Republic Act 7600

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 418
  • Pages: 10
Republic Act 7600

Republic Act No. 7600 Known as “The Rooming –In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992” An act providing incentives to

all government and private hospitals with rooming-in and breastfeeding practices and for other purposes.


The state adopts rooming-in as a national policy to encourage, protect and support the practice of breastfeeding. It shall create an environment where basic physical, emotional and psychological needs of mothers and infants are fulfilled through the practice of rooming-in and Breastfeeding.

II. RO OMING –IN AND BREAST FEED ING OF INFANT S 1. Ap pl ica bi lit y- to all pri va te an d gove rn me nt hea lt h in sti tuti ons 2. Normal Spo ntan eous De li ve rie s * Immed iat e la tch on after bi rth * Ro omin g-in wi thi n 30 mi nut esA/ We ll inf an ts B/L ow bir th wei gh t in fants but abl e to su ck 3. De li ve ri es of Caes ar ea n Sect ion * Ro omed -in and bre ast fed wi thin 3- 4 hours after bi rth

4. Deliveries Outside Health Institutions - Be Roomed-in 5. Exception *Mothers and babies with complications or problems hence do not permit rooming-in and breastfeeding. These infants shall be fed expressed breastmilk.

II I. RIGHT OF TH E MOTH ER TO BREA STF EED *It shall be the right of the mot he r to br east feed her chil d who eq ua ll y has the ri gh t to her brea st mil k. IV. HUMA N MILK BANK *P ro vis io n of Fac ilit ies fo r Breast mil k Co ll ectio n and St or age

V. IN FORMA TION , ED UCA TION AN D RE -E DU CA TION DRIV E • Continuing Education, Re-education and Training of Health Personnel on Current and Updated Lactation Management. • Information Dissemination to Pregnant Women A. In Prenatal Clinic B. At home or in the Ward C. Post Natal Clinic

I. MISCE LLA NEOU S PROV ISIO NS Incentives A. Deductible Income Tax B. Recipient of Additional Appropriation in the Budget for the Next Fiscal Year – Equivalent to the Savings Derived as a Result of Adopting Rooming-In and Breastfeeding

Sanctions for the Violation of this Act A. First Offense – Reprimand B. Repeated Violation – Suspension of the Permit to Operate the Health Institution

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