Researching French Law 2009

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Hauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law Mirela Roznovschi, Editor

Researching French Law By Stéphane Cottin and Jérôme Rabenou 4th ed. published ... 2009 on

Stéphane Cottin is special envoy of the Secretary General of the French government. Formerly, he was the creator of the documentation office, then of the website of the the Constitutional Council of France. He teaches legal research in the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and to professionals with the Association of French Documentation Specialists (ADBS). He received an LL.M from Lille II University, a master's degree in Public Law, and a master in Library Science from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris (Sciences Po Paris). He has published several articles in French and in English in law reviews, and several books, including a guide, in French, 'Petit guide d'accès à l'information juridique française'. Jérôme Rabenou has been the internet master of the French Constitutional Council for ten years. He now works for a Prime minister department: ANSSI, Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (FNISA, French Network and Information Security Agency). He created the first French legal newsgroup (news:fr.misc.droit), website, and mailing-list. He received an LL.M in business law from the University Paris-XIII.

Table of Contents Basic Structure of the French Legal System .......................................................................................2 Government Structure ....................................................................................................................................................2 Types of Legislation .......................................................................................................................................................2 The Court System ..........................................................................................................................................................2

Parliament ............................................................................................................................................3 Official Websites .................................................................................................................................3 Ministries (departments) ......................................................................................................................3 Local Communities .............................................................................................................................4 Other (Semi) Governmental Institutions and Independent Administrative Authorities ......................4 Legislation ...........................................................................................................................................4 (French) ..........................................................................................................................................................................4 (English Translations) ....................................................................................................................................................5

Case Law .............................................................................................................................................6 (French) ..........................................................................................................................................................................6 (English Translations) ....................................................................................................................................................6

Law Faculties .......................................................................................................................................6 Law Libraries .......................................................................................................................................7 Literature .............................................................................................................................................7 General ...........................................................................................................................................................................7 Business Law .................................................................................................................................................................7 Civil Law .......................................................................................................................................................................7 Constitutional and Administrative Law .........................................................................................................................7 Criminal Law .................................................................................................................................................................8 Law Dictionaries ............................................................................................................................................................8

Citation ................................................................................................................................................8 Discussion Lists and Blogs ..................................................................................................................8 Miscellaneous Legal Sites ...................................................................................................................9 1

Basic Structure of the French Legal System The French Republic (la République Française) is ruled by the Constitution of the Fifth Republic (October 4th, 1958). A more detailed description of the French legal system is given by Claire Germain in her French Law Guide, or the English version of the instruction manual of the official website Legifrance, French public service for the dissemination of the Law on the Internet : "About Law".

Government Structure France is a centralized country, even if the 1st Article of the Constitution seems to say the contrary "It shall be organised on a decentralised basis", first of all, France "shall be indivisible". The French Republic ruled by a semi-presidential system, called 'rationalized parlamentarism'. The Head of the State (le Président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, elected in May 2007) is elected by direct universal suffrage every 5 years (revision of the Constitution in September 2000). The President designates a Prime minister from the parliamentary majority. Parliament shall comprise the National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) and the Senate (Sénat). They both pass the Statutes (Lois). For a more precise and accurate study, see the Final

Report on the 22 April and 6 May 2007 Presidential Election in France of the OSCE - ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - Elections), especially page 4 (Chapter III Background). Since this study, a major constitutional reform has been made in July 2008, on several institutional aspects, especially in the Law making process. The reform has not yet been totally enacted in 2009, some secondary Institutional Acts (Lois organiques) are still missing, and have to be voted by the Parliament for the end of summer 2009. One of the most prominent aspects of the 2008 constitutional reform is the new constitutional obligation for the Government, to publish an Impact Assessment before each Bill, in order to comply with the new European Union's strategy "Better Regulation".

Types of Legislation France is ruled by a strict hierarchy of norms. An overall norm is the Constitution (traditionally merged with declarations of rights of 1789 and 1946, and with the Charter for the Environment of 2004). Under this text, Parliament should pass the statutes (les Lois), with an internal hierarchy: institutional act (loi organique), ordinary act (loi ordinaire), and ordinance (ordonnance). This last type of text is taken by the Government, authorized by the Parliament fo a certain time, which has to validate the ordinance after this time. The executive power has the right to enact regulations (règlements) which are called décrets (for Prime Minister and President of the Republic) and arrêtés (for the rest of the executive branch). Statutes and nonindividual decrees have been numbered according to the form "99-1234" since 1945. Since 2000, these texts are named according to the form "2000-1234". All Statutes and decrees, and the most important arrêtés, are published in the official gazette "Journal officiel de la République française, édition lois et décrets", and receive unique reference numbers (since 1987: a NOR for 'NORmalized'). It might be useful for some databases. Since June 2004, French Law could also be published electronically. (See The Public Service of the dissemination of the French Law on the Internet', Stephane Cottin published in Review Acta Universitatis Sibiu 2005 (1/2) )

The Court System The French judicial system is historically strictly divided in two separate bodies: judiciary (ordinary) law and administrative law. At the top of the judiciary courts (concerning civil, trade, labor and criminal laws) there is a Supreme Court of Appeals or Cour de cassation (English access): 80 judges are appointed by the President of the Republic from nominations of the High Council of the Judiciary. For the record, there are also 35 courts of appeals, 181 tribunaux de grande instance, and 475 tribunaux d'instance (the lower level). At the top of the administrative courts (concerning the litigations involving public sector), there is the Council of State or Conseil d'Etat, with 8 cours administratives d'appel and 36 tribunaux administratifs. The Constitutional Council, or Conseil constitutionnel, is in charge of the constitutional review of the statutes before they are enacted (in abstracto control). The reform of the Constitution of 2008 created a new


in concreto control, and the direct access to the Conseil by citizens, but the Instutional Act is not yet definitively voted by the Parliament. The Constitutional Council is also in charge of the control of national elections (Parliament, President of the Republic, Referendum). The Constitutional Council consists of nine members: three members appointed by the president, three members appointed by the president of the National Assembly, and three appointed by the president of the Senate. In addition, former Presidents of the Republic are ex officio members of the Constitutional Council. For a comprehensive presentation, see the website of the Justice english : "The Judiciary in France").

Department (esp. this presentation in

Parliament The French Bicameral Parliament, or Parlement, consists of the Senate, or Sénat, (343 seats, including 12 for French nationals abroad; members were indirectly elected by an electoral college to serve nine-year terms; elected by thirds every three years: a reform conducted from 2004 to 2011 will lead to 348 members, a sixyears term and a renewal by half every three years) and the National Assembly or Assemblée Nationale (577 seats; members are elected under a single-member majoritarian system to a serve five-years term). A reform is scheduled for the next term in 2012, and some (11) French nationals abroad will be directly elected for the first time. The "French Republic's number three assembly" can be found in the Conseil économique, Social et Environnemental. This one has only advisory powers but it produces very interesting reports in the social, economic and environmental domains.

Official Websites Legifrance: Public Service of the dissemination of the Law. Contains the official gazette from 1990, statutes and decrees from 1978, all the official codes (some of them are translated into English and Spanish), links toward other official sites. Several tutorials in French are avalaible in the Main Help section (see especially the "Tutoriel Découverte"and the "Tutoriel Codes". A pretty good presentation of the main lines of the French Law is offered in English in this text : About the Law. - Service-Public: "Its design is focused on answering users' needs and on simplifying user's relations with Government agencies and services. For now you have access in English to public sites (local, national, European, International organizations, Foreign states)". This website includes the guide "your rights and procedures" and a public service by phone (Allo Service Public 3939) which inform - in French - the user about his rights and obligations and directs him to relevant organizations. It comprises 2,400 sheets grouped by subject and 1,500 answers to frequently asked questions. Official or governmental information for French citizens. Portal of all the public policies.

Ministries (departments) Several websites maintain lists of French ministries (department = ministère) and offer English access:

• Wikipedia notice : Council of Ministers of France • Government Portal (no English-speaking page yet, a new version of the website opens in June 2009)

• (or directly at the same site) Note that ministries are regulatory producers, and most of them give access to legal material in their own areas of competence. Find here some important departments with English Internet access:

• Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry - (English access for the Customs services) 3

• Ministry for Foreign Affairs - (English access)

Local Communities The General Directorate of Local Authorities – DGCL - belongs to the Ministry of Interior. You can also find English access to some useful explanations here. France is divided into several administrative levels ; the most important are: Région (22), Département (101), Canton (app. 4000), Commune (app. 37500). The 22 régions are Alsace, Aquitaine, Auvergne, BasseNormandie, Bourgogne, Bretagne, Centre, Champagne-Ardenne, Corse, Franche-Comté, Haute-Normandie, Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Lorraine, Midi-Pyrénées, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Pays de la Loire, Picardie, Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, and Rhone-Alpes. Metropolitan France is then subdivided into 96 departments. France counts also 5 overseas départements (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte), 6 overseas territorial collectivities with special status (Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna and New Caledonia).

Other (Semi) Governmental Institutions and Independent Administrative Authorities A comprehensive list of Independent administrative authorities is hold on the official portal Légifrance Here is a selection of some of these websites, especially those with some information for English-speaking readers:

• Post and Electronic Communications Regulation Authority (ARCEP : Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes) (English access) • Data Inspection Board (CNIL : Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés) (new • • • • • • • • •

site in July 2009, no English access yet) Broadcasting Control Authority (CSA : Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel) (English access) Ombudsman (Médiateur de la République) Stock exchange control authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) (English access) Competition Authority (former "Conseil de la concurrence") (English access) French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) (National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) as defined by the generic United Nations (UN) terminology) (English access) Consumer Safety Commission (English access) Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) - French National Authority for Health (English access) Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l’égalité (HALDE) (English access) National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies - INSEE (English access)

Legislation (French) Paid Subscriptions French legislation is officially published (paper) in the Journal officiel (official gazette) and in several official bulletins. Since June 2004, French Law has also been officially published electronically.


The collected texts of the legislation in force are also available in private editions of 'Codes'. Law topics are shared by several editors: some famous editors are Dalloz (with red books), Litec, Francis Lefebvre, JurisClasseur (part of Lexis-Nexis France, with the most comprehensive offer: "codes et lois"). The official service named "Service Public de Diffusion du Droit par l'Internet" (Public service for the Dissemination of Law through the Internet) is now provided on a free and open basis (free for use, and with light license fees for commercial re-edition) by the Government via Légifrance. Some other private editors offer practically the same services with associated fees : Lexis-Nexis France (French division of ReedElsevier), Lamy (French division of Wolters-Kluwer) and Lexbase, for example. WestLaw is represented in France mainly by the Transactive company, but doesn't offer (yet ?) comprehensive access to French Law.

Free Internet Services Legifrance is offering the content of the 'Journal officiel' since 1990, and also the consolidated text of every

Acts (Lois) and decrees (décrets) since 1978, and some (the most important) of them before. The oldest one is from 1536! Note that the Official Gazettes sites offer several other services, including, in English, (regulated information on listed companies) Emmanuel Barthe offered on this site (Globalex) a study on French Law on the Internet - The Basics and Free Resources, in 2005, constantly updated on his own blog ( here with several others joint issues:

• French cases : researching docket sheets and full text, 2007 • Official guides to French law and French case law -- in English • Indemnifying personal injury in France : tools for calculating damages, 2006 The global and open initiative between several universities and public services created the unofficial portal , with a page dedicated to all the works on French Law in English language.

(English Translations) Printed Sources • •

French Law, Constitution and Selective Legislation, Freshfields & Vivian Curran: Juris Publishing, Inc., New York Sourcebook on French Law, by Pollard David, Cavendish Publishing Ltd, 1998, ISBN 1-85941187-8

Internet Sources They are very rare. Nine codes (out of more than seventy-five) and two main acts are on the official portal Legifrance: Civil law, Civil procedure law, Intellectual Property law, Post and Telecommunication’s law, Insurance law, Procurement contract law, Criminal law, Criminal procedure, Trade law, Consumer law. Some institutions, like the Bank of France or the Ministry of Justice, offer unofficial translations of legal materials. You can see also the works of Harvard Law School Library (French Legal Research guide), Mirela Roznovschi (NYU), and "French Law in action" Claire Germain (Cornell Law School).


Case Law (French) Paid Subscriptions The official service is no longer (see above) conceded by the Government to ORT, with Jurifrance. Since 2002, the "Service Public de Diffusion du Droit par l'Internet" (Public service of Dissemination of Law through the Internet) has provided caselaw of the three supreme courts (Cour de cassation, Conseil d'Etat, Conseil constitutionnel). The decisions are available in full text since 1986, and in selection from the early 1960s. Private editors offer practically the same services with associated fees ( or WKF Wolters Kluwer France; Lexbase ; Juripro(now part of Thomson). For the other courts (Courts of Appeal...) a fee-based service is available from Jurisdata for selected decisions from 1980.

Free Internet Services Legifrance gives the list of official websites proposing case law. Another way to access this list is via (most of the links are broken), more efficient lists or access methods to caselaw are here on the Jurisguide (Paris I) or on (Stephane Cottin).

(English Translations) English translations of French case law are scarce. There are a few periodicals, however, that publish English summaries of case law. The Constitutional council has been providing English summaries of its caselaw since 1989 in his Yearbook (ed. Dalloz). Some international organizations may offer some selected caselaw. A good example is the International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions in the Recueil de décisions des hautes juridictions administratives / Selection of decisions of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions, or for the Commission for Democracy through law (Venice commission) in his Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law and the Codices Database. The Institute of Global Law (Pr. Basil Markesinis, Universty College of London) gives short summaries of French legal caselaw. The English translations of legal decisions include cases from the Conseil d'Etat, the Cour de Cassation and the Conseil Constitutionnel, the latter of which provides directly through its website some English-translated full text of decisions: click here.

Law Faculties • • • •

Directory of French universities Directory of the AMUE (Agency for the Mutualization of the Universities, english access) Campus France (Studying in France : Catalog of studying programs) List of French-speaking law faculties on the portal "Droit Francophone"

Incidentally, english access to the official portal Edutice on Teaching with Information and Communication Technology (use the acronym "TICE" in French). There is not (yet ?) english-speaking access to the free online lessons of the UNJF (Digital French-Speaking Law University)


Law Libraries The most important law library in France is Cujas (University of Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne). The whole catalog of the library (4 million items) is online. Others libraries have electronic access, including the National Library, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, (direct access to the selection of legal ressources), or for example, Sciences-Po Paris (Library)

Literature Google Book Search on French Law LC Classification: KJV233 .E43 2006 Dewey Class No.: 349.44 (22nd ed.) LC Subject Heading : Law

-- France (idem on

General • • • • •

• • •

French Legal System, by Catherine Elliott, Catherine Vernon, Eric Jeanpierre, New York : Longman, 2006, 376 pages , ISBN 978-1405811613 French Legal System, by Andrew West, Yvon Desdevises, Alain Fenet, Oxford University Press, 2005, 377 pages, ISBN 0-406-90323-9 French Legal Method, by Eva Steiner, Blackstone Press, 2002, 254 pages, ISBN 1 84174185 X A Hisstory of French Public Law (Law Classic) by J. B. Brissaud (Paperback - Aug 2001) ISBN 9781587981012 Learning French Through The Law, by Vivian Grosswald Curran, Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburg School of Law, A publication of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University. 300 pages, ISBN 0-9650295-0-6 Principles of French Law, by John Bell, Sophie Boyron, Simon Whittaker, Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-19876395-6, a second edition 2000 is avalaible ISBN 978-0198763956, and a third one published in march 2008, ISBN 978-0199541393 French substantive law, by Dadomo Christian and Farran, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 1996, ISBN 0421525509 Introduction to French Law, by Dickson Brice, Financial Times Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company), 1994, ISBN 0273601407

Business Law • •

French Business Law in a Box (CD-ROM - Sep 1, 2006) ISBN 978-1905507375 French Arbitration Law and Practice by Jean-Louis Delvolve (Hardcover - Oct 2003) ISBN 9789041122254

Civil Law • •

The French Civil Code by John H. Crabb (Translator) 2002, Kluwer Law International; ISBN 90 6544797 0 French Property and Inheritance Law: Principles and Practice by Henry Dyson (Paperback - Oct 25, 2003) ISBN : 978-0199254750

Constitutional and Administrative Law •

French Administrative Law And the Common-law World by Bernard Schwartz and Arthur T., II Vanderbilt (Hardcover - Dec 30, 2006) ISBN 978-1584777045 French Administrative Law : L. Neville Brown, John S. Bell With the Assistance of Jean-Michel Galabert, 1998, Oxford Univ Pr, ISBN 0198765134


Criminal Law • •

The French Penal Code of 1994 As Amended As of January 1, 1999 (American Series of Foreign Penal Codes, 31) by Edward A. Tomlinson 1999) Fred B Rothman & Co, ISBN 0837700531 French Criminal Law by CatherineElliott (Paperback - May 2001) ISBN : 978-1903240304

Law Dictionaries Dictionnaire juridique français-anglais / anglais-français : Law Dictionary French-English/English-French, by Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson et alii, ed. Dalloz, 2004, ISBN 978-2247058228 The most common French law dictionary is Vocabulaire Juridique, by Gérard Cornu, ed. PUF, 2007, ISBN 978-2130559863 An online glossary of

French-English Legal terms can be found in the virtual Law Faculty of Lyon III.

A comprehensive list of french (

legal glossaries (books and online) is on the website of Emmanuel Barthe

Citation There is no official method of legal citation in French. Private and public editors have their own systems, their own abbreviations. However, on this excellent website Jurisguide, you will find some examples and practical exercises of translation of French legal citations:

• Exercice about citation and bibliography on Jurisguide • Abbreviations on Jurisguide At the European level, some initiative has to be mentioned : the "Code de rédaction interinstitutionnel" (communitarian law) (English version), with hera a list of French acronyms in EC sector For information on French legal bibliography (University of Montreal, Canada, in French): Bibliothèque droit and especially this chapter on the meaning of the abbreviations in French legal bibliography. Finally, here you can find some URLs on how to refer to a document in a legal thesis or article.


Discussion Lists and Blogs Several French law lists have been created. Most of them are not really discussion lists, but one-way lists. Discussion lists, properly speaking, can be found here, but the most important flow of legal information goes now through blogs. Five Usenet newsgroups concern legal matters: news:fr.misc.droit, news:fr.misc.droit.famille (Family issues), news:fr.misc.droit.immobilier (Real Estate), news:fr.misc.droit.travail (Labor) and news:fr.misc.droit.internet. Caution: they accept only French-written news. The list of the association "Juriconnexion" could be useful of legal librarians, and the "Droit-net" list is also well known for the quality of the debates, but they are both exclusively French-speaking. French «Blawgs» are becoming more and more important: for an almost comprehensive list, frequently updated, see the portal Juriblogs, this chapter of the Open Directory (DMOZ) Français: Sciences: Sciences humaines et sociales: Droit: Droit français: Weblogs or the Wikio ranking of the French legal blogs. On twitter, you can find some useful twitts with the search on the words "French the hashtag #droit.


Law", or with (in French)

Miscellaneous Legal Sites English-speaking websites or services on French legal system:

• Search for the country "France" on the FLAG database of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) • Research guide for France originally compiled by Paul Norman, Spring 1990. Updated by Gerry Power, Access Librarian, March 2002, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) Selection of video- and podcast website on French Law :

• French Law in action (dir. Claire Germain, Cornell Law School) • English access to the website of Justice Roger Errera (Conseiller d'Etat) (several interviews in English on the French administrative Law) Selection of French legal "portals" (list of French legal websites):

• (unofficial but comprehensive French legal portal) • Le village de la justice (Juriguide) • Rabenou (this author stopped updates, but this website has been a model for other French legal •

websites) Wikipedia Portal Droit Français

(in French), in English

© 2009, Hauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law


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