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This research tackles about: Development Of Immersion In Competency for Learners of Technical Vocational Livelihood(TVL) Strand. This research talks about how student will develop their skill by the help of the immersion. This research will help the students of Technical Vocational Livelihood(TVL) Strand to know what is the good benefits of immersion to the (TVL) students.

Some important details are written in this research; Does immersion helps the TVL student to improve their skills? Does immersion is applicable in workplace? This research will show to the readers of what are the good benefits that they can get when they have a experience in immersion.

This research is made to give knowledge on the future student of Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Students. It will help the learners of Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) to know what is the real purpose of immersion.


As a requirements for the elective subject TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL LIVELIHOOD – students are required to take their On-The-Job Training or Work Immersion.

On-The-Job Training is the actual work experience a student undergoes to further enhance and develop their skills by actually doing the work and performing it as a worker to the company or establishment and contribute to its success. The training is much defined as the transfer of the required skills and knowledge usually of a supervisor or head of company or establishment to the student trainee or apprentice through demonstration, observation and hands-on learning.

The aim of the On-The-Job Training is to acquire knowledge and develop the skills of the TVL Student about the housekeeping procedure in a hotel, the largest work force the establishments has.

Being in the line with the Technical Vocational course, work fields such as hotel staff or workers that the students may land as their job in the future, having a hotel training especially of the housekeeping, enhances and builds the student knowledge and skills as to what the real world of hospitality industry is all about. Education and theories learned from school is further deepen with the help of the On-The-Job Training. Students perform what they learned from their instructors and apply it within the work environment under normal working condition. OJT trains the student how to perform their jobs as a worker of the hotel or establishment and acquire the needed skills and apply it to their future. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their fields of specialization to enhance their competence. Specially, the students are able to: gain relevant and practical industrial under the guidance of industry expert and workers; appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in school; enhance their technical knowledge and skills; enrich their skills in communication and human relations; and develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and challenge of employment or higher education after graduation.


The key to understanding the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track of Senior High School is studying the Curriculum Guides posted on the website of the Department of Education (DepEd). If you click on Agri-Fishery Arts, for example, you will get figures such as this: Aquaculture (640 hours), Food/Fish Processing (640 hours), and Horticulture (640 hours). If you click on Home Economics, you will get figures such as Caregiving (640 hours), Cookery (320 hours), and Front Office Services (160 hours). You will also get this note about these three particular skills sets: “40 hours of the subject during exploratory Grade 7/8.” If you click on Information and Communications Technology, you will get figures such as Animation (320 hours), Computer Programming (320 hours), and Contact Center Services (320 hours). You might also be surprised that Computer Programming allows the learners to gain a National Certificate (NC) IV. Most people who talk about Senior High School (SHS) say that high school graduates can have, at most, an NC II. Finally, if you click on Industrial Arts, you will get figures such as Automotive Servicing (640 hours), Domestic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing (640 hours), and Plumbing (320 hours for NC I and 320 hours for NC II). DepEd conducted a survey of the preferences of current Grade 10 learners, in order to be able to plan what tracks to offer in each particular SHS. The findings confirm the gut feel of the original proponents of K to 12. Almost half or 49.5% of Grade 11 learners (roughly 607,000 learners) in June 2016 will take the Academic Track, with 92,000 (7.4%) taking STEM, 111,000 (9.1%) taking ABM, 92,000 (7.5%) taking HUMSS, and 310,000 (25.4%) taking GA. (STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics; ABM means Accountancy, Business, Management; HUMSS means Humanities, Social Sciences; GA means General Academic). Only 0.8% of Grade 11 learners (roughly 10,000) will take the Arts and Design Track. Another 0.8% (9,700) will take the Sports Track.

Almost half or 48.9% (597,000) will take the TVL Track. I do not have the figures for the specific TVL Strands (or specializations), but half a million learners doing Tech-Voc in SHS is a lot of learners. Learners taking the Agri-Fishery Arts Strand will have to attain skills such as “sample and analyze the soil for water holding capacity,” “read the tidal level,” and “set up aerators.” It is very difficult, if not impossible, for a SHS to be near enough to the coast for learners to stay on campus and be able to read the tidal level. I use this example to show how ridiculous it is for learners not to get out of the classroom. The same constraint, however, clearly applies to many of the particular skills (all on the DepEd website) required of all learners in this Strand. Graduates with an NC II in Caregiving are expected to be able to take care of a patient. It is not only very difficult but actually impossible to attain that high level of skill using only your classmates as your simulated patients. It is, therefore, necessary for the learners to go someplace where there are real patients needing care. Learners working for an NC IV in Computer Programming clearly must have programmed something, not a textbook problem, but a real programming problem with a real enterprise. TESDA is very clear on what is necessary for an NC IV. (Go to the TESDA website and click on Computer Programming.) One of the skills or Training Regulations is “Gain/Obtain feedback/input from appropriate person as needed.” No matter how smart a classroom teacher is, s/he cannot possibly give feedback on all the computer needs of all business enterprises. Finally, to learn how to service automobiles, learners clearly need to have automobiles to work with. It is hard to imagine a public SHS having enough space and money to house several automobiles. The solution, needless to say, is immersion. TVL learners have to spend time in actual workplaces to gain the skills they need to be certified (gain NCs). There are fishing companies (or more likely, coastal families) that can give learners practice in reading tidal levels and other skills necessary for Agri-Fishery Arts. There are clinics or hospitals that can give learners actual experience in handling patients. There are all kinds of companies that need computer programs to help them become more efficient. There are numerous automobile repair shops that can teach learners how, for example (this skill is in the DepEd website), to “check and adjust ignition timing as per service manual.” Where will the almost 600,000 SHS learners learn the Tech-Voc skills that they want and need? Where will they get the hands-on experience that will enable them to pass the tests or assessments that TESDA will require for the NCs? The answer is: in workplaces. Immersion in the TVL track, therefore, needs a lot of hours (a lot more than the 80 hours allotted for the Academic Track) for K to 12 to fulfill its promise that graduates will be able to get jobs after high school. –Isagani Cruz (The Philippine Star).


Development of Immersion in Competency for Learners of Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Students.

1. Did you apply your learning in school by the time that the school sent you out on a immersion?

2. As a TVL Student, Did immersion develop your skills and ability.

3. Is your school near at the Job site, where you are doing your immersion?

4. Is immersion having a good effect to yourself?

5. Is immersion important in TVL Strand?

6. Is immersion in TVL is applicable in workplace?

7. Do you think immersion, has advantage for applying the job after schooling?

8. Did you spend time to prepare yourself before the immersion?

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This research study entitled: DEVELOPMENT OF IMMERSION IN COMPENTENCY FOR LEARNERS OF TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL LIVELIHOOD(TVL) STRAND. The researcher gathered some information through questionnaire Out respondents are comes from different school. From public is Ondoy National, High School in Ibajay and Tolode National,High School in Toledo Nabas,Aklan.This immersion as art of TVL curriculum also allows the student to observe a lication of skills in different industries which reares them on how to aly their knowledge and ractices in real life situation . In the end, TVL track important role to rearing the students toward their works. It is designed to develoed student’s skills useful for livelihood reject at home. It provides a curriculum that is a combination of core courses required for all SHS strand and socialized hands – on courses that meet the standard hour requirement and comentecy =based assessment of TESDA.


This survey was conducted to the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Students of different school in Nabas and Ibajay, we asked few question regarding to Development of Immersion in Competency for Leaners of Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL). To ensure honesty of their answers, the survey questions asked to them were anonymous and confidential and will not be used against them in any way. This research will be benefit to the following:

Teacher. Teachers will benefit from this study from the findings and its recommendation thereof. They would be able to keep track if the students apply their learnings when the students are sent out on a workplace. Parent. The parents will be able to know their children profile on their academic performances and will be able to coordinate with the teachers to improve and develop their skills by the help of immersion. Students. The student will be able to identify if the immersion can help them to develop their skill when they are sent on the workplace, the findings of this study would benefit the students to inspire them how immersion is useful to them. Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the reseachers who would plan to make any related study about the Development of Immersion in Competency for Learners of Technical Vocational Livelihood. Administrators and Staffs. This research will able to know why students of Technical Vocational Livelihood(TVL) should be sent out on immersion.

DEFINITION OF TERMS Immersion-a method of teaching a foreign language by the exclusive use of that language, usually at a special school. Applicable-capable of or suitable for being applied. Elective-permitting a choice. Enhance- to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness. Actual-existing in fact or reality. Hospitality-the activity or business of providing services to guests in hotels, restaurants, bars, etc.

Deepen-to become deeper or more profound Instructor- one that instructs : TEACHER especially : a college teacher below professorial rank. Specialization- a making or becoming specialized. Assessment-the action or an instance of making a judgment about something : the act of assessing something. Workplace-a place (such as a shop or factory) where work is done. Undergoes-to submit to. Learners-to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience Purpose-something set up as an object or end to be attained. Expose- to deprive of shelter, protection, or care : subject to risk from a harmful action or condition Feedback-the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source.


In a program called "Immersion," middle grades students spend up to one week on a local college campus, attending specially designed Senior High classes and experiencing development activities. This research study reports on findings related to development of immersion on the student in different school partnerships involved in a Senior High Immersion program. Literature on Senior High and career readiness suggests that the middle school years are critical for future academic success, especially for the kinds of vulnerable populations that are involved in this study. Taking middle grades students to senior high offers them authentic experiences that facilitate senior high readiness. After participation in a Senior High Immersion program, students in both Senior High school partnerships demonstrated aspects of senior high readiness as outlined. Following a weeklong experience of immersion in Senior High life, students imagined a future that included post-secondary possibilities, developed senior high knowledge, and cultivated deeply positive feelings about senior high.

Connelly. (2013) cited that schools have always played a vital role in ensuring that students have the skills needed for the job or career they have chosen. The key function of education is to fully prepare students for life after schooling preparation for the world of work is a necessary and vital part of that equation. As our society and economy continues to evolve, it may be time to rethink how public education aids students in choosing career and education pathways. Additionally, due to the present economic and social changes our government is dealing with, it is imperative that we think more deeply about the future of those students who will enter the workforce immediately after high school.

―How can we ensure that education is the right one for the times? ― Different skill sets will be required for the future. The next generation will need to be entrepreneurial, willing to take risks and be multicultural. Lynch(2013).

Waugh 2013 cited, high standard of living, is an important part of culture and values. The education system has a significant and direct impact on the quality of our workforce our economic productivity and

ultimately, our ability to prosper as businesses, as people, and as a nation rely on our public schools to provide highly skilled and educated talent. K to 12 is a solution to create opportunities that will help all children from the time they enter the classroom to when they join the workforce McCleary. (2012) 12 (k twelve) is a designed curriculum for the sum of primary and secondary education. It is used in the United States, Canada, Turkey, Philippines, and Australia. (K) for 4- to 6-year-olds through twelfth grade (12) for 7- to 19-year-olds, It is a free education from Kindergarten to Senior High School in the countries mentioned respectively.

Wikipedia (2008) Republic Act K to 12 which is known as ― Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013‖or ― K to 12 Basic Education Program Law‖ states that the graduate of basic education shall be an empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and one‘s self. (Legal Basis).

RELATED STUDIES Immersion has been argued to affect students’ learning in settings such as virtual worlds and digital games. However, a review of the literature indicates a lack of empirical studies investigating immersion in relation to the learning process. The present case study characterizes students’ immersive experiences during a location-based augmented realityscience activity. Two pairs of students were purposefully selected from a cohort of eighteen 11th graders, due to their diametrically opposing views about their immersive experience. The analysis of students’ discourse during the activity, and of post-activity interviews, yielded a coherent indicator of immersion. To investigate whether each pair’s immersion affected the learning process, we analyzed the pairs’ activity logs, discourse and learning outcomes. Findings show that immersion was related to the learning process, dramatically affecting students’ learning behaviors, such as collecting and interpreting the available data, as well as problem-solving patterns. Challenge of the game had a positive effect on learning both directly and via the increased engagement. Being skilled in the game did not affect learning directly but by increasing engagement in the game. Both the challenge of the game and being skilled in the game had a positive effect on both being engaged and immersed in the game. The challenge in the game was an especially strong predictor of learning outcomes. For the design of educational games, the results suggest that the challenge of the game should be able to keep up with the learners growing abilities and learning in order to endorse continued learning in game-based learning environments.

SYNTHESIS The word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12 curriculum is defined in the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 40, series of 2015: “Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which the Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the Partner.” Immersion is done outside the school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined as “the place where work immersion of students is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories, shops and project sites.” What could lead to confusion is that the word “immersion” actually has two meanings in K to 12. The first meaning refers to a required SHS subject in the curriculum. The second meaning refers not to a subject but to a preferred mode of delivery of Tech-Voc subjects. Let us take the first meaning – immersion as a subject in the curriculum. In the Curriculum Guides posted on the DepEd website, the word “immersion” occurs in the Specialized Subjects of the tracks (Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood or TVL, Sports, and Arts and Design). Immersion is only one of four options under “Work Immersion / Research / Career Advocacy / Culminating Activity.

Research Design Descriptive survey research method was employed to analysed and interpret the result of the study. Descriptive research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they are at present with the researcher having no control over variable. Moreover, “descriptive studies may be characterised as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is, while analytical research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came to be”[1]. Descriptive research is “aimed at casting light on current issues or problems through a process of data collection that enables them to describe the situation more completely than was possible without employing this method.”[2] In its essence, descriptive studies are used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon. In its popular format, descriptive research is used to describe characteristics and/or behaviour of sample population. An important characteristic of descriptive research relates to the fact that while descriptive research can employ a number of variables, only one variable is required to conduct a descriptive study. Three main purposes of descriptive studies can be explained as describing, explaining and validating research findings. Descriptive studies are closely associated with observational studies, but they are not limited with observation data collection method. Case studies and surveys can also be specified as popular data collection methods used with descriptive studies.

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