Respirasi Farid

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 905
  • Pages: 85
Membran luar permiabel terhadap berbagai substansi yang mempunyai berat molekul berkisar 5.000 dalton

Permiabilitas membran dalam terbatas, khususnya terhadap substansi-substansi dengan berat molekul berkisar 100-150 dalton (Sheeler & Bianchi, 1983).

C6H 12O 6 + 6O2 + E ner gi

6H2O +


1. Perombakan molekul


Oksidasi (Dehidrogenasi)


Pemindahan energi (Fosforilasi)

Molekulmolekul orgamik



Enzim Donor H & O2




Reaksi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Enzim Fosforilase pati Fosfoglikomutase Glukokinase Fosfohexose-isomerase Fruktokinase Fosfofruktokinase Aldolase Isomerase 3-Fosfogliseraldehida dehidrogenase Fosfogliserokinase Fosfogliseromutase Enolase Piruvat kinase Asetildehida dekarboxilase Alkohol dehidrogenase

Koenzim, ion energi Dihambat oleh P an Mg++ Mg++ , ATP Mg++ , ATP Mg++ , ATP NAD/NADP , P an ADP, Mg++ Mg++ Mg++ Mg++ , K+ , ADP Zn++ , NAD/NADP

Dialisa Dialisa Iodoasetat Dialisa NaF -

Hidrat arang



As. Piruvat

As. Amino (3C) Protein

Lemak As. Lemak

Asetil CoA Siklus Krebs CO2

As. Amino (3C)




Dalam Keadaan Aerob, Jalur Shuttle DHAPGliserol fosfat, NADH ekuivalen 2 ATP.

Dalam Keadaan Aerob, Jalur Shuttle Oksaloasetat-Malat, NADH ekuivalen 3 ATP

Stage 1 Hexokinase

Phosphoglucose isomerase




Phosphoryl transfer reaction. Kinases transfer phosphate from ATP to an acceptor. Hexokinase has a more general specificity in that it can transfer phosphate to other sugars such as mannose.

The conversion of an aldose to a ketose.

Stage 2 Glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase

Phosphoglycerate kinase

Phosphoglycerate mutase


Pyruvate kinase

Dehydration reaction

Nicotinamide  adenine  dinucleotide

Glucose + 2NAD+ + 2ADP + 2Pi­­> 2 pyruvate + 2NADH + 2H+ + 2ATP + 2H2O

Cellular respiration is the process of breaking down glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water and ATP. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces 32 ATP molecules per glucose.

Homolactic fermentation (muscle)

Alcoholic fermentation (yeast)

Step 1: Citrate synthase Condensation of oxaloacetate and acetylCoA. ΔG°’ = -31.5 kJ/mol

Citrate synthase mechanism

Step 2: Aconitase Reversible isomerization, dehydration/hydration mechanism

Step 3: Isocitrate dehydrogenase Oxidative decarboxylation, generation of NADH

Step 4: α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Oxidative decarboxylation, similar to PDH (share E3)

Step 5: Succinyl-CoA synthetase Substrate-level phosphorylation

Step 6: Succinate dehydrogenase Oxidation of alkane to alkene, membrane bound!

Step 7: Fumarase Hydration reaction

Step 8: Malate dehydrogenase Regeneration of malate, endergonic

Quosien Respirasi (QR) dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan rasio :

QR =

Vol. dari CO2 dihasilkan Vol. dari O2 digunakan

          

Temperatur Oksigen CO2 Cahaya Garam-garam anorganik Stimulasi mekanik Luka Infeksi Keadaan protoplasma Bahan bakar Hidrasi

Respiration Steps 1.

Rantai transpor elektron  

Fosforilasi oksidatif Rangkaian protein di dalam mitokondria membantu memindahkan elektron (e) dari NADH ke oksigen. Melepaskan sejumlah energi Berlangsung pada membran dalam mitokondria (Protein terikat membran)

Respiration Steps 

Energi yang dilepaskan digunakan untuk reaksi ADP + P → ATP 

Sejumlah ATP dihasilkan

Oksigen diperlukan untuk langkah ini Dihasilkan air

Redox Reactions Didasarkan pada perpindahan elektron sepanjang reaksi kimia Relokasi elektron melepaskan energi, disimpan didalam molekul makanan dan energi ini digunakan untuk sintesis ATP

Perpindahan elektron disebut reaksi oksidasi reduksi (reaksi redoks) Pelepasan eektron dari suatu unsur disebut oksidasi

Penambahan elektron kepada unsur yang lain disebut reduksi

B. NAD+ Is a Carrier of Electrons 

Electrons received by NAD+ and FAD are high-energy electrons and are carried to the electron transport system.

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Required 

Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate. 1) Enough energy is released for immediate buildup of two ATP. 2) Glycolysis takes place outside the mitochondria and does not utilize oxygen.

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Required 

The Transition Reaction: pyruvate is oxidized to an acetyl group and CO2 is removed.

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Required  

The Krebs Cycle 1) This series of reactions gives off CO2 and produces ATP. 2) Produces two immediate ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

C. Metabolic Pathways Are Required  

The Electron Transport System 1) Series of carriers accepts electrons from glucose; electrons are passed from carrier to carrier until received by oxygen. 2) Electrons pass from higher to lower energy states, energy is released and stored for ATP production. 3) Oxygen (O2) is reduced to water (H2O).


Electron Transport Chain

Step 4: Electron Transport & Oxidative Phosphorylation 

The pathway of electrons from one carrier to another is called ____ ____ _____; Each electron carrier passes its electrons to the next carrier (bucket brigade) Most of the electrons to the electron transport chain are received from what cycle? A reduced carrier becomes oxidized when it gives up its electrons (forms

How Do Cells Harvest Energy? 

Proton gradient — flow of electrons through the electron transport chain creates this gradient (ATP is made from this gradient) Chemiosmosis — harnessing of the energy stored in the chemical gradient; some machinery in the membrane must do this process

Generating a Proton Gradient 

Mitochondria — inner and outer membrane Intermembrane space — space between 2 membranes Matrix — space w/n the inner membrane; makes up about 2/3 of the volume; ETC is embedded in this

Pumping Protons

pH & cytochromes assist w/ transport of electrons. Gradient is produced when…..

ATP Synthase  

Proton complex Protons flow through these channels back into the matrix Works like a turbine Uses energy to make ATP

Fragments of Inner Membrane

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