Reputation Guide

  • June 2020
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Nyhm’s Warcraft Reputation Guide

1. Netherwing Reputation Everyone seems to want to get their hands on the Netherwing mounts, but do you know the quickest way to achieve this goal? This guide will guide you through the process quickly and easily.

2. Skyguard Reputation Now that you know how to get your Netherwing Drake flying mount I thought it would be a great time to show you how to get your NetherRay flying mount. The process for this is easier than you may think!

3. Ogrila Reputation This guide will tell you how to get exalted with the Ogrila faction in order to get the awesome raid buff food and other great items.

4. Aldor Reputation To choose Aldor or Scryer? Everyone who decides on leveling past 60 in WoW will encounter this question at one time or another. This guide will give you the heads up on Aldor and also how to grind Aldor rep quickly.

5. Scryer Reputation Once again the question of Aldor vs Scryer is answered with this time great information for you if you happen to choose Scryer over Aldor and shows you how to do it very quickly.

Netherwing Reputation For those who are ready to get those Netherwing Drake flying mounts, raising your reputation with Netherwing is the only way to get there. Just like with Skyguard, you will start off hated and you have to work your way up to exalted to gain the flying mount that increases your speed 280%. So, just how do you do this? While some quests can only be done once a day, there is plenty that you can do to raise your reputation as fast as possible. (You will have to already have a flying mount to even begin this process, as one of the first quests that you get will require one.) Here is a basic path that you can follow to go from hated to exalted with Netherwing: From hated to neutral: To begin your questing to become neutral with Netherwing, you will first talk to Mordenai at the Netherwing Fields, east of the Sanctum of the Stars, which is the Scryer base in Shadowmoon Valley. He will give you the quest “Kindness”, which will require you to kill Rocknail Flayers that will feed the Netherwing Drakes in the field. Once you turn this in to Mordenai, you will then get “Seek Out Neltharaku”. Neltharaku is the Netherwing Dragon who flies up above the fields, so this is where your flying mount comes in. Once you find him and are able to talk to him, you will get “Neltharaku's Tale”, which is just listening to him. Then, you will get “Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress”. This quest will have you kill Dragonmaw Orcs. One of the fastest ways to do this quest is to go to Netherwing Ledge and kill the Dragonmaw Peons, since you can kill 2-4 at a time. Now, Neltharaku will have you do “To Netherwing Ledge!” which will have you collecting Nethervine Crystals. Next, comes “The Force of Neltharaku” which will have you rescuing Netherwing Drakes in Dragonmaw Fortress. After this quest, you will get “Karynaku”, which requires you to speak with Karynaku inside Dragonmaw Fortress. Karynaku will send you to “Zuluhed the Whacked”. This quest is a group quest that will require at least 4 good players, if not 5, to complete. (Beware his Rain of Fire spell, as it does a ton of damage

to anyone in the group, as well as the demon who spawns from the portal. You can move Zuluhed to another room to avoid this.) Once you complete this quest, you will get “Ally of the Netherwing”. You return to Mordenai and turn this in, gaining 42,000 reputation points and put you with neutral with Netherwing. From neutral to friendly: To begin this part of your reputation quest, you must have your riding skill of 300. You will get the quest “In Service of the Illidari” from Mordenai. This quest is fun, as it turns you into a fel orc when you get to the Dragonmaw Base Camp or Netherwing Ledge. It will also turn your mount into a Netherdrake. You have to deliver Illidari Service Papers to Overlord Mor'ghor who is on Netherwing Ledge. He will then give you “Enter the Taskmaster”. This quest will have you find, and speak with, Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath, who will give you the beginnings of the daily quests. The first of the daily quests is the “Netherwing Crystals” which has you collect 40 Netherwing Crystals each day for the reputation points. The second of the daily quests will depend on your gathering skill: “Nethermine Flayer Hide” if you are a skinner, “Nethercite Ore” if you are a miner, or “Netherdust Pollen” if you are an herbalist. The next batch of daily quests comes from Yarzill the Merc. He has two quests that are daily quests, and one that isn't. The first quest he will give you is “A Slow Death”, which is one of the daily quests. During this quest, you'll have to go and gather Fel Glands that will be used with Yarzill's Mutton. These glands drop off Felboars, Vilewing Chimaera, Felfire Diemetradon, and several other mobs in the area. Sometimes the peons you try to poison with the glands won't take it, so it's a good idea that you get more than the original 12 so you can do all of the poisoning at once.

The next daily quest that he gives you is “The Not-So-Friendly Skies”, and you will gather 10 Netherwing Relics for this one. The last quest that he'll give you is “The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt” and this one isn't a daily quest. But, the eggs have a very low drop rate, so this quest takes forever to do and repeat, so it isn't feasible that you will be able to do it more than once a day or two.

But, these quests will get you to friendly with Netherwing, and once you hit that reputation level with them, there are a lot more quests to do. Friendly is about the halfway point to Exalted with Netherwing, and you know which daily quests you can do to help up your reputation points every day you log on. From friendly to honored: When you get to friendly with Netherwing you will get an awesome combat pet to help you with your quests until you hit exalted. The good thing is that this pet can be used to tank for you and you can shoot or cast without damage, but the bad thing is that this pet can only be used in Shadowmoon Valley. The first quest that you get after you hit friendly is from Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath on Netherwing Ledge, and it's called “Rise, Overseer!”, and it sends you to Overlord Mor'ghor. Mor'ghor will give you “The Netherwing Mines” where you'll find the Mistress of the Mines on Netherwing Ledge. Follow the paths to the very bottom western part of Netherwing Ledge to find her and complete this quest. She will give you “Picking up the Pieces”, which is a daily quest as well. This quest will have you get 15 Netherwing cargo crates which you will find all over the mine. You will also meet the Dragonmaw Foreman who is next to the Mistress of the Mines and he will give you another daily quest that is called “Dragons are the Least of Our Problems”. This daily quest will have you kill 5 Nethermine Ravagers and 15 Nethermine Flayers. These two daily quests can be done together to finish them faster. You can also get another quest line that will give you Netherwing reputation points as well, which is the Murkblood quest line. The very first quest that you'll get with this line is “Ronag the Slave Drive” and you will have to kill Crazed Murkblood Miners. Once this one is done, you'll get “The Great Murkblood Revolt” which will lead you back to the Mistress of the Mine. After this one, the last part is called “Seeker of Truth” where you have to kill a Murkblood Overseer, who is found on the northern side of the ledge. Then, it's back to the Mistress once more. After all of these are completed, you will seek out Chief Overseer Mudlump, who will give you “Overseeing and You: Making the Right Choices”. You'll have to bring him 10 Knothide Leathers and 1 Hardened Hide of Tyrantus.

If you aren't a skinner, you can purchase the leathers on the AH, and you'll find Tyrantus in Netherstorm. He is about at the very farthest point north there, so head to Stormspire and go north. After this quest, you'll get the next daily quest for Netherwing reputation, “The Booterang: A Cure for the Common Worthless Peon”. This is one daily quest that you'll like doing, since you pretty much get to hit the peons on the head to make them go back to work. By doing these quests, and the daily ones, you will get to honored pretty fast. From honored to revered: Head to Taskmaster Varkule and he'll give you “Stand Tall, Captain!”, which will send you again to Overlord Mor'ghor, who will then give you “Captain's Badge”. This is the trinket that you'll use to summon your combat pet that was mentioned earlier. You'll also get “Disrupting the Twilight Portal” which is also a daily quest, and will have you kill 20 Deathshadow Agents. After you turn this quest in, you'll need to find Illidari Lord Balthas, who will be the next quest giver for Netherwing. You will find Illidari Lord Balthas on Netherwing Ledge, by the other quest givers that you've already spoken to. He'll give you “The Soul Cannon of Reth'hedron”. This quest will require you to get 2 Felsteel Bars, 1 Adamantite Frame, 1 Khorium Power Core, and 1 Flawless Arcane Essence. Most of these mats are fairly easy to get, except for the Flawless Arcane Essence. To get the essence, you'll need to visit Sar'this in Terokkar Forest just north of the Bone Wastes by the mountains. He'll give you a quest that will have you kill elementals around the area, and will also give you the essence you need. After you turn in “The Soul Cannon of Reth'hedron”, you'll get “Subdue the Subduer”. You will use the Soul Cannon on Reth'hedron the Subduer up on Twilight Ridge, and west of Forge Camp: Hate. Now comes the fun part of the Netherwing reputation grinding! You get to start doing the flying mount racing quests, which consists of 7 different quests. The first 6 give you 500 reputation points each, and the last gives you 1000 as well as a trinket that gives you 10% faster mount speed: the Skybreaker Whip. The first quest you'll get is called “Earning Your Wings”, and the rest are called “Dragonmaw Races”, which have you race against 6 other npc's.

From revered to exalted: Now that you are revered with Netherwing, you can begin the quests that will take you to exalted and to your Netherdrake. Find Taskmaster Varkule once more, because he'll upgrade your combat pet's trinket when you do “Hail, Commander!”. Turn this in to Mor'ghor, and he'll give you “Kill Them All!” For this quest, all you'll need to do is to turn in some news of your mission and the Dragonmaw Flare Gun to either Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha'tar (for Aldor alligned players) or Arcanist Thelis at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley (for Scryer alligned players). You will then get the last of the daily quests, which is “The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid”, where you'll have to defend your Aldor or Scryer base from the Dragonmaw Skybreakers. You can solo this if you have healing abilities, but it's always a good idea to have a group with you when you start this one. From here, you continue to do this daily quest until you hit exalted. Remember that by doing the daily quests each day, you'll be on your way to getting your Netherdrake faster than if you can only do them every week or so. As you do them, make a note of the ones that give you the most reputation points so you can be sure to do those each day to gain more points. When you finally get to the point to choose your Netherdrake, you will be flown back to Shattrath City and you will receive your first Netherdrake for the huge price of FREE. The Netherdrakes you want after the first one will cost you 200 gold and will give you a 280% flight speed increase upon your ground mounts. There are several different colors of Netherdrakes to choose from: purple, onxy, violet, cobalt, azure, and veridian. So, good luck on your questing and have fun with your Netherdrake!

Skyguard Reputation Any player in the World of Warcraft can raise their Skyguard reputation and start out as neutral with them. The Sha'tari Skyguard is an air wing of the Sha'tar of Shattrath City, defenders of the capital from attacks from the hills. To raise your reputation with them, you will be battling the Arakkoa of Terokk in the peaks of Skettis as well. Skyguard has two different outposts, one that lies close to Ogri'la and one that is in the northern area of the Skethyl Mountains. The Skyguard quests are linked with the Orgi'La Faction in the Blades Edge Mountains, and you will be able to raise your reputation with both by completing some of these quests. When you start out gaining your reputation for Skyguard, you will start two different quest chains. One will lead you into the Barrier Hills and the other will lead you into the Lower City and then up into the Blades Edge Mountains. The second quest chain will bring your reputation with Ogri'La up first, but it actually makes the grinding easier if you do the quests in the Blades Edge Mountains and the Ogri'La quests at the same time. One thing that you will need to remember with the Skyguard reputation quests is that most of the quests will require you to have a flying mount already, so you will be level 70 and therefore not gain any experience points for kills. From neutral to friendly: When you start out on your reputation quests for Skyguard, you'll start in Shattrath City with the quests given by Yuula, which are “Threat From Above” and “To Skettis!”. “Threat From Above” will have you kill 20 Gordunni Ogres, and turn this in to Yuula, then you'll get “To Skettis!”, which will have you simply deliver a package to Sky Sergeant Doryn in Skettis. Once you get to him, he'll give you the first of the daily quests, which is “Fires Over Skettis” and will have you bombed 20 Monstrous Kalari Eggs. Near him is Severin, who will also give you quests. He will give you “World

of Shadows”. Once you complete that quest, you can then get “More Shadow Dust”, which is a daily quest that you can do to gain more reputation points with Skyguard. You can also get “Secrets of the Talonpriests” from Sky Commander Adaris once you have completed “World of Shadows”. Although this isn't a daily quest, it does gain you good reputation points. From neutral to friendly: To begin this part of your reputation quest, you must have your riding skill of 300. You will get the quest “In Service of the Illidari” from Mordenai. This quest is fun, as it turns you into a fel orc when you get to the Dragonmaw Base Camp or Netherwing Ledge. It will also turn your mount into a Netherdrake. You have to deliver Illidari Service Papers to Overlord Mor'ghor who is on Netherwing Ledge. He will then give you “Enter the Taskmaster”. This quest will have you find, and speak with, Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath, who will give you the beginnings of the daily quests. After you turn them all in, you can talk to Skyguard Handler Deesak, who will give you “Hungry Nether Rays”. This quest will have you kill 10 Blackwind Warp Chasers. You can also get another daily quest, “Escape from Skettis” from any of the Skyguard Prisoners that you find, as this is an escort quest where you simply escort the prisoner to the ground. And, since it's a daily quest, you can do this one every day as you come across prisoners. From here, you'll start another chain that is pretty much just running back and forth for a couple of quests. The chain starts when you kill Ishaal for the “Secrets of the Talonpriests” quest, when he will drop an Almanac that will start “Ishaal's Almanac”. You'll take this to Adaris, for that part of the chain. You'll then get “An Ally in Lower City” from Adaris, which will have you take the almanac to Rilak. He will then give you “Countdown to Doom”, which will have you return to Adaris. Then, you will talk to Hazzik, who will give you “Hazzik's Bargain”. Once you turn this in, you'll get “A Shabby Disguise” and “Adversarial Blood” (this second quest is repeatable). You will want to do “Adversarial Blood” as many times as you can, as its one of the higher reputation yeilding

quest for Skyguard. You will then get “Terokk's Downfall”, which is a group quest and you will need 5 good players for it. The good thing about this part is that it earns you 1000 reputation points with Skyguard. This quest is given by Sky Commander Adaris. After doing the group quest, you should be at least to friendly, or right on the lip of it if you haven't done a lot of the daily quests. From friendly to honored: The next area that you will go to for quests is the Blade's Edge Mountains, where the Skyguard Outpost is. You will actually get a quest from Chu'a'lor (who is Ogri'La), called “The Skyguard Outpost” that will take you there. From that point, you'll speak to Sky Commander Keller, to turn it in. He will also give you “To Rule The Skies”, which is a group quest, so make sure that you have some friends ready for this one. You can also get “Assault on Bash'ir Landing”, after you complete the others that he gives you, which will just have you speak to someone and is an easy quest to do to gain reputation points. You'll then talk to Sky Sergeant Vanderlip who will give you “Bombing Run” which will have you bomb 15 stacks of Fel Cannonballs. Once you finish it, you'll get “Bomb Them Again”, which is another daily quest. Then, you speak to Skyguard Khatie, who gives you “Wrangle Some Aether Rays”. Once you finish this quest, you'll get “Wrangle More Aether Rays”, which is a daily quest. Now, you find Chu'a'lor again, and he will give you “Guardian of the Monument” which is another group quest. After this quest, you'll get “An Apexis Relic” and then the daily quest “The Relic's Emanation”. From honored to exalted: From here, you should be over honored by now, especially if you are doing the daily quests. The next two quests you'll get from Kronk, and they are: “Banish the Demons” and “Banish More Demons”, which is a daily quest. You will pretty much do the daily quests from here on in until you reach exalted. You will also get 5 reputation points from any Skettis that you kill in the Skettis Valley, and 2 1/5 reputation points from each Skettis Kaliri that you kill in the Skettis Plateau. So, even though these aren't a lot, if you grind as you are doing your daily quests, you can rack up some extra reputation points each day.

Your Sha'tari Skyguard NetherRay: Once you hit exalted with Skyguard, you will also need to have a level 300 Artisan riding skill and 200 gold to gain your NetherRay. There are several colors to choose from: blue, purple, green, silver, and red.

Ogrila Reputation Location Ogri'la is located on the western edge of the Blades Edge Mountains between Forge Camp Terror and Forge Camp Wrath. You can only access Ogri'la by flying mount or flight form. The easiest way to reach Ogri'la is by flying dead west of Sylvanaar. General Information Ogri'la is a village of ogres who have overcome their brutish nature and broken away from the domination of the Gronn lords. They are in constant battle with the Dragons of the Black Dragonflight, the Burning Legion, and the Gronn lords that still hold control over many of the ogre communites of Blades Edge Mountains. According to lore, the ogres' proximity to Apexis formations is what have enabled them to attain a higher level of civilization than other ogres. The Ogri'la ogres are aided by the Sha'tari skyguard and players that have defeated the Sons of Gruul. Apexis shards and crystals are the currency of Ogri'la. After attaining enough reputation with Ogri'la to purchase rewards, you will need to use Apexis Shards and Apexis crystals to buy them. Apexis shards come as rewards for the daily repeatable quests that are available to you in Ogri'la. They can also be looted from nearby beasts and from Apexis formations. Many of the Rare and Epic quality items sold on the reputation vendor also you to have some of the much less common Apexis Crystals. Apexis crystals can only be looked from the summoned dragons and demons in the zone. These are elite boss mobs that mimic many classic raid bosses on a smaller scale. It requires 35 Apexis Shards to summon these bosses and a balanced party of five players is needed to defeat them. Each party member will be able to loot one Apexis Crystal. Flasks and More.... Apexis shards also serve as currency for acquiring special flasks, found from different dispensers across the map. These flasks can only be only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair, and will save you hundreds of gold when raiding that instance. Once every two hours, a

group of Sha'tari Skyguard will launch an attack against Bash'ir Landing to the north east. They fly out from the Skyguard Base. Three waves of enemies will spawn and attack the Skyguard NPC's, each wave stronger then the previous. It is your job to ensure that the Skyguard NPC's survive for as long as possible. If all of the Skyguard NPC's are killed the event ends. At the end of each wave a boss has to be defeated. Once he is defeated a vendor will appear to sell special items. Three different vendors are available, but only one will spawn for each wave defeated. The first sells special flasks that cannot be attained at any other time. The second vendor to spawn will sell rare gems. The third vendor to spawn will sell rare meta gems. You must use Apexis Shards as currency for these vendors. The waves and subsequent bosses that spawn during this event get increasingly difficult. In order to complete the event, a well organized raid of at least 25 people is needed. Gaining Ogrila Reputation The quest line for gaining reputation with Ogri'la begins in Lower City and leads to an ogre named Mog'dorg the Wizened in Blades Edge Mountains. He will give you three quests to destroy the three Sons of Gruul: “Grulloc Has Two Skulls”, “Maggoc's Treasure Chest”, and “Even Gronn Have Standards”. You will need a balanced five person group to complete these quests. After your group has completed these three tasks, return to Mog'dorg the Wizened and he will send you on two more five-man quests. After completing these you will attain Neutral standing with Ogri'la and will be able to acquire quests there. Do all available quests in Ogri'la and the Skyguard base, including fivemans. Doing so will open up daily repeatable quests, often known simply as “dailies”. At Neutral reputation you can open unlock three different daily quests. These quests give 500 reputation points each, as well as 15 apexis crystals. They are, “The Relic's Emanation”, “Wrangle Some Aether Rays!”, and “Bombing Run”. At honored reputation you will then unlock another daily: “Banish the Demons”. It is at this point that you will also be able to do the Shartuul event. While doing your daily quests you will encounter an item called a

“Depleted Crystal Focus”. When this is combined with ten Apexis Shards it becomes a “Charged Crystal Focus”. While it looks like – and can serve as – a normal Health Stone, it is best saved for completing the Shartuul event where these will be required to enhance the demons under your control. As said in the tool tip of a “Charged Crystal Focus”, Kronk in Ogri'la can tell you all about the Shartuul event. Ogrila Reputation Rewards Reputation

Item Blue Ogre Brew






3 Apexis Shards Mana potion, can only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair

Red Ogre Bre 2 Apexis Shards Health potion, can only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair Apexis Cloak

1 Apexis Crystal Rare quality cloak for and 50 Apexis healers Shards

Crystalforged Trinket

1 Apexis Crystal Rare quality trinket and 50 Apexis with +AP “use” and Shards +7 Weapon Damage

Ogri'la Aegis

1 Apexis Crystal Rare quality shield and 50 Apexis with two red sockets, Shards devense and block value bonuses

Cerulean Crystal Rod

1 Apexis Crystal Rare quality wand and 50 Apexis with Sta, Int, and Shards damage/healing bonus

Crystalline Crossbow

4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards

Epic quality crossbow with Agi, Sta, and hit rating

Crystal Orb of 4 Apexis Enlightenment Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards

Epic quality caster offhand

Shard-bound Bracers

Epic quality leather bracers with a blue socket, Agi, Stam, and 42 AP

4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards

Vortex 4 Apexis Walking Boots Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards

Epic quality plate boots with Str, Sta, yellow and blue sockets, and crit rating.

Ogri'la Tabard 10 Apexis Shards

Purely decorative tabard

Aldor Reputation When you finally hit that coveted level 60 mark and head into the Outlands, you will need to decide which order you should align yourself with: Aldor or Scryer. Formed by an ancient order of Draenei Priests, the Aldor continue to revere the Naaru, who are known as the Sha'tar, and continue to help them in their war against the Illidan and the Burning Legion. You will find the Aldor mainly in Shadowmoon Valley and Shattrath City, where their holy temple sits atop Aldor Rise, watching over the city from their western perch. The Aldors have been enemies with the blood elves, who became known as the Scryers, but have set aside their war for the Sha'tar, for now. Since the Aldor is an ancient order, almost every player will start out as neutral with them, but most Blood Elf players will start out hostile with them and friendly to the Scryers, where Draenei players will start out friendly with Aldor and hostile to Scryers. To begin your quest for raising your reputation with the Aldors, you need to find Khadgar in Shattrath City, where you will get the first quest for either the Aldors or the Scryers. Don't worry – if you make your pick and decide later that you want to change, the choice is reversible. When you begin to earn your reputation with the Aldor, you'll find that your reputation with the Scryers will decrease by 10% each time you gain with Aldor, and most of your reputation with the Sha'tar will gain 50% when you gain with Aldor. Start off with the quests that will get you honored quickly with Aldor, such as the repeatable quests. These are quests that you can get over and over again to continually raise your reputation with them. A few of the quests that you should undertake while you are gaining your “honored” title, are: turning in 10 Mark of Kil'jaeden in Aldor Rise to Adyen the Lightwarden. This will give you a 250 reputation with Aldor. You can also get a repeatable quest by turning in single Mark of Kil'jaeden's for 25 reputation points each. These marks drop off the lower ranking Burning Legion that are found all over the Outlands, such as in the two camps north of Auchindoun in Terrokar Forest. To get from friendly to honored by gathering these marks, you'll need to get around 240. These

will also raise your reputation with Sha'tar as well, and players who want to raise reputations with Mag'har or Kurenai can kill orcs instead at Kil'Sorrow Fortress in Nagrand. Once you hit honored status with Aldor, you can then move on to other quests that will earn you the exalted title. When you hit level 68, you can turn in Mark of Sargeras at the same rates that you turned in Mark of Kil'jaeden for reputation with Aldor. These marks drop from higher-ranking Burning Legion and require about the same to raise your reputation with Aldor to exalted. You can also turn these in before you hit honored status for a larger rise in reputation with Aldor. You'll be able to get a great number of these marks by grinding away in Death's Door in Blade's Edge Mountains, since this seems to be the place where most of these mobs congregate and drop these constantly. When you run the raid instances for Aldor and kill the bosses at the end, you will earn tokens that you can trade in for epic gear. (For example, you can change in epic armor tokens for Tier 4 and Tier 5 gear with Asuur and Kelara in the Shrine of Unending Light on Aldor Rise.) Another way to hit exalted with Aldor is to turn in Fel Armaments to Ishanah in the Shrine of Unending Light on Aldor Rise. Each Fel Armament that you turn in will give you 350 reputation points, and gain you Holy Dust, which you can trade in for shoulder enchants in the Aldor Bank from Inscriber Saalyn. When you begin to turn in items for inscriptions, you need to make sure that you are with Aldor to gain their enchants for your shoulders. It doesn't matter what your toon is, although some will have a hard time with certain orders, as these inscriptions can be used by any player. But, they are all bind on pickup, so you have to be aligned with that order and have the reputation with that specific faction to buy them. With Aldor, you'll find that their enchants add additional healing or damage over the critical strike rating, which the Scryer will add more critical strike rating over healing or damage. So, for most PvE players, hunters, tanks, and pretty much anyone who want more outright damage from their toon, Aldor is the best one to align with. For PvP players looking for great enchants and more critical strike damage, Scryer is the best one to align

with. But, you should look over what both sides can offer your toon and then decide which is the best to go with. Here are some of the inscriptions that Aldor offers to players that align with them: 1. Greater Inscription of Faith = this inscription permanently adds up to 33 healing and 4 mana per second to any shoulder item. But, it doesn't stack on other enchantments for the shoulders. 2. Greater Inscription of Discipline = this inscription permanently adds up to 18 spell damage and healing as well as 10 critical strike rating for spells to a shoulder item. This one doesn't stack either on other shoulder enchants. 3. Greater Inscription of Warding = this inscription permanently adds 15 dodge rating and 10 defense rating to any shoulder item. But, it also doesn't stack with other shoulder enchants. 4. Greater Inscription of Vengeance = this inscription permanently adds 30 attack power and 10 critical strike rating to any shoulder item. It also doesn't stack with other enchants. Of course, there are lesser enchants, but they aren't really worth enough to completely base your opinion of each side on. Just remember that Aldor enchants will contain mostly attack power, spell damage, and dodge ratings while Scryer enchants will contain mostly the critical strike, MP5, and defense ratings. There are other areas to consider before you chose Aldor or Scryer, such as what your professions are. Both of these orders will sell recipes for “spellthread” for those who are tailors and leatherworkers. But, each order will sell a different type of spellthread recipe. For the tailors, Aldors will sell the Golden Spellthread recipes, which give 51 healing and 18 stamina to items, while Scryer will sell Mystic Spellthread which give 25 spell damage and 15 stamina to items. The good thing is that these recipes and the spellthread that they make aren't bind on pickup, so if you don't have a Scryer tailor in your guild, you can search out one and be able to use your mats and other items. For the leatherworkers, Aldor will offer a Vindicator's Armor Kit, which adds 8 defense ratings on chest, hands, legs, or feet, while Scryer will offer a Magister's Armor Kit that adds 3 mana every 5 seconds to chest, hands, legs, or feet. These aren't bind on pickup either, so you can trade them easily.

If you are a blacksmith, Aldor offers a fire resistance gear while the Scryers offer Arcane resistance gear. For alchemists, there really isn't that much either side can offer you, except that the Scryers offer a recipe for a potion that will give 65 fire damage for an hour. Jewelcrafters have it made, as both sides offer a couple of gem recipes that are awesome. Aldor offers the following gem recpies: 1. Gleaming Golden Draenite = this matches a yellow socket and gives a +6 spell critical rating. 2. Royal Shadow Draenite = this matches a blue or red socket and gives a +7 healing and +1 mana every 5 seconds. So, you can look through this information on what the Aldors have to offer for your specific toon and professions to decide if the Aldor order is the right one for you to align yourself with.

Scryer Reputation When you finally hit that coveted level 60 mark and head into the Outlands, you will need to decide which order you should align yourself with: Aldor or Scryer. For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them. Just like with Aldor, you will be doing quests that will have you gathering certain items, such as tokens, and helping the Scryers with their quests in Nagrand, the Terokkar Forest, and the Blade's Edge Mountains. The Scryers are an ancient order of blood elves, led by Voren'thal the Seer, who live in Shattrath City. This group detached from Prince Kael'thas and instead, gave their assistance to the Naaru at Shattrath City, keeping them at war with the Aldor. They are in a constant struggle for power in Shattrath City against the Aldor and are trying to win favor with the Naaru. In the beginning, any player that is already a blood elf will automatically be friendly with the Scryers and hostile with the Aldor, just as draenei players will be friendly with the Aldor and hostile with the Scryers. Of course, this can be changed by doing quests for either side. Once you have completed the “City of Light” quest, you will be given the choice of which side to align your player with. Once you have aligned your character with Scryer and begin doing quests for reputation points with them, you can begin to turn in epic armor tokens for Tier 4 and 5 gear to either Veynna Dawnstar (the Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms) or Arodis Sunblade (the Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts) who are both located in the Seer's Library in the Scryer's Tier. The first quest that you should get and do when you are trying to align with the Scryers is “Allegiance to the Scryers”. This one quest will increase your reputation with them by 3,500 points, which brings you to friendly with them. After this, you can start the other quests that will allow you to turn in different signets for reputation points. Start by doing any quest that you are given to raise your reputation with the Scryers. Once you have completed the first quests, you will get several daily quests that you can do each and every day to continue to raise your reputation. Some of these quest will have you turn in Firewing Signets,

Arcane Tomes, and Sunfury Signets for reputation points with the Scryers, as well as other things, such as Dampscale Basilisk Eyes. To get from friendly to honored, you'll have to turn in 22 Firewing Signets 10 times, for honored to revered, you will have to turn in 48 Sunfury Signets 10 times, and for revered to exalted, you will have to turn in 84 Sunfury Signets 10 times. With the signet turn in quests, along with the other daily quest, you can earn a lot of reputation points each day. If you continue to turn in these signets while you are doing the daily quests, you'll hit exalted in no time with the Scryers. To grind for the Firewing signets, you can head to Firewing Point in the Terokkar Forest, which is east of Shattrath City. All you have to do is follow the road out through Tuurem and then you take a path north that will lead you right to Firewing Point. You can grind for these and turn them in until you are friendly with the Scryers (if you didn't do “Allegiance to the Scryers”), but once you're friendly with them, you can't use them any more to up your reputation points. Once you hit friendly, then you can head to Netherstorm to an area called Manaforge B'naar. This camp is also really easy to get to, as all you do is follow the road west out of Area 52, and you'll run right into it. This is the area to grind for Sunfury Signets which will raise your reputation points with the Scryers until you are exalted. But, these only have around a 30% drop rate, about the same as the Firewing Signets. You can also get Arcane Tomes and Arcane Runes here that you can also turn in for items from the Scryer's Quartermaster, so it isn't a total waste to grind here a bit each day. There are also several quest chains that you can get and do that will have you speak to certain people or gather items and take them to other people. These are fairly easy, and you can blow through these fast, but none are repeatable, so you only get the reputation points for them once. For players who have already aligned themselves with Aldor and are trying to switch, you can get “Vorenthal's Visions” from Arcanist Adryia, which will give you reputation points with Scryer and then lead you to the repeatable quest from her, “More Basilisk Eyes”.

The Scryers also have inscriptions that are like enchants that go on your shoulders. These can be used by anyone, any faction, once you have the reputation with the Scryers to buy them. But, they are BOP so make sure that you have the reputation to get them, and that you actually want that inscription before you get it. While Aldor adds additional damage and healing, Scryer adds more critical strike rating. For tanks, hunters, and players that want to do more damage outright, then Aldor is the way to go. But, for casters or others that are more concerned with just more power, Scryer is the way to go. Either way, players should always look at what each side has to offer and then pick the one that is the best for what they envision their character to be when all is said and done. Here is a list of available inscriptions that the Scryers offer players who align themselves with them: 1. Greater Inscription of the Blade = this inscription will add +15 critical strike rating and +20 attack power to your shoulder item. This inscription doesn't stack on any other shoulder enchants or inscriptions. 2. Greater Inscription of the Knight = this inscription will add +15 defense rating and +10 dodge rating to your shoulder item. This doesn't stack on any other enchantments on the shoulders either. 3. Greater Inscription of the Oracle = this will give you +6 mana per second and up to +22 healing on your shoulder item. But, it doesn't stack on any other enchantment or inscription either. 4. Greater Inscription of the Orb = this one adds +15 spell critical strike rating and up to +12 spell damage to any shoulder item. And, it doesn't stack either. These are just the lesser enchantments that you can get for your shoulders, and aren't really what you should base your decision on, but they will give you an idea of what type of inscriptions you can get from the Scryers. Remember that the Aldor inscriptions will give you more attack power, spell damage, and dodge ratings, which the Scryer inscriptions will give you more critical strike, MP5, and defense ratings. There are other areas to consider before you chose Aldor or Scryer, such as what your professions are. Both of these orders will sell recipes for “spellthread” for those who are tailors and leatherworkers. But, each order will sell a different type of spellthread recipe. For the tailors, Aldors will sell the Golden Spellthread recipes, which give 51 healing and 18 stamina to

items, while Scryer will sell Mystic Spellthread which give 25 spell damage and 15 stamina to items. The good thing is that these recipes and the spellthread that they make aren't bind on pickup, so if you don't have a Scryer tailor in your guild, you can search out one and be able to use your mats and other items. For the leatherworkers, Aldor will offer a Vindicator's Armor Kit, which adds 8 defense ratings on chest, hands, legs, or feet, while Scryer will offer a Magister's Armor Kit that adds 3 mana every 5 seconds to chest, hands, legs, or feet. These aren't bind on pickup either, so you can trade them easily. If you are a blacksmith, Aldor offers a fire resistance gear while the Scryers offer Arcane resistance gear. For alchemists, there really isn't that much either side can offer you, except that the Scryers offer a recipe for a potion that will give 65 fire damage for an hour. Jewelcrafters have it made, as both sides offer a couple of gem recipes that are awesome. Hopefully, this will give you enough information to base your decision off of, when you are ready to start aligning your characters with either Scryer or Aldor.

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