Revision Unit 4

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 633
  • Pages: 1
Revision Unit 4 1. Write the correct words: It’s made of metal, there’s coke in it. _ _ _ You can eat soup from it, it’s a _ _ _ _ _ (S)he works in an office and helps the head of the company _e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (S)he shows you around on a trip _ _ _ _ _ It’s made of plastic or glass, you can drink water from it _ _ _ _ _ _ An outside place where you can ride on machines and play games _u_ _ _ _ _. An animal like a small horse with long ears, it’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs Smith is Mr Smith’s _ _ _ _ A visit to a place where you look around and learn about is a _ _ _ r. A person, who looks after a building is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A large house in the country is a _ _ _ _ _.You can’t ride a bike in the house, it’s an o_ _ _ _ _ _ activity. Planes and boats do it, when they arrive at a place , they _ _ n_ You can sit on it in the park, it’s a _ _ _ _ _. A cold sweet fizzy drink is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Kirjuta verb lihtolevikus ( present simple) või kestvas olevikus (present continuous) Marty never …………… (write) his name on the front page of the book. The lessons are over. We ………………… (go) home now. Peggy ………………….. (cry) She can’t find her book anywhere. Before the trip the students always ……………………… (gather) at the gate. Tom …………… (eat) ham sandwiches every morning. The lessons in my school ………………….. (start) at 8.15. I can’t hear you. All the children on the coach … ……………………. (speak) My brother ……………….. (travel) very often. Why are you crying, Peggy? I ………………….. (look) for my book. I can’t find it anywhere. Before the trip Ms Rogers always ……………….. (count) the students. My brother …………… ……….. (speak( 3 languages. He’s very intelligent. 3. Kirjuta tegusõnad lihtolevikus (the present simple) või lihtminevikus( the past simple) It was a trip day and Matthew ……………. (get) up early in the morning. Mike ………... (read) books every evening. Yesterday he ……….. (read) a detective story. A lot of tourists ……………… (visit) Estonia every year. Last month many Finnish tourists …… ……….. (travel) to Saaremaa. When the Smiths ………….. (stay) in their country cottage last summer, they …………….(see) many wild animals near their house) When granddad was young, he ………………… (build) a house in a small village in West Estonia. Our family ………….. (live) in that house now. Martin ……….. (go) sailing with his classmates when they ……………(be) on a class trip two weeks ago. Tom always ……… ….. (lock) the door when he ……………. (leave) the room. My mother usually ………… ………….. (not buy) plastic bags when she ………… (go) shopping. 4. Vali ja kirjuta lünka tegusõna õige vorm. Have had ‘re going to have We ………………………… a family picnic on Mum’s birthday last July. We ………… ………. A picnic every summer. We ………………………. A barbecue on Dad’s birthday next August. Buy bought ‘m going to buy I ……………. Some postcards when I go sightseeing tomorrow. Last Sunday I ………… ………. Some funny souvenirs. I usually ……………….. some books about the places which I visit. 5. Vasta küsimustele oma viimase klassiekskursiooni kohta. Fullsentences! Where did you go?................................................................................................................. Where did you gather before the trip?.................................................................................... What time did you leave?....................................................................................................... How did you travel? ………………………………………………………………………. What sights did you see? ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………Did you enjoy your trip? Why/ Why not? …………………… …………………………………………………………………………Where would you like to go next spring? …………………………………………………………………… …………………………

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