Report To Ms Word Powershell

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,612
  • Pages: 9
param( [string] $VIServer ) if ($VIServer -eq ""){ Write-Host Write-Host "Please specify a VI Server name eg...." Write-Host " powershell.exe Report.ps1 MYVISERVER" Write-Host Write-Host exit } function PreReq { if ((Test-Path REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application) -eq $False){ Write-Host "This script directly outputs to Microsoft Word, please install Microsoft Word" exit } Else { Write-Host "Microsoft Word Detected" } if ((Test-Path REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\OWC11.ChartSpace.11) -eq $False){ Write-Host "This script requires Office Web Components to run correctly, please install these from the following website:" exit } Else { Write-Host "Office Web Components Detected" } } $wordrunning = (Get-Process 'WinWord' -ea SilentlyContinue) if ( $wordrunning -eq ""){ Write-Host "Please close all instances of Microsoft Word before running this report." exit } else { } function InsertTitle ($title) { # Insert Document Title Information $objSelection = $msWord.Selection $objSelection.Style = "Heading 1" $objSelection.TypeText($Title) $msword.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null $objSelection.TypeParagraph() } function InsertText ($text) {


# Insert Document Title Information $objSelection = $msWord.Selection $objSelection.Style = "Normal" $objSelection.TypeText($text) $msword.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null $objSelection.TypeParagraph()

function InsertChart ($Caption, $Stat, $NumToReturn, $Contents) { Write-Host "Creating $Caption bar chart...Please Wait" $categories = @() $values = @() $chart = new-object -com OWC11.ChartSpace.11 $chart.Clear() $c = $chart.charts.Add(0) # Non 3D chart type, change the following .Type = 4 $c.Type = 4 $c.HasTitle = "True" $series = ([array] $chart.charts)[0].SeriesCollection.Add(0) if ($stat -eq ""){ $contents | foreach-object { $categories += $_.Name $values += $_.Value * 1 } $series.Caption = $Caption } else { $i = 1 $j = $contents.Length $myCol = @() ForEach ($content in $contents) { Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Graph Information" -Status "$content ($i of $j)" -PercentComplete (100*$i/$j) $myObj = "" | Select-Object Name, Value $myObj.Name = $content.Name $messtat = Get-Stat -Entity $content -Start ((GetDate).AddHours(-24)) -Finish (Get-Date) -Stat $stat $myObj.Value = ($messtat| Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average $myCol += $myObj $i++ } $myCol | Sort-Object Value -Descending | Select-Object -First $numtoreturn | foreach-object { $categories += $_.Name $values += $_.Value * 1 } $series.Caption = "$Caption (last 24hrs)" } $series.SetData(1, -1, $categories) $series.SetData(2, -1, $values) $filename = (resolve-path .).Path + "\Chart.jpg" $chart.ExportPicture($filename, "jpg", 900, 600)

$objSelection = $msWord.Selection $msword.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null $objSelection.TypeParagraph() $msWord.Application.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture($filename) Remove-Item $filename

> Null

} function InsertPie ($Caption, $Contents, $cats) { Write-Host "Creating $Caption pie chart...Please Wait" $categories = @() $values = @() $chart = new-object -com OWC11.ChartSpace.11 $chart.Clear() $c = $chart.charts.Add(0) # Non 3D pie chart, change the following .Type = 18 $c.Type = 58 $c.HasTitle = "True" $c.HasLegend = "True" $series = ([array] $chart.charts)[0].SeriesCollection.Add(0) $dl = $series.DataLabelsCollection.Add() $dl.HasValue = "True" $Contents | foreach-object { $categories = $cats[0], $cats[1] $values = [math]::round(($contents[0]), 0), [math]::round(($contents[1]), 0) } $series.Caption = $Caption $series.SetData(1, -1, $categories) $series.SetData(2, -1, $values) $filename = (resolve-path .).Path + "\PIE.jpg" $chart.ExportPicture($filename, "jpg", 900, 600) $objSelection = $msWord.Selection $msword.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null $objSelection.TypeParagraph() $msWord.Application.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture($filename) > Null #Remove-Item $filename } function TableOutput ($Heading, $columnHeaders, $columnProperties, $contents) { Write-Host "Creating $Heading Table...Please Wait" # Number of columns $columnCount = $columnHeaders.Count # Insert Table Heading $Title = $Heading InsertTitle $title # Create a new table $docTable = $wordDoc.Tables.Add($wordDoc.Application.Selection.Range,$contents.Count,$columnCo unt) # Insert the column headers into the table for ($col = 0; $col -lt $columnCount; $col++) {

$cell = $docTable.Cell(1,$col+1).Range $cell.Font.Name="Arial" $cell.Font.Bold=$true $cell.InsertAfter($columnHeaders[$col]) } $doctable.Rows.Add() > Null # Load the data into the table $i = 1 $j = $contents.Count for($row = 2; $row -lt ($contents.Count + 2); $row++){ if($row -gt 2){ } for ($col = 1; $col -le $columnCount; $col++){ Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Table Information" -Status "Adding Row entry $i of $j" -PercentComplete (100*$i/$j) $cell = $docTable.Cell($row,$col).Range $cell.Font.Name="Arial" $cell.Font.Size="10" $cell.Font.Bold=$FALSE $cell.Text = $contents[$row-2].($columnProperties[$col-1]) } $i++ } # Table style $doctable.Style = "Table List 4" $docTable.Columns.AutoFit() $objSelection = $msWord.Selection $msword.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null $objSelection.TypeParagraph() } $date = Get-date Prereq # Connect to the VI Server Write-Host "Connecting to VI Server" Connect-VIServer $VIServer # Get Word Ready for Input # Launch instance of Microsoft Word Write-Host "Creating New Word Document" $msWord = New-Object -Com Word.Application # Create new document $wordDoc = $msWord.Documents.Add() # Make word visible (optional) $msWord.Visible = $false # Activate the new document $wordDoc.Activate() # Insert Document Title $Title = "VMWare Report produced for $VIServer" InsertTitle $title $Title = "Created on " + $date InsertTitle $title

#Setting common used commands to speed things up Write-Host "Setting Variables...Please wait" $VMs = Get-VM $VMHs = Get-VMHost $Ds = Get-Datastore $rp = Get-resourcepool $clu = Get-Cluster # Send VM Host Information to Document $myCol = @() ForEach ($vmh in $vmhs) { $hosts = Get-VMHost $vmh.Name | %{Get-View $_.ID} $esx = "" | select-Object Name, Version, NumCpuPackages, NumCpuCores, Hz, Memory $esx.Name = $hosts.Name $esx.Version = $hosts.Summary.Config.Product.FullName $esx.NumCpuPackages = $hosts.Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuPackages $esx.NumCpuCores = $hosts.Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuCores $esx.Hz = [math]::round(($hosts.Hardware.CpuInfo.Hz)/10000, 0) $esx.Memory = [math]::round(($hosts.Hardware.MemorySize)/1024, 0) $myCol += $esx } $contents = $myCol $columnHeaders = @('Name', 'Version', 'CPU', 'Cores', 'Hz', 'Memory' ) $columnproperties = @('Name', 'Version', 'NumCpuPackages', 'NumCpuCores', 'Hz', 'Memory') $Heading = "Host Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } $totalhosts = $VMhs.Length $Text = "Total Number of Hosts: $totalhosts" InsertText $Text #Insert VM Host CPU Graph $contents = $VMHs $Stat = "cpu.usage.average" $NumToReturn = 5 $Caption = "Top " + $NumToReturn + " Hosts CPU Usage %Average" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertChart $Caption $Stat $NumToReturn $contents } #Insert VM Host MEM Graph $contents = $VMHs $Stat = "mem.usage.average" $NumToReturn = 5 $Caption = "Top " + $NumToReturn + " Hosts MEM Usage %Average"

if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertChart $Caption $Stat $NumToReturn $contents } # Send VM Information to the document $contents = @($VMs | Sort-Object Name ) $columnHeaders = @('Name','CPUs','MEM','Power','Description') $columnProperties = @('Name','NumCPU','MemoryMB','PowerState','Description') $Heading = "VM Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } $totalhosts = $VMs.Length $Text = "Total Number of Virtual Machines: $totalhosts" InsertText $Text #Insert VM CPU Graph $contents = $VMs $Stat = "cpu.usage.average" $NumToReturn = 5 $Caption = "Top " + $NumToReturn + " Virtual Machines CPU Usage %Average" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertChart $Caption $Stat $NumToReturn $contents } #Insert VM MEM Graph $contents = $VMs $Stat = "mem.usage.average" $NumToReturn = 5 $Caption = "Top " + $NumToReturn + " Virtual Machines MEM Usage %Average" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertChart $Caption $Stat $NumToReturn $contents } # Send VM Tools Information to Document $contents = @($VMs | % { get-view $_.ID } | select Name, @{ Name="ToolsVersion"; Expression={$}} | Sort-Object Name) $columnHeaders = @('Name','VM Tools Version') $columnproperties = @('Name', 'ToolsVersion') $Heading = "VMWare Tools Version" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){

Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else {

Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents

} # Datastore report $contents = @($Ds | Sort-Object Name) $columnHeaders = @('Name','Storage Type','Total Size','Free Space') $columnProperties = @('Name','Type','CapacityMB','FreeSpaceMB') $Heading = "Datastore Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } #Insert Datastore Pie Charts foreach ($contents in $Ds) { $UsedSpace = $contents.CapacityMB - $contents.FreespaceMB $categories = @('Free Space', 'Used Space') $newcontents = @($contents.FreespaceMB, $usedSpace) $Caption = $contents.Name + " Space Allocation" if ($contents -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertPie $Caption $newcontents $categories } } # Send Cluster Information to Document $contents = @($clu | Sort-Object Name) $columnHeaders = @('Name','HA Enabled','HA Failover Level','DRS Enabled','DRS Mode') $columnProperties = @('Name', 'HAEnabled', 'HAFailoverLevel', 'DRSEnabled', 'DrsMode') $Heading = "Cluster Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } # Send ResourcePool Information to Document $contents = @($rp | select-object Name, MemLimitMB, CpuLimitMhz, NumCPUShares, NumMemShares | Sort-Object Name) $columnHeaders = @('Name', 'Memory Limit MB', 'CPU Limit Mhz', 'CPU Shares', 'MEM Shares') $columnProperties = @('Name', 'MemLimitMB', 'CpuLimitMhz', 'NumCPUShares',

'NumMemShares') $Heading = "Resource Pool Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } # Send Snapshot Information to Document $contents = @($VMs | Get-Snapshot | select-object VM, Name, Description) $columnHeaders = @('VM', 'Name', 'Description') $columnProperties = @('VM', 'Name', 'Description') $Heading = "Snapshot Information" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } # Send Snapshot's over 1 month old to Document $contents = @($VMs | Get-Snapshot | where { $_.Created -lt (get-date).addmonths(1)} | select-object VM, Name, Description, Created) $columnHeaders = @('VM', 'Name', 'Description', 'Created') $columnProperties = @('VM', 'Name', 'Description', 'Created') $Heading = "Snapshot's over 1 Month old" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { Tableoutput $Heading $columnHeaders $columnProperties $contents } #Insert Snapshot Graph $myCol = @() ForEach ($vm in $vms) { $snapshots = Get-Snapshot -VM $vm $myObj = "" | Select-Object Name, Value $myObj.Name = $ $myObj.Value = ($snapshots | measure-object).count $myCol += $myObj } $contents = @($myCol | Where-Object{$_.Value -gt 0} | Sort-Object Name) $Stat = "" $NumToReturn = "" $Caption = "Number of snapshots per VM" if ($contents[0] -eq $null){ Write-Host "No entries for $Heading found" } else { InsertChart $Caption $Stat $NumToReturn $contents }

Write-Host Write-Host $enddate = Write-Host

"------------------------------" "Start Date: $date" get-date "End Date: $enddate"

# Show the finished Report $msword.Selection.HomeKey(6) $msWord.Visible = $true

> Null

# Save the document to disk and close it $filename = 'C:\VMReport.doc' $wordDoc.SaveAs([ref]$filename) #Close the document if you are using as a scheduled task #$wordDoc.Close() # Exit our instance of word #$msWord.Application.Quit() #Email options for automated emailed report #$smtpServer = “localhost” # #$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage #$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($filename) #$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) # #$msg.From = “[email protected]” #$msg.To.Add(”[email protected]”) #$msg.Subject = “VMware Report” #$msg.Body = “Please find attached the automated VMware report” #$msg.Attachments.Add($att) # #$smtp.Send($msg) #Delete file if no longer needed once sent via email #Remove-Item $filename

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