge on how to run their own business, their own companies their own employees and the like. That’s why if willingness to get out of the way is taken as a measure of IQ, then it is true enough that very few companies have yet wised up. Because of the reason that, if were going to take a look at all companies today and differentiate all of them from one another, we can say that they are all the same in terms of or based of the amount of knowledge they have as a business or as a company because I think they are continuously studying and finding things about people/consumers that is not easy to forecast. Meaning we cannot say up this very moment that companies are wised enough to the people and as well as to the market. 59. However subliminally at the moment, millions of people now online perceive companies as little more than quaint legal fictions that are actively preventing these conversations from intersecting. What I do understand from this thesis is that, it’s like saying that online users or online people nowadays are those people that usually and have this intense identification to companies. Meaning they are those who are or who have a lot of experience about companies, about business in the markets. They are those who witnesses things especially information’s about company’s conversations, works, services and the like in a little ways. And I do agree that companies are more than quaint legal fictions, because sometimes they are keeping the information’s hidden from people for sometimes for them to hide true conversation, true knowledge and true information’s about companies business. But w cannot deny the fact that there are also attractive enough to people and to market as well. Meaning they make people believe most of the times, and they make people attract as to what they offer to them.


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They are actively preventing these conversations from intersecting. Which means for me is that, companies maybe preventing this conversation of people because this might create a lot of impact to companies’strategies, products and services and the like. Because if were going to analyze and observe, conversations of people are genuine it is powerful enough, and so meaning this can give companies and business of weather growth, development, change of failures. We can say either that all the "market" references to "communities," consider that "companies" can mean "news providers," but this news can also be true and can also be fiction. Even if companies you plan to keep information’s about anything about their business to people then they have still no assurance that it will last for along time that they expect, because people might discover and starts convey on it. 60. This is suicidal. Markets want to talk to companies. For this thesis, I admit that I don’t know why is it become suicidal when markets going to talk to the companies. Because what I do understand is that when markets starts to talk with a lot of companies they will have this kind of understanding that may lead through either good or bad impact among the. Because I do see this thesis in a positive point of views, meaning from me if markets do understand companies and companies do understand markets they will have this kind of conversation I think that is more connected. I don’t think that it is suicidal in part of the companies as well as in part of the market when they talk to each other because if were going to analyze the effect or the impact of it to the side of companies as well to the side of the market as well we can say that they can be both benefited to the conversation if they will be giving each other information that is genuine, reliable, helpful, detailed, and informative enough for each of them to be able to improve and develop their businesses. So if I were going to take a look at this a point of view of being pessimistic, we can say that it is truly going to be suicidal in both parts. Because we all know that both of them have their own conversations inside, but this conversation sometimes are hidden but open, genuine and powerful. And so if were going to analyze if they were going to talk to pone another there is a possibility that they might loose their conversation and this might becomes only fiction and a noise to people as well as to one another. 61. Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually hidden behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false— and often is. Networked conversation reminds us and thought us again that in communication accuracy, simplicity and clarity is the key not only to have/ having good conversation but also in exchanging knowledge to others for it to continuously emerge. Meaning network conversation enables us to communicate effectively, in which there is appoint in leading and communicating because an effective and powerful conversation and communication as well requires your or our ability to share what you think and fell about the environment, the situation and the people as well. Not all information’s are flaunted, anywhere, everywhere, meaning not all of them are being heard or are being talked about by the people. Meaning there are information’s still that are hidden and needed to be secured enough for the benefit of not loosing your own idea or your own knowledge or your own gain. People, markets and companies do this for the reason that they have this kind of conversation that needs to keep and prepare for a specific purpose of their businesses. That’s why even though markets are networked; companies don’t have any chance to talk and to get information from the market although sometimes they can get but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they got so much. It is hidden because markets I think don’t want to show or to share information’s about them on one click because they want companies to understand them in a way that they can be benefited and affected and also to what companies observe to them.


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62. Markets do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters. They want to participate in the conversations going on behind the corporate firewall. Markets do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters, because I do believe and what I do know is that, they already know and markets do already know that conversation and experience going inside them. Meaning markets belong to them or flacks and hucksters belong to market, and since they belong to each other they know already what type of conversation, what type of language, or even how is it done (conversation) happened among them. That’s why, maybe this was the reason why markets don’t want to talk to those flacks and hucksters that they already knew. And maybe markets want to try something new; something that is interesting for them and maybe it’s the corporate. Conversation behind the corporate because markets do know that there is so much in a corporate industry or there is so much in a corporate world. Meaning there is so much information that can be reliable, informative, and helpful to the market. Because what conversation they have as a corporate relies or based from the market itself. Because that’s what or that’s why they exactly they want to convey, and it is to study market, study markets strategies and a lot more. Corporate of course do know who are their competitors, who are those sectors they have to talk about, because that’s things that helps them and make them ideas that would fit for example to their strategies, to their competitive advantage and the like. And as far as I know corporate consider markets as one of those. And since markets know already, that’s the very reason why keeps on striving and wanting to participate on the conversation that is going on behind the corporate firewall, because they do want to experience and know the conversation behind the corporate firewall. And so they want also to have knowledge and information about corporate, and so because they want to have also an idea and formulate an idea as well as to how they will be able to achieve success and change in the market and how they will be able to benefited from those conversation that is happening behind the corporate firewall. 63. De-cloaking, getting personal: We are those markets. We want to talk to you. I think this thesis was contradicted on the previous thesis that says “This is suicidal. Markets want to talk to companies.” Since we know from the start that markets are conversation, we all know from the start that markets are conversation; we do all also know that these conversations are attractive, genuine and informative enough for all and more over or especially to all the companies out there. Markets are conversation because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and so it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; because of it’s sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing”can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together. Markets want to share, markets want to have conversation because they want to convey something but not everything. Because they want to develop conversation and spread information’s about them. They want to speak out something that’s concerned by the market, especially those concerned that are pointed to the companies and companies business as well. And so this may be the reason why markets are willing to talk, because they want to address by the companies what they want or what are their concerned is all about.


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64. We want access to your corporate information, to your plans and strategies, your best thinking, your genuine knowledge. We will not settle for the 4-color brochure, for web sites chock-a-block with eye candy but lacking any substance. Just like market people particularly consumers in the market do want to be get involve, engaged and share information to the corporate world because the want to know as well as they want experience conversing to the people inside and involve in a corporate world. Because in today's generation we cannot deny the fact that a lot of people was curious on everything, on something not only to their environment more particularly to business, to companies and market itself. Why? because people or most people today were not contented to the information that they get from the business anymore as compared to the past, that they are just content with the different and colorful brochures, pamphlets, and websites etc. Because most it today’s we believe and they believe also that this brochures, pamphlets, websites etc though has an information, are not that informative, genuine or reliable enough for them. In a way that this cannot be always a basis of believing and trusting to the products and services that the business and the company's providing. That' why they want to access to your corporate information, to your plans and strategies, your best thinking, your genuine knowledge. Because they do not want just to settle for the 4-color brochure, for web sites chock-a-block with eye candy but lacking any substance. People and market want more about corporate, they want to enter, share and convey with the world and conversation in the corporate, for them to understand corporate and a=understand as well markets and people 65. We're also the workers who make your companies go. We want to talk to customers directly in our own voices, not in platitudes written into a script. People in the market are also people in the company, the only difference would be, people in the company are called workers, and people in the market are called customers or consumer. Its true enough that people in the company are the assets of all business and companies in the market because they are the main factor or the main reason why different companies and business in the market go, functions and perform their responsibilities to people to market through providing people and market products and services that may satisfy what the customer or consumers want. Just like what stated in the previous explanation people re eager to the reliable, experienced, conveyed and informative information for the companies for the business and for market as well. We do know that companies use advertising as their way to promote their product and services to people and of course to the different market that they have. They also use paraphernalia such as brochure, pamphlets and even websites, but if were going to observe company also do hire people to go the street and give people papers that would promote their products and services as a company. And also this people serves as a companies representative as of sometimes for their marketing functions and department and the like. And so we can say that from then on, companies or business do have their ways as to how they will going to talk to people, on how to talk to market because they also want that, as what people like that to happen because even them I believe, was not satisfied to just to producing papers because there are times it's not working and not helping the companies or the business itself that's why people do want more from the business or from the companies that's why this theses says “We're also the workers who make your companies go. We want to talk to customers directly in our own voices, not in platitudes written into a script.”


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66. As markets, as workers, both of us are sick to death of getting our information by remote control. Why do we need faceless annual reports and third-hand market research studies to introduce us to each other? Both people or workers and markets are the same in a way that they are both seeking or finding information about the conversation among them. Because even though papers such as reports research etc do works because this serves always as basis or reliable information for them to change develop and explore new things and strategies for their business and for company. Meaning both people and market want something new and this something new can only see if they only convey or talk to each other. There are lot of reason why markets and people must introduce themselves with each other and must have to talk to each other. But one of the main reason as to why this things must happen is that this will serve as an eye opener for both of them to understand one another, to share information’s about their conversation, to open up things that needs to open up, and more importantly seek and share information’s that they are longing to have. That's why through this conversation open communication or open conversation spread and continuously growing. And so to sum up, because of being open of the networked market companies markets and people do get information about the performance of their product to market through the conversation and communication that executing by the people or by the consumer in the market. That’s the conversation in the networked marked was consider powerful and genuine because event though the news is good or bad they convey all information to everyone. 67. As markets, as workers, we wonder why you're not listening. You seem to be speaking a different language. Based from the past thesis that I’ve encountered one says that “whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting argument or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open and, natural, an contrived.”And another one says “People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice.” That connects all to this thesis saying “By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep markets at bay.” There are times and sometimes companies and business don't want to listen to the open conversation and communication that they have. Maybe this was one of the reason why those unsuccessful business in the markets do not succeed in managing their own business because they don’t know how to use the language of people language that even in a distant can invite and can welcome a large number of people specifically customers. That’s why through not using the so called “Language” they don’t know that they are start building walls between people and their business. So now in today’s situation or scenario we can say or we can observe that business or most of the business in the markets do know that they have to speak or to talk in a language that can understand by lot of customers/consumer and can even in the distance invites, and does not sounds arrogant in order for them to not build walls between them and to people and to market as well. Because as a business they have to maintain and continuously build profitable relationship to their consumers because we do know and they do know more that every consumer/customers is a profit while everything else are just expense. 68. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around— in the press, at your conferences— what's that got to do with us? This thesis can also be connected and relate to the questions of all consumers in the market, questions that points out what business or companies can still provide the growing demands and number of people that buys and seek for the information about business companies and markets. People nowadays are very much particular with the how and what questions fro the business, for the products and for the services that can offer for them. Before people are not particular with the information, with the


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products and with the services, but also I'm not saying that there are no people who doesn't have any concern about it , there are some and they are those who know and until know and wants this kind s of information. Before they are not particular with more of benefits, conversation in the market and in the business because from that time conversations were not that booming and not that important. But today we can say and i may say also that most of the people, business, companies and markets that are involved and who wants to get involved in the conversation and in the communication. Why? because they know that involving in this conversation and in this communication, sharing with it can make really a difference and can answer the question that asked “what's that got to do with us?”. And so we cannot deny the fact that getting engaged and getting involved in the conversation that is happening the market can answer all the questions that people or that consumers have and wants to open up and wants to convey to everybody specially to different market, to different business and different companies as well. 69. Maybe you impress your investors. Maybe you're impressing Wall Street. You do not impress us. We all know that a lot of businesses do have a lot and different strategies on as how they will be competitive among other competitors in the markets. They are all doing this in order to impress investors, other business, other companies, wall street, and more importantly people or consumer because they are those who will be patronizing their products and service that will be always offer to market. But not all of them got impress every time business introduced something to people to market. Sometimes investors do not impress with people, business and companies and even markets strategies or in what they do or offer because what they want only sometimes is an open conversation and communication that would make them enlighten, knowledgeable about everything in them specially to the information that they also convey, because this is informative, reliable and the like. Because even investors know that the information in the conversation was something that makes them impressed. Why? Because they know that this is genuine enough, this is something that people could be believe and trust. Because as w all know having conversation or through conversation truth comes out because you share information, you throw your ideas, you throw or share your own opinion and your own knowledge about everything or even something that relates and connects to people to business and to market as well. Because this was not impressive as always meaning there are also times that conversation do not impress us people, because there such conversations that are not open, that the information are not true and the like and so even though they keep of trying and striving to make people believe, to make people impressed still they cannot. 70. If you don't impress us, your investors are going to take a bath. Don't they understand this? If they did, they wouldn't let you talk that way. We say from the very start that markets are conversation because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and so it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; maybe it’s because of its sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing” can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together. And so to this thesis, what I do understand is that if people or even business learned from their mistakes from the past process or strategies that they have done before it is an assurance that there is a possibility that they do not do it again and again. Because this will serve as their basis if they will go to invest on to your business or not, or even if they will be putting up profitable relationship to and to your


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business as well. Through this both business and people particularly those consumers or customers in the market will have the basis for their futrure decisions that are in line with market, products and services that offers in the different business in the market. 71. Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze over. We don't recognize ourselves in your projections— perhaps because we know we're already elsewhere. We cannot deny the fact that from the very beginning we all know the word “market”because this starts since businesses began in our society or in our environment. This word starts to gain importance, starts to gain issues in the different people, particularly those who are engaged in business, this starts to be a problem of the different companies and industries, and most of the time it gains a lot of focused because this are the main reason why business of the different personalities or individual and companies or even countries as well, to be able to exist and continuously proceed and perform to their different objectives. And this was also the main reason on why different business does have this kind of perseverance to serve and provide people quality and profitable products and services as well as relationships. And now people are getting smarter enough as what markets getting used to also. Now we can say that most of us have this kind of deep understanding about market. We are continuously learning that our notions of markets are those who will recognize each one of us; those who will recognize our ability to differentiate ourselves to those business and companies who are in their ivory tower. Our notion on market helps us to be knowledgeable enough at the same time to be particular enough to what was really market from time to time is all about. That’s why this thesis says that “Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze over. We don't recognize ourselves in your projections— perhaps because we know we're already elsewhere. ” 72. We like this new marketplace much better. In fact, we are creating it. In today’s generation, we can all say that we have very large market, in a way that people nowadays to have this kind of creative, productive and effective thinking on as to how we will be able to have connections to each other, how we will be able to constantly provide constant connections and interactions to our co-consumers in the market because we all believe from the start that markets indeed is a conversation. That’s why we explained that markets are conversation because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; maybe it’s because of its sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing” can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together. Maybe different marketplace nowadays are the main reason why people who likes business was continuously engaging in business and people who are already engaged in business are continuously engaging in business because markets are getting into a boom stage, markets serves as an eye opener for all to be able to create and build this kind of connections and conversations through all. 73. You're invited, but it's our world. Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to barter with us, get down off that camel! There's a lot of truth there, what I meaning there’s a lot of truth with this thesis, especially the part about the If you want to barter with us, get down off that camel up to the other marketing messages of this thesis. We've been smart a long time though but continue supporting these companies, because we have no other choice. They've dominated the markets for so long. It's only of late that there has been any real


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Competition in a lot of markets, brought on by the sheer power of the internet no doubt. In many ways societies, business, companies are always inviting markets particularly consumers, buyers and the like to get into their world and as well as to get markets to get to the world of them, because that’s were interaction, connection and conversation goes. For me the meaning of “Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to barter with us, get down off that camel!” is non other than acceptance in a way that people/ market should know how to take and accept the world of business or corporate in the same way also that business or corporate should accept their world in order to have a fruitful, meaningful and profitable relationship and conversation among the two. And so through this we can say that before getting into the different world, before accepting the invitation of the different world we should take in to consideration that we have to take off our shoes at their door. And if you want to barter to them you have to get down to the camel. 74. We are immune to advertising. Just forget it. With this thesis for me it’s a yes, that there are some truths about this thesis, but I believe the whole thesis was not that true enough to satisfy other readers and bloggers like me. It is sprinkled with truths amid absurdity that is buttered up a bit to make the lies slide down our throats more easily...For example "We are immune to advertising. Just forget it." I suppose since the Internet, those who use it on a daily basis may have become a little desensitized to it, but not immune. Then some of the parts about intranets are really ridiculous like #44 and #45 where it says "Companies typically install intranets topdown to distribute HR policies and other corporate information that workers are doing their best to ignore. Intranets naturally tend to route around boredom. The best are built bottom-up by engaged individuals cooperating to construct something far more valuable: an intranet worked corporate conversation." Indeed we are immune to advertising because all of us, we are attracted to the what’s beautiful, to what is high tech and to what was unique to out eyes because this was the things that serves as our basis that the products and the services are trusted and high quality because also the quality of promotion and presentation to the market particularly to the public. But we cannot say that all of the consumers in the market are immune and get easily attracted to what was advertising was showing or presenting to us consumer because there are times and their are consumers as well that they forget about the advertisement of the product because they just stick to the quality of the product itself. 75. If you want us to talk to you, tell us something. Make it something interesting for a change. Markets are conversation because there is something to convey, markets are conversation because there is a very important discussion that we have to talk to, markets are conversation because it aims to have a sharing and exchanging of ideas in the market, and markets are conversation because it aims to have a change; conversation that we have to learned and apply to whether in the corporate world or to the market world. That’s why we say from the very start that markets are conversation because it’s part of a day to day conversation of the companies who has or who owns their products to the specific markets, and so it’s a part, or it’s a part of their job or their business to consider what market to take or what market to go into. Meaning market was always part of a day to day lives of business man, business meetings, was part of the top management, or even employees conversation on for example, what are the market demands of for today, what is the market status etc. Markets are conversations; because of it’s sometimes defined as the set of buyers sharing particular needs and wants. “Sharing” can sometimes done through conversation/ talking together And so the main point is that you have to talk in way that your giving others knowledge and learning’s on something, that you give others idea that will serves as an eye opener for them to go strive more, and also continuously connect and constantly provide reliable, informative and productive information for change not only to the market but as well to those also that is connected to market that needs also a change.


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76. We've got some ideas for you too: some new tools we need, some better service. Stuff we'd be willing to pay for. Got a minute? Technology nowadays offers a lot to market. They offer things that can make consumers life easier, they offer things that is surely click and “in”to market and that surely makes market long for it. And one of this offers are the internet, which serves as a savior and helper of most people around the world. We cannot deny the fact that most of us uses internet as part of our daily lives. A lot of people used it mostly on the cities, and mostly on the corporate world as well as to the different demographic sectors in the environment. A lot of people used it because it offers a lot, it serves a lot and it really helps to most of needs, wants and demands of people. That’s why most of us are dependent to what it can do to us. An internet provides us and helps us to be updated on what was new in the cloud, to what was new in the market. They have offers new tools that would particularly help those consumers who are in need of that tools and they offer services that through time continuously became better and better. That’s why we can’t blame those who are developing those tools and those new services in placing money in exchange of those tools and services that they offer to all the consumers, surfers in the market. That’s why it’s a choice and it’s an option to all the consumers in the market if they will go to avail those new tools and services. 77. You're too busy "doing business" to answer our email? Oh gosh, sorry, gee, we'll come back later. Maybe. Email is not new for us because a lot of people were using it nowadays, it a product of technology that runs on the cloud. Email truly gives a lot to all the people, E-mail is free. With no production, materials or postage expenses, you can easily and affordably communicate event information. E-mail is fast. Time-sensitive information including updates pertaining to events and breaking news can be received within minutes, not days or weeks. E-mail generates an immediate response. By providing links within your e-mail, you give potential participants the opportunity to register right then and there. You can see the results of your efforts instantly. E-mail is targeted. You can easily segment your lists into groups so your e-mails go to the individuals who are most likely to respond to that particular message. E-mail is proactive. Instead of passively waiting for participants to visit your Web site, e-mail enables you to aggressively communicate with and educate your existing participants. E-mail expands your reach. Grow your database by sending information to your participants and encourage them to forward the message onto their own friends and family. E-mail allows you to foster long lasting relationships. Build a regular, ongoing dialogue with those registrants/participants who appreciate the routine communication. Those who do not can easily opt-out. E-mail will grow your organization. Maintaining and growing your e-mail database will allow you to fully utilize our services, including free Broadcast e-mails and an upgraded version of HTML e-mails (fee applies) in order to reach more participants. Reference: 78. You want us to pay? We want you to pay attention. In the business world we can say that transactions do happen, meaning people particularly buyers or consumers in the market; they pay because they want to consume a particular or a specific products and services that the different business offers to them. They both know what should happen, and what will happen if both of them are in or with the market itself. It is not new to business and it is not new also for all the buyers, consumers and a lot of actors or even individuals that are engaged or were into the business or market world.


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When things are good, when situations are good in the market and in the business, both consumers or buyers and sellers transactions and exchange into the market flows smoothly, for both actors playing in the market. But when things get rough and tough, a lot of issues coming out, a lot of demands coming out and increasing, and a lot are getting pressured. Because aside from both who doesn’t give each other a chance to open the door for understanding and explaining their sides. And if we were going to analyze who among those actors are very demanding, it’s I think the consumers or the customers are those actors in the markets that is truly affected and that is truly demanding. For the reason that they do want attention, an attention that would make businesses understands their part or their point on why they want an attention from them as a business. And because they want to explain to those businesses in the market the even business do want consumers or customers to pay them for the products and services in the market… but what they really want is that the attention that makes everything in the market becomes better. That’s why this thesis say’s “You want us to pay? We want you to pay attention. ” 79. We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party. If we were going to observe, people from the past do want only to consume, to buy everything what they want and what they need in the market. And business do want only is to serve and provide different products and services to be able to sell for those consumers/customers in the market. This was only the main reason and the main cycle of transactions and exchange that is happening from the years that past. People from that time do not know and do not find and rather feel what was really the essence of having this kind of situation from that time and even after this very moment. And to this thesis that says “We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic selfinvolvement, join the party ” for me this simply explains that businesses must go down to their ivory tower, be belong to the community and the like. Because through this simple things, they can understand and experienced the reason why they must or it is a must for them to join the said party, which means that this party only says the true success and relevance of people, consumers, customers that is in the market, and as well as the market itself. This thesis also explains and reminds all business in the industry, in the market that not all the time they have to be focused on, they do have to understand the market as well as well as it’s people. They have to experience and they have to know how to drop their trip come pout with their neurotic self-environment. And more importantly join on the party that’s happening outside particularly in the market or into the business and industry. Because through this, there are things that are not expected to come out, that is not expected to share with the different people who are engaged in the market, in the business, and even in the industry. 80. Don't worry, you can still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing on your mind. We cannot deny the fact that money makes the world go round. And with these beliefs or with this principle, people from the past and even from today do know the power and importance of money with their lives. Because they do know how it can change people, how it can change decisions, your family, and even those things in your life that you want to grow and increase. And this are all the reasons why from the past and even from this generation think of all ideas that would serve as a way to produce or to create money in hand. From the very beginning we all know that when there is transactions or exchange that will happen, the main thing or the main medium that is involved in exchange and transactions is “money”and from today we do all know that people, business, market and industries make money through the products and services that they offer to each other, in order for them to gain or to have money out of this things.


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And we cannot deny the fact that a lot of people nowadays want to exchange in something that would help them create or make money, ands that is through exchanging or involving in the business matters or in the business world. And through time business would have an attitude that they only think that in order to make money they have to think of any business that will ensure them would produce money for their company. Which is according to this thesis is not healthy, because not only business can produce or can provide money to individual, because there’s also money in not thinking and not throwing money to stick in your mind. Meaning there are also things that would also provide and create money that’s why this thesis says “Don’t worry, you can still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing on your mind. “ 81. Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional and boring? What else can we talk about? If we were going to observe there are lots of people who likes and who wants to have money because they know how it works even if it is only a single paper or a single coin. Because money has its own value, it has also its own power that is really amazing, moreover when it is in terms of changing individuals attitude or even decisions and principles in life; and even organization’s companies, and industries and different demographic sectors as well. People when so greedy even business and some companies, when so greedy money was not boring because this is all what they want to have. I do agree with what this thesis says that “Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional and boring? What else can we talk about? “Because it is true enough that money is a kind of dimensional and boring in a way that still or always the same functions that provides us, even though we can never change it’s value. It became dimensional and boring maybe because of the way people value it. For example if it was always your topic at home, in the morning, in the afternoon, and even at night. Another thing would be if it’s always your goal as a person, organization or even as a company or as a business. Why? because if money was always involved in a individual’s life or even in the cycle, process activities, mission, vision and goal of the company , the conversation or the discussion and the relationship within the company doesn’t have any worth at all, because even though money has it’s own worth in itself and even to all those who needs and used it … .,still we cannot deny the fact that most of the times it has an effects that is truly not good and healthy for an individual for a company or for the business as well. 82. Your product broke. Why? We'd like to ask the guy who made it. Your corporate strategy makes no sense. We'd like to have a chat with your CEO. What do you mean she's not in? When we say corporate strategy I do believe that it deals with or it has a connection with the corporate activities, goal and corporate world of a certain business or company in the market / industry. This also deals with the corporate strategies of those businesses that provide products and services. It has a sense or doesn’t have any sense in the eye of those who were consuming it particularly their customers around the market. For me it connects to the word commitment, influence, competence, focus and compassion. Commitment because it is being manifested by the company or by the business by their willingness to improve the service and the entire amount of personal sacrifices that could make them achieve their goals and objectives. Influence because corporate strategies of a business has this ability to influence others with which they know that it takes hand work and proven the results. Being competence in a way that the company has this ability to make things happen where it really counts because they know that the key to success their business is to be always ready to play the game of competition and this is when you make constant involvement in the real world happen inside the market and on how they will contribute on their business more. Another is the word focus because as a


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business entity they really have to have the ability to guide and spot the right things to prioritize like their employees and to concentrate more in accomplishing their needs. Lastly is being compassion which simply means that they need not only focusing on their works as a business firm and not only concentrating with their people but also have the desire for the excellence and difference. It is a kind of attitude that pushes them to settle for anything less then the best possible results of a certain goal. 83. We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal “The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is an English-language international daily newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company in New York City with Asian and European editions. As of 2007, It has a worldwide daily circulation of more than 2 million, with approximately 931,000 paying online subscribers.[2] It was the largest-circulation newspaper in the United States until November 2003, when it was surpassed by USA Today. Its main rival is the London-based Financial Times, which also publishes several international editions.” “Ultimately, the intentions here might be pure: the world is changing and consumers - end users would like to feel like they have more access to corporations and influence how corporations provide products and services. More introspection is needed, but for today, let this be a starting point.” “More importantly, lets agree that language that creates a chasm between interested parties should be dispensed with. And, lets all be careful not to get too far ahead of ourselves. Otherwise, there’s nothing new about social media at all.” There are lots of new and a book that says every company takes 50 million customers more seriously than one Wall Street Journal reporter. But most of them haven't yet figured out how to talk to 50 million people online. Meaning people who are in online markets doesn’t have this more tight and powerful conversations that people those who are in the more literal market. That’s why most of us today believe that conversations inside the cloud or online to have the power to change past conversations into more informative and reliable information for people and just for people. 84. We know some people from your company. They're pretty cool online. Do you have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play? To this thesis what I do understand and what I do relate is that the word “passion and challenge” for both business and market in the society or in the industry because of the sentence that says “Do you have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play?” With which challenge all the companies and businesses to show what they have for people and to market as well. And passion because this explains how is passion works to companies business and the like in the industry. The amount of achievement that you accomplished as a business or as a company or as an organization which is determined by their commitment but the quality of their output is determined by the passion that they have put behind it. Passion is not simply doing things with a dire desire for excellence and difference. It is the attitude that pushes a company or a business not to settle for anything less than the best possible results of a certain goal. This is the fire that keeps them warm and conditioned in everything that they do. It is a feeling and a voice within them saying “let’s go! Let’s do it!, lets do it perfectly! “For peoTo this thsis ple and just for people. It is the energy that makes them feel good at night, realizing that you have done something meaningful and there’s no more to come.


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Challenge in a way that or in relation to this thesis, companies or businesses are challenge all throughout their activities, process in their business or in their companies, maybe because they are both challenge to show or to explain to people and to market even though everything should not be exposed. 85. When we have questions we turn to each other for answers. If you didn't have such a tight rein on "your people" maybe they'd be among the people we'd turn to. To this thesis that says “When we have questions we turn to each other for answers. If you didn't have such a tight rein on "your people" maybe they'd be among the people we'd turn to. ” maybe they’d be among the people we ha turn to which means that when people ask something and they do want to find answer to their questions, books, magazine, and the like are not their only reference for or finding answers for all their questions and today the main basis or the main way of searching for such answers is through other people’s conversation, for other people’s opinion, suggestions and the like. Because they know what there is such reliability, dependability, and resource from the conversation. People in the market are like that, they are those people who are turning to each other for answers to each and different questions that they have in their minds. Because they know that these questions do have answers among those people they’d turn to. And so that’s why they value the meaning communication and conversation in their lives. They value the accuracy and simplicity and clarity of the communication or conversation. Because they know that through this a lot of message or the answer is clear when it is give and shared to others for them to have something to feel, to think about or to do something. Because it is clear, it is important to seek a reaction or a response to check if the clarity is achieved. They value the accuracy because this means that what you say is true and you convey it with conviction and great sense of credibility. Simplicity and is making sure that all unnecessary information is taken out and only those that matters are retained. Meaning this should be focused and simple. And clarity with which different from simplicity because over simplification should not sacrifice the clarity of the message and through this the essence of turning to each other’s answers becomes reliable and dependable to one another. 86. When we're not busy being your "target market," many of us are your people. We'd rather be talking to friends online than watching the clock. That would get your name around better than your entire million dollar web site. But you tell us speaking to the market is Marketing's job. In this thesis they allow us to go back to the concept of marketing to the different companies and business in the market or in the industry. They sat that marketing is a social and managerial process by which individual or group obtain their needs, wants or expectation through creating and exchanging products and values with others. The art and science of choosing target market and building profitable relationship with them; the market actors’ aims to maintain and grow target customers by creating, delivering and communicating customer value. In today’s generation or in today’s setting there are lots of popular sites related to blogs, in which enables the users to talk, to write or to make blog on their own opinions, suggestions and comments sometimes on others and sometimes on business, markets and even on different industries. And this is through chatting from one another and others from or through blogging; as well as to share and subscribe to others with millions of sites in the cloud as well. It’s through enough that lots of things, data’s and information from conversation that is happening from the cloud would be generated or is generating today, tomorrow and moreover in the future.


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And we must or we have to understand all those in order for us to not only be updated with the entire and new million dollar websites in the cloud but more importantly to catch up as to what future to offer. And if were going to explain the sentence from this thesis that says but tells us speaking to the market is a marketing job. This only means that speaking to market particularly to people or to be more specific to consumer or customer is one of the main task and responsibilities of the market specially marketers because this serves for the business and companies to build a profitable relationship to their customers or consumers. 87. We'd like it if you got what's going on here. That'd be real nice. But it would be a big mistake to think we're holding our breath. Do you see where this is going? When you stop listening to the community outside your walls, you fall out of touch and out of favor with the community. Meaning when you stop having conversation with community you have also ended the communication or the conversation you have to each of the actors or individuals in that particular community. And that was the big mistake that you can claim if you do stop communicating and conveying, because you also stop spreading or letting the conversation flows in the continuous manner that it can make or even you stop the chance of the conversation to influence a lot of individual or actors in the market. The way to endear yourself to them once again is not to contextualize your message and market it to them as your target… ultimately, that just further distances you. (And you know you’re in trouble with this when you begin with statistics on your market size.) Try discoursing with the community, and things will come back in line. Slowly, perhaps. The problem wasn’t created overnight and won’t be fixed overnight. Incarnation is for the long haul… but it works. Where did all the men go? I quote thesis number eightyseven. “We’d like it if you got what’s going on here. That’d be real nice. But it would be a big mistake to think we’re holding our breath.” And so this also provides us an idea or a conclusion that having mistakes in strategies, practices and implementations of products and services in the market could really take the breath of all the companies and business because they know how it will going to affect their business particularly their people as well. 88. We have better things to do than worry about whether you'll change in time to get our business. Business is only a part of our lives. It seems to be all of yours. Think about it: who needs whom? If we’re going to take a look at business based on its definition that says “A business (also called a firm or an enterprise) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers, governments or other businesses. A business needs a market. A consumer is an essential part of a business. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being privately owned and formed to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. Notable exceptions include cooperative businesses and state-owned enterprises. Socialistic systems involve government, public, or worker ownership of most sizable businesses.”


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And so to this very long definition of business itself, it is true enough that different business in the market is truly part of our daily lives because of so many reasons. One would be because they need them in order to survive, in a way that we buy what we need and what we want to them, and that is also why transactions or exchange happened every day. And second thing would be they need us, in a way that they need people particularly consumers, or customers in order for them to gain profit and also to continuously continue their business throughout the years. That’s why we cannot deny the fact that the concept or the idea between consumer/customer versus business was true, that states that both are need by each other in order to grow and to survive. 89. We have real power and we know it. If you don't quite see the light, some other outfit will come along that's more attentive, more interesting, more fun to play with. I do believe that in this thesis “consumers was the main topic in which not only as a person who uses any products and services that different business provides to them every now and then in the market. And it is true enough that it is typical already when” business people and economists talk of consumers they are talking about person as consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little individuality other than that expressed in the buy/not-buy decision. However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad demographic profile and psychographic profiles of market segments, marketers are engaging in personalized marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization.” I do believe that we as a consumers of all the business in the market truly are the person who presumed to dictate what goods are produced and are generally considered the center of economic activity and this is usually saw in free market or capitalist economies. And another thing would be” Individual consumption of goods and services is primarily linked to the consumer's level of disposable income, and budget allocations are made to maximize the consumer's marginal utility.[2] In 'time series' models of consumer behavior, the consumer may also invest a proportion of their budget in order to gain a greater budget in future periods. This investment choice may include either fixed rate interest or riskbearing securities” That’s why I do agree with what this thesis says “We have real power and we know it. If you don't quite see the light, some other outfit will come along that's more attentive, more interesting, more fun to play with. “ 90. Even at its worst, our newfound conversation is more interesting than most trade shows, more entertaining than any TV sitcom, and certainly more true-to-life than the corporate web sites we've been seeing. Conversation and communication are connected to each other in a way that conversation is a way of communicating also; in both sides people are involved to it. In communication or in communicating rather, a goal has to be translated into a message and that message has to be communicated well to others. An so in relation to networked conversation, it’s powerful in a way that it is conducted in a modern way of having conversation to others, because we are using technology, actually new form of technology when it come to having conversation and communication to other people. No matter how far they are to us. This thesis really have true information that conversation today was one of the newfound conversation that s more interesting than any other show in media, because this is something that people wants to see, wants to hear and wants to spread more. Because this is something that everybody in the market can relate and can contribute to. And it is also true enough that this is certainly true to life than any other corporate web sites we've been seeing today and continuously been seeing in the future.


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That’s why it’s also building new form of social organization online, actually a modern type of social organization. And since were living in technology today, we are also communicating or having a conversation to others with technology in our side, or using technology, like what stating in the previous sentence. And so, that’s why it shows also a powerful knowledge exchange and more over it really and continuously emerging. Networked conversation reminds us and thought us again that in communication accuracy, simplicity and clarity is the key not only to have/ having good conversation but also in exchanging knowledge to others for it to continuously emerge. 91. Our allegiance is to ourselves— our friends, our new allies and acquaintances, even our sparring partners. Companies that have no part in this world, also have no future. A company maybe a corporation, a partnership or any form of business; These firms needs employees and workers for them to meet their objectives, which is to be profitable. A company like mediator, which has a direct relationship with a market, simply because firms are the active participants in the market. Additionally, market with few firms or companies, it would have a declining effect. That’s why, a competitive market means that it contains competitive. Companies where skilled workers can find if due to unforeseeable events, the market declines, one remedy is to increase prices of goods as stated earlier. When this happens, the companies may terminate employees or temporary decrease their compensation. Inversely when the market progresses, employees are proved to be benefited their companies may increase production which needs many human resources and increase in compensation and benefits their ability to comply their daily expenses are parallel with markets improvement. A company’s action depends on market fluctuation which directly affects its employees. This only means that whatever happens in the market affect s the employees whether the two are being connected or compared directly or in their commonality that is through companies. And so with this thesis i do agree that companies that have no part in this world also have no future. Which simply means that any company must know what is their part in the market, as a business, as a industry and the like in order for them to know what the future has to offer for them as a company or even as a business. 92. Companies are spending billions of dollars on Y2K. Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking? The stakes are even higher. Since I’ve starting the book Cluetrain Manifesto I’ve always l like the idea of being joined in conversation. Companies today are getting bigger not only in way that there are lots of establishments rising from our society but in such a way that all of them are getting advance and competitive in a higher level because of the condition of markets today. But still there are companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. And since technology are getting wider and getting advance, people were trying to adopt whatever changes in whatever changes that technology has. And the more it changes, the more it gets wider demographic sectors as well people were continuously and simultaneously riding and adopting. That’s why a lot are getting smarter getting informed and a lot are organized specially markets, and so that’s why also a lot of people are participating because no one wants to live with the environment that has no capability to adopt to what’s future and change brings. And so if people are getting smarter or even markets are getting smarter the stakes are getting higher to. And this was the reason why a lot of business, a lot of companies and a lot of business personalities in the market are continuously engaging with the flow or with trends in the market. And also this was the reason why there are lots of issues about cost and about budgets are involve in the conversation that is happening in a business or in a corporate world. That's why this thesis says “Companies are spending billions of dollars on Y2K. Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking? The stakes are even higher. “


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

93. We're both inside companies and outside them. The boundaries that separate our conversations look like the Berlin Wall today, but they're really just an annoyance. We know they're coming down. We're going to work from both sides to take them down. This thesis was somehow related to the thesis that says “Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people with whom they hope to create relationships.” which for me the boundaries would be the ivory tower and in which in this thesis states that it is like the Berlin wall today that separate conversations and really just an annoyance. Ivory tower and Berlin wall for me are the same in a way that it has both purpose, and it is would be to block, to separate, to stop and the like. Listening to people/market was also start getting the pattern as to what people/market usually want to buy or want to have in the companies’products and services. And so this reminds us the value of customers and customer satisfaction as well. Customer value by definition is a benefit that the customer gains from owning and using products compared to the cost of obtain product. And customer satisfaction by definition also, depends on the products perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyers expectations, and if were going to recall based on the marketing concept, customer value and customer satisfaction are closely linked to quality and total quality management in which an approach of constantly improving the quality of products and business process. And so it’s true enough that a companies must create, maintain and enhance strong value lade relationship with people/customers and other stakeholders. Because creating, delivering and communicating superior customer/people value is always the key for a company or for a business to achieve success. 94. To traditional corporations, networked conversations may appear confused, may sound confusing. But we are organizing faster than they are. We have better tools, more new ideas, no rules to slow us down. Networked conversation makes it easier to the audience. First of the advantages is that, less effort is needed than seeing the companies personally. They can just simply site in the website and log in. Another advantage is formal or professional conversation are not necessary therefore it’s easy to understand their conversation because they can also use whatever language they want as long as the net worker can understand or translate it. Online audience, finds it more approachable in networking in regards with asking question. Any private conversations can kept without the other audiences knowing it and from their, networking conversation is low cost. If were going to take a look at and compare difference between voice of companies to those voices who are involved in the networked conversation we can say that they are truly different from one another, in a way that corporation thinks as a corporation that’s why conversations are different while voices from network conversation sounds, formed and shape by those genuine voices of people which is powerful than or compared to a corporations. And we cannot deny the fact that through the years that past, and even to the coming years everything improves and everything, that's why we can also believe that networked conversations may appear confused, may sound confusing. But we are organizing faster than they are. We have better tools, more new ideas, no rules to slow us down. Meaning a lot of times markets do have this kind of strategies that enables conversation in the market to be more organized, faster and at the same time constantly informative and reliable.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

95. We are waking up and linking to each other. We are watching. But we are not waiting. The other main issue with this these was the value of feedback and conversation specially the voices to those conversations in the markets. Because its true enough that if you don’t see any value from those voices and conversations in the market your loosing the opportunity. And those opportunities may be or can be your competitive advantage to other companies. It says “best opportunity” maybe because what you can hear from them specifically from your customers or from those of your consumers will be a great key and the best opportunity for you to continue and develop your companies or business efficiency and effectiveness to the market itself. This thesis simply means that wants to serve as an eye opener for all the readers, marketers, business, and companies and for all those in the market that really markets are conversation and conversation are really important in the market and conversation must be in the market and must continuously develop and practice all the time. Because this are the way, the guide, and a chance or opportunity that enables a lot of actors in the market to share everything internally in the market and even externally. Conversation does have this kind of effects that really changes the market and really improves the market through the years. Conversation in the markets really connects every actor to one another, and enables them to update and share one another information that is new, informative and reliable from one another, and also that can be helpful enough from one another.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

VE R TSOL FinalPaper


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


A product of young minds who strive for quality and art; Adworks aim to interpret every heart’s desire and every mind’s vision through each product and design. Adworks is located at 103 Pearl Drive Ortigas, Pasig. Adworks started out as a home business which flourished so fortunately and unexpectedly. Products and Services ?

Invitations for all occasions


Corporate ads (fliers, brochures, posters, signboards etc.)


Printing of different designs

Mission Our mission is to attend to the special needs of the society, providing services and respectful products to their clients with the environment, and also, giving to its shareholder and increasing profitability, and to the employee the possibility of developing their professional competitions.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Vision Our vision is to be a powerful printing group in continuously growth, with multinational presence which differs of providing an excellent service to our clients, extends opportunities to the employees and a positive contribution to the society acting with a commitment global citizenship. Organizational Chart As of October 2008


Front Desk



Corporate / Other Occasions



Birthdays Design


Our study focuses on the manual system of the company, because it was the clogged part encountering by their employees as well as the entire business. That’s why they always having a hard time doing usual and different activities that their business is going through everyday specifically every time they have a customer who wants to booked an order.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

The specific problems are as follows: Manual booking of orders When the customers booked their orders to their store, the secretary will only placed this orders to a piece of paper which cannot give faster service to the customer of the business and at the same time having difficulties in tracking accounts that sometimes result to rushing a job or misunderstanding between customers. Manual records of transactions This becomes become the problem of the business because manual receipt took time, and is considered as an additional cost because they have to always have their receipt every time and every where because this will always serve as an evidence that customer booked with them. And sometimes receipt gets lost that leads to confusions and inaccurate computing of their sales. Other processes such as supply order and payment collection also eat up time because it is done in a manual manner. Spending lots of time updating of Customers Secretaries spend too much time on reminding customers during the design phase. Requirements gathering, design approval and revision approval include tasks such as reminding the customers through email, text or call. These add to clog in the sales activities because they always encounter lots of customers who are demanding even if their events was not yet coming and there are also customers who are always late in responding to their updates and then rush them when the date of their event was coming already. Manual tracking of orders, events and customers It was the most clogged part of the activities that their employees as well as the entire business were encountering because most of the times their are lots of customers who are booked this month, next month, next year etc. They had hard time tracking this different events because most of the times they are encountering kinds of customers who are not responding to their updates about their events that’s why the person in


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

charge don’t know what to do because this customer do not respond. As a result they were going to the other event that needs to manage also. There is also times that the customer only responding when the date of their event was near already that makes their employees cram and don’t know who’s and how to manage first with all their customers. It only means that if they have lots of customers who booked orders to them, they have a hard time to track all the orders, customers and events because of the different kinds of customers they have encountering. Secretaries have difficulty and spend too much time and effort in browsing through the manual records for each booking. They cannot make sure to pay attention to each booking especially during peak seasons. OBJECTIVES OF THE SYSTEM This proposal will help the company speed up processes and eliminate numerous small tasks that take up valuable time and effort. And also promote increase in sale activity. Deadlines will be met and will be accurate through the scheduling system and emailnotification system. Along with this, the supplies and collections monitoring system will keep track of inbound activities such as supply order and sales invoice. The web-based module will invite more customers to avail their products. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study helps to identify the errors occurring inside business as well as to their company. The study analyzes the possible solutions to the different problems their encountering in the different activities they have in company and for it also to have more improvements. This study also helps the business to be more efficient, effective and productive not only to the quality of their products and services but might as well to all aspect of their business or company. Significance of the Study to the User Upon study the system the users will know the importance or the essence of the system to their works specifically to the activities that they do in everyday. The users of the systems are the secretary’s production personnel and of course the managers. We cannot deny the


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez f act that users still encounter problems to the system because this might become the hindrance in the continuous process or activities that already exists in the business, which for example adoptability. Significance of the Study to the Company Since the company uses manual system, this study suggests and provides solutions that can be helpful and reliable enough for the company and for their activities and functions. In a way that this study offers a faster, efficient and reliable system that help them specifically secretaries of different event to manage their work n a more productive way. The study can result to a more competitive company in the retailing business. Significance of the Study to the Group The enables us to apply vertical market solutions concept as well as strategies into the real world of retailing business. This was also enables us to be familiarized in using and applying also systems analysis concepts through using use-case diagram, activity diagram etc. It helps us practice more analysis based on the data gathered during the interview of some related documents from the company that we studied. It helps us to apply different concept learned during the subject of VERTSOL (Vertical Solutions). In a way that it helps us to see and experience actual market strategies, conversations, competitions etc. It practices us to be more competitive and proficient in our course regarding our line of business in the future. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The group studied the Sales System of the Adworks which is usually done by their secretaries as categorized to their corresponding categories to fill in based on their responsible area. The system will include keeping records of each booking with a scheduling feature that allows the user to set deadlines, milestones and critical levels for the alerts and notifications. Another module will be the electronic mail and short message service notification system that will help the user remind each customer whenever a design needs to be approved and other reminders. The collections and supply order modules will also be monitored with this system.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Other parts of the sales system such as marketing and advertising will not be covered. An additional feature will be a web-based module that will allow customers to design and purchase products online. USE CASE DIAGRAM of the EXISTING SYSTEM

AdWorks Sales System Inquire Details

Book Transaction


Pay Half

>> es lud c in <<

Assistant Secretary

Design Product


> es> ud l c n <
Process Products

Distribute Products Production

< >

Designer Pay Full

USE CASE NARRATIVES of the EXISTING SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Inquire details SUMMARY: This use case allows the customer to ask necessary information before the customer decides whether they will avail of the service ACTORS: Customer, Receptionist, Assistant Secretary CREATION DATE: October 24, 2008


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: The store is open and a receptionist is available. MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO: 1.

The customer will ask for inquiries about the service.


The receptionist will ask about the occasion then will call respective secretary assigned in the occasion.


The assistant secretary will assist the customer to the showroom.


The customer will chose a design and decide for a negotiation.


If the customer decided to negotiate then the secretary will ask specific details but if not then the inquiry ends.

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: The customer just negotiates for the details. ERROR SEQUENCE: The store is closed and no receptionist available. POSTCONDITION: The number of booking for invitations will increase. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Book transaction for invitations SUMMARY: This use case allows a customer to make an agreement for availing the service. ACTORS: Customer, Assistant Secretary CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: BUENAVIDEZ, Reychele D FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: The customer made a down payment for availing the service.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


The customer will give necessary details such as date of event, date for pick-up and theme of occasion.


The assistant secretary will make an agreement based on the details given by the customer.


The customer will review the agreement made by the assistant secretary and check details for correction.


If there are no corrections in the agreement then the customer will signed the agreement. If not then the assistant secretary should make another agreement based on corrections of customers.


The assistant secretary will verify the agreement then duplicate then give customer a copy of agreement.

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: The details are insufficient. ERROR SEQUENCE: No details can be given by the customer. POSTCONDITION: The assistant secretary will send list of requirements to customers through their respective electronic mails. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Down payment for availing the service SUMMARY: This use case allows the customer to give initial payment to the assistant secretary. ACTORS: Customer, Assistant Secretary CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: YABUT, Ralph Ginel V FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: There is an initial payment made.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


The customer will give initial payment to the assistant secretary.


The assistant secretary will receive the payment and create a receipt.


The customer will validate the receipt.


The customer will sign the receipt if no corrections needed. If there are corrections then the sales assistant will make revisions and issue another receipt.


The assistant secretary will authorized the receipt then give copy to customer.


The customer will receive a duplicate copy of receipt.

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: Incorrect details ERROR SEQUENCE: No official receipt available. POSTCONDITION: The sales of the company will increase and booking of service will be done. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Full payment for availing the service SUMMARY: This use case allows the customer to pay the balance to the assistant secretary. ACTORS: Customer, Assistant Secretary CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: YABUT, Ralph Ginel V FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: There is an initial payment made. MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO: 1.

The customer will pay for the balance to the assistant secretary.


The assistant secretary will receive the payment and create a receipt.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


The customer will validate the receipt.


The customer will sign the receipt if no corrections needed. If there are corrections then the sales assistant will make revisions and issue another receipt.


The assistant secretary will authorized the receipt then give copy to customer.


The customer will receive a duplicate copy of receipt.

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: Incorrect details ERROR SEQUENCE: No official receipt available. POSTCONDITION: The sales of the company will increase and the release of invitations will be allowed. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Distribute the invitation to customer SUMMARY: This use case allows the assistant secretary hand held the invitations to the customer. ACTORS: Customer, Assistant Secretary CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: BUENAVIDEZ, Reychele D FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: Full payment for the service and an official receipt or an agreement for formality before releasing the orders. MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO: 1.

The customer shows necessary documents to assistant secretary such as an official

receipt or an agreement. 2.

The assistant secretary will receive the documents and release the orders.


The customer receives the order.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: The customer has only one proof of service availability. ERROR SEQUENCE: Incorrect or invalid documents POSTCONDITION: The book invitation list will reduced. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Design products SUMMARY: This use case allows the assistant secretary to collect necessary requirements from the customer as details for the service and to start the processing of products. ACTORS: Assistant Secretary, Customer, Designer CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: There is an agreement made by the customer and assistant secretary. MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO: 1.

The assistant secretary gives a list of requirements such as the kind of photos, list of guests or details for the event to customers.


The customer accomplishes the requirements and sends it back to assistant secretary.


Upon receiving the accomplished requirements, the assistant secretary forwards it the accomplished requirements to the designer.


The designer layouts a design based on the details given by the customer.


The assistant secretary forwards the design to customer for approval and revisions.


If the customer is satisfied then the customer sends a confirmation but if not then the customer sends revision to assistant secretary for changes.


The assistant secretary receives confirmation of customer regarding the design.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: The customer gives specific layout for the invitation. ERROR SEQUENCE: No requirements given by the customer. POSTCONDITION: The assistant secretary forwards the layout to production to produce a sample. IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY TITLE: Process products SUMMARY: This use case allows the processing of the invitations with a sample signed by the customer. ACTORS: Customer, Assistant Secretary, Production CREATION DATE: October 26, 2008 VERSION: 1.0 PERSON IN CHARGE: VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M FLOW OF EVENTS PRECONDITIONS: The requirements are accomplished by the customer. MAIN SUCCESS SCENARIO: 1.

The secretary give confirmed design.


The production produces a sample and forward to the assistant secretary.


The sample is given to customer for approval.


If the customer approves then it will be signed then forward to assistant secretary. If not, then the customer gives revisions and gives it to assistant secretary.


The assistant secretary gives to the production the signed sample.


The production produces copies and forwards it to assistant secretary.

ALTERNATIVE SEQUENCE: The customer gives changes from the sample. ERROR SEQUENCE: Loss sample and no back-up of design. POSTCONDITION: The processing list of invitations reduces.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez




Inquire services

Answer questions

State occasion type

Ask occasion type

Call respective secretary

Assistant Secretary

Assist to Showroom

Select desired template

Negotiate transaction yes

Ask for specific details


Pay Half Customer

Give initial payment

Validate Receipt

Assistant Secretary

Receive payment

Create Receipt



Sign Receipt

Authorize Receipt

Get Official Receipt

Keep Copy of Receipt


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Pay Full


Assistant Secretary

Receive payment

Pay Balance

Create Receipt

Validate Receipt invalid


Sign Receipt

Authorize Receipt

Get Official Receipt

Keep Copy of Receipt

Book Transaction


Give Specific Details

Review Agreement

Assistant Secretary

Record Details

Make an Agreement



Sign Agreement

Receive a Copy

Authorize Agreement

Duplicate Agreement


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Distribute Invitation


Assistant Secretary

Show necessary papers

Receive Documents

Receive Order

Release Order

Design Products Assistant Secretary


Give list of requirements

Accomplish requirements

Received accomplished requirements

Send requirements


Forward Requirements

Layout design

Receive design

Forward design

Forward design

Receive design Review design unsatisfied

Receive Revision

Receive Confirmation

Send Revision


Approve Design

Send Confirmation


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Process Products

Assistant Secretary

Give confirmed design

Production Receive Confirmed Design

Produce Mock-Up Receive Mock-Up


Send Mock-Up

Receive Mock-Up unsatisfied


Show Mock-Up Make Revision

Sign Mock-Up

Forward Revision Give Revision Receive Signed Mock-Up Forward Signed Sample

Produce Copies

Receive Copies

Forward Copies


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

ACTUAL TIME VS TARGET TIME Inquire Details Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Inquire services

5 mins

5 mins

2. Answer questions

3 mins

5 mins

3. Ask occasion type

1 min

1 min

4. State occasion type

1 min

1 min

5. Call respective secretary

3 mins

5 mins

6. Assist to Showroom

10 mins

20 mins

7. Select desired template

5 mins

10 mins

8. Negotiate transaction

15 mins

20 mins

9. Ask for specific details

5 mins

15 mins

48 mins

82 mins


Pay Half Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Give initial payment

5 mins

10 mins

2. Receive payment

3 mins

3 mins

3. Create Receipt

5 mins

8 mins

4. Validate Receipt

2 mins

5 mins

5. Sign Receipt

1 min

1 min

6. Authorize Receipt

1 min

1 min

7. Keep Copy of Receipt

1 min

1 min

8. Get Official Receipt

1 min

1 min

19 mins

30 mins



A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Pay Full Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Give full payment

5 mins

10 mins

2. Receive payment

3 mins

3 mins

3. Create Receipt

5 mins

8 mins

4. Validate Receipt

2 mins

5 mins

5. Sign Receipt

1 min

1 min

6. Authorize Receipt

1 min

1 min

7. Keep Copy of Receipt

1 min

1 min

8. Get Official Receipt

1 min

1 min

19 mins

30 mins


Book Transaction Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Give Specific Details

3 days

1 week

2. Record Details

1 hour

1 hour

3. Make an Agreement

5 mins

10 mins

4. Review Agreement

2 mins

3 mins

5. Sign Agreement

1 min

1 min

6. Authorize Agreement

1 min

1 min

7. Duplicate Agreement

2 mins

5 mins

8. Receive a Copy

1 min

1 min

3 days, 1 hour, 12 mins

1 week, 1 hour, 21 mins



A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

Distribute Invitation Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Show necessary papers

5 mins

8 mins

2. Receive Documents

1 min

2 mins

3. Release order

5 mins

10 mins

4. Receive Order

1 min

3 mins

12 mins

23 mins


Design Products Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Give list of requirements

5 mins

15 mins

2. Accomplish requirements

3 days

1 week

3. Send requirements

3 days

5 days

4. Received accomplished requirements

5 mins

10 mins

5. Forward Requirements

10 mins

15 mins

6. Layout design

3 hours

5 hours

7. Forward design

5 mins

5 mins

8. Receive design

1 min

1 min

9. Forward design

3 mins

5 mins

10. Receive design

1 day

3 days

11. Review design

1 day

2 days

12. Send Revision

1 day

3 days

13. Receive Revision

5 mins

5 mins

14. Approve Design

1 day


15. Send Confirmation

30 mins

1 day

16. Receive Confirmation

5 mins

30 mins

10 days, 4 hours,

22 days, 6 hours,



A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez 9 minutes

26 mins

Process Products Activities

Target Time

Actual Time

1. Give confirmed design

5 mins

5 mins

2. Receive Confirmed Design

1 min

3 mins

3. Produce Mock-Up

30 mins

1 hour

4. Send Mock-Up

5 mins

5 mins

5. Receive Mock-Up

1 min

1 min

6. Show Mock-Up

5 mins

5 mins

7. Receive Mock-Up

2 mins

2 mins

8. Make Revision

10 mins

20 mins

9. Give Revision

1 min

1 min

10. Forward Revision

1 min

1 min

11. Sign Mock-Up

3 mins

5 mins

12. Receive Signed Mock-Up

2 mins

2 mins

13. Forward Signed Sample

2 mins

2 mins

14. Produce Copies

1 week

3 days

15. Forward Copies

1 day

1 day

16. Receive Copies

10 mins

10 mins

8 days, 1hour,

4 days, 1 hour,

18 mins

2 mins


Based on the information provided above, it shows that there are some processes that makes up the processing time of each product becomes slower. The target time is not exactly reached and sometimes exceed with the set target time for each process.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez T he company’s processes when it goes with technicalities just like designs are very efficient yet with the collaboration to make their process well organized are clogged which can affect the entire system of the Sales Department of the company. It shows that there is no form of standardization in which the speed of accomplishment of their processes depends on their customers primarily. The group thinks it is not a good sign because it shows that there is no formality and a standard system for the process and as a result might become a bad effect against the company.











C Show R Room E T Reception

A Garden


Show Room



A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez




1. a. There must be an automated record 1. Secretaries have difficulty and spend too

keeping system for bookings.

much time and effort in browsing through the manual records for each booking. They

1. b. There must be alerts to help when a

cannot make sure to pay attention to each

booking is in critical condition, lacking

booking especially during peak seasons.

requirements, or when the event/deadline is nearby.

2. Secretaries spend too much time on reminding customers during the design phase. Requirements gathering, design approval and

2. There must be an email and sms

revision approval include tasks such as

notification system to help them eliminate

reminding the customers through email, text

these tasks that eat up valuable time.

and call. These add to clog in the sales activities. 3. Other processes such as supply order and

3. There must be a monitoring system for

payment collection also eat up time because it

these processes to save the time and

is done in a manual manner.

effort used to accomplish these.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


Manage Customer Accounts > s> de u l inc << s>> de u l inc <<

User/ Secretary


Log in

>> es ud cl in <<

>> <

<< inc lud es >>

Manage User Accounts

Record Sales

Monitor Schedules

E-Commerce System

Manage SMS and E-mail Record Inventory Sales


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

AdWorks Sales System AdWorks E-Commerce System

View Product Catalog

Purchase Product

Settle Payment Customer

View Transaction Status

Contact Company

The proposed system will include automation of schedules, supplies and collection. These are processes that belong to the sales system of the company which is currently ran in a manual system. An additional web-based system will also be included for increase in sales activity. This web-based module will facilitate accept online orders from online customers who can customize their products before purchasing. Based on interviews done with the owner and staff of the company, the sales department is the most clogged up in the company. They have difficulties in tracking accounts that sometimes result to rushing a job or misunderstanding between customers. This is why the group decided to focus on this department.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez






a. week



b. month





two (2) offset machines,

four (4) offset machines,

fully automatic cutter,

fully automatic cutter,

letterpress, plating

letterpress, plating

machine, stitching/binding

machine, stitching/binding


machine, 3 colored printer





Php 300, 000.00

Php 1, 000, 000.00

Metrics 1. Number of transactions

2. Number of braches

3. Equipments use

4. Number of products and services 5. Type of clients 6. Annual premium income

The group chooses this company, Kingston, as a competitor because they have the same industry which caters to the need of the market to the different printing services available in the market for the consumers to experience.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez

STREAMLINING In the proposed system of having an automated sales system and an e-commerce website for the company which gives accessibility to customers in different locations not only customers near in the site area, the group used four streamlining tools in achieving the proposed system. These four streamlining tools are duplication elimination, error proofing, standardization and automation/ mechanization. ? Duplication elimination In the activity of booking accounts of different customers, the secretary do not need to have another copy or a second copy which is intended for duplication. In the proposed system, the company, AdWorks, simply sends an electronic mail to customer and will directly forward whatever agreement you have negotiated or transact with the company. It only means that you have a soft copy of your agreement which for this time is more reliable and accessible. The client/customer will decide whether he/she likes to have a hard copy of it but it depends on his/her decision. ? Error proofing As we all know, you cannot really create n error-free application but most likely you want to create an application which is less error and will detect errors in your process. In our proposed system, the group suggests to automate their Sales System in order to overcome the concept of clogging of bookings which yields to error. Sometimes, the company forgot the schedules they have committed because they want to cater their entire customer asking for special service which overlay other bookings. Also to reduce revisions in the first place which will result to lesser expense or costs occurred. ? Standardization In the new system, it will make a more formative and standard procedures because in the e-commerce site you need to step by step follow the instruction before you can totally purchase something. It will ensure that the important details are collected from the point you decided to purchase their product. It will also help the company to reduce the concept of patriarchal which affects the revenue of the company.


A VerticalM arket S olution ForR etailR eader by:R eychele Buenavidez


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