Resolution.2009 2

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 562
  • Pages: 2
RESOLUTIONNO.2OO9-2 "ExhibitA" T H O I 1 A SL O B E .L . P . A l)til:cx)t oI FtDancc C. MIRTEL,CMFA,CGFT4 JOSEJ'I] IirEinec' R I C H A R DI A F E L I C EI,. E , ,P , S . 7a.\Ad| iltn * | rutuilZon ng I ntPcclor D E B B I ED O L E S

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lJilil.ltilI Jn.tpccIot DI FRANCO N4ARIO

R A Y M O N DC . S O M l C H

RobeftM. Weger.MaYor ROBERTNl. WECER

Ournul Olcrk V I C T O R I AA S A V A C E ,C M C

A p r i l2 5 , 2 0 0 8 Mr. TimothYFlagan Cuyahoga CountYCommissioner 7219OntarioSt.,4"' Floor OH 44113 Cleveiand, RE: CuyahogaCountYAirPort l{agan: DearCommissioner l-iilis to attendthe Initialiy, I wanredto thankyou fbr allowing the cit)' of willoughby the appreciated meetingyesterday.I particuiarly CuyahogaCounty Commissioners devastating opportunityfor our residentsto give their testimonialsconcerningthe impactthe proposedAirportMasterPlanwould haveon them personaliy' ali poiitical I want to reiteratethatthe MasterPlan,as currentlyproposed,is against all health,safetyand andcommonsense.We encourage wisdom,fiscalresponsibility items welfareissues,includingnoiseabatement,environmentalconcernsand other runwal'has relatedto EMAS be addressed.The necessityfor expansionof the airport prgiections neverbeenprovenbaseduponthe historicaldata. The caiculationsand Simply presentedthroughoutthe MasterPlan are unleasonableand without substance' Master the for ,tut"d, thereis no necessityfor runwa)'expansion'The entireprocess documents with expansion for "predetermined" Planwasmisguidedanclwas initially health, been andevidenceto supportrunwayexpansion.The priority shouldhave safetyand welfare. the positionthe CuyairogaCounty The City of WilioughbyHills appreciates maderegardingthe Commissionhas statedand we were somewhatsurprisedat the offer us and we never saleof the airport. This is the first time this was ever statedto any of consideredit as a Potentialoffer. regard'I You invitedto us to initiateour duediiigenceon this proposaiand,in that wouidaskyou to providethe following: 1)

Any and all documentsfrom the federalgoverlxnentincluding FAA grants,licenses,leases,deedsand contractsof an1'nature. documents,

NO.2009-2 RESOLUTTON "ExhibitA" 2 of2

Any and all documentsfrom all otherprivate entities,inciuded,but not limited to contracts,leases,deedsand documentsthat refbr, mentionor affectthe airport(i.e.Fiight Options,etc.). Any and all financialdocuments for a five-yearhistory.including Profit& Lossstatements, BalanceSheets,and all otherrelevant financialdata. To addto your proposai,would you considerprovidingto the abovedocumentsall business, legaland financialrecordsfor the real estate,commonil,referredto as "AirportGreens"andany otherpropertiesin WilloughbyHills ownedby the County. This is separateand distinctfrom your proposalinvolving the airport. We would like to consider thosepropertiesalso. pleasesendthem to my attentionat: City of Onceall of the docurnentsare assembied, WilloughbyFlills,35405ChardonRoad,Willoughbl,Hiils,OLI 44094. We will then you deemproper to further schedulea meetingwith you and any otherrepresentative this inquiry. Additionaliy,in furtherance of this prospect,we would like 1ohavea meetingwith the legalrepresentative of your choicewho is mostknowledgeable on this project to provideinsightand guidancefor the potentialpurchase . A meetingwith this representative will enableus to makeknowledgeable decisionsaswe move forward. Pleasenotethat this ietteris beingcirculatedto the other cities immediatelyaffectedby theAirportMastet'Pian, parties,as our "good faith initiative" as well as otherinterested to yourproposal. Agatn,thankyou for the opportunitiesyou presentedyesterdal,.We look lbrward to yourresponse. incereiy,

Mr. ScottColeman,Mayor, HighlandHeights Mr, DanielUrsu,Mayor,RichmondHeights Mr. ThomasRuffner,Mayor, Szickliffe Mr. JimmyDimora,CuyahogaCountyCommissioner Mr. PeterLawsonJones,CuyahogaCountyCommissioner

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