Report To Mayor And Council

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NO: 07- 030

February 13, 2007 SUBJECT: Installation of an All-Way Stop Sign Control at Wright Avenue and Helena Drive REPORT IN BRIEF Staff received a request from a neighborhood resident to study the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive for the possible installation of All-Way Stop control signs. The intersection is located in a residential neighborhood with single family homes and a school nearby. An All-Way Stop sign control warrant study was conducted and the intersection does meet the minimum requirements needed for installation of All-Way Stop sign control. Staff recommends that City Council approve the installation of an All-Way Stop sign control for this intersection. BACKGROUND City staff received a request from a neighborhood resident to study the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive for the possible installation of an All-Way Stop sign control in September of 2006. The intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive is a four-legged intersection which is currently controlled by Two-Way Stop signs. Stop controls are configured so that eastbound and westbound Helena Drive traffic stops for northbound and southbound Wright Avenue traffic. The current land uses in the vicinity of the intersection are primarily residential single family homes. Cupertino Middle School is located two blocks to the east of this intersection. There is also a crossing guard stationed at this intersection to help cross students during the start and end times of the school day. This item needs to be brought to City Council for decision because the Sunnyvale Municipal Code Section 10.08.190 requires that City Council approve by resolution all installations of three or four-way (Multi-Way) Stop sign controls. EXISTING POLICY Land Use and Transportation Element C3, Attain a transportation system that is effective, safe, pleasant and convenient. Land Use and Transportation Element C3.1.4, Study and implement physical and operational improvements to optimize roadway and intersection capacities.

Issued by the City Manager Revised 04-12-2004

Installation of an All-Way Stop Sign Control at Wright Avenue at Helena Drive February 13, 2007 Page 2 of 4

Land Use and Transportation Element C3.4.7. Conduct periodic analyses of roadway facilities and collision data in order to assure traffic safety. DISCUSSION In September 2006, staff received a request from a neighborhood resident to study the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive for the possible installation of All-Way Stop sign controls. As a result of this request, staff conducted a residential All-Way Stop Analysis; this study conforms to the State of California and Federal government requirements for All-Way Stop sign controls. The analysis takes into consideration land use, street classifications/designations, collision history, traffic volume, schools, and any unusual conditions/engineering judgment. Wright Avenue is classified as a neighborhood residential street that runs north/south connecting Fremont Avenue to Homestead Road. Helena Drive is classified as a neighborhood residential street and runs east/west connecting Bernardo Avenue and Lewiston Drive. Both streets have residential homes that front the roadway, with Cupertino Middle School located two blocks to the west and a church located five blocks to the north. Review of the collision history showed that there was one collision in 2006 that would have been correctable by the installation of All-way Stop signs. 24-hour traffic volumes indicate that Wright Avenue carries approximately 2,800 vehicles per day and Helena Drive carries approximately 2,400 vehicles per day. Based on the data gathered and engineering analysis, the intersection scored 20 points with a minimum of 20 points needed to qualify for installation of an All-Way Stop sign control. FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact will be minor if City Council decides to install the All-Way Stop sign control. There are sufficient funds in the operating budget to install the new Stop signs, All-Way Stop tabs, warning signs and legends. CONCLUSION As a result of a public request, staff conducted a Residential All-Way Stop Analysis at the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive. This study conforms to State and Federal requirements for data and information to be gathered and analyzed. The results of the All-Way Stop Analysis showed that the intersection does meet the minimum requirement for installation of All-Way Stop sign control. PUBLIC CONTACT Public contact was made through posting of the Council agenda on the City’s official notice bulletin board, posting of the agenda and report on the City’s web page, and the availability of the report in the Library and the City Clerk’s

Installation of an All-Way Stop Sign Control at Wright Avenue at Helena Drive February 13, 2007 Page 3 of 4

Office. In addition, notifications of this item were mailed to all residents and schools within 300 feet of the intersection on Wright Avenue and Helena Drive and to the neighborhood association group. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the attached resolution to convert the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive from Two-Way Stop sign control to All-Way Stop sign control. 2. Do not approve the resolution to convert the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive from Two-Way Stop sign control to All-Way Stop sign control.

Installation of an All-Way Stop Sign Control at Wright Avenue at Helena Drive February 13, 2007 Page 4 of 4

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative #1: Approve the attached resolution to convert the intersection of Wright Avenue at Helena Drive from Two-Way Stop sign control to All-Way Stop sign control. This intersection has met the necessary requirements for installation of AllWay Stop sign control as specified in the City’s All-Way Stop warrant study. Reviewed by:

Marvin A. Rose, Director, Public Works Prepared by: Dennis Ng, Senior Engineer Approved by: Amy Chan City Manager Attachments A. B. C.

Aerial Photo of Existing Conditions Residential All-Way Stop Sign Warrant Study Resolution

Attachment B



WHEREAS, Title 10 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code provides that designation of multi-way stops are to be accomplished by the City Council by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUNNYVALE THAT it has been determined it is necessary to amend the list of “Multi-Way Stop Intersections” originally established by Resolution No. 203-95 by adding thereto: II.

Three or Four-Way (Multi-Way) Stop Intersections Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 10.32.020.

Wright Avenue and Helena Drive Adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting held on ___________, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST:


_____________________________ City Clerk (SEAL)

____________________________ Mayor


______________________________________ David E. Kahn, City Attorney

Resolutions\2007\Multi-Stop Wright-Helena

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