Report On Flood Relief Camp

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 707
  • Pages: 2
43-Rehmat Park, University Road, Sargodha, Pakistan. Call: 00923216032504, 00923216012462, 00923068989406 Write to: [email protected]

Loyal, loving and Caring Christians of Pakistan Written by: Jawad Mazhar (ROD)


of Development Organization (ROD) initiated a drinking water & medicine collection booth for the Monsoon flood victims of Pakistan. A number of big-hearted people donated clean drinking water and medicine for their brothers and sisters rapt in flood waters and living a miserable life. This booth collected water and medicine from July 21 to July 30, 2007 at University road, opposite Fatima Hospital, Sargodha, Pakistan. ROD activists along with other volunteers took an active part in this flood relief camp. July and August are the Monsoon season in the Indo-Pak sub-continent. Days are long, warm and humid. It rains heavily almost every day. Due to these heavy rains water level in the rivers and water reservoirs raises turning into ruinous floods. Every year during the monsoon season, millions of people lose their homes, cattle, crops, precious belongings and loved ones because of the heavy rains and floods. Approximately 80% of the Pakistani populace live in villages, near water canals or rivers and they depend entirely on ROD team at Flood relief camp agriculture for their bread and butter. River and canal system of Pakistan is the world’s biggest and most complex system. These villagers live their simple lives in mud houses. They work hard, grow the crops, and feed their families and whole Pakistan. These villagers rarely get any good out of the government policies. Monsoon rains, and floods resulting form these rains are a part of the season cycle in Pakistan. But government and her organizations fail every year to warn the people on time, living in endangered areas. System of rescue, and, food and water distribution is futile as well. In most of the cases officials fail to spot, rescue or provide nutritional or medical help to the flood victims. Scattered dead bodies of the cattle and other animals not only make the air malodorous but a perfect medium to spread diseases as well. Rays of development Organization took up the Challenge and decided to help their Pakistani brethren, come hell or high waters. To help the flood stricken ROD launched a flood relief camp and collected a respectable quantity of medicine and water through the donations of munificent men and women. ROD handed over these gifts to the Tehsil Nazim (Head of District Govt) Malik Shoaib Awan. Moreover ROD conducted a prayer meeting for the flood victims.

Fr Rahat & Fr Mukhtar Alam blessing the booth

43-Rehmat Park, University Road, Sargodha, Pakistan. Call: 00923216032504, 00923216012462, 00923068989406 Write to: [email protected]

Christians are taught to take care and love others from their childhood. ROD is a group of energetic Christian youth and they work for the welfare of all humankind not considering their religion, sect, colour, race or dialect. It is important to remember that Christians of Pakistan have always stood in thick & thin of their Muslim Pakistani brothers. Chairman ROD Mr Ferhan Mazher, making use of this opportunity appealed all the bountiful and big-hearted people of the world to help Rays of Development Organization, serve humanity. Chairman said “Although Rays of development Organization is facing a lot of trouble due to the lack of funds even then ROD did its best. People should come forward with open hearts to help us”. Mr Ferhan Mazher kept on saying that we are sincere, honest, hard working and committed to serve humanity but lack of funds hinder us to work and serve humanity to our full potential. He also added that due to the lack of funds sometimes I feel really depressed and limited. Helping hands can set us free from the worries of funds and we can freely serve deprived men of the society. Chairman ROD Mazher also appealed to the world to pray for the ROD. He requested especially to the Christian congregations & clergy men all over the world to help ROD. Chairman also thanked all the donors.

Malik Saeed Akhtar

Amir Shahzad Luchman

Suleman Mazher, a young donor

Mahar Owan Shamsher

(Donors donating water & medicine at Flood relief camp) _________________________________________________________

Report recommended by Mr Ferhan Mazher (Chairman Rays of development Organization, Sargodha, Pakistan)

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