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Download & View Revfy2010highlights-072009 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,389
  • Pages: 7
Susie Cambria, MSW Public Policy Consulting

Changes from Revised FY 2010 Budget Support Act (Publication date: 7/20/09)

Changes in revised FY 2010 budget support act (July 17, 2009) Title II. Economic Development and Regulation Subtitle G. Neighborhood Investment Fund Implementation Plan Eliminates: • $600,000 transfer to the Department of Parks and Recreation • $500,000 transfer to the District of Columbia Public Library • $139,000 transfer to the DDOT to be used for the Riggs Road project in Ward 4 *Find change on page 55; shows as strikethrough

Reductions: •

Funding for target areas reduced from $1 million to $835,000 for the following communities:  Columbia Heights  Brightwood  Washington Highlands  Deanwood/Deanwood Heights  Bloomingdale/Eckington  Logan Circle Neighborhood  H Street  Anacostia  Congress Heights  Shaw Neighborhood  Brookland/Edgewood  Bellvue • One-time funding allocations to community organizations reduced from $7 million to $2.8 million *Find change on page 56; changes in funding amounts show as strikethroughs

4006 Hamilton Street • Hyattsville, MD • 20781 Phone: 301.832.2339 • Email: [email protected] • Web:

Title IV. Public Education System Subtitle D. State Board of Education Reverses Council decision to separate State Board of Education from OSSE, thus returning the Board to OSSE. *Find change on page 144; change shows as strikethrough

New Subtitle E. Department of Education Technical Amendments Eliminates evaluation provisions *Find change on pages 149-150; changes show as strikethroughs

New Subtitle F. Education Ombudsman Elimination of Ombudsman language *Find change on page 150; change shows as strikethrough

New Subtitle G. Statewide Commission on Children, Youth, and Their Families Eliminates various provisions the Council made to the ICSIC *Find changes on pages 152-155; changes show as strikethroughs

Title V. Human Support Services Subtitle P. Healthy DC Fund Amendment Eliminates $600,000 for the Grandparents Subsidy Program *Find change on page 184; change shows as strikethrough

Subtitle T. TANF Amendment Addition of subtitle to make changes to TANF program; the short title is “TANF Work Incentives Act of 2009” Sec. 5193. Public Assistance Act amendments. The District of Columbia Public Assistance Act of 1982, effective April 6, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-101; D. C. Official Code § 4-201.01), is amended as follows: (a) Section 519b (D.C. Official Code § 4-205.19b) is amended as follows: (1) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: (a) As a condition of eligibility, all TANF applicants shall complete a preliminary assessment of their skills, prior work experience, employability, and barriers to employment. (2) A new subsection (a-1) is added to read as follows: (a-1) As a condition of eligibility, all work-eligible TANF applicants shall complete an employment program orientation. (b) Section 519d (D.C. Official Code § 4-205.19d) is amended as follows: (1) A new subsection (a-1) is added to read as follows: (a-1) Recipients referred by the Mayor to an employment or education vendor or program shall participate in an assessment. (2) New subsections (f) and (g) are added to read as follows: (f) Subject to the availability of funds, the Mayor may provide monetary incentives to recipients for compliance with the federal work participation standards. (g) The Mayor may promulgate rules to implement this section. (c) Section 519e(d) (D.C. Official Code § 4-205.19e(d)) is repealed. (d) Section 519f (D.C. Official Code § 4-205.19f) is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 519f. Sanctions. (a) The Mayor may promulgate rules setting forth the terms and conditions of progressive sanctions for failure to participate in job search, job readiness, or work requirements pursuant to sections 519c(a) and 519e(a). (b) Until the rules referenced in subsection (a) of this section are promulgated, those sanctions set forth in 29 DCMR 5812 as of July 10, 2009, shall apply to sanctions required by sections 519c(a) and 519e(a). (c) A TANF applicant or recipient who is aggrieved by the Mayor’s action concerning a sanction may seek redress under title X of this act. *Find change on pages 189-190

Title VIII. One-time Designated Grants The proposed revised budget cuts all earmarks by 60%. This is done without regard to the value or merit of the organization or purpose. Further, the various nonprofits about which there are concerns, namely the six associated with CM Barry, are funded as is at least one organization which has announced it is ceasing operations.

Reductions in funding to all organizations: This subtitle may be cited as the “Designated Appropriation Allocations Act of 2009". Sec. 8002. One-time nonrecurring grant allocations. • Page 241: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, $30,000 (reduced from $50,000) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to Mount Pleasant Main Street • Page 241: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Commission on the Arts and Humanities, $1.2 million (reduced from $3 million) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  Kennedy Center: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Washington National Opera: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Washington Performing Arts:$100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  CityDance: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  District of Columbia Jewish Community Center: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Duke Ellington Jazz Festival: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Dakshina Dance Company: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Ward 7 Arts Collaborative: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Northeast Performing Arts Group: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  East of the River Boys and Girls Steel Band: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  African American Music Association: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Dance Institute of Washington: $50,000 (reduced from $125,000)  Fiesta D.C.: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Cultural Development Corporation for the Source Theater: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Gala Hispanic Theater: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  D.C. Caribbean Festival: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Adams Morgan Main Street Group: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)

Humanities Council: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000) Washington DC International Film Festival: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  High Tea Society: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000) Page 243: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Child and Family Services Agency, $316,240 (reduced from $790,600) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  Perry School: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Parent Advocate Project: $50,000 (reduced from $125,000)  Adoptions Together: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Healthy Families Thriving Community Collaborative: $30,240 (reduced from $75,600)  Council for Court Excellence: $16,000 (reduced from $40,000)  Safe Shores: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000) Page 244: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Children and Youth Investment Trust Fund, $560,000 (reduced from $1.4 million) in a one-time, nonrecurring grant shall be granted to the Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation to be distributed as follows:  Mentoring Works: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Keely’s Boxing: $28,000 (reduced from $70,000)  Columbia Heights Youth Club: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Ward 4 Georgia Avenue Collaborative: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Alliance: $10,000 (reduced from $25,000)  Northwest Columbia Heights Community Association: $10,000 (reduced from $25,000)  In-Da-Streets: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Wilderness Leadership and Learning Organization: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  New Futures: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Barbara Chambers Childcare: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Earth Conservation Corps: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Court Appointed Special Advocate: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Language Education and Technology Center: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Field of Dreams: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Positive Choices: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000) Page 245: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the District Department of Transportation, $8,000 (reduced from $18,000) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. Page 245: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Department of Human Services, $240,000 (reduced from $600,000) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  Community Council for the Homeless and Friendship Place: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Access Housing Inc: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  D.C. Central Kitchen: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  

Page 246: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, $4.698 million (reduced from $11,742,759) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  East of the River Family Strengthening Collaborative: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Marshall Heights Community Development Corporation: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Life Pieces to Masterpieces: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Ward 7 Business and Professional Association: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  GreenSpace: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Groundwork Anacostia DC: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Fort Dupont Kids on Ice: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Washington East Foundation: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Ward 7 Education Initiative: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Lifting as We Climb Foundation: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Keely’s Boxing: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Set Point Inc.: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Champs: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Latino Economic Development Corporation: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Educational Organization for United Latin Americans: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  District of Columbia LGBT Center: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Rachel’s Women’s Center: $160,000 (reduced from 350,000)  National Building Museum: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Capital Area Asset Builders: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Mid-City Business Association: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  UNIFEST: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Sasha Bruce Youthwork: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Woodland Tigers Youth Sports: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Jobs Coalition: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Institute for the Prevention and Eradication and Violence: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  CHOICE: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Calvin Woodland Sr. Foundation: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Behavior Environmental Academic Program: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Alliance of Concerned Men: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  ROOT: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Melvin Deal: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Parklands Community Center: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Cultural Tourism DC: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Greater Washington Fashion Chamber of Commerce: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Greater Washington Urban League: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Ward 8 Clean and Green, Inc.: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Ward 8 Youth Leadership Council: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Ward 8 Business Council: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)

DC Voice: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000) Byte Back: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000) Turning the Page: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000) Cabel Foundation: $18,000 (reduced from $45,000) Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Washington Area Women in Trades: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Lower Georgia Avenue Training Center: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Lincoln/U Street Theatre Foundation: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Ethiopian Community Service and Development Council: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Jubilee Housing: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Latino Economic Development Corporation: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Washington Parks and People: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Vietnamese American Community Service Center: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Mount Pleasant Main Street: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  North Tivoli Business Association: $50,000 (reduced from $125,000)  Park Road Business Association: $50,000 (reduced from $125,000)  Mid-City Business Association: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Lower Georgia Avenue Training Center: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Uniting Our Youth: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Chesapeake Crescent Initiative: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  National Council of Negro Women: $400,000 (reduced from $1 million)  Phillips Collection: $400,000 (reduced from $1 million)  Textile Museum: $130,000 (reduced from $325,000)  Washington Ballet: $400,000 (reduced from $1 million)  Urban Green: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Washington DC Economic Development Partnership: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Good Samaritan: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Our Nation’s Capital: $10,000 (reduced from $22,759)  Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Branch of Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington at THEARC: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Hoop Dreams: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Thelonious Monk Institute: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000) Page 251: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Department of Employment Services, $190,000 (reduced from $475,000) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  Ward 8 Workforce Development Council: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Ward 8 Education Council: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  Southeast Tennis and Learning Center: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Ward 8 Health Council: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)     

Page 252: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Department of Health, $750,000 (reduced from $1.9 million) in one-time, nonrecurring grants as follows:  Concerned Citizens on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Inc.: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Ward 8 Clean and Sober, Inc.: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000)  National Kidney Foundation: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Capital Breast Care Center: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration to the Crystal Meth Working Group: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  HIV/AIDS Administration to Transgender Health Empowerment Inc.: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Community Health Administration to Mautner Project: $60,000 (reduced from $150,000)  Community Health Administration to the District of Columbia Birth Center, Inc.: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000)  Community Health Administration to the National Capital Poison Center: $80,000 (reduced from $200,000)  Mautner Project: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Joseph’s House: $40,000 (reduced from $100,000)  Reeves Recovery Group Inc.: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Bread for the City: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000) Page 253: Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Department of Parks and Recreation, one-time funding to Friends of Kennedy Recreation Center: $100,000 (reduced from $250,000) Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Office of Latino Affairs, $50,000 (reduced from $125,000) in one-time, nonrecurring grants to be distributed as follows:  District of Columbia Latino Federation: $20,000 (reduced from $50,000)  Educational Organization for United Latin Americans: $30,000 (reduced from $75,000) Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Office of the State Superintendent for Education, $68,800 (reduced from $172,000) for non-recurrring grants to EduSeed. Of the local funds included in the fiscal year 2010 budget of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, a one-time, nonrecurring allocation of $300,000 (reduced from $750,000) to be distributed for programming costs, beginning on January 1, 2010, at the site know today as the Boys and Girls Club No. 10.

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