Representations In Movies 1

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Representations in movies In my 2 minute opening scene, there are different kind of representation. Homosexuality\bisexuality Films that represent homosexual people tend to have a direct stereotypical look, or behavior. The reason why I did not do this is because the main character likes a girl and he doesn’t find out he is homosexual until the very end of the movie. Depending on the gender, homosexual people tend to have different looks. If it’s a girl, they try to portray her as a manly figure, making her not dress as well as other girls or, having a different personality in terms of having a different lifestyle. Side shave along with a pixie cut and colored hair, which is typically how a boy cuts his hair. The Silver cross: Normally pendants like this are wore by guys. The fact that is silver adds to some countries representation that for guys, is not normal to wear gold Wearing pink is contrasting the fact that she’s lesbian, however, the button up shirt along with the tight simple one, says a lot about her style and how she behaves.

In my movie opening, the protagonist at the end of the movie turns out to be bisexual for his best friend who I try to portray as bisexual at the start of the movie by the way he dresses, and how he pays the most attention to him. However the audience does not know that due that I only hint the love between the two guys. The girl is more turned away from the protagonist and you can see more distance due that she is barely moving to approach him or comfort him in any way while the guy at the right, is more worried or more concerned for him. In film movies, homosexual characters tend to be open about their sexual orientation mainly to their friends

more than family. They tend to wear scarfs or really tight pants, or even if it’s a high school movie, they tend to get bullied and dress vey nerdy like, with shirts that have parallel lines or just plain t-shirts. Because the character at the left is bisexual but he has a “crush” on the main character, I tried to make him look soft with a manly touch. He has a scarf that tries to foreshadow that at the end they do love each other and again, I tried to make him look more interested in the protagonist feelings and life. Teenagers In American TV, teenagers are represented with a very realistic but negative view. For example in “easy A” and “American dad”, the teenage girl is a person that lets herself easy with the guys, but is also smart and does well in school. They also tend to go through stages of depression or almost like the “rock and metal” stage which is now known as the “Emo” stage. They always dress in black; this is mainly portrayed in “family guy”. However in movies like “Easy A” and “mean girls” the girls are always the bossy, mean type. They are always caring about how they look and always take care about who they sit with or who approaches them and how they treat this people. On the contrary, the guys are portrayed as the good for nothing, lazy guy, who is always looking for food or girls to get with. Or even the “bad guy” because he broke a girl’s heart, the cheater or the abuser. Teenage boys can also be portrayed as the athlete that gets the most popular girl, or the musician who is trying to achieve a dream but is also the ladies’ man. In my movie I don’t follow any of these representations even though all of the actors and characters are supposed to be teenagers. I did this to portray that they are different kind of people who are going through another crisis in life where everyone is involved (The difference between black and white witches and how one person out of the whole population is both). In my movie opening, the girls tend to have a stronger and more aggressive character and the boys are also aggressive but also peaceful, in a way that they want to find peace between the two different types of witches. This means that mainly, the movie is targeting most adults as the bad or the antagonist, due that not all adults are going to be working for the White Witch council and will try to fight with the protagonist and his friends. Adults Most movies have characters that are adult and depending on the movie, the adult can be the guidance of a person like a sister or a child, or the adults can be the protagonist who has a crisis. But mainly if the adult is not the main character, they are always a person that looks like they have everything gathered together and can do whatever they want with their life. They are always giving advice and somewhat they always wear off colors like white or gray, sometimes black.

These are Ajax’s (the protagonist) good brother and sister. The are wearing very light clothes making them look very peaceful and trusting. The color amber connoting to tradition, making the brother seem more traditional and quiet, with the dark blue shirt making him a secure character as well as a confident one. The girl is wearing light gray, connoting to neutral and reserved however also logical. This is why she’s the one explaining why the trick would work. The camera is at a medium shot, with a lot of space over their head, making the audience feel like the characters will have a small impact on the film, however, because they are appearing in a flashback, they will have a bigger impact on the main character. Here the characters at the side are wearing black, while the protagonist is wearing a white shirt. This links to the way that he is the only half black half white witch and the rest are either white or black witches. I have used the leather jackets to make them all have something in common, which also links to the way that they are all witches. The camera is at a long shot, to show the reaction of the characters and to bring a sense of location to the audience as well, this way the audience know that they are walking away from their hiding place.

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