Revised Guide Vampire Combo Disciplines

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 64,075
  • Pages: 124
The Unofficial Guide to

Combo Disciplines

Compiled, Transcribed and Translated by LK


Introduction If you are as avid of a White Wolf fan as I am many of these combo Disciplines may not be new, however, until now many were relegated to use only in a Tabletop setting. However, with this database it should now be easy to incorporate all of the new (and old) powers into use in the Live Action, Mind’s Eye Theatre setting. It’s my hope that this database will show many new players that it’s not all about whoring yourself out to other clans to leech what they know and to revitalize the possibilities for you older players. Note that the database includes the power’s description, as well as the tabletop and LARP systems for employing the power. Compiling this was no small effort, many people lent me countless amounts of books and time spent translating, revamping and editing. I’d like to thank: Verbs and Sam for providing me access to the legions share of books, as well as Mikal, Dean, and Joe for helping to edit and translate man of these powers for LARP use. As I do not want to be sued by White Wolf, each entry includes the book where the power can be found. I urge everyone who reads this database to buy/read as many of these books you can get your hands on—not only will it help you become a better roleplayer, each book provides background on the clans who created these powers that cannot be summed up in a list of powers. On that note I hope my database helps to provide infinite possibilities for your character or chronicle. LK


An Important Note About Combos From the LotN Anarchs Guide For purposes of power comparison, a combination Discipline is considered to be the same level as the highest-level Discipline it requires to learn. Thus, if a combination Discipline requires two Basic Disciplines and one Advanced Discipline, it is considered an Advanced power. (Laws of the Night Anarch Guide, Page 55) Availability Note that each power has an associated availability. This number is arrived at using the following equation: Sum of: Highest discipline needed +1 If only in a Dark Ages book +1 If in a position book (such as Archons & Templars or Council of Primogen) +1 If Related to a Path/Road +1 for each combo listed as a requirement for this combo +2 If Sect Specific Recommended Availability modifiers: (modifiers are cumulative) -1 If member is of the group where the power originated -1 If combo is related to a path and both Mentor and Individual are on the path -2 If it is Sect specific and both mentor and individual are part of that Sect -1-3 If a appropriate boon is used to help the mentor find someone to teach the individual. +1-3 If there is appropriate IC/RP reasons (Probationary Sect member, Poor reputation etc.) + X If one of the required disciplines is propriety of an extinct clan/bloodline the storyteller should feel free to set a level to further restrict even knowledge of this power. Unique - Teacher must have learned it form creator or someone on record as having learned it through legitimate means. 4

# - It is recommended that the Mentor Rating should be greater then this # to acquire a teacher for someone if the mentor can not teach the combo themselves. It is also recommended that Storytellers control access to these powers by associating knowledge of them to appropriate levels of Clan or Kindred Lore—one-half the availability usually comes to an acceptable number. Note: The bulk of this availability system was adopted from an existing Combo database created by Sean and I make no claim to it.


Combo Discipline Index MET Only(2)

Not Suitable for conversion

Tentative LARP Translation

New LARP Conversion

Animalism Combo Disciplines Animalism/Auspex Discipline Power Call Upon the Blood Mind of the Wilds Read the Winds Test the Road Beast’s Communion

Levels Required 3/3 (5/4 LARP) 2/4 4/5 3/2 3/4 (3/3 LARP)

Book Guide to the Anarchs 159; LotN Anarchs Guide 57 Libellus Sanguinis 4 33 Libellus Sanguinis 3 37 Road of the Beast 72 Road of Humanity 70

Page 15 16 16 17 18

Animalism/Chimerstry Discipline Power Mask of Cathay

Levels Required 3/3

Book Clanbook: Ravnos, Revised Ed. 68

Page 18

Levels Required 5/2

Book Guide to the Low Clans 163

Page 19

Levels Required 3/3

Book Guide to the Anarchs 157

Page 20

Animalism/Dementation Discipline Power Respite of Lucidity

Animalism/Dominate Discipline Power Aspect of Beast

Animalism/Fortitude Discipline Power Alpha Glint Claw Immunity Steal the Terrible Swiftness The Beasts Vigor Scourge the Thrall Wintering*

Levels Required 4/3 2/4 2/1 3/3 4/4 4/2

Book Counsel of Primogen 104 Clanbook: Gangrel, Revised Ed. 72 Winds from the East 70 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p32; Guide to the Low Clans 159 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p32; Guide to the Low Clans 159 Wolves of the Sea 71

Page 21 21 22 22 23 23

Levels Required 4/3 1/2

Book Counsel of Primogen 102 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p76; Guide to the Low Clans 168

Page 24 25

Animalism/Obfuscate Discipline Power Animal Magnetism Wolf’s Lament

Animalism/Ogham Discipline Power Goddess Among Beasts

Levels Required 1/1

Book Guide to the Low Clans 160-161

Levels Required 4/2

Book Guide to the Low Clans 160

Page 25

Animalism/Potence Discipline Power Feral Imbuing

Page 26


Animalism/Presence Discipline Power Aura of Accursed Rage Mortal Terror

Levels Required 3/2 3/2

Book Guide to the Low Clans 158-159 Archons & Templars 142

Page 26 27

Animalism/Protean Discipline Power Bear’s Skin Itugen’s Embrace/Shared Entombment Ennoia’s Mastery Shared Strength Enhance the Wild Ride Loki’s Gift Revoke the Gift of Adam Call the Wild Hunt Beast Meld Suck it Up

Levels Required 2/4 1/3 1/3 3/2 4/4 4/4 4/4 5/4 3/6 1/2 (1/5 LARP)

Book Wolves of the Sea 70-71; Guide to the Low Clans 159 Wind from the East 71; Guide to the Low Clans 165-166 Road of the Beast 72 Wind from the East 70 Libellus Sanguinis 3 p28 Guide to the Low Clans 162 Road of the Beast 73 Libellus Sanguinis 3 p30 Clanbook: Gangrel Revised Ed. 73 Guide to the Anarchs 64; LotN Anarch Guide 162

Page 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Animalism/Vicissitude Discipline Power Birth the Vohzd Unchain the Wrathful Beast

Levels Required 6/6 5/4

Book Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised Ed. 73 Guide to the High Clans 170

Page 35 36

Auspex Combo Disciplines Auspex/Auspex Discipline Power An Ear for Lies

Levels Required 1/2

Book Road of Kings 73

Page 37

Levels Required 2/2 1/1 1/2 1/2 3/7

Book Libellus Sanguinis 3 p66 Guide to the High Clans 168 Guide to the Low Clans 163 Archons & Templars 140 Guide to the Camarilla 117

Page 37 38 38 38 39

Auspex/Celerity Discipline Power Eyes of Blades Hand of the Master Artisan Quickened Instincts Quicken Sight Unassailable Parry

Auspex/Celerity/Fortitude Discipline Power Guardian Vigil

Levels Required 1/1/1

Book LotN Anarch Gude 59; Guide to the Low Clans 161

Page 40

Auspex/Celerity/Obfuscate Discipline Power Doubletalk

Levels Required 2/1/1

Book Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. 75

Page 41


Auspex/Chimerstry Discipline Power Heart’s Desire Nightmare Curse

Levels Required 4/2 4/5

Book Clanbook: Ravnos Revised Ed. 68 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p33

Page 41 42

Levels Required 2/1

Book Guide to the Low Clans 159

Page 43

Levels Required 1/3 4/2 2/3 3/variable 4/3 2/2

Book LotN: Anarch Guide 61 Guide to the Low Clans 167 Guide to the Low Clans 162 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p110-111 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p109-110 Archons & Templars 141

Page 44 45 45 46 47 48

Levels Required 4/3 2/4 2/2 5/5

Book Archons & Templars 143 Council of Primogen 103 Guide to the High Clans 168 Guide to the Low Clans 166

Page 49 50 51 51

Levels Required 2/4

Book Road of Kings 73

Page 52

Auspex/Daimoinon Discipline Power Blessing’s Warning

Auspex/Dementation Discipline Power Sensory Overload Whispers of Loathing Maddening Halo Madman’s Quill Prophecy Random Patterns

Auspex/Dominate Discipline Power Mind’s Eye Mood Shift Measure the Will Spectral Puppeteer

Auspex/Dominate or Presence Discipline Power Sound of a Breaking Oath

Auspex/Fortitude Discipline Power Martyr’s Resilience The Illness Unveiled

Levels Required 4/7 2/7 (2/5 LARP)

Book Guide to the Camarilla 117 MET Journal 1 p56, Capadocain Clanbook 41

Page 52 53

Auspex/Mortis Discipline Power Awaken the Slumbering Curse Corpse Projection

Levels Required 4/5 5/6

Book Guide to the High Clans 164 Lair of the Hidden 140

Page 53 54

Levels Required 1/2

Book Guide to the High Clans 165

Page 55

Levels Required 5/5

Book Guide to the High Clans 165

Page 55

Auspex/Mortis or Obtenebration Discipline Power Clarity of Emptiness

Auspex/Nigrimancy Discipline Power Charon’s Oar


Auspex/Obfuscate Discipline Power Anticipatory Visage Anticipatory Locution Psychic Double Blood Apocrypha

Levels Required 4/3 4/3 5/3 1/1

Book Archons & Templars 142 Archons & Templars 142 Lair of the Hidden 140 Libellus Sanguinis 4 p75

Page 56 56 57 58

Levels Required 2/3 Opt: 3 (LARP 1/3 Opt: 3)

Book Road of Sin 70

Page 59

Levels Required 2/2/2

Book Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised Ed. 72

Page 60

Levels Required 2/2

Book Road of Sin 72

Page 61

Levels Required 1/3

Book Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed. 66

Page 62

Levels Required 4/2 3/3

Book Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. 74-75 Counsel of Primogen 103

Page 63 64

Levels Required 2/3 Opt: 2 (LARP 3/3 Opt:2)

Book Road of Sin 70

Page 65

Levels Required 4/4 2/4 1/5

Book Clanbook: Gangrel Revised Ed. 72 Guide to the Low Clans 164 Guide to the Low Clans 166

Page 66 66 67

Auspex/Obfuscate Optional: Presence Discipline Power Ward the Soul’s Sanctity

Auspex/Obfuscate/Vicissitude Discipline Power Soul Decoration

Auspex or Daimonon/Obfuscate Discipline Power Veil the Sin

Auspex/Potence Discipline Power Pulse of Undeath

Auspex/Presence Discipline Power Soul Painting Under the Skin

Auspex/Presence Optional: Vicissitude Discipline Power Enhance Sensation

Auspex/Protean Discipline Power See the Reflected Form See the True Form Shattered Fog

Auspex/Quietus Discipline Power Draught of the Soul# Truth of the Blood

Levels Required 4/5 4/2

Book Libellus Sanguinis 3 p65-66 Libellus Sanguinis 3 p66

Page 67 68

Auspex/Quietus or Thaumaturgy: Path of Blood Discipline Power Drink the Mind#

Levels Required 4/5

Book Guide to the Low Clans 160

Page 68


Auspex/Serpentis Discipline Power Weigh the Heart

Levels Required 3/5

Book Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised Ed. 70

Page 69

Auspex/Temporis Discipline Power Quicksilver Contemplation

Levels Required 2/3

Book Guide to the High Clans 169

Page 69

Levels Required 3/1 2/1 2/Path of Blood: 1

Book Archons & Templars 140 Clanbook: Tremere Revised Ed 47 Guide to the Low Clans 164

Page 70 71 72

Levels Required 4/4 2/1

Book Guide to the High Clans 166 Guide to the High Clans 168

Page 73 73

Auspex/Thaumaturgy Discipline Power Name the Fallen Thaumaturgical Sight Scent of Caine

Auspex/Valeren Discipline Power Eye of Unforgiving Heaven Glare of Lies

Auspex/Vicissitude Discipline Power See the True Shape Record Recall Sensation

Levels Required 2/2 3 or 4/2 (3 or 5/2 LARP)

Book Guide to the High Clans 169 Road of Sin 71

Page 74 75

Celerity Combo Disciplines Celerity/Auspex Discipline Power Focused Reflexes

Levels Required 5/4

Book Toreador Genre Packet

Page 76

Celerity/Fortitude Discipline Power Forced March (Long March) Seventh Chinese Brother

Levels Required 2/2 2/5 (3/6 LARP)

Book Clanbook: Assamites Revised Ed. 71 Guide to the Anarchs 161; LotN Anarch Guide 62

Page 76 77

Celerity/Obfuscate Discipline Power Shadow Feint

Levels Required 2/2

Book Clanbook: Assamites Revised Ed. 72

Page 77

Levels Required 3/3

Book Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed 66

Page 78

Celerity/Potence Discipline Power Burning Wrath

Celerity/Presence Discipline Power The Scourge of Alecto

Levels Required 2/4

Book The Brujah Clanbook 31

Page 78


Celerity/Protean or Obtenebration Discipline Power Instantaneous Transformation

Levels Required 2/5

Book Archons & Templars 143

Page 79

Celerity/Quietus Discipline Power Retain the Quick Blood

Levels Required 3/3 or 5/5

Book Anarch Guide 161, LotN Anarch Guide 61

Page 79

Celerity/Vicissitude Discipline Power Flesh of Wind and Water

Levels Required 2/3

Book Archons & Templars 141

Page 80

Book Clanbook: Ravnos Revised Ed. 67 Guide to the Low Clans 159-160

Page 80 81

Book Clanbook: Baali 47

Page 82

Chimerstry Combo Disciplines Chimerstry/Fortitude Discipline Power Sympathetic Agony Craft Ephemera

Levels Required 2/4 5/3

Daimoinon Combo Disciplines Daimoinon or Auspex/Obfuscate Veil the Sin listed under Auspex page 61.

Daimoinon/Obfuscate Discipline Power I am Legion

Levels Required 3/2

Dementation Combo Disciplines Dementation/Auspex Discipline Power Catch a Whiff of Madness

Levels Required 2/3

Book Counsel of Primogen 102; Malkavian Genre Pack

Levels Required 3/2 4/4 (5/4 LARP)

Book Counsel of Primogen 102; Malkavian Genre Pack Guide to the Anarchs 159; LotN Anarchs Guide 57

Page 83

Dementation/Dominate Discipline Power Phobic Affliction Chaos Fold

Page 83 84

Dementation/Obfuscate Discipline Power Vanishing

Levels Required 4/5

Book Libellus Sanguinis 4 p111

Page 85


Dominate Combo Disciplines Dominate/Fortitude Discipline Power Denial of Aphrodite’s Favor

Levels Required 3/3

Book Clanbook: Ventrue Revised Ed. 77

Page 85

Dominate/Obfuscate Discipline Power Smiling Jack’s Trick Mortal Skin

Levels Required 3/3 (5/5 LARP) 3/3

Book Guide to the Anarchs 161; LotN Anarch Guide 61 Road of Humanity 71

Page 86 86

Levels Required 3/3 3/3

Book Clanbook: Lasombra Revised Ed. 72 Guide to the High Clans 170

Page 87 87

Levels Required 1/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/2 4/4 4/3 5/5

Book Clanbook: Ventrue Revised Ed. 77 Guide to the High Clans 169-170 Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. 73 Counsel of Primogen 104 Road of Kings 73 Road of Kings 73 Road of Heaven 68 Counsel of Primogen 104

Page 88 88 89 90 90 91 91 92

Levels Required 3/6+ (3/5+ LARP)

Book Road of Heaven 68

Page 93

Levels Required 3/1 8/4

Book Guide to the High Clans 163 The Cappadocian Clanbook 41

Page 93 94

Levels Required 1/3 2/3 8/4

Book Archons & Templars 140 Clanbook: Gangrel Revised Ed. 72 Guide to the Camarilla 117

Page 94 95 95

Levels Required 4/2

Book Mexico by Night 115

Page 96

Dominate/Obtenebration Discipline Power Shroud of Absence Witness of Ahriman

Dominate/Presence Discipline Power Lifesong Stunning Awe Bliss Distant Friend True Tongue The Aura of Inescapable Truth Moment of Grace Approximation of Loyalty Absolute

Fortitude Combo Disciplines Fortitude/Willpower Discipline Power Halo of Steel

Fortitude/Mortis Discipline Power Aegis of Entropy Blessed Resilience

Fortitude/Obfuscate Discipline Power Iron Façade** Flesh Wound** Elemental Stoicism

Fortitude/Potence Discipline Power Brace for Impact


Fortitude or Potence/Obtenebration Discipline Power Armory of the Abyss

Levels Required 3 or 3, 3

Book Guide to the High Clans 163-164

Page 96

Fortitude or Potence/Presence Discipline Power Give ‘em Hell

Levels Required 1 or 1, 3

Book Guide to the Anarchs 58; LotN Anarch’s Guide 159

Page 97

Fortitude/Potence/Mortis Discipline Power Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb

Levels Required 2/2/2

Book Guide to the High Clans 165-166

Page 97

Fortitude/Presence Discipline Power King of the Hill

Levels Required 2/2 (5/3 LARP)

Book Guide to the Anarchs 59; LotN Anarch’s Guide 160

Page 98

Levels Required 1/4 2/2 2/3 3/3

Book Guide to the Anarchs 56; LotN Anarchs Guide 158 Wolves of the Sea 71, MET Journal 5 Guide to the Low Clans 166 Guide to the Low Clans 176

Page 98 99 99 99

Levels Required 2, 3 or 3

Book Archons & Templars 142

Page 100

Levels Required 2/4

Book Libellus Sanguinis 3 p66

Page 100

Levels Required 3/4

Book Guide to the High Clans 169

Page 101

Levels Required 3/2

Book Guide to the High Clans 169

Page 101

Fortitude/Protean Discipline Power Badger’s Hide Fenris’ Talons Stone Meld Torpid Hibernation*

Fortitude/Protean or Thaumaturgy Discipline Power Sanguinary Expulsion

Fortitude/Quietus Discipline Power Blood Tempering

Fortitude/Valeren Discipline Power Penitent Resilience

Fortitude/Vicissitude Discipline Power Sculpt the Flowing Wound

Koldunic Sorcery Combo Disciplines Discipline Power Jaws of the Dragon Becoming Kupala

Levels Required Koldunic Sorcery 7, all five Koldunic Ways at 5 Way of the Spirit 6, Vicissitude 6

Book Guide to the High Clans 168 Guide to the High Clans 164

Page 102 103


Mortis Combo Disciplines Mortis/Necromancy/Thaumaturgy Discipline Power #Blood Pearl

Levels Required 2/2/2

Book The Cappodocian Clanbook 36

Page 104

Obfuscate Combo Disciplines Obfuscate/Obtenebration Discipline Power Tenebrous Veil

Levels Required 1/1

Book Guide to the Anarchs 65; LotN: Anarchs Guide 162

Page 104

Obfuscate/Presence Discipline Power True Love’s Face Memory Rift

Levels Required 3/3 2/2 (5/3 LARP)

Book Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised Ed. 69 Guide to the Anarchs 60; LotN: Anarchs Guide 160

Page 105 106

Obtenebration Combo Disciplines Obtenebration/Auspex Discipline Power Shadowed Eyes

Levels Required 3/3

Book Libellus Sanguinis 1 p33

Page 107

Levels Required 2/2 5/5

Book Guide to the High Clans 165 Guide to the High Clans 166

Page 108 109

Levels Required 4/2

Book Dark Ages Companion 87

Page 110

Levels Required 2/1

Book Libellus Sanguinis 1 p33

Page 111

Levels Required 3/3

Book Libellus Sanguinis 1 p33

Page 111

Obtenebration/Dominate Discipline Power Echo of the Subtle Vizier Eminence of Shade (Conquering Blood)

Obtenebration/Fortitude Discipline Power Armor of Darkness

Obtenebration/Obfuscate Discipline Power Smothering Darkness

Obtenebration/Potence Discipline Power Dark Steel


Ogham Combo Disciplines Ogham/Protean Discipline Power Tree Meld

Levels Required 1/3

Book Guide to the Low Clans 167

Page 112

Levels Required 2/3

Book Guide to the High Clans 167-168

Page 112

Levels Required 3/2 3/3 3/3 5/5

Book Road of Heaven 68 Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed. 66 Council of Primogen 101 Libellus Sanguinis 2 p102

Page 113 113 114 114

Potence Combo Disciplines Potence/Mortis Discipline Power Fountain of Ill-Humors

Potence or Fortitude/Obtenebration See entry for Armory of the Abyss under Fortitude.

Potence/Presence Discipline Power Righteous Gaze Iron Heart The Iron Glare Espirit de Corps

Potence/Serpentis Discipline Power Typhonic Beast

Levels Required 3/4

Book Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised Ed. 69-70

Page 115

Potence/Vicissitude Discipline Power Flaying Touch

Levels Required 2/2

Book Guide to the High Clans 167

Page 116

Levels Required 3/2

Book Libellus Sanguinis 2 p102

Page 116

Levels Required 5/3

Book Libellus Sanguinis 2 p37

Page 117

Presence Combo Disciplines Presence/Animalism Discipline Power Command the Wary Steed

Presence/Auspex Discipline Power Diplomat’s Boon

Presence/Celerity Discipline Power Scalpel Tongue

Levels Required 1/1

Book Counsel of Primogen 102; Toreador Genre Packet

Page 117


Presence/Fortitude or Potence Discipline Power Inspire Greatness Greater Inspire Greatness

Levels Required 3/2 or 2 Inspire Greatness; Presence 5

Book Road of Kings 72 Road of Kings 72

Page 118 118

Book Guide to the Low Clans 164

Page 119

Presence/Serpentis Discipline Power Serpent’s Numbing Kiss

Levels Required 3/2

Protean Combo Disciplines Protean/Vicissitude Discipline Power Pater Szlachta Shape of All Beasts

Levels Required 4/3 4/3

Book Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised Ed. 72 Mexico by Night 114

Page 120 121

Serpentis Combo Disciplines Serpentis/Protean Discipline Power Hatch the Viper

Levels Required 4/2

Book Guide to the Low Clans 162

Page 122

Book Guide to the Sabbat

Page 122

Vicissitude Combo Disciplines Vicissitude/Dominate Conquering Blood see Eminence of Shade page 109.

Vicissitude/Protean Discipline Power Body Armory

Levels Required 3/3

Note *, #, and **: These are inherently the same powers—most were either listed in different books with different requirements while still maintaining the same description and system.


Animalism Combo Disciplines Animalism/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Call Upon the Blood Anarch Animalism 3, Auspex 3 (Animalism 5, Auspex 4 LARP) Used by anarchs to scout out the strongholds of hated enemies, this power allows the Kindred to “feel” for the Beast in the immediate vicinity. The Animalism aspect of this power attunes the Kindred to any creature that harbors a Beast, and the Auspex element allows him to interpret it and extend his senses beyond their normal limits. Doing so allows the scout to know approximately how many Kindred or ghouls are in the area. The player spends a blood point and rolls Perception + Animal Ken. If the roll is successful, the character gains a fairly accurate impression (give or take an entity) of how many Kindred and ghouls are in close proximity. The distance to which this sense extends depends on the successes accumulated on the roll. 1 2 3 4 5

Small area; a hotel room Large area; a ballroom or salon Great area; a house Huge area; a city block Vast area; an entire estate

Storytellers, not that his power calls to the Beast in all Kindred, and impressions will include the presence of Kindred and ghouls in the anarch’s own retinue. Also, because it prods the Beast in beings to see if it’s there, particularly aware Kindred and ghouls might feel their Beast awaken or recoil as the power takes effect, perhaps alerting them to the presence of some disquieting presence. The sensory information gleaned by this power is also, a bit unsettling. Inviting the Beast in so many creatures to take not of oneself is bold, to say the least. Be wary of players using this power as a default “Detect Kindred spell.” Cainites who rely too much on provoking the Beast in others may find themselves on the verge of frenzy, as it tempts their own Beast each time they use it.

Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability : 7 LotN Anarch Guide pg 57; Guide to the Anarchs pg 159 Y; This Discipline costs one Blood Trait to activate and requires a Mental Test against a difficulty of six Traits with the Storyteller. (Retest with Survival.) If successful, the character receives an impression of how many individuals with Beasts are nearby, as well as a general idea of their proximity. If a Storyteller is not available, or if the players prefer this application in general, this Discipline allows the user to make a Mental Test against a particular individual; if successful, the user may ask the target “Are you a vampire or a ghoul?” The target must answer honestly. Those subjected to this power may make an Awareness Test to sense the Discipline’s use, as using it gently stirs the Beast, but cannot tell from what or which direction the strange sense is coming only that someone is probing for the presence of the Beast nearby. A character can only use Call Upon the Blood for up to 10 minutes. Attempting it more times in a night than the user has SelfControl/Instinct Traits may require the user to test against frenzy or risk fully awakening her own Beast in the process. In no case can a character use this Discipline more than twice as many times per night as her rating in that particular Virtue Trait.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Mind of the Wilds Ravnos Animalism 2, Auspex 4 This power is known solely to a few Phuri Dae, who use it to find safe routes of travel and camp sites. A vampire with this power spreads her awareness through the local wildlife to get a general sense of conditions nearby—the presence or absence of danger, safe places and humans. It’s impossible to determine number or type of dangerous creatures; the vampire just gets an overall impression. For more specifics, the Phuri Dae must either summon an animal to ask or scout the area directly. The player rolls Perception + Animal Ken (difficulty 8) while the vampire concentrates for a full turn. Each success might grant very general knowledge about an acre or less, while five successes could cover a mountain pass or a small forest and locate the most dangerous (and safest) areas therein. A botch results in false or misleading information. The Storyteller should be careful to avoid giving away too much information with Mind of the Wilds. It’s intended to help a character scout an area, rather than serve in place of such reconnaissance.

Availability 5 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pg 33 N; The player makes a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 8 Traits)—retest Animal ken and concentrates for a full turn. Success grants very general knowledge about an acre or less. The player may expend additional Mental traits to expand the area of effect. Failure results in false or misleading information. The Storyteller should be careful to avoid giving away too much information with Mind of the Wilds. It’s intended to help a character scout an area, rather than serve in place of such reconnaissance.

Read the Winds Gangrel Animalism 4, Auspex 5 Many animals roam the night, and a vampire with this power has the ability to see through the eyes of them all. With a bit of focus, the vampire sees everything that an animal in the area witnesses. The vampire can also use this power to gain a general impression, from the animal’s states, about the area or upcoming events like disasters or storms. The player makes a Perception + Animal Ken roll (difficulty 7), and the vampire opens her mind to the animals in the area. Each success increases the area in which the vampire can monitor events, though progressively larger areas observed could overwhelm her with too much information. Success 1 2 3 4 5

Distance Earshot Mile Couple miles 50 miles 100 miles

Detail Gen. Impression Blurry see details See, hear faintly See & hear clear

The player divides successes between the two categories for overall effect; this power cannot find Obfuscated or hidden things and can be used while interred in the earth (Protean 3).

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 37 N; The player makes a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 7 Traits) retest Animal ken, and the vampire opens her mind to the animals in the area. Success allows the vampire to monitor events, though any of the natural denizens of the forest within a couple of miles. This power provides a very general impression of the state of the surrounding area. This power cannot find users of Obfuscate or hidden items; nor does it allow the user to ask specific questions of the animals. This power may be used while using the Protean 3 power Earth Meld.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Test the Road Beast (Modern Equivilent: Feral Heart) Animalism 3, Auspex 2 This power is chiefly used by Wardens to test the sincerity of pilgrims who wish to visit Feral holy sites. Some Lorekeepers also employ it to check the veracity of Cainites who approach them wishing to be taught the lore of the Road of the Beast. The Feral begins asking the suspect Cainite a series of questions about the Beast or asks them to begin hunting. The nature of the test is not really important. The Feral is actually watching the way the other Cainite speaks and acts to see if the Beast is truly just below the surface, guiding her actions. The player rolls the character’s Road rating (dif 8). The ST might want to make this roll secret. Each success indicates how clearly the Feral can determine the motives of the stranger. A botch indicates that the Feral perceives the stranger as a senior follower of the Road of the Beast immediately. 1 2 3 4 5

Determine hostility toward the Road of the Beast Determine interest in the Road of the Beast Determine whether the stranger is a Feral or not Determine whether the stranger is a Feral and what path he follows As above, but can also categorize Road rating—low (1-4), medium (5-7) or high (8-10)

Note that if the target is not a follower of the Road of the Beast, the character cannot determine what road she actually walks.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop and LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Road of the Beast pg 72 Y; This ability is used to seek out fellow Ferals and to gauge a Cainite’s interest in the Road of the Beast. Beginning by engaging the target in conversation or bringing them on a hunt. After a few minutes of observation, make a Mental challenge. Success determines whether or not the target is indeed a fellow Feral. On a loss, make a second Simple Test. if the user loses this test the target appears to be a senior follower of the Road of the Beast. Spending additional Mental Traits for the following: One Trait, to learn if the subject is hostile to the road of the Beast; two Traits, to find out the subject's Road rating. This power does not allow you to learn what road the target actually follows if she is not Feral.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Beast’s Communion Humanity Animalism 3/Auspex 4 Favored by the Illuminated, this ability enables the vampire to force another Cainite’s Beast to the fore, there to share the consciousness with the higher self, and compel it to speak through the rational human mind in a manner comprehensible to reasoning beings. When occupying the consciousness with a Cainite’s reasoning mind, the Beast is giving a voice by which its otherwise alien lusts can be known. The Beasts of different clans are, as a rule, very different in their miens. A Ravnos’ Beast is a sly, cunning thing, while a Nosferatu’s is base and wretched, and a Brujah’s brutal and proud, for example. Whatever the Cainite’s clan, however, his Beast is compelled to speak like a person of whatever intelligence the Cainite subjected to this technique himself possesses. Spend a point of Willpower and roll Manipulation + Intimidation (dif subject’s Willpower). If successful spend a Blood Point (to lure out the subject’s Beast). Both parties engage in an opposed SelfControl/Instinct roll (dif of the other’s Willpower). If the subject wins, then her Beast retreats and cannot be ensnared for at least another full lunar month. If the Prodigal wins, the subject’s Beast is locked into his rational mind for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. During this time, the Beast must truthfully answer questions. The Beast remembers actions taken during past frenzies with absolute clarity. Likewise, it knows when outside influences previously forced it to the fore. A willing Cainite may not relent to the use of this power, nor may a Cainite use it upon themselves.

Availability: 7 Road of Humanity pg 70 Y; By spending a Blood Trait and a Social Trait and engaging the target in a Self-Control/Instinct test (retest Intimidation), the Cainite can compel a target’s Beast to rise to the surface and answer questions in a rational manner. This Discipline lasts for a number of minutes equal to the user’s permanent Social Traits minus the target’s Willpower (min one minute). Though it should be noted that while casual brutality is forbidden by this Discipline, it does not prevent the target from truly frenzying if provoked, nor can it halt a frenzy in progress. The Beast remembers actions taken during past frenzies with absolute clarity. Likewise, it knows when outside influences previously forced it to the fore. A willing Cainite may not relent to the use of this power, nor may a Cainite use it upon themselves. The target’s rational mind is aware of the conversation that takes place. This Discipline may not be used on mortals but at ST discretion other supernatural beings—ghosts, werewolves, etc. may be targeted; however, their inner demons may not play by the same rules as the Beasts of other Cainites.

Animalism/Chimerstry Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Mask of Cathay Ravnos Animalism 3, Chimerstry 3 Ravnos in Asia have had to learn several tricks to conceal their presence among the fanatical Eastern Kindred. One of the more common techniques is the ability to appear as an asuratizayya. This mask conceals the Ravnos’ nature as one of the Kindred descended from Caine and makes them appear to be asuratizayya for purposes of all tests. This power does not grant the Ravnos any ability to learn Eastern Disciplines or adopt their Dharmic paths. If simply allows the Ravnos to misrepresent herself. The player spends one Willpower point and one blood point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). Each success the player gains on that roll represents one success an onlooker must overcome with the use of any power (Auspex, Kueijin Life sight, Death sight, etc.) to perceive the Ravnos as one of the Western Kindred. Otherwise, senses show the Ravnos to be a yin-aspected Kueijin. If no roll is associated with the power, roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 6). Eastern Mask lasts for only one night per use.

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Ravnos Revised Ed. pg 68 Y; For a Ravnos to use Mask of Cathay the player must spend one Willpower Trait and one Blood Trait to invoke the Mask until sunrise. During that time, the Ravnos is perceived through supernatural means as a yin-aspected Cathayan, not as one of the Kindred.


Animalism/Dementation Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 16 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Respite of Lucidity Malkavian Animalism 5, Dementation 2 Unlike most powers based on Dementation, this art grants reprieve from madness rather than instilling such infirmity. Vampires who know this technique may affix their insanity to their Beast as they draw it out, freeing their minds from the prison of twisted consciousness. This power is quite rare, considering many Malkavians regard their dementia as a gift rather than a curse, and very few know the secrets of Animalism. The few wretches who regularly employ this Discipline take little solace in their respites, knowing lunacy must soon descend again. Whenever a vampire with this Discipline technique uses the Animalism 5 power Drawing out the Beast, she may also affix her madness to the Beast. This costs one blood point per derangement, or three points to affix a Malkavian’s core derangement; the Beast’s new host suffers the affixed derangements in lieu of the vampire who expelled them. Malkavians who purge all their derangements in this manner cannot regain Willpower by any means until they reclaim their Beast. Once a character recovers her Beast, she suffers the full effects of all her derangements.

Availability: 6 Guide to the Low Clans pg 163 N—not necessary; as above. As noted in the description, this power is incredibly rare even among Malkavians. It is advised that the storyteller add additional difficulty to the availability of this power. If this power is repeatedly abused to produce derangement free Malkavians it is advised that storytellers further limit this power by not allowing the user access to their Willpower at all until their Beast is recalled from the animal.


Animalism/Dominate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Aspect of Beast Anarch Animalism 3, Dominate 3 By calling upon another Kindred’s Beast, an anarch using this power causes his subject to display the mien of an animal. In some cases, the subject actually resembles a literal beast-man hybrid, but in most situations people affected with this power are left with a vague and unsettling impression that the focal personality of this power reminds them uncomfortably of an animal. The player invoking this power spends a Willpower point, or a blood point if he knows the Nature of the character he wishes to afflict with an animal aspect. The player also rolls Manipulation + Expression (dif 6). The subject of this power is the person who looks upon the character with the animal aspect. The subject sees the character as if he had some animal characteristic…If the subjects Willpower is less than 3, the character literally appears as a “beast-man” and probably causes some sort of panicked reaction. Subjects with Willpower scores above three are left with the distinct impression that the character reminds them of an animal. Roleplay this reaction accordingly, or simply add two to all Social difficulties faced by the animal-aspected character… Remember that this power is a Dominate-based Discipline, and the Kindred using it must be of equal or lower generation for it to work. This Discipline only functions on one victim at a time, although it can be used on multiple victims per session with additional uses of this power. The number of successes rolled on the Manipulation + Expression roll determines this power’s duration 1 2 3 4 5

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

One Scene One Night One Week One Month One Year

Availability: 5 LotN Anarch Guide pgs 55-56; Guide to the Anarchs pg 157 Y; This Discipline costs one Blood Trait to activate and requires the user to best the intended victim in a Social Test. It can be retested with Empathy. Those seeing the victim of Aspect of the Beast will perceive her as having a pronounced animal characteristic. This feral appearance is the result of the character’s temperament and reflects the target’s personality. The Storyteller has the final say on whether or not an animal aspect is appropriate and approves the appearance of the manifestation. A Ventrue loan shark may appear to have a multitude of teeth, making his predatory nature plain, while a clever and unscrupulous Nosferatu who has wronged the anarch may appear as a fox with large ears and a pointy muzzle, or a brutal and repressive Camarilla scourge might manifest his inner creature by taking on the snout of a pig. If the victim has less than three permanent Willpower Traits, he literally appears as a “beast-man” and will cause Delirium in non-supernatural creatures, just as if they have seen a werewolf.. . or worse. The victim is down two Social Traits on all challenges and the witnesses’ reaction to the bestial visage should be actively roleplayed. Remember that this power is a Dominate-based Discipline, and the Kindred using it must be of equal or lower generation for it to work. This Discipline only functions on one victim at a time, although it can be used on multiple victims per session with additional Blood Traits and Social Tests. The effect lasts one full night; the victim’s appearance returns to normal at sunrise. The victim gains the Negative Social Traits Bestial x2, Repugnant and Feral for the rest of the night and must wear an appropriate tag describing her altered appearance. Obfuscate will not disguise this feral mien, though the bestial outward form does not prevent actual invisibility.


Animalism/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Alpha Glint Gangrel Animalism 4, Fortitude 3 Gangrel resilience is legendary in Kindred circles, as is their lethality in combat. This Discipline makes the Kindred’s toughness shine through her skin in a way that cows her enemies and makes them despair of defeating her—in battle or otherwise. The primary use of this Discipline is to ward off unsought combat, but it has also bee used effectively by Gangrel to hold off political opponents in meetings of the primogen. The Gangrel calls upon her Beast and pushes it into “broadcasting” her invulnerability to the Beasts of those in her vicinity. This power works on Lupines, but not at all on creatures without a Beast to communicate with (such as mortals). Add the character’s Charisma + Animal Ken to her Willpower rating (the added Willpower is only for the purpose of Alpha Glint). The player then makes a contested Willpower roll against all those acting aggressively toward her (in the case of Lupines, halve the number of successes, rounding down, before adding them to the Gangrel’s Willpower—werewolves just aren’t that intimidated by a Gangrel vampire’s “invulnerability”). If the Gangrel wins, her opponent is cowed and behaves respectfully toward her for the rest of the scene.

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Counsel of Primogen pg 104 Y; The Gangrel are known for their resilience and can call upon such legendary stereotypes in their favor to warn others of their fortitude. This makes an excellent combat deterrent. The Gangrel spends a willpower and makes a social challenge against any one not already in combat with him. If he wins, no one will act aggressively towards him, but will instead, cower or show the proper respect.

Claw Immunity Gangrel Animalism 2, Fortitude 4 Quite a number of Gangrel even of the higher generations have developed the ability to shrug off the natural claw and bite attack of normal animals; this is not surprising considering the usefulness of the ability. Some vampires have claimed that it even provides some protection against Lupines in their wolf forms—no one has volunteered to go out and field test that assertion, however. The player spends two blood points and specifies an animal type: wolf, lion, steer, etc. For die remainder of the scene, the Gangrel receives extra soak dice equal to his Animalism + Fortitude Traits to resist damage from the specified animals (these dice are in addition to the vampire's usual Stamina + Fortitude, i.e. Fortitude is counted twice). Soaking the bite or claw of a wolf-form Lupine may occur, at the Storyteller's discretion, but remember that even in wolf form, those creatures are not truly animals.

Availability: 4 Clanbook: Gangrel Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; Spend two Blood Traits and specify a type of animal: wolf, deer, bear, etc. Double the effects of Fortitude when soaking damage from that type for the next hour. Damage that makes it through these and other defenses remains in effect after Claw Immunity wears off, without modification.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 5 Tabletop; 3 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Steal the Terrible Swiftness Gangrel Animalism 2, Fortitude 1 At time an Anda must cross enormous distance at great speed. Mongol riders are fast, covering more than a hundred miles a day under good conditions by riding 3 or 4 horses. (Even vast Mongol armies compromising 100,000 riders can cover fifty or sixty miles in a day, more than four times what comparable European armies can cross.) Steal the Terrible Swiftness allows the Anda to use the strength and speed of the Mongolian steppe pony when none are to be found. He can cover 100 miles or more in a night, running across the steppe at what sounds to those nearby to be a full horse’s gallop. However, he cannot stop for rest, blood, or conversation; once he has taken to running, he must keep moving or lose the benefits of this technique for the night. Spend one blood point and roll Stamina + Athletics, difficulty 6. Should the player achieve at least one success, the character can move overland at a rate of 20 miles per hour until he stops or slows to less than half his full speed for any reason. Additional successes add 5 miles per hour to the character’s rate of travel. The player can spend a Willpower to allow the Anda to stop or slow without losing the effects of Steal the Terrible Swiftness; one Willpower point must be spent for each turn the character does not return to his normal speed. If this Willpower is not spent, the character loses the great speed and may not use Steal the Terrible Swiftness again that night.

Availability: 3 Wind from the East pg 70 N; Spend one blood point and make a Simple Physical challenge--retest Athletics. If the player succeeds, the character can move overland at a rate of 20 miles per hour until he stops or slows to less than half his full speed for any reason. The player may expend additional Physical Traits to add 5 miles per hour to the character’s rate of travel. The player can spend a Willpower to stop or slow without losing the effects of Steal the Terrible Swiftness; one Willpower point must be spent for each turn the character does not return to his previous speed. If this Willpower is not spent, the character loses the great speed and may not use Steal the Terrible Swiftness again that night.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


The Beast’s Vigor Ravnos Animalism 3, Fortitude 3 Tapping into the bond between regnant and thrall, a Ravnos knowing the Beast’s Vigor may call upon a nearby animal ghoul’s vitality to absorb injuries that could otherwise incapacitate him. The wounds appear on the animal’s body, seemingly without cause. If the animal survives, healing leaves scars and any fur that grows back is white. If the Ravnos has any animal ghouls within sight, he may elect to use this power. The player spends one blood point and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 8). Each success transfers one Health Level of damage (any type) to the animal. The Beast’s Vigor can only be used immediately after the vampire is wounded (after the soak roll) and counts as a reflexive action.

Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 21 in Low Clans; 11 LARP Availability: 4 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pgs 32-33; Guide to the Low Clans pg 159 Book/Page N; If the player has any animal ghouls within sight, he may elect to use this power. The player LARP System (Y/N) spends one blood point and makes a Static Physical challenge (difficulty 8 Traits) retest Animal Ken. The player may bid up to three Stamina based Traits in this challenge. If successful, the player transfers one Health Level of any type of damage to the animal per Trait bid. The Beast’s Vigor can only be used immediately after the vampire is wounded (after the character has made their soak chops but still sustained damage) and counts as a reflexive action. As a reflexive action, blood used by this power does not count against the maximum allowed by generation.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Scourge the Thrall Ravnos Animalism 4, Fortitude 4 As Beast’s Vigor but wounds may be transferred to human ghouls so long as they are under the blood oath to the vampire.

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 159 N; As Beast’s Vigor

Wintering Gangrel Animalism 4, Fortitude 2 In the deep winters of Scandinavia, many animals conserve their food supplies and sleep through much of the cold and hungry night. Norse vampires can sometimes emulate this feat, sleeping during the long periods when game is scarce but awakening later. By “wintering” (although the ability can actually be used at any time), the einherjar preserves her stores of blood, so that she is still able to survive for several days upon waking before needing to hunt again. A vampire voluntarily entering torpor may use this ability to conserve stores of blood for later use upon awakening. The vampire must roll Stamina + Survival (dif 8). Each success allows the vampire to retain one Blood Point, despite remaining in torpor, up to the limit of her current Blood Pool. Thus, if an einherjar with this power enters torpor voluntarily with three Blood Points and rolls one success, then she awakens with one Blood Point saved; if she had rolled four successes, she would have awakened with three Blood Points saved. The use of this power does not mean that the blood cannot be stolen by Thaumaturgy or attack while the vampire sleeps; it simply allows the vampire to store blood that would normally be consumed during torpor.

Availability: 5 Wolves of the Sea pgs 71-72 N—Not useful in a LARP setting Same as Torpid Hibernation only different Requirements.


Animalism/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Animal Magnetism Nosferatu Animalism 4, Obfuscate 3 Foul as they are to look upon and boorish as they tend to be in social situations, the wise among the Nosferatu can, if they so choose, wax alluring. This temporary appeal is rough, fleeing and slightly feral, but it gives them a fascinating charm nonetheless. Sometimes that’s all that’s necessary. By enhancing the powers of Mask of 1000 Faces with the dangerous allure of the Beast (channeled carefully with Animalism), some Nosferatu can briefly approximate a type of Presence. The effects of this power don’t change; it always adds dice equal to the primogen’s Animalism rating (so at least 4) to her social rolls. The duration of the effect varies. Roll Charisma + Subterfuge against a difficulty of 6. This power lasts one turn per success. This is especially effective for seduction but when properly channeled can aid with Intimidation and Subterfuge rolls as well. While this Discipline isn’t particularly powerful, it’s surprisingly effective because nobody expects the Nosferatu ever to possess such allure. This inversion of nature is not without significant risk: a botch on the roll sends the Nosferatu into immediate frenzy as the Beast rips free of its controller’s will and targets whomever the primogen was trying to charm—a social faux pas at the very least.

Xp Cost: 23 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Availability: 5 Council of Primogen pg 102 Y; The Nosferatu channels his primal instincts into pure allure and guile. By spending a Willpower and activating Mask of 1000 Faces, the Nosferatu adopts a persona of unexpected magnetism. For the remainder of the scene or one hour he gains an additional Social Trait per level of Animalism to be used in intimidation (intimidating), persuasion (persuasive) or seduction (seductive) challenges. While active the character loses on ties to resist frenzy—the Beast does not take insults to its face lightly. This power may only be used once per night. This conversion was made to keep the drawbacks associated with the power’s use in a tabletop setting; current conversions allow the user to simply jump up 5 Social Traits with no risks, drawbacks, or repercussions.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Wolf’s Lament Nosferatu, Gangrel Animalism 1, Obfuscate 2 In ancient times, the wolf’s howl echoed across the forests and mountains, communicating with its far-flung brethren. The Nosferatu and Gangrel living among the wilds of northern Europe learned how to do the same, resulting in Wolf’s Lament. This gift enables the vampire to howl a message out into the open, where it carries for miles. Additionally, any wolf hearing the wail supports it using its own voice. If done properly, a chain of wolves can sustain the lament across dozens even hundreds of miles. Anyone listening merely hears an eerie keening that pierces the air and settles across the land. Those with Feral Speech, however, hear a voice carried within the howl. The content is brief, but it imparts emotional imperative and a general missive. It can warn of danger, summon a specific individual, grieve for someone’s death or carry any other quick and simple messages. Wolf’s Lament can vocalize roughly two simple sentences. To use this Discipline the player relates the simple message and the Storyteller judges whether or not it is too complex (saying it in one breath is a good rule of thumb). The player then rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 6) and the vampire sends out his instructions in a howl; the successes indicate the distance the message travels on the voices of wolves (see below). A failure simply means there are no packs in the area (or they fail to pick up the message), while a botch indicates that the caller attracts unwanted attention. Success 1 2 3 4 5

Distance Five Miles 10 miles 50 Miles 100 Miles 250 Miles

Xp Cost: 7 Tabletop; 14 Tabletop; 4 LARP Availability: 3 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pg 76; Guide to the Low Clans pg 168 Book/Page N; To use this Discipline the player relates the simple message and the Storyteller judges whether LARP System (Y/N) or not it is too complex (saying it in one breath is a good rule of thumb). The player makes a Simple Social challenge--retest Animal Ken and the vampire sends out his instructions in a howl. If successful, the message is carried by nearby wolves (or dogs at ST discretion) in a 5 mile radius. Additional Social Traits may be expended to increase the distance the message carries according to the table above.

Animalism/Ogham Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Goddess Among Beasts Lhiannan Animalism 1, Ogham 1


With this power, a Lhiannan may call upon her spirit-shard to dominate beasts who dwell in her domain. To such animals she is a goddess, a force of nature as irresistible as wind or seasons. The Lhiannan paints her body with runes of vitae denoting her spiritual authority. The character spends one scene tracing runes on her body; this costs one blood point. The player then rolls Manipulation + Survival (dif 6). For a number of hours equal to the successes rolled, the character receives one automatic success on any Animalism power directed at a beast that dwells or lairs in her territory. The character also gains the benefits of the Inoffensive to Animals Merit. Botching this power gives the character the Repulsive to Animals Flaw for the rest of the night.

Xp Cost: 7 Tabletop; 4 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 2 Guide to the Low Clans pgs 160-161 N; The character spends one scene tracing runes on her body; this costs one blood point. The player then makes a Simple Social Challenge--retest Survival. If successful, the character gains a free retest on any Animalism power directed at a beast that dwells or lairs in her territory. This power lasts for a number of hours equal to the character’s survival rating. The character also gains the benefits of the Merit Inoffensive to Animals. This power has no effect on the Beasts of Kindred or the animal forms of Shapeshifters.


Animalism/Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Feral Imbuing Nosferatu, Gangrel Animalism 4, Potence 2 With this power, a vampire may share his preternatural strength with a beast in his line of sight. Nosferatu use this power more than any other clan, though the Gangrel know it as well. Few sights are as disturbing as a bloated rat chewing tunnels through solid stone. The vampire selects an animal in his line of sight, and the player rolls Strength + Animal Ken (dif 6). The vampire may transfer as many levels of his Potence Discipline to the targeted animal as the number of successes rolled, although the player does not have to use all the successes and vampires obviously cannot transfer more Potence than they possess. The vampire’s own Potence rating is also reduced by the number of dots transferred, weakening him for the duration of the power. Feral Imbuing may be withdrawn at will as a reflexive action, restoring the vampire to his full strength.

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 160 N; The player selects an animal in his line of sight and the player makes a Simple Physical challenge--retest Animal Ken. With success, the vampire may expend a Physical Trait to transfer a level of Potence to the target animal. The player cannot transfer more levels of Potence to the animal than he currently possesses and no animal may be given more than Puissance—i.e. animal ghouls that already have a level or two of Potence do not get to stack yours on top for Elder levels. The player’s own Potence rating is reduced by the number of levels transferred, weakening him for the duration of this power. Feral Imbuing may be withdrawn at will as a reflexive action, restoring the vampire to his full strength.

Animalism/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Aura of Accursed Rage Brujah (specifically those on the Road of the Beast/Feral Heart), Gangrel Animalism 3, Presence 2 Originally obtained by the Gangrel from Brujah adherents to the Road of the Beast, this fearsome power unlocks the savagery in every Cainite’s soul. Such rage knows neither friend nor foe, and incautious use of this Discipline can transform a prince’s stately court into a gore-spattered abattoir in a matter of minutes. At least one reckless Nosferatu has reputedly achieved this feat, though perhaps this is only a legend of the Low Clans. The player spends one blood point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (dif. 7). The difficulty of all Self-Control rolls to resist frenzy increases by +1 per success for the rest of the scene. This power affects all vampires within range of the character’s sight—including the character using the power. Vampires who leave the character’s sight still suffer for the remainder of the scene; vampires who enter the scene after this power is invoked are not affected. A botch on the activation roll triggers immediate Rotschreck in the character, although other vampires are not affected.

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans pgs 158-159 N; The player spends one blood point and makes a Simple Social challenge—retest Intimidation. With success, everyone within the character’s sight are at +1 difficulty on their Self-Control tests to resist frenzying for the rest of the scene—including the character using this power. Players who leave the character’s sight still suffer for the remainder of the scene; while players who enter the scene after this power is invoked are not affected. If a character fails to activate this power they must immediately perform a Courage test to avoid Rotschreck.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Mortal Terror Animalism 3, Presence 2 While the power of Quell the Beast is certainly useful if you’re trying to soothe or quiet someone, sometimes you need something a bit more dramatic. Mortal Terror focuses the power of Dread Gaze directly on another Kindred’s Beast, bypassing the conscious mind entirely. This can potentially drive a vampire into immediate Rötschreck. This power is available to both archons and templars. The character must either touch her target or make eye contact, and the player must succeed in a contested roll (Charisma + Intimidation vs. the target’s Willpower, both difficulty 7). If the character accumulates more successes than the victim has dots of Courage, the power takes effect and Rötschreck overwhelms the victim. The victim may begin making Courage rolls in an attempt to fight off Rötschreck starting the next turn. Until he accumulates five successes, he will continue to flee from the character by the fastest and most direct route. Invoking this power spuriously is dangerous. Should the character botch the roll to invoke the power, the victim must immediately roll Self-Control to resist frenzy, rather than Rötschreck.

Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Archons and Templars pg 142 Y; Either touch your subject—possibly requiring a Physical challenge—or make eye contact and engage in an extended Social challenge—retest Intimidation. If the user accumulates more successes than the target has current Willpower the use is a success and the Subject is under the full effects of Rotshreck emanating from the user of this power. The subject must flee by the fastest and most direct route until succeeding in 5 Courage tests. If the Power fails the Subject must throw Self-Control to resist Frenzy at a difficultly of 3 traits.

Animalism/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Bear’s Skin Gangrel Animalism 2, Protean 4 According to legend, some berserks take on the fearsome aspect of bears while in the midst of their battle rage. With this power, Gangrel einherjar bring truth to that legend. The vampire must be in frenzy to use this power. The player spends one blood point at the beginning of the turn. Over the next few seconds, the vampire’s muscles twist and bulge while heavy fur sprouts over his entire body, growing thickest where he normally has hair. As skin toughens to leather, the vampire’s maw widens in a fanged half-muzzle capable of biting through limbs. In this state, the vampire gains an additional two dots of Strength and Stamina, as well as the effects of the Maw Merit. Characters with Fortitude may also soak all sources of aggravated damage with their full Stamina + Fortitude. The transformation brought about by this power lasts as long as the frenzy.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Availability: 3 Guide to the Low Clans pg 159; Wolves of the Sea pgs 70-71; MET Journal 5 Book/Page Y; When a vampire with this Discipline enters Frenzy, he may spend a blood point to activate LARP System (Y/N)

Bear's Skin. Once activated, the power grants the Physical Traits: Brawny x2 and Tough x2 as well as the Negative Social Trait: Bestial. In addition, Bears Skin gives a retest to soak damage from sunlight. Once invoked Bear Skin remains until you leave Frenzy.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Itügen’s Embrace/Shared Entombment Gangrel Animalism 1, Protean 3/ Animalism 1, Protean or Potence 1 The Anda feel a deep connection to the loose earth of the steppe they must wander night after night. For them, this earth is the body of Itügen, their Mother Goddess, and it is she who protects them from the harsh rays of the day. They believe that the favor of Itügen allows them to extend this protection to their close followers such as childer and ghouls so that these lessers may slumber alongside them. Most commonly, Anda horsemen use this power to inter their ponies with them. Unlucky is the mortal who sees a mounted Mongol charge out of the very earth at dusk! The effects of this power are indistinguishable from Interred in the Earth (Protean Level Three) [Earth Meld LK] save that the vampire must expend additional blood to bring another under the earth with her. The player spends an extra blood point and the vampire can inter a ghoul, childe (or other vampiric descendant) or another vampire bound to her through the blood oath. An interred ghoul can be human or animal, but no larger than a horse. Only a vampire who traces her ancestry through the character or is under the blood oath can be so interred. Both creatures must enter the earth at the same time, both feel the same effects, and both leave the earth when the elder who possesses this ability wills it to be so. More feral vampires find using this power on childer to be rather distasteful—a whelp who can’t dig or find its own holes until learning Interred in the Earth isn’t worth keeping. But more pragmatic Cainites, especially after the rise of the Mongol Empire, put less stock in the barbarian mystique.

Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 21 Tabletop Low Clans; 5 or 11 LARP Availability: 4 or 2 Winds from the East pg 71; Guide to the Low Clans pg 165-166 Book/Page N—Not Necessary; as above. However, the requirements are Animalism 1/Protean 3, the xp cost LARP System (Y/N) Notes

is 5 and the availability is 4. These powers are inherently the same; except that they were printed in different books and that the Disciplines required for Shared Entombment make no sense. As this power expands on Protean 3, it is a requisite for this power. Recommended: Cost: 11xp Availability: 4

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Ennoia’s Mastery Gangrel Animalism 1/Protean 3 Supposedly, Ennoia could take the shape of any beast she desired. This power, while not so dramatic as that, allows the Cainite to borrow characteristics from various creatures to adapt her body to her environment. Claws grow long to assist tree-climbing, skin (or fur) changes color or texture to aid in camouflage and so on. This power allows the Cainite to become, in effect, the perfect hunter in whatever environment she finds herself in. This power is much favored by followers of the Path of the Hunter, for it allows them to stalk more varied types of prey. The player spends a blood point and makes a Wits + Survival roll (dif 6). For each success, one feature can be changed. Generally speaking, each alteration reduces the difficulty of a roll associated with hunting or outdoor survival by two. Possible changes include: Claws, eyes, feet/hands, etc. Note that these features can be combined with other powers.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 21 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Road of the Beast pg 72 Y; Make a Mental Challenge (retest with Survival). Success allows one feature to be changed. Spending additional Mental traits allows for extra changes on a one-for-one basis, with no more then four changes permitted on a single subject. Some suggested changes: Claws: Inflict aggravated damage and curve to allow a two-Trait bonus on climbing challenges. Eyes: Gain two bonus Traits on challenges to spot moving targets and suffer a one-Trait penalty on hidden or camouflaged targets that are remaining still. Feet/Hands: Flatten and spread to negate all penalties to movement in soft surfaces (snow, swamps, sand) and gain a two-Trait bonus to keep your footing on ice or other treacherous surfaces. These features may be combined with other powers (which require the usual expenditures and challenges).


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Shared Strength Gangrel Animalism 3, Protean 2 Most Cainites frighten sensitive animals such as dogs, cats and horses. The Anda, however, depend on the steppe pony to survive and learn to create a supernatural bond with their steeds. Like many Mongols on long journeys or in time of hardship, the Anda might drink the blood of a horse; those who know this may sometimes return the favor. They can not only speak with their mount (as per Feral Speech [Whispers LK], but may grant it other benefits by feeding it some blood. The Anda feeds one blood point of his blood to his steed and the player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken, difficulty 7. Each success can be spent on one of the following abilities (each ability lasts for a number of days equal to the vampire’s rating in Animalism); --Double the mount’s maximum movement rate over long distances—extra successes spent here increase the multiplier by 1…[Double, Triple, etc. LK] --Double the mount’s galloping speed—as with long distance movement, extra successes spent on gallop speed increase the multiplier by 1… --Increase the mount’s Physical Attributes by 1 (to a max of double its natural level) --Adhere the Anda to his mount; he cannot be unhorsed unless he chooses to leave the horse’s back. This grants +1 to the Ride dice pool and +1 to the Melee dice pool when the Anda is fighting from horseback. Spectacularly successful attempts to unhorse the vampire (5 or more successes) may, at the STs option, damage the horse or rider rather than forcing the rider from the horse’s back. Blood fed to a mount for the purposes of Shared Strength do not count toward the blood oath or making the animal a ghoul. This power is not incompatible with those states, however.

Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Wind from the East pg 70 N; The player feeds one point of his blood to his steed and makes a Static Social challenge (difficulty 7 Traits)—retest Animal Ken. With success the character may expend Social Traits (maximum of 5 Traits) to give his mount one of the following advantages: --Double the mount’s maximum movement rate over long distances—extra Traits spent here increase the multiplier by 1 --Double the mount’s galloping speed—as with long distance movement, extra Traits spent on gallop speed increase the multiplier by 1 --Increase the mount’s Physical Attributes by 1 (to a max of double its natural level) --Adhere the player to his mount; he cannot be unhorsed unless he chooses to leave the horse’s back. This grants +1 Trait to Ride challenges and +1 Trait to Melee challenges when fighting from horseback. Spectacularly successful attempts to unhorse the vampire (Ex. A called shot made with Puissance) may, at the ST’s option, damage the horse or rider rather than forcing the rider from the horse’s back. Blood fed to a mount for the purposes of Shared Strength do not count toward the blood oath or making the animal a ghoul. This power is not incompatible with those states, however.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Enhance the Wild Ride Gangrel Animalism 4, Protean 4 A vampire that has this level of power has developed the art of Riding the Wild Mind to such a degree that he can even affect the body of the creature. The vampire’s body remains in a motionless trance akin to torpor, but the possessed animal takes on some of the characteristics of the vampire. This power is a closely guarded secret of Clan Gangrel. Even were it to become known, it involves passing over a great deal more of the soul to an animal possessed than other clans would find comfortable. …Use this table instead of the one for Ride the Wild Mind. One Success Can use Auspex, Presence Two Successes Can use Dominate, Dementation, Animalism Three Successes Can use Thaumaturgy, Chimerstry, Fortitude Four Successes Can use Protean, Potence Five Successes Can use Celerity, spend blood to enhance traits The vampire-animal bond is much stronger in Enhance the Wild Mind than in Ride the Wild Mind. As such, the player need not spend Willpower to get the animal to go against its instinct and, with five or more successes, can spend blood (from the animal’s blood pool) to enhance its physical Attributes. IF blood point spending reduces an animal below half its blood pool, however, it dies instantly, with the vampire’s mind in place. This complete inhabitation has a side effect—it clouds the vampire’s soul with the instincts and nature of the animal inhabited. The effect should be roleplayed and continues for a long time after contact is broken. Spending eight temporary Willpower will overcome the effect faster, but the vampire will only be entirely free of the animal’s influence after the passage of years. (paraphrase) animal dies or gets over-excited Wits + Empathy (8) to avoid getting snapped back to body; fail = believe you’re animal; botch = frenzy; success = stay or go. Daytime use requires standard roll.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 36-37 N; As Subsume the Spirit but use the table above instead of the one in the standard description. The vampire-animal bond is much stronger in Enhance the Wild Mind than in Subsume the Spirit. As such, the player need not spend Willpower to get the animal to go against its instinct and, with the expenditure of five Traits, the player can spend blood (from the animal’s blood pool) to enhance its physical Attributes. If blood point spending reduces an animal below half its blood pool, however, it dies instantly, with the vampire’s mind in place. This complete inhabitation has a side effect—it clouds the vampire’s soul with the instincts and nature of the animal inhabited. When the vampire retakes their natural form they gain the permanent Negative Social Traits of Bestial x2—which may be bought off normally. Spending 4 temporary Willpower reduces the effects on the psyche—resulting in the player gaining only Bestial x1. If the animal inhabited dies or gets over stimulated the ST may call for a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 8 Traits)—retest Empathy—in order to maintain control over the animal’s body. Failure results in the player getting snapped back to their body and prevents them from spending Willpower to temper this power’s bestial psychic aftershocks. Use of this power during the day functions exactly as Subsume the Beast.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Loki’s Gift Gangrel Animalism 4, Protean 4 With this power, a vampire may assume the form of the last living thing she fed on, be it human or animal. The vampire doesn’t gain any of the prey’s knowledge or powers (if any), but the imitation is physically flawless. The vampire can only activate this power immediately after drinking from a vessel (which can be no larger than a bear). The transformation requires three blood points, and takes effect as soon as the last point is spent. The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (dif 9); the change lasts a number of hours equal to the successes rolled. Duration may be extended with additional blood at the cost of one point per hour. However, if the vampire feeds from any vessel other than the mimicked target, she immediately reverts back to her true form. A botch means the transformation fails and the vampire can never assume the target’s from again. A vampire using this power appears to be the form assumed for all detection purposes, including inspection with the Auspex 2 power Soulsight. This includes appearing as mortal, rather than undead. Soulsight still reveals the vampire’s emotional state. The Discipline technique See the True Form can pierce this disguise, as can any other forms of magical perception that specifically detect shapechanging. Vampires may also learn an identical version of this power with Protean 6 for the usual experience cost.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 162 N; The vampire can only activate this power immediately after drinking from a vessel (which can be no larger than a bear). The transformation requires three blood points, and takes effect as soon as the last point is spent. The player makes a Static Social challenge (difficulty 9 Traits)—retest Subterfuge; the change lasts a number of hours equal to the character’s Subterfuge rating. Duration may be extended with additional blood at the cost of one point per hour. However, if the vampire feeds from any vessel other than the mimicked target, she immediately reverts back to her true form. A failure means the transformation fails and the vampire can never assume the target’s form again. A vampire using this power appears to be the form assumed for all detection purposes, including inspection with the Auspex 2 power Aura Perception. This includes appearing as mortal, rather than undead. Aura Perception still reveals the vampire’s emotional state. The Discipline technique See the True Form can pierce this disguise, as can any other forms of magical perception that specifically detect shapechanging.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Revoke the Gift of Adam Gangrel (Road of Beast/Feral Heart) Animalism 4, Protean 4 God created Adam in His own image and gave him dominion over animals, or so Genesis says. The Ferals, however, know how fickle God can be. This bizarre power is sometimes used by Ferals who have no interest in diablerie, but who wish for a hunt more challenging than chasing animals, and more satisfying than chasing a terrified mortal. It allows the Feral to transform a mortal into an appropriate beast to be hunted. The mortal retains none of his conscious memories or personality, but he does keep his intellect. This allows a human who has been transformed into a stag, for example, to use his horns to shift a lever, push a cart, and so on.


Ferals who make use of this power claim that it allows them to experience the greatest hunt of all. It remains controversial, though, even among followers of the Path of the Hunter, some of whom regard such manipulation of the natural order as the worst kind of blasphemy. The Feral must capture and subdue a mortal. The mortal is then given a draught of the Cainite’s blood (two blood points is usually sufficient) while the Cainite concentrates his will and begins touching the body parts to be transformed, drawing the weak Beast within the moral to the surface and readying it to run. The ritual takes about five minutes to complete, as the mortal is progressively turned into a stag or similar beast. Body mass does not change by more than 10% or so unless the Cainite uses more blood (1 blood/ additional 10% increase). This blood can be pooled, and there are stories of packs who have transformed strong mortals into mighty creatures indeed. Only the leader of the pack needs to know this power. The other pack members simply contribute their vitae. The transformed mortal will instinctively flee the Cainites who created it, but he will use whatever cunning and intelligence it had as a human to avoid its pursuers. The effect wars off at the end of the night, whereupon the mortal will be rendered unconscious and naked, but with full and clear memories of what happened to him. Many victims of this power are driven mad by the memories. If they survive, though, the Ferals usually either kill them out of mercy or proclaim them worthy of the Embrace.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop & LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Road of the Beast pg 73 Y; This power changes a human target into a prey animal such as a stag. Once a mortal target is caught and subdued, he is fed at least 2 traits of blood, and the power enacted, starting with a touch on the parts to be transformed. (As the target is supposed to be subdued, this requires no challenge.) The ritual is complete in five minutes, during which time the mortal transforms as his Beast comes to the surface. If the target is fed more blood, he gains greater body mass (one trait for 10% increase). Packs can pool their blood for this transformation, yet only the leader need know how to enact this ritual. The new animal has no human understandings or memories, but it still possesses the mental Traits it had as a human and will use them to their fullest extent to avoid its pursuers. At the end of the night the mortal reverts to his normal form, complete with his memories of the night's activities. Lupines and others who are intimately familiar with the behavior of prey animals will know there is something wrong with a deer or the like that can push a cart or work a lever.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Call the Wild Hunt Gangrel Animalism 5, Protean 4 In ancient days, when Gangrel rode openly on the steppes, this power saw more use. It allows a vampire to transform her ghouls into a Wild Hunt, a pack of wild animals who run with her across the steppes. In the process, the vampire also transfers a portion of her Beast into her followers, making it more difficult for her to succumb to frenzy. Her followers, however, give in to blood rage. The Wild Hunt stays close to the vampire for the duration of the transformation, never straying out of sight. They will attack anything in their path, trying to tear it to pieces in their rage. The vampire herself remains untouched by the frenzy and is immune to Rotschreck. The vampire retains her emotions, including anger, but the Beast cannot dominate her or undermine her courage. A vampire doesn’t have to be near or in frenzy to use this power. The ghouls involved must see the vampire when the power activates. The player rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (Difficulty 6) with each success affecting one of the vampire’s ghouls (either human or animal). If the attempt fails, the player must roll to avoid frenzy (difficulty 7); a botch means automatic frenzy. Affected ghouls succumb to frenzy with all its standard benefits (ignoring wound penalties, resisting Dominate, etc.), but will not attack each other or the controlling vampire. The ghouls will do everything they can to remain in sight of their regnant, but should they fail, their minds suddenly calm. The Wild Hunt has no fear, and will attack any other creature that gets in their way. Each member of the Wild Hunt also immediately gains Talons of the Beast (Protean 2), although the ST or player should note that a point is spent from each of their blood pools at this time. These claws will retract once the frenzy breaks. The controlling vampire becomes immune to frenzy and Rotschreck checks. The Wild Hunt ends with the coming of dawn.

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 37 N; A player doesn’t have to be near or in frenzy to use this power. The ghouls involved must see the player when the power activates. The player makes a Simple Social Challenge—retest Animal Ken. If the attempt fails the player must immediately make a Self-Control/Instinct test to avoid frenzying. If successful the player may spend an additional Social Trait for each of her ghouls she wants to give the benefit of this power. Affected ghouls succumb to frenzy with all its standard benefits (ignoring wound penalties, resisting Dominate, etc.), but will not attack each other or the controlling vampire. The ghouls will do everything they can to remain in sight of their regnant, but should they fail, their minds suddenly calm. The Wild Hunt has no fear, and will attack any other creature that gets in their way. Each member of the Wild Hunt also immediately gains Claws of the Beast (Protean 2), although the ST or player should note that a point is spent from each of their blood pools at this time. These claws will retract once the frenzy breaks. The controlling vampire becomes immune to frenzy and Rotschreck checks. The Wild Hunt ends with the coming of dawn.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Beast Meld Gangrel Animalism 3/Protean 6 Gangrel this familiar with bestial nature and the malleability of form may hide themselves away in the beasts of the earth, rather than in the earth itself. The vampire does not directly control or possess the animal for this period, but the animal will follow certain pre-set directions or instructions to the best of its ability. This allows the Gangrel remarkable latitude for travel, as the animal's body shields her from the rays of the sun. It is also an exceptionally good way to hide; like with Earth Meld, the vampire's essence is suspended mystically, but the animal's essence enshrouds her, making detection next to impossible without involved thaumaturgical rituals or similarly arcane means. Some Gangrel put this ability to more violent use in setting up ambushes. More than one poacher of exotic animals has been sent eternally packing when his furbearing prize disgorged a vengeful vampire. The animal host chosen by the Gangrel is affected by his passenger's nature. The animal avoids bright light where possible, and becomes noticeably bold and aggressive, although it will not frenzy in a vampiric manner. Those creatures that carry Gangrel for decades become legendary and may develop supernatural characteristics; locals may speak of the puma with eerily glowing eyes, or the stag with horns of iron that families have seen for generations. The character must choose a suitable animal vessel to "ride," one that is large enough to cover at least her smallest beast form as a guideline. The player spends three blood points and makes a Charisma + Animal Ken roll (difficulty 6). The interment is automatic, and the successes on the roll indicate the vampire's degree of success in communicating his wishes to the animal. Three successes are enough to ensure total compliance (within the animal's ability); with only one or two successes, the vampire may find herself somewhere she didn't wish to go, only part way to her destination, or just plain lost. The animal may be instructed to travel to a certain place, to remain in a certain area, or to find a person meeting a simple description. The vampire must also set a condition for emerging from her animal host, such as "after one week," "when attacked," or "upon reaching my destination"—although the last is dangerous if the Gangrel does not establish sufficient rapport with the creature. The animal host gains the benefit of his rider's Fortitude for purposes of resisting damage. If, however, the animal host is killed by violence, the Gangrel is immediately expelled from the body. Animals will not die of old age while "ridden" by a vampire, but will expire quickly after the vampire's emergence. The Gangrel does not take the damage inflicted on her host unless that damage is caused by fire, in which case she may soak with her Fortitude as normal. The Gangrel continues to spend one blood point at sunset as is usual. A vampire who drops into torpor due to lack of blood will remain in the animal until awakening, unless the animal is violently killed.

Xp Cost: 30 Tabletop; 15 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Clanbook: Gangrel Revised Ed. 73 Y; Spend three Blood Traits and make a Physical Challenge. If successful, you merge with the target animal, which must be at least as large as your smallest regular beast form. The animal then behaves normally, unless you make specific effort to control it. Spend one Mental Trait to give general directions, or two Mental Traits to give specific commands. As discussed in the main text, you must also specify a condition upon which you move out of the Beast Meld.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 9 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Suck it Up Anarch Animalism 1/Protean 2 (Animalism 1/Protean 5 LARP) Anarchs are no strangers to spilled blood, whether their own or that of those they tangle with. However, spilled blood, regardless of how it got there, tends to attract a lot of unwanted attention. No matter who wins the fight, some anarchs have come up with an ingenious way to hide their conflicts and “clean up” the wasted blood, whether from a pool on the sidewalk or an incriminating stain on a carpet. The last thing a vampire wants is to be seen voraciously licking the sidewalk like an ice cream cone or looming over the body of a fallen comrade drinking the remains of her vitae. Kindred are advised to employ Suck It Up discreetly, as use of this Discipline is obviously not normal or natural. The Kindred touches a quantity of spilled blood and adds it to her blood pool. The ST must make a judgment call as to how much blood can be taken. (Remember that one blood point is literally a tenth of the blood in the human body, about half a liter.) This power doesn’t “strip the ground clean,” either, and some small amount is likely to stain the ground afterward.

Availability: 7 Guide to the Anarchs pg 162; LotN Anarch Guide pg 64 Y; A Kindred using this Discipline merely touches the pool of blood and absorbs it like a sponge at a rate of one Trait per turn. Suck It Up requires a successful Mental Test against a difficulty of six Traits, which can be with the Survival or Scrounge Abilities. The absorbed Blood Traits go into the Kindred’s pool, and cannot exceed her maximum number of Blood Traits. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of how much blood can be sucked up from a particular pool in this manner. The “vacuuming up” does not do the job perfectly; telltale stains remain (though faint), and the dried husks of bloodless bodies certainly constitute a major Masquerade breach. Unless thoroughly scoured with other means such as chemical cleaning agents, enough traces of blood remain on the scene to perform forensic analysis.

Animalism/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 36 Tabletop and LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Birth the Vozhd Tzimisce Animalism 6, Vicissitude 6 While the creation of vozhd was once the sole province of koldunic ritual, Tsimisce who have mastered both fleshcrafting and control of the Beast Within can build vozhd as well. The ingredients: at least 15 ghouls (20 or more is preferable.) First, the Tzimisce fleshcrafts the ghouls together, forging the bodies into a single entity. The Fiend feeds the corporate mess a concoction of the blood of the ghouls, creating something like a Vinculum among them. This bond in place, the Fiend uses Animalism to coalesce the Beasts of the ghouls into one insane and imperfect Beast that drives the vozhd to crush or devour everything in sight. After the Tzimisce collects enough ghouls, roll her Intelligence + Body Craft (dif 10) to determine how quickly she constructs and “masters” the vozhd. With one success, the process takes as long as a year; with five, it might only take a month. The Fiend can make further Vicissitude modifications to his creation (raise the difficulties of such rolls by 2 to reflect the size and complexity of the creature). Botches result in a nonviable biohazard or a frenzied, uncontrollable vozhd. Also not that vozhd, driven by their flawed Beasts, are notoriously difficult to control. Raise the difficulty of all Animalism rolls involving a vozhd by three.

Availability: 8 Clanbook: Tzimisce, Revised Ed. pg 73 Y; You Must first enter into a Hard Test against the Storyteller, and should you lose this test, you must wait a year before once again attempting to Birth the Vozhd, representing your lack of the physical and spiritual strength that is required for this power. It is possible to reduce this waiting period, by spending a willpower trait for each month you wish to decrease from the year in waiting. Once these Willpower traits have been spent towards the creation of a vozhd, you can not spend them again until the waiting period has concluded. While a Tzimisce in a live action game may be capable of doing this sort of thing, it is very hard to simulate in that medium. Live-action Storytellers are encouraged to disallow this power and use vozhd only when the story requires it.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 18 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Unchain the Wrathful Beast Tzimisce Animalism 5, Vicissitude 4 A Fiend with this power may project her Beast into a hapless host, where it immediately sets about warping flesh and bone to better accommodate its monstrousness. The host writhes in agony, skin sloughing off and muscles boiling into new and terrible forms. Once the change settles, the host frenzies as a terrible living weapon, wreaking a swath of carnage until the vampire bids his Beast return. The vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism power Drawing Out the Beast. Once the Beast finds a home, it burns two of the vampire’s blood points to change the host into zulo shape (Horrid Form). The painful transformation lasts two turns, after which the host enters immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the vampire it rightfully belongs to, but assaults everyone and anyone else in range of its claws. At any time, the vampire may recall his Beast with a successful Manipulation + Animal Ken roll (dif. 6). Only one such roll may be made per turn. If the host dies before the vampire recalls his Beast, the Beast rises out of the corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite faster than mortal eyes can follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires regain their form over three nights as they lose one die of augmented Physical Attributes. After the third night, all traits return to normal. Mortals and ghouls are not so fortunate, remaining locked in the zulo shape indefinitely. Worse still, mortals suffer one die of aggravated damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumors. This decay can be slowed to one die of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals (ghoul or otherwise) cannot heal the damage from their degenerating tissue, so this power spells their death sentence without extremely potent curative magic.

Availability: 6 Guide to the High Clans pg 170 N; The vampire releases his Beast using the Animalism power Drawing Out the Beast. Once the Beast finds a home, it burns two of the vampire’s blood points to change the host into zulo shape (Horrid Form). The painful transformation lasts two turns, after which the host enters immediate frenzy. The Beast will not attack the vampire it rightfully belongs to, but assaults everyone and anyone else in range of its claws. At any time, the vampire may recall his Beast with a successful Simple Social challenge—retest Animal Ken. Only one such attempt may be made per turn. . If the host dies before the vampire recalls his Beast, the Beast rises out of the corpse as a black, writhing miasma and flies back to the Cainite faster than mortal eyes can follow. Even after the Beast leaves the host, the physical changes remain. Vampires regain their form over three nights and lose all ‘beneficial’ augmentations. Mortals and ghouls are not so fortunate, remaining locked in the zulo shape indefinitely. Worse still, mortals suffer one die of aggravated damage each day until they perish from rotted bone marrow and unnatural tumors. This decay can be slowed to one die of damage per week if the mortal remains a ghoul. Mortals (ghoul or otherwise) cannot heal the damage from their degenerating tissue, so this power spells their death sentence without extremely potent curative magic.


Auspex Combo Disciplines Auspex/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

An Ear for Lies Kings (Modern Power and the Inner Voice) Auspex 1/Auspex 2


Scions place great stock in the truth, and successful rulers and leaders learn to discern truth from falsehood, even when spoken by the most convincing liars. This power allows the user to know when someone is lying to him. To the Cainite, lies stand out, harsh and discordant, from all other speech. The player makes a Perception + Empathy roll (dif equal to the subject’s Manipulation + Subterfuge). If successful, the character knows if his target lies to him for the rest of the scene/social encounter. Lies of omission will not register as falsehood, and a subject who believes he is telling the truth (such as while recalling false memories from Dominate) will likewise not appear as a lair.

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Road of Kings pg 72

Availability: 4 Y; Make a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty is the subject's Manipulation-related Traits + Subterfuge; retest with Empathy). With success, the Scion automatically knows if his target lies to him for the rest of the scene/social encounter (the Scion's player may ask the target if she is deliberately lying with intent and the target must answer truthfully). Lies of omission will not register as falsehood, and a subject who believes he is telling the truth (such as while recalling false memories from Dominate) will likewise not appear as a lair.

Auspex/Celerity Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Eyes of Blades Assamite Auspex 2, Celerity 2 Many Assamites hone their preternatural senses and speed to make themselves more effective combatants. Those who have learned to use these two traits in conjuction with one another are privy to an important secret: sometimes it is wiser to defend than to attack. An individual with this power is able to defend against a multitude of near-simultaneous attacks, even those to which he would be unable to respond under normal circumstances. For a few seconds, he enters a trance state in which he can perceive every potential threat to him, assess it and react accordingly. At the beginning of a combat turn, before initiative is rolled, the player declares that he is activating this power. He spends two blood points and a Willpower point. This counts as activating Celerity for the turn. The character may take no actions this turn save for defending against incoming attacks. However, he may defend against every attack that targets him, using his full attention. The player rolls a dodge or parry with full dice pool against each attack that successfully strikes the character this turn. This power may only be used a number of times per scene equal to the characters Perception rating.

Availability: 3 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 66 N; At the beginning of a combat turn, during the expenditures phase, the player declares that he is activating this power. He spends two blood points and a Willpower point. This counts as activating Celerity for the turn. The character may take no actions this turn save for defending against incoming attacks. However, he may defend against every attack that targets him using his full attention. The player attempts every dodge or parry with his full Trait pool against each attack. Physical Traits bid and lost in challenges effectively do not get crossed off until the end of the turn. This power may only be used once per Perception based Mental Trait per scene.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Hand of the Master Artisan Toreador Auspex 1, Celerity 1 Toreador employ this power to create laborious works of art with impossible speed and precision. Painters casually daub the work of hours in a blur of minutes, while sculptors appear to mold clay as though it were somehow alive. The vampire’s player spends one point of Willpower plus a variable quantity of blood. The desired artistic task has its duration divided by the number of blood points spent, rounded up. Thus, a mosaic that normally required three hours to assemble would require only one if the vampire’s player spent 3 blood points. The trance of accelerated speed applies only to the single selected task. The vampire may break off and perform other actions without breaking the power, as long as he spends no more than a single hour away from the endeavor. This power may aid only in acts of deliberate artistic creation.

Xp Cost: 7 Tabletop; 4 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 2 Guide to the High Clans pg 168 N—not necessary, as above.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Quickened Instincts


Auspex 1, Celerity 2 With this power, a vampire hones his senses to detect the sudden motion of ambushes and reacts with inhuman grace to evade or parry the attack. Whenever the vampire is attacked from ambush or fails to notice an incoming attack through the natural senses, his player must spend one blood point. The player may also spend additional blood points to retroactively purchase extra actions with Celerity, although these may only be used for purely defensive actions. Once this power is activated, the character may respond to the attack as though he saw it coming, suffering none of the usual penalties for surprise. This power can be consciously suppressed for a scene at no cost; however, it cannot be reactivated until the following scene.

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 3 Guide to the Low Clans pg 163 N—not necessary, as above.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Quicken Sight


Xp Cost: 9 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Auspex 1, Celerity 2 The hand is not quicker than the eye when the eye belongs to an archon or templar with this power. Quicken Sight allows the character to see fast-moving objects in detail that even Heightened Senses alone cannot reveal. A character with this power can focus on and follow a single card while the deck is shuffled, track the single loaded chamber in a game of Russian roulette, read the headlines on a newspaper as he drives past the newsstand at 60 mph or even pick out subliminal images in film. The player spends one blood point to activate this power, which lasts for a scene. Any time the character wishes to see, follow or examine something that is moving too quickly for normal observation, the player must make a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty based on how quickly the item is moving, but normally 6 or 7). Even one success allows the character to observe the item, though more successes bring greater detail and clarity.

Availability: 3 Archons & Templars pg 140 N; The player spends one blood point to activate this power, which lasts for a scene. Any time the character wishes to see, follow or examine something that is moving too quickly for normal observation, the player must make a Simple Mental Test—retest Alertness. Success allows the character to observe the item.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Unassailable Parry Auspex 3/Celerity 7 According to the Sabbat, one of the primary advantages that younger Kindred have in battling their elders is modern technology—firearms, to be precise. Many overconfident elders have fallen to packs of diablerists with automatic weapons. Some few ancients, however, have honed their reflexes and hand-eye coordination to an edge fine enough to stop a bullet, or at least deflect one. This power allows a character to parry projectiles. The player spends one blood point and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (dif below) to parry or catch a thrown weapon, arrow, or bullet. Only solid physical projectiles may be deflected in this manner—Unassailable Parry has no effect on a stream of liquid from a fire hose, for instance. Missile Rock or Grenade Knife or Shuriken Spear Hatchet Arrow Crossbow Bolt Bullet

Xp Cost: 42 Tabletop; 21 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

To Parry 4 6 5 7 7 8 9

To Catch 5 7 5 7 8 9 9 (Two successes)

Availability: 9 Guide to the Camarilla pg 117 N; This power allows a character to parry projectiles. The player spends one blood point and makes a Static Physical test bidding 3 Traits—retest Athletics (dif as above) to parry or catch a thrown weapon, arrow, or bullet. Only solid physical projectiles may be deflected in this manner—Unassailable Parry has no effect on a stream of liquid or gas.


Auspex/Celerity/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 8 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Guardian Vigil Anarch Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Fortitude 1 Often hunted by their High Clan “betters” for sport or as a show of power, the Low Clans are never truly safe, even in their own domains. This art keeps a vampire in a trance of perpetual awareness, ready to spring or act at a moment’s notice. The player spends a blood point. For the duration of the night, the character cannot be surprised by conventional means so long as he doesn’t move more than a few footsteps from his original location. The character is automatically assumed to automatically win the initiative for a single turn if someone else attacks or does anything that he can perceive and attempt to stop. Supernatural effects that cloak a potential attacker/transgressor must be at least one level higher than the guardian vampire’s Auspex to succeed. All mundane Stealth attempts automatically fail. Actions taken against a guarding character must affect him directly and immediately for this power to have any value. In addition, Guardian Vigil only provides benefits for a single turn before expiring. If combat occurs, the character only wins initiative automatically on the first turn. Repeated uses of this power in a given night are possible (if the vigil is interrupted), but the benefits are not cumulative to provide multiple turns of heightened response.

Availability: 3 Guide to the Low Clans pg 161; LotN Anarch Guide pg 59 Y; In essence, this Discipline allows the anarch to enter a trance-like state of hyperawareness for long periods of time, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Should a direct threat appear the user can activate her Celerity to pre-empt the threat normally, even if it’s something like a sniper attack or is otherwise not normally covered by Alacrity. The normal rules for Obfuscate apply, so if a person attempting to sneak by the user has more Obfuscate than the anarch has Auspex, the cloaking effect of Obfuscate protects the transgressor. In the case of resisted tests, the anarch is two Traits up to detect the Obfuscated character, due to the user’s increased awareness of her surroundings. Guardian Vigil completely prohibits the use of Stealth and other mundane methods of sneaking past the anarch - they simply do not work, regardless of how skilled someone is in such abilities. As potent as it is, there are limits to Guardian Vigil - the actions taken against the anarch using this Discipline must affect him directly and immediately for this power to activate. While it can foil a sniper on the rooftop, it does not detect a camera placed there during the day and remote controlled at night to record the vampires present, for example, nor would it detect or prevent a threat against one of the user’s companions. It can be activated as often as one likes per game but, each activation costs an additional Blood Trait and works for only one immediate threat.


Auspex/Celerity/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Doubletalk Toreador Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Obfuscate 1 Doubletalk is a trick that’s been passed around among the Toreador for centuries if not millennia. As vampire powers go, it’s not as impressive as calling upon unholy strength or turning into fog, but it has its uses. When a Toreador uses Doubletalk, she speaks a full sentence very quickly and softly, between words spoken normally. To most listeners, it can sound like a normal conversational placeholder, like “uh” or “er” or “hmmm.” Someone familiar with this power [who] knows what to listen for can hear the spoken, hidden sentence. True masters of this power can compress entire soliloquies into a single grunt. This is not one of the great, deep secrets of the clan. Some Tremere and Malkavians have also mastered the technique and can listen in or take part in the conversation themselves. Nonetheless, it is quite useful to be able to have a secret conversation that seems completely innocuous to outsiders. When a character listens for dense speaking, the character rolls Perception + Subterfuge (dif 5). If the roll succeeds, the character may hear what was said. (This difficulty may be modified for circumstances—it’s more difficult over the phone or in a noisy area.) A failure means the character heard nothing; a botch indicates she completely misinterpreted what was said. When a character speaks, the player rolls Intelligence + Expression (dif 6). If the roll succeeds, the character can seamlessly insert a dense phrase into her conversation. A failure means the character can’t be understood. A botch means the character accidentally spoke her phrase aloud and at normal speed.

Availability: 2 Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. pg 75 Y; When their characters use Doubletalk, the players involved should make a hand signal to clarify what is spoken normally and what is secretly communicated. Suggested is the left hand “tugging” the left earlobe, to signify that what is being said differs from what those skilled with Doubletalk hear. When a character listens for Doubletalk in a conversation, the player makes a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty five Traits). If successful, the character hears what was said. A failure means she heard nothing. When a character speaks Doubletalk in a conversation, the player makes a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty six Traits). If successful, the character can seamlessly insert Doubletalk into the conversation. A failure means he won’t be understood. In both cases, a single challenge is necessary for the entire conversation.

Auspex/Chimerstry Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Heart’s Desire Ravnos Auspex 4, Chimerstry 2 With this power, a Ravnos can reach into a target’s heart and create an image of her greatest desire. This image always manifests as a material object. For example, if the target desires a specific lover, she’ll see a letter from that person professing his love. Phuri Dae and Brahman Ravnos use this power to gain influence over others. Many people, faced with their heart’s desire, are likely to do anything to achieve it. Note that simply creating the illusion does not automatically convince the target. This power grants the Ravnos a potential advantage, but it’s up to her to make use of it. The player must spend a blood point and a Willpower point, then roll Intelligence + Subterfuge (difficulty is the target's Willpower) to discern the target's heart's desire and create a reasonable facsimile. Three successes are necessary for this to work properly. Once the Ravnos creates the object, she can recreate it at will (so long as the player spends the blood point and Willpower point to create the illusion), unless the subject's heart's desire changes.

Availability: 4 Clanbook: Ravnos Revised Ed. pg 68 Y; To use Heart’s Desire, the player must spend a Blood Trait and a Willpower Trait, then engage in a Mental Challenge against the target to discern her heart’s desire and create a reasonable facsimile. Once the Ravnos has used this power on a target, he can recreate the illusion at will using Fata Morgana normally.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Nightmare Curse Ravnos Auspex 4, Chimerstry 5 This power comes from the Indian Brahmin jati and through them to the Phuri Dae. It’s used as a punishment upon those who deserve worse than mere destruction. The Ravnos draws his victim’s greatest fear forth to plague her night and day. This nightmare creature is only perceptible to the victim, but it can occasionally make its presence known in small ways to others. It always takes a form relevant to the victim’s fears—a neonate who fears the vengeance of God will be plagued with wrathful angels or the priest from his home village. The player spends one point of Willpower (two for Cainite targets) and rolls Perception + Intimidation (difficulty equal to target’s Willpower). The Ravnos concentrates for a full turn to draw forth the victim’s greatest fear and give it life for one night per success. Traditionally, the Ravnos makes eye contact with the victim (who may be tied or held down by her tormentor’s clanmates), but that isn’t necessary. If the victim is within sight but does not make eye contact, the Ravnos player suffers a +1 difficulyt penalty; if the victim is within a mile of the Ravnos but not within sight, and the Ravnos has a personal item of the victim’s on which to focus, the player suffers a +2 difficulty penalty. If the victim is further away than a few miles or the Ravnos has no item on which to concentrate, Nightmare’s Curse cannot be used. The player can choose to extend the curse’s duration by spending blood when the curse is first summoned; each point adds a full night to the curse. It vanishes at sunrise after its final night. During that time, the victim suffers the effects of the Haunted and Nightmare Flaws, as per Vampire: the Dark Ages.

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pg 33 N; The player spends one point of Willpower (two for Cainite targets) and makes a Mental challenge—retest Intimidation. The player then concentrates for a full turn to draw forth the victim’s greatest fear and give it life for one week. Traditionally, eye contact is made with the victim (who may be tied or held down by her tormentor’s clanmates), but that isn’t necessary. If the victim is within sight but does not make eye contact, the player suffers a one Trait penalty; if the victim is within a mile of the player but not within sight, and the player has a personal item of the victim’s on which to focus, the player suffers a two Trait penalty. If the victim is further away than a few miles or the player has no item on which to concentrate, Nightmare’s Curse cannot be used. The player can choose to extend the curse’s duration by spending blood when the curse is first summoned; each point adds a full night to the curse. It vanishes at sunrise after its final night. During that time, the victim suffers the effects of the Haunted and Nightmare Flaws.


Auspex/Daimoinon Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Blessing’s Warning Baali, Tremere Auspex 2, Daimoinon 1 The Tremere obtained knowledge of this art from the Baali bloodline in exchange for unknown favors (probably related to the purge of the Salubri). With it, a vampire’s Soulsight (Auspex 2) can detect the Blessed and their relics, fervent followers of the Road of Heaven—and sometimes, the third eye of Saulot. A few Tremere wonder why the Salubri can be sensed with a power meant to find God’s favor—and quietly fear the significance of such a mark. Those who have such doubts wisely keep them to themselves. This technique functions exactly like the Auspex power Soulsight. However, if the character specifically looks for marks of holiness, the number of successes determines what the vampire is able to see. One success can sense a golden nimbus surrounding holy relics and the Blessed. Holy ground shines with a soft radiance of its own, infusing all that rests upon it with light. Three successes can spot any adherent of the Road of Heaven who Road rating is high enough to trigger a positive aura modifier (8+). The light surrounding such beings is much softer than that enveloping mortals touched by higher powers, so the two can never be mistaken for one another. Five successes spots the third eye of the Salubri as a blazing brand on the Cyclop’s forehead.

Availability: 3 Guide to the Low Clans pg 159 N; This technique functions exactly like the Auspex power Soulsight/Aura Perception. However, if the character specifically looks for marks of holiness, the success determines what the vampire is able to see: a golden nimbus surrounding holy relics and the Blessed, Holy ground shines with a soft radiance, any adherent of the Road of Heaven who Road rating is high enough to trigger a positive aura modifier (4+) and the third eye of the Salubri as a blazing brand on the Cyclop’s forehead. The light surrounding such beings is much softer than that enveloping mortals touched by higher powers, so the two can never be mistaken for one another.


Auspex/Dementation Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

System Xp Cost: 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Sensory Overload Anarch Malkavian Auspex 1/Dementation 3 Anarch Malkavians are always a force to be reckoned with because of the uniquely disturbing ways they find to use their already unsettling Disciplines against their enemies. One such use is Sensory Overload, an offensive Discipline that combines the paranormal phenomena perceived by Auspex with the madness and delusions spread through Dementation. This Discipline allows a Kindred to force his Auspex powers upon another, but the sensory or mental input of the Auspex is twisted by the Dementation. The user cannot control the precise effects of this Discipline; while he may choose the level of Auspex he wishes to “bestow” on his target in hopes of inspiring a particular response, the exact effects generated are entirely within the Storyteller’s discretion. By the same token, this Discipline always manifests in a manner that is distracting, painful or socially dangerous for the target; while she may certainly believe she is learning something genuinely valuable, this Discipline never generates a beneficial result for the target.

LARP Only Availability: 5 Law of the Night: Anarch Guide pg 61 Y; To active this Discipline, the user must choose a target and make a successful Social Test, retested by Empathy, and spend a Willpower Trait. The Auspex effect “given” to the target must be a level of Auspex the user has. (You cannot force Telepathy on a target if you only possess Heightened Senses, for example.) Examples of possible effects of Sensory Overloud based on the level of Auspex granted are provided below. This Discipline lasts for a number of hours equal to the user’s permanent Willpower Traits minus the target’s current Willpower Traits, with a minimum duration of one hour. Note that the Malkavian wielding this power (for no other clan has yet braved the excruciating process of learning this Discipline) retains full command of Auspex during this time - he does not truly “loan” his power to the target, only a fractured, horrifying reflection of it. Regardless of the specific effects generated, all targets of Sensory Overload suffer a two-Trait penalty to all Social and Mental tests for the duration of the power due to the constant distraction from this phantom input, and are required to roleplay their disorientation and mistaken impressions to the best of their capability. At the Storyteller’s discretion, particularly susceptible targets such as those with Acute Senses, relevant Derangements or other specific “weak points” for this power to exploit might be required to spend a Willpower Trait to avoid being overcome with sensory input, or even suffer an active Derangement for the duration of the Discipline. While these perceptions may certainly shock the target, even those who have a compelling reason to disbelieve the false input they’re offered still can’t bring themselves to ignore it, and those less knowledgeable in psychic manipulation are likely to either believe in the visions they are granted or at best believe they are suffering some kind of psychotic fit. Targets who already possess the level of Auspex targeted by Sensory Overload may make a Mental Test with the Awareness Ability against the user’s Mental Traits to discern that something is wrong with their perceptions, but otherwise they are even more likely to believe their perceptions than most targets, accustomed as they are to receiving such supernatural sensory information.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Whispers of Loathing Malkavian Auspex 4, Dementation 2 By implanting whispers of his own fractured madness into a victim’s mind, a vampire with this power may infect others with creeping insanity. Each night draws the victim deeper into depravity and despair, as half-heard whispers speak recriminations and advise monstrous acts. The whispers eventually rise to a gale of unintelligible syllables and curses that drive the strongest minds to abject paranoia or suicide. Only the moon-kissed childer of Malkav know this wretched art, though that is little comfort to other undead. The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy against a difficulty of the victim’s Willpower. If successful, the vampire successfully implants an echo of his twisted psyche into the victim. The disembodied echo whispers intermittently at first, criticizing and offering the worst possible advice in equal measure. In time, the voice grows more insistent and other voices join the fray in howling cacophony. The victim must roll Willpower for each week that the infection lingers. The difficulty begins at 6 and rises by one for each failed roll. Once the difficulty reaches 10 or the victim botches, the power ends and the victim gains a new derangement (paranoia is most common) Victims who roll three or more successes on their weekly Willpower check overcome the torrent and silence the voices, escaping with the better part of their sanity. This power requires the vampire to touch the intended victim or make eye contact.

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 167 N; The player makes a Social Challenge—retest Empathy. If successful, the vampire successfully implants an echo of his twisted psyche into the victim. The disembodied echo whispers intermittently at first, criticizing and offering the worst possible advice in equal measure. In time, the voice grows more insistent and other voices join the fray in howling cacophony. The victim must make 3 consecutive Willpower tests each week that the infection lingers. The difficulty begins at 6 and rises by one for each failed test. Once the difficulty reaches 10 or the victim botches—loses the 3 consecutive Willpower tests—the power ends and the victim gains a new derangement (paranoia is most common). Victims who win 2 or more times on their weekly Willpower check overcome the torrent and silence the voices, escaping with the better part of their sanity. This power requires the vampire to touch the intended victim (possibly requiring a Physical challenge) or to make eye contact.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Maddening Halo Malkavian Auspex 2, Dementation 3 With this clever power, a Malkavian can paint her spiritual halo with insane whorls of light and color to dissuade scrying. Those unwise enough to peer at her with Soulsight find themselves driven mad by the vision. The vampire spends one turn in concentration and the player rolls Manipulation + Expression (dif 6). The effect lasts for one scene. Anyone who uses the Auspex 2 power Soulsight on the vampire risks madness. If the victim does not score as many successes on the Soulsight attempt as the player rolled when activating Maddening Halo, the spying character gains a derangement for a number of nights equal to the difference. This derangement must be one that currently afflicts the vampire protected by Maddening Halo.

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans pg 162 N; The vampire spends one turn in concentration and the player makes a Simple Social Challenge-retest Expression. The effect lasts for one scene. Anyone who uses the Auspex 2 power Aura Perception on the vampire risks madness. After successfully using Aura Perception the victim makes a Mental challenge against the user; if the player who activated Maddening Halo wins, the spying character gains a derangement for the remainder of the night. This derangement must be one that currently afflicts the vampire protected by Maddening Halo.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Madman’s Quill Malkavian Auspex 3, Dementation variable A Cainite using Madman’s Quill can weave a contagious madness into a work of art or a manuscript. The very swirls of a pen or brush, the line of a carving, the notes of a tune or the tiles of a mosaic encode the Malkavian’s own lunacy, ready to transmit it to kine and Cainite observers. Using the Madman’s Quill, Malkavians can make the target of their power insane or easily manipulated and deceived by the clever and damning forgery. In most cases, the victim is only dimly aware that the art or manuscript is tied to his madness or delusions. Gnawing obsessions and paranoia are common, but not fatal or deadly, so that the vehicle is preserved from destruction—which would end the torment. Only prolonged observation by someone with knowledge of such things will uncover the arcane madness woven into the item. The Malkavian can use Madman’s Quill to embed any active Dementation power he knows (most, except for Eyes of Chaos, qualify) into a manuscript or a piece of artwork. The player first chooses which single power he wishes his character to encode in the document or art piece. He then spends one point of blood and rolls Manipulation + Crafts, Linguistics or Music (depending on the medium) against a difficulty of 5 + the power’s level. The number of successes determines how long the madness will infect the item (see below). The process takes a number of hours equal to the encoded power’s level. Successes Duration 1 1 week 2 1 month 3 3 months 4 1 year 5 indefinite At any point during this duration, anyone who observes the item (except for the Malkavian who created it) for two minutes or more at a stretch, is affected by the encoded Dementation power as is the Malkavian were right there (although any change in the Malkavian character’s statistics subsequent to the encoding aren’t reflected in the item’s abilities). The only additional effect is that any victim of the item also gains a derangement focused on the document. The ST should decide the specifics of the derangement using the number of successes as a guide, but obsession and paranoia are very common. The derangement fades once the encoding duration passes; both the derangement and the encoded powers end if the item is totally destroyed. Characters who successfully resist the encoded power can examine the item to uncover what is behind the strange feeling it causes. Perception + Occult (8) reveals that the item is cursed perhaps more.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 8 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pgs 110-111 N; The Malkavian can use Madman’s Quill to embed any active Dementation power he knows (most, except for Eyes of Chaos, qualify) into a manuscript or a piece of artwork. The player first chooses which single power he wishes his character to encode in the document or art piece. He then spends one point of blood and makes a Static Social challenge against a difficulty of 9 + the power’s level—retest Crafts or Expression (depending on the medium). ). The process takes a number of hours equal to the encoded power’s level. The encoded power lasts for one week. However, the creator may spend additional blood points to increase the duration as per the success table above. To create a permanent piece the player must also expend a point of permanent Willpower as the Malkavian literally parts with a piece of his own madness to imbue the work. At any point during this duration, anyone who observes the item (except for the Malkavian who created it) for two minutes or more at a stretch, is affected by the encoded Dementation power as is the Malkavian were right there (although any change in the Malkavian character’s statistics subsequent to the encoding aren’t reflected in the item’s abilities). The only additional effect is that any victim of the item also gains a derangement focused on the document. The ST should decide the specifics of the derangement using the number of successes as a guide, but obsession and paranoia are very common. The derangement fades once the encoding duration passes; both the derangement and the encoded powers end if the item is totally destroyed. Destroying the object’s creator also ends the work’s powers and renders it inert. Characters who successfully resist the encoded Dementation can examine the item to uncover what is behind the strange feeling it causes. A Static Mental challenge (difficulty 8 Traits) retest: Occult—reveals that the item is cursed perhaps more.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Prophecy Malkavian Auspex 4, Dementation 3 For some, madness is a link to the storms of destiny, and the Malkavian seer is a powerful figure among Cainites. By opening her mind to the inherent lunacy of the world and obserbing the mindshattering patterns of fate (usually through the device of ritual implements), the seer can predict the future. She may be bombarded by images or simply gain instinctual feelings, but either way she gains insight that is useful. She can keep this insight to herself, use it to aid others, or use it to do them harm. The Malkavian who wishes to spout prophecy, must look to the patterns of fate in the world about her. Such supposed random devices as thrown bones, billows of smoke, the entrails of slaughtered animals (or humans) or the very tides are common devices through which she may see the course of fate. Although the Malkavian oracle may do these this wordlessly, the player should phrase a question or subject for the divination…The player then spends two points of blood and rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty 8). The process takes about an hour. If the character is seeking simple information, she receives visions from the seas of fate. A single success indicates a quick flash accompanied by a dominant emotion, while five successes indicate a true experience set in the future. If the character applies prophecy to an action she is about to undertake—such as facing an enemy or traveling through dangerous land—she gains an instinctual edge. The player treats the successes as a pool and can spend them to reduce the difficulty of any subsequent rolls tied to the action. Each success can be spent only once. The ST has final say as to which type of prophecy is appropriate and can even choose to combine them. Malkavian oracles often use this ability to trace the fate of others. The same rolls are involved in this case, but two additional blood points are needed from the prophecy’s subject. If the prophecy results in visions, it is up to the Malkavian to relay them; if it results in an instinctual edge, the Malkavian must convey that edge through cryptic warnings. These make little or no actual sense, but the subject’s player gets a pool of difficulty modifiers (as above) equal to half the Malkavian’s successes.

Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pgs 109-110 N; The Malkavian who wishes to spout prophecy, must look to the patterns of fate in the world about her. Such supposed random devices as thrown bones, billows of smoke, the entrails of slaughtered animals (or humans) or the very tides are common devices through which she may see the course of fate. Although the Malkavian oracle may do these this wordlessly, the player should phrase a question or subject for the divination. The player then spends two points of blood and makes a Static Mental Challenge bidding 1-3 Traits (difficulty 8 Traits)—retest: Awareness. The process takes about an hour. If the character is seeking simple information, she receives visions from the seas of fate. If the character applies prophecy to an action she is about to undertake—such as facing an enemy or traveling through dangerous land—she gains an instinctual edge. If the player succeeds on their test they gain a free Prophecy retest for the following scene per Mental Trait bid. Malkavian oracles often use this ability to trace the fate of others. The challenges are the same, but two additional blood points are needed from the prophecy’s subject. If the prophecy results in visions, it is up to the Malkavian to relay them; if it results in an instinctual edge, the Malkavian must convey that edge through cryptic warnings. These make little or no actual sense, but the subject’s player gets Prophecy retests for half of the number of Mental Traits bid (round up). This power may only be used on an individual once per night. STs are cautioned to watch for abuse of this power and to temper it by occasionally providing false visions—as is the nature of reading chaos—or to have players who overly rely on these prophecies to develop a derangement (paranoia being most common).


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Random Patterns Malkavian Auspex 2, Dementation 2 Developed by Malkavian templars but slowly increasing in usage among archons as well, Random Patterns allows the character to anticipate an opponent’s next move in time to counter it. Blows can be blocked or avoided before they’re even thrown, pursuit can be cut off and bluffs can be called. The power doesn’t allow the character to see into the future per se, so much as it reads the patterns in the chaos and random chance that surround the target and allows the Kindred to determine his next move based on previous actions and lines of probability. The player spends a blood point and rolls Perception + Empathy (or Awareness, if you’re using that optional Talent), against a difficulty of 5 to 7, determined by the STs assessment of how predictable the opponent is based on his nature. For instance, a character with a Nature of Curmudgeon or Perfectionist is probably fairly predictable and thus difficulty 5, while a Nature of Deviant or Monster is probably less predictable and thus difficulty 7. The difficulty can be further modified by deranangements. If the roll succeeds, the character adds a number of the automatic successes to his next action equal to the number of successes on the Random Patterns roll. This action must be a contested or combat-related roll against the target. For example, the bonus could be applied to pursuit, melee or dodge, but not to the activation of a Discipline.

Availability: 3 Archons & Templars pg 141, OWBN Malkavian Genre Packet Y; The character spends a point of blood to activate the power. The character then makes a static Mental challenge versus the opponent’s Mental traits (modified by the ST’s decision of how predictable the opponent is; Derangements can increase the difficulty). The retest is Empathy. If successful, then for the rest of the round the character gets a free retest on all opposed challenges with the opponent. For example, the bonus could be applied to pursuit, Melee or Dodge, but not to the activation of a Discipline.


Auspex/Dominate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Mind’s Eye Auspex 4, Dominate 3 With this power, an archon or templar can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound, scent and other details—all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred. While Mind’s Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provided the most accurate report possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering. The character must make eye contact with the subject (unless she possesses a power that allows her to use Dominate with touch or at a distance, in which case she may use these other techniques instead), and the player must spend a blood point. If the subject is cooperating, or is an unwilling mortal or Kindred of higher generation than the character, the character need merely make a Perception + Subterfuge roll, difficulty 6. If the subject is both unwilling and a Kindred of equal or lower generation, she may resist with an opposed Willpower roll, difficulty 6; successes on this roll subtract from the character’s own. The char5acter may attempt to locate a specific memory in one of two ways. She may either search by time (“Let me see what was happening to you yesterday at midnight”) or by event (“I’m going to find out what you said to him at your last meeting!”) A botch instead allows the subject to see one of the character’s memories (chosen randomly by the ST) and renders that subject immune to any further uses of Mind’s Eye by that specific character for the remainder of the scene. The clarity of the memories experienced depends on the successes rolled and the time elapsed since the events actually occurred. The elapsed time indicated on the table below is for clear, accurate memories only: the character can actually experience memories of one category older, but with a substantial loss of detail and accuracy (STs call as to what is correct and what is not). 1—Last Hour 2—Last Day 3—Last Week 4—Last Month 5—Last Year

Xp Cost: 25 Tabletop; 13 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Archons & Templars pg 143 Y; With this power, an archon or templar can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound, scent, and other details - all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred. While Mind's Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provide the most accurate report possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering. The character must make eye contact (or other appropriate Dominate contact) and spend a blood trait. If the subject is cooperating, or is a mortal, or a Kindred of higher generation make a simple Mental challenge difficulty of the subjects Mental traits retest Subterfuge. If the Subject is of equal or lower generation and resisting make a contested Mental challenge with them retest Subterfuge. You may search for a specific memory in one of two ways. You may search for a specific time (what did you do yesterday at midnight) or by event (what happened the last time you two talked).


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Mood Shift Tremere Auspex 2, Dominate 4 Once the Tremere became accustomed to seeing auras, it was only a slight stretch to see if those moods could be manipulated. As it turns out, they can. Auspex granted them the insight and Dominate provided them with the means. A Warlock using Mood Shift views the aura of his target to determine the target’s initial mood and then, through a series of subtle cues (a smile and laughter to invoke levity, a sneer and a caustic word to bring about a feeling of hostility or defensiveness), can nudge her target’s mood in a particular direction. This technique requires eye contact and the target must be watching the Tremere to pick up on the visual cues (smile, frown, associated gestures) that he’s modeling. Once the Tremere has been interacting with his target for a few minutes (long enough to provide the target with a few emotional cues), roll Manipulation + Empathy in a contested roll against the target’s Willpower, difficulty 7. The number of successes determines both the degree and the duration of the effect. Successes Degree/Duration 1 Superficial/Five Minutes 2 Moderate/Ten Minutes 3 Moderate/Half an hour 4 Completely/The rest of the Scene 5 Completely/The rest of the night 6 Completely/the rest of the week 7 A superficial degree of mood change means that the target responds to the Tremere’s mood cues only on a surface level. He’s willing to go along with the mood generated by the Tremere to avoid being confrontational but nothing more. Other emotional cues will likely change the target’s mood back in short order. A moderate degree of mood change means that the target has let his actual mood change a bit in accordance with the cues given by the Warlock. The effect isn’t total, but it goes beyond a mere superficial reflection of the Tremere’s modeled emotion. Complete mood change means that the target adopts the mood modeled by the Tremere completely. If the Warlock modeled laughter, the target will sincerely be happy and in a good mood. If he modeled sadness, the target will feel depressed for the duration of the power.

Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Counsel of Primogen pg 103 N—Use the system for Passions only you get to pick what you’re victim feels.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Measure the Will Auspex 2, Dominate 2 A vampire with this power may gauge the strength of a target’s resolve and identity, often as an exploratory prelude to shattering and reshaping that mind. The vampire’s player rolls Perception + Intimidation in a resisted roll against the target’s Willpower (both dif. 6). The target does not sense any mental intrusion or foreign malevolence unless the roll botches. If the vampire wins, he may precisely gauge the rating of one of the following Traits: perm. Willpower, temp. Willpower or any selected Virtue. The vampire may use this power multiple times in succession to gain further information. Each failed attempt adds one to the difficulty of subsequent rolls. Obviously, the vampire does not perceive such ephemeral concepts as will and valor in terms of numerical quantities. The vampire simply compares the target’s force of mind with his own psyche. The player may interpret this information more accurately according to the mechanics of the game. This power does not require eye contact, although the vampire must be able to see the target clearly.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 168 N; To gauge the rating of one of the following Traits: permanent Willpower, temporary Willpower or any selected Virtue another character possesses, the player must succeed in a Static Mental challenge (difficulty of the targets Willpower Traits)—retest Intimidation. If she succeeds, she may spend one Mental Trait per Trait to compare the level the target has of each to his own. Obviously, the vampire does not perceive such ephemeral concepts as will and valor in terms of numerical quantities. The vampire simply compares the target’s force of mind with his own psyche. Players may only search for the Virtues that they themselves possess. The target does not sense any mental intrusion or malevolence from the use of this power and though it does not require eye contact the target of this power must be within line of sight of the user. As this is a Dominate combo it does not work against Kindred of lower generation than the user. Use of this power should be adjudicated by a storyteller.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 18 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Spectral Puppeteer Tremere Auspex 5, Dominate 5 Only a few Tremere have mastered this diabolical art, enabling them to seize control of a mortal with their spiritual form. Such possession is surely the Devil’s teaching—or so other Cainites would believe if they knew such a feat were possible. As its very existence is a closely guarded secret of the clan, this power is chiefly used to discredit or frame rivals while establishing a perfect alibi for the vampire. In order to use this power, a vampire must have sent her consciousness into the astral plane with the Auspex 5 power Anima Walk (Astral Projection). Normally, an ethereal vampire cannot use her Disciplines to affect the physical plane. However, vampires who know this Discipline technique may use the Dominate 5 power Vessel (Possession) in astral form. No lesser powers of Dominate or any other Disciplines can be used, and the vampire’s player must still make the usual rolls for Vessel. If the vampire succeeds in displacing the victim’s soul, her astral body flows into the host’s mouth and assumes control. If the vampire leaves the host voluntarily, her astral form reforms outside the mortal’s body and may continue moving and acting according to the rules for Anima Walk. Any sympathetic damage sustained by a possessing vampire using this power is applied to the vampire’s astral form rather than her physical body. The sudden death of the host instantly evicts the vampire and severs her silver cord.

Availability: 6 Guide to the Low Clans pg 166 N; In order to use this power, a vampire must have sent her consciousness into the astral plane with the Auspex 5 Astral Projection making all tests as normal. This Discipline technique allows the use of the Dominate 5 power Possession from astral form. The user must still make the usual challenges for Possession. If the vampire succeeds in displacing the victim’s soul, her astral body flows into the host’s mouth and assumes control. If the vampire leaves the host voluntarily, her astral form reforms outside the mortal’s body and may continue moving and acting according to the rules for Astral Projection. Any sympathetic damage sustained by a possessing vampire using this power is applied to the vampire’s astral form rather than her physical body. The sudden death of the host instantly evicts the vampire and severs her silver cord.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Sound of a Breaking Oath Kings Auspex 4/Dominate or Presence 4 Betrayal is most often done is silence and shadows, but some Cainites can hear betrayal and disloyalty on the wind. A vampire with this technique may know if any who have sworn allegiance to him forswear their oaths. The knowledge comes to the character like a distant sound of bells or breaking glass, or sometimes as a foul stench or a chill up the spine, but it is certain knowledge of betrayal, regardless. Whenever one of the character’s sworn vassals, through word or deed, violates the letter of his oath of fealty, the ST should secretly roll the character’s Perception + Leadership (dif equal to the oath-breaker’s Willpower). The number of successes determines how much the character learns about the oath breaking: 1 Knows a vassal has broken faith but not who, where, or how 2 Knows the whereabouts but no other details 3 Knows the identity and whereabouts 4 Knows the identity, whereabouts, and in general what sort of violation has been committed 5 The character has a vision of the oath-breaker fore a few seconds after the violation is committed This technique does not provide forewarning of treachery or betrayal, nor does it sense disloyal thoughts, only deeds. The technique only affects those who have sworn oaths of fealty or loyalty to the character, not allies, associates, peers, or anyone else. It does affect thralls under the effects of the character’s Dominate or Presence Disciplines and those bound by the blood oath.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 28 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Road of Kings pg 73 Y; With a successful Static Mental Challenge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower, retest with Leadership), the Scion knows if a sworn vassal has, through word or deed, violated an oath to him. The Storyteller may chose to make this challenge in secret and inform the player of the result, or come to the Scion and ask for the challenge. With success, the Scion knows that a vassal has broken his word and knows where this happened, and little else. If the betrayal was particularly grave (treachery that kills the Scion’s mortal family or reveals a battle plan that could kill hundreds is much more serious than speaking ill of the Scion), the Scion may receive more clues to the oath-breakers identity at Storyteller discretion. This provides no warning of treachery or disloyal thoughts, only words or deeds in the commission. This power affects only those who have sworn oaths of vassalage or loyalty to the Scion, those who are bound to him by blood oath, or those who are under his Presence or Dominate powers. Peers associates, allies, servants, or those not bound by such means to the Scion are not affected by this power.

Auspex/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Martyr’s Resilience Salubri Auspex 4/Fortitude 7 Reputedly pioneered by the Salubri bloodline, this power has been demonstrated by members of several other clans as well. Martyr’s Resilience allows the vampire to choose to absorb some injuries inflicted upon anyone whose blood he has tasted. This power is not necessarily used for selfless means—several Ventrue in London command small criminal armies of ghouls who seem to possess a disturbing degree of immunity to bullets. The vampire must have ingested at least one blood point of the subject’s blood within the past year to employ this power, and must be within eyesight of the subject when the injury is inflicted. The player spends a blood point to activate this power, and the action must be declared before the initial victim rolls to soak the damage. As a result, a number of health levels of damage equal to the character’s Stamina are transferred from the initial target of the attack to the character. This damage is inflicted directly to the character and is soaked normally. Any damage in excess of the character’s Stamina is inflicted on the initial recipient of the damage, who may soak normally as well. The use of this power is completely voluntary—a character cannot be forced to use it, even through Dominate or other powers of that sort.

Availability: 9 Guide to the Camarilla 117 N—not necessary; as above but replace “Stamina” with “Stamina based Traits”


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


The Illness Unveiled Cappadocian Auspex 2, Fortitude 7 (Auspex 2, Fortitude 5 LARP) This grim diagnostic power is based on Soulsight, except it reveals a different aspect of the subject’s condition. By looking at her subject, the Cappadocian may discern exactly which physical disease, if any, ails the individual, and may cure it by lending the subject a bit of her own Fortitude. This power is limited by the knowledge that the Cappadocian has. The ST may roll the use of this power to keep the results secret from the player. Roll Perception + Medicine (Herbalism may be substituted if treating a poison) difficulty 8. The number of successes determines the accuracy of the diagnosis. This power reveals only physical symptoms, not psychological ailments, and if the vampire using this power is unfamiliar with the disease he will not be able to identify it. A botch always results in a misdiagnosis. Thereafter, a Stamina + Medicine roll is required (dif based on the disease being treated). The victim does not instantly recover but takes a definite turn for the better. A botch on this roll will aggravate the illness, with possibly fatal consequences.

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 8 Cappadocian Clanbook, MET Journal 1 pg 56 Y; By diagnosing disease through the use of preternatural senses, and sharing the Vampiric resilience, Kindred may help a mortal through the throes of deadly illness. The Kindred makes a static mental challenge (difficulty 8 traits) to diagnose the ailment of the target. The diagnosis is subject to the limitations of the Vampire’s medicine knowledge. Upon a successful Diagnosis, the Vampire makes a static Physical challenge, with the difficulty ranging, dependent upon the sickness (examples: common flu = 2, Skin Cancer = 10, AIDS = 15) upon a success, the victim can begin to recover from the disease, though the recovery may still be slow.

Auspex/Mortis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 36 Tabletop; 18 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Awaken the Slumbering Curse Cappadocian Auspex 4, Mortis 5 A Cappadocian with this power may project a measure of his undead nature into a ghoul, causing her borrowed vitae to burn at the touch of sunlight. This power is favored as an assassination tool or a flashy means of delivering a challenge to a rival. The vampire concentrates on a known or suspected ghoul in his line of sight, while his player spends one blood point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success taints the ghoul’s blood for one hour, though the power has no effect if a vampire targets a living being without vitae. Ghouls affected by this power feel oddly feverish; most do not suspect they have been mystically altered and even those who do have no means of identifying the source of the magic. While enchanted with this power, a ghoul suffers damage from sunlight as though a vampire. Each turn of exposure to sunlight also burns away one point of vitae. After the last point boils away, the former ghoul ceases taking further damage, though she must still contend with massive internal and external burns. Ghouls without Fortitude cannot soak sunlight damage.

Availability: 6 Guide to the High Clans 164 N; The vampire concentrates on a known or suspected ghoul in his line of sight, while his player spends one blood point and makes a Mental challenge—retest Occult. Success taints the ghoul’s blood for one hour—the duration may be increased after the initial success at the cost of one Blood Trait per hour (all blood spent to increase the duration must be spent during the scene). This power has no effect if a vampire targets a living being without vitae. Ghouls affected by this power feel oddly feverish and gain the Negative Physical Trait Lethargic. Most do not suspect they have been mystically altered and even those who do have no means of identifying the source of the magic. While enchanted with this power, a ghoul suffers damage from sunlight as though a vampire. Each turn of exposure to sunlight also burns away one point of vitae. After the last point boils away, the former ghoul ceases taking further damage, though she must still contend with massive internal and external burns. Ghouls without Fortitude cannot soak sunlight damage.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Corpse Projection Unique—Inconnu Auspex 5/Mortis 6 In addition to raising zombies using her blood, Drenis can also animate corpses from a great distance and possess the reanimated body. Such zombie possession requires a great effort of will and Drenis can occupy the body for only a single night, but it grants the Cappadocian priestess a limited power to act beyond Hunedoara. Drenis can use the power in two ways. She can send out her astral form normally, look around for a corpse and possess it. Although this is more controllable, the astral form’s normal “speed limit” of about 1,000 miles per hour renders journeys to other continents more time-consuming than the Cappadocian sometimes likes. Drenis can also try to hurl her astral form instantly around the world, and possess a cadaver at random. This is quicker but hard to target: Drenis counts herself lucky even to reach the right state or province. Now and then, when she grows particularly weary of Hunedoara, Drenis launches her astral form completely at random, just to see where in the world she finds herself. Animating and possessing a cadaver while astral costs Drenis a point of Willpower. If the Cappadocian has already used Astral Projection to reach her destination, the ST does not need to make another dice roll to see if the possession succeeds. If Drenis attempts an instant leap, roll her Perception + Occult. The difficulty ranges from 7 to 10, depending on how well Drenis knows her destination. Her old temple in Thrace would be difficulty 7; a location the Cappadocian knew only from an atlas would be difficulty 10. The number of successes determines how close Drenis comes to her desired location. Botch Failure 1 2 3 4 5

Lost in the Astral Plane Power fails and the Willpower point is wasted A few hundred miles from target loc In the right state/province; within 20 to 50 miles of target loc 10 to 20 miles from target loc. In the right city; within 3 miles In the neighborhood; within a mile or less

The ST should also consider access to corpses that have not rotted to useless dust and bones. For instance, Drenis could not leap to an ocean liner unless she knew it carried a body. Most urban areas, though, supply the Cappadocian with plenty of mortuaries and graveyards. If Drenis attempts a rapid jump, though, she cannot control which body she occupies. She might find herself in a cadaver, in a coffin or crypt too sturdy to escape. The possession ends when the sun rises at the location of the possessed zombie. Drenis can also end the possession at will and flash back to her body. The zombie instantly collapses as a normal cadaver. While Drenis possesses a cadaver, her own body remains in torpor at Hunedoara. Note: Drenis does not know that her Corpse Projection has changed ever since a dreadful storm swept through the ghost-realms a few years ago. The bodies she possesses retain a capacity for animation. Wandering ghosts, or fragments of ghosts, are sometimes drawn to her borrowed bodies and possess them in turn.

Xp Cost: 30 Tabletop; 15 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: Unique—Inconnu Lair of the Hidden pg 140 N—not appropriate for use in a LARP setting


Auspex/Mortis or Obtenebration Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Clarity of Emptiness Cappadocian, Lasombra Aupsex 1, Mortis 2 or Obtenebration 2 Developed independently by Cappadocian scholars and Abyss mystics of the Lasombra, this power allows a vampire to still her passions and think with pitiless detached clarity. The player rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). Each success adds one die to the next Mental dice pool the character makes, although a vampire cannot more than double the pool in question. Unfortunately, the inhuman stifling of passion adds +2 to the difficulty of any Social rolls for the scene. This penalty is cumulative with each successive activation of the power during the scene; however, no Social roll can have a difficulty greater than 10.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 165 N; The player makes a Static Mental Challenge (difficulty 7 Traits) retest Occult. Success adds one Mental Trait per level of Mortis/Obtenebration known by the character to the next Mental Challenge the character makes. Unfortunately, this otherworldly stifling of passion gives the user of this power the Negative Social Traits of Inhuman x2 for the rest of the scene. These penalties are cumulative with each activation of the power during the scene. If you ever have more Negative Traits than normal Traits, your character instantly falls into torpor.

Auspex/Nigrimancy Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 18 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Charon’s Oar Giovanni Auspex 5, Nigrimancy 5 Where masters of Auspex must abandon their physical form to walk invisibly as a spirit, the eldest and most powerful Giovanni Cappadocians may subsume flesh into soul and sojourn among the restless dead. Spend a point each of blood and Willpower and roll Perception + Occult (dif 9). Reduce the difficulty by two if the vampire’s location resonates strongly with the energies of death: a graveyard, an abattoir, the site of a great battle, etc. This power automatically fails if used during daylight hours. If successful, the vampire’s physical form and any possessions on her person dissolve like mist in a stiff breeze and become as a ghost, invisible and insubstantial. While in this state, the vampire has the same statistics as normal and does not substitute Mental or Social Attributes for physical tasks. She has no silver cord and loses health levels if damaged. A vampire slain while using this power suffers Final Death and leaves no actual ghost to recall with nigrimancy. While incorporeal, she may move at her normal pace, half-walking, half-gliding across the earth and effortlessly passing through walls and other obstructions. She interacts with the dead as though both were solid, while remaining undetectable to nature spirits and travelers using conventional Anima Walk (AP). Likewise, she cannot affect the material world with Disciplines or physical force, nor be affected in turn by material beings. It is possible for individuals sensitive to ghosts and psychic activity, including vampires with Auspex, to sense an incorporeal traveler’s presence with a successful Perception + Occult roll (dif. 9). Cainites using this power appear as they do normally, with all clothes and possessions they brought with them. Incorporeal vampires have only the blood they brought with them, for the dead have no blood to steal. Vampires still suffer most of their usual banes during their sojourn. The weight of the sun drives them to slumber and sunlight burns their spiritual form, though flames pass through them harmlessly. They still hunger and gradually deplete their blood, and may fall into torpor and become lost as a forgotten shade resting in some dusty tomb. The only way to materialize once more is to use this power a second time, which requires the same expenditure and roll. Thus, a vampire who exhausts his blood pool is trapped among the dead and doomed unless he can find and take blood from another vampire lurking among the dead.

Availability: 6 Guide to the High Clans pg 165 N—See Ex Nihilo for modern equivalent.


Auspex/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Anticipatory Visage Auspex 4, Obfuscate 3 This power was first developed by an investigative archon who was frustrated by his inability to sneak into the gathering of a Gehenna cult because he didn’t know as whom to disguise himself. Anticipatory Visage allows the Kindred to appear as whomever the target most expects to see in a given circumstance. The character herself has no control over who she appears to be, and may not even be immediately aware of what form she’s taken. This power has, to date, been used by archons alone. The player spends a blood point and makes a Manipulation + Performance roll (difficulty 6). If successful, the character immediately takes the form (per Mask of a Thousand Faces) of the individual the target most expected. If faced with more than one person, the character must select one individual as the target and hope that the others expect to see the same person. The character is not immediately aware of the form she has taken, and may have difficulty carrying the ruse further than the initial contact. While this power provides the form of the expected individual, it does not provided any knowledge of her personality of memories; the character must be exceedingly careful not to give herself away through suspicious behavior. A vampre with Aupsex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the character’s Obfuscate.

Availability: 5 Archons & Templars pg 142 Y; The player spends a blood point and makes Social Challenge versus the target—retest Performance. If successful, the character immediately takes the form (per Mask of a Thousand Faces) of the individual the target most expected. The character is not immediately aware of the form she has taken, and may have difficulty carrying the ruse further than the initial contact. While this power provides the form of the expected individual, it does not provide any knowledge of her personality or memories; the character must be exceedingly careful not to give herself away through suspicious behavior. A vampire with Auspex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the character’s Obfuscate.

Anticipatory Locution Auspex 4, Obfuscate 3, Anticipatory Visage A refinement to Anticipatory Visage, this power was created in an attempt to mitigate the difficulties involved in passing yourself off as someone when you don’t know who you’re supposed to be. When Anticipatory Locution is active, the target not only sees whom he expects to see but also hears what he expects them to say. This works for short phrases only, not entire conversations, so an archon can still trip himself up quite easily if he’s not careful. Still, Anticipatory Locution is good for covering small gaffes or for getting around code words and passwords. This power does not require the expenditure of blood, as it is considered active when the user has succeeded in invoking Anticipatory Visage. Any time the character utters a short answer to a question (no more than a single moderate sentence or so), the player may make a roll of Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). If successful, the target hears the answer he would have expected from whoever he believes the character to be. This power breaks down in long conversation or under in-depth questioning, and it can be seen (heard) though with Auspex if the Kindred’s Auspex is greater than the character’s Obfuscate.

Availability: 5 Archons & Templars pg 142 Y; This power does not require the expenditure of blood, as it is considered active when the user has succeeded in invoking Anticipatory Visage. Any time the character utters a short answer to a question (no more than a single moderate sentence or so), the player makes Social challenge versus the target using Subterfuge as the retest. If successful, the target hears the answer he would have expected from whoever he believes the character to be. This power breaks down in long conversation or under in-depth questioning, and it can be seen (heard) through with Auspex if the Kindred’s Auspex is greater than the character’s Obfuscate.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Psychic Double Unique—Inconnu Auspex 5, Obfuscate 3 Astral projection has the annoying limit that the vampire’s disembodied mind cannot affect the material world, and even the faintest visible manifestation requires great effort. Through this combination power, a vampire still cannot affect material objects—but she can make other people imagine that they see and speak to her. Demetrius the Malkavian uses this power to project his consciousness around the world. Demetrius’ Psychic Double looks real and solid. His astral form can converse with other people. He even feels solid to anyone who touches him, though he cannot affect physical objects in any way and his Psychic Image does not appear in mirrors, photographs or video images. Mahtiel also know this power, but her dream-walking spirit usually looks transparent and ghostly. Projecting a Psychic Double costs one Willpower point. As with Astral Projection, Demetrius picks a target somewhere in the world and hopes he projects to the right place. Arriving at the desired location depends on a Perception + Occult roll, with the difficulty set by how well Demetrius knows the target location. A familiar location not too far away is difficulty 7; a place on the other side of the world that the Malkavian merely read about is difficulty 10. A botch on this roll indicates getting lost, and maybe even breaking the silver cord back to the Methuselah’s body. Evoking a psychic image with his own appearance automatically succeeds. Appearing as someone else calls for a Manipulation + Performance roll (difficulty 7), just as for Mask of a Thousand Faces. A character with Psychic Double does not have to project a visible image. Demetrius can make his image appear and disappear at will, with no further expenditure of Willpower. Each time he manifests a disguised appearance, however, the Storyteller must re-roll Demetrius’ Manipulation + Performance. Although Psychic Doubles cannot exert any physical force, a vampire with this power can project certain other Disciplines through his astral form. Since Animalism, other Auspex powers, Dementation, Dominate, other Obfuscate powers and Presence have entirely mental effects, a vampire can use them freely while astral. Obtenebration works, since the dark force evoked by the Discipline is not actually physical either. An astral vampire can thus affect physical objects indirectly using Arms of the Abyss. A Psychic Double can also employ the non-physical powers of Valeren or Obeah. The Storyteller should brush up on both Astral Projection and Mask of a Thousand Faces before introducing the astral Demetrius to the chronicle, as the systems for both powers apply to the combination.

Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: Unique—Inconnu Lair of the Hidden pg 140 N—Not necessary as the LARP rules for Astral Projection and Mask of 1000 Faces already allow this combination (i.e. use of a Mental/Social Discipline from astral); the only caveat is that this combo allows for use of Obtenebration from Astral. However, in the interest of preventing the recurrence of the “remote bomb” phenomena—i.e. Blood Magic from AP—this combo will not be converted for LARP use.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Blood Apocrypha Nosferatu Auspex 1, Obfuscate 1 In an attempt to create a secret language all their own, the Nosferatu have generated different methods of coding their speech and messages. One faction living in the Levant uses Blood Apocrypha for private dialogue based on the nuances of expending blood within their body. The Parisian Nosferatu, however, use a variant whereby they write actual script that remains unseen. In both cases, the only people who understand this language are those with Blood Apocrypha as well. Most broods who employ this trick have one Nosferatu among them who can provide translations since it would be unreasonable to expect all clan members to be versed in this language. This Discipline allows a vampire to relay coded information in one of two fashions. If related to speech, the two discoursing Cainites must be close enough to smell and taste the atomized blood. Kissing is the safest route. The second method, scripting, enables the writer to draw blood pictographs using his own vitae on cloth. The blood never actually touches the medium, but its dissipation infuses the porous fabric to create the message. The recipient, in turn, must expend a small taste of blood to speak to the other vampire or he can breathe blood vapors upon parchment to highlight the text. In both cases, Blood Apocrypha does not supply the coded message; it is merely the ink used to relate instructions. This means that a vampire with this Discipline must also understand the codes being used. That is why the Levantine and Parisian broods are able to maintain their secrets. Regardless of whether the message is in speech or script, and whether the vampire is the sender or receiver, the player must spend on blood point for the character to retrieve or relate the message. In spoken communication, as long as the two Nosferatu are face to face, no roll is necessary. For written missives, the sender’s player should roll Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 5) to determine how long the message will last (see below). Reading the message requires blood expenditure but no roll—it succeeds unless the message has expired. Successes 1 2 3 4

5 Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Survival of Written Messages Two days Four days One Week One Month Indefinitely

Availability: 2 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pgs 75-76 N; Regardless of whether the message is in speech or script, and whether the vampire is the sender or receiver, the player must spend on blood point for the character to retrieve or relate the message. In spoken communication, as long as the two Nosferatu are face to face, no challenge is necessary. For written missives, the sender’s player should make a Simple Mental Challenge— retest Subterfuge—to create the document. Messages created with Blood Apocrypha last one week. Additional blood may be spent by the messages creator to expend the duration of the message by one week per blood point spent at the message’s creation. Reading the message requires blood expenditure but no challenge—it succeeds unless the message has expired.


Auspex/Obfuscate Optional: Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Ward the Soul’s Sanctity Sin (Modern Devil) Auspex 2/Obfuscate 3 optional: Presence 3 Even more than other Cainites, Sinners take the sanctity of their minds very seriously and seek to guard their wills against anyone and anything trying to defile them. This power was developed to discover whenever such attempts are made and to guard against them. In more recent nights, some Sinners have managed to develop a variant of this power that actually sends the offending power back against its user. Whenever anyone attempts to use a mind-affecting power on the character, be it the Dominate of a Cainite or the mind-spell of a mage, the character is automatically made aware of that attempt by a “needles-and-pins” tingle in the back of her head. In some cases, this warning is redundant, but whenever anyone is subtly trying to affect the character’s mind, she knows that is being done, though not who is doing it. At this point, the player must spend a point of Willpower to activate the defensive part of this power. If the character is out of Willpower, then the defensive part of this power cannot be used, though the Sinner is still aware of attempts to affect her. Once the Willpower point is spent, the player rolls Willpower (dif 6). Each success subtracts one success from those achieved by the person trying to affect the character. If all successes are removed the power fails. If the power is one that could normally be resisted, then the player makes any normal resistance rolls or expenditures after Ward the Soul’s Sanctity has been used to weaken it. If the player botches the roll they lose one temporary Willpower point. Ward the Soul’s Sanctity is effective against all powers that seek to alter or control the character’s mind, mainly Dementation and Dominate, though certain Thaumaturgy and high-level Serpentis effects might also be thwarted. This power is ineffective against Presence, which affects the character’s emotions rather than her mind. The more advanced version of this power, which combines it with Presence, allows the wielder to reflect the offending power back at the attacker. If the number of successes on the Willpower roll exceeds the successes gained by the aggressor, the power is reflected back, with a number of successes equal to the difference in successes.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Availability: 4 Road of Sin pg 70 Y; When a Cainite with this combination Discipline is successfully targeted by any kind of mindaffecting power, he may spend a Mental Trait to receive an automatic retest, even if the power normally does not allow a retest. Regardless, he is automatically aware of any attempts to influence his mind as described above, even if he does not defend against them successfully, though the source is not necessarily obvious. In addition if the user has the requisite Presence and has been instructed in the advance techniques of this Discipline by a suitable tutor, he may spend an additional Mental Trait whenever he successfully defends against such a power to reflect it back against the original wielder. (The wielder receives a normal test to resist the reflected power and is considered to win all ties in such instances.) Effective against all powers that seek to alter or control the characters mind, mainly Dementation and Dominate, though certain Thaumaturgy and high-level Serpentis effects might also be thwarted. This power is ineffective against Presence, which affects the character’s emotions rather then her mind. The availability of the advanced version of this power is 5; the xp cost is 14.


Auspex/Obfuscate/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Soul Decoration Tzimisce Auspex 2, Obfuscate 2, Vicissitude 3 The aura is a byproduct of the body. Change the body, change the soul. The body’s experiences can be summed up in the aura, but this phenomenon is the product of physical forces. By fleshcrafting certain locations on the body—chakras, joints, erogenous zones—a Tzimisce with this power can “paint” whatever aura he chooses. Auras summarize the individual, revealing mood, the stain of diblerie and the Curse of Caine. When under the gaze of perceptive eyes, sometimes it’s better to conceal such things. After spending three Willpower points, the player rolls her character’s Perception + Empathy (dif subject’s Willpower). The number of successes indicates how completely the aura can be changed to the Tzimisce’s specifications. 1 2 3 4 5

Can alter shades (pale or bright) Can alter the main color Can alter psychological state (frenzied, psychoses, etc.) Can conceal or falsify diablerie and magic use Can conceal or falsify natural condition (vampire, shifter, ghost, etc)

The deception lasts one night per success. During this time, the aura doesn’t change to reflect new conditions in its owner. Keep in mind that these changes are only to the aura, not the subject herself. At ST discretion, the subject may feel token emotions to match her knew colors. She might feel somewhat distrustful if her aura was painted light green, for instance.

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; You must spend a Willpower Trait in order to alter the color of your own aura. Each Willpower Trait you spend in this feat of deception grants more control over the conditions of your aura. You can change one aspect of your aura when spending a single Willpower Trait, whereas you can go all out and change five different facets with five Willpower Traits. The changes made to your aura are undetectable in Auspex Challenges; the appearances of Soul Decoration last for a night. You may also manipulate the auras of other Kindred or kine by spending a Willpower Trait and succeeding in a Static Willpower Challenge.


Auspex or Daimoinon/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Veil the Sin Sin (Modern Devil) Daimoinon or Auspex 2/Obfuscate 2 Sinners, especially those who follow the Path of Pleasure, often become jaded, having subjected themselves to as many different experiences as possible. In the quest to find a solution to this problem, Voluptuaries developed this power. Veil the Sin allows the Sinner to discover some form of sensation, perversion or act that once brought pleasure to the target but that no longer satisfies him. The Sinner can then make his target temporarily forget that he ever experienced this sensation, allowing him to once again experience the full pleasurable effect. This power can be used on oneself, a willing subject as a reward or on an unaware target as a future bargaining chip. If used on oneself, all that is required is the expenditure of a blood point and a Willpower roll (dif 4). If used on another, the player must first spend a point of blood, and the character must observe the target for a single turn. Then, the player first rolls Perception + Empathy (dif of the target’s Road rating). If successful, the character gains knowledge of a single sensation that no longer satisfies the target and can attempt to make him forget that sensation. This requires a Willpower roll (dif target’s Willpower). If the target is willing and provide info the difficulty is halved (min 4) and each success above the first lowers the difficulty of the subsequent Willpower roll by one. The duration depends on the number of successes on the Willpower roll: 1 2 3 4 5

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

1 hour 1 night 1 week 1 month 3 months

Availability: 4 Road of Sin pg 72 Y; To use this Discipline on herself, a Cainite need only spend a Blood Trait, and it succeeds automatically (and permanently). To use this Discipline on another target, even a willing one, the Cainite must spend a Blood Trait and observe him for at least a minute. At the end of this time, she must win two challenges against the target – first a Mental test (retest Empathy) to discern a sensation that no longer stimulates the target and then, if the first is successful, a Willpower test against the target in order to cause him to forget the sensation in question. A willing target may relent to one of these tests but not both. If this second test is successful, the target losses all recollection of the sensation in question for a number of weeks equal to the user’s willpower rating. Note the content of his memories is not affected by this power –He is simply unable to recall how something felt, not if he ever felt it before or what happened when he did. Thus if a Cainite uses this Discipline to cause her target to forget intimate pleasures, he doesn’t suddenly forget everyone he’s ever been intimate with or what happened those nights, only what it actually felt like to be intimate. At the Narrator’s discretion, such use can put those offering such sensations two Traits up on relevant Social tests due to the increased temptation the target feels once his emotional palate has been cleansed in this fashion


Auspex/Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Pulse of Undeath Brujah Auspex 1, Potence 3 By focusing her heightened awareness and physical prowess, a Kindred can “feel” for which of the physical gifts of Caine another Kindred may have learned. Potence manifests as a vibration of the muscles, Fortitude generates a cold rigidity in the body and Celerity causes a brief feeling of vertigo. This power enables a character to know which, if any, of the three physical Disciplines (Celerity, Fortitude, Potence) another character possesses and at what level. The player rolls Perception + Empathy (dif 6). Each success indicates that the character learns the nature and level of one of the other character’s physical Disciplines. In some cases, particularly if the subject has a higher rating in a given Discipline than the character using this power, the results may be imprecise. A character may feel the telltale dizziness that indicates Celerity, but might well be unsure of the subject’s potential with it.

Xp Cost: 6 Tabletop; 3 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed. pg 66 Y; To learn which of the three physical Disciplines another character possesses, the player must succeed in a Static Mental challenge against the target character’s Mental Traits. If she succeeds, she may spend one Mental Trait per Discipline to learn what level the target has of each.


Auspex/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Soul Painting Toreador Auspex 4, Presence 2 The ancient Toreador art of “painting souls” flourishes briefly in the early 1300s, but with the loss (and presumed Final Death) of Katherine of Montpellier, the technique was thought to be gone forever. In recent nights, Katherine has returned. Roused from an ages-long torpor, she has agreed to teach a few worthy students the knack of painting a portrait of a being’s inner nature. A few enterprising Toreador have adapted her principles to other expressive media, including music, song and even acting. ( Convincing Katherine to take on a new pupil is no simple task, of course. A prospective student must impress the teacher with a work of his own, for only those with adequate craftsmanship and sufficient insight have even a chance of mastering this technique. Furthermore, the student must agree to obey Katherine in every particular—sometimes to the extent of taking two drinks toward a blood bond. Katherine has found few who are willing to even apply under those terms, and of those willing to take the risk, only a minority are judged skilled enough for instruction. Other instructors might not be so strict—or may be more so.) Art has long been held to be a doorway into the soul. Usually it’s the soul of the artist. In this case, the painting can expose the nature of the person portrayed. The message conveyed is powerful, subtle, and—when successful—undeniable. Falsehood cannot be portrayed through Soul Painting, for even the artist does not initially know what the image will reveal. To create this type of portrait, the artist needs to study the subject for a full, uninterrupted hour. This can be done in a sitting, of course, but (due to the sensitive nature of the portrait) it’s more often done from recalled observation. Looking not only at the minute details of appearance an carriage, but also at the subject’s aura, the painter forms a conscious insight. This alone is not sufficient. The painter must give himself over to an enthralled creative tempest, setting aside his preconceptions completely, in order to make a soul portrait.


The portrait must be painted in a single setting and interrupting a soul painter while she works is as difficult as rousing a Toreador from a more mundane fit of artistic absorption. It generally takes 10-12 hours to create the picture, although more complex efforts may take longer—Katherine’s portrait of the late Archbishop Moncada reputedly took over one thousand hours—but if successfully completed, it reveals a great deal indeed. The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (dif 9). If the roll yields even a single success, the painting (or other work) captures the subject’s Nature in the work itself. For each additional success, the player may opt to illustrate any one of the following: a rough gauge of Humanity (or Path, which usually won’t create a traditionally flattering work), Willpower, Self-Control, Conscience, Conviction, Instinct or Courage. Anyone with the Soul painting power can immediately recognize every insight portrayed in a portrait. Those who lack the power may (at the Storyteller’s discretion) be required to make Perception, Perception + Empathy, or Perception + Crafts rolls to “decode” the portrait. The difficulty for such attempts should be low, however, the whole point of the power is the expression of these abstract concepts. Note, that Soul Painting does not necessarily make the artist a skilled painter (or poet, actor, etc.)—it is quite possible to have a crudely executed portrait that nonetheless communicates the subject’s personality. Such a ham-handed painter is unlikely to have learned this power from the mistress herself, though.

Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. pgs 74-75 Y; The player makes a Static Social Challenge (9 Trait difficulty). If successful, the painting captures the subject's Nature in the work. The Player may make spend up to three Social Traits to illustrate the following qualities (one per Trait spent): a rough gauge of Humanity (or Path, which usually won't create a traditionally flattering work), Willpower, Self-control, Conscience, Conviction, Instinct or Courage. Kindred with the Soul Painting power immediately recognize every insight portrayed. If a character lacks the power, the player may (at the Storyteller's discretion) need to make a Static Mental Challenge against a difficulty equal to the number of qualities imbued into the painting (ranging from one to four Traits).


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Under the Skin Toreador Auspex 3, Presence 3 The Kindred of Clan Toreador are natural critics. With insight and zeal they analyze and deconstruct art, Kindred culture and politics. Some studied Toreador possess the ability to do the same with their peers, reading them like texts and making obvious their failings of personality. The pirmogen using this power analyzes the personality of another, finds its weaknesses and then uses the force of his presence to make light of those weaknesses and hammer on them like a battering ram. The results can be quite dramatic. While this power is similar to Scalpel Tongue, it’s much more devastating. That one stings; this one draws blood (and possibly a lot of it). The Toreador primogen must interact socially with his target for a number of consecutive turns (determined by the Storyteller) before this power can be activated. After that warm-up, roll Wits + Perception against a difficulty of 6 as the character begins his systematic analysis and dismantling of the target’s psyche and self-esteem. The results of this assault are listed below. Successes Result 1-2 Target is rendered utterly speechless with embarrassment and rage and broods for the remainder of the scene. 3-4 Target storms out in a rage. 5 Target becomes violent, either toward the Toreador using this power (jumping over the table to attack, for example) or in a fit of self-loathing, toward herself (wherein she may try to immolate herself, disembowel herself, toss herself out a window, get a suntan or worse). 6 Target enters frenzy. Spending a Willpower point will lessen the effect by one category (from 6 to 5 or from 3-4 to 1-2.)

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 7 LARP (Toreador Genre Pack) Availability: 4 Counsel of Primogen pg 103 Book/Page Y; Masters of social persuasion must know what makes others tick. By engaging another in LARP System (Y/N)

conversation for at least two minutes, the Toreador can discern weaknesses in the presence of his subject, and exploit them. By spending one Willpower and besting his target in a Social Challenge, the Toreador unleashes an assault of particularly painful banter which causes his mark to make a Self-Control test with a penalty of one Virtue Trait. If the target wins the challenge, she storms out. If she loses, she enters frenzy—a particular faux pas in such formal settings.


Auspex/Presence Optional: Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Enhance Sensation Sin (Modern Devil) Auspex 2/Presence 3 optional: Vicissitude 2 (3/3 Opt: 2 LARP) One of the first things that Cainites learn after their Embrace is that they are no longer able to feel in precisely the same manner as when they lived. Their undead bodies react differently to pain, they cannot experience the pleasure of a lover’s touch, food holds no taste to them any longer, and emotions become blunted, as well. Sinners are highly skilled when it comes to counteracting this loss of sensitivity, using powers such as Enhance Sensation. With this power, a Sinner is able to affect both the physical, emotional and psychic awareness of the target, whether Cainite or mortal. Some Tzimisce Sinners, mainly those descended from the Szantovich revenant family, have developed an advanced version of this power. The wielder of this power needs but to touch her target, while her player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Empathy, difficulty of either the target’s Willpower or (10 – Road rating), whichever is higher. If the roll is successful, the target is overwhelmed with some form of emotion, as chosen by the user, as well as having any physical sensation increased so that it floods her senses. Pain becomes all but unbearable (double wound penalties and Bruised incurs a -1 penalty). Pleasure becomes total ecstasy. The target is powerless to resist any form of pleasure, including the Kiss, and if Cainite, his player must roll Self-Control/Instincts (dif 9) to stop feeding. In addition, the strong emotions result in a +2 or -2 difficulty on all relevant Virtue rolls. Enhance Sensation lasts for one turn per success on the activation roll. If Vicissitude is added to the power, then the target’s flesh responds to the sensations in a most disquieting manner—a leering grin for someone overcome with lust, writhing flesh for someone in pain. If the more advanced power is used, triple all wound penalties and Bruised inflicts a -2 penalty.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Availability: 5 Road of Sin pg 70 Y; To use this Discipline, a Cainite must touch a target (a Physical challenge if the victim resists), spend a Willpower Trait and make a Social Test (retest Empathy) against a difficulty equal to twice the victims Morality rating plus his current Willpower rating. Success means that the target is flooded with an emotion of the Cainite’s choice, which should be role-played as well as possible, and all sensory input is heightened to an incredible degree. Aside from the possible descriptive flourishes this entails, it may also entail any or all of the following game mechanics, at the narrator’s discretion: wound penalties are doubled, Story-teller character mortals are helpless to resist the kiss, Cainites must make Self- Control/Instinct test to stop feeding, and all Virtue Tests are either two Traits up or two Traits down depending on the emotion and situation in question (an overjoyed Cainite lover would be up on virtue tests to resist draining a loved one dry, for instance, but also down on Virtue tests to resist frenzying against those that threaten his beloved). If Vicissitude is added, the effects are largely descriptive, though they are generally highly visible (not to mention disturbing) and should be indicated to those present by appropriate make up or description cards whenever possible. Wound penalties also triple if vicissitude is added to this Discipline. If Vicissitude is added to this power then the target’s flesh responds to the sensation in a most disquieting manner – a leering grin for someone overcome with lust, writhing flesh for someone in pain, etc.


Auspex/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

See the True Form Gangrel Auspex 2, Protean 4 With mastery of full-body transformation and awareness of halos, a vampire with this Discipline technique may detect other shapechangers and discern the true form of any being she views. The vampire must gaze piercingly at her subject as if employing Auspex 2, while her player rolls Perception + Empathy (dif 8). The amount of information gleaned depends on the number of successes rolled. Simple success reveals whether the subject is capable of changing form, though not the extent or nature of such powers. Two successes determines whether the subject is presently in its true form. Three successes allows the vampire to perceive the subject’s true form overlaid with its present shape, while four shows every shape the subject has ever assumed. Failure means the aura shows nothing of its malleability. A botch delivers false information. This power can only pierce disguises that involve shapechanging, not illusions or mind tricks.

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 164 N; The player must gaze piercingly at her subject as if employing Auspex 2 and make a Mental Challenge—retest Empathy. Success reveals whether the subject is capable of changing form, though not the extent or nature of such powers. Expenditure of additional Mental Traits can tell you: whether the subject is presently in its true form or show the subject’s true form overlaid with its present shape. Failure means the aura shows nothing of its malleability. This power can only pierce disguises that involve shapechanging, not illusions or mind tricks (for example: Obfuscate and Chimerstry).

See the Reflected Form Gangrel Auspex 4, Protean 4 Those Gangrel who are both incredibly perceptive and have mastered the most basic full-body change become sensitive to the potentiality of shape in others. Using this power, the Gangrel may pull detailed information from his subject’s aura. He may see the beast forms of Gangrel or other vampires using Protean; the progression of forms of the Lupines and other shapechanging beasts; the half-real dream forms of fairies; and the forms that vampires may assume using Disciplines such as Obtenebration, Serpentis and Vicissitude. Skilled practitioners may be able to spot such subtle items as which form the subject is most comfortable in, or which is her native form. A few Gangrel have claimed to see the forms a Gangrel childe will assume upon learning Shape of the Beast, or even totemic animals in the auras of normal humans. The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). One success gives the character knowledge of his subject's Protean beast forms, or the most powerful form assumed using another Discipline or ability. Three successes allows the character to see all of his subject's defined forms (if the subject vampire commonly assumes a certain body shape using Vicissitude, that will be seen, but the fact that he stretched his nose like Pinocchio last night will not). Upon reaching five successes, the character may see potential forms, or the emotions connected with the changes in shape at the Storyteller's discretion. This ability may be resisted with Obfuscate in the usual Auspex vs. Obfuscate manner. Also, this ability does not give any information about the "faces" worn by a vampire with Mask of a Thousand Faces — that ability clouds the mind, and is not a true shapechange.

Availability: 4 Clanbook Gangrel Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; Make a Mental Challenge. If you succeed, you can see the target’s Protean beast forms, or the most powerful form the target assumes with some other Discipline. You may spend an additional Mental Trait to see all of the character’s defined forms, the ones regularly adopted regardless of the Discipline used, and another Mental Trait to see potential forms and emotions connected with the target’s shapechanging. Mask of a Thousand Faces is not considered a true shapechange, and therefore is not subject to this power.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 16 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Shattered Fog Gangrel Auspex 1, Protean 5 Elder Gangrel know that guile can sometimes serve where brute strength fails. With this Discipline technique, a vampire may rapidly dissolve her form into fog. Swords and arrows pass harmlessly through her ethereal flesh, leaving opponents confused and off-balance when the vampire solidifies a moment later and strikes. While some followers of the Road of Kings scorn such tactics, pragmatic vampires wisely cultivate every edge to assure their survival. Whenever the vampire is attacked, her player may invoke this power by spending one blood point. The vampire instantly assumes mist form as if employing the Protean 5 power Body of Spirit (Mist Form). This power only lasts for the remainder of the turn, after which the character once again solidifies. Vampires must be able to perceive the attacks in order to evade them with this power, although sudden motion seen peripherally counts as perception.

Availability: 6 Guide to the Low Clans pg 166 N—not necessary, as above.

Auspex/Quietus Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Draught of the Soul Assamite Auspex 4, Quietus 5 See Drink the Mind pg 69. Availability: Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 65-66 N Pertains to XP and Diablerie and is thusly not suitable for use in a MET game.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Truth of Blood Assamite Auspex 4, Quietus 2 Assamite justice is swift and merciless, and it shares much with the tenets of Islamic justice. However, the Assamites have ways of ensuring that their judgments are more firmly grounded in the truth than those of the surest mortal. This power uses the blood of the individual being questioned as a means of divining not only the truth of the subject’s words, but the truth behind those words. The interrogator pours the subject’s blood into his hand and holds it for the duration of the questioning. The blood gradually smolders throughout the scene, giving off a thin red mist. It is reduced to vapor by the end of the scene and cannot be used for any other purpose. The character must have one point of the subject’s blood to use this power, and it lasts for the duration of the scene or until the character releases the blood. The player rolls Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower) for each statement that the character wants to examine with this power. The degree of success on the roll indicates the degree of truth or falsehood that the questioner becomes aware of. 1 Know if lie, partial or whole truth 2 Emotional reason behind lie or partial truth; not full truth 3 Whole truth as target knows it 4 Knows everything; even info not conscious, understood, or lost to Dominate 5 Hazy visions of the actual truth

Availability: 5 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 66 N; The character must have one point of the subject’s blood to use this power, and it lasts for the duration of the scene or until the character releases the blood. The player makes a Mental Challenge—retest Subterfuge—for each statement that the player wants to examine with this power. On a win or a tie the user knows whether the target is telling the truth or lying. Information contained in memories erased via Dominate is fair game for this power. Thus if you were asked about a meeting your character had with a Ventrue elder that was blacked out of your mind with Forgetful Mind—and you answer that it never occurred, it appears as a lie to the user of this power. In this instance the user may perform another Mental Test to determine whether the lie is intentional or the results of a Dominate power. This power cannot remove the memory blocks placed by Dominate and its use does not bring the memories back to the victim, it merely allows the user to circumvent the blocks and find the truth.

Auspex/Quietus or Thaumaturgy: Path of Blood Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Drink the Mind Assamite, Tremere Auspex 4, Quietus 5 or Thaumaturgy: Path of Blood 5 Practiced by both the Assamites and Tremere, though according to vastly different principles of magic, this Discipline heightens the power of the Amaranth to steal memories and knowledge. Those who walk the Road of Blood regard such feeding as a sacrament partaken by the holiest of holy, a reclaiming of learning from the unworthy. The pragmatic blood sorcerers of the Tremere simply view diablerie of the mind as another useful tool of power. Neither clan suspects they are not alone in their art. This power may be used whenever a character successfully commits diablerie. The player spends a number of Willpower points equal to the victims Intelligence and rolls Willpower (dif victim’s permanent Willpower +1 per derangement). Each success grants one bonus point that may be spent to purchase or increase the diablerist’s Skills or Knowledges. These points cannot raise an Ability above the victim’s rating, however. This power also allows the diablerist to recall the victim’s strong memories, although such recollections are left to the ST to adjudicate. Stolen memories unfold hazily as from a dream, and should offer cryptic hints rather than plot-breaking insights. Vampires whose players botch the Willpower roll lose one point of permanent Willpower for every 1 rolled, as the character is overwhelmed by an onslaught of disconnected images and hate from the victim’s devoured soul. This power can only be used once per diablerie.

Availability: 6 Guide to the Low Clans pg 160 N Pertains to XP and Diablerie and is thusly not suitable for use in a MET game.


Auspex/Serpentis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop, 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Weigh the Heart Settite Auspex 3, Serptentis 5 The ancient Egyptians believed that conscience and judgment resided in the heart; in the afterlife the gods weighed a person’s heart, the record of his deeds, against the feather of truth. A Settite who has learned The Heart of Darkness can not only remove a vampire’s heart to keep it safe, he gains a potential insight into the consciences of others. He can develop that potential through Auspex. Like the god Thoth, a vampire with this power can “weigh” another person’s heart to read his character and sins. Such knowledge of another person’s character makes tempting, corrupting or teaching him much easier. This power calls for a Perception + Empathy roll (dif 8). Each success reveals one truth about the target’s character, with particular emphasis on the person’s weaknesses, passions and guilts. The firs truth is always the target’s Nature. Subsequent truths might include any Derangements or mental Flaws, strong passions or deep-laid fears and guilts (although never specific details about specific crimes).

Availability: 5 Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised Ed. pg 70 Y; This power requires a Static Mental challenge with the difficulty of the target’s number of Mental Traits. If you succeed, you may ask the target’s player a question about his character’s Nature or other strong personality traits, quirks or guilty secrets, and receive a truthful answer.

Auspex/Temporis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Quicksilver Contemplation True Brujah Auspex 2, Temporis 3 A True Brujah with this power may dilate his perception of time and speed of thought in response to a crisis situation. Such a vampire may spend half an hour deliberating as the world stands still, re-entering the standard flow of time in order to dodge an attack with perfect precision or deliver a well chosen retort. The player spends one blood point and rolls Wits + Alertness. With a success, time suddenly halts from the vampire’s perspective. His mind — and only his mind — has briefly stepped out of the flow of normal time. He cannot physically act or use any mental power that can actually influence the world (though mystical perceptions are permissible). He cannot even shift his vantage point. All he can do is consider his situation and plan the best response while standing frozen in a still and silent world. Once the vampire decides the best course of action, he returns his mind and awareness to time and may act on his deliberations. Reduce the difficulty of the first action he takes by –1 per success rolled, to a minimum difficulty of 3. Some actions and events are simply unavoidable. A Cainite may pause to consider the arrow touching its point to his chest before it stakes his heart, but it is too late to dodge out of the way. A vampire could spend a lifetime contemplating a no-win situation and never arrive at a solution. Some True Brujah imagine that their ancient progenitor spent eternity in the moment his treacherous childer’s fangs pierced his throat. Botching this power gives the vampire a derangement, as he spends decades or even centuries alone and aware in the prison of his private moment.

Availability: 4 Guide to the High Clans pg 169 N This Discipline is unsuitable for use in a MET game—a scene cannot be held at a standstill while a single character decides their actions.


Auspex/Thaumaturgy Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Name the Fallen Auspex 3, Thaumaturgy 1 Name the Fallen could likely be made to function with Necromancy in place of Thaumaturgy at the STs discretion. Because few archons or templars have access to this Discipline, however, this is not a standard technique. The player must spend a blood point and roll Perception + Empathy; the difficulty depends on whether the subject was mortal or vampire, as well as on the length of time since he died. The character must have in her possession at least a small piece of the corpse, though something as tiny as a finger bone or even the ashes of a Kindred who has suffered Final Death will suffice. If the roll fails, that character may not try to identify that particular subject again unless she can find a new sample of the body. If the roll indicates a botch, the character receives false information. The knowledge granted by this power appears instantly; the character falls into no “trance” such as that experienced when using Spirit’s Touch. The Kindred with this power may identify a deceased person, Kindred or kine, simply by handling a piece of the corpse.

Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 4 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Archons & Templars pg 140, Blood Magic Packet Y; By spending a Blood Trait and making a Mental challenge (see difficulty chart below) a Thaumaturge may identify a deceased person, kindred or kine. The Thaumaturge must have a part of the physical remains, such as a bone, finger or other body part, a pile of ash is also sufficient. If the test is not successful, the body part being used cannot be used again to identify the deceased; a new part must be used on a new attempt. Only the identity of the person is given. The user does not get any information about clan, method of death, generation, powers or abilities. This must be determined by alternate means or powers. Time since death Less than 24 1-7 Days 1 Month or less 6 Months or less 1 Year or less 10 Years or less 1 Century or less More than 1 Century

Difficulty: Kindred 9 9 10 11 12 14 18 NA

Difficulty: Kine 7 7 8 9 10 12 16 18


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Thaumaturgical Sight Tremere (Mystic Sight: Assamite, Settite) Auspex 2, Thaumaturgy 1 Just as some Kindred can sense the auras that surround the living or undead beings, some acutely sensitive Tremere develop the talen to recognize thaumaturgical patterns. Magical energies cast by others are visible with Aura Perception, but with Thaumaturgical Sight, a Tremer can see the unholy vigor of blood magic. With enough occult knowledge, the Tremere may be able to decipher the lines of power to figure out exactly what sort of magic she faces. A Tremere using Thaumaturgical Sight sees blood magic’s power as pulsing, viscous curves of liquid scarlet, which differ from the sparkles that punctuate the aura of a person using a living, dynamic magic. As the magic turns vitae into a fuel for a twisted manifestation of undeath’s curse, the viewer sees connections between thaumaturgical components and the resulting enchantment. A thaumaturge who uses the Lure of Flames, for instance, might appear to have crimson traceries weaving in his hands and coalescing until they burst into flames, while and enchanted knife might seem to have an unwholesome, sanguine glisten to it. Like similar, Auspex Disciplines, Thaumaturgical Sight isn’t a power that’s used constantly or casually. Some magical wards—especially koldunic ones—can threaten a Tremere’s sanity when they’re viewed with this sight. Certain places in Eastern Europe, it’s said, roil with diseased power that burns out all vision from a Tremer who would look upon their naked states. Wise Tremere confine their Thaumaturgical Sight to places or items where they’re certain of blood influence but need a cleared vision of the specifics. Activating Thaumaturgical Sight is just like the use of Aura Perception. In fact, it augments that power; those without Thaumaturgical Sight will miss the subtle nuances of dead magic, while those who possess this power will find their Aura Perception abilities enhanced by it. However, as with any use of Thaumaturgy, a botch on the activation roll costs one permanent Willpower. While under the effects of Thaumaturgical Sight, the character may be able to puzzle out other manifestations of blood magic within her line of sight. A Perception + Occult roll (dif 8) is appropriate to determine the character’s success in making out the results of some form of blood magic. If it’s an effect with which the character is familiar—such as someone invoking Theft of Vitae, the character knows that power—then one success is sufficient to recognize the power. Otherwise, the successes scored determine the gist of the character’s understanding: With one success, she might puzzle out the general idea of an effect, like whether it’s geared to combat or divination; with three or more successes, she can probably figure out exactly what it’s supposed to do. Thaumaturgical sight does notice the patterns of power inherent to enchanted artifacts or wards, so long as they’re product’s of blood magic. A Tremere can therefore spot a ward and determine who it’s designed to deter, or notice that an object has some sort of blood magic upon it, such as Engaging the Vessel of Transference. Rituals show up to this sight, both during casting and while their effects remain, so a Tremere could tell if someone has invoked a ritual like Deflection of Wooden Doom or Steps of the Terrified. Most importantly, Thaumaturgical Sight allows the user to spot all forms of vampiric blood magic; Thaumaturgy, Seetite or Assamtite magic and koldunic sorcery are all equally visible. Conversely, Thaumaturgical Sight does not recognize “normal” magical effects, like the enchantments that mortal wizards use (though Aura Perception still reveals such magic as sparkling, coruscating energy). In any event, Aura Perception is required to learn this power, so the distinction is only parenthetical, if noteworthy.

Xp Cost: 6 Tabletop; 3 LARP Availability: 2 Clanbook: Tremere Revised Ed. pg 47 Book/Page Y; By invoking Thaumaturgical Sight, you become capable of noticing the use of any blood magic— LARP System (Y/N)


Thaumaturgy, koldunic sorcery, Assamite or Settite sorcery, or more specialized forms such as rituals. You can call out this sight at any time (subject to being conscious, able to spend blood and so on), and you immediately notice all rituals in uses, all blood magic in the process of casting or currently in effect and all objects enchanted with blood magic. If you wish to determine the specifics of an effect, you must make a Static Mental Challenge with a difficulty of eight Traits and using the Occult Ability for retests. If you succeed, the subject must reveal to you the name of the power invoked. If it’s a power that you possess, you are assumed to know how it works, and you can also determine the target. Otherwise, the subject need only reveal the name of the power in question. You can only scrutinize one power in this fashion each turn, so even if you spot several thaumaturgical effects in action, you can only concentrate on one of them at a time. This level of concentration requires your normal action and cannot be sped up with Celerity or similar powers. Should you desire to keep your Thaumaturgical sight active for longer than one turn, you can spend Mental Traits to extend the duration of the power. Spend one Mental Trait at the beginning of each turn in which you wish to keep the power active. If you allow the power to lapse, you must spend a Blood Trait to renew it later. If you are not in combat-based turns, the power lasts for one minute and can be maintained at a cost of one Mental Trait per minute thereafter. You should indicate you Thaumaturgical Sight by placing you fingers, spread in a “V” to the side you your eyes. Uses of this power is not immediately noticeable to others, though people will notice your intense scrutiny. This discipline is called Mystic Sight in the Guide to the Low Clans. The requirements for Mystic Sight are Auspex 2/Thaumaturgy 2; otherwise the discipline functions exactly the same as Thaumaturgical Sight.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Scent of Caine Tremere Auspex 2, Thaumaturgy: Path of Blood 1 Vigilant to the point of paranoia, the Tremere wisely fear the reprisals of other clans and the vengeance of Saulot’s warrior brood. To ward against ambush from undead enemies or their ghoul slaves, thaumaturges developed this power to scent the mystical resonance Caine’s Curse. Any creature that bears vitae in its veins may trigger the vampire’s preternatural senses. Whenever a vitae-bearing creature approaches within range of the character’s normal senses, the ST secretly rolls the vampire’s Perception + Occult. The difficulty is normally 6 to sense vampires and 8 for ghouls, although the ST should feel free to apply modifiers based on the situation. For instance, if the vampire who possesses this technique is distracted or sleeping, the ST might raise the difficulty by 2. If the intruder’s blood is especially potent or the thaumaturge is watching for enemies, the ST might reduce the difficulty by 2. If the roll succeeds, the vampire becomes aware of the vitae-bearing presence, although he cannot identify the direction or source on less than three successes. Failure mains the vampire does not detect the creature, while a botch indicates that the vampire receives false information. Once learned, this power is always considered active. Over time, characters may grow to identify particular vampires by their mystical scent alone, though only after many encounters. The Assamites know a version of this power that depends on their blood sorcery rather than hermetic Thaumaturgy. This power otherwise duplicates its Tremere counterpart.

Availability: 3 Guide to the Low Clans pg 164 N—Simple Mental Challenge—retest Occult. Success allows the user to sense vampires and ghouls within the purvey of their normal senses. This power does not overcome Obfuscate superior to the user’s Auspex rating. This power is useful for determining a threat or an ally in an otherwise inconspicuous crowd.


Auspex/Valeren Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Eye of Unforgiving Heaven Salubri Auspex 4, Valeren 4 Upon invoking this power, a Salubri’s third eye opens impossibly wide and burns incandescent gold. The orb becomes as a reflection of the sun itself, illuminating the area and searing the flesh of the undead. The vampire stares in the general direction he wishes the power to illuminate, while his player spends one point each of blood and Willpower and rolls Conscience (dif. 6). Success causes the Cainite’s third eye to open and glow as described. The light has the same effects as direct sunlight and inflicts one to three levels of aggravated damage per turn to all vampires in visual range according to their exposure. As the power’s light emits as radiance rather than a beam, it knows neither friend nor foe. Even the Salubri is not wholly immune to his light, suffering three dice of lethal damage each turn, soaked normally. Any wounds the Salubri suffers manifest as a torrent of bloody tears weeping from the third eye. This power lasts only one turn, after which its duration may be extended for as many turns as desired (though the player must make the same expenditure each turn). A vampire who perishes as a result of using this power falls to the earth, his normal eyes closed in an expression of beatific rapture even as his third eye dims. His corpse blazes in searing white light, carrying his scattering ashes upward to the possibility of redemption. Obviously, characters who do not ascribe to the Virtue of Conscience may not use this power.

Availability: 5 Guide to the High Clans pg 166 N-- The vampire stares in the general direction he wishes the power to illuminate, while his player spends one point each of blood and Willpower and makes a Static Conscience challenge (difficulty of 3 Traits). Success causes the Cainite’s third eye to open and glow as described. The light has the same effects as direct sunlight and inflicts one to three levels of aggravated damage per turn to all vampires in visual range according to their exposure. As the power’s light emits as radiance rather than a beam, it knows neither friend nor foe. Even the Salubri is not wholly immune to his light, suffering three points of lethal damage each turn, soaked normally. Any wounds the Salubri suffers manifest as a torrent of bloody tears weeping from the third eye. This power lasts only one turn, after which its duration may be extended for as many turns as desired (though the player must make the same expenditure each turn). A vampire who perishes as a result of using this power falls to the earth, his normal eyes closed in an expression of beatific rapture even as his third eye dims. His corpse blazes in searing white light, carrying his scattering ashes upward to the possibility of redemption. Obviously, characters who do not ascribe to the Virtue of Conscience may not use this power.

Glare of Lies Salubri Auspex 2, Valeren 1 Upon activating this power, a Salubri’s third eye opens and narrows in close scrutiny. The Cainite gains the ability to see the harmony of truth and the disharmony of deception. It is virtually impossibly to lie surreptitiously to a vampire who knows this Discipline. The player rolls Perception + Empathy (dif. 6). Player of any characters wishing to tell a deliberate lie in sight of the Cainite must gain more successes than the vampire’s player on a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (dif. 8). Anyone who fails to meet this requirement may still lie, but the Salubri recognizes the deception. This power cannot sense subtler deceptions by omission or half-truth. As long as those scrutinized tell the truth—however partial or deliberately obtuse—the power detects no falsehood.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 168 N—The user of this power makes a Social Challenge--retest Empathy for user, Subterfuge for target--against anyone he wishes to scrutinize. Anyone who fails this challenge may still lie, but the user of this power recognizes the deception. This power cannot sense subtler deceptions by omission or half-truth. As long as those scrutinized tell the truth—however partial or deliberately obtuse—the power detects no falsehood.


Auspex/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

See the True Shape Tzimisce Auspex 2, Vicissitude 2 A Fiend with this power may recognize flesh that has been magically reshaped. Although Tzimisce are most adept at noticing fleshcrafting wrought by Vicissitude, they can also recognize the changes brought about by Protean, mortal magic or even the shapechanging of Lupines. The vampire scrutinizes the target and her player rolls Perception + Body Crafts (difficulty 6). The number of required successes depends on the nature of the target’s transformation. If the player fails to gain the required number of successes, the vampire senses no alteration and assumes the target is in its natural form. A botch means the vampire mistakes the nature of a transformation or sees alteration where none exists. One success spots works of Vicissitude; two sees through other shapechanging evoked through vampiric Disciplines. The character needs three successes to pierce other magic (including mortal wizardry) and four for “natural” shapechanging such as Lupines use. If the player gains two more successes than are needed, the character not only recognizes the type of transformation but may make an educated guess as to the target’s natural form. Even more successes reveal more detailed information as relayed by the Storyteller.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 169 N; The vampire scrutinizes the target and her player makes a Simple Mental Challenge—retest Body Crafts. If the player fails, the vampire senses no alteration and assumes the target is in its natural form. Success in the challenge allows the user to spot works of Vicissitude. Additional Mental traits may be expended to see through other shapechanging evoked through vampiric Disciplines, other magic (including mortal wizardry) and for “natural” shapechanging such as Lupines use.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Record/Recall Sensation Tzimisce on Road of Sin (Devil) Auspex 3 or 4/Vicissitude 2 (3 or 5/2) Many Sinners, most notably Voluptuaries and the Heartless, constantly search for new and better ways to grant various sensations to themselves and to others. Record/Recall Sensation is a power used for just such effects. While Sinners of the Tzimisce Clan discovered it, those Toreador and Malkavians who have learned the art of flesh-crafting have shown a great deal of interest in the ability. This power literally allows for the user to “record” a certain sensation, be it excruciating pain from torture or the blissful ecstasy of the Kiss, storing it and then later “playing it back,” either upon herself or on another. If the wielder knows the basic version of Record/Recall Sensation, then physical touch is required both for “recording” and “replaying” a sensation. The advanced version foregoes this requirement; only a clear view of the target is required. Record: Perception + Empathy difficulty assigned by the ST based on the intensity of the sensation. If successful, the sensation can be stored for a number of nights equal to the successes. Sensations may be stored after this by spending a point of Willpower per night. Replay: To use on oneself requires only a moment of concentration. In order to “replay” in others, the player must roll Manipulation + Empathy (dif target’s Willpower). Once the sensation is “replayed,” it is usually lost. If the user replays the sensation on herself, however, her player may spend a point of Willpower to keep the experience stored.

Xp Cost: 21 Basic Tabletop; 28 Advanced Tabletop; 11 LARP Basic and Advanced Availability: 6 Road of Sin pg 71 Book/Page Y; This power consists of two component parts: recording and replaying. Recording a sensation LARP System (Y/N)

for later use requires that the Cainite touch the target (possibly requiring a Physical Challenge) and make a Mental Test (retest Empathy) against a difficulty based on how direct and easily perceived the sensation to be recorded is – the pain of a suffering torture victim would be fairly easy, while the pleasure of a woman customarily kissing her husband goodnight would be much more difficult to record. Characters with Eidetic Memory win all ties when recording sensations in this fashion. If successful, sensations are stored for a number of days equal to the user’s Willpower rating; this duration can be extended to sessions with the expenditure of a Willpower Trait. To replay the sensation, the Cainite must touch her target—requiring a physical challenge if the target is unwilling—and make a Social test (retest Empathy) against the target’s Willpower rating plus his Self-Control/Instinct rating. If successful, the target immediately experiences the sensations exactly as the original target did, including any wound penalties, Willpower loss due to torture, incapacitation due to extreme bliss and so on. The Narrator has final say on the exact game mechanics involved in any replay situation. This Discipline lasts for a number of minutes/turns equal to the user’s Willpower rating minus the target’s Willpower rating (minimum one minute/turn). Once used in this fashion, a sensation is lost, though if the Discipline wielder uses it on herself she may spend a Willpower trait to retain the sensation for later. A Cainite may record a maximum number of sensations equal to her Willpower rating at any one time. The Advanced version of this power is identical in every way to the Basic version, save that the physical contact is no longer required to record or replay, only clear line of sight to the target.


Celerity Combo Disciplines Celerity/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Focused Reflexes Toreador—Juno Celerity 5, Auspex 4 Throughout clan history, the Toreador have been gifted with great speed and enhanced senses. Through practice and training, a Toreador named Juno, known for his zealotry to the clan and combat ingenuity sought to combine the clans gifts. Through the practiced focus of the senses, this allows a Toreador to select a single opponent in combat and read their every move. This give the rose a superior advantage in reflexes, both evading and slipping through a foes defense. So focused does the user become on that opponent however, that they are less alert to any others in combat around them. Artistically, this ability can also be used in certain types of performance or dance where it might be important to impress a single target of the audience. (In this usage it would grant a +1 to the performance ability against that target alone). This ability costs one temporary Willpower to activate and lasts for the scene or one hour. At the beginning of a combat round, a target must be chosen. The user gains the Physical Traits Quick x3 against the declared target. However, the user is down one Trait against all other opponent's Physical Challenges that round. Only at the beginning of a new combat round can the target be switched; an additional temporary Willpower expenditure is required each time the target is switched.

Availability: Unique Toreador Genre Packet Y; LARP Only Combo Discipline

Celerity/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Forced March (A.K.A. Long March) Assamite Celerity 2, Fortitude 2 This focused application of superhuman speed and endurance has gradually fallen out of favor in the modern era, as aircraft and automobiles bridge distances in a single night that would take a man on foot a week or more to traverse. Still, in the desert nations that the clan [the Assamites] claims as its center of power, modern transportation is neither available on a regular basis nor reliable when it is present. Many elder Cainites also prefer their own two feet to any noisy, reeking mechanical contraption, so Forced March still finds use. Forced March may be used whenever the character is moving on foot for a protracted period of time. In effect, if allows continuous rapid movement without the devastatingly exhausting effects of combat Celerity use. At the beginning of each hour of steady travel, the player spends a number of blood points equal to half the character’s Celerity rating. The character’s overland movement rate (normal human movement rate over most relatively flat terrain can be assumed to be 4 miles per hour, reduced by rough ground or poor weather) is multiplied by her Celerity rating. This bonus remains in effect only so long as the character is constantly moving, with no more that a minute’s pause each hour—anything longer than dropping off a letter makes her lose momentum. Forced march may be uses for a maximum number of hours each night equal to the character’s Fortitude rating. It is of absolutely no benefit in combat situations.

Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 2 Clanbook: Assamite Revised Ed. pg 71; Guide to the Low Clans pg 162 Y; You may reduce out-of-game travel times by a factor equal to the number of Celerity powers you possess. For example, if you have the second Intermediate Celerity power, for a total of 4 Celerity powers, you divide normal travel times by 4. Each hour, or fraction thereof, of movement costs you a number of Blood Traits equal to half the number of Celerity powers you have. You may use this power a maximum number of times per night equal to the number of Fortitude powers you possess.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Seventh Chinese Brother Anarch Celerity 2/Fortitude 5 (3/6 LARP) Once upon a time in China, there were seven brothers, and each one had a special natural ability. The seventh brother had iron bones that prevented his death by decapitation. This Discipline allows the user to emulate that seventh Chinese brother by hardening one part of his body and improving the entire body’s recuperative properties so that the user’s limbs cannot be severed or her flesh punctured. Anarchs employing this Discipline most often use it to save their own heads, quite literally, but it works just as well on a hand, arm, leg or foot, should the need arise to protect these extremities. To activate the power, the user must spend a Willpower Trait and select a single appendage. (The neck and head count as a single appendage for purposes of this Discipline.) The next blow that should sever that appendage is then ignored and does no damage, nor does the victim of the strike suffer any penalty. The power can be reactivated at the beginning of the next turn to prevent loss of the head or limb. As long as the user has Willpower Traits, she can protect herself in this fashion. A lesser-known but still legitimate use of this Discipline is to harden the muscles, tendons and bones around the heart. In this case, a Kindred can at least prevent being staked until his Willpower runs out. The duration of this effect is one scene or until a sufficiently powerful blow is struck, whichever comes first. If a scene ends before the decapitating, amputating, or disabling blow is struck, the power has no effect and can be activated again in a later scene.

Availability: 8 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 62; Guide to the Anarchs pg 161 Y; As Above

Celerity/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Shadow Feint Assamite Celerity 2, Obfuscate 2 The way of the assassin is deception, not direct confrontation. However, even the most straightforward members of the warrior caste acknowledge the utility of misdirection in combat. This technique allows its wielder to slow her enemies’ perceptions of him, leaving their image of her a fraction of a second behind her actual physical location. This makes the fighter’s moves virtually impossible for an opponent to anticipate, allowing her to strike with little fear of reprisal. The player spends a blood point at the beginning of a turn in which the character’s Celerity is active, and the character’s first action for the turn must be evasive movement. For the rest of the turn, all attack rolls made against the character have their difficulty increased by 2, to a maximum of 10. This power is considered an Obfuscate power for purposes of negation. An observer with sufficient Auspex is immune to it, as is one viewing his target through a video camera or other electronic intermediary.

Availability: 2 Clanbook: Assamite Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; Spend an additional Blood Trait when you activate Celerity for the turn. Your Swiftness action for the turn must be evasive movement. For every attack on you this turn to which you respond with an evasion rather than a counterattack, you gain 2 bonus Traits. This power is considered an Obfuscate power for purposes of negation. An observer with sufficient Auspex is immune to it, as is one viewing his target through a video camera or other electronic intermediary.


Celerity/Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Burning Wrath Brujah Celerity 3, Potence 3 This power’s origin is lost to the Brujah, though many of its more combative members have learned the secret. Indeed, its use is very widespread, particularly among the less genteel ranks of the clan. When the Brujah activates this power, she becomes capable of striking an enemy with devastating power many times in succession—each punch or kick actually impacts the foe multiple times, all of which carry the full force of the Brujah’s supernatural strength.


The blood used during this power’s activation also causes the Kindred’s flesh to blush a violent crimson. In some cases, visible waves of blood-heat emanate from her body or a red mist envelops her. The player spends one Blood Point fore each use of Burning Wrath, whether or not the character actually hits the target. On the Kindred’s next attack, all brawling damage she does is aggravated, including damage done through the extra successes imparted by her Potence. Burning Wrath may even be used multiple times in a single turn, on split Celerity actions, so long as the player spends the requisite Blood Point for each attack.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed. pg 66 Y; The player spends one Blood Trait for each use of Burning Wrath, whether or not the attack is successful—the usage must be declared before determining the challenge’s outcome. Successful attacks inflict the full amount of damage as aggravated.

Celerity/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


The Scourge of Alecto Brujah Celerity 2/Presence 4 Idealists have long tried to suppress their frenzies. They do not revel in them like the Iconoclasts, nor accept them as do the Individualists. Instead, they fight the Beast every step of the way. Some become so adept at inhibiting their frenzies that they actually learn to turn them on their foes. By spending a point of Willpower and concentrating on a foe for a turn, the Brujah can turn his own Beasts loose inside the foe and watch it claw out. For every success the Idealist scores on a Willpower roll (dif subject’s Willpower) he causes one level of lethal damage. Additionally, if the target is a vampire, werewolf or other creature prone to the Beast, it must roll to frenzy against a difficulty 2 higher than normal. The Scourge of Alecto in no way affects the Idealists’ own frenzies. Despite their struggle to chain the Beast in themselves, it still escapes all too often.

Xp Cost: Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: The Brujah Clanbook pg 31 N—this Combo wasn’t even converted into Revised because it made no sense. It is included here only for completion sake.


Celerity/Protean or Obtenebration Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Instantaneous Transformation Gangrel, Lasombra (at ST discretion: Settites, Tzimisce) Celerity 2, Protean 5 or Obtenebration 5 Almost exclusive to the templars (a handful of archons have learned this power, but they are exceptionally rare), Instantaneous Transformation allows the character to undergo a shifting of shape (either Tenebrous Form, Shape of the Beast or Mist Form) in a single turn for the normal expenditure of blood. The character must roll Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7) and spend the normal cost associated with the shift (one blood point for Shape of the Beast or Mist Form, three for Tenebrous Form). If the roll is successful, the change takes only a single turn, rather than the three normally demanded. Failure indicates that the shift takes the standard three turns, and a botch means that the blood was spent but the power does not take effect. If the character wishes to use this power for both Obtenebration and Protean, she must buy it twice, once for each Discipline. This power could conceivably be purchased with other shapeshifting Disciplines (such as Serpentis) at the STs prerogative.

Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 8 Archons & Templars pg 143 N; The player must make a Simple Physical challenge—retest Survival—and spend the normal cost associated with the shift (one blood point for Shape of the Beast or Mist Form, three for Tenebrous Form). If successful, the change takes only a single turn, rather than the three normally demanded. Failure indicates that the shift takes the standard three turns.

Celerity/Quietus Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

System Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Retain the Quick Blood Assamite, Anarch Celerity 3, Quietus 3 (or LARP: Celerity 5, Quietus 5) When the original Anarch Revolt erupted in Europe, the Assamite clan had an informal alliance with the antitribu who sought to throw off the bondage of their elders. Few anarchs possessed knowledge of the Quietus Discipline, but a handful did, and developed this potent Discipline to aid in conserving their passionate blood. These modern nights, few anarchs know Quietus, and even fewer have ever heard of this exceedingly rare combination Discipline. However, when employed its effects are spectacular, as Retain the Quick Blood allows a Kindred to conserve her precious vitae without spending it as liberally as is normally required to fuel Celerity. Any Blood Traits spent to activate Celerity (and only Celerity) return to the character’s system in one full hour. Blood Traits returned in this manner can never exceed the character’s maximum Blood pool, and any excess returning blood points are lost.

Availability: 7 Anarch’s Guide pg 161, LotN Anarch Guide pg 61 Y; Any Blood Traits spent to activate Celerity (and only Celerity) return to the character’s system in one full hour. Blood Traits returned in this manner can never exceed the character’s maximum Blood Trait pool, and any excess returning Traits are lost. The vitae returns due to a strange anomaly in the Kindred’s biology, the same anomaly that makes Assamite blood so unique and deadly. This Discipline’s use is not visible to onlookers. This Discipline does not bestow an unlimited supply of vitae on its user, as it takes time to regain the expended Blood Traits, and hunger frenzy is still at risk in combat when a vampire pushes her limits using Disciplines that require blood to fuel them.


Celerity/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 16 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Flesh of Wind and Water Tzimisce Celerity 2, Vicissitude 3 Under normal conditions, a Tzimisce (or other user of Vicissitude) who seeks to reshape his own form must take the time to mild his features and limbs into the desired shape. This makes it difficult to adapt to changing situations, such as the chaos of combat or the need for sudden disguise. Flesh of the Wind and Water (so named because of the rippling effect seen in the flesh as it operates) allows the Tsimisce to make those alterations allowed by the first three levels of Vicissitude almost instantly (each use of the power takes but a single turn), without the need to physically sculpt the alterations. This power can be used on the Cainite wielding the power only; if he wishes to alter someone else, he must do so at the normal rate and with the normal methods. This power is unknown outside of the Sabbat. The player spends two blood points each time this power is invoked, and must make all standard rolls required for the use of Vicissitude. He may use only a single Vicissitude power per use of Flesh of Wind and Water. Thus, if he wanted to use both Fleshcraft and Bonecraft on himself, he would have to use Flesh of Wind and Water twice, requiring a total of four blood points, two rolls and two turns.

Availability: 4 Archons & Templars pg 141 N— Flesh of the Wind and Water (so named because of the rippling effect seen in the flesh as it operates) allows the Tsimisce to make those alterations allowed by the first three levels of Vicissitude almost instantly (each use of the power takes but a single turn), without the need to physically sculpt the alterations. The player spends two blood points each time this power is invoked, and must make all standard challenges required for the use of Vicissitude. He may use only a single Vicissitude power per use of Flesh of Wind and Water. Thus, if he wanted to use both Fleshcraft and Bonecraft on himself, he would have to use Flesh of Wind and Water twice, requiring a total of four blood points, two challenges and two turns.

Chimerstry Combo Disciplines Chimerstry/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Sympathetic Agony Ravnos Chimerstry 2, Fortitude 4 The Kshatriya caste of India developed this power to shift the pain of wounds inflicted on them to their enemies. Whenever the target strikes a Ravnos using this power, the target feels the pain instead of the Ravnos. This power enabled Kshatriya to better survive their wounds and more quickly dispatch their enemies. The player spends one blood point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty equals the victim's Perception + Self-Control). Each success allows the Ravnos to ignore the pain from one health level and inflict that pain on the victim. The Ravnos still suffers from the wounds, she simply doesn't feel it for a brief period. This power lasts for the duration of the scene.

Availability: 4 Clanbook: Ravnos Revised Ed. pg 67 Y; The player spends one Blood Trait and engages in a Social Challenge (retest Intimidation) against the target. If successful, she may spend one Social Trait per level of damage the target can potentially suffer in her stead. The basic Fortitude power: Endurance does not block the pain inflicted with this power.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 18 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Craft Ephemera Ravnos Chimerstry 5, Fortitude 3 With this dread art, a Ravnos may transcend illusion and harden the stuff of dreams to create an object that is functionally real. Disbelieving it is no more effective than disbelieving reality, perhaps lending credence to other illusions. Fortunately, such blood-spawned phantasms fade away with the dawn, their nightmarish potency extinguished. This Discipline technique is most often employed to fashion weapons, tools or precious objects (such as gold or gems) to dupe fools. The vampire must imagine the object he wishes to fashion and force it into existence with supernatural will. The player spends three blood points and one Willpower point, and rolls Willpower (dif 8). If successful, the object materializes in front of the vampire (or in his hand for smaller objects). Created objects can be no larger than the vampire who created them, and must be inanimate. They can have moving parts, but complicated objects may be impossible or require an Intelligence + Crafts roll (ST discretion). The object is functionally real and may not be disbelieved. However, anyone with Auspex or similar magic greater than the vampire’s Chimerstry rating may spend a Willpower point to dispel the illusion. Otherwise the object remains until it is destroyed normally or dawn arrives, at which point it dissolves into mist.

Availability: 6 Guide to the Low Clans pgs 159-160 N; The vampire must imagine the object he wishes to fashion and force it into existence with supernatural will. The player spends three blood points and one Willpower point, and makes a Static Willpower challenge (difficulty 8 Traits). If successful, the object materializes in front of the vampire (or in his hand for smaller objects). Created objects can be no larger than the vampire who created them, and must be inanimate. They can have moving parts, but complicated objects may be impossible or require a Mental challenge—retest Crafts (ST discretion). The object is functionally real and may not be disbelieved. However, anyone with Auspex or similar magic greater than or equal to the vampire’s Chimerstry rating may make a Mental challenge to detect the illusion; if successful they may spend a Willpower point to dispel the illusion. Otherwise the object remains until it is destroyed normally or dawn arrives, at which point it dissolves into mist.


Daimoinon Combo Disciplines Daimoinon/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


I Am Legion Baali Daimoinon 3, Obfuscate 2 One of the Baali’s most devious methods of avoiding detection, this subtle magic allows the Baali to forge a temporary pact with a “speaking demon” or other malevolent spirit (ST discretion). Once the pact is sealed, the Baali’s partner in mischief temporarily leaps into the vampire’s body, assuming a state of limited control over its voice and movements. While the Baali is “possessed,” the interloper who answers is essentially in charge, allowing for a certain amount of leeway when it comes to answering uncomfortable questions. After all, the demon can answer questions (truthfully) that might otherwise prove difficult for the Baali to respond to under magical, Auspex-based, or other scrutiny. For example, the demon within may cheerfully answer “no” to such tired questions as “Are you Baali?” or “Do you engage in the worship of demons?” In a pinch, the demon may attempt to pose as Caitiff or even mortal; “I am clanless” and “I am not a vampire” are both perfectly reasonable true statements for a nonvampiric creature to make, after all. The player must succeed in a Manipulation + Leadership roll (dif 6) to ensnare a suitable demon or spirit. The number of successes dictates the summoned creature’s intelligence and willingness to help, which in turn indicates the extent to which it is capable of concocting useful reaction to pertinent questions and/or situations. A failure indicates just that—failure to ensnare the being— while a botch can result in true catastrophe (a creature who does not wish to leave the caster’s body, or who betrays her, at ST discretion). Baali hedging their bets with this sort of deal can make “concessions” to the inhabiting creature to win more cooperation. It is up to the ST to determine what sort of goodies the possessing demon might want, what it could give in return, and whether or not it will keep its bargains.

Xp Cost: None Listed Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Clanbook: Baali 47 N; The player makes an extended Social challenge (3 tests)—retest Leadership— to ensnare a suitable demon or spirit. The number of successes dictates the summoned creature’s intelligence and willingness to help, which in turn indicates the extent to which it is capable of concocting useful reaction to pertinent questions. A failure indicates just that—failure to ensnare the being. Baali hedging their bets with this sort of deal can make “concessions” to the inhabiting creature to win more cooperation. It is up to the ST to determine what sort of goodies the possessing demon might want, what it could give in return, and whether or not it will keep its bargains.


This power allows the user to relinquish his vocal control to the inhabiting spirit so that it may answer questions in situations where his own lies would easily be ferreted out. The possessed character has no way to control what the inhabiting spirit will say after he relinquishes control. This power lasts for a scene or one hour. Xp cost: 9


Dementation Combo Disciplines Dementation/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Catch a Whiff of Madness Malkavian Dementation 2, Auspex 3 Insanity is the sea through which Malkavians swim like sharks every night of their unlife. As such, they know the aroma of madness and can sense it in others the way sharks smell blood. With this refinement, the Malkavian can parse that scent into its component notes, revealing exactly which flavor of insanity he senses. The uses to which the primogen can put such knowledge about his comrades are legion. This is one of the carefully guarded talents that give the clan its reputation for knowing things that ought not to be known. The Malkavian gets close enough to his quarry that he can smell him; the Malkavian can be as discrete or obvious about this as he wishes. The player rolls Perception + Empathy at standard (difficulty 6). Catching the target’s scent alerts the Malkavian to the target’s mental state: it specifically reveals mental weakness or instability, including derangements and unusually strong emotional responses (with three or more successes the Malkavian can detect a blood bond, although it will not reveal whom the bond is to, although that can often be determined through more common means). It’s best to avoid using this Discipline on the Nosferatu.

Availability: 5 Counsel of Primogen 102; Malkavian Genre Packet Y; The Malkavian gets close enough to his quarry that he can smell him; the Malkavian can be as discrete or as obvious about this as he wishes. This power will not work if the Malkavian has no sense of smell and can be overcome by especially pungent odors when using this power. The Malkavian then has to specify before the challenge which of three things they are smelling for: a Negative Mental Trait, a Derangement, or a Blood Bond. In any case, the Malkavian makes a Static Mental perception based challenge versus the target (Note: there is a 3 Trait penalty for detecting Blood Bonds). Empathy is the retest. If successful, the Malkavian will learn either: one Negative Mental Trait, a Derangement, or a Blood Bond (if they exist). This power will not reveal whom the bond is to, although that can be determined through more common means.

Dementation/Dominate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Phobic Affliction Malkavian Dementation 3, Dominate 2 Madness is terrifying and fear paralyzes. By drawing o the madness-inducing powers of Dementation and the mind-control abilities of Dominate, the Malkavian primogen can instill a sense of terror in his victim with but a phrase and a meeting of eyes. Others will hear the words that the Malkavian speaks, but only the intended target will hear them as the Lunatic intended them and feel the oceanic waves of terror washing over him. Although the effect is fleeing, this Discipline is often enough to avoid (or end) combat or decide a vote of the primogen council. The advantage of this Discipline over simple Dominate techniques is that it can be used with a certain degree of subtlety. Since the target infers the threat from the Malkavian’s seemingly innocuous words, the Malkavian never has to actually utter a command or threat. The Malkavian must make eye contact with his target and speak a threat (however veiled) to her. Roll Charisma + Intimidation against a difficulty of the target’s current Willpower pool. If the player gets even one success, the target is overwhelmed by unrelenting waves of terror and anxiety—stemming from the threat and its repercussions—for one minute per success. A target thus affected us unable to do anything but cower for flee. While others may hear the threat, they won’t be able to understand the degree of its impact on the target. If the Malkavian gets six of more successes, the target immediately enters a fear frenzy.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 9 LARP Availability: 4 Counsel of Primogen 102; Malkavian Genre Pack Book/Page Y; The Malkavian must make eye contact with his target and speak a threat (however veiled) to her. The LARP System (Y/N)

Malkavian then makes a Social challenge versus the target's current Willpower rating using Intimidation for a retest. If the player succeeds, the target is overwhelmed by unrelenting waves of terror and anxiety -- stemming from the threat and its repercussions -- for one minute plus an additional minute per Social trait expended. A target thus affected is unable to do anything but cower or flee. While others may hear the threat, they won't be able to understand the degree of its impact on the target. If the Malkavian has more than double the target's permanent Willpower, the target immediately enters fear frenzy.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Chaos Fold Anarch Malkavian Dementation 4/Dominate 4 (5/4 LARP) Malkavians are more common among the anarchs than one would imagine. They have much to offer the Movement, and Chaos Fold is one of the ultimate expressions of their power to help the Anarch Cause. It allows the Malkavian to “fold” a latent Derangement into a target’s psyche. The Derangement lies in wait until a certain event triggers it, in a manner similar to the Dominate power of Mesmerism. This trigger causes the Derangement to become active and the target suffers a full-blown attack of the implanted Derangement. Until it is triggered, the subject does not suffer from the Derangement, and is not even aware of its presence unless it is somehow brought to his attention (such as a particularly dedicated Telepathy or Forgetful Mind search). Once triggered, the Derangement remain: fully and violently active for the scene or hour (whichever is longer), during which time the target cannot even spend Willpower to momentarily subdue his madness, though he may still defend himself normally. The Derangement brought on by this Discipline disappears completely after the scene in which it is triggered, though of course the victim may be targeted by this power again in the future. A victim may not be targeted by this power more than once at a time, however. The player selects a derangement and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (dif 6 if the derangement is personal, 8 if not). The subject may resist with a Willpower roll (dif 7). If the character invoking the power gains more successes, he implants the derangement, otherwise the power fails. The trigger even can be as specific or vague as the Kindred wishes. When the circumstances are right, the subject suffers a full-blown attack of the derangement in question. If the user obtained 5 successes on the initial contested roll, the derangement manifests permanently at that point. Because this is still a Dominate--based power, it can only be used against mortals or Kindred of equal or higher generation.

Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 7 LotN Anarchs Guide 57; Guide to the Anarchs 159 Y; To use Chaos Fold, the user selects an appropriate Derangement and makes a Social Challenge against the target, retested by Empathy. The wielder is two Traits down on the test if she does not have that particular Derangement herself. This Derangement then lies dormant in the targeted character until a trigger event happens, at which point it manifests in full force as an active Derangement. If the unfortunate victim of Chaos Fold has three or fewer permanent Willpower Traits, the wielder may choose to spend a Willpower Trait to make the Derangement permanent once it is triggered, in which case the target must buy it off normally after a period of therapy and similar mental rehabilitation. Because this is still a Dominate--based power, it can only be used against mortals or Kindred of equal or higher generation.


Dementation/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Vanishing Malkavian Dementation 4, Obfuscate 5 It is common knowledge that to cross a Malkavian is to invite upon oneself a fate worse than destruction—and those who have suffered the torment of the Vanishing would attest to this if they could. With this offshoot of Dementation, the Malkavian can cause its target to become a living, or unliving, ghost. With a simple word the target literally fades from view, possibly never to be seen or heard from again. For the Vanishing to work, the vampire must lock gazes with his victim and curse him: the player rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty equal to the targets Willpower) and the number of successes determines the effect’s duration. For that time, the target fades from view (depending on the Malkavian’s outlook, either swallowed by the shadows, devoured by demons or swept away by angels). While vanished, the victim is rendered delirious and can do nothing except babble to herself and seek shelter from the sun. If the Malkavian scored enough successes, this eventually dooms the victim to torpor. Success 1 2 3 4 5

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Duration Turn Scene Night Week Month Availability: 6 Libellus Sanguinis 4 pg 111

N; For the Vanishing to work, the vampire must lock gazes with his victim and curse him: the player makes a Social challenge—retest Stealth for the user, Awareness for the target. If successful, the user engages in an extended Social challenge with an ST bidding 1-5 Traits and performing a Test for each. The number of successes during this extended challenge determines the effect’s duration—see Table above. For that time, the target fades from view (depending on the Malkavian’s outlook, either swallowed by the shadows, devoured by demons or swept away by angels). While vanished, the victim is rendered delirious and can do nothing except babble to herself and seek shelter from the sun.

Dominate Combo Disciplines Dominate/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

System Xp Cost: 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Denial of Aphrodite’s Favor Ventrue Dominate 3, Fortitude 3 Developed centuries ago, this power protects the Ventrue from the skills at which they and the Toreador excel. While the powers of Presence may be more subtle than those of Dominate, they are no less effective. Denial of Aphrodite’s Favor allows the Ventrue to protect himself from emotional manipulation with the same efficacy that his gerneration affords him against Dominate. This power allows the Kindred to ignore the use of Awe, Dread Gaze, or Entrancement by any vampire of higher generation than the Kindred.

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Ventrue Revised Ed. pg 77 Y; as above.


Dominate/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop, 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Smiling Jack‘s Trick Anarch Dominate 3/Obfuscate 3 (5/5 LARP) According to the legend attributed to this combination Discipline, a vicious Camarilla scourge and his lieutenant once cornered the notorious anarch Smiling Jack. Jack did his trick and the scourge turned on his loyal lieutenant while Jack escaped laughing into the night. The lieutenant was turned to ash and the scourge was disgraced, as he lost a highly esteemed lieutenant and let a known fugitive escape in the process. This Discipline uses Obfuscate to trick the mind and senses and uses Dominate to further confuse someone into believing that the user is another person in the immediate vicinity. The user can apparently switch identities with any person within 10 steps of her. The player makes a contested Manipulation + Performance roll (dif of the subject’s Intelligence +5, max 10) against the subjects Wits + Subterfuge (dif 7). If the subject gains more successes, the power fails. If the character succeeds, the subject briefly but unfalteringly transposes the character using the power with another Kindred in her line of sight. Form there on out, it’s up to the character to make the best of the situation, but the strangeness of the change usually buys enough time to escape, if not to completely change the anarch’s position. Because this is still a Dominate-based power, it can only be used against mortals or Kindred of equal or higher generation. The duration of the power’s effect is one hour – (10x the subject’s Intelligence) in minutes.

Availability: 7 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 61; Guide to the Anarchs pg 161 Y; Smiling Jack’s Trick requires a Mental Test against the person the user intends to deceive (not the person whose appearance she intends to switch); it may be used against multiple targets with a regular group test, although the user may only switch identities with one person at a time. If successful, the person with whom the user switched takes on the user’s appearance, while the anarch himself assumes the other’s appearance down to the smallest detail. This identity shift lasts for one hour; time that is generally best spent leaving the area before the ruse is discovered. Like all Dominate effects, it can only be used against a target of equal or higher generation.

Mortal Skin Humanity Dominate 3/Obfuscate 3 Those Cainites who master this technique need never worry about failing to exhale a breath of steam in the middle of winter or putting chills through a mortal’s body by laying an icy cold hand upon him. Though she is not naturally warm to the touch or flushed with life, for example, mortals perceive her to be. The player spends one Willpower point to activate this power; it then remains active for the night unless the character wills it to end (reactivating it costs another Willpower point). Mortals simply see all the mortal signs of life on the Cainite—pulse, pallor, etc. This power does not conceal obviously unnatural features and does not disguise the individual as anyone else; it just makes her look and feel like a perfectly human version of herself (or another, if using Obfuscate). This technique cannot conceal damage to the body.

Availability: 5 Road of Humanity pg 71 Y; This Discipline essentially creates a continuous, low-level illusion of human normalcy surrounding the Cainite, fueled by subliminal suggestions created by Dominate. Mortals simply see all the mortal signs of life on the Cainite—pulse, pallor, etc. This power does not conceal obviously unnatural features and does not disguise the individual as anyone else; it just makes her look and feel like a perfectly human version of herself (or another, if using Obfuscate). This technique cannot conceal damage to the body.Note as this Discipline is based party on Dominate, so vampires of lower generation automatically see through the deception, as well as Obfuscate, which means that otherwise vulnerable Cainites with high enough Auspex may be able to see through it as well. This Discipline is considered always active unless willingly suppressed or grossly violated (form powers, wounds, etc) at which time a Willpower trait is required to reactivate it.


Dominate/Obtenebration Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: None Listed Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Shroud of Absence Lasombra Dominate 3, Obtenebration 3 This power refines Shroud of Night and combines the Abyss’s intrusion into the world with psychic manipulation of bystanders. Instead of a highly visible cloud of blackness, Shroud of Absence creates a region into which nobody looks. Bystanders don’t think to linger in the area. Anyone scanning the scene just keeps looking, here eyes not resting on the shrouded zone. It is a darkness as much of the mind as of the world. The player spends a blood point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). Success creates a blind spot about ten feet across, located anywhere within the line of sight of its creator and capable of moving at up to the vampire's walking speed. Anyone wishing to peer inside must earn more successes on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) than the creator achieved on the Shroud of Absence roll. Otherwise, he just doesn't think to consider it. Note that this power is wholly supernatural in origin, and most mortals will not have had the experience with the occult to even consider that they can try to see what is so malevolently forcing their attention away.

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Lasombra Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; Make a static Social Challenge against 7 Traits to create the Shroud of Absence. Anyone seeking to peer in must win a Willpower Challenge against the Shroud’s creator. The creator can spend Social Traits to raise his Willpower ‘total’ for this purpose of this challenge. Xp cost: 9

Witness of Ahriman Lasombra Dominate 3, Obtenebration 3 With this subtle power, a Lasombra’s eyes dilate to the infinite depths of the Abyss, filling a target who meets her gaze with fear. Shadows plague the victim’s mind, gnawing at his sanity and resolve. The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (dif. target’s Willpower). Success means the target begins seeing disturbing flickers of darkness at the edge of his vision and hears whispers he cannot make out. For as long as the phantoms last, the victim adds 2 to the difficulty of all Willpower and Virtue rolls. Once each day at dawn, the victim’s player may attempt to throw off this spectral haunting with a Willpower roll (difficulty of the vampire’s Occult plus the two-point mod. imposed by the curse). For each day that the target does not throw off the curse the difficulty on the roll rises by one (max 9). Victims who remain haunted for more days than their permanent Willpower lose the ability to regain Willpower points until they throw off the curse. A mortal victim haunted for more days than his Willpower + Wits grows suicidal and ends his life at the earliest possible opportunity.

Availability: 4 Guide to the High Clans pg 170 N; The player spends one Willpower point and makes a Social challenge—retest Occult. Success means the target begins seeing disturbing flickers of darkness at the edge of his vision and hears whispers he cannot make out. For as long as the phantoms last, the victim adds 2 Traits to the difficulty of all Willpower challenges and 1 Trait to all Virtue challenges. The victim effectively gains the Haunted Flaw at 3pts. Once each day at dawn, the victim’s player may attempt to throw off this spectral haunting with a Static Willpower challenge (difficulty of the user’s Occult plus the two Trait penalty imposed by the curse). For each day that the target does not throw off the curse the difficulty of the challenge rises by one (to a maximum of 9 Traits).


Dominate/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 4 Tabletop; 2 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Lifesong Ventrue Dominate 1, Presence 1 This power allows the Venture to assess any single statement made by the subject and look for the essence of that subject’s being beneath the words she speaks. The Ventrue needs to speak no words himself; he simply interprets the statement offered to him. The player makes an Intelligence + Empathy roll (dif equal to the subject’s Manipulation + Expression). With even a single success, the Ventrue determines the subject’s Demeanor from the statement, finding profound meaning in the most common of utterances. This power only works on living creatures—Kindred lack the spark of life that colors the words they speak.

Availability: 1 Clanbook: Ventrue Revised Ed. pg 77 Y; This power requires a Mental Challenge (retest with Empathy) to discern the target’s Demeanor. As stated previously, this power does not work on Kindred.

Stunning Awe Dominate 2, Presence 2 This power allows a vampire to slow a victim with a mixture of terror and mystical compulsion. He need only lock gazes with the target and unleash his monstrous will to stun her. The player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation against a difficulty of the victim’s Willpower. A botch leaves the target immune to all further uses of Dominate or Presence by the vampire for the rest of the night. Each success imposes a penalty of one die on all the target’s actions. This penalty lasts a number of turns equal to the vampire’s Willpower, after which it loses one die of potency each turn until the target is free to act normally. If the penalty exceeds the target’s Wits rating, the duration is measured in minutes rather than turns. If a stunned target suffers any pain, her player may roll Willpower (dif. 7). Each success reduces the penalty by one die. This resistance roll may be attempted only once per turn and only once for the same stimulus. This power cannot affect vampires of lower generation.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pgs 169-170 N; The player makes a Social Challenge—retest Intimidation. If successful they may bid up to 5 Traits and enter into an extended challenge with an ST (one for each Trait bid). Each success imposes a 1 Trait penalty on all of the target’s actions. This penalty lasts a number of turns equal to the vampire’s Willpower, after which it loses one Trait of potency each turn until the target is free to act normally. If the penalty exceeds the target’s Mental Traits, the duration is measured in minutes rather than turns. If a stunned target suffers any pain, her player may make an extended Willpower challenge (difficulty 7 Traits) until they lose. Each success reduces the penalty by one Trait. This resistance challenge may be attempted only once per turn and only once for the same stimulus. As this power employs Dominate it cannot affect vampires of lower generation than the user.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Bliss Toreador Dominate 2, Presence 3 Many Toreador assert that their “clan curse” is no curse at all, but a blessing. Those who learn the secret of Bliss are the loudest making this claim. Any Toreador who regards a scene or work of great beauty is prone to fall into an aesthetic stupor. This trance is the antithesis of the ugly fury of the Beast. Those familiar with the power of Bliss can recall beauty almost as intimately as if it were before them and use this as a reservoir of inner strength. The recollection of past happiness serves as a bulwark when threatened with the irrational desires, frenzies and fears of the Beast. Further, the Kindred may project this sense of pleasure upon another, calming them from the throes of rage or frenzy. To use this power, a Toreador needs to deliberately enter a trance while watching/listening to/looking at some work of art of embodiment of beauty. The duration of this trance is determined normally. The Toreador sits enthralled until the song ends, or the dance is finished, or until the piece of art is covered (Few choose to use this power with paintings for that reason.) Within one scene after the trance ends, the player makes an Intelligence + Survival roll. If the roll is successful, the vampire may temporarily increase her Self-Control, Conscience or Courage by a single dot. This increase lasts for the remainder of the scene. The difficulty of the roll is equal to double the Trait’s current rating. A vampire with Self-Control 4 has to roll an 8 to gain another temporary point of Self-Control. Only one Virtue can be increased at a time. Furthermor, the source of the trance has to be appropriate for the Virtue. Looking at David’s “Oath of the Horatii” or listening to the first movement of Holst’s “The Planets” could bolster one’s Courage but not Self-Control. When a Kindred uses Bliss to steel the resolve of another, the roll to activate this power is Wits + Expression. Additionally, difficulties for using Bliss on someone other that oneself increase by one. Botching any Bliss roll results in the loss of a Willpower point (to a minimum of 1). Bliss can be used only by vampires on the Path of Humanity.

Xp Cost: 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Availability: 3 Clanbook: Toreador Revised Ed. pg 73 Y; The character must enter a trance while observing art. Within one hour or one scene after the trance ends, the player must make a Static Mental Challenge against a difficulty equal to double the desired Trait’s permanent value. If successful, he may add one Trait to Self-Control, Conscience or Courage. This Trait remains for the remainder of the hour or scene. Only one Virtue can be increased at a time. When a Kindred uses Bliss to steel another’s resolve, the player makes a Static Mental Challenge against a difficulty equal to double the target Virtue, plus one. Toreador only; as a requisite is going into an aesthetic trance.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Distant Friend Ventrue Dominate 2, Presence 4 This ability plants a delayed Presence effect in the mind of its target. While the powerful feelings of loyalty and love brought about by Presence are typically elicited by the physical presence of the vampire possessing that Discipline, this particular application buries those feelings in forgotten recesses of the target’s mind (and heart), where they remain until she talks about the vampire who initiated those feelings; at that time they rush to the fore, causing her to speak about the Cainite who so affected her in glowing terms. Enemies of the Cainite with Distant Friend may be surprised to find that an expected diatribe against the Ventrue elder comes out as a glowing declaration of support for him, but when she examines her feelings, she’ll find that she agrees wholeheartedly with the positive account she’s giving. Once the Cainite with Distant Friend has successfully affected his target with any other Presence Discipline, his player and the target’s player make an additional contested Willpower roll against a difficulty of 8. If the Ventrue elder’s player wins, Distant Friend is planted in the target’s mind and, for the duration of the effect, the warm memories evoked by the Presence discipline surge to the fore coloring anything the target has to say on the matter. Duration depends on the degrees of successes in the Willpower roll. Distant Friend remains in the mind of the target for one month per net success (after subtracting the target’s successes from the Ventrue player’s).

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop & LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Counsel of Primogen pg 104 Y; In addition to general mindfucking, the Ventrue can place residual seductions into the mind of his opponent to surface at a later time. After the Ventrue uses a Presence power on another, he may spend a Willpower and engage his victim in a Social Challenge. Success floods pleasant thoughts of the Ventrue into the vaults of his target’s mind, that surface when the target next speaks of him. She will suddenly find herself speaking in glowing terms of that Ventrue for the duration of that scene. Once the scene ends, the power’s effects are worn off. Like other Presence powers, the target does not know she was affected by powers.

True Tongue Kings (Power & Inner Voice) Dominate 2/Presence 2 With the truth such a valuable commodity in the Dark Medieval, the ability to find the truth is useful indeed. A vampire with this technique can render a subject unable to speak anything except the truth as he knows it; lies cannot pass his lips, nor will his tongue utter them. Of course, subjects may simply choose to remain silent. They are not compelled to speak, but they cannot speak lies. The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (dif target’s Willpower). Note as with all Dominate powers it will only affect those of equal or inferior generation. Success places the compulsion upon the subject, with the number of successes determining its duration: Successes Duration 6 Next Statement 7 Next Minute 8 Next Scene 9 Until Sunrise 10 As long as he remains in the user’s presence.

Availability: 4 Road of Kings 73 Y; The Scion makes a Static Social Challenge (difficulty the targets Willpower, Retest with Leadership). Like all uses of Dominate, the target must be of equal or lesser generation than the character. For the next scene, the target can only speak the truth as he knows it – no lies of omission no half truths, just the facts (and that based on what the target believes to be the truth). The target is not compelled to actually talk, but if he does, he can not lie.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop & LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


The Aura of Inescapable Truth Kings (Power & Inner Voice) Dominate 4/Presence 4, True Tongue As True Tongue. As True Tongue, save the power extends to everyone in the user’s presence.

Availability: 5 Road of Kings 73 Y; The Scion makes a Static Social Challenge (difficulty the targets Willpower, Retest with Leadership) with everyone in their immediate vicinity (the range of Majesty is acceptable) then as True Tongue

Moment of Grace Heaven Dominate 4/Presence 3 The Road of Heaven is the one true way, and anyone who doubts that ultimately courts Hell. Truly powerful Faithful can impose not only their way of thinking, but their very Via on other Cainites for a short time. All that is required is a touch and a glance, and even the foulest Sinner or most animalistic Feral becomes one of God’s own, if only for a short time. Some Cainites have been known to end their own existences rather than regress to their former brutality. Others experience a moment of truth while under the effects. All, however, are bound by the Via Caeli. The player spends a Willpower point and a blood point, and rolls Road (dif target’s Road rating). This power does not function on other Faithful, nor does it function on targets with higher Road ratings than the user. If the roll succeeds, the target’s road changes to the Road of Heaven (including whatever path the character follows, if any) for one scene. The target’s effective Road rating is equal to the number of successes the player rolls, so that it is impossible for a target of this power to wind up more “advanced” along the Road of Heaven than the wielder. While this power is in effect, the target must check for degeneration if she sins against the Road of Heaven, rather than her actual road. Any dots of the Road lost during this time, however, carry over when the scene ends. Often, victims of this power wind up even more depraved than before.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Road of Heaven 68 Y; By spending a Willpower Trait and a Blood Trait, the Faithful may attempt to defeat her target in a test of her Road Traits against his. (Compare Willpower if equal). This power does not function against other Faithful—nor does it function against Cainites with higher Road ratings than the user. Only those of exceptional devotion typically have any luck with this power. If successful, the target’s Road is effectively changed to the Road of Heaven for the next scene or hour, whichever is longer. His effective Road Traits are considered equal to that of the user, and during this time he must also test for degeneration as any follower of the Road of Heaven would with the same number of Road Traits. Any loss of Road Traits carries over to his normal Road when he reverts back to his old way of thinking, however—if he lost a Road Trait during his time on the Road of Heaven, his old Road rating is reduced by one, even if the sin which caused the loss would normally not concern him. It should be noted that this is truly a genuine conversion as well as an in-game mechanic—while the player may know that the change only lasts for a short time, the character does not, and should roleplay their sudden shift in perspective and values accordingly. More than one Cainite has lapsed into extreme self-loathing over their “depraved” past acts, and some few have even destroyed themselves in shame.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Approximation of Loyalty Absolute Ventrue Dominate 5, Presence 5 The Ventrue penchant for toying with the hearts and minds of others is well known, but this particular combination Discipline is one of the more devastating manifestations of those skills. The primogen catches the eye of a target and the target succumbs to a mind numbing sycophantic adoration of his newly recognized master for the rest of the evening. In effect, the results are like the blood bond, though more intense and lasting only one night. This last point is considered by many users of this Discipline to be an advantage, as there are few things more inconvenient than a tool that has served its purpose yet refuses to go away. While the thrall can leave the presence of his master with no impact on his thralldom, doing so causes him great anxiety and emotional pain. Once the effect wears off, the erstwhile thrall will have only hazy poignant memories of a lost intimate connection with his master and, perhaps, a vague longing for more. If the Ventrue had his thrall act in a truly abhorrent manner—kill a dear friend, humiliate himself in front of a crowd or similar excesses—the memory, while vague, will remain and the victim will be filled with loathing for the individual who did such a thing to him. The excessive nature of the act must be extreme for that, however, as this power incorporates a lingering emotional anesthetic in the mind of the target to soothe such stings. Only the most extreme deeds will be too much for this anodyne effect to soothe. The player rolls Charisma + Manipulation against a difficulty of the target’s Willpower rating. One success will simply render the target somewhat more pliable to the user’s requests, while two or more successes will result in an intense infatuation or enthrallment for the rest of the evening. Until the next sunrise, the thrall will treat the user of this Discipline as if her were the most important person in his life. From the outside, it appears that the Ventrue primogen simply makes friendly eye contact with his target and smiles, and for the rest of the night the target is his willing thrall.

Xp Cost: 30 Tabletop; 15 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 8 Counsel of Primogen 104 Y; Establish eye contact, smile, and engage a Social Challenge (retest Leadership). If successful, the target is subject to the effects of a full Blood Bond for the remainder of the evening. In addition while the thrall can leave the presence of his/her master doing so causes them emotional pain and anxiety. Once the effect wears off the thrall will have only hazy poignant memories of a lost intimate connection with his master and, perhaps, a vague longing for more. If you cause your thrall to act in an abhorrent manor such as kill a dear friend, humiliate themselves in front of a crowd or similar excesses the memory while vague will remain and fill the victim with loathing for the master. The excessive nature of the act must be extreme for that, however, as this power incorporates a lingering emotional anesthetic for such stings. Only the most extreme deeds will be too much for this to sooth.


Fortitude Combo Disciplines Fortitude/Willpower Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Halo of Steel Heaven Fortitude 3, Willpower 6+ (5 Willpower Traits LARP)


Truly devout Faithful can call upon their faith to provide them with the extra bit of strength necessary to face down evil. By means of this power, the Cainite learns how to funnel his faith through his supernaturally toughened body, allowing him to shrug off the deleterious effects of his own wounds, no matter how grievous they may be. The player spends a blood point and rolls his Road rating (dif 6). Success allows the character to ignore any current wound penalties as well as all penalties he acquires from new wounds for one turn per success. Another blood point and roll are required each time the player wants to reactivate the power. Use of this power is reflexive, and the blood expenditure does not count toward the character’s generational per turn maximum.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop, 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Road of Heaven 68

Availability: 5 Y; As a reflexive action, the Faithful character can call upon the strength of her devotion to continue to fight on, long after others would have been reduced to ash. The Cainite must spend a blood to activate this power; this allows her to ignore all wound penalties, including Incapacitated and Torpor (but not Final Death), for a number of turns equal to her Road Traits. In other words, only decapitation, staking, total destruction of the vampire’s form, fire or sunlight will prevent a Cainite with this power from continuing to act—anything less and she will continue to fight on, although her eventual fate will still likely be quite dire. This power may be used more than once; each subsequent activation requires another blood trait. Blood spend to activate this power does not count against the character’s generational maximum per turn. At the end of this time, the Cainite suffers the normal penalties fore her injuries; she may even be reduced to dust if her injuries are sufficiently severe (ST discretion).

Fortitude/Mortis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Aegis of Entropy Cappadocian Fortitude 3/Mortis (The Grave’s Decay) 1 This power allows a vampire to toughen her flesh with seething necrotic energy in anticipation of a blow. Normal weapons that strike this energy suffer immediate decay, rotting or rusting to uselessness over the rest of the turn. Within seconds, the weapon breaks asunder from its own frailty. The player reflexively spends one blood point and rolls Wits + Crafts (difficulty 6) after a weapon strikes the vampire. Success does not reduce the damage from the attack but causes the weapon to disintegrate by the end of the turn. This power can affect only true inanimate weapons; it does not rot away an opponent’s fists, nor may it affect magical weapons or weapons protected by magic of any kind. The attack that triggers the retaliatory use of this power need not inflict any damage. This power cannot destroy weapons used in a surprise attack unless the weapon lingers in the flesh, such as a knife left in the back.

Availability: 4 Guide to the High Clans pg 163 N; The player reflexively spends one blood point and makes a Static Mental challenge (difficulty of the number of traits in the weapon)--retest Crafts—after a weapon strikes the vampire. Success does not reduce the damage from the attack but causes the weapon to disintegrate by the end of the turn. This power can affect only true inanimate weapons; it does not rot away an opponent’s fists, nor may it affect magical weapons or weapons protected by magic of any kind. The attack that triggers the retaliatory use of this power need not inflict any damage. This power cannot destroy weapons used in a surprise attack unless the weapon lingers in the flesh, such as a knife left in the back. Could conceivably be brought to the modern era as a combo between Fortitude 3/Thaumaturgy: Hands of Destruction 5; however, the availability would skyrocket to at least 6.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 36 Tabletop; Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Blessed Resilience Cappadocian Fortitude 8/Mortis 4 Millennia of passivity in the face of opposition breeds an indomitable constitution. Vampires with this power have been known to rise from Final Death. Limbs and appendages reattach themselves if severed, and heads reknit themselves to necks, if need be. Anyone attempting to exterminate a Cappadocian had better be sure that her “victim” does not command this power or she may find herself with a powerful, very long-term enemy. In the unlikely event that the vampire using this power has any Blood Points left, she must spend them all. In addition, four Willpower points must be spent, plus one for each severed limb (counting the head) which needs to be rejoined to the body. If the Cainite does not have enough Willpower, she experiences Final Death as normal. Recovered body parts must be proximate to the corpse, as they will mystically “crawl” back to the parent body (an unsettling sight); the STs judgment is required for this. The vampire using this power is miraculously healed up to the “Mauled” Health Level, and hopefully crawls into some hole where she can recover further, given time. The vampire enacting Blessed Resilience permanently loses one dot in every Attribute. These dots are crossed off and may never be recovered. This will result in lower maximum Trait ratings. This power, when necessary, takes effect automatically and immediately, and the wouldbe killer may freely interfere with it (if she is smart enough to see the job done). Note that catastrophic damage, such as diving into a live volcano or being deposited in a field at noon, is still fatal, and beyond the regenerative capacity of this power.

Availability: 9 Cappadocian Clanbook pg 41 N—not necessary; as above simply replace “dot” with “Trait”

Fortitude/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

System Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Iron FaÇade Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 3 Battles are often won not by the strength or weaponry of the combatants, but in the psychology of war. The appearance of invulnerability is often sufficient to unsettle or even rout a superior foe. With this power, the Kindred creates just such an appearance, seeming to shrug off heavy or even near-crippling blows like so much water. This power is most commonly found among archons, but its use among templars is not unknown. As Flesh Wound.

Availability: 4 Archons & Templars pg 140 N; Same power as Flesh Wound with different prerequisites —see page 95.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 40 Tabletop; 20 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Flesh Wound Gangrel (specifically Sabbat Gangrel) Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 3 This disturbing ability is common among City Gangrel of all generations, regardless of the fact that Fortitude is no longer a clan Discipline for them. Using this power, the Gangrel gives the appearance of taking no damage from attacks that hurt like hell. In reality, it does hurt like hell, but the Gangrel maintains a façade of invulnerability that can do much to unnerve opponents. Particularly canny vampires may convince foes that they are, in fact, immune to bullets. Using this power in any of the Sabbat’s ritae, however, is asking for a beating or worse if the pack priest finds out. The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). If successful, the character appears to be unwounded and functioning at full capacity regardless of how badly injured he actually is. This power does not actually heal wounds or reduce dice-pool penalties; it simply appears to do so, making it impossible for the enemy to judge the character’s true state. The power lasts for a scene or until the character reaches the Incapacitate health level. A vampire with Auspex can see through this power if her Auspex exceeds the character’s Obfuscate.

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Ganrel Revised Ed. pg 72 Y; Spend one Blood Trait. For the next hour, no damage you suffer produces a visible result; no wounds, no limps from lameness, no fountains of blood from inconvenient holes. Characters with Auspex may attempt to pierce this with the usual challenge of Auspex against Obfuscate. Bystanders who see particularly ludicrous lack of evidence may attempt a Mental Challenge to see through the illusion. While using Flesh Wound, you have a two-Trait bonus to Social Tests related to your physical capabilities.

Elemental Stoicism Fortitude 8, Obfuscate 4 Although no vampire can resist the sun’s light indefinitely, those elders who have mastered the powers of Fortitude to this advanced degree can stave off death for a few crucial moments. Elemental Stoicism also offers some degree of protection against fire. This power is involuntary and cannot be turned off. Every hour that the character is exposed to fire or sunlight, the player must spend one blood point. All damage inflicted on the vampire by fire or sunlight during that hour is changed from aggravated to non-aggravated lethal damage and may be soaked as such. This blood point use does not count against the character’s maximum expenditure per turn. A character whose blood pool is emptied by this power fall into torpor immediately and begins taking damage normally if she is still in contact with the damage source. This power does not protect the vampire’s clothing or belongings against such damage—she may be able to walk through a burning building, but she’ll most likely walk out of it wearing nothing but ashes.

Availability: 10 Guide to the Camarilla pg 117 N; as above.


Fortitude/Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Brace For Impact Sabbat Fortitude 4/Potence 2 A Cainite who possesses both the unnatural strength of Potence and the supernatural toughness of Fortitude can learn to apply that strength to resisting some forms of damage. The power does not help against normal combat damage such as fists, bullets or blades. It does not grant extra protection against fire, electricity, sunlight or other energy-based sources of damage. The power only helps the character soak physical impacts that affect the entire body; falling damage, car crashes, explosions, or being struck with large objects. The character must also expect the impact, so he can brace against it. A character with this power can automatically soak one health level of impact damage for each dot of Potence that she has. This can be bashing, lethal or aggravated (as from falling off a skyscraper) but it must only come from impact. At ST option, Brace for Impact can also help a Cainite resist crushing pressure or vacuum decompression.

Availability: 6 Mexico By Night 115 N—as above but replace “dot” with “level”

Fortitude or Potence/Obtenebration Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Armory of the Abyss Lasombra Potence 3 or Fortitude 3, Obtenebration 3 One of the few arts created by Abyss mystics that has spread throughout the Magisters, Amory of the Abyss allows a vampire to fashion weapons and armor from shadows. Summoned items extrude from every orifice and pore, quickly hardening from darkened phantasm to black crystal even as they assume the desired form. The player spends one blood point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (dif. 6). Characters without the appropriate Crafts Field of Expertise to make the weapon or armor with mundane skill may only roll their Manipulation. The item takes one full turn of concentration to form and solidify. If the vampire is disturbed during this period, his player reflexively rolls the same pool at dif. 6. Any failure or botch abruptly ends the power and dissipates the half-formed shadow creation. A disturbance may include any violent physical contact, sudden loud noise or similar stimulus. At the end of the turn, the weapon or armor completely hardens. Weapons appear in their owner’s grasp, while armor forms around its creator. Weapons may take any form and cannot add more dice to their bearer’s Strength for purposes of delivering damage than their creator’s Obtenebration rating. Shadow armor adds the character’s Obtenebration rating in soak dice but provides no protection against sunlight or fire. Objects created with this power last until the end of the scene or an hour has passed, whichever is longer. Characters who learn the Fortitude-only variant can produce only armor, while those with exclusive Potence can fashion only weapons. Vampires with Fortitude 3, Potence 3, and Obtenebration 3 may learn a version that can provide attack and defense. Every use of this power requires a separate activation.

Availability: 4 High Clans pgs 163-164 N; The player spends one blood point and makes a Static Social challenge (difficulty 6 Traits)— retest Crafts. The item takes one full turn of concentration to form and solidify. If the vampire is disturbed during this period, his player reflexively makes a second test. Failure abruptly ends the power and dissipates the half-formed shadow creation. A disturbance may include any violent physical contact, sudden loud noise or similar stimulus. At the end of the turn, the weapon or armor completely hardens. Weapons appear in their owner’s grasp, while armor forms around its creator. Weapons may take any form and cannot add more total Traits than their creator’s Obtenebration rating—thus combination of multiple weapons or a weapon and a shield will still add at a maximum 5 Traits. Shadow armor adds the character’s Obtenebration rating in Stamina Traits for soak challenges but provides no protection against sunlight or fire. Objects created with this power last until the end of the scene or an hour has passed, whichever is longer. Characters who learn the Fortitude-only variant can produce only armor, while those with exclusive Potence can fashion only weapons. Vampires with Fortitude 3, Potence 3, and Obtenebration 3 may learn a version that can provide attack and defense. Every use of this power requires a separate activation.


Fortitude or Potence/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Give ‘Em Hell Anarch Fortitude or Potence 1/Presence 3 When push comes to shove and violence is the only remaining option, the champions of the Cause can use Give ‘Em Hell to motivate and inspire their fellow anarchs to stay the course rather than run to fight another night. This Discipline rallies the troops to perform greater feats of valor when the odds are against them. By making a display of his physical prowess during the fight, such as throwing a barricade aside or ignoring the pain of a blow that would drop a lesser vampire to his knees, the anarch inspires others to greater acts. Using the Discipline requires a dramatic display of fearlessness in the face of danger that is clearly witnessed by those the anarch wishes to affect. The player must be visible to those he wishes to affect, and he chooses who receives the benefit of his display of heroism. Based on which physical Discipline he used as the basis of this power (Fortitude or Potence), the character makes a display of his greatness in combat. Thereafter, the characters he selected to use the power upon gain three extra dice to any roll involving Courage or otherwise defending against a fear or demoralization effect. The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (dif 7), with each success enabling up to three characters (as well as the user himself, if he wishes) to enjoy the bonus.

Availability: 5 LotN Anarchs Guide 58; Guide to the Anarchs 159 Y; After a suitably inspirational display of courage and physical prowess, the player makes a Social Test against a difficulty of seven Traits, retesting with Leadership. He can then choose up to three other characters within his line of sight who will gain an extra Courage Trait for the remainder of the fight. This extra Courage Trait cannot exceed the maximum number of Virtue Traits permitted - if this would bring a vampire over the limit, the excess is converted to temporary Willpower instead. The wielder cannot use this Discipline on himself, nor can it be used more than once on the same target per combat, though it may be used multiple times to cover a number of different allies. Anarchs known to use Give ‘Em Hell are watched closely by their more cynical comrades; sell-outs occasionally use this power to bolster the strength of foes of the Movement just before betraying their former companions, causing not only a devastating defeat but also a crippling blow to local morale.

Fortitude/Potence/Mortis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Effigy of the Sculpted Tomb Lamia Fortitude 2, Potence 2, Mortis (The Grave’s Decay) 2 Almost exclusively wielded by the Lamia warriors in service to Clan Cappadocian, this power allow a vampire to briefly toughen her undead flesh like a stiffened corpse to aid in combat. The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 6). A botch makes the vampire’s flesh brittle and thin like worn parchment, subtracting one dot each from Strength and Stamina for the scene. Each success adds one dot to the character’s Strength or Stamina for the scene, as selected by the player. This power cannot add more Strength than the vampire’s Potence rating or more Stamina than her Fortitude. Any successes that should provide bonuses beyond these limits are wasted to no effect. Physical augmentation provided by this power is cumulative with augmentation obtained through blood expenditure.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pgs 165-166 N; The player spends one Willpower point and makes an extended Physical challenge (difficulty of 6 Traits)—retest Medicine—for each tier (basic, intermediate, advanced) of Fortitude and Potence he possesses (maximum of 6 tests). Each success gives one Strength or Stamina based Trait of the player’s choice for the rest of the scene. Physical augmentation provided by this power is cumulative with augmentation through blood expenditure. Should the player fail all their tests they gain the Negative Physical Traits Frail and Lame and may not attempt to use this power again for the remainder of the night. This is considered a form power.


Fortitude/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

King of the Hill Anarch Fortitude 2/Presence 2 (5/3 LARP) This Discipline is proof of what happens when an immovable object meets a normally irresistible force. It was developed by a gang leader in the Anarch Free State who allegedly met his Final Death when he tested the power of this Disciplirie by playing chicken with a speeding freight train. The train won the game, but the gang leader’s feet remained firmly planted between the rails. This power costs nothing to use and is considered always on, and prevents a Kindred from being knocked off her feet by any means that would not instantly cause Final Death. Attacks still inflict damage normally, but will not knock the anarch down, force her back or otherwise move her short of inflicting Final Death. Using this Discipline often breaches the Masquerade - a car that hits a vampire using King of the Hill will be knocked back or wrapped around the Kindred as if it hit a telephone pole - but as a means of intimidation or morale boosting it remains impressive. The user receives a free retest on all Intimidation or Leadership tests with any witnesses who have seen her demonstrate her inhuman endurance in the current scene. This Discipline will not protect Kindred from completely encompassing or inhumanly powerful impacts such as a speeding train or a crashing airplane. Such devastating impacts and the fire caused by the resultant spilled fuel would turn Kindred to ash, send various body parts flying all over and otherwise cause Final Death. (Rumors persist of an even more powerful variant that includes Potence and allows for truly staggering feats of resilience but they remain rumors at present.) Naturally, additional levels of Fortitude can be used to alleviate the damage withstood using King of the Hill until the Kindred reaches Incapacitated. When Incapacitated, he is still standing up, but can only bid Stamina-related Traits (Tabletop: may only soak). Only when the user enters torpor or Final Death is inflicted does he at last fall. The severity of a given object’s impact and the damage sustained are ultimately up to the Storyteller.

Availability: 7 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 59; Guide to the Anarchs pg 160 Y; As above.

Fortitude/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Badger’s Hide Gangrel Fortitude 1/Protean 4 A Gangrel developed this Protean-based combination Discipline for defense, making the user’s skin exceedingly leathery and tough. In the wild, a badger’s thick hide repels bee stings; likewise, Badger’s Hide is specially designed to repel impaling attacks. This power costs one blood point. For the remainder of the scene, any attacks that pierce (but not cut—Storytellers make a suitable judgment call), such as stabbing knives or impaling spikes and spears, have their damage halved after the character soaks. Round down, though any successful attack that isn’t soaked does a minimum of one health level of damage.

Availability: 6 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 56; Guide to the Anarchs pg 158 Y; This Discipline costs one Blood Trait to activate and lasts for one scene. Any primarily piercing melee attacks such as knives, stakes, spears or arrows will do one less level of lethal damage for that scene, to a minimum of no damage. Weapons that merely slash or hack such as swords or axes are unaffected by this power, unless the attacker is specifically attempting to impale the vampire with them (such as trying to stab the vampire through the heart). Additionally, the increased resistance conferred while this power is active allows the user to spend a Staminarelated Physical Trait to receive a retest on any staking tests (including the two additional tests required to stake successfully). Only one Physical Trait may be spent per test, however. Staking attacks that inflict no damage after this and other powers reduce damage do not receive a chance to stake the vampire. The Storyteller is the final judge over whether Badger’s Hide is effective against a particular form of attack. This Discipline is useless against bullets and other highvelocity projectiles, though other levels of Fortitude can be used normally in addition to this power to further ameliorate any damage the user sustains.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 12-14 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Fenris’/Fenrir’s Talons Gangrel Fortitude 2, Protean 2 The einherjar of Scandinavia are known equally for their superlative hunting skills and unmatched savagery in battle. Vampires who master this Discipline technique may choose to grow massive 6inch talons befitting the Fenris Wolf instead of the lesser claws normally grown with Talons of the Beast (Protean 2). These fearsome talons glisten metallic black, and can rend wood and metal as easily as flesh. The character may extend great claws using Talong of the Beast (at the same blood point cost). These near-indestructible weapons inflict Strength +3 aggravated damage in combat. Assuming the character has sufficient Strength and/or Potence, he may tear through any object that can be broken with ten or fewer successes of a Feat of Strength without damaging the claws. Due to their bulk, the talons impose a two-dice penalty on all Dexterity tasks involving fine manipulation. Characters with this Discipline technique may grow the smaller claws of Talons of the Beast if they desire, although few einherjar ever do.

Availability: 2 Guide to the Low Clans pg 160; Wolves of the Sea pg 71, MET Journal 5 Y; Spend one Blood to activate Fenrir's Talons. Fenrir's Talons are claws that are half a foot long, unbreakable, and possessed of a metallic sheen. Grant the Sharp trait and deal Aggravated damage like Protean 2. In addition as you receive a Simple test for an additional level of Aggravated damage and the Ability Destroy Shield; which renders a shield useless with one blow. The draw back is that the Kindred must bid an additional trait in all fine manipulation and can not wield weapons or shields with Fenir's Talons Active.

Stone Meld Gangrel Fortitude 2, Protean 3 Although most Gangrel are content to seek refuge in the soil, a few have tempered their power with stone-like resilience, allowing them to hide within solid rock. Excavation of such entombed individuals is all but impossible. This power operates exactly as the Protean 3 power Interred in the Earth, save that it allows a vampire to sink into stone. Such stone can have been shaped and carved by tools, though it must be a single continuous block or slab large enough to contain the vampire’s mass. If the stone containing the vampire is shattered, the vampire is expelled.

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans pg 166 N; as above

Torpid Hibernation Gangrel Fortitude 3, Protean 3 With this power, a vampire may enter controlled torpor without fear of slumbering away the ages. She simply sinks into the earth and rests, knowing she will arise again when the desired time comes. The vampire melds with the ground using Interred in the Earth (Protean 3), or a similar power such as Tree Meld or Stone Meld; her player spends five blood points and rolls Stamina + Survival (dif 6). If successful, the vampire enters torpor and automatically reawakens after the specified duration. Upon awakening, the character rises to the earth, though her awakening is delayed until dusk if the power ends during the day. Failure means the vampire does not enter torpor, but arises the next evening as normal from her slumber. A botch drives the vampire in to normal torpor, leaving her to slumber and awaken according to her Road rating.

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans pg 167 N—no practical LARP application


Fortitude/Protean or Thaumaturgy Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Sanguinary Expulsion Fortitude 2, Protean 3 or Thaumaturgy 3 Developed by elder archons as a counter against the terrors (true and imagined) of the Vaulderie, this power allows a vampire to ingest small amounts of blood without absorbing them into her system. This not only prevents the formation of blood bonds and Vinculum, but also protects against blood-borne poisons, drugs and diseases. The unpleasant aftereffects of this power make most archons reluctant to utilize it, but it beats letting the Sabbat or some arrogant elder compromise your loyalties. The player rolls Stamina + Fortitude, (difficulty 5 + the # of blood points consumed, maximum 9). If she fails, the blood is consumed normally and all effects occur as normal. If the roll succeeds, the character is able to hold the blood internally without absorbing it, and may vomit it back up later. This prevents any blood bonds, Vinculli, poisons or other abnormal properties of the blood from affecting the character. On the other hand, the character may not spend even a single blood point until the tainted blood is regurgitated; if she does so for any reason (including waking up in the evening), the power ends instantly and the blood is absorbed as normal. Although it doesn’t cost a blood point to activate the power, an additional blood point (above and beyond the number consumed) is vomited back up and lost when the tainted blood is purged.

Availability: 5 Archons & Templars pg 142, OWBN Blood Magic Packet Y; By activating this power, one may ingest blood without forming Blood Bonds or Vinculi, or be affected by poison or other abnormal blood based properties of the blood being consumed. The blood may later be regurgitated. However, no new blood may be consumed until then. Also, no blood may be spent until the blood that was consumed originally is gone. Spending blood in any manner will cause the consumed blood to be absorbed. When the blood is expelled, 1 extra trait is also expelled. This power costs nothing to activate. When activating this power, the user must make a physical test of 9 plus the amount of blood traits consumed. For example: if the caster activates Sanguinary Expulsion and consumes 5 traits of blood, the test would be against 14 traits.

Fortitude/Quietus Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Blood Tempering Assamite Fortitude 2, Quietus 4 This power which hails from long before the advent of Damascene steel, has seen a great deal of use in the nights of the Crusades. Blood Tempering originated as a means by which Assamites of the warrior caste reinforced bronze and iron weapons and armor to withstand prolonged combat. Instead of envenoming her blades, the Assamite imparts a small amount of her own resilience unto them by means of her blood. Some viziers use this power to preserve their most ancient relics, and the clay tablets that bear the clan’s earliest history have benefited from repeated Blood Tempering. The player spends a Willpower point, and the character coats the item to be reinforced with her blood. The amount of blood used depends on the size of the item: One blood point per foot of length. Thus, the average sword requires three blood points, while a lance may need as many as 15. Armor requires three blood points per extra soak die it provides. A weapon’s base damage rating is increased by one die, and it is rendered unbreakable by any means short of a supernatural power with a rating greater than that of the character’s Fortitude or a truly massive mundane trauma (such as a landslide). Armor gains one extra soak die and is likewise impervious to most harm (though the individual within it may still be wounded by the force that is transmitted through it). This power may be applied to solid objects other than weapons and armor at the Storyteller’s discretion. It cannot reinforce flexible items such as whips, leather armor or silk robes.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Availability: 5 Libellus Sanguinis 3 pg 66 Book/Page N; The player spends a Willpower point, and the character coats the item to be reinforced with her blood. The LARP System (Y/N) amount of blood used depends on the size of the item: One blood point per foot of length. Armor requires three blood points per extra health level it provides—one additional health level may be bestowed per level of Fortitude possessed by the user of this power (to a max of plus 5 health levels). A weapon’s base damage rating is increased by one, and it is rendered unbreakable by any means short of a supernatural power with a rating greater than that of the character’s Fortitude or a truly massive mundane trauma (such as a landslide); a weapon may only be tempered by this power once—i.e. multiple applications do not stack. Armor gains one extra health level and is likewise impervious to most harm (though the individual within it may still be wounded by the force that is transmitted through it). This power may be applied to solid objects other than weapons and armor at the Storyteller’s discretion. It cannot reinforce flexible items such as whips, leather armor or silk robes.


Fortitude/Valeren Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Penitent Resilience Salubri Fortitude 3, Valeren 4


With this power, a Salubri may briefly walk in the brightest sunlight without fear of injury. His purity defends him, allowing the sun to burn the Curse within and leave the flesh unmarred. Some Salubri believe a truly penitent vampire may use this power to burn out the Curse of Caine entirely and regain his mortality, but such legends are anecdotal at best. The player may reflexively spend one blood point whenever the vampire is exposed to sunlight. Until the vampire exhausts his blood pool, he may not soak damage from sunlight. Such damage is rolled, rather than applied as automatic successes, and each level of injury burns one point of the Cainite’s vitae rather than inflicting actual wounds. Once the vampire runs out of blood, he suffers damage normally and may again soak with his usual Fortitude. Only Cainites who ascribe to the Virtues of Conscience and Self-Control may benefit from this power.

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Guide to the High Clans pg 169 N; The player may reflexively spend one blood point whenever the vampire is exposed to sunlight. Until the vampire exhausts his blood pool, he may not soak damage from sunlight. Such damage is applied through Static challenges, rather than applied automatically, and each level of injury burns one point of the Cainite’s vitae rather than inflicting actual wounds. Once the vampire runs out of blood, he suffers damage normally and may again soak with his usual Fortitude. Only Cainites who ascribe to the Virtues of Conscience and Self-Control may benefit from this power.

Fortitude/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

Sculpt the Flowing Wound Tzimisce Fortitude 3, Vicissitude 2


A Tzimisce with this power may vastly accelerate her healing by concentrating and willing flesh to mold back to its original form. The player spends one blood point and rolls Wits + Body Crafts (difficulty 8). Each success heals one level of lethal or bashing damage. This power cannot heal more health levels per turn than the vampire’s generational limit for blood expenditure. Any healing beyond this limit extends into subsequent turns until complete.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Guide to the High Clans pg 169 N; The player spends one blood point and makes an extended Mental challenge—one test for each tier of Vicissitude powers (basic, intermediate, advanced)—at a difficulty of 8 Traits—retest Body Crafts. Each success heals one level of lethal or bashing damage. This power cannot heal more health levels per turn than the vampire’s generational limit for blood expenditure. Any healing beyond this limit extends into subsequent turns until complete.


Koldunic Sorcery Combos Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 49 Tabletop; 25 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Jaws of the Dragon Tzimisce Kolduns Koldunic Sorcery 7, all five Koldunic Ways at 5 With this power, a vampire may unleash all the elements in a storm of unbridled supernatural power. The storm scourges everything in its path, raining lightning, fire, hail and grinding earth in a conflagration that defies imagination. The very existence of such a spell lies shrouded in myth and legend; no vampire has cast it in recorded memory. The koldun spends an hour standing still on the soil, gathering the energies that will empower the spell. The player rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8) and spends all remaining blood. This drives the koldun into immediate frenzy. Tempest-torn clouds build in the sky over the next hour, reaching their apex of size and fury as fire begins to rain. For every success, the storm has a radius of one mile. Everything in that region suffers dice of aggravated damage equal to the koldun’s Willpower + Occult. This damage occurs sometime over the span of one hour, after which the clouds part to reveal the devastation. Inanimate objects suffer damage determined by the Storyteller; assume that the storm destroys virtually everything in its path.

Availability: 8 Players Guide to the High Clans pg 168 N; The koldun spends an hour standing still on the soil, gathering the energies that will empower the spell. The player makes an extended Social challenge (difficulty 8 Traits)—retest Occult—and spends all remaining blood. This drives the koldun into immediate frenzy. Tempest-torn clouds build in the sky over the next hour, reaching their apex of size and fury as fire begins to rain. For every success, the storm has a radius of one mile. Everything in that region suffers aggravated damage equal to the koldun’s Willpower + Occult. This damage occurs sometime over the span of one hour, after which the clouds part to reveal the devastation. Inanimate objects suffer damage determined by the Storyteller; assume that the storm destroys virtually everything in its path. Not appropriate for use in a MET setting. Included for completion sake only.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 42 Tabletop; 21 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Becoming Kupala Tzimisce Kolduns Way of the Spirit 6, Vicissitude 6 Despite its name, this power does not allow a vampire to join with the primordial evil of Kupala. Rather, the vampire melds with and diffuses through the earth of his territory, becoming its master and spirit even as Kupala is the spirit of the Tzimisce homelands. The player spends 10 blood points and makes an extended roll of Stamina + Alertness (difficulty 6). The vampire’s pool diminishes by one die for each successive roll after the first. Once the vampire’s pool drops to zero, the roll ends and the vampire’s flesh melts into a forest of tendrils that spread through the earth. The zone of control extends a number of yards equal to the (successes rolled x 10). Within this zone, the vampire may freely perceive events as though using the Way of Spirit. The vampire may activate the powers of any Koldunic Sorcery paths within the zone of control at –2 difficulty. If the vampire draws victims into the soil of the region with Hungry Earth, he may drink one blood point per turn instead of inflicting crushing damage. This is the only way the vampire may feed unless someone pours a libation of blood into the ground where the koldun melded. A vampire dispersed through the earth remains a vampire. It still hungers and slumbers through the day. The veil of earth protects it from sunlight and surface fires, though any flame burning hot enough to char the soil burns the vampire normally. Physical attacks against the vampire require large-scale devastation of the land or potent magic. It is not enough to excavate at the site of entry, as the vampire’s essence is spread cancerously through the land. A vampire may remain subsumed in the earth as long as he wishes. If the character exhausts his blood pool, however, he is forced out and into his normal form in a spray of earth and winding sanguine tentacles. A vampire may also voluntarily leave the land for a cost of one Willpower point. After a vampire spends more nights subsumed in the earth than his highest virtue, he becomes bound to its soil and weakens when he slumbers elsewhere. In effect, the focus of the Tzimisce’s clan curse shifts to the tainted soil he now inhabits. Some Lupines can scent the unnatural presence of a vampire spread in the earth, though precious few werewolves have any inkling as to the true nature of such a presence.

Availability: 7 Players Guide to the High Clans pg 164 N; The player spends 10 blood points and makes an extended Physical challenge--retest Alertness. The vampire’s pool diminishes by one Trait for each success after the first. Once the vampire’s pool drops to zero, the challenge ends and the vampire’s flesh melts into a forest of tendrils that spread through the earth. The zone of control extends a number of yards equal to the player’s blood pool x 10. Within this zone, the vampire may freely perceive events as though using the Way of Spirit. The vampire may activate the powers of any Koldunic Sorcery paths within the zone of control with a 2 Trait bonus. If the vampire draws victims into the soil of the region with Hungry Earth, he may drink one blood point per turn instead of inflicting crushing damage. This is the only way the vampire may feed unless someone pours a libation of blood into the ground where the koldun melded. A vampire dispersed through the earth remains a vampire. It still hungers and slumbers through the day. The veil of earth protects it from sunlight and surface fires, though any flame burning hot enough to char the soil burns the vampire normally. Physical attacks against the vampire require large-scale devastation of the land or potent magic. It is not enough to excavate at the site of entry, as the vampire’s essence is spread cancerously through the land. A vampire may remain subsumed in the earth as long as he wishes. If the character exhausts his blood pool, however, he is forced out and into his normal form in a spray of earth and winding sanguine tentacles. A vampire may also voluntarily leave the land for a cost of one Willpower point. After a vampire spends more nights subsumed in the earth than his highest virtue, he becomes bound to its soil and weakens when he slumbers elsewhere. In effect, the focus of the Tzimisce’s clan curse shifts to the tainted soil he now inhabits. Some Lupines can scent the unnatural presence of a vampire spread in the earth, though precious few werewolves have any inkling as to the true nature of such a presence.


Mortis Combo Disciplines Mortis/Necromancy/Thaumaturgy Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System Xp Cost: Book/Page LARP System (Y/N) Notes

Blood Pearl Cappodocian, Giovanni Mortis 2, Necromancy 2, Thaumaturgy 2 Availability: The Capodocian Clanbook pg 36 N; not necessary. Functions as Mortis 6 only instead of feeding the corpse your blood you feed it the Blood Pearl. Included for completion sake only. LARP rules prevent a PC from possessing more than one form of blood magic making possession of this combo impossible.

Obfuscate Combo Disciplines Obfuscate/Obtenebration Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description

System Xp Cost: 6 Tabletop; 3 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Tenebrous Veil Anarch Malkavian and Lasomra Obfuscate 1/Obtenebration 1 This simple but effective combination Discipline, devised by Malkavian and Lasombra anarchs, combines the basic properties of Obfuscate and Obtenebration. While Cloak of Shadows warps the mind’s perceptions, Tenebrous Veil further prevents being seen by wrapping the very stuff of the shadows around the hiding vampire. No dice roll is necessary. As long as there is some shadow in the area, the Kindred can remain effectively unseen for as long as he choose to remain motionless. This power combines the basic principles of Obtenebration and Obfuscate. It is very simple, but very effective.

Availability: 4 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 65; Guide to the Anarchs pg 162 Y; Provided a shadow is available, with the expenditure of a Blood Trait a Kindred can stand perfectly motionless and wrap that shadow around herself, allowing her to remain unseen as long as she stays motionless and does not make a sound. This Discipline has no effect on other Obfuscate powers, as movement or speech of any kind disrupts the veil immediately. What’s more, the addition of the shadow prevents anyone from using Auspex to see through the Discipline’s Obfuscate aspect, even if the Auspex user has more levels of that Discipline than the Tenebrous Veil user has Obfuscate. However, as Lasombra are quite rare among anarchs, this Discipline is not common and thus remains relatively unknown despite its potential usefulness.


Obfuscate/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

True Love’s Face Nosferatu, Settite Obfuscate 3, Presence 3 A sinister hybrid of Mask of a Thousand Faces and Entrancement, this Discipline technique enables a vampire to assume the form of a target’s true love. Both the Followers of Set and Nosferatu prize this power, though for very different reasons. Where Serpents use the guise of loved ones to tempt and seduce, spiteful Lepers delight in shattering victim’s minds by revealing their true face after a passionate embrace. Vampires may use this art to take the form of someone they know their victim loves or allow their target’s expectations to manifest on their own. In the latter case, however, the vampire may need quick wits to discern whom she looks like, especially since the copied person may or may not be living. The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (dif 6); neither physical contact nor eye contact is necessary to invoke this technique. Success means the chosen victim sees the vampire as a loved one for as long as she remains in his presence. Failure means the ruse fails and the target sees the vampire as she is. All others see the vampire’s true form, unless she is able to discern her assumed identity and quickly make the transition to the basic Mask technique—a feat likely to require Performance, Stealth or other rolls at the ST’s discretion. A botch indicates the vampire projects too much of her own passions into the visage, making the disguise a disturbing mockery of the victims true love. The victim regards the vampire with fear and loathing, the very opposite of the emotions normally engendered by this power.

Availability: 3 Settite Clanbook pg 69, Guide to the Low Clans pg 167 Y; As Mask of 1k but you must expend a Mental trait as you are always impersonating a specific person.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 10 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Memory Rift Anarch Obfuscate 2/Presence 2 (5/3 LARP) The Kindred creating a Memory Rift disappears completely from the memory of a target. The target’s memory replaces the disappearance with the most logical alternative it can create, such as imagining that a mortal police officer fell or jumped off a bridge rather than having been pushed by the user of this Discipline. The target will strongly resist attempts to convince her otherwise, since her mind has created a believable replacement for the missing memory. Even direct evidence to the contrary will be greeted with deep skepticism. This power works on only one subject at a time, but it may be used multiple times to alter the memories of multiple individuals. The Kindred spends a blood point and the player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (dif = the subject’s Willpower). If the Kindred is successful, the memory of her participation in the event of her choice vanishes from the subject’s memory. The subject often remembers the event itself, but not the participation or presence of the Kindred using this power. He may even go so far as to construct and believe “logical” courses of events, such as an individual “slipping” off a bridge when in actuality she was pushed. Note that the memory is still present (and may be found with certain applications of Dominate and similar powers), but it is repressed, ignored or otherwise covered up subconsciously. The Kindred invoking this power must leave the subject’s vicinity within 5 minutes of the power’s use, and thereafter remain out of his sensory range for at least an hour. Failure to do so means the power fails, possibly in the form of the memory “flooding back” to the subject’s consciousness.

Availability: 7 LotN Anarchs Guide pg 60; Guide to the Anarchs pg 160; Guide to the Low Clans pg 162 Y; This Discipline requires the expenditure of a Blood Trait and a Mental Trait, and the user must make a Social Test against the target, retesting with Subterfuge. The user may attempt to influence more than one target in a scene, but must spend Traits and test against each target individually; she cannot make a group challenge with this power. If successful, the target not only ignores the character, but by the coming dawn forgets the user was ever there. Once activated, the character can take no aggressive action against the target and must leave within five minutes after activating the Discipline, remaining out of the target’s sensory range for at least a full hour of game play. Failure to stay out of sensory range, even if Obfuscated or otherwise supernaturally concealed, causes the target’s memories of the user to flood back at dawn and essentially ruins the use of this power. Remember that targets still recall any events that happened, just not the presence of the anarch using Memory Rift. If a target witnessed the anarch shooting someone, he will still remember the shooting - his mind will simply make up another suspect or even alter his memories to ensure that ‘‘I didn’t get a good look at him. Or her. I’m not even sure. Sorry.” The use of this Discipline can be uncovered with the proper use of Dominate and similar powers that probe the memory, though its insinuative nature puts such seekers three Traits down on all relevant tests unless they know exactly what they are looking for and/or have dealt with this Discipline in the past.


Obtenebration Combo Disciplines Obtenebration/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Shadowed Eyes Lasombra Obtenebration 3, Auspex 3 This particular skill is a matter of control and delicacy, not raw power. The wielder summons forth small patches of blackness which cover the eyes of the target, rendering him effectively blind and giving him a demonic appearance. Those thus afflicted my find themselves in more than a little trouble with their neighbors who have little tolerance for the blind, and less for those that appear unnatural. The player rolls Dexterity + Occult (diff 7). If he succeeds, he summons the darkness successfully and blinds his target. The number of successes determines the duration of the shadows. Successes 1 2 3 4 5

Duration one turn one minute 5 minutes 30 minutes one hour

Additional successes produce longer effects. The enveloping shadow cannot be removed by anything short of plucking out the eye thus covered - a somewhat drastic remedy.

NOTE: This power affects all of the eyes of the victim, whether he is a one-eyed beggar, a ‘normal’ vampire, a Salubri or the mythical Argus. Certain Lasombra have been able to create a purely cosmetic variation on this power, covering their eyes with the shadows while still maintaining the ability to see clearly. Using this power has the same difficulty as a regular use of Shadowed Eyes but can impose terror on any beholding it ((Willpower roll, difficulty 5 to avoid fleeing in fear).

Xp Cost: 12 Tabletop; 6 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Libellus Sanguinous 1, pg 33 N; The player expends up to 5 Social Traits to produce the abyssal ichors and makes a Physical challenge—retest Occult. If successful, the target is blinded for the duration of the power— for determining duration each Social Trait expended equals a success on the above table. The enveloping shadow cannot be removed by anything short of plucking out the eye thus covered—a somewhat drastic remedy. The personal use of this power grants the user the additional Social Traits: Intimidating x2 and the Negative Social Inhuman. This personal use lasts one hour or scene.


Obtenebration/Dominate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Echo of the Subtle Vizier Lasombra Obtenebration 2, Dominate 2 A Lasombra with this power may silently whisper commands to a target’s shadow without ever making a sound. The commands remain silent until the desired duration passes, at which time the victim finally hears the vampire’s words and faces the Dominate power employed in the command. The player spends one blood point and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (dif. target’s Willpower). Each success allows the vampire to suspend a Dominate power for up to one hour. This power must be immediately activated, with all necessary expenditures and rolls. The target resists as appropriate. Regardless of the results, the target does not remember the brief exchange and nothing actually happens until the duration of suspension passes. One of the more cunning uses of this power is to suspend Reveler’s Memory (Forgetful Mind) so that it retroactively erases all memories during the time the power was suspended. The vampire then issues commands with immediate uses of Dominate, knowing the servant will remember none of his actions later.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 165 N; The player spends one blood point and engages in a Static Social challenge—retest Empathy— versus the target’s Willpower. Success allows the vampire to suspend a Dominate power for up to one hour—this suspended power must be immediately activated, with all necessary expenditures and challenges. The target resists as appropriate. Regardless of the results, the target does not remember the brief exchange and nothing actually happens until the duration of suspension passes. One of the more cunning uses of this power is to suspend Reveler’s Memory (Forgetful Mind) so that it retroactively erases all memories during the time the power was suspended. The vampire then issues commands with immediate uses of Dominate, knowing the servant will remember none of his actions later.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Eminence of Shade (Conquering Blood) Lasombra, Tzimisce Obtenebration 5, Dominate 5 (or Vicissitude 5, Dominate 5) These two powers are frighteningly similar in effect, though it is unlikely that practitioners of either know an alternate variation exists. Both powers allow a vampire to become insubstantial and physically enter a host, controlling her from within like an obscene marionette. The vampire assumes the form of living shadow or animate blood with Tenebrous Avatar or Ascendancy of the Sanguine Humor as appropriate, spending one additional blood point during the transformation. In this altered state, the vampire may hunt down and grapple a potential host (requiring a standard Dexterity + Brawl roll). Once the grapple lasts three turns without being broken, the vampire pours into the victim’s mouth. The victim can only writhe in agony as the numbing cold of unnatural shadow or undulating blood courses through her veins. From within, the vampire may attempt to suppress the victim’s soul and assume full control of the host body with the Dominate power Vessel. If the possessing vampire botches, the victim spends a turn vomiting the shadow or blood or the Cainite’s form. The vampire immediately shifts to normal corporeal form, stunned and unable to act for a number of turns equal to (5-his Wit’s rating). If the vampire strips away all the victim’s Willpower, he seizes full control. The vampire may relinquish and subsequently regain control at any time, allowing him to slumber during the day and use the host body at night. The only limitation on how long a vampire may remain in a host is his blood pool, which diminishes at its normal rate each evening and for other expenditures. Possessing vampires cannot regain blood under any circumstances. Once a vampire exhausts his blood pool, he is forcibly ejected from the host as outlined above for a botch. While inhabited by a vampire, a mortal gains the ability to soak lethal damage with his full Stamina. The vampire may heal bashing or lethal damage sustained by the host as usual. Vampires suffer the same damage as their hosts, relying on their husks’ augmented resilience to protect them both. The Obtenebration version of this power may be used to possess living beings as well as other vampires of higher generation. If used to possess another vampire, the tenant may draw on the host’s blood pool to fuel healing and maintain the corpse. Any blood consumed replenishes the host’s blood pool rather than the parasite. The Vicissitude version of this power cannot possess a vampire (since it would effectively cause the host to diablerize the tenant). Any mortal so possessed becomes a ghoul that draws on the vampire’s own blood pool. The vampire may also employ lesser Vicissitude powers to reshape the host body. Both forms of this power betray clues as to the presence of the tenant. In the case of Obtenebration, the host’s pupils descend into points of infinite empty darkness. In the case of Vicissitude, the host’s skin occasionally undulates in a ruddy ripple. These signs are extremely subtle, requiring a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 9) to notice.

Xp Cost: 35 Tabletop; 18 LARP Availability: 6 Guide to the High Clans Pg 166 Book/Page N; The vampire assumes the form of living shadow or animate blood with Tenebrous Avatar or Ascendancy of the LARP System (Y/N)

Sanguine Humor as appropriate, spending one additional blood point during the transformation. In this altered state, the vampire may hunt down and grapple a potential host. Once the grapple lasts three turns without being broken, the vampire pours into the victim’s mouth. The victim can only writhe in agony as the numbing cold of unnatural shadow or undulating blood courses through her veins. From within, the vampire may attempt to suppress the victim’s soul and assume full control of the host body with the Dominate power Possession. If the possessing vampire fails, the victim spends a turn vomiting the shadow or blood of the Cainite’s form. The vampire immediately shifts to normal corporeal form, stunned and unable to act for 3 turns. If the vampire strips away all of the victim’s Willpower he seizes full control. The vampire may relinquish and subsequently regain control at any time, allowing him to slumber during the day and use the host body at night. The only limitation on how long a vampire may remain in a host is his blood pool, which diminishes at its normal rate each evening and for other expenditures. Possessing vampires cannot regain blood under any circumstances. Once a vampire exhausts his blood pool, he is forcibly ejected from the host as outlined above for a failure. While inhabited by a vampire, a mortal gains the ability to soak lethal damage. The vampire may heal bashing or lethal damage sustained by the host as usual. Vampires suffer the same damage as their hosts, relying on their husks’ augmented resilience to protect them both.


Both forms of this power betray clues as to the presence of the tenant. In the case of Obtenebration, the host’s pupils descend into points of infinite empty darkness. In the case of Vicissitude, the host’s skin occasionally undulates in a ruddy ripple. These signs are extremely subtle, requiring a successful Static Mental challenge (difficulty 9 Traits)— retest Awareness—to notice. As Possession of other vampires is not allowed by OWBN rules, the additional benefits of the Obtenebration form of this power have not been translated for use in LARP.


Obtenebration/Fortitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Armor of Darkness Lasombra Obtenebration 4, Fortitude 2 Most Lasombra have numerous retainers and servitors who advance the Cainite’s machinations. Still, there are some Lasombra who maintain active roles in particularly sensitive plots, even if it means venturing into the dangerous realm of daylight. These uncommon vampires develop a technique for protecting themselves from the sun’s deadly effects. Blending the Discipline of Obtenebration and Fortitude, a Cainite wraps herself in the stuff of shadow. This creates a dark mantle that shields her from the sun’s rays and the harmful effects of fire. The player spends a Willpower point and two Blood Points, and then rolls against Willpower (difficulty 8). The number of successes equals the number of dice which may be added to soak rolls against the effects of sunlight and fire (this is in addition to the Fortitude of the character). The Cainite must concentrate on maintaining the armor but may perform other actions and use her disciplines as usual (the difficulty of all such actions is increased by one while this power is in effect). If she fails to soak any damage, the vampire resolves fire effects and Rotschreck normally. This power sheathes the character in shadows that resemble a shapeless cloak. A manipulation + Craft roll (diff 6) may be used to mold the darkness into a specific form, like clothing, robes or even a suit of plate mail. Any part of the body not covered by this shape is not protected. A few Lasombra are said to have this shadow armor about them always; cowled and black-clad Cainites may not be wearing heavy wool, but the very substance of darkness given shape. This ability is guarded closely by its few practitioners. The character must first find a Cainite skilled in using Armor of Darkness, and then persuade her to pass on its secrets.

Xp Cost: 15 Tabletop; 8 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Dark Ages Companion, pg 87 N; The player spends a Willpower point and two Blood Points, and then makes an extended Willpower challenge (difficulty of 4 Traits). The player may make one test per level of Obtenebration they possess. Each success adds a health level that may be used against damage from fire or sunlight. The Cainite must concentrate on maintaining the armor but may perform other actions and use her disciplines as usual (however the user of this power suffers a 1 Trait penalty). If the Armor of Darkness takes more damage than it has health levels, the vampire resolves fire effects and Rotschreck normally. This power sheathes the character in shadows that resemble a shapeless cloak. A Simple Social challenge--retest Crafts—may be used to mold the darkness into a specific form, like clothing, robes or even a suit of plate mail. Any part of the body not covered by this shape is not protected. The Armor of Darkness offers no protection against other types of damage—only that sustained by fire or sunlight.


Obtenebration/Obfuscate Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 9 Tabletop; 5 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Smothering Darkness Lasombra Obtenebration 2/Obfuscate 1 A Magister may use Smothering Darkness to summon fluttering shadows that immediately flock to the nearest light sources (torches, candles, oil lamps and the like) and douse them. The behavior of these shadows is akin to moths; they find the brightest light source then dive into it in hopes of being consumed. By using this power a Lasombra can plunge an entire area into darkness almost immediately, rendering those unprepared for it completely helpless. Each success on a Wits + Occult roll (diff 6) produces a fluttering shadow which then proceeds immediately to the nearest light source in an attempt to douse it. These shadows can cause no damage but may well collide with other characters in their flight, producing confusion and fear. The shadows can smother any fire up to the size of a torch; anything larger requires the attention of multiple shadows. As soon as a shadow douses a flame, that shadow vanishes. If there are more shadows than there are fires to extinguish, the excess number will flap around in the dark, likely causing more confusion, before finally vanishing into whatever dark place they originated.

Availability: 3 Libellus Sanguinis 1 pg 33 N; The player engages in an extended Social challenge---retest Occult—for each light source he wishes to extinguish with this power. Each success produces a fluttering shadow which then proceeds immediately to the nearest light source in an attempt to douse it. These shadows can cause no damage but may well collide with other characters in their flight, producing confusion and fear. The shadows can smother any fire up to the size of a torch; anything larger requires the attention of multiple shadows. As soon as a shadow douses a flame, that shadow vanishes. At ST discretion this power may function on light bulbs as well.

Obtenebration/Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Dark Steel Lasombra Obtenebration 3, Potence 3 Where Arms of Ahriman normally allows a Lasombra to summon forth a tentacle of pure shadow to assault his foes, this bastardized power grants those psuedopods of darkness greater strength and endurance. Cainites used to dealing with the normal manifestation of this power may find themselves fatally surprised by the use of Dark Steel instead. Using Dark Steel requires a Manipulation + Occult roll (diff 7) and the expenditure of two Blood points. Each success summons forth one tentacle, which then appears from a nearby shadow (under a piece of furniture, from within the summoning vampire’s cloak, etc.). The tentacles are all eight feet long and have Strength and Dexterity ratings equivalent to twice the vampire’s Obtenebration rating. Furthermore, the vampire can expend a Blood Point, “feeding” it to the tentacles; for each point thus spent, the tentacle’ ratings increase by one. A Dark Steel tentacle does Strength +2 crushing damage, has six Health Levels, and takes damage from fire and sunlight in addition to normal attacks.

Availability: 4 Libellus Sanguinis 1, pg 33 N; Using Dark Steel requires a Simple Social challenge—retest Occult—and the expenditure of two Blood points and any number of Social Traits. Each trait expended summons forth one tentacle, which then appears from a nearby shadow (under a piece of furniture, from within the summoning vampire’s cloak, etc.). The tentacles are all eight feet long and have Physical Traits equivalent to twice the vampire’s Obtenebration rating. Furthermore, the vampire can expend a Blood Point, “feeding” it to the tentacles; for each point thus spent, the tentacle’ traits increase by one. A Dark Steel tentacle does 2 lethal damage, has six Health Levels, and takes damage from fire and sunlight in addition to normal attacks. As with Arms of the Abyss, the user of this power may use their Fortitude and Potence in conjunction with these tentacles—though still only one at a time.


Ogham Combo Disciplines Ogham/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Tree Meld Lhiannan Ogham 1, Protean 3 Attuned to the living forest by their spiritual ancestry, a Lhiannan with this power may sink into wood as easily as most Gangrel sink into soil. The vampire may use this power exactly as the Protean 3 power Interred in the Earth to physically merge with wooden objects large enough to contain her body. It costs an additional blood point to merge with dead wood, however, so most Lhiannnan prefer the sanctuary of the largest tree trunk in their domain. If a wooden object is destroyed while a vampire rests within, the vampire is expelled.

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans pg 167 N—as above.

Potence Combo Disciplines Potence/Mortis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Fountain of Ill Humors Lamia Potence 2, Mortis (Path of the Four Humors) 3 The vampire may use this power to spit the tainted excretions created with Dark Humors, showering her enemies with a forceful spray of the unnatural toxins. The player spends two blood points and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 6) as an attack with a maximum range of the vampire’s Strength + Potence in yards. This spray can be dodged normally, though its conical spread adds one to the difficulty. The spray cannot be parried. Victims struck by the spray suffer the full effects of the chosen humor unless their players make successful Stamina rolls (difficulty 8). The Path of the Four Humors can be found on p. 41 of the Dark Ages Storytellers Companion.

Availability: 4 Guide to the High Clans pgs 167-168 N; The player spends two blood points and makes a Physical challenge—retest Athletics—as an attack with a maximum range of half the vampire’s Physical Traits + Potence in yards. This spray can be dodged normally, though its conical spread adds one Trait to the difficulty. The spray cannot be parried. Victims struck by the spray test for the effects of the chosen humor as normal. The Path of the Four Humors can be found on pgs. 179-181 of Faith and Fire.

Potence or Fortitude/Obtenebration Armory of the Abyss—see listing under Fortitude page 96.


Potence/Presence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Righteous Gaze Heaven Potence 3/Presence 2 The Faithful place great stock not only in their own virtue above other Cainites, but in their duty as judges over their accursed brethren. By means of this power, the Faithful can burn a foe from the inside out using the oil of his own sin as fuel. All that is required is a moment’s eye contact—and, of course the moral superiority of the user. After the character acquires eye contact with his target, the player must make a Road roll (dif equal to the target’s Road rating). If this roll is botched, the Faithful may not call upon this power again until he has completed a successful Act of Contrition (See Road of Heaven pg 38). Otherwise, the target suffers a number of aggravated wounds equal to the number of successes achieved on the Road roll at the beginning of the next turn. The target may soak with Fortitude (dif 6 though this may be modified up or down based or his Aura rating). This power does not function on Cainites with higher Road ratings than the user. Once a given target has been “judged” with this power, he may not be the target of the same user’s Righteous Gaze again until such time as his own Road rating changes.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop, 11 LARP Availability: 5 Road of Heaven pg 68 Book/Page Y; The Cainite must make eye contact with the target and initiate a test of her own Road Traits against her LARP System (Y/N)

target’s (Compare Willpower if both tie and have equal Road Traits). Success means that at the beginning of the next turn, the target immediately suffers burning inner pains and receives one level of aggravated damage for each Road Trait possessed by the Faithful character. Targets may attempt to use Fortitude to reduce the damage inflicted by this power, but no other powers or armor afford protection. In the case of employing this power against other Faithful, the damage inflicted is equal to the accuser’s Road Traits minus the target’s Road Traits, reducing the damage somewhat—or even negating it entirely when dealing with those of equal or higher Road Traits. At ST discretion, particularly foolish or judgmental Cainites who attempt to judge superior Faithful may actually suffer the difference in the Road ratings as aggravated damage reflected back on themselves; fitting punishment for daring to question those of more blessed standing. If the user fails to apply this power successfully, she must immediately make a Simple Test—on a loss, she must perform an Act of Contrition before applying it again. Once used on a particular target, this power may not be used on that target again until his Road Traits change.

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Iron Heart Brujah Potence 3, Presence 3 Some Brujah can steel themselves against even the most forceful extensions of other Kindred’s will. By calling upon their physical strength and what some vampires suspect is sheer id, the Brujah can shrug off the effects of mental suggestion and supernatural force of personality. Young Kindred tell tales of bold Brujah even ignoring the attempts of princes to Dominate them—likely a use of this power. Increase the difficulty by two for Kindred wishing to employ Dominate, Presence or mindcontrolling powers of Thaumaturgy against a Brujah with this power. Also, a Kindred may use Iron Heart to strengthen the will of another. The player spends one Willpower point, and the subject of his choice becomes harder to affect, adding one to the difficulties of Dominate, Presence, and Thaumaturgical mind control attempts for the rest of the scene.

Availability: 3 Clanbook: Brujah Revised Ed. Pg 66 Y; A Kindred with this power wins on ties to resist any attempt to use Dominate, Presence or Thaumaturgical mind control against him. Also, the Kindred may use this power to strengthen the will of another. The player spends one Willpower Trait and the subject of his choice gains an automatic retest to resist any attempts to use above mentioned powers. This lasts for the remainder of the scene, or one hour, whichever comes first.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


The Iron Glare Brujah Potence 3, Presence 3 A look sometimes comes over the face of a ticked-off Brujah who is used to being obeyed but who is not being obeyed at the moment. The look is part hauteur, part rage and part malevolent glee at the chaos that will be unleashed unless the vampire gets his way. Brujah elders teach this Discipline to new primogen as a gift to use in primogen meetings on behalf of the clan’s interests. The Brujah primogen makes a powerful display of strength (crushing a brick in her hand, bending a piece of rebar, breaking a solid oak table with one slam of her fist, etc.) and rolls Charisma + Intimidation against a standard difficulty. For the rest of the scene, add these successes to successes gained on any Intimidation roll against anyone seeing this display of power. It should be noted that this Discipline loses it efficacy when overused. If the Brujah uses it again within a month, it will give her half the successes she rolled; if she uses it again, it will give her a quarter (rounded down). After that, this power ceases to have any effect. A wise primogen, therefore, saves this power for use at strategic moments.

Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop; 9 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: None Listed Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Availability: 4 Council of Primogen pg 101 Y; Make a powerful display of strength and make a Social Challenge vs. all opponents you wish to effect. Any kindred who lost the Social Challenge against you, is down two Traits against you in any Social Challenge. In addition, the Brujah is up two Traits on any intimidation challenge for the remainder of the scene. The power loses efficacy when overused. If the power is used again in the same month, it only affects one Trait. More than that in a month and its’ powers are nullified.

Esprit de Corps Brujah Potence 5, Presence 5 A Brujah with this power can stir the hearts of his allies, granting them courage and strength in the cause for which they fight. Once the power is employed, those affected will fight fearlessly and with great strength, following the Cainite into battle against even the most overwhelming odds. The player rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty 7). Any opposing power that would inspire fear or otherwise mentally prevent those affected by Esprit de Corps from fighting faces a +2 to its difficulty. Also, all allies affected receive one dot in Potence for the duration of the scene per two successes, whether moral, ghoul or Cainite. # of Successes # Affected 1 1 2 2 3 6 4 20 5 All allies in immediate vicinity

Availability: 7 Libellus Sanguinis 2 pg 102 N; The player spends one Willpower Trait and the subject of his choice gains 2 Traits to resist any attempt to use Dominate, Presence or Thaumaturgical mind control against him. any attempts to use above mentioned powers. This lasts for the remainder of the scene, or one hour, whichever If the user of this power spends an additional point of Willpower at its activation these allies also gain a level of Potence for the scene—this does not stack with any existing Potence the characters may already possess. Xp cost: 14


Potence/Serpentis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Typhonic Beast Settite Potence 3, Serpentis 4 Warrior Settites are most likely to learn this combination power. (The Settites also have a level 6 Serpentis version of this power.) The vampire takes the form of the mysterious Typhonic animal. This power requires the expenditure of three blood points; the transformation takes three turns to complete. The transformed vampire gains one dot each of Strength, Dexterity and Stamina, as well as the benefits of Potence. The Typhonic form fains the soak benefits of Skin of the Adder: the character’s soak difficulty drops to 5; and the vampire can use her Stamina to soak aggravated damage from claws and fangs, but not from fire, sunlight or magic. The Settite also gains the venomous bite of Form of the Cobra, doubles her running speed, and gains +2 dice on all Perception rolls related to smell or hearing. The vampire remains in bestial form until the next sunrise or until she voluntarily changes back. Clothing and other small personal items transform along with the vampire.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop, 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 4 Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised Ed. pgs 69-70 Y; To resolve the ambiguity/contradiction of the published version, the Combination Power Typhonic Beast is hereby divided into two variants: Typhonic Beast: Bestial and Typhonic Beast: Humanoid. Both variants have identical mechanics, costs and all other requirements/constraints. Characters should declare which they are learning, upon purchasing the power, and record the appropriate variant on their character sheet, and may not switch between the two unless the character has purchased both variants separately. The two variants may and must be purchased as if they were separate powers. Characters already possessing this Combination Discipline must select a variant. Bestial: Per the statement, “The vampire takes the form of the mysterious Typhonic animal,” the character assumes the form of the Typhonic animal, a four-legged, jackal-like creature with flattopped ears and an elongated snout/muzzle. Upon close examination by a character knowledgeable in Science, Academics or other appropriate Abilities (ST discretion), it is obvious there is no known natural animal this form exactly resembles. However, as any Gangrel could inform you, there are occasionally unique benefits to taking an animal form. Humanoid: Per the statement, “The Setites also have a level 6 Serpentis version of this power,” please refer to the Guide to the Low Clans, using the description from Serpentis: Aspect of the God (Set the Warrior) for the physical appearance/capacities of the Typhonic Beast: Humanoid form beyond the mechanics provided in the Clanbook: Followers of Set. In essence, while the power is active, the Setite gains six inches in height, gains the appearance of greater muscular bulk, and his hair turns red.


Potence/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 7 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Flaying Touch Tzimisce Potence 2, Vicissitude 2 With this cruel power, a Tzimisce can tear away a victim’s skin as easily as removing a robe, all without disturbing the muscles and other tissue beneath. The Fiend simply grabs a handful of skin and pulls it away or surgically slices it with the artful caress of a fingertip. Regardless of the method used, the target suffers excruciating pain and begins bleeding profusely from the exposed flesh. Even if a target somehow survives the blood loss, the area of skinless flesh soon becomes infected. Cainites have less to fear from the power, though they too suffer blood loss until they can regenerate the missing tissue. This power requires the same roll as a conventional use of Transmogrify the Mortal Clay, though the difficulty is always one higher than normal (max. 9). The vampire need not restrain the victim as long as he strikes exposed skin (Dex + Brawl), in which case the activation roll is reflexive. Each success inflicts one level of lethal damage, which may be soaked (dif. 8). If the damage exceeds the victim’s Stamina, she can only writhe and scream in pain for the rest of the turn. Victims continue bleeding profusely from their exposed skin. Mortals suffer a number of levels of bashing damage each minute equal to the initial damage, while vampires apply any damage after soak as a loss of blood points. Once any of the original damage is healed or the wound is staunched (Dex + Medicine, dif. 9), the bleeding slows to one level of damage per hour. Only when the original injury is completely healed does the bleeding stop.

Availability: 3 Guide to the High Clans pg 167 N; This power requires the same challenges as a conventional use of combat Fleshcraft at a 1 Trait penalty. The vampire need not restrain the victim as long as he strikes exposed skin, in which case the activation is reflexive. The user performs an extended Physical challenge—3 tests—each success inflicts one level of lethal damage, which may be soaked (difficulty 8 Traits). If the damage exceeds the victim’s Stamina based traits, she can only writhe and scream in pain for the rest of the turn. Victims continue bleeding profusely from their exposed skin. Mortals suffer a number of levels of bashing damage each minute equal to the initial damage, while vampires apply any damage after soak as a loss of blood points. Once any of the original damage is healed or the wound is staunched, the bleeding slows to one level of damage per hour. Only when the original injury is completely healed does the bleeding stop.

Presence Combo Disciplines Presence/Animalism Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: None Listed Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Command the Wary Steed Brujah Presence 3, Animalism 2 Through use of this power the Cainite can cause his enemies’ mounts to rear and bolt, singly or en masse, by the strength of his gaze alone. The player can also elect to bolster the courage and tractability of his allies steeds, allowing greater control in battle and the ability to manipulate the animals into performing actions or entering places they would normally avoid. The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). Enemy mounts affected become terrified and nigh uncontrollable. Difficulties of all Ride rolls are increased by 3, and mounted combat becomes impossible. Friendly mounts affected by this power become more pliant (-2 difficulty on all Ride rolls), and may be coerced to remain calm in situations they would normally avoid.

Availability: 4 Libellus Sanguinis 2 pg 102 N; The player spends a Willpower point and makes a Social Challenge—retest Animal Ken. Enemy mounts affected become terrified and nigh uncontrollable. Difficulties of all Ride challenges are increased by 3 Traits and mounted combat becomes impossible. Friendly mounts affected by this power become more pliant (plus 2 Traits on all Ride tests), and may be coerced to remain calm in situations they would normally avoid.


Presence/Auspex Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: None Listed Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)


Diplomat’s Boon Toreador Presence 5, Auspex 3 A diplomat’s most difficult task is understanding what people need to hear in order to make them agreeable to a suggestion. With this power, a Toreador may learn what it is that a target wants to hear. The power does not necessarily reveal all of the views of the Cainite’s target, but it does grant invaluable information which can then be put to good use in negotiation, avoidance of treachery and so on. Despite its innocuous-sounding name, Diplomat’s Boon is not always used for peaceful matters. Enemies may be allied, marriages arranged and wars started with proper application of this knack. The player spends a blood point and has her character concentrate for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). The effects last for one turn.

Availability: 6 Libellus Sanguinis 2 pg 37 N; The player spends a blood point and has her character concentrate for one turn on her subject. She then knows what to say to elicit a particular response. If the character is attempting to further an idea that the target believes fundamentally wrong (such as convincing a pacifist monk to propose war, or a happy person to consider suicide), the target is permitted a Static Willpower challenge (difficulty 8). The effects last for one turn. Xp cost: 11

Presence/Celerity Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 6 Tabletop; 4 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Scalpel Tongue Toreador Presence 1, Celerity 1 Catty repartee is both an art and a vice among the Kindred of Clan Toreador. Those who cannot compete effectively in the arena of cruel wit are unlikely to earn the respect of their clan members. Toreador primogen, then, must have the ability to scathe others with words if they are to maintain their positions. Scalpel Tongue mixes the same quick thinking that guides the body as it moves at accelerated speeds with the Toreador’s prodigious social aptitudes, allowing the primogen to immediately generate a barbed quip so stinging (due to the emotion-enhancing effects of Presence) that it shames the target into silence. This power has a subtle downside; if another Toreador detects that she had to use a Discipline to come up with such a stinging retort, it could have a negative impact on her social status. Roll Wits + Empathy against a difficulty of 7. If the user of this power does not know his target well, difficulty is increased by 1, due to the difficulty of knowing with any precision what buttons to push to achieve the greatest verbal impact. The barbed comment stings the target into silence for one turn per success, or double that if the target is not a member of Clan Toreador. Spending one Willpower negates this effect.

Availability: 1 Counsel of Primogen pg 102; Toreador Genre Packet Y; As this is a role-playing power triggering off a cutting remark, you must make such a remark before using this discipline. Once the remark is made, engage the target in a Social Challenge declaring the use of Scalpel Tongue. Leadership is the appropriate retest for both the user and target of this power. As this is a social challenge, Awe is also appropriate. The target may also spend a Temporary Willpower to gain a final retest. If the challenge is successful, the remark stuns the target into silence for 5 minutes (2 minutes if the target is a Toreador) or the end of the scene, whichever comes first.


Presence/Fortitude or Potence Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Inspire Greatness Kings (Power & Inner Voice) Presence 3, Fortitude or Potence 2 True leaders know how to inspire their followers to greatness, but Cainites can use the power of their vitae to inspire more than competence—they can push others beyond their normal limits. To use this ability, the character must specifically try to inspire or urge a follower on in performing a physical task. The subject must look to the character for leadership and guidance, and the character must inspire the subject in some way through words or actions. The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (dif 7). Each success allows the character to spend one blood point to grant the subject a bonus is performing a feat of strength or stamina for the duration of the scene. The character cannot spend more blood per turn than their generation allows, and no more than the character’s rating in Fortitude or Potence (whichever one she’s granting to her target). Successes may be split between to two, if desired, up to the vampire’s limits. Vampires and Ghouls gain dots in the appropriate Disciplines, even if they did not previously have them, with normal effects and benefits. Mortals gain extra dots in Strength or Stamina but cannot gain the benefits of Disciplines. The benefits last for the scene or until the task at hand is complete.

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 21 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 14 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Road of Kings pg 72 Y; The Scion must begin by inspiring or urging his subject to a physical feat of strength or stamina, the subject must look to the Scion for leadership, which the Scion attempts to provide by words or actions. The Scion must make a Social Challenge (retest with leadership). Success allows him to spend blood traits to grant his target a bonus to use in Strength- or Stamina-related challenges. The Scion may not spend more blood per turn then his generation allows, nor may he grant any higher then his rating in Fortitude or Potence. Vampires and ghouls gain levels of Fortitude or Potence even if they had no previous levels of them, and the powers act normally. Mortals can gain extra physical Traits, even above and beyond their normal rating, but may not gain Fortitude or Potence. The benefits last for one scene or until the feat is completed. Example: If a character (with Potence 5 and Fortitude 4) wished to grant Potence 5 and Fortitude 4 to his ghoul would need to spend 5 Blood traits while attempting to inspire the ghoul to the feat of strength then initiate the social challenge and win. The character would then need to spend 4 more traits while seeking to inspire the character to feats of stamina and win another social challenge.

Greater Inspire Greatness Kings (Power & Inner Voice) Inspire Greateness 1, Presence 5 As Inspire Greatness. Successes from the Charisma + Leadership roll can be applied to increase the number of people affected as follows: 1 Two People 2 Four People 3 Eight People 4 20 People 5 Everyone in the character’s immediate vicinity.

Availability: 6 Road of Kings pg 72 Y; (See Inspire Greatness)By spending extra traits in the initial challenge he can inspire from two people (with one trait) up to all in his immediate vicinity (with 5 traits) 1 Trait 2 People, 2 Traits 4 People, 3 Traits 8 People, 4 Traits 20 People, 5 Traits Everyone in the characters immediate vicinity (an entire troop in battle for example)Example: As in the example for “inspire greatness” if the character wished to inspire 2 of his ghouls the net blood cost would be 9+1 or 10 blood, for 4 Ghouls would be 11 blood and so on.


Presence/Serpentis Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 21 Tabletop; 11 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Serpent’s Numbing Kiss Settite Presence 3, Serpentis 2 Combining her serpentine Discipline with mastery over the heart, a Follower of Set who knows this technique can envenom her razor tongue as a subtler weapon. The player spends one blood point; no roll is required. The character may immediately strike one opponent with her barbed tongue as if employing the Serpentis 2 power Tongue of the Asp. Her tongue immediately resumes its normal form after the strike, sealing the victim’s wound as it retracts. If the attack inflicts any damage that penetrates the victim’s soak, the vampire injects a mind-altering poison. The victim must roll three successes on a reflexive Stamina check (difficulty 6 for vampires, 8 for living beings). If the victim fails, her wits become addled for the next hour. Any Discipline that affects the victim’s mind, senses or emotions receives one automatic success during this time, although generational limits still apply to uses of Dominate on other vampires. (Interestingly, this blood poison is sometimes beneficial to the victim; the mind’s barriers are lowered for friends as well as foes, and anyone attempting to repair the damage done by Dominate or otherwise assist the victim also receives the automatic success. Also, victims who possess Auspex find that the premonitions they receive while poisoned are especially vivid.) Mortal victims who botch the Stamina roll fall into a dazed stupor for the duration of the power and may take no actions of their own volition on any turn that their players fail to make a reflexive Willpower roll (difficulty 8).

Availability: 4 Guide to the Low Clans 164 Y; The character spends one blood. She can then strike with her barbed tongue as if employing Serpentis: Tongue of the Asp. Upon hitting the victim, her tongue immediately resumes its normal form, sealing the victim’s wound as it retracts. If the attack inflicts any damage (that is not prevented or negated by Fortitude, etc.), the Settite injects a mind-altering poison. The victim must succeed in a Static Challenge against 12 Traits for vampires (or 16 Traits for living creatures). If the victim fails, her wits become addled for the scene or hour. The victim is then down 2 Traits against all Disciplines or powers which affect her mind, senses or emotions (although Generational limitations continue to apply normally to Dominate). Victims who possess Auspex find that the premonitions they receive while poisoned are especially vivid. Mortals who fail the Static Test outright (not merely losing on a Trait comparison on a tie), fall into a dazed stupor for the duration of the power and must win a Static Willpower challenge against 8 Traits to take any actions of their own volition.


Protean Combo Disciplines Protean/Vicissitude Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Xp Cost: 18 Tabletop and LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Pater Szlachta Tzimisce Protean 4, Vicissitude 3 Some Tzimisce combine the Protean power to turn into an animal with the possibilities of Vicissitude. Forces of chaotic change surge through the Fiend’s body, forces he must direct while experiencing bone-breaking pain. When the Tzimisce can bear the strain no longer, the body settles into the Pater Szlachta or bogatyri form—so names by Tzimisce anarchs to insult either their servants or the “elder valiant champions” who served the anarchs’ sires. In the modern nights, this power is still known to a few Tsimisce, who sometimes use it in contests of improvisational fleshcrafting. Spend two blood points and roll Stamina + Medicine (dif 7). The change takes (5 – the number of successes) turns to complete, during which the Tzimisce can only howl, drool vitae, and writhe. The character can rearrange his Physical Attributes (one dot per success), but no Attribute can exceed the limit imposed by generation. The player can describe what sort of alterations he wants to make, but the process is difficult to control. In the end, the ST is the final arbiter, choosing one physical state for the character in bogatyri form of or certain Vicissitude modifications such as bone spikes, spine-saws, etc. botches earn whatever physical Flaws the ST chooses, maybe permanent ones. The change lasts for one scene.

Availability: 4 Tzimisce Clanbook pg 72 Y; Your body increases its mass for every Blood Trait you spend. You must first enter into a Static Physical Challenge against the Storyteller, and if successful, you can increase your Physical Trait category by two Traits for every Blood Trait consumed in this fashion, possibly exceeding the limits of your Generation.


Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description


Shape of all Beasts Tzimisce Protean 4/Vicissitude 3 Cainites with the Protean power of Shape of the Beast can take their choice of two animal forms in a matter of seconds. Cainites with Vicissitude can reshape their bodies into the form of any animal of the same mass, given time and enough vitae to power the Discipline. A Cainite with both—and some knowledge of zoology and comparative anatomy—can learn to take the form of any animal between the size of a tiger and a rabbit. They can also force other beings into animal form. As with Shape of the Beast, the transformed Cainite retains her psyche but can use the natural abilities of her animal form: keener senses, flight, rapid swimming or even venom (but no more lethal than would be normal for the species). Changing form costs one blood point and takes three turns. Each additional blood point spend reduces the time by one turn, to a minimum of one turn. If the Character uses the power to transform someone else, the transformation takes minutes instead of turns. Additionally, an unwilling character can resist, with the player making a contested Willpower roll (dif 6) against the would-be-flesh-shaper’s Dex + Body Crafts (dif 7). If the potential victim gains more successes, she successfully resists the restructuring of her body. Unlike Shape of the Beast, the transformation does not assimilate the Cainites’s clothing and small personal possessions. While in animal form, a character can use any of her Disciplines except for Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude. The ST defines the natural abilities of the various animal forms. A character with Shape of All Beasts can stay in animal form as long as she wants. She can resume her human form at will, without the need to expend more vitae. So can another character who has Shape of the Beast. Cainites of equal or lower generation than the character can heal back the transformation as if it were five levels of lethal damage. Mortals and Cainites of higher generation than the character cannot reverse the change at all without extensive reshaping by another master of Vicissitude.

Xp Cost: 24 Tabletop; 12 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 6 Mexico by Night pg 114 N; Changing form costs one blood point and takes three turns. Each additional blood point spend reduces the time by one turn, to a minimum of one turn. If the Character uses the power to transform someone else, the transformation takes minutes instead of turns. Additionally, an unwilling character can resist. In addition to trying to break free of the users grip—assuming an unwilling participant wouldn’t be restrained in some shape—unwilling character’s may also resist by making a contested Willpower challenge against the would-be-flesh-shaper’s Physical Traits. Unlike Shape of the Beast, the transformation does not assimilate the Cainites’s clothing and small personal possessions. While in animal form, a character can use any of her Disciplines except for Necromancy, Serpentis, Thaumaturgy, or Vicissitude. The ST defines the natural abilities of the various animal forms. A character with Shape of All Beasts can stay in animal form as long as she wants. She can resume her human form at will, without the need to expend more vitae. So can another character who has Shape of the Beast. Cainites of equal or lower generation than the character can heal back the transformation as if it were five levels of lethal damage. Mortals and Cainites of higher generation than the character cannot reverse the change at all without extensive reshaping by another master of Vicissitude.


Serpentis Combo Disciplines Serpentis/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Hatch the Viper Settite Serpentis 4, Protean 2 This rare and horrific power is known to Setites alone. The members of any other clan are hardpressed to master Serpentis to this degree, much less find a Follower of Set willing to teach the ability. The Setitie spends four Blood Points and an entire round to work the ability; no roll is needed. The following turn, the Setitie may disgorge from his mouth a living poisonous serpent, formed from his blood. The serpent (which is considered a ghoul with Fortitude 1) may act independently, but follows its “parent’s” commands. It must be fed one Blood Point ever three nights, or else break down into a mass of tainted plasm. Drinking the venomous remains immediately causes four Health Levels of damage, soakable only by Fortitude [aggravated LK]. The Setite may create and Maintain as many serpents as he likes; the serpents must be fed their master’s blood, however. Cainites with Animalism may communicate with created serpents, but the snakes always reflect too much of their master’s personality to pass for natural animals. Created serpents have a distinct pattern, each one unique to the creator (gold diamonds on black skin seems to be a common motif).

Xp Cost: 28 Tabletop; 14 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Availability: 5 Guide to the Low Clans pg 161-162 Y; Identical to the system described in Player’s Guide to the Low Clans p.161, excepting only that anyone who drinks from the plasma the viper dissolves upon death, suffers Two Health Levels of Aggravated damage (rather than the four dice of damage mentioned). This replaces the previously published MET version of Hatch the Viper in MET Journal #1.

Vicissitude Combo Disciplines Vicissitude/Dominate Conquering Blood—See Eminence of Shade page 109.

Vicissitude/Protean Name Clan/Road/Sect of Origin Disciplines Required Description System

Xp Cost: 20 Tabletop; 10 LARP Book/Page LARP System (Y/N)

Body Armory Tzimisce Vicissitude 3, Protean 3 This power enables the vampire to form weapons from the very stuff of her body. Each weapon costs two Blood Points. Any sort of hand-to-hand weapon can be created, though two-handed ones (polearms, great axes and the like) cost double the normal Blood Point expenditure. These weapons inflict damage per their type, but this damage is aggravated.

Availability: 5 Guide to the Sabbat pg 123 N—Conversion not necessary


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