Research Project-2003 Final

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  • Pages: 20
TRAINING MAY/15/2009 PROGRAMME S CONDUCTED BY COMPANIES DECLARATION FOR MIDDLE LEVEL This project report entitled study of competitor analysis has been MANAGEMEN submitted to G.I.D.C Roffel Business School, Vapi in partial fulfillment of P.G.D.M. Degree. T RESEARCH REPORT

Submitted To : Miss Vibha Goyal

Submitted By : Zainab Kapasi Priyank Thakkar

Rinsha Abraham (1st year PGDM Students of G.I.D.C ROFFEL BUSINESS SCHOOL)

Here by we, undersigned that this project report has been completed by us under the guidance of Ms.Vibha Goyal (faculty member, G.I.D.C Rajju Shroff roffel Business School, Vapi).

Study of this Project Report is entirely resulting of our own efforts and research is original in nature. This Project Report is not

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submitted either in part or whole to any other institute or university for any other degree.

Place: Vapi Date: __________ Priyank Thakkar Rinsha Abraham Zainab Kapasi

Acknowledgments The

satisfaction which accompanies the successful completion of any task is incomplete without the mention of names of those people who made it possible.


the outset, we are immensely thankful to Dr. Ramchandran sir, Director, GRBS for providing us with the infrastructure and appropriate facility for successful completion of our work.

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We are at loss of words while thanking Ms. Vibha Goyal, for giving us the opportunity to learn through practical application in such an innovative way. Her esteemed guidance and criticism with constant encouragement and motivation are sincerely thanked. We extend our sincere thanks to the selected companies HR Managers to cooperate with us and share their valuable information and experience about their training criteria of their respective companies. We express our heartfelt gratitude to our all friends for helping us in some or the other way. Finally, we are greatly thankful to each and every individual who has been associated with our project work including those whom we may have inadvertently failed to mention.

T hanking you, Priyank Thakkar Rinsha Abraham Zainab Kapasi


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Titles Introduction

Page no. 5

Sampling design


Research design


Secondary data Findings Conclusion Appendices Bibliography Thanking note

8 10 14 15 18 19


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Objective: The objective of our research project is to know the importance of training in companies and to know how training lead to the productivity and efficiency of the managers.

Executive summary: We have conducted our research on “Training programmed conducted by companies for the middle level management”. We have used questionnaire and secondary data as a tool. Our sample size is 10 companies selected through judgment sampling and conducted door-to-door and telephone survey. By evaluating primary data we came across that all selected companies has given prime importance to training and it has definitely enhanced the performance of their middle managers and ultimately the companies had been the most beneficiary. They are conducting trainings through different methods and mostly their budget is above 1 lakh. Thus this gives us the idea that training is one of the most basic and important need of the companies.

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Sampling design:

Sample size:

10 Companies

Target population: Renowned Companies/NGO

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Research design: “Training programmed conducted by companies for the middle level management” is a Qualitative research. The data collection instrument is undisguised structured questionnaire. We have conducted door-to-door survey and telephone survey of HR managers. We also have studied secondary data for getting some more knowledge.

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Secondary data: MIDDLE MANAGEMENT:

 The role of the middle manager has become all the more crucial simply because they are the liaison between the frontline staff and senior management.

If top management is described as “thinkers,” then middle management represents the “doers.”

They have the capability to make or break the company as they harness the potential of the entire staff in their effort to achieve organizational goals.




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MIDDLE MANAGERS’ JOB TITLES INCLUDE: General Manager Plant Manager Regional Manager Divisional Manager


It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees. Training is activity leading to skilled behavior. Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through professional development.

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FINDINGS Identification of training needs:

According to our survey, some companies identified their training needs through “Performance Appraisal System”, while some other companies focus upon competencies required for a particular job and project.

They analyze their training needs and visualize the importance of training and development and thus have targets to maintain in reference to the market.

Mostly all the companies had a training calendar/schedule, which specified different trainings

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to be given to middle management as per their need/requirement and also availability of time.  Mostly all companies conducted training on monthly or quarterly basis, but it was not very certain that fixed number of trainings to be given in a particular month, it was mostly based as per their needs.

Different trainings given to middle level management:



Management training


Behavior development training


Skill development training


Knowledge development


Process design and development training


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Different modes of conducting training:

Modes of conducting training

No. of companies











Conference (discussion)


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Annual budget spend on training:

Budget spend Above 25,000

No. of companie s 0





Above 1,00,000


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Conclusion 

By evaluating our Primary data, we can say that most of the companies identify their training needs based on the competencies required for the particular job and project, and also some companies analyze through “Performance Appraisal System”.

 All companies had their planned training schedule and their time interval of training was basically monthly or quarterly, but it was not certainly fixed, it changed according to need and time availability.

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 The 2 most important training which all companies focused were Technical and Soft Skill Training. 

Mostly all companies conducted training through Seminars, Conference (discussion), Workshop, and also some companies used video-conferencing and online as one of their mode and some companies were planning for the same.

 They evaluated their training by evaluating the enhanced performance and improvement in their middle management and also ultimately how it was beneficial for their organization at whole.  About 80% of companies has their annual budget above 1,00,000 lakh and some companies budget was around 10,00,000 lakhs. 

Thus by obtaining this valuable information, we can certainly say that training is one of most fundamental, significant and vital need of the companies to achieve and maintain their set goals and to remain up-to-date with the market needs and to maintain their position in this competitive market environment.

Appendices QUESTIONNAIRE Sir/Madam, We are the students of PGDM, GIDC ROFEL BUSINESS SCHOOL and as a part of curriculum; we are working on a Research Project on “Training programme conducted by companies for middle level management” using survey as a tool for data collection. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Note: Put a tick mark in front of your option.

Page 16 of 20 We hereby assure that information given by you will be confidential. Zainab Kapasi Priyank Thakkar Rinsha Abraham

Company Name:


Company Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name of the Respondent: ______________________________________ Designation: _____________________________ E-mail ID: ________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________

1) How do you identify training needs? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

2) At what time interval do you give training? Monthly

Half yearly



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3) Do you have training calendar / schedules?



4) Which type of training do you consider necessary for your company/industry?

Management Training development

Behavior development


Skill development

Process design and development

5) What is the mode of conducting training? On-line Video-conferencing Workshop (Discussion)

Coaching Seminars Conference

6) Which different trainings are given to different departments in your company?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Page 18 of 20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ____

7) On what criteria do you evaluate the training? Training lead to improvements in the employee Application of learning on the job leads to enhanced performance Training lead to better results for the organization Others (please specify) ________________________________________

8) There is adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training. Not at all true Somewhat true

A little true True to a great

extent Very true 9) Managers utilize and benefit from the training programmes. Not at all true Somewhat true

A little true True to a great extent

Very true 10) Nearly how much amount do you spend annually on training? Above 25,000

25,000 - 50,000

50,000 - 75,000

Above 1, 00,000

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Bibliography Secondary data sources: 1) 2) 3)

Primary data sources: Sr. N Name of the company o .

Name of the respondent


Micro inks

Mr. Umesh Sharma


Maa Foundation

Mr. Amit Mehta

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Ram Ratan Kabels

Mr. Rajeev Bhargav


Zandu Pharmaceuticals

Mr. Arun Desai


United Phosphorus Ltd.

Mr. Ajay


Aarti Industries

Mr.Omveer Singh


Blue Star

Mr. Utkarsh Desai


Richter Themis Medicare Pvt. Ltd.

Ms. Satya


Raymond Ltd.

Mr. Sunil Kaud


Reliance Ltd.

Mr. Murlidhar Rao


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