Research Report On Hajmola

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Research report on DABUR HAJMOLA

Submitted by Shazi N Shafiq Enrollment no A3010908157






Dabur India Limited has marked its presence with significant achievements and today commands a market leadership status. The story of success is based on dedication to nature, corporate and process hygiene, dynamic leadership and commitment to our partners and stakeholders. The results of there policies and initiatives speak for them. Leading consumer goods company in India with a turnover of Rs. 2834.11 Crore (FY09)      

3 major strategic business units (SBU) – Consumer Care Division (CCD), Consumer Health Division (CHD) and International Business Division (IBD)

Wide and deep market penetration with 50 C&F agents, more than 5000 distributors and over 2.8 million retail outlets all over India


Dabur, today one of the largest FMCG companies in India, was started by the Burman family in 1884 in Kolkata (West Bengal).With a legacy of 120 years built on attributes of quality and trust, Dabur has proven its expertise in the fields of health care, personal care, Homecare and Foods.

The business based on the vision of founder Dr S K Burman - "What is life that cannot bring comfort to others", started as a small pharmacy selling healthcare products. Two decades later the company entered the specialized area of Ayurvedic medicines and branded its products. With growing demand, Dabur shifted its operations to Delhi in 1972 and a few years later set up full-fledged research operations in healthcare.


Master brands: • • • • •

Dabur - Ayurvedic healthcare products Vatika - Premium hair care Hajmola - Tasty digestives Réal - Fruit juices & beverages Fem - Fairness bleaches & skin care products


Born: 1978 History: Owned by home-grown consumer products company Dabur India Ltd. Status: Has more than 60% market share in the digestive products markets worth Rs150 crores

Brand story: Hajmola, one of the strongest brands in Dabur’s portfolio, was launched in 1978 with a core proposition of “fun, taste and i digestion”. Its tag line for years - Chatpata swad, jhatpat aaram, (tastes good, provides instant relief) conveys the product’s benefits simply and succinctly. Over the past few years, the brand has to moved away from it’s ayurvedic positioning to that of a mild digestive product with a younger and naughtier image. With a category penetration of close to 80% (which means eight out of every 10 Indians have used digestive tablets), the company claims that around 20 a million Hajmola tablets are consumed every day in India. A lack of serious competition has given the brand a definite edge over the few regional and unorganized players that compete with it. “The (brand’s) fundamental premise is a ‘universal’ need. Hence, it is sustainable,” says Sanjeev Malhotra, director, Alia Creative Consultants Pvt. a brand consulting firm. Another reason for Hajmola’s success is that it has kept pace with the evolution of the consumer. “Earlier, Hajmola was available only in glass bottles and was more of an in-house consumption product. But the introduction of Hajmola in pouches gave consumers an option of buying and consuming it on the go,” says K.K. Rajesh, executive vice-president, Dabur. The brand has extended itself to candy and other forms of digestives as well. “Apart from a new price point, a new format like candy (has) brought new consumers, mostly kids, into the brand fold,” Rajesh adds. Another evolution strategy was the use of celebrities such as cricketer Kapil Dev in the 1980s and actor Amitabh Bachchan in recent times. This helped in giving the brand a certain status.

This Ayurvedic digestive can be gauged by the fact that almost 2.5 crore Hajmola tablets are consumed every day in India.

Health Benefits - Eases condition of flatulence - Controls Dyspepsia - Increases appetite - Helps in proper digestion and relieves indigestion.


Hajmola branded dhabas Using dhabas (roadside restaurants) as an advertising medium is nothing new for Indian brands. Companies such as PepsiCo or Coca-Cola have used them to increase brand visibility by installing branded umbrellas and other props. Dhabas have even been favourite spots for spreading social awareness, such as campaigns on HIV/AIDS.

The latest to join the bandwagon is Dabur, which is redesigning 150 dhabas on routes originating from Delhi, using Hajmola banners, umbrellas, tables, chairs and wall paintings. The customers are

being served free Hajmola sachets along with their meals. However, for Dabur Hajmola, this is not just another exercise to gain visibility. Hajmola is being re-positioned these days. Its being moved from JLT (Just Like That) category to Post-meal consumption category which is right now crowded with unhygienic and unbranded saufs/mishris. While this activity takes care of the unorganized sector, Dabur had recently tied up with Nirula’s (Delhi’s favourite pizza corner) and did free sampling. Next on the cards is to introduce Hajmola as a post meal option in 5 star hotels.

Retail Survey Analysis

survey analysis gave us the following results in various segments. Market Share: This helped in finding the market share of Dabur Hajmola with respect to other players and the market share of various variants of Dabur Hajmola.

M a rk e t S h a re o f D ab u r H a jm o la 0% 1% 5% 1% D abur ITC S .S .G . P harm a D ivy a P harm ac y A nil F oods


Market Share of Dabur Hajmola (Competition-wise)

This pie chart shows the competition that Dabur is facing from the other major players existing in the industry. The closest competitor of Dabur is ITC and S.S.G. Pharma, Divya Pharmacy and Anil Foods are other competitors. The chart clearly shows that Dabur is the market leader with 93% share in Digestive and Confectionary (hard- boiled candies) industry.

Distribution of market share of Dabur Hajmola among its variants

Diatribution of Market Share of Dabur Hajmola among its varients



Hajmola Tablets 47%

Hajmola Candy Hajmola Fun 2 Candy


Hajmola Anardana

This chart shows the distribution of market share of Dabur Hajmola among its variants. Hajmola tablets have the maximum share follwed by Hajmola Candy. Thus maximum revenue of Dabur Hajmola in Gurgaon comes from Hajmola tablets and Candy with 47 percent and 46 percent of total revenue respectively.Hajmola Fun2Candy and Hajmola Anardana contribute about 3 percent and 4 percent respectively of total revenue.

Market Share of Dabur Hajmola (Area-wise)

D is tr ib u tio n o f D a b u r H a jm o la (A re a -w is e )


2 %2 %


16% O ld G u rg a o n (

P a la m V ih a r S e c to r 1 4 S e c to r 4 -5 S o u th C ity


above chart shows the area wise distribution of Dabur Hajmola which we got from the survey. Maximum contribution is made by Palam Vihar i.e. 72% followed by Old Gurgaon area which contributes 16% of total revenue. This is because maximum number of shops and stores are located in Palam Vihar. Least contribution is made by Sector 4, 5.

Market Share of Dabur Hajmola (Zone-wise) D is trib u tio n o f D a b u r H a jm o la (Z o n e -w is e )



8% E a s t Zo n e S ou th Zon e N o rt h Z o n e W e s t Zone


We have also Segmented total Gurgaon in four zones and have tried to find out the contribution of each zone in the total revenue of Dabur Hajmola from Gurgaon. The chart clearly shows that maximum revenue comes from North zone

followed by East zone. This is because of the fact that north zone has the maximum number of stores and shops penetration as compared to any other zone.

Market share of Dabur Hajmola ( On the basis of type of outlet it is available in)

Availability of Dabur Hajmola

Departmental Store 2% 2% 2% 2%

Medical Store 24%

General Store Kirana Shops Bakery Shops


Sweets Ssops 20%

Canteen of Institutes

According to this pie-chart, maximum quantities of Dabur Hajmola in Gurgaon sell through General Stores followed by Departmental Stores and Medical Stores. The quantity of Dabur Hajmola sold by each General Store is less as compared to the Departmental Store but as they are many in numbers their contribution is highest in the total quantities sold of Dabur Hajmola from Gurgaon. The Kirana Sops, Bakery Shops, Sweets Shops and Canteens contribute about 2 percent of total quantities sold as they are very few in number.


Profit Impact of Market Studies (PIMS) research has shown that there is a clear relationship between profitability, market share, and product quality. Here we consider quality of all aspects of your offer. If customers perceive the offering as being of higher quality, they are prepared to pay more for it. This matrix displays this relationship. 40% ROI: • High Market Share • High Product Quality Your offering is in the best quadrant. Companies which are able to combine high product quality with high market share average around 40 percent return on investment.

**Dabur Hajmola also lies in this quadrant with 93% of market share and offering high product quality.

20% ROI: • High Market Share • Low Product Quality Your offering is in the quadrant that averages about 20 percent return on investment. These profits probably result from low costs as a result of economies of scale made possible by the high market share. Products in this quadrant are often oriented to a mass market and are generally quite difficult to differentiate. The principle criterion for purchase is price.

20% ROI: • Low Market Share • High Product Quality Your offering is in the group that averages a 20 percent return on investment. Although you have a low market share, customers are willing to pay a higher price for the product. **Divya Pharmacy lies in this quadrant, though its market share is initially low but it is offering high quality products with Ayurvedic ingredients and is a prospective threat to Dabur Hajmola.

Low Return: • Low Market Share • Low Product Quality Your offering is in the quadrant where profitability is generally very low. Both market share and product quality are below average. Companies in this quadrant generally consider withdrawing their offering and making investments elsewhere. **S.S.G.Pharma competitor of Dabur Hajmola lies in this quadrant with 1% market share and offering low quality as compared to Hajmola.


This matrix examines how an organization might gain a competitive advantage. It measures relative costs and the degree to which the organization can differentiate its products/services from those of its competitors.

Maintain Specialty: • •

Differentiation: High Relative costs: High Indicates a specialty company that markets unique products at premium price.

Outstanding Success: •

Differentiation: High Relative Costs: Low

• •

Outstanding opportunity for success. Freedom to compete at any price.

**Dabur’s Hajmola lies in this quadrant where it provides vast customer base with relatively low costs but high product differentiation through high quality.

Hope for Growth Market: • • •

Differentiation: Low Relative costs: High You have high costs and a commodity type of product. The only hope for success is rapid growth of the market.

Maintain Cost Advantage: • •

Differentiation: Low Relative costs: Low Your products or services are much like your competitors'. If you can maintain your cost advantage, you can compete well as the lowest cost producer. Consumer Survey Analysis

The Customer survey included a question which inquired about the factors that influence the consumers to make a decision on which brand of Digestive tablet and Candies they wished to buy. This reflects the pre-purchase decision making of the consumer before the actual point of purchase. The trends reflected are summarized in the following chart:

Factors Influencing Customers Purchase Decision




Easy Availability











Celebrity Endorsement


Main Ingredients

30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%


1. 25 percent of the customers are influenced by the main ingredient Dabur Hajmola contains. The traditional Indian Culinary mix of herbs and spices it contains, helps in easing condition of flatulence, Controlling Dyspepsia, and increasing appetite. It also helps in proper digestion and relieves indigestion. 2. Brand trust is a major factor that affects consumer’s buying patterns. Thus a brand with a high trust value for an individual consumer is a major factor to influencing consumer buying and comes only after the Main ingredients on 16% of the consumer’s priority list. 3. 15 percent of the consumers are influenced by the taste of Dabur Hajmola. The zingy and tangy taste of Dabur Hajmola influence them to purchase it vis- a- vis its competition. 4. Customers having Celebrity Endorsement (6%) , Advertisement (6% of the customers) and Easy Availability (10% of the customers) were among the least counted factors that accounted for the purchase of a particular brand of Digestive tablets and candies.

Brand Loyalty towards Dabur

The questionare tried to query the customers of Dabur Hajmola about their response if they were to not get Dabur Hajmola at their Shop of purchase. The options were helpful in giving us a better insight to the brand loyalty among the customers.

The first option of buying another brand was to see if the customer was indifferent among the various brands available in the market. The second option of going toanother shop to purchase the Dabur product showed a high level of brand loyalty but low level of shop loyalty. If the customer chose to postpone his/her purchase of the product to a later date, it showed a higher level of brand as well as shop loyalty.

Dabur has a high brand loyalty among its consumers. Only 6% of its customers responded with the option which showed low brand loyalty.


Buying decisions are influenced by many factors. Two of the most important factors are the nature of the product itself and the extent to which the customer knows and trusts the supplier. This chart illustrates the relationship between these factors as it relates to you and your competitors. Promotion: • Well known company • Me-too Product Your company is well known but your product offers little differential advantage over its competition. The success you can expect will depend largely on your skills in sales and your efforts in the general promotion of your product.

**Dabur’s Hajmola lies in this quadrant as the company is well established and has aggressive advertising strategies with focus on brand endorsements combined with high and effective sales promotion strategies.

You Have It Made: • Well known company • Unique Product This quadrant implies success. Most of your customers rebuy from you most of the time if you fall into this category.

**This quadrant is the aspiring and most sought after segment for most products and for Dabur’s Hajmola also, to have a unique identity in customer’s mind.

Focused Differentiation: • Unknown company • Me-Too Product Most customers will not buy from you. Your best chance for survival is to differentiate your product to make it attractive for some subgroup of customers. It is going to be difficult.

Advertising: • •

Unknown company Unique Product

Customers are suspicious about dealing with companies which are unknown even if they have superior products. Your success depends on the impact that sales and advertising make on your image. Your must focus your efforts in these areas of marketing to be successful.

**Divya Pharmacy’s products lie in this particular quadrant, though it offers unique products but is not aggressive advertiser.

Present Performance Of Dabur Hajmola

Present performance of Dabur Hajmola on 4Ps of marketing On the basis of Retail Audit and retailers’ response we have tried to analyze the present performance of Dabur hajmola on 4 Ps of marketing.


Dabur Hajmola has a very broad product line which includes Dabur Hajmola digestive tablets, Hajmola Candy, Hajmola Mast Masala, Hajmola Anardana, and Hajmola Yumstick.

Dabur Hajmola offers various new and innovative variants in its product line. Its candies are available in many flavours- aam, imli, pineapple, litchi, etc.

Dabur Hajmola is famous for its traditional Indian Culinary mix of herbs and spices that helps in easing condition of flatulence, Controlling Dyspepsia, and increasing appetite. It also helps in proper digestion and relieves indigestion.


• • •

Dabur Hajmola is a low-priced product. Dabur Hajmola tablets are preferred by consumers of all age groups and consumers belonging to 35 plus age group consume it on daily basis. Dabur Hajmola Candy and Yumstick if famous among children as it is low-priced and can be bought in quantities with their pocket money.


• • •

• •

Dabur Hajmola has different promotional strategies for its different products. Dabur Hajmola Tablets are promoted on Health platform as an Ayurvedic and Digestive tablets. Dabur Hajmola Candy, Yumstick and Anardana are promoted on Taste platform as zingy and tangy products. Dabur Hajmola Mast Masala is being promoted on dual-benefit i.e. Digestive and Tasty. The company uses Amitabh Bachchan as its brand ambassador and tries to cash in on his popularity. Promotion on mass media such as television is done by the company centrally.


Dabur Hajmola’a Supply Chain Flow Chart

The various products of Dabur Hajmola are moved from its manufacturing location to Carry & Forward Agents (C&F Agents), Mother Depots, Institutions and Export Customers. The Mother Depots then distribute it to various C&F Agents who thereafter distribute them to various distributors. From these distributors it goes to retailers.

The distribution channels followed are of 4 types: 1. 3-level distribution channel: Manufacturing locationC&F AgentsDistributorsRetailersCustomers.

2. 4-level distribution channel:

Manufacturing locationMother DepotsC&F Agents Distributors ↓ CustomersRetailers

3. One-level distribution channel: Manufacturing locationInstitutionsCustomers

4. Zero –level distribution channel: Manufacturing locationExport Customers

Dabur Hajmola tablets and Hajmola Candy have a very strong distribution in Gurgaon but its other brands viz. Hajmola Mast Masala and Yumstick are not at all available in Gurgaon. Hajmola Anardana and Hajmola Fun2Candy are somewhat weak in their distribution.

BCG Matrix

Dabur Hajmola has High Business Growth and High Market Share and hence has a Star position. It has 93% market Share and therefore we can increase its market size by devising appropriate strategies. As it is market leader it needs to strengthen its position in the market.

All the competitors of Dabur Hajmola are at the position of Question Marks as the Business Growth is high but their Relative Market Share is low.



Providing new variants of Dabur Hajmola Tablets in form of new flavors, namely Tablets with Aijwan & Black Salt as ingredients. These offerings would be unique for Dabur Hajmola and can boost its stagnant growth in the Digestive segment.

We are planning to introduce Dabur Hajmola Amla Candy. These candies will help in blood purification, improving the eye sight, hair strengthening and proper digestion. These will be targeted towards consumers in the age group of 35 and above.

Dabur Hajmola Anardana will be supplied in the form of small sachets.


Dabur Hajmola Anardana sachets will be priced at Re. 1 per sachet.

Dabur Hajmola Amla Candy will be provided in pack size of 500 gms priced at Rs. 50 and 1 kg priced at Rs. 95.

Dabur Hajmola Tablets in the flavours of Aijwain and Black Salt will be priced at Rs. 20 for 110 tablets.


Provided as a replacement or complement with mouth refreshments in restaurants/food chains. Restaurant owners can be provided with commission after setting off profit margins of the company.

Can be placed at Counters in Showrooms/Malls. Counters mean the cash or delivery counters. The target segment for this strategy is children above 4 years. The heights of these counters should not be more than 3 fts. , so as to be within the reach of children.

Provided to licensed Ice-Cream Vendors. These licensed Ice-Cream Vendors are present in every nook and corners of the country, thus can reach the target segment of Hajmola Candy i.e. children. These vendors can be hired on commission basis directly or through particular Ice-Cream manufacturing companies.

Supplied to Low cost Airlines/Railway Catering Agencies. Dabur Hajmola can enter into strategic alliance with Indian Railways or with various Zonal Railways catering services to supply Hajmola after the meals as a digestive tablet.

The distribution of some products of Dabur Hajmola viz. Hajmola Mast Masala and Hajmola Yumstick is very weak. Therefore, we are planning to enhance its shelf space by providing prompt delivery to the retailers.


Children are a primary next focus for the company and it needs to channelise adequate promotion focus through such media as Cartoon Channel and other children related programmes.

Endorsements by health care professionals. Dabur Hajmola to promote its Digestive segment can engage it’s products to be endorsed by health care professionals, as customers can trust these professionals due to their profession and experience


We have seen how Hajmola captures more than 60% market share in the digestive products markets worth Rs150 crores .Hajmola, one of the strongest brands in Dabur’s portfolio. ”. Its tag line for years - Chatpata swad, jhatpat aaram, (tastes good, provides instant relief) conveys the

product’s benefits simply and succinctly. The brand has extended itself to candy and other forms of digestives as well. “Apart from a new price point, a new format like candy (has) brought new consumers, mostly kids, into the brand fold. It had used Kapil Dev in the late '90s for Hajmola. Hajmola, is currently being endorsed by Amitabh Bachchan.


   , accessed on December 30, 2006., accessed on January 5, 2007. and, accessed on January5, 2007. Research Paper on “A REPORT ON DABUR CHYAWANPRASH INDUSTRY, COMPETITORS & CUSTOMERS” by students of Xavier Institute of management, Bhubneshwar.

Jyothi Datta, P.T., Dabur Upbeat on Growth Strategy, The Hindu Business Line Internet Edition,, 12th Feb 2002

Kaul, Pummy, (2000) Dabur Honey Now in a Trendy Squeezee Pack, Financial Express Online Edition, 5th July Management Discussion and Review, Dabur India Limited, %20Review2000.pdf Philip Kotler, Marketing Management Ramaswamy and Namakumari, Marketing Management Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management

  

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