Report On Fm 100

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,677
  • Pages: 19
TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:.......................................................................................2 FM 100 with its slogan of As-salam-o-alikum Pakistan started operating on 23rd March 1995. Javed Pasha is the owner while Sohail Mumtaz is the CEO who is handling the operations. ........................................................................................3 The Hurdles:...........................................................................................................3 HISTORY OF FM RADIO.......................................................................................5 History:....................................................................................................................5 Radio Waves:..........................................................................................................5 Modulation:.............................................................................................................6 FLOW OF WORK.......................................................................................................7 Departmentalization................................................................................................7 Company Departments:..........................................................................................7 Sales and Marketing:..............................................................................................7 Functioning of the Department...............................................................................8 The Process:...........................................................................................................8 Administration Department:....................................................................................9 Finance Department:..............................................................................................9 Programing Department: .....................................................................................10 Part “A”..................................................................................................................10 FM-100 programs formatting ...............................................................................10 Part “B”......................................................................................................................10 Production Department :.......................................................................................11 Traffic Department:...............................................................................................12 SWOT ANALYSIS OF FM-100.............................................................................13 STRENGTHS:.......................................................................................................13 WEAKNESSES:....................................................................................................13 OPPORTUNITIES:................................................................................................13 THREATS:.............................................................................................................14 What Do You Think About FM Radio?..................................................................14 SURVEY RESULTS:.............................................................................................15 CONCLUSION:.....................................................................................................19 RECOMMENDATIONS:........................................................................................19


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: FM 100 started about 9 years ago, providing a new mode of entertainment for the public. Being the first radio channel they faced many hurdles like lack of modern technology to support operations and skilled human resources but by passage of time they were able to overcome them. FM 100 works as a net with close coordination with all its departments. FM 100 gives proper training to their RJ’s grooming them so they have a flourishing career. They are the market leaders targeting the masses and generating the major revenue.


"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) It was nearly a decade ago that Pakistan's first FM channel, FM 100 burst onto the airwaves, and reintroduced radio to the country's television-crazed audience. Broadcast to all the major urban centers, FM 100's hip, young DJs quickly built up a sizable fan base, particularly among youngsters. They wooed them with latest pop music and lively programmes that was a welcome change from the antiquated Radio Pakistan. Other channels, like FM 101, and most recently, FM 89, soon joined FM 100. These stations followed FM 100's popular strategy, and hired talented young men and women to present their programmes. FM 100 with its slogan of As-salam-o-alikum Pakistan started operating on 23rd March 1995. Javed Pasha is the owner while Sohail Mumtaz is the CEO who is handling the operations.

The Hurdles: FM-100 inherently does not possess modern technology to support its operation. One of biggest hurdle in becoming technology advances has been the management’s unwillingness and unawareness towards it. The result is that, the company is lagging far behind from the desired adoption of modern trends. FM-


100 has simply been unable to rise to the high requirements of media business and the kind of expertise it require both in terms of modern technology and skilled human resources. The door communication channels both within and outside the organization are also contributing towards its not-so-good progress.

Over the years the organization has not been able to find any new business venture and all the efforts seem to have been focusing the old boundaries.

Competitors: FM100 is faced with a lot of competition in its market as many radio stations are stepping in. The list of competitors is given below: • 96 • 89 • 101 • 107 FM101 is now a well-established radio station. Because the station has created its demand among its listeners in the metropolitan cities, FM101 has become the biggest competitor. But the Gallup Survey findings tell that still there is a long way for FM101 to take the place of FM100 in the hearts of FM listeners. More than half (57%) of the listeners of FM radio mostly listen to FM100. another 29% listen to both (FM100 and FM102) while 13% listened to FM101 only. Results indicate there is not much difference in the pattern of listening to FM channels among males& females. The edge enjoyed by FM100 over FM101 was higher in Lahore (76%) and Rawalpindi/ Islamabad (69%) compared to Karachi (41%).


HISTORY OF FM RADIO History: Although many discoveries in the field of electricity were necessary to the development of radio, the history of radio really began in 1873, with the publication by the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell of his theory of electromagnetic waves. Maxwell predicted that this electromagnetic energy could move outward in waves traveling at a speed of light. In 1888 Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that Maxwell’s prediction was true for transmissions over short distances. The Italian physicist Gulgliemo Marconi then perfected a radio system that in 1901 transmitted Morse code over the Atlantic Ocean.

Radio Waves: Radio system of communication employing electromagnetic waves propagated through space. Because of their varying characteristics, radio waves of different lengths are employed for different purposes and are usually identified by their frequency. The shortest waves have the highest frequency, or maximum number of cycles per second; the lowest waves have the lowest frequency or fewest cycles per second. Radio waves are used not only in radio broadcasting but in wireless telegraphy, telephone transmission, television, radar, navigational systems and space communication. A typical radio system has two main components, a transmitter and a receiver.


Modulation: Modulation of the carrier wave so that it may carry impulses, is performed either at low level or at high level. The radio frequency oscillations and the audiofrequency signals are independently amplified and modulations take place immediately before oscillations are passed to the antenna. The signal may be impressed on the carrier either by Frequency Modulation (FM) or Amplitude Modulation (AM). Audio-frequency waves must be combined with carrier waves in order to be transmitted over the radio. Either the frequency (the rate of oscillation) or the amplitude (height) of the waves may be modified in a process called Modulation. This accounts for the option on the radio dial for AM or FM stations; the signals are very different, so both kinds may not be received simultaneously. In vaccum, all electromagnetic waves travel at a uniform speed of about 300,000 km (about 186,000 mi.) per second.


FLOW OF WORK FM-100 works as a “NET” with close coordination with all its departments. It initiate its work on receipts of an intimation by a client or an agency for advertising a program either on branded or networking FM-100 then sends its proposal with competitive rates to them who accept the rates and send back their release order to go a head. Their release order specifies the way the clients and agencies wish the exception of the work. our traffic department advises the production and programming department to implement the job . After the job has been completed our finance department preferred an invoice on expiry of the contract period with the amount receivable by the ordering agency. Our recovery department then follows up with the concerned organization to collect money, which is received mostly by way of cheques. This is how the circle goes on.

Departmentalization Company Departments: The management of FM-100 comprises of the following departments:

Sales and Marketing: The marketing department works as a channel between the client and the advertising agency. It receives release orders, which serves as a written proof of the contract between the client and the advertising agency. Release orders


contain specifications on the spots or the program, such as the frequency, duration, timings and date(s). this department is responsible to calculate the profits and losses of the company. The daily bills are made in this department. The company has made some staff responsible for keeping the bills of each and every organization.

Functioning of the Department The Process: A document named as release order is used as a channel between the client or the advertising agency and the FM 100 Sales & Marketing Department to release the programs and spots on air. This document contains the specification on the spots or the programs, such as, frequency, duration, timings and date on which the client wishes the spots or programs to be aired. This document serves as a written proof of the contract between the client / advertising agency and FM 100. On receiving the release order, a commercial schedule is made by the department. This document is the same as release order; however, it also provides the monetary outlay of the specifications mentioned therein. This is the final document and therefore holds the utmost importance. Therefore, it is made compulsory that five responsible and authorized officials of different departments sign it bearing witness of being fully aware of the cost. To stabalize and strengthen the term-sales prospects, the task of the Sales Force is as follows:  Prospecting: Client Service Executive finds and cultivates new client by visiting directly or through the advertising agencies.


 Communicating: Client Service Executive communicates information about the programming, rates and other services.

 Selling: Client Service Executive uses their art of salesmanship by approaching, presenting , answering objections and finally closing sales.  Customer Services: Client Service Executive provides various services to the client such as consulting on their problems, rendering assistance on program format.  Information Gathering: Client Service executives carry out market research and gather all the information regarding the market and fill in all call reports. Finally, this document is submitted to Accounts & Finance Departments.

Administration Department:

This department looks after the welfare of the staff plus all other matters relating to transporting etc. this department also works with the new workers according to the requirements of the company. This is done through training in accordance with the needs and requirements of the company. It also deals with the help of company workers.

Finance Department:


This department prepares financial needs of the organization for the next year. After the execution of jobs, vouchers are raised to client and agencies on expiry of credit limit, which range between 60 to 90 days.

Programing Department: Part “A” FM-100 programs formatting •

Dealing with sales for sponsored programs formatting.

Dealing with presenters

New presenter’s selection

Script writing

Information collect from internet or magazine and given to presenter as per his requirements

Controlling the daily programs

Maintain the book library

Part “B” •

Dealing with celebrities like singers etc

Fans club

FM-100 promotion by press

Arrangement of concerts with any sponsor.

Music awards and other out door activities

Arrange celebrities

Check the mail and solve the listeners problems


Production Department : •

Arrangements of sponsored program, which will be finalized from programming live or recorded.

Production of commercials, teasers, jingles and promos

Production of demos of proposed sponsored programs.

Production of station IDs, jingles and promos.

Production of the programs, which already approved from the client.

Selection of all program slots background music,

Selection of background music of all sponsored programs.

Production creativity

To provide all support for sponsored programs and commercial on network to Lahore and Islamabad stations.

Recording of auditions and maintenance of audition status.

To provide the presenters all production supporting material as per his/her slot requirements.

Making of the daily commercial package according to add log ,

Scheduling of the commercials and sponsored program in add log on 11th hour basis.

Dealing with traffic department about duration, timing or frequency of the commercials and sponsored programs

Dealing with technical department for any problem in studio equipments and transmission quality.

To provide the recording of sponsored programs to the clients.

Dealing with sales department for commercial and sponsored programs.

Take care of sponsored program’s winner name list and to provide the status to admin department.

Maintenance of all record of production department


Traffic Department: The main task of technical department is to maintain the audio quality of FM-100 radio and monitoring its transmission. Technical engineers also support production department in different ways like to air remote shows technical team provide connectivity between OUTLET and FM studios through Microwave link. The maintenance section of technical department also provide assistance to all other department with regard to there problems like computer maintenance and repair telephone line problem and other technical work.



Better reception.

Well motivated work force.

Voice quality.

Light music and telephone conversation programs.

Gained the confidence of advertiser.


Operation only limited to 3 cities.

No contractual system with the RJ’s.

Unattractive premises.


Should enhance their advertising through print and electronic media specially through billboards.

Try to capture that market in which its lacking.

Text messaging through cells should be introduced.



Introduction of satellite channels.

No further development in coverage area.

Upcoming Channels:  Sachal 105  FM 106.2

What Do You Think About FM Radio? Q1. Why do you listen to radio? For information


You love listening to your favorite RJ

Nothing else to do.

Q2. What activity are you involved in while listening to radio? Driving

While doing some work

Free time

Q3. Which FM channel do you like the most? 100




Q4. At what time do you listen to the radio? Morning



Late night

Q5. Are you a regular listener? Yes


Q6. Which programs you think should be on air the most? Relating to sports

Health care

International news

Live calls

More music

Q7. Do the repeated advertisements irritates u? Yes


Q8. For how much time do you listen to the radio? 15 min

30 min

1 hr

More than that


Q9. Among FM channels which channel do u think has a clearer reception? 100




Q10. Do other FM stations copy FM 100 programs? Yes


Q11. Do you think FM 100 is doing a good job in promoting music industry of Pakistan? Yes


SURVEY RESULTS: Activity People are involved in while listening to radio 60




40 30



20 10 0 Driving

Doing Some Work

Free Time


50% respondents said that they are involved in some work while listening to the radio, 25% listen to radio while driving and 25% listen to radio in their free time.


FM channel people like the most 35 30

30 25




20 16 15 10 5 0 FM100





Among radio listeners 25% listen to FM 100, 22% listen to FM101, 30% listen to 89 and 16% listen to 107.

Programs People think should be on Air 60




40 30 18

20 10


7 0



Health & Care


Live Calls

Just Music


Almost all (96%) of the listeners of radio responded that only music programs should be on air the most, 7% listeners selected sports related programs, 20% selected Live calls, 18% selected news programs while nobody opted for health related programs.


At what time people listen to the radio 3 19

Morning Afternoon Evening Night

56 22

Most popular time slot of listening to radio was observed to be late night 56% listeners said that they listened to radio during this time.


Which Fm Station has a Clearer Reception FM100 FM101

FM107, 12

FM89 FM107

FM100, 45

FM89, 37 FM101, 6

Majority said that FM100 has clearer reception then any other FM channels (45%).

CONCLUSION: From our analysis we concluded that FM 100 is targeting the masses that is the middle and lower class. The reason behind this is that they are the major patrons and are emotionally attached with the RJ’s which ultimately leads to the major revenue generation. This is the reason that up till now FM 100 has no other competitor in terms of revenue generation. On the other hand other stations like 96, 89 107 etc are targeting particular segments that include upper middle class. Fm 100 made the careers of many RJ’s although some left but FM 100 remains there providing its existence and portraying a major role in promoting the music industry of Pakistan.


They should make their premises attractive.

They should now initiate towards capturing the market they are lacking in.

They should enhance their advertising through billboards and T.V channels.

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