Research On Paranormal

  • June 2020
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Introduction “I only created Jinn and man to worship Me”, Allah said in Holy Qur’an. (Sura Adh-Dhariat,56). As Jinns are made out of fire; they are invisible to human but they share the same world. If any person encounters any activity of jinn, it would seem like a paranormal activity to him. There are so many other ways to define paranormal activity from religious views. According to parapsychologists, the term paranormal describes, “any phenomenon that in one or more respects exceeds the limits of what is deemed physically possible according to current scientific assumptions. This includes extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death; parapsychologists call these phenomena psi, a neutral term nonsuggestive of what causes the phenomena or experiences” (Thouless, 1942). Parapsychologists are also involving qualitative and quantitative methodologies to prove their presence. However, by conventional theory of science paranormal phenomenon is still beyond and unexplained. Stories relating to paranormal phenomena are found in popular culture and folklore, but the scientific community, as referenced in statements made by organization such as the United States National Science Foundation, contends that scientific evidence does not support paranormal beliefs.

Paranormal phenomena are .those, which, if genuine, would violate basic limiting principles of science. (Tobacyk, 1988, p. 3), and paranormal belief is belief in paranormal phenomena. The research on paranormal belief can be traced back to the interest on investigating the concept of superstition. For example, Scheibe and Sarbin (1965) tried to conceptualize superstition theoretically, and the variables correlated with superstition/supernatural belief such as conservatism (Boshier, 1973), gender (Bhushan & Bhushan, 1986; Blum, 1976), surgical stress

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(Shrimali & Broota, 1987), and locus of control (Randall & Desrosiers, 1980; Scheidt, 1973) had also been studied.

One of the correlates with paranormal belief that attracts much attention is religiosity or religious belief; since religion is; an important part of human culture and the presence of God have yet to be proved scientifically. A number of studies have shown that paranormal belief correlated with religiosity (e.g., Buhrmann & Zaugg, 1983; Orenstein, 2002; Thalbourne & Hensley, 2001). However, other studies did not support this association (e.g., Ellis, 1988; Rice, 2003). The first goal of the present investigation therefore was to replicate previous findings. Furthermore, the relationship between paranormal belief and religiosity has not been explored.

In the recent decade, although there have been studies in finding the personality or psychopathology variables correlating with paranormal belief (e.g., Dag, 1999; Rattet & Bursik, 2001; Wiseman, Greening & Smith, 2003; Wolfradt, 1997), many studies showed an inconsistent result. For example, empirical studies have shown extraversion to have a high association between paranormal belief and alleged paranormal experience (Honorton, Ferrari & Bem, 1992; Schmeidler, 1982). However, some studies indicated extraversion was not associated with paranormal belief (Rattet & Bursik, 2001; Windholz & Diamant, 1974).

Therefore, our attempt in this study is to find whether people in our society believe in the paranormal activity in relation with the religion, gender and age.

Background of the research

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In background of my research I am highlighting my secondary resources. I found very useful as well as important data on paranormal activity around the world in religious books and articles of different websites. For the convenience, I have divided the data into several parts.

RELIGIOUS VIEW From the very beginning of the world people felt the presence of others around them. The only thing was they did not know or they couldn’t explain the phenomena with their sense and logic. After that religions gave them a better understanding about those beyond their knowledge. Every religion such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism affirms the presence of angels and demons. In addition all the religious books have given the appropriate definition following their own beliefs. ISLAM AND QURAN The belief in angels is central to the religion of Islam, which articles of faith includes Belief in God, Belief in Angels, Belief in Books (Holy Scripture), Belief in Prophets and Messengers, Belief in Qiyamah (Resurrection) and finally Belief in Qada and Qadar (predestination) beginning with the belief that the Qur'an was dictated to Muhammad by the chief of all angels, the archangel Jibril (Gabriel). Angels are thus the ministers of God, as well as the agents of revelation in Islam. Angels are benevolent beings created from light and they do not possess free will. Islam followers are thus bound to believe in angels, jinns and demons.

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Prophet and Angels: Angels are referred as the messengers from God for the Prophets. Jibra'il is the Archangel responsible for revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad, verse by verse. Jibra'il is known as the angel who communicates with (all of) the Prophets that Muslims accept. He is mentioned specifically by name and as the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an. As sited in Qur’an, “Praise be to God, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angel messengers with wings - two, or three, or four (pairs) and adds to Creation as He pleases: for God has power over all things" (Fatir 35:1). Jinns: The jinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from 'smokeless fire' by God much in the same way humans were made of earth. In Quran jinns are mentioned frequently and Sura Al-Jinn is entirely about jinns. The Jinn have communities much like human societies: they eat, marry, die, etc. They are invisible to humans, but they can see humans. Sometimes they accidentally











( Demons: Iblis did disobey God, was expelled from Heaven, and became the avowed enemy of man, he was a Jinn not an angel, which is not angelic in any way, since they are made of smokeless fire, not light, have free-will, and can disobey or openly defy God. Thus Iblis is referred













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In Christianity angels are referred same as in Islam. In the New Testament, angels appear frequently as the ministers of God and the agents of revelation. In the Hebrew Bible, angels often appear to people in the shape of humans of extraordinary beauty, and often are not immediately recognized as angels. They are described as pure and bright as Heaven; consequently, they are said to be formed of fire, and encompassed by light. In the Bible, angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well as to the whole nation, to announce events, either bad or good, affecting humans. Guardian angels were mentioned, but not, as was later the case, as guardian spirits of individuals and nations. OTHER RELIGIONS In Zoroastrianism there are different angel-like animals. For example, each person has a guardian angel, called Fravashi. They patronize human beings and other creatures, and also manifest God’s energy. In English, the Sanskrit word Deva is usually translated as "god", which certainly gives a polytheistic appearance to Hinduism. On the account of the Hindu theory of reincarnation and transmigration of souls according to one's Karma, other kinds of demons can also be enlisted. Also if a human does extremely horrible and sinful karmas in his life, his soul (Atman) will, upon his death, directly turn into an evil ghostly spirit, many kinds of which are recognized in the later Hindu texts. Just like Hinduism, Buddhism focuses in the belief of karma and spirits ( PARANORMAL AND RESEARCHERS

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Approaching paranormal phenomena from a research perspective is often difficult because even when the phenomena are seen as real they may be difficult to explain using existing rules or theory. By definition, paranormal phenomena exist outside of conventional norms. Skeptics contend that they don't exist at all. Despite this challenge, researchers from various disciplines periodically conduct studies on the paranormal. Anecdotal approach: An anecdotal approach to the paranormal involves the collection of

anecdotal evidence, which is an informal account of something that presumably happened. Anecdotes are often in contrast to empirical evidence, which are types of formal accounts that can be investigated using the scientific method. The anecdotal approach is not a scientific approach to the paranormal because it leaves verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence. Nevertheless, it is a common approach to paranormal phenomena. Charles Fort (1874 – 1932) is perhaps the best known collector of paranormal anecdotes. Fort is said to have compiled as many as 40,000 notes on unexplained phenomena, though there were no doubt many more than these. Fort is considered by many as the father of modern paranormalism, which is the belief in paranormal phenomena ( Participant-observation: While parapsychologists look for quantitative evidence of the paranormal in laboratories, a great number of people immerse themselves in qualitative research through participant-observer approaches to the paranormal. Participant-observers research as they experience, rather than to explain them.

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A participant-observer in paranormal research study consists of a researcher visiting a place where paranormal activity is said to occur and recording observations while there. In studying a supposedly haunted location, for example, the researcher may conduct a séance or participate in other activities said to cause paranormal activity. Specific data gathering methods, such as recording EMF readings at haunted locations have their own criticisms beyond those attributed to the participant-observation approach itself.

GHOST HUNTING Ghost hunting is the process of investigating locations said to be haunted.

FIGURE1:"Ghost hunter" taking reading with EMF meter (Source:

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Typically, a ghost "hunting party" will involve 4-8 individuals who work as a team to collect evidence of paranormal activity. Ghost hunters usually record data in a scientific manner, making observation using electronic equipment of various types, such as; EMF Meters, digital thermometers, infrared and night vision cameras, handheld video cameras, digital audio recorders, and computers. Organized teams of ghost hunters are also called paranormal investigation teams. . In the last decade, the term "paranormal investigation" has increasingly been adopted by hobbyist and professional groups who do not investigate any other aspects of the paranormal such as Extra-sensory perception and Psycho kinesis, but whose sole purpose is ghost hunting. GHOST HUNTERS: Ghost Hunters is a popular television show broadcasted by Discovery channel. It’s not just a TV show it’s a reality TV show which shows the real encounters with ghosts. Here the ghost hunters went to search the truth of a haunted place or house. Most of the time these investigations were done in requested places by the viewers. The investigators found the presence in some places they investigated and as they advice if unsure of any kind of paranormal experience (2004), “when in doubt get the hell out” (Hawes, H., & Wilson, J., Ghost hunters, Discovery channel) HISTORY The history of paranormal began long ago. As the history tells first known paranormal activity began in 1863(Connecticut paranormal investigators).Anecdotes like Charles Fort has written over 40,000 notes accounted as paranormal activity by the people living in USA and UK. However the history of paranormal in Asia was still unknown because of less knowledge and

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awareness. So history and encounters are focused on US and UK based places. Here some of the haunted places of the world are given. Haunted Town: Near the Nevada - California border, Bodie was home to 10,000 people in its heyday, in the late 1870's. In 1849, a W.S. Bodie, and his partner, Black Turner discovered large gold deposits in the hills near where Bodie was destined to be built. After that the town had to suffer through pain, greed, violence, immortality and also with its civilized sides. Then the population became less and less numerous as the mines petered out. However, when the last mine was shut down after World War 2, there were only 6 people left in the town. 5 of the six died untimely, strange deaths, relating to one of the men shooting his wife. When his wife died, three of the other men killed the man who shot his wife. They in turn died of strange diseases after the ghost of the man they killed appeared to them and shook his fist at them. Now no one lives there but 168 houses of the town are standing still in the same way it was before (

Figure 2: Bodie State Historic Park, California - A deserted ghost Town

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(Source: Haunted Houses: Amity Ville horror house at 112 Ocean Avenue, New York, USA is one of the most famous haunted places of the world. As the Amityville New York record confirms that on November 13, 1974, 24-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his family. DeFeo used a highpowered rifle, shot to death his father, mother, two brothers and two sisters.

Figure 3: Amity Ville horror house (Source: At his murder trial, Ronald DeFeo testified that he had killed his family because he had heard voices. "Whenever I looked around, there was no one there, so it must have been God talking to me," he said. On December 18, 1975, more than a year after the terrible murders, George Lutz family of five moved in. During their stay of 28 days in 112 Ocean Avenue the family and their priest encountered several events. As the priest said, “When I started to bless the house a masculine voice clearly said get out.” Moreover Mr. Lutz heard voices, Mrs. Lutz felt invisible hands gripping her, she also discovered her crucifix turned upside-down on the inner wall of a

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walk-in closet and so on their scary experience keep happening. However, the last day on the 15 of December the Lutz family moved out ( summer 2005 a movie named Amity Ville horror was released and got a very positive approach from the people all around the world.

Figure 4: The newspaper view Haunted hotel: There are many haunted hotels all over America. Recently the American voted for the best haunted hotels in America where Crescent Hotel- 75 Prospect Ave., Eureka Springs AR 72632 has voted one of the best of that. Rumor has it that a number of rooms are haunted in this “historic hotel”. An Irish stonemason, Michael landed when he fell from the roof during the construction from Room 218 and since this became the spot from him. Today his ghost is accused to do bang on the walls and turn the lights and television on and of. Also rooms 202 and 424 are said to be haunted. The ghost of Dr. Norman Baker often appears, outside of the Recreation Room, looking a bit confused. During the 1930s he used to run a controversial hospital and resort in the hotel. A nurse, dressed in a white uniform, has been

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seen on the third floor. A woman in Room 419 introduces herself as a cancer patient to guests and housekeepers, and then (

Haunted places in India: Recently the paranormal society of India has started to collect evidences and visit places which are locally popular as haunted. Yona Williams a famous ghost hunter wrote about her travel throughout India and clearly stated some places as haunted. She (2006) said, “Within India, Bangalore has been known to offer a variety of spirits and ghosts that present an array of paranormal activity. In Delhi, some have claimed to see a woman in a white dress, who asks those who pass by for a ride in your car. Eventually, it is revealed that she is a ghost with subhuman qualities, including the ability to run as fast as the cars about her” ( Others: Haunted areas just don’t include hotels, houses and towns. All over the world there are places where people are forbidden. Haunted hills, beaches, old castles, mines, music cafes, bars are also in the grip of spirits, ghosts or something unknown whatever you believe in. Before people thought these are just hallucination of some group of people, however; today paranormal believers don’t just believe it, they are putting their believe in qualitative explanation. PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATION In 1957, the Para psychological Association was formed as the preeminent society for parapsychologists. In 1969, they became affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Since then parapsychologists all over the World has begun to add all

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the new theories and ideas involving it. These related fields include transpersonal psychology, which studies transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human mind, and anomalistic psychology, which examines paranormal beliefs and subjective anomalous experiences in traditional psychological terms. Exorcism for spirits and ghost are often referred as mental disorder of the victim in parapsychology. SURVEY CONDUCTED IN USA While the validity of the existence of paranormal phenomena is controversial and debated passionately by both proponents of the paranormal and by skeptics, surveys are useful in determining the beliefs of people in regards to paranormal phenomena. One such survey of the beliefs of the general United States population regarding paranormal topics was conducted by the Gallup Organization in 2005. The survey found that 73 percent of those polled believed in at least one of the ten paranormal items presented in the survey. Items included in the survey were as follows (the percentage of respondents who indicated that they believed in the phenomenon is in parenthesis): Extrasensory perception (41%), haunted houses (37%), ghosts (32%), telepathy (31%), clairvoyance (26%), astrology (25%), communication with the dead (21%), witches (21%), reincarnation (20%), and channeling spiritual entities (9%). Only one percent of those surveyed believed in all ten items (

Research Questions

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In my research, I plan to investigate the people’s belief in the paranormal activities and to what extent these paranormal activities affect their life. Therefore, to conduct my research I will be addressing the research questionnaire similar to the following questions:

What do people think about paranormal activity?

Are there any variations of belief in paranormal activity between the genders?

Are there any correlation between paranormal belief and religiosity of any person?

Do their beliefs in paranormal activity varies with age?

Did they ever experience any unusual phenomena?

If they have experienced any then was it physical, visual, or auditory?

If they do not believe in paranormal phenomena, then why?

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Hypothesis Approaching the paranormal from a research perspective is often difficult because of the lack of acceptance of the physical reality of most of the supposed phenomena. By definition, the paranormal does not conform to conventional expectations of the natural. Despite this challenge, researchers all from various disciplines periodically conduct studies on the paranormal. Some researchers study just the beliefs in the paranormal regardless of whether the phenomena are considered to objectively exist.

In my analysis, the paranormal phenomena have a significant effect on most of the people’s life. I am expecting that majority of the people especially female will agree that there something which is unknown or beyond our knowledge. I also expect that those people who do not believe in paranormal activity may agree that in some point of their life they have experienced something unusual or weird.

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Research Methodology For my primary research, I have conducted a survey of a representative sample of 40 people in Dhaka city on their views on “Paranormal Activity”. I have questioned both male and female aged from four different generation (16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46 & above) to get a representative sample which has helped me to convey my research. For my secondary research, I have used the religious books such as AL-Quran, Bible, etc. I have also studied the research conveyed on the paranormal activities around the world and I have also used the Wikipedia, and Google to find a lot of relevant information to support my research.

Date Analysis & Presentation: Paranormal Activity

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 16 – 25

 Male

 26 – 35

 37 – 45

 Above 45

 Female

What best describes your religious affiliation? ___highly religious ___religious ___spiritual but non-denominational ___I don’t have any religious affiliation (non-religious)

1. Do you believe in any kind of paranormal phenomena? Such as spirit, ghost, angel. ___strongly believe ___yes ___not sure ___no

For my first question from my questionnaire, I asked randomly everybody that whether they believe in paranormal activity. Out of eighteen male only 16.77%, strongly believe in paranormal activity. For female 22.72% out of 22 candidates strongly believe in paranormal. Most of the candidates both male and female believe in paranormal activity (38.9% & 40.91% for male and female respectively). 22.2% male do not believe and 27.2 % of female are not sure about their belief. However, 22.3% male do not believe in paranormal and 9% o female don’t believe in the paranormal activity.

Paranormal Activity || 18 Out of 40 candidates, 20% strongly believe and 40% believe in paranormal activity whereas only 15% do not believe in paranormal activity. It astonished me as well as surprised that so many people believes in the paranormal activity and most of the people who believes in paranormal activity are women.

2. Which do you believe true about ghost? They are ___spirits of dead ___energy imprints ___hallucination ___no such thing

My second objective was to find what people think a ghost is?. Out of 18 male 27.78% male thinks that ghost are spirits of the dead, 44.44% thinks that ghosts are energy imprints, 33.33% thinks that it is a hallucination and only 16.67% think it does not exist. On the contrary out of 22 female 40.9% thinks that are spirits of dead, 18.18% each for both energy imprints & hallucinations and only 4.5% thinks that it do not exist. 35% of the total sample thinks that ghosts are the spirits of dead and only 10% thinks that there are no such things.

Paranormal Activity || 19 Most people believe that ghosts are something, which used be among us. Only small number of people thinks that ghosts do not exist at all. The reason for this may be the culture influence or the stories that we have been hearing since we were young. 3. Have you ever experienced poltergeist activity, objects moving, doors slamming, weird sound etc? ___yes ___yes but I did not care ___not sure ___no

My third question is to figure out whether people have experience any paranormal activities. Here more than 40.% of female out of 22 said that they have experienced paranormal phenomena and only 9.1% said they did not experience any. Out of 18 male 38.9% said they have faced the paranormal activity whereas only 22.2% said they did not. Among the whole group majority, (40%) said, they have experienced paranormal activity but only 15% said they have never experienced any kind of unnatural phenomena.

The answer for this question was quite expected where majority of the people said that they have experienced something unnatural, which is also supported on my secondary research.

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4. Are you sensitive towards paranormal activity? ___yes highly sensitive ___yes ___no ___do not care about paranormal activity

In this question, I was trying to find out how sensitive people are towards the paranormal activity. For the 22 female sample most of them (45.5%) said they are sensitive towards paranormal activity and 27.2% said they are highly sensitive towards it. In contrast, only 33.33% male out of 18 said they are sensitive towards the paranormal and only 11.1% are highly sensitive. Overall 40% of the total people said that they are sensitive and 30% said they are not sensitive towards it.

With the answer I have found out that female tends to be more sensitive towards paranormal phenomena than the male. The reasons behind this differences may be because women are sensitive than man on every other things.

5. What is about the paranormal activity that makes you sensitive towards it? ___phobia ___afraid of unknown or unseen ___unexplainable ___not sensitive.

Paranormal Activity || 21 I prepared this question to find out why people are sensitive towards the paranormal phenomena. More than 40% of female said that they are afraid of unknown or unseen and only 13.6% said it is something unexplainable. Similarly, almost 39% of male also said they are afraid of unknown or unseen and only 27.8% said it could not be explained.

When I asked this question to the candidates, I was sure that the entire candidate would say unexplainable as an answer. However, my findings made my thinking wrong. After the survey, I have found out that people were more sensitive because they were afraid of unknown or unseen rather than phobia or something unexplainable

6. Have you heard voices, singing or music and no one was there? ___yes I regularly do ___yes sometimes ___did not worry about it ___never

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My next question to the people was, did they ever hear something strange or unnatural. Most of the female (45.5%) said that they sometime hear something odd, whereas only 9% said that they never heard any kind of strange or unnatural sounds. Following closely 44.4% of male also said that they sometime hear something unnatural. However, only few (22.22%) have also said that they have never heard anything strange or weird.

Here the answer was obvious as per my expectations. From the above question, I found that more people have heard something odd or something weird, whereas only a small number of people can claim that they have never heard something strange, which is also supported in m secondary research.

7. Do you ever have the feeling of being watched? ___yes ___yes when I am alone or sleeping alone ___not sure ___never

With this question I wanted to find out whether people ever feel that they are being watched. After analaysing the answers I have found that most (54.5%) of the female said yes or yes when they are alone or sleeping alone. Whereas only 22.7% of the female said they are not sure or they never have experienced such kind of things. In contrast only 33.3% of male said yes and majority (66.6%) of them said they are not sure or never.

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This questions clarify that majority of the women feel that they are being watched, but it is completly opposite case for the male candidates who are not sure or never feel such kind of things.

8. What is your opinion about the paranormal activity? ___it is real & it exist ___it may exist ___ do not have any opinion ___it is a man-made thing (doesn’t exist)

In my last question, I wanted to know people’s opinion about the paranormal activity. After analyzing the question, I have found that majority of both male (38.9%) and female (40.9%) feels that it is real & it exist. Only 25% of both male and female feels, that paranormal activity is a fabricated thing or they do not have any opinion about it. This last answer is perfectly correlated with my hypothesis that most of the people believe in the paranormal activity whereas on a few people do not believe in the paranormal activity. This answer is also supported in my secondary research.

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Summary of the Findings After conducting the survey on the belief in the paranormal activity, I have found out many important issues that supports my hypothesis. From my first question, I have found out that most of the people both male and female believe in the supernatural phenomena. Hence I can easily conclude that people in our society believes in something that is unknown or mysterious to them. Secondly, I have concluded that maximum number of female in our society thinks that ghost is the spirits of the dead, whereas only a few male supports this ideology. Most of the male feels that ghosts are just energy imprints, which cannot be classified by the science. Then from my another question, I have established that majority of the people indifferent of the gender said that they have experienced some kind of paranormal phenomena at some point of their lives. Since most of the people agreed, I can easily conclude people actually believe in the paranormal activity. After that, I have found that women in our society are unusually more sensitive towards the paranormal phenomena than men. Majority of female who said they are sensitive towards the supernatural also said that they sensitive because they are afraid of the unknown. With the final question, I have concluded most of the people irrespective of the sexes feel that paranormal activity is real & it exist. Therefore it is easy for me to conclude that people in our society actually believes in the paranormal activity.

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Therefore the answers to my research questionnaire are: 1. What do people think about paranormal activity? People in our society think paranormal or supernatural is very much real and it needs to be addressed more seriously and sincerely.

2. Are there any variations of belief in paranormal activity between the genders? Women usually show stronger belief than men in our society, especially ghosts, spirits or demons. Women also show stronger belief in superstitions, haunting stories, and traditional religious concepts.

3. Are there any correlation between paranormal belief and religiosity of any person? Since from my primary research I have not found any candidate who is a non-believer or non-religious, so the results are inconsistent with the hypothesis. From the secondary research I have found out that religious people tend to believe more in the paranormal activity then the non-believers.

4. Do their beliefs in paranormal activity vary with age? Although distribution of the survey questionnaire was not equal, but the findings it can be concluded that people with the age group 16 to 25 and 46 above believe more in the paranormal phenomena.

5. Did they ever experience any unusual phenomena?

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Majority of the people on which the survey was conducted claims at some point of their lives they have experienced some kind of supernatural or paranormal phenomena.

6. If they do not believe in paranormal phenomena, then why? The non-believer in the paranormal activity feels that it is just a hallucination or an imagination of the people’s mind. They also want scientific proof to believe in such kind of things.

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Recommendations Paranormal believers’ evident belief in an external locus of control may index the salience for these people of uncontrollable life events, and thus their appeal to paranormal beliefs may be in part an attempt to engender an assurance that at least some life events either might be subject to direct (paranormal) intervention or can be mastered at an intellectual level. There clearly is much empirical work yet to be done on this topic. The formulation of the above research is intended to be not so much a definitive statement on the nature of paranormal belief but rather a means of providing thrust and direction for future research efforts. Further investigation might consider the efficacy and the detailed operation of the research for individual dimensions of paranormal belief. The scope of paranormal belief also calls for scrutiny. For example, given the breadth of some of the proposed conceptions of paranormal belief, it would be legitimate to explore the religious like belief of scientism in this context. The skeptical view that irrational paranormal beliefs can be eliminated by a sound program of science of paranormal beliefs in our society and the evident impact of these beliefs upon the individual’s life signal the importance of pursuing a better understanding of the functions and origins of paranormal belief.


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Ghosts, Jinns, Angels, and Spirits whatever we say have somehow proven their presence in this world. Though we live in an era of modern science and science does not always approve their existence, still we are intentionally or unintentionally believe something unknown is there. This unknown entities are unexplainable, weird and beyond our imagination. Even science first assumes that there are ghost entities and then they try to explain why and how. This fact actually states that science too somehow believes in paranormal phenomena. However, scientist’s duty is to give clarification of whatever happens in this world by following their theories. Moreover, the existing theories of science are just not enough to manipulate people’s thought. So people believe in such supernatural entities. In addition, for the non-believers and scientists it is not the fact if they deny everything or not, it is all about if they are ready to accept it or not.

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