Report On Retail Player-rock Worl

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,840
  • Pages: 41
TABLE OF CONTENTS  Acknowledgement

 Declaration  Preface  Research Objectives  Research Methodology and Design  Introduction  Data Analysis and Interpretation  Conclusions  Limitations  Suggestions

 Bibliography  Annexure

ACKNOWLEDGEMEN T No gain without pains is a common saying. Gratitude is the hardest of emotion to express and often does not find adequate words to convey. Therefore, a Survey Project Report is not an effort of a single person but it is a contributory effort of many hands and brains. So, I would like to thanks all those who have helped me directly or indirectly during my Survey Project. With an ineffable sense of gratitude I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of indebtness to Prof. P.N.JHA (Director of SMS) for allowing me to carry out this survey work. I am also thankful to DR. MANISH SHRIVASTAV for his keen interest, constructive criticism, persistent encouragement and untiring guidance throughout the development of the project. It has been my great privilege to work under his inspiring and provoking guidance. I would like to thank all my teachers, staff members, and Library members for their valuable advice and guidance which help me to make this report effective, interesting and purposeful. I AM also thankful to the consumers for being a source of information in providing me the correct and the fact data.

DECLARATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hereby declare that the information presented here is correct to the best of my knowledge. Also, the report presented has not been published anywhere.



PREFACE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It is great honor to work on the project assigned to me and to prepare a report on this. In the presented report the introduction of ROCK WORLD COMERCIAL VENTURE PVT. LTD. which is a well known Company in present is given in detail which will make the reader to make a clear figure of it in mind. The topic assigned to me was a very challenging one and after a hard work in collecting the data & analysis, I have reached to the conclusion which is very clearly shown in the report presented. It was not an easy job to work on it and this was possible only with the great help and guidance of my mentor Dr. MANISH SHRIVASTAV who guided me to the right path in each and every problem came in front. Help of other possible sources has also been taken.

It is request to the respected readers to give their views and suggestions regarding this project and will be honoured, which will definitely help me on my next task. Thanking you.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The survey was conducted with following objectives:1- To know the consumer satisfaction level about the services provided by rock world.

2- To know the consumers satisfaction level about the product of rock world.

3- To know the consumers satisfaction level regarding behavior of staff member of rock world.

4- To know consumer perception about Rock World.

RESEACH METHODOLOGY Significance of study: - The study signifies a survey on customer satisfaction level regarding rock world.

Sample Size: - The sample size taken to conduct the survey was 100 in numbers.

Selection of study area: - The survey has been carried out in Varanasi (Sigra & Mehmurgunj).

Data Collection Method: - The collected data is primary in

nature. i.e. the first hand data , as there is a better scope of getting required information and also it is in the form that we want. For the purpose of collecting data, questionnaire method was adopted. 1. Closed – Ended Questions • Dichotomous Questions • Multiple Choice Question 2. Open - Ended Question

Sampling Technique: - Since, the size of the universe is

quite large, so relatively small group of individuals from the universe is selected which is also good enough to represent the entire universe. In my survey report, I followed the nonprobabilistic CONVENIENCE Sampling & SIMPLE RANDOM Sampling as the selection was done according to the researcher convenience, and each and every element of universe was not given equal chance of being selected in sample.

Measurement & Scaling Techniques Sampling: - I have used judgment sampling for knowing the satisfaction level of consumers.

Research Design: - To know about the present condition

and status regarding particular item or group of items, descriptive research is conducted. The descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. As the result we were required in analytical form. The survey was conducted using questionnaire method. By using this method we found the present situation and the findings and its analysis is described in the further parts.




Rockworld Commercial Ventures Pvt. Ltd. is a Company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956.

The Company is an outcome of a thought with a Mission. A thought can make a difference in our life and others too, on the whole thought can make us a different personality altogether. A thought can lead to Dreams and thoughts can lead to Depression. So let’s not get depressed but work for our dreams because Dreams lead to prosperity and are to be fulfilled if we intend to fulfill them with a Positive Mindset.

The Company’s present Project; Rockworld’s G-Shop will be an example of Strength in Togetherness.








Services of different usage with such systems wherein the Common Customer is able to get benefit to buy more from his existing expenses. He/ she is able to get more freedom to purchase and added Value on his expenditure. In brief company are Adding Value to expenditure. For years, consumer have been spending money on different needs for which he/she get discounts etc. but in no case consumer have received any power to purchase more on expenditures hence the Company intends to make its Customer & common men more free in case of our regular purchases. In other words company are trying to achieve extra through Sense of Togetherness.

The Company has many such plans where it expects to convey the message of togetherness as a tool to prosperity for the common men through his existing Budgets and Expenditures. Company Vision is to prosper Together and not only prosper but to uplift and upgrade a Special Section of the Society.








counterparts in the main stream of business and prosperity. Company not only intend to make them a part

of company business plans but do offer them special preference so that they are able to be more competitive and successful in their life and lead themselves to prosperity. The Company is managed by a team of executives who have long experience of management and do have exposure to the competitive market and market conditions.





“To Provide The Best Of Services


To Add Value to Life

Through Togetherness Because Together We Can & We Will Rock The World.”

These are the vision of the Company. On the cover page the image of a female can be seen, as is the backbone of the society. Company main Goal is to uplift the female segment of the society and add value to her life through existing resources.

The Company has been formed with a vision to make all of us financially sound and comfortable using our own resources with special emphasis to create awareness among females as to ‘what she can do’. We all know that what important role a female plays in our life, right from our birth and what significance is of that role in our life she can be mother, sister, wife, daughter or friend. She manages our life. Special Consideration is given to females who intend to make a comfortable and financially healthy environment for themselves. We shall be coming up with different Projects from time to time henceforth and our maximum stress shall be to make our so called weaker gender more stronger day by day. We know there shall be many hurdles in our path but that will make us more stronger and determined towards our GOAL.

Rock World are Rock World Commercial Ventures Pvt. Ltd. helps customer; the choice-maker find his/her road to holistic growth – creatively, financially, and ethically. What Rock World do RockWorld's G-Shop chain grocery stores harness the power of togetherness. Watch customer money's buying power increase as customer purchase daily needs items at G-Shop. There are discounts, special offers and prizes to be won. Join the RockWorld family through G-card Elite membership. Enjoy gracious lifestyle at the same cost of living! Avail of our special services. Would you like to be a G-Shop franchisee?

RockWorld Wagon encourages people from all walks of life, especially women to create wealth and well being. All you talented people out there, looking for Creative Avenues, look no further. When you disclose your deepest dream to us, we ensure the best in professional support to make them come true for you.

G-Shop G-Shop chain grocery stores operate under RockWorld Commercial Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Company offer reasonably priced, high quality items. G-card Elite members enjoy special privileges, discounts and offers at G-Shop. G-Shop franchisees work in accordance with company norms and regulations for consistently high quality service. Also, there are company-owned outlets that promote subscription to G-card Elite membership in surrounding areas



Rockworld’s G – Shop is a chain of Grocery and General items shop, which is the Venture of Rockworld Commercial

Ventures (P) Ltd. The chain will be in existence through Company owned Outlets and Franchisee’s Outlets.

The Rockworld’s G – Shop shall offer its Customers the best possible deals gifts and Discounts on grocery and general items. The Company plans to have a wide network of Shops throughout North India.

To Shop at Rockworld’s G – Shop and get the benefits of Rockworld’s Scheme’s, deals & discounts, the Customer should be a member of Rockworld Family. The membership can be availed by becoming a G – Card Elite Holder. Members who are entitled to be beneficiaries of Rockworld should have a G – Card Elite.

The G – Card Elite membership can be taken by fulfilling the required conditions of the Company. G – Card Elite Holders will get a card and membership number. This number shall give the member an Account in the Company. To get the required benefits the G – Card Elite Number is mandatory. The G – Card Elite will entitle the members for other benefits offered to its member from time to time by the Company. The Company Plans to introduce many offers and schemes related to Daily life of a Common Family.

What is G-card Elite? Welcome to a gracious lifestyle at the same cost of living

that you are used to. Company makes customer money stretch, and help customer grow in all arenas of life. G-card Elite members have several benefits to boast of. The biggest benefit is that when customer shop at G-Shop he/she get discounts on marked prices. Another unique benefit is 100% value back on expenses incurred on shopping at Gshop! For example: If you purchase goods worth Rs. 500/-, after 30 days he/she get redemption coupon worth Rs. 500/- through which can he/she again purchase goods worth Rs. 500/absolutely free!

Allied Services •

Free Home Delivery

Career Consultancy: Customers can use our Career Consultancy Services to improve his/her carrier. Our guidance can mould Customers choices for subjects, study stream, school, college or company.

Job Placement: Without any registration charges Customers can avail of our Job Placement Service in various fields and various highly reputed companies for better future. Customer’s future.

Legal Consultancy: Use our Legal Consultancy to solve Customers legal problems related to any field.

Beauty Tips: We offer free beauty tips to keep up your magnetic personality.

Fitness & Health: Fitness & health tips to keep you healthy and fit.

Gourmand Cooking: Indian and continental recipes that make your daily meals more interesting, and get you loads of accolades from family and guests.

Printing Services: G-card Elite members can get printing facilities through us at lower cost than in the market.

Tourism: Use our advice to enjoy exciting trips in accordance with your budget.

What is a G – Shop? G–Shop is a shop, which will retail Daily need items to its members only. The

G–Shop shall be Computerised Shop

connected Online throughout its network. The


will offer Discounts, Schemes etc. on the basis of Purchases made by its members through G – Card Elite.

The Modus operandi of G – Shop.

The G – Shops shall work on a system through Venture Associates, Outlet Franchisees and Company Owned Outlets.


The guiding principle at G-Shop is, ‘grocery shopping made reasonable and convenient.’ Our customers are members. We are a team of young professionals out to use our expertise to impact positively the lives of all who join us. We believe in the power of togetherness. And G-Shop grocery stores, all set for North India, the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal, to begin with, are a part of this belief.

G-Shop franchisees work under the company's banner. We provide software, stock, publicity, stationery and uniform for staff, for a token amount. Our software streamlines billing, tracking item sales, discounts, etc. This facilitates informed decisions by assessing customers’ requirement and buying pattern.

Salient benefits G-Shop is a 'no tension business venture' because company have worked out every detail to make it so for customer

As G-Shop franchisee customers are dealing in necessity products not luxury products, hence the success, rate of customer business is high as compared to any other business.

G-Shop caters to customers’ needs and is free from the pressure of promoting particular brands. The customer is independent in brand selection and is free to purchase what s/he has already been using.

Setting up G-Shop is not a very expensive proposition. All feasibility studies and market analysis has already been done, and leaves customer to only implement the findings in a scenario where both customers and franchisees are gainers. It is a win-win situation for traditionally juxtaposed groups!

Yes, by joining our franchise customer become a part of a business, which returns to society more than it takes. G-Shop is a democratic venture that is sustained by the power of togetherness.

You are not alone in your business. You are part of a futuristic professional team hence, ‘Together We Can and We Will Rock the World!’

On becoming franchisee you become part of a premier business concept. RockWorld is working on several profitable projects and our existing franchisees will reap the benefits sooner than new joinees.

Why Will Customers Shop At Rockworld G – Shop The Customers shall get maximum discounts on there expenses which they had not been able to get for years which will ultimately give them more power to purchase through their existing expenses. All Company gifts, schemes etc. shall be based on local level. Company shall offer best discounts to its Customers on the retail shopping at Rockworld G-Shop.

So, now be together to get more and more discounts on Groceries and daily needs because,

“ Together We Can And We Will ROCKWORLD ”

1.Do you know about the rock world? Yes

Yes 40



No 60


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph shows that 40 respondent knew about the rock world & 60 respondent have no knowledge about it.

2.From which source you get the knowledge about it ? Newepaper/magagine ( ) friends & relation ( )

Internet ( ) Any other ( )



Friends /


Any other


Magazine 10%




70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%


ot he r

fr i e

Ne we pa pe r

nd s

An y

re la tio n

In te rn et


ag ag in e


Interpretation-: In the above graph 10% respondent got the knowledge theough news paper, 2% from internet, 60%from friends & 28% from other source.

3 Have you visited rockworld (even ones) ? Yes








90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: The above graph shows that 80% of respondent has visited to rock world and rest of them not visited yet.

4 Have you purchase any thing from rock world? Yes




Yes 100%

No -

120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 100% respondent purchase the product from the rock world.

5.Do you know about value back offers of rock world? Yes








90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 80% respondent knows about the value back offers of rock world.

6. How was your shoping experience in rock world? Fair

( )


( )

Very good

( )


( )




Very good



Excellent 5%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fair


Very good


Interpretation-: In the above graph 50% of respondent said it was fair 35% says it was good 10% says it was very good & 5% says that it was excellent.

7.Which product or service is very popular in the market with regard to Rock world?



Mobile accessories




Plastic goods


Grocery 40%



Accessories 10%


Plastic goods 20%

45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Grocery

Mobile accessories


Plastic goods

Interpretation-: In the above graph 40% respondent says grocery 30% of them says toys 20% of them says plastic goods & 10% of them says mobile acessaries.

8.Do you have any knowledge rock world membership and discound card?









90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 80% people have knowledge about rock world membership and discound card.

9.Did you face any problem regarding any product or service of rock world? Yes








90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 80% not face any problem regarding any product or service of rock world & 20% respondent faced the problem regarding product or service of rock world.

10.Was your problem solved by rockworld staff members? Yes








70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 60% respondent’s problem was solved by the rock world staff member.

11.Will you recommend shopping in rock world to others? Yes

Yes 100%




No -

120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 100% respondent recommend shoping in rock world to others.

12.Do you know about rock world g shop mall opening shortly at Sunderpur? Yes () No ()

Yes 60%

No 40%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes


Interpretation-: In the above graph 30% of respondent knows about rock world g-shop mall 70% of them was unknown yet.

CONCLUSION 1- 40 respondent knew about the rock world & 60 respondent have no knowledge about it.

2- 10% respondent got the knowledge therough news paper, 2% from internet, 60%from friends & 28% from other source. 3- 80% of respondent has visited to rock world and rest of them not visited yet. 4- 100% respondent purchase the product from the rock world. 5- 50% of respondent said it was fair 35% says it was good 10% says it was very good & 5% says that it was excellent.

6- 80% respondent knows about the value back offers of rock world.

7- Most of the customer prefer grocery from the Rock World.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY  The major difficulty was of language problem. As the









interested in filling it. I had to spell out the meaning of ‘what is the question about’. 

Few people did not have the time to fill up or answer the Questionnaire.

 People were also not giving the exact information.  Few people were not responding as we expect from them and they were reacting for the survey is conducted for false purpose.  They asked for some favor fill up the questionnaire.  As the time was lees for conducting the survey, so the survey could not be conducted in a large area.

SUGGESTIONS  Rock World needs to improve the services and behavior of its staff member.

 Rock Word has not got so good Brand Image and people’s faith. But they can do it by giving good service.  Rock World really needs to improve the sales & services provided at the Rock World G-shop.


BOOKS: Research Methodology (Methods and Techniques) – C. R. KOTHARI Statistical Method V- S.P. GUPTA

Websites :

All the official websites of the Rock World commercial venture.



With the help of distributing discount card know the customer satisfaction regarding rock world. Dear Sir/Madam, I, FARAZ NAWAIDUL HAQUE student of PGDM-RM course of School of Management Sciences, Varanasi conducting a field survey on products and services of Rock world. This survey is a part of my partial fulfillment of PGDM-RM course. Please provide relevant information by filling the questionnaire to make my survey more comprehensive. All details from your part will not be disclosed. Do not leave any item.









OCCUPATION: ………………………………………… SALARY: …………………………………………. SIGNATURE.


QUESTIONAIRE 1.Do you know about the rock world? Yes



() 2.From which source you get the knowledge about it? Newepaper/magagine ( ) Internet ( ) friends & relation ( )


other ( ) 3. Have you visited rockworld (even ones) ? Yes



() 4.Have you purchase any thing from rock world? Yes



() 5.Do you know about value back offers of rock world? Yes ()



6.How was your shoping experience in rock world? Fair

( )


( )

Very good

( )


( )

7.Which product or service is very popular in the market with regard to Rock world? Cloath


Mobile accessories




Plastic goods


8.Do you have any knowledge rock world membership and discound card? Yes ()



9.Did you face any problem regarding any product or service of rock world? Yes



() 10.Was your problem solved by rockworld staff members?




() 11.Will you recommend shopping in rock world to others? Yes



() 12.Do you know about rock world g shop mall opening shortly at Sunderpur? Yes () No ()

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