Renaissance Lect

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  • Pages: 28


or Revival of Cultural Awareness Historical & cultural movement Spanning period Location Renewed interest of Renaissance ◦ Roman Art & Design ◦ Greek Art & Design

Area of emphasis for Renaissance ◦ Study of Human Beings ◦ Environment ◦ Science & other intellectual aspect ◦ Philosophy ◦ Literature ◦ Art & design ◦ Politics

Encompass Of Renaissance Revival

of learning based on classical

sources Rise of courtly Papal patronage Development of perspective in painting Advancements in science

Emphasis Of Renaissance Scholars Study

of humanist method Search for realism Human emotion in art

Renaissance Historiography Long and complex Debate of usefulness of renaissance  Cultural "advance" from the M.A Period of pessimism and nostalgia for the classical age

19TH C Historians Clear "break" from medieval thought and practice Continuity between the two eras Incorrect to classify any historical period Better Worse

Early Renaissance Period

Centered in Italy, 15th Century

of creative and intellectual activity, Artists broke away from the restrictions of Byzantine Art Study of natural world for perfect understanding of Anatomy Perspective

Northern Renaissance Centered in Germany and the Netherlands, 15th-16th C


of Northern European Tradition

of G.A Major influence on

 Technical advancements of the renaissance in Italy  Philosophical advancements



Studies of anatomy Linear perspective


artists styles

Masters of technique Beautiful & delicate detail

High C


Centered in Italy, Early 16th


of the artistic developments of early renaissance Great explosions of creative genius in history Great artists of history Michelangelo Buonarroti Raphael Sanzio Leonardo da Vinci


Renaissance Art


Mannerism Europe, Mid to Late 16th Century Continuation

of ideas of Raphael and Michelangelo Buonarroti Period of technical accomplishment Overly Stylized Mannerist Art characterized by Complex Composition Muscular Elongated figures in complex poses

Renaissance Men / Great Men ◦ Florence

Birthplace Of Renaissance

◦ Result Of Luck ◦ Great Men

Born There By Chance

 Michelangelo Buonarroti Raphael Sanzio Leonardo da Vinci

Sources Presented for Origin of Renaissance  Writings  paintings Renaissance's Origin ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Assimilation of Greek and Arabic knowledge Social and political structures in Italy The Black Death Cultural conditions in Florence

Assimilation of Knowledge  Rediscovery of ancient  Preserved work


 Monastic Libraries at Cordoba Educational institutions

 Translations

of Greek and Arabic texts into Latin

Works of ancient Greek and Hellenistic writers Muslim scientists and philosophers

 Imported

into the Christian world (crusaders) provide  New intellectual material for European scholars  Knowledge assimilation from Spain Middle East

 Study

of mathematics & its Flourishment

Social and political structures in Italy  Lack of political entity  Division into smaller city states and territories  Unusual social climate  Emergence of a cultural efflorescence famous for

 Italy merchant republics ◦ Republic of Florence Producer of Silk & Jewelry ◦ Republic of Venice Producer of Fine Glass  Trading Centers  Intellectual crossroads Ideas from far corners of the globe  Commission of large  Public Private artistic projects

Black Death

Devastation in Florence Shift in world view of people in 14th C More on their lives on earth, Rather than on spirituality and the afterlife Manifested in sponsorship of religious works

of art

Cultural conditions in Florence Cultural movement Several features unique Role of Medici family  Patronization Stimulation of arts

to Florentine culture

Religion in Renaissance Emphasis

Ideals of Humanism


aspects Theology presented  People perceived the relationship between man and god


of the humanist method

Thomas More John Calvin


Educated Middle Class

◦ Fascinated by human achievement ◦ Mankind shapes the destiny ◦ Inspiration for high point of human achievement

Humanism  Not a philosophy  Method of learning Humanists  Study ancient texts in original  Appraise them through a combination of  Reasoning  Empirical evidence

Humanist Education Study of  Poetry  Grammar  Ethics  Rhetoric Humanists Assertion  Genius of man  Unique and extraordinary ability of the human mind

Features Of Renaissance Art  Development

of highly realistic linear perspective  Contribution of Writings of architects  Filippo Brunelleschi Leon Alberti

 Perspective

an artistic technique

 Realism

in arts  Depiction of beauty of nature  Study of  Light  Shadow  Human anatomy

 Development

of techniques by painters  Development of Vibrant artistic culture


of painting in Italy

Technically Stylistically

 Introduction


Oil paint Canvas

 Inspiration

for artists

Depiction of themes of everyday life Naturalism

 Flanders  Trade

Prosperous Weaving Center

with Italy  Education of Italian noble families  Flanders influence  German English Bohemian French


of art of panel painting Manuscript illumination Panel painters & manuscript illuminators Manuscript painting techniques ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Sophisticated Realistic Subject matter painted in larger format Naturalism in the art



◦ Depictions of objects and people from the everyday world ◦ Use of oil paint Luminous qualities Rich effect

Trademarks Of Northern Painting Naturalism

Attention to specific detail Mysticism in religion Perspective Fewer depictions of Nude & Observed anatomy




in Renaissance

Scientific revolution  Astronomy Physics Biology Anatomy Flourishing discipline of mathematics Development of Engineering Techniques Intermixing

of science and art

Leonardo da Vinci

Observational drawings of anatomy and nature

Flowering Elements in Art and Philosophy Decline

in power of church in Europe Rise of strong nation states Increase in Education Richness of Middle Class Increased interest & emphasis on ancient philosophers, particularly Plato Development of printing in mid-15thC, spread of new learning throughout Europe

Renaissance Spreads 

Birthplace in Florence First to the rest of Italy

Soon to the rest of Europe Invention of printing press Rapid transmission of ideas  Ideas Diversification Changed

Adaptation to local culture

Regional and National Movements of Renaissance ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

The Italian Renaissance The English Renaissance The German Renaissance The Northern Renaissance The French Renaissance The Renaissance in Netherlands The Polish Renaissance The Spanish Renaissance Renaissance in Eastern Europe

On Angel's Wings Lost-wax, cast bronze sculpture 15thC Italian Renaissance art Natural finish Hardwood base Highly detailed Dimension  12" x 10" x 13"

Temple Bronze Chest Inspired

by ancient Architecture Hand-rubbed natural texture Highly detailed exterior Pyramid top Shaped feet Dimension  9 " x 9" x 9 1/2"

American Spirit Lost-wax

cast bronze sculpture Dramatically captured at moment of taking flight  Free-standing

base of eagle

◦ Natural Finish ◦ Highly Detailed Dimension 12" x 12" x 13"

Copper Collection Beautiful round lid Hand hammered ◦ Spiral shape ◦ Round Dimension

◦ 8" D ◦ 11" H

Venetian Inlaid Chest (Souvenir, Jewelry Box) Beautifully Inlaid Hardwood Octagonal Shape Floral Pattern Hand-rubbed Finish Dimension 10" x 10" x 7"

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