Revision Guide 2009 (muslim And Christian Views)

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 11
h t t p This guide is a supplement to your notes and to the Blogs with : further notes and links to all topics. / / You are studying for the EDEXCEL GCSE Religious Studies Unit A Religion and Life w based on the study of Christianity and at least one other religion (we have looked at Judaism). w have 2 Hours for the exam. w You There are 5 Sections (You have 20 minutes to answer each section) . Revision must be active to be useful. m r b e e c h r s y e a r 1 1 . b l o g



Week Topic This revision programme beginning Make a mind map, write a quiz, create mental images assumes or mnemonics a minimum of 30 Belief in God Issues of Life and Death minutes per week will be Marriage and Family Life spent on revision each week. Social Harmony Review Wealth + Poverty (EXAM WEEK)

Reasons why people God:


believe in

Reasons why people

do not

believe in God:

U – Upbringing. If you are brought up in a family that does not believe in God you are more likely to think the same.

M – Miracles. U – Upbringing.

Taken to church, prayers at meal times, youth groups,


First Cause. Thomas Aquinas


argued “How else did we get here without a God?” Nothing happens without a cause so something must have caused the universe.

S – Science has answered many of the

mysteries that led to religious belief. E.g. – Evolution explains how humans developed without the need for a God.

E – Experience. If someone has prayed to God and it has not been answered this may encourage disbelief.

S – Suffering and Evil. How can an all loving, all powerful God allow such bad things to happen?

D –Design. William Paley said the world is too complex to have happened by accident or luck.

E –Experience. People claim to have felt God in some special way, answered prayer, a miracle or a sense of awe from looking at nature. This is called…

N – Numinous (a sense of God’s presence in some special way)

Create a mental picture of a Manchester United supported in a den praying to God

The problem of suffering and

If God is: BENEVOLENT (LOVING) OMNISCIENT (ALL KNOWING) OMINPOTENT (ALL POWERFUL) Then why does God allow people to suffer? If God loved people and is powerful surely God would stop suffering!

Responses to the problem of suffering and evil:

FREE WILL (remember the whale that was set free?) God gave people a choice to do right or wrong, without choice we are not human. People choose to do bad. JESUS’ DEATH. Jesus was God on Earth. He shared in human suffering when he died on the cross. God understands suffering.

HEAVEN. This life is just a preparation for when people stay with God forever in Heaven.


MYSTERY. God’s ways are a mystery. Humans will never fully understand why God allows suffering.

PRAYER + HELP: People will respond to the issue by asking God to help others and by helping others themselves.

Past Question: Find 4 things it has done well to answer the question. Outline what is meant by religious experiences. (6) A religious experience is something out of the ordinary that brings a person closer to God. An questions: example of this might be being somewhere very beautiful like inKey the mountains and getting a sense that it was created by God. This sort of experience is when calledwe a numinous experience. What happens die? When does life start and end? People might also pray to God for something to happen and it does. Again this is a religious it ever right thing to do to take human life? experience because people believe that GodIshas done the something for them.


Some people get a sudden feeling that they are to change their life because God has spoken to them. This is a conversion experience, it happened to Nicky Cruz, a gang leader who became a Christian.

2. Matters of Life and Death

 What happens when we die? Christian Beliefs: RESURRECTION: Some Christians believe they will be brought back to life at the end of the world when God judges the world. IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL: Many Protestant Christians believe their soul goes straight to God when they die, they are then sent to Heaven or Hell. (Not all Christians believe in Hell). PURGATORY: Roman Catholic Christians believe that their souls are made clean in Purgatory before being allowed to go to Heaven. Non Christians go to Hell.

when die?

What happens Muslim

Resurrection:- We stay in the grave until the end of the world. An angel will sound a trumpet and the world will end. Judgement – Allah will judge people on how they have lived (have they followed the teachings of the Qur’an?). Those who pass go to heaven, those who fail go to Hell.

Abortion (ending a pregnancy)

Only God should give and take life.


The Sanctity

Life is a gift from God


Abortion and the Law: A woman can have an abortion in the UK if: Facts - The mother’s life is at risk. - There is physical or mental risk to the mother. In 2005 186,400 were Human life is Holy (special to God) - 0Other children’s physical or mental wellbeing is at carried out in England ecame human in Jesus showing how special human life is. risk. and Wales (NHS). 24 Of Life - The baby may be born with a serious handicap. weeks 36 - The opinion of believe 2 Drs the arefoetus needed. Abortion was made weeks At 120 days Muslims gets a soul legal in the UK in


This Thisaffects affectsbeliefs beliefsabout aboutabortion abortionand andeuthanasia euthanasia

Conception. 36 weeks – full term. elieve Roman a foetusCatholics can’t live outside the womb before this time. believe life starts here Muslims believe that up until 22 weeks

Arguments Against Abortion (Pro Life)

M – Murder. If Life starts at conception abortion is taking a life.

A – Alternatives. People can have babies adopted.

R – Right to life. Every life is created by God and has a right to live.

S – Sanctity of life (see notes) Bible: “You knew me before I was born.” “You shall not kill.”

Arguments in Favour of Abortion (Pro Choice) - Life does not start at conception; it’s stopping a potential life. - Having an unwanted baby puts a huge strain on the mother. - God is loving and forgiving. Sometimes having an abortion is the loving thing to do (E.g. if someone was raped or could not cope) Bible: “Love your neighbour as yourself”

Euthanasia (helping someone to die painlessly) Arguments in Favour of Euthanasia The Law + FactsArguments Against Euthanasia - Euthanasia is illegal in Britain. To help someone die is murder. “If someone is suffering and about to die then euthanasia is OK.” Do you agree? Give is legal turn a life is keeping someone alive. - It Quality of to life. If off someone issupport in painmachine- that Sanctity of Life. Only God should give reasons for your answer, show that you have considered other points of view and - Euthanasia legal in some (E.g. and Holland) and know they isare about to diecountries Euthanasia take life.

include religious views in your answer. (4)

is loving. - Hospices. These are Christian centres In ways I agree thatineuthanasia is Ok in this situation. this dying because… - some Technology. Advances medicine mean to help peopleI think who are and their that people who would normally have died families. Another point is… are kept alive. Allowing people to die - Drs make mistakes. Someone could be means machines can be used to help diagnosed as dying but actually live a long However, some people think euthanasia is always wrong because… others. time. - Choice. Some and argue that God gave - It makes Drs killers and patients may Many Christians Muslims would disagree because… choice to humans. lose trust in them. - It is loving to allow someone to die with their friends and family around them and using the writing frame. You Answer this question without pain.

should spend no more than 5 minutes writing it.

3.Marriage and Family Life

ng point of a stable, happy society (children learning good from parents). Children canvalues be brought up safely, have their needs met in a s

Religious beliefs customs and practices are passed down. E.g. celebrating Eid (Mu

to give themselves totally to their religion. E.g. Monks, Nuns and Roman Catholic Priests.

 Christianity + Family Life

 Islam + Family Life Teachings: Bible: “Honour your father and your Mother.” “Children, respect your parents. Parents, do not treat your

How the Church Helps Family - Church schools (Roman Catholic and Church of England) encourage Christian values. - Many churches run youth clubs and Sunday Schools. - Family Church services. - Many childrens’ charities were set up by Christians

Teachings: - Parents should make sure children learn Islamic law (Halal) and the 5 Pillars of Islam - Children should respect and look after their parents. - Children should learn to read the Qur’an

Weddings + Divorce

How The Mosque Helps: -Most Mosques run a madrasah, to teach about the faith to children. -Mosques run youth clubs. -There are some Muslim schools to help them keep the faith. -Some use “Zakah” to help families with money problems.

Both Muslims and Christians are taught that Sex outside of marriage is a sin. This means not having sex before marriage or having sex with someone else once married (adultery). Cohabitation (living together as though married). Most Christians believe this is wrong but some churches are starting to accept that it is a more common practice that still involves commitment. A Christian Wedding - Bible Readings and Talk on Love. - Prayers for the couple. - Rings are exchanged. - Vows (promises) are made in public and before God.

A Muslim Wedding - A declaration that they are entering the marriage through free will. - Signing a contract (mahr) - Readings from the Qur’an and talk by the Imam on the nature of marriage. - Prayers - A wedding feast.

ecause people make promises in front of God to commit to each other until death parts them. Some relig

 

- Roman Catholics say Divorce cannot happen. Marriage is a sacrament that can’t be broken (even if a court allows it God doesn’t). Roman Catholics may have their marriage annulled (see glossary). - Church of England (Remember Henry VIII?) will sometimes allow a divorced person to re-marry in church. - Other Protestant churches will allow divorce and re-marriage. They believe people

Some branches of Islam say divorce should not be allowed – marriage is for life. Most Muslims believe divorce should be allowed. The Qur’an teaches a man should tell his wife 3 tines it his intention to divorce her (over 3 months).

5. Religion, Wealth and Poverty Why are there so many poor people and what do religions have to say about it?

Absolute Poverty is: - Living on less than $1 per day (75p) Your life being at risk because you: - Can’t get enough food. Christian Teachings on Wealth - Can’t get clean water - Can’t get medical care easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter God’s kingdom” Jesus. - Catch preventable diseases.

tians are told that the love of money is the root of evil. Over 1,000,000,000 live in absolute poverty (1 Billion)

“You can’t love both God and money”

Christians would say that while having money is not in itself bad it is clear that Jesus set an example of helping the poor. Jesus himself was born into poverty. Therefore they have a duty to help the poor.

Muslims can not earn money in ways that harm or exploit (gambling, alcohol, sex industry). Wealth is something given by Allah and should be shared.


Raise money. EMERGENCY AID. Help is given after a disaster such as an earthquake. WHERECAMPAIGN. they help Urging world leaders to make the world fairer. E.g. to drop debt owed and to mak 60 countries.LONG TERM AID. By helping communities in LEDCs through projects that allow them to help EDUCATION – Helping people to understand the problems faced.

n over ess Economically Developed Countries. With church or community groups.

s th o e m fe et eli hi w ng he of w n th hi thi Christian Aid e ch ng pr sse es e ar age build toilet en blocks to stop the spread of disease through poor sanitation. WHY they help m e g communityco centres to provide safe places during floods. sce Christians have a duty to help the poor. of to nn God created everyone equally. so br ec th The first Christians shared what they had, they are doing the s m ea te e They follow Jesus’ example of helping the poor. ket d id hi a an ea ng la d th gr w se at ea of e ev te sc m er r ie to yt th w nc an ha hi an he e att ve ng yo Outline the work of one religious agency that helps to n an e a ha u yo d m spu ac relieve world poverty. (8) E. ur m pt rp be tio g. lif ak to os en ns Glossary of Key Terms for GCSE RS in es co e ca do an is yo nt E. us ne Section A1 Believing in God ch u ac g. ed ot by ur an tthi th (st be hu n ch ge nk G e ar in lie m or d on od ey te g vi an c u lo by ,ly e d su sng m o ok gi G us is off re th w pr ir n in a in vi od ua )de w at hi d a v o g ng co lly si by he G ch c g e y cl er u up yo ul gn so th od ca a n m si er e si s at ur d ro ed m er do us u o at or g o th se ha ug fo et G es e s st h al n lfe ve rh hi od no su n at ic ei e st to do w se ng tex ffe io is s vi ar G ne or ei el ist ex rin n lm itod ds ng sse ist g

en di ng so thi n m ng th o at eo sb e th m ur th ne w be e th o e ni al elie 's hi be e m n p e be lif fch lie be ni e ot lie vi ca elie fth s v fth e lpa us at f ci th ol e nt G at th inl at, th su e od G at es ffe aft eun is od nt G sl rin all er ex sit is od y g -ua go de pl kn w bu po od o at ai tio he t/ki Section A2 Matters of Life and Death w h, nne ner ha snd dth w th ve ful ev eey thi he Section A3 Marriage and Family Life no er bo ng re ar thi yt sdy th so p Cohabitation living together without being married ehi ng st ew ro m Marriage the condition of a man and woman legally united for the un to ng ay hi re vi eo purpose of living together and, usually, having children ab do th s ch m di ne faithfulness staying with your marriage partner and having sex only with wi le at in ar ov ng dy them th to ha eth aal in pre-marital sex sex before marriage hu sas eha th of gse promiscuity m having sex with a number of partners without commitment k, gr id aou ri in an adultery an act of sexual intercourse between a married person and pp bu spa av ea gh fo ou someone other than their marriage partner re-marriage en t e. teed et th sl in marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage yo R g. un at to us e y as an nuclear mother, father and children living as a unit u family ies ea til th ha fr be ill ks d extended family children, parents and grandparents/aunts/uncles living as a ha p m ur rt ev eth ove lie ape unit or in close proximity ve aar m re hq er ego so sp fm rs do re-constituted family where two sets of children (step-brothers and sisters) become sa b aor ua ct yt en ul iri th on ct one family when their divorced parents marry each other od an eu nc ke or n ta io hi dn liv etu at wi or re as sea th tit ti or ng lit n of es al w lif th to oas sy vo si ayom th on eoca th en non an lu at st n Make key word revision cards: of al aft us m deis fo vo d is nt ed as lif Write the key word on one side, the meaning on the other. Play a game of th w er bes ho m he rge lu go ar su ia er/ or th e. be ly ea looking at the word, in your head say the meaning, turn it over to check if thi ntl in nt yici eld g. fo an ns hi so you are right. nk g eeu ar de w de gh dre sto ul in to de yth he at os it be co lif ha gat eu aem hnpp ts, ca lo th hth it of m ng mi pa n en ey aas is th ed tssu inl w n erai iu rv to su es ia ou as se bo m iv G ici sl ld dia esdy od yde

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