Republican National Committee Release - Fr Eestaterepublicanjune 2007

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Free State Republican Volume 1; Issue 2

News of the Maryland Republican Party

Red, Red,

and Blue Dinner

On June 6th, Maryland Republicans from around the state gathered for the 17th Annual Red, White and Blue Dinner. Nearly 300 enthusiastic supporters turned out for the annual fundraiser to help the Party and rub elbows with the “who’s who” of the Maryland Republican Party. Among the VIPs were former Governor Bob Ehrlich, former Lt. Governor Michael Steele, and taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist, the dinner’s featured speaker. Being the 63rd anniversary of D-Day, dinner guests took time to reflect on the historic day and honor those who put their lives on the line in the name of freedom. Colonel Chuck Thomann, a World War II veteran, and his wife, Joyce, President of the Republican Women of Anne Arundel County, performed the National Anthem. Chairman James Pelura, the dinner’s emcee, highlighted the differences between Republicans and Democrats and told those gathered

that he was Republican because “I love this State and I want Maryland to be an example of good government.” Governor Ehrlich rallied the Party faithful to engage the Democrats at every turn. “Disengagement will cost us dearly at this time. This is a new and very extreme Democratic Party,” Governor Ehrlich told the dinner guests. Grover Norquist, the keynote speaker, warned dinner guests of the Democrat agenda to raise taxes at both the federal and state levels. Mr. Norquist stated in no uncertain terms that it is the Democratic Party that is fractured and that they will undoubtedly lose the “battle of ideas.” Republicans will continue to stand up for all Marylanders against the Democrats’ plans to raise taxes, grow government, and buck accountability.

Chairman’s Corner I am so excited about the accomplishments we have achieved together in a short six-month period. Communication. As I travel the state, one of the most common compliments I have received is that communication from the State Party has never been better. This publication, the Free State Republican, is just one of those new tools we have used to communicate with Maryland Republicans. We have also expanded our e-mail network to share talking points on Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes, and most recently, O’Malley’s Electric Rate Hike. You may have also noticed some of the upgrades to our Web site (, including the addition of a Legislator of the Week, a more thorough events calendar, and just recently, a Republican Presidential Candidates page. Legislative/Grassroots: On the first day of the 2007 Session, we held the first-ever MDGOP Open House and nearly 100 people showed up at Headquarters to celebrate the MDGOP and encourage our legislators. The Republican Caucus was successful in getting Jessica’s Law and a Verifiable Paper Trail both passed and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants defeated. At last month’s Spring Convention, we unveiled the Red, White and Blue Voter Registration Initiative, a new statewide effort by both the MDGOP and Maryland Federation of Republican Women to increase Republican voter registration in each and every county in Maryland. We have organized two successful Support our Troops events at BWI Airport to give our troops the proper welcome home that they so richly deserve. Fundraising. I am pleased to report that the MDGOP has been present at every county’s Lincoln Day Dinner, and we just hosted a successful Red, White and Blue Dinner. In May, we kicked off a new, exciting book signing series, The Great Communicator Book Series, with Fox News contributor and author Angela McGlowan. Stay tuned for more to come!

June 2007

First 100 Days of One-Party Control Maryland has become a dream-come-true for liberals across the country. With the return of one-party control in Annapolis, the Democrats spent the 2007 Session of the Maryland General Assembly pushing legislation that makes it a test kitchen for liberal thinks tanks. Vote Anywhere with No Identification – Both the House and Senate passed the socalled “Early Voting” Constitutional Amendment, which, if approved by voters in the November 4, 2008 election, will allow voters to vote up to two weeks early in any of Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions. Currently, the technology does not exist to ensure that a person does not vote more than once. To make it even worse, Democrats resisted all attempts to require any form of voter identification. Ignore Maryland Voters/ Award Presidential Electors to Winner of National Vote – The House and Senate both passed legislation to award Maryland’s Electoral Votes to the winner of the national popular vote, circumventing the Constitution. This will only take effect if states with a majority of the Electoral Votes join the interstate compact. Expedited Voting Rights for Convicted Felons – The House and Senate passed legislation to allow convicted felons the right to vote as soon as they have completed their terms. This means that convicted rapists, child molesters, and murderers will have the right to vote as soon as they walk out of prison even without full restitution. Early Release for Drug Dealers - The House and Senate passed legislation to allow drug dealers convicted multiple times to qualify for early release from prison. After outrage from common sense Marylanders, Governor O’Malley was forced to backtrack and veto this bill. Inflating Wages and Widening the Wage Gap Between Rural and Urban Counties – The House and Senate passed the Living Wage legislation that requires companies with state contracts to pay a minimum of $8.50 an hour in rural areas and $11.30 an hour in urban areas. This legislation is hypocritical when many state employees make less thanthis so-called living wage. (Continued on page 2)

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Free State Republican

One-Party Rule

June 2007


(Continued from page 1)

In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigrants – The House passed legislation to provide instate tuition for illegal immigrants at all state colleges and universities and community colleges. While the bill died in the Senate, supporters plan to bring it back next year with renewed force. Surrender Your Car To California Standards - The House and Senate passed legislation which subjects Maryland consumers to emissions standards set by California, forces car manufacturers to make cars specifically for California and Maryland, and will be a financial burden on working families. If the first one hundred days of the return of one-party rule in Annapolis is any indicator, the citizens of Maryland are in for four long years of being the liberals’ policy guinea pigs.

Following is a list of some of the new taxes and increases proposed by Democrats in the 2007 Session. In all, Democrats proposed over $4 billion in new taxes for fiscal year 2008. Whatever you do – watch your wallets! • State Income Tax Increase • Sales Tax Increase • Service Tax—NEW • Restaurant and Bar Tax—NEW • Hotel Tax—NEW • Alcohol Tax Increase • Cigarette Tax Increase • Gas Tax Increase • Assault Weapon Tax—NEW • Ammunition Tax—NEW • Car Tax Increase • State Property Tax Increase

• • • • • • • • • • •

Student Housing Property TaxNEW Supplemental Property Tax for Prince George’s County—NEW Building Excise Tax—NEW Green Fund Fee—NEW Recordation and Transfer Tax Increase—NEW Corporate Tax Increase Nursing Home Assessment— NEW Driver Education School Assessment—NEW Air Quality Emissions-Based Permit Fee LNG Facilities Impact Fee— NEW Unused Gift Card/Gift Certificate Assessment—NEW

Spring Convention in Annapolis brave men and women in uniform. Convention attendees were enConvention in Annapolis. Nearly 190 voting delegates turned out for couraged to get involved in several projects to support our troops, including a Support the Troops event at BWI Airport later that day. a productive weekend of business and a little bit of fun.

From May 18-19, the Maryland Republican Party held its Spring

On the evening of May 18, after the Executive Committee completed its work, Republican officials and members socialized at the various hospitality suites held by presidential campaigns and one new tradition—the Gorgeous Prince George’s Karaoke Party hosted by the Prince George’s County Republican Party. At the May 19 breakfast session, Senate Republican Leader David Brinkley and House Republican Leader Tony O’Donnell reported to Convention attendees about developments in the General Assembly and what to expect going forward. With the Convention occurring on Armed Forces Day, it was only appropriate that the Morning Session began with a tribute to our

House Republican Leader O’Donnell and Senate Republican Leader Brinkley address the breakfast session.

The Convention delegates received a report from the Bylaws Review Committee and voted in favor of three resolutions. One resolution to amend the voting structure of the MDGOP Executive Committee was heavily debated, but in the end passed with 75% of the vote. Attendees also participated in workshops to better understand their role as Party officers and to gain skills in voter registration and communicating with the media. The Convention ended with an awards luncheon with Lt. Governor Michael Steele as the keynote speaker. He gave a rousing speech declaring that “the sulking, the moping, the wailing and gnashing of teeth is over… We have to roll up our sleeves. We have to work hard. We need to begin now to build this farm team and train and go back at it.”

Chairman James Pelura addresses the audience of nearly 190 voting delegates at the Convention during the Morning Session.

Lt. Gov. Michael Steele rallies the Republican troops during the awards luncheon.

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Free State Republican

June 2007

O’Malley’s Electric Rate Hike On June 1st, Electric Rates Went Up By 50% For BGE Customers. “State officials reluctantly approved a 50 percent rate increase yesterday for the 1.1 million residential customers of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., saying they had “little legal option” to defer or reMARTIN O’MALLEY’S PROMISE TO “STOP THE RATE duce the utility company’s proposal. The increase goes into effect HIKES” WAS JUST AN EMPTY CAMPAIGN PROMISE, AND June 1.” (Brian Witte, “Officials Approve BGE’s Increase,” WashMARYLANDERS ARE NOW PAYING THE PRICE ington Times, 5/24/07)(emphasis added)

Marylanders Forced To Pay The Price For O’Malley’s Broken Campaign Promises

Last Year, Martin O’Malley Promised Immediate Relief From Electric Rate Hikes. “Martin O’Malley and Anthony Brown will work to provide immediate relief from the impending rate hikes for our families, small businesses and the most vulnerable in our communities.” (O’Malley Campaign Web site, http://, accessed May 28, 2007) Last Year, Candidate O’Malley Promised To “Stop The Rate Hikes.” “‘The special interests already have their governor - we need one of our own,’ says a voice-over in the mayor’s commercial. ‘Martin O’Malley: taking on BGE to stop the rate hikes.’” (David Abrams, “Politicos jockey for credit on BGE rate deal,” Capital, 6/25/06)(emphasis added)

THE O’MALLEY ELECTRIC RATE HIKE IS UNIVERSALLY PANNED AND WILL CREATE A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP WITHOUT ANY REAL NOTICE TO PREPARE The Maryland Gazette Reports That Rate Hike “Universally Panned By Angry Ratepayers.” “The rate increase would bring monthly bills to $136 for the average home, which uses 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a month. Bills currently average $98. During a public forum on the increase in Annapolis April 24, the hike was universally panned by angry ratepayers.” (Andrew Childers, “BGE rate decision may come this week,” Maryland Gazette, 5/16/07) Full research piece can be found at

Maryland GOP Honors Exceptional Republicans On Saturday, May 19th, the Maryland Republican Party hosted its annual awards luncheon as part of its Spring Convention.

Nat’l Committeewoman Joyce Lyons Terhes congratulates Alice Wright of Kent County on her induction into the Emeritus Program.

Joan Harris, VP of Citizens for Jessica’s Law in Maryland, accepts the Grassroots Activist of the Year Award.

Rev. Frankie Powell receives the Aris T. Allen Award for the Baltimore City Republican Party’s Voter Registration Efforts, with Nat’l Committeeman Louis Pope.

Worcester County Republicans, including Chair Marty Pusey, pose with Chairman Jim Pelura and the County of the Year Award.

Tara Buckley of the Republican Women of Maryland, receives the Youth of the Year Award, photographed with Patt Parker, MFRW President.

Prince George’s County Chairman Mykel Harris accepts the Man of the Year Award, with Chairman Pelura.

Around the Free State

Chairman Pelura addresses the Maryland Federation of College Republicans Convention in April 2007.

Governor Bob Ehrlich addresses the Cecil County Lincoln Day Dinner.

The Maryland chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly meets in Annapolis in April 2007.

Over 100 Maryland Republicans at BWI Airport greet returning Navy medical troops who were stationed in Iraq.


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