Resources &materials Post-lesson Evaluation

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 479
  • Pages: 2
Resources & Materials Post-Lesson Evaluation The particular lesson plan took place at CELT Athens premises with a group of 7 present students on Wednesday 30th June 2008. Its aim was to introduce a fairy-tale from the East,culturally targeted at the elementary level. Generally speaking, it was a rather difficult lesson plan to handle, since few of the students presented literacy problems, even in their own language. Nevertheless, techniques were implemented to ameliorate the teaching procedure and enable it to take place in the classroom. In the beginning, visuals were used to introduce them to the topic of the lesson, which made them make particular guesses about the topic of it, too; mime and gestures also aided vocabulary comprehension, but, unfortunately, not careful guided explanation and wrong mime of the preposition, “through” misguided them to make misconceptions of the reading text, next (perhaps sketches on the whiteboard would have ameliorated the situation). The same situation also applied to verb “make”, which misguided Ss to the wrong interpretation of the context to make out its meaning. Moreover, I found myself not having gone over the lesson plan and not actually rehearsed it at all, which made me unable to handle the next stages of the lesson in class as well as skip very important stages of it, which made me get back to them , only after have I remembered all about it. On the other hand, Ss with guidance on the w/b plan, seemed to be able to perform the wh-question task , with the T; another point that needs mentioning here, is the one of a T-dominated lesson, without having devised several l- centredactivities to promote authentic interaction amongst students. As aforementioned above, T volunteered to dramatise the text for Ss, after seeing through reading problems for them and they were able to re-order the text, listen to the T twice and check their answers. They worked in groups perfectly well and, even weaker ones spoke their minds freely. Furthermore, at the Pre-Reading stage, Ss were not given the opportunity to check their predictions in pairs with the words given, but, rather, as a whole class activity, which deterred authentic communication amongst them. In addition, they were not given specific, clear instructions with the task of retelling the story, with the flashcards, therefore, they asked for repetition, which made me realize the significance of the issue of double checking of information.

Action Plan

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I ought not to mismanage time limits , rehearse the lesson plan and script instructions, check questions and concepts in language, i.e. concept questions and timelines I must be prepared for anything in class during teaching procedure and react accordingly Dramatisation,mime and gestures help Ss a lot to comprehend texts Try to organize stronger vs. weaker ones to compose uniform groups to perform well in tasks and boost their output

(479 words)

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