Research Topics

  • May 2020
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Effects of Participation in Selected Physical Activities on Health Related Physical Fitness of Adolescent. Dr. Sakti Ranjan Mishra, Principal, Baliapal College of Physical Education, Baliapal, Balasore, 756 026, Odisha. Dr. Saroj Sundar Brahma, Physical Education Teacher, D.A.V. Public School, Bidanasi, Cuttack, Odisha. ABSTRACT Effect of 10 weeks participation in selected physical activities, such as aerobic dance, badminton, weight training and volley ball on health related physical fitness of 300 number of adolescent students were studied. Result of the study indicated that all the physical activities have yielded positive changes by the subjects. The pre-test and post-test comparison in respect of body composition was positive but not significant, while a better picture was observed in respect of musculoskeletal fitness and flexibility. The differences were highly significant in this case. Effect on muscular strength and endurance were marked but not enough for calculating a significant difference. Similarly, Cardio Vascular stabilization was found to be effected positively but not to larger extent. Key Words: Body Composition, Cardio-vascular Respiratory endurance, Flexibility, Muscular strength and endurance. Introduction: Physical fitness is viewed as multifaceted ability. It is implied by types of the tests included in the test battery. Attempts were being made to separate health related physical fitness from performance related fitness. However, the tests used to measure physical fitness usually tap both health related and performance related abilities. In some cases the health related element is predominant, while in other hand the performance related ability prevails. The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) has gone on record in support of physical fitness tests and programmes that emphasise the relationship between health and physical activity. Health related fitness consists of four components, namely: 1. Body composition 2. Cardiovascular fitness, 3. Flexibility and 4. Muscular strength and endurance. Today’s mechanization has fostered a society in which labour and physical activity is no longer inherent in day to day functioning. Through out the past century the total muscle

power required to produce goods has drastically dropped from 90% to 10% (Thaxton,11). Works previously performed by human beings are now executed by machines. Modern society is characterised as being mentally active, a change from the predominantly physically active culture of the past (Prentice and Bucher,21). The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not participation in selected physical education activities affect the students health related physical fitness. The sub-purposes of this research project included: 1. To determine whether or not significant changes exist between the pre-test and post test scores of students involved in 10 weeks of activities (aerobic, badminton, weight training and volleyball) in relation to (a) Body composition (b) Cardiovascular fitness, (c) Flexibility and (d) Muscular strength and endurance. 2. To determine whether significant differences exist following 10 weeks of activity programme among the groups of students enrolled in the course of aerobic, badminton, weight training and volleyball in respect of(a) Body composition (b) Cardiovascular fitness, (c) Flexibility and (d) Muscular strength and endurance. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 300 numbers boys belonging to class IX and X. The subjects were included in 5 groups homogeneously and 60 in each group. Four experimental groups namely Gr.I: Aerobic dance, Gr.II: Badminton, Gr.III: Weight training and Gr.IV: Volleyball and one Control group (Gr. V.) were designed for the study. Aerobic dance group practiced three days per week with 40 minutes duration. Practice includes a series of movement leading to dance steps, jugging, hopping, skipping, jumping and kicking. The Badminton group practiced three days per week with 45 minutes duration. Instructions for ten minutes on every practicing day cover rules, skills and strategy followed by skill practice and practice matches. Weight training group met three days a week with forty minutes duration. Subjects were instructed to perform individual exercise programmes concerning major muscle groups (Chest, back, legs) and minor muscles (Shoulders, triceps and biceps). Subjects were encouraged to increase the intensity when 12 repetitions could be performed with minimal effort. The Volleyball group practiced three days per week with 45 minutes duration. Instructions for ten minutes on every practicing day cover rules, skills and strategy followed by skill practice and practice matches.

All the Groups practiced for 10 weeks under strict supervision and prescribed schedule. Table 1: Tests and Equipments Used for assessing Various Components of Health Related Physical Fitness. Components Body Composition Flexibility Cardio respiratory Endurance Muscular Strength and Endurance

Test Executed Skin folds from triceps, abdomen, sub scapular sites (Lange Calipers) Modified Sit and Reach Test Harvard Step Test Bent Knee Curl Up Test

Data Analysis: Test scores were subjected to statistical analysis. Indices like means and standard deviations were computed for comparison. The mean and standard deviation values were calculated for the four performance variables: (a) body composition, (b) cardio respiratory endurance, (c) flexibility and (d) muscular strength and endurance for each activity group. To find out significance of the difference or the change that occurred between pre-and-post tests‘t’ test was applied. Findings of the Study: Table- 2 Mean, SD Scores and Result of the Test of Significance (‘t’) in respect of Body Composition (Skin fold Records) for Experimental and Control Groups. Setting


Grou p


Pre Mean SD 17.59 10.3 5 15.80 9.51






Combined (All ‘E’ Groups) Control

17.07 17.26

Abdomen Post Mean SD 14.52 8.25

10.0 3 10.1 3 10.1 5 10.5 2










10.5 0

‘t’ 0 .61 0 .66 0 .63 0 .65 1 .23

Pre Mean SD 14.67 7 .72 13.30 6 .52 14.85 7 .06 14.68 7 .29 14.37 7 .07 14.44 7 .36

Triceps Post Mean SD 12.11 5 .83 11.56 5 .62 12.39 6.11 12.16 12.05 14.35

5 .33 5 .82 7 .30

‘t’ 0 .84 0 .95 0 .87 0 .90 1 .72 0 .81

Pre Mean SD 11.02 5 .19 10.27 5 .25 11.13 5 .19 10.31 6 .26 10.68 5 .37 10.88 5 .20

Sub-scapula Post Mean SD 9.03 3 .91 8.86 4 .56 9.64 4 .57 8.87 3 .69 9.10 4 .28 10.93 5 .09


Table 2 indicates that the combined Experimental group mean of abdomen skin fold record score during pretest is 17.07 which was reduced to 14.16 during posttest showing a significant decrease as a result of 10 weeks long physical activity undertaken differently by the four experimental groups. The standard deviation score of 10.15 corresponding to pretest mean is indicative of the fact that there was a wide variation at the onset of

‘t’ 1.26 1.18 1.19 1.14 2.30* 1.12

the physical activity among the subjects of experimental groups. In the post test the standard deviation score has shown a decrease to 7.90 showing improved uniformity in fat reduction of the experimental group members. When compared to control group scores, it becomes clear that absence of physical activity has not yielded any kind of change in the skin fold record of the abdomen. The pretest mean of 17.26 (and corresponding SD value of 10.52) has remained unchanged. The triceps measure during pretest shows a combined ‘E’ group mean of 14.37 (SD= 7.07) and a posttest mean of 12.05 (SD=5.82), indicating that a reduction has taken place, more or less uniformly among the members of the group. Similar was the result of sub-scapula measures. The ‘t’ values except for the combined ‘E’ group were not significant. This indicates that even if there were obvious differences between pretest and posttest mean scores, the differences were not large enough to be statistically significant. However, when all group scores were combined, the differences became large enough to yield a ‘t’ value of 2.30 (p<0.05) which pointed to a fact that the physical activities have played their role, but only minimally, so far as fat reduction was concerned. Table- 3 Mean, SD scores and Result of the Test of Significance (‘t’) in respect of Flexibility (Sit and Reach Test) for Experimental and Control Groups Setting


Pre test Experimental


Combined (All Exp. Group) Control

Flexibility Post test






7 .21 7 .33 7 .31 8 .46 7 .57 7 .77

0 .70 0 .71 0 .92 1 .25 1 .04 1 .17

10.1 7 10.4 5 9.39

1 .04 1 .08 0 .80 1 .14 1 .46 1 .18


11.17 10.2 9 7.78

6.60** 7.14** 5.00** 9.09** 3.16*

**p<0.01, *p<0.05

Data presented in Table 3 describes that the performance efficiency of the experimental groups has increased substantially whereas there has been no change for the control group. The control group mean score for Sit and Reach test during pretest was 7.77 which was very insignificantly changed to 7.78

during post test. In contrast, experimental group mean score Group 1 (Aerobic exercise) had changed from 7.21 during pretest to 10.17 during posttest. Similarly, for other 3 groups (Badminton, Weight training and Volleyball) the pretest mean scores of 7.33, 7.31 and 8.46 had changed to 10.45, 9.39 and 11.17 respectively during posttest. The combined ‘E’ group pretest mean score of 7.57 had also shown significant improvement to a posttest mean score of 10.29. Computed‘t’ value for Sit and Reach test scores have indicated highly significant differences between pre and posttest measures. The difference in respect of the control group was also significant at .0.05 level. The highly significant‘t’ values (p<0.01) of all experimental groups as well as the combined ‘E’ groups reflects that all the prescribed physical activities have made their positive impact on the bodily performance (Flexibility) of the subjects. Table- 4 Mean, SD scores and Result of the Test of Significance (‘t’) in respect of Muscular Strength and Endurance (Bent-Knee Kurl up Test) for Experimental and Control Groups Setting




Combined (All Exp. Group) Control

Muscular Strength & Endu. Pre test Post test Mean





13.5 1 13.9 1 13.1 0 14.3 0 13.7 0 13.5 5

2 .77 2 .95 2 .90 3 .49 3 .08 3 .01

23.6 0 24.8 3 27.7 0 22.6 3 23.4 4 13.4 6

4 .07 4 .50 4 .49 4 .72 4 .43 2 .57

1.66 1.53 1.53 1.40 2.93** 2.08*

**p<0.01, *p<0.05

Table 4 indicates the performances of Experimental groups on Muscular Strength and Endurance that had improved due to their 10 week long participation in physical activities (Aerobic exercise, Badminton, Weight training and Volleyball). The pretest mean score of 13.51 for group 1 (Aerobic Exercise) has increased to a posttest mean score of 23.60. Similarly, the pretest mean scores of other three experimental groups have also increased from 13.91, 13.10 and 14.30 to posttest scores of 24.83, 22.70 and 22.63 respectively. Low SD values have made it implicit that the changes have been uniform. The‘t’ values

in respect of Bent Knee- Curl-up measures the individual group tests have yielded no significant differences, but the combined ‘t’ group differences have shown a highly significant difference between pretest and posttest performances. The control group difference has also appeared to be significant.

Table- 5 Mean, SD scores and Result of the Test of Significance (‘t’) in respect of Cardio-respiratory Endurance (Harvard Step Test) for Experimental and Control Groups Setting




Combined (All Exp. Group) Control

Cardio-respiratory Rates Pre test Post test Mean





74.2 8 75.8 6 74.2 5 76.8 8 75.3 1 76.1 5

5 .63 4 .65 6 .94 4 .54 5 .48 5 .23

70.6 8 72.3 8 71.4 6 72.8 0 71.8 3 72.6 0

5 .35 2 .96 3 .89 5 .10 5 .10 5 .37

1.05 1.49 1.03 1.20 2.12** 1.09


The Table 5 depicts that group differences in pre and posttest measures in respect of Cardio-vascular rates were not statistically significant, but the combined ‘E’ group difference was highly significant at 0.01 level of significance. Results: Results of the study have made an indication of a positive change in health related components after a 10 weeks participation in different physical activities. But in large number of cases such changes were not found to be statistically significant despite the fact that those changes are positive. References: 1. American Health and Fitness Foundation. FYT Manual. 2nd ed. Texas, 1986.


2. William E. Prentice and Charles A. Bucher, Fitness for College

and Lfe. 2nd ed. Missouri: Times Mirror/ Mosby College Publishing, 1988. 3. Deborah Dowdy et al. “Effects of Aerobic Dance on Physical Work Capacity, Cardio Vascular Function and Body Composition of Middle-Aged Women.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, (56.3) 1985. 4. H. Harison Clarke, Application of Measurement to Health and Physical Education, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy.

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