Brooklyn College | English 2: “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” | MW5B | Instructor Beth Schwartzapfel Revised schedule for the remainder of the semester Additional homework may be assigned in class (this will always be posted on the website), but due dates of readings, papers, and other assignments listed here is accurate as of 11/3/08 and should help you plan for the next 6 weeks.
5 10 12 17 19
Thesis statement + annotated bibliography due for Housekeeping paper Rough draft of Housekeeping paper Housekeeping paper “Flight” by Barry Lopez (in reader) Aloft, chapters 1-2 Aloft, chapters 3-6
Paper conferences with instructor Peer paper workshop
24 26
Aloft, chapters 7-9 Aloft, chapters 10-end Housekeeping re-writes (optional) Re-writes of in-class essay (required)
1 3 8 10
Thesis statement + bibliography for Aloft paper Rough draft of Aloft paper Aloft paper Thesis statement + bibliography for final research paper
15 Rough draft of final research paper FINAL PAPERS Aloft paper re-writes (optional)
Housekeeping papers handed back In-class essay based on Aloft & “Flight” In-class essay handed back
Paper conferences with instructor Peer paper workshop Plan/discuss/brainstorm for final papers Paper conferences with instructor Meet in library Aloft papers handed back Peer paper workshop