Research Management Strategy

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,221
  • Pages: 16
Institiúid Teicneolaíochta, Sligeach Institute of Technology, Sligo

Research management strategy

Contents 1 Preamble ..................................................................... 3 2 Research mission ......................................................... 4 3 Research management process..................................... 8 4 Research objectives and strategies................................ 9 5 Targets & performance indicators ............................... 16



The Research Management Strategy is the framework for research activity within the Institute. It outlines the Institute’s research policies; describes research management structures and processes; identifies research goals and objectives; and outlines the Institute’s strategic approach to research. Clear indication of targets and actions facilitates the planning, monitoring and evaluation of research and related activity within the Institute. The Research Management Strategy is an evolving document that has been developed and is systematically reviewed and evaluated as part of the Institute’s quality system by the Research and Development Subcommittee of the Academic Council. It should be pursued and applied consistently and effectively at all levels within the Institute and must be properly documented and disseminated as part of the Institute’s quality management system.

2.0: Research mission The Institute’s Research Mission derives from its overall Mission, as expressed in the decisions of the Governing Body of the Institute, and as outlined in the Institute Mission Statement. As a consequence the research aims, objectives and processes are congruent with, and support, the overall Mission of the Institute. The Governing Body [resolution of meeting 16/12/98] has broadly committed the Institute to the pursuit of research, asserting that key amongst the Institute’s objectives is to: “encourage and promote research in all areas of academic activities” The Institute Mission Statement commits it to an active research and development role, with regional, national and international perspectives. It states that the Institute has “a particular duty to support the development of its region in economic, social and cultural terms. Recognising the history and traditions of its region, it is founded on moral and ethical values and the principles of equality, justice and academic freedom (s. 1.1)” A number of key sections of the Mission Statement (MS) relate directly to research and have helped to determine the Research Mission. Key aspects are as follows: a national focus (MS 1.1; 1.3.5) the Institute has developed specialisms which are of national significance and particularly supply key personnel and expertise essential for national industrial and social development regional focus (MS 1.1; 1.2.5; 1.3.4) the Institute has a commitment to develop its activities throughout its region and to play a significant supportive role in [its] economic development collaboration with industry (MS 1.2.6) the Institute seeks to engage in active partnerships and collaboration with industry, agencies and community groups in its region increasing access to education (MS 1.2.3; 1.3.1) the Institute seeks to play a leading role in increasing participation in higher education European focus (MS 1.2.8; 1.3.6) Institute continues to develop a significant European dimension which in turn assists in supporting regional development commitment to research and development (MS 1.3.2) the Institute sees research and development [as] essential for achievement of [its] mission, in particular in providing up-to-date project work, an innovative and enterprising environment, intellectual motivation of staff, and facilities and equipment of benefit to students, staff and local enterprises

staff development (MS 1.3.7) the Institute recognises that it is essential that all staff be given the opportunity and facilities to develop, update and improve their skills 2.1

Research mission statement

On the basis of the statements outlined above, and on consultation within the Institute, a specific Research Mission statement has been developed that expresses the Institute’s position on research. This statement underpins the specific aims, objectives, strategies and processes that are outlined in the Research Management Strategy.

The Institute of Technology, Sligo: • • • • •

• • • • •

strives for excellence in all areas of research activity and research management seeks to be renowned for the quality of its research within local, regional, national and international contexts in recognition that resources for research are limited, prioritises specific areas, fields and methods of research within available resources, maximises the opportunities for members of the Institute to actively participate in research actively collaborates with other academic institutions, industries, community-based bodies, state agencies and other interested parties in the development, pursuit, application and dissemination of research ensures that all research carried out within the Institute or under its aegis is conducted to the highest ethical standards ensures that research findings are effectively disseminated to the broadest community, subject to commercial or legal restraints ensures that research activity is incorporated in the Institute’s quality assurance environment has established effective processes, procedures and mechanisms to ensure the effective management of research systematically evaluates its research activities, policies and processes


Aims of research

The Institute recognises that ‘research’ can take many forms. Fundamentally it aims to ask, and to investigate, important questions. Such questions may relate to basic theoretical issues; to the application and testing of new knowledge; to the assessment and evaluation of existing procedures and processes; and to the identification of new links between disparate areas of knowledge and practice. In terms of its support, the Institute does not discriminate between ‘basic’ or ‘applied’ research. Each may involve a comparative framework; a critical approach to the topic; and an openness to alternative explanations. Each can be exploratory, testing-out or problem-oriented. The key criteria for research is that it be carried out in a systematic, rigorous and ethical fashion. The Institute recognises that research may be publicly or privately funded, or a combination of both. It may result in a range of outcomes: from academic theses, to refereed articles, to performances and exhibitions, to new patents, products or processes. It may be individual or collaborative. It may be carried out by students and/or staff, wholly within the Institute or in conjunction with external individuals or organisations. Aims are broad statements of aspiration and intent that guide practice. The Institute’s research aims reflect its Research Mission and underpin the specific objectives listed in this Research Management Strategy: The Institute aims to: •

encourage and support its staff in the conduct of high quality research

encourage research that reflects the key aspects of the Institute’s mission

focus research resources and support in key areas identified by the Academic Council

operate as part of the broader national and international research community

encourage and facilitate collaborative research between staff in the Institute and researchers in other institutions of third level education, research bodies, industry, and the community, in Ireland and overseas

foster the development of an active and participatory research culture within the Institute

foster research in new areas and amongst those staff not previously involved in research

develop high quality research skills amongst postgraduate students

develop and maintain a high quality physical and administrative infrastructure for research

implement a system of continuing evaluation of research performance, through development of appropriate performance indicators and systematic review

further improve the quality of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level

develop and improve the profile of higher degrees by research

promote the transfer and dissemination of research findings

ensure that research is costed in a transparent and accountable manner

ensure equity in the distribution of resources to support research, and to address social and institutional barriers to research

3.0 Research management process The process by which research projects or initiatives are identified, processed and established within the Institute is described in Procedure: Research Project Application by staff member of the Institute of Technology, Sligo. A flow diagram of the process is set out below: Flow Chart for Research Project Application by staff member of the Institute of Technology, Sligo.

Application + R&D applicat Cover-sheet completed by Researcher

Head of School

Financial Controller

Head of Development

Approved Application

R&D Sub-Committee

4.0 Research objectives and strategies This section contains an outline of objectives and strategies to develop research at the Institute in a range of key areas. The objectives and strategies listed in each of these areas provide specific mechanisms by which the aims of research can be translated into action. 4.1 Personnel The single most important factor that determines the quality and quantity of research output is the human resource that the Institute can bring to the research process. This resource includes management, academic, technical, and administrative staff; undergraduate and postgraduate students; external examiners; and personnel drawn from industry, community and professional bodies. 4.1.1 Objective The Institute will develop and maximise the effective input that can be derived from each of these areas. It will build upon established areas of experience and expertise and maximise the effective use of resources. It will encourage new and inexperienced researchers to engage in research; and those in areas without an established research tradition or profile. 4.1.2 Strategy Staff recruitment and selection A key selection criterion for academic posts is a demonstrated track record in research and a commitment to involvement in research on an ongoing basis in the future. Staff development The Institute has developed a comprehensive Staff Development Policy that includes measures to maintain the research competence and motivation of individual staff within the Institute. The staff development programme of the Institute recognises the need for staff to further develop research-related skills and knowledge. It supports specific training in relation to project management skills; grantsmanship; research skills; supervision of postgraduate students; networking skills; and management of intellectual property. New staff members are encouraged to collaborate in research projects with senior researchers within the Institute. Staff development actions include support for attendance at seminars, conferences and training workshops; support for further studies; provision of training and educational courses in specific areas; provision of study leave; and other appropriate actions. Reward and incentive structures The Institute has developed a policy on Intellectual Property Rights to cover the exploitation of research findings. The Institute will further develop ways to reward and encourage staff engaged in research, including provision of teaching relief to support

research activity; establishment of research excellence awards; financial support for further study; sabbatical programmes; and other appropriate actions. Equality and access The Institute has developed and implements an Equality of Opportunity Statement. The Institute provides encouragement to individuals and sectors not already involved in research. It recognises that social barriers, including those based on gender and disability, may have prevented individuals from previously becoming involved in research. Health and safety The Institute is committed to provision of a healthy and safe work environment for all staff and students. All research activity carried out under the aegis of the Institute, or on Institute premises, must follow the Institute’s current Health and Safety guidelines. The appropriate Institute Safety Statement will be disseminated to all those involved in research activity. 4.2

Capital and facilities

4.2.1 Objective The Institute supports a planned process of capital investment for research in buildings; fittings; equipment; and computer and communication networks. 4.2.2 Strategy Buildings The Institute is committed to further development of dedicated research facilities. This includes a separate dedicated research facility that will contain offices, laboratories and other spaces for staff and research students, plus offices for research administration staff. The location and features of the new research facility are identified in the Institute’s Campus Development Plan. Communications The Institute considers the research needs of staff and students in the development of communications networks and computer facilities. The Institute will develop an Information Technology Strategy, analogous to the Campus Development Plan, to guide the rational development of facilities in this area. Other capital requirements The Institute will continue to develop its library stock of books, periodicals and non-print materials; and facilitate access to external information sources. 4.3


4.3.1 Objective The Institute addresses its relative geographic isolation from existing academic and research networks by encouraging researchers to engage in networking at regional, national and international levels.

4.3.2 Strategy Measures to ensure the incorporation of researchers in research networks include:

the Institute actively supports interaction of researchers with entrepreneurs in the ITS Business Innovation Centre

researchers are encouraged to collaborate in pan-institutional research

staff and students are encouraged to participate in scholarly and industry conferences, workshops, seminars and other meetings in Ireland and overseas

visiting lecturer/researcher programmes are promoted

appropriate electronic and other means of communication (eg. tele- and videoconferencing) and the development and maintenance of electronic discussion fora will be further developed.

the Institute will supports participation in international (especially EU sponsored) research and staff and student exchange networks, including increased participation in the development of Intensive Programmes in conjunction with other EU institutions

the Institute provides assistance to researchers in the project management of collaborative research programmes


Dissemination of research and technology transfer

4.4.1 Objective The Institute supports the active dissemination of research findings to funding bodies, the academic community, government bodies, and the broader community. 4.4.2 Strategy To maximise the dissemination of research findings, the Institute supports: organisation of, or participation in, conferences, workshops, seminars, masterclasses and other discussion fora

development or hosting of websites and electronic discussion groups

publication of books, including texts for use in the IT sector

publication of scholarly journals or participation in editorial boards, and as referees and reviewers of such journals

authoring of articles for refereed, peer-reviewed and other journals


Teaching and research

4.5.1 Objective The Institute will strengthen the links between research and the quality of teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

4.5.2 Strategy To meet the objective the Institute will: support, where appropriate, the introduction of research techniques and methods into teaching

encourage the development of texts and other teaching materials and resources (eg audio-visual, Internet-based) that draw on current Institute research

incorporate research findings into teaching where appropriate

actively promote a culture of research activity among undergraduate students provide access to research facilities, where appropriate, to undergraduate students


Research management

4.6.1 Objective The Institute will provide a professional and adequately resourced research management infrastructure in order to fully implement and monitor the research management strategy. 4.6.2 Strategy The process of research management is as outlined in ss 3 of this document. The research management will: identify and disseminate to staff available funding opportunities in private and public sectors, in Ireland and overseas

address issues related to intellectual property and commercialisation policies and processes, including development of regulations to govern the funding of research and consultancy activities

maintain realistic and transparent costing policies and mechanisms for ensuring compliance with these

deal effectively with postgraduate student issues and ensure an adequate level of support to postgraduate students

prioritise, develop and implement policies and procedures in relation to data collection, statistical analysis and evaluation of research activity within the Institute

develop and implement reporting, grievance and equality procedures.


Financial support for research

4.7.1 Objective The Institute will provide budgeted financial support for research.



To meet the objective the Institute will:

provide funds for staff development specifically linked to research

provide financial support for student research expenses, where appropriate

identify funds for the support of seminar programmes, conferences and research training initiatives

provide Institute seed funding for research

provide physical and administrative research infrastructure

appropriately apportion overhead towards research activities


Postgraduate students

4.8.1 Objective The Institute provides effective support to postgraduate students, in recognition of their central role in the maintenance of an active research programme. 4.8.2 Strategy To meet the objective the Institute will:

provide appropriate training in research methods and other areas as appropriate promulgate clear and comprehensive postgraduate supervision guidelines, including appropriate grievance procedures

provide appropriate student services, including counselling, health and welfare services

provide appropriate facilities (eg office space, computing and communication facilities, and laboratory facilities).



4.9.1 Objective In compliance with its Mission, the Institute seeks to ensure that all research carried out under its aegis, or by students and staff of the Institute, is of the highest ethical standards. It will establish the appropriate infrastructure and procedures to promulgate, assess and monitor ethical guidelines for research. 4.9.2 Strategy To meet the objective the Institute will:

establish and publish ethical guidelines and procedures


disseminate information to staff, students and others, on ethical research procedures Prioritisation of research activities

4.10.1 Objective The Institute recognises that resources for research are limited. It has therefore established procedures for the prioritisation of research, guided by the following considerations: •

identification of future economic and research growth areas

availability of staff with appropriate expertise

history of research within the key areas at ITS

research opportunities to investigate data at international, national and/or regional levels

research output that will provide support for existing and future undergraduate and postgraduate courses

strategic location of ITS to key industrial sectors

regard for the national commitment to sustainable development

opportunities for collaboration with other institutions

4.10.2 Strategy To meet the objective the Institute will:

periodically determine at Academic Council the priorities for research broadly consult amongst relevant stakeholders as to research priorities establish centres, units, teams of other structures in order to better focus research resources systematically evaluate the prioritisation process establish transparent competitive mechanisms for the distribution of research resources, in accordance with research mission, aims and objectives

4.11 Development of RMS document 4.11.1 Objective The Institute’s Research Management Strategy is an evolving document that requires periodic evaluation, review and development. 4.11.2

Strategies The Research & Development Subcommittee of Academic Council will review the Research Management Strategy on an annual basis and will make recommendations for amendments to the Academic Council

The R&D subcommittee will consult with staff and other stakeholders prior to this review

The R&D subcommittee will carry out such review with regard to the mission, aims, objectives, strategies, targets and performance indicators described in the RMS document

5.0: Targets & performance indicators The Institute recognises that it is important to critically evaluate its research performance. Research performance will be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. As part of this process the Institute will develop a range of appropriate performance indicators. The Institute will also develop specific targets and milestones of achievement. The Institute will regularly evaluate research performance, within the framework of the Research Management Strategy, through the Research and Development Subcommittee of Academic Council. Input/output

Unit/method of measurement



number of refereed publications, refereed Minimum 1 per conference proceedings, non-refereed conference Master's Degree proceedings and other publications and 2 per Ph.D.

External lectures

invited lectures, demonstrations and exhibitions


quantum of funding obtained from industry, To be determined national bodies, EU funds and others


number of post-graduate students, percentage of 60 students by post-graduate students at PhD level, percentage 2006. Minimum retention of post-graduates, average term of post- 35% at Ph.D. level. graduate study at each level


number of staff actively involved in research, To be determined staff completion of post-graduate degrees


extent of collaboration at the following levels; To be determined disciplines, schools, IT sector, nationally and internationally


space and equipment dedicated to research


integration of research to the development of the All programmatic curricula. reviews and new course design to consider current research outputs.

To be determined

Each School to have dedicated research laboratories/ rooms by 2002. A 1500m2 dedicated research building by 2006.

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