Reload Handbook

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 8,577
  • Pages: 48
Table of Contents 3 2020 Vision For Schools: Transforming Public Education Within A Single Generation Of Students

Adults promise children that if they stay in school they will be equipped to succeed in life, but we have failed to make good on that promise for generations -- with high school graduation rates in some cities hovering at or below 30%. First-graders in Fall 2008 will graduate high school in 2020. Come explore how urban ministries can transform public education within a single generation of students by activating congregations, adopting schools, and becoming answers to prayer.

11 Rev Up Your Bible Teaching: How To Counter A Culture that Would Rather Watch TV Than Listen To You

Many youth leaders would agree with their peers who complain that the Bible teaching they’ve experienced just isn’t meeting the real needs of their youth. “It doesn’t seem to be dealing with the tough issues of violence, blended families, or divorce. They’re bored!” How do we bring truth into their lives that integrate into their thought processes? How do we help them ask good questions and find related answers in the Bible? How can God and His truth really make sense in their life? This session will focus on answering those questions and help the youth worker create learner-oriented environments where the Bible makes sense in the world of urban youth.

17 Jump Starting Your Youth Ministry: Planning For Success

If you’re new to youth ministry, or if you’ve been in the game for awhile and need to sharpen your skills, this session is for you! You’ll walk away with 1) A conventional tool box of strategies and tactics that will help you build a relational youth ministry, 2) Insights for organizing a program that responds to the broad, yet specific youth-related issues that emerge from urban communities, 3) A sense of urgency to get home and call your youth!

27 Discipleship: An Effective Method Of Mentoring Urban Youth

As urban youth continually endure the adversities of single-parent homes, unsafe neighborhoods and failing municipal systems, the need for nurturing and consistent adult relationships is exceedingly apparent. Discipleship is one form of mentoring that can transform the relationships you have with your youth and subsequently transform their relationship with Jesus. Come and learn from practitioners in the urban youth ministry field who will share stories of success as well as give practical guidelines for discipleship.

35 Core Values Of A Youth Worker: Laying A Foundation For Ministry

You’ve heard it said that “Values are caught, not taught.” Is there a set of core values that every urban youth worker should live through and live out? If so, what are they and how should we integrate them into our life, ministry and youth ministry? This session will help you to find a foundational theology on which to build values for ministry that will help you stand strong against the tests and adversities of life.

43 Girls And Boys: Adjusting Your Ministry To Be More Gender-Sensitive In An Urban Environment

It’s no secret that girls and boys are wired differently. Yet we don’t often adjust our ministry to be gender-sensitive. Boys struggle with knowing what it means to be a man. Girls use their sexuality as power. This workshop provides an overview of some of the traditional issues that are generally associated with girls and boys as well as guide you through some of the current issues that urban youth are facing. You’ll walk away with an eagerness to meet the challenges of being gender-specific in your relational ministry. 1

20/20 Vision for Schools: Transforming Public Education within a Single Generation of Students Written for RELOAD by Jeremy Del Rio

The “Greatest Injustice” “____________________ ___________________ is our nation’s greatest __________________.” – Wendy Kopp, President of Teach for America (US News calls Wendy one of “America’s 100 Best Leaders” [2006] and Time calls her one of the “World’s 50 Greatest Influencers” [2008]) The Class of 2020 Students who begin first grade in Fall __________ are the high school graduating class of _________. Can this be the ___________________ for whom we make good on our ___________________? The Paradigm Shift What if churches began to view schools as ________________ for _________________ students to become who God _________________ them to ______? What if every church __________________ one school within ____________ _______________ of the congregation for meaningful ______________, ______________, and even _______________________? The Adoption Matrix: A Strategy for Engaging Public Schools



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- / 20 Policy






c Vo

20 / 20



Passing Underperforming



No engagement



Schools 3 3

The 20/20 elements: 1) ____________________ Calling 2) _______________ Engagement 3) ________________ Leadership I. Vocational Calling What moves a church along the strategy is an embracing of ____________________ _______________. It’s the job of people in the ______________ to equip people in the __________ for the _____________ of ______________________. Redefine Youth Minister While our cities lack __________________, __________, full-time youth ministers (but no shortage of _________ – “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”) why not, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out ________________ into his harvest field” (Luke 10:2)? Therefore, we must redefine ____________ ________________. _______________ God trusts to have a meaningful ______________________ with a young person is a ____________ __________________. Salt and Light 50-80% of every congregation is already directly connected to a school through: • Students • Parents • Grandparents • Aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, etc • Teachers • Custodians • Support staff • Principals and administrators God has already dispersed His body as salt and light throughout schools – if only our churches would ____________________ the body! 4

II. Engaging The School Phase 1: Intentional Prayer As ___________ as your church _____________, commit to praying for one school within _________________ ____________________ Why? • We ____________ a God who answers prayer • We grow to _____________ what we pray for • If it’s ______________, we cannot ______________ it Sample strategies: • Corporate prayer (during Sunday service) • Congregational prayer meetings • Bulletin inserts • Small groups • Intercessory teams • Prayer e-lists and bulletin boards • Prayer walks Phase 2: Resumé of Trust The biggest ______________________: educators have _____ reason to ___________ us. ___________________ mistrust by cultivating __________________. Establish what Pastor Ray Parrascondo calls a “______________ of _____________.” Ideas: • __________ ________ before school (Best Practice: Crossroads Church) • Principal ________ (your ________ ) • _______________ events for teachers, administration, and/or students • __________ ____________ on Sunday and corporate response • Schoolyard _____ (Best Practice: Abounding Grace) Phase 3: Service Become ____________________ to _________________ (yours and those already prayed for and within the school) by responding to __________ ___________. 5 3

Discrete, well _______________ acts of _______________ that add real _____________ (as defined by the _________________) Examples: • Sponsor events (Why not sponsor the defunded holiday production?) • Gardening • Painting (Best Practice: Paint the Town) • Seasonal cleaning • Sports camps • Carnivals • Backpack giveaways (Best Practice: Christ Tabernacle) Phase 4: Presence Develop an ongoing ________________ on campus, beyond the traditional Bible club. _________________ should flow ____________________ out of ______________________. What ___________ have the faculty, students, and staff identified that your church can continually _______________? Examples: • Mentoring (Best Practice: Generation Xcel) • Tutoring • After-school programs (Best Practice: Generation Xcel) • Safety monitors (halls, lunchroom, etc) • Classroom volunteers • Sports leagues and coaching • Music and arts programs (Why can’t the worship pastor teach music for 12 weeks and celebrate with a recital?) • Leadership clubs • Character education (Best Practice: Heart of a Champion) • Student organizing (Best Practice: Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice) • Parent outreach / PTA ____________________ success the way the ________________ defines success. (Church attendance and water baptisms don’t count!)


Sample metrics: • Student retention • Attendance • Graduation • Test scores • Extracurricular program offerings • Mentor/mentee relationships Phase 5: Policy _____________ the right to be _____________. Not every public policy or law is ____________. Leverage growing __________________ to affect just ___________________ decisions. Speak to ______________ issues and _____________ school decisions.

The _______________ of educational policy: • • •

_____________________ (personnel) _________________ _________________

An _____________________ church acting alone can affect transformation at the _______________ level. But coordinating __________________ can affect change ______________-wide.

III. STUDENT LEADERSHIP Every __________________ ____________ made was a ______________. Jesus made _________________ before they were _______________. Why not follow his example first with the students in our __________________ and also with the ______________________ students in our _________________? Students are ________________ to ______________. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example…” (1 Tim 4:12) 7 3

Move students from _________________ and chronically under-___________________, beyond _______________ and _______________, to ____________________ and _____________________.

The Challenge of 10% “Mostly we found that to _____________ a block, we had to get between ____ and 20 percent of the people engaged.”- Geoffrey Canada, Harlem Children’s Zone The goal for each adopted school: Develop a __________________ of student leaders that will include _____% of the ________________ ___________. For example, in a school of 1,000 students: Year 1: ___ students (freshmen) Year 2: ___ students (keep first 12 sophomores and select 12 more freshmen) Year 3: ___ students (keep previous 24 and select 24 freshmen) Year 4: ___ students (keep previous 48 and select 48 freshmen) Every developing leader helps develop a ________________ _____________ as a ______________, except in Year 1. Leadership within a high school ___________________ student leaders as salt and light throughout the school: • • • • •


Classrooms Student council Sports teams Extracurricular clubs Community service

ABOUT 20/20 VISION FOR SCHOOLS 20/20 Vision for Schools was conceived by the Coalition of Urban Youth Workers ( in New York City and operates locally as a partnership between the Coalition and the New York City Leadership Center (www. 20/20 Vision remains committed to open-sourcing education reform. Join the movement to transform public education nationwide, and feel free to adapt 20/20 Vision experiences and strategy to your city. All we ask is that you freely give to others what you have received from us, and let us know if and how the strategy unfolds for you. For more information, visit All the material, including source material and audio, is downloadable for free at the “Downloads” page on

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Rev Up Your Bible Teaching: How to Counter a Culture that Would Rather Watch TV than Listen to You Written for RELOAD by Joe Harrison

Part One – The Challenge/Problem 1.

The average teen believes ________________________________________ and that their activity is ok. _________ _________________________________ ______________. (statistic found on Josh McDowell’s web site) Most youth truly believe this deep within their hearts.

2. The average teen also believes ________________________________, that it is the Word of God, that it is also inspired by God and that it should be followed. 3. Here’s where the shift and the issue arises in their minds. Though they are saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, baptized, believe in the Bible and go to youth group and church, youth subconsciously think that ____________________ _________________ should be rewritten or “amended” to fit their situation. This thought is supported by the following example. 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 a) Youth have shared with me that they are saved and walking with God and that they also go to church and have Christian friends. So it is ok to just talk (pre-dating) or even have as ______________________ those who are not saved or of a __________________________________. b) They would go on to say, “How will my friend get to know Jesus if I don’t hang with them or date them. This is where they have an established mindset of _________________________________________________ to the Bible in order to justify or make ok what they are doing. c) These youth do not physically want to make an amendment to the Bible but they want ___________________________________________ and support their lifestyle. d) With this thought process in place they ___________________________ ________________________________________. They say, “it’s ok as long as we are just friends or just seeing each other. We aren’t going together or dating, it’s not serious.”

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4. The second school of thought or second part to this mindset is that, “as long as I am not emotionally attached, it’s ok.” 5. Because of many different events, teachings or manufactured religious beliefs the ___________________________________________________________. a. Meaning: their ___________________________________ and now they have ____________________ them aside or suppressed them, or they are not in complete _________________ with them. This is caused by many different things: divorce, deaths, rejection, failure, emotional, verbal, sexual abuse or even promiscuity. This is why a youth can _________, rape, jump from one bed to the next, or hate a parent, without visual or conscious _________________. Part One – Wrap Up • So as we can see the _______________ is in the ___________________ of “bending or amending the Bible” and “that they are not emotionally ___________________”. • Then our solution to ______________________ (not teaching) our youth must start with first addressing these two issues. • We as youth leaders must _____________________ a mindset that says, “I’m a Christian and it’s ok to have _______ with another as long as there is no _____________________, it’s ok to ___________ the father that left me, it’s ok to __________ with those who think _____________________________ than I and that it is ok to view ___________, as long as I have accepted Jesus as my savior, believe that the _____________ is true and go to _____________.” So what is the solution to this spirit that walks into our youth meetings? One solution is to _______________ your youth through a process that shines the light on what the culture says and its _____________________________ along what the Bible says and its results.


Part Two - A Solution 1. First, we have to bring them to the realization that _________________________ ___________________________________________________, pain or situation. Our youth think that because this is a personal thing to them, they should have personal attention and a word or scripture that is designed or set aside just for them and their situation. We must bring them to the _________________________ that we have all faced misfortune and though we all handle it differently we can on some level _____________________ their pain. Gently explain that the Bible even shares that there is nothing new under the sun, keeping in mind that their situation is dear to their heart. Ecclesiastes 1:10 says, “Is there anything of which one might say, ‘See this, it is new?’ Already it has existed for ages which were before us.” 2. Next, they must understand that Hebrews 13:8, states that, “Jesus is the same ____________________________________________.” Unlike the constitution that can be amended and changed because of different events or peoples opinions, the Bible ____________ changes. 3. The third point to bring home is the realization that _____________________ isn’t the end of the walk. Our youth have come to believe that accepting Jesus and growing in our faith is what _____________________ is all about. Salvation must be _________________________. Teach them that the longest walk is 12 inches, from the _________________________________. From the heart is where the lifestyle of Christianity is birthed and lived. 4. Example: Your youth asked you the following question; “Is it bad to hate your father because he’s never been there for you as much as you would like him to be?”

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a. First ask what it is that he or she thinks they should do? In doing this you allow them to be part of the _______________ and __________________ process. b. More than likely what they share is what the culture would say. Take what they have shared and add to and point out what the results of this action would yield. c. In sharing the ________________ of the actions, we must bring in the progression of ____________________________________. Sharing with the youth that God’s grace is as simple as this, “a temporary _________________________.” d. In sharing this with the youth they will then come to the realization that ____________________________________________. A lot of times they say, “it hasn’t hurt anyone”, or “nothing has happened”. This is the _____________ before the storm. e. ________________ is next in the progression and it comes into play when we don’t yield to God’s grace. Mercy is that last step before ____________________. f. In dealing with the above example, the youth culture must understand that the culture screams _______________________, but God says honor. g. God’s ______________________ is found in Ephesians 6:3, “that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.” h. Most youth think that they can escape the ______________________ of their actions. Others have no idea of the consequences that may arise because man’s consequences are never as severe as God’s. i. Once you’ve shared what the culture would say and the results of following the advice of the culture, then you _______________________________ and those results.


j. Ephesians 6:1-2 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ___________ your father and mother (which is a commandment with a promise)”. This is what the Bible says we should do and this is the end result. k. We believe that when the gospel is broken down to this level and the ___________________ is revealed the results of youth changing direction are greater than just __________________ at them. This process can be shared by a one-on-one level or to the masses. Activities that could supplement the teaching; 1. Panel discussion with the youth a. Have a panel made up of adults who are answering questions. b. An alternate would be to have a panel made up of some of your college or stronger youth. The format would be the same as (a) in letting the panel answer the questions. 2. Game show formats are also a great starting place. Example: family feud is one we use to not only show stats but also bring up youth topics. Two teams of 5 youth, questions are asked about specific topics and ranked on screen by their percentages, youth pastor or college leader is the MC and played just like the game show.

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Jump Starting Your Youth Ministry: Planning for Success Written for RELOAD by Tommy Carrington

Introduction Beginners to veterans…. Essential Ingredients for An Effective Urban Youth Ministry 1. Developing a __________ and a __________ for Reaching “New-Hearers” with the Gospel (2 Cor. 5:14) “Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.” 2 Corinthians 5:14 (NLT) Levels of Programming

ATTRACTION LEVEL (Community) • An exciting, creative program • Attracts new, unchurched youth to ministry • Encourages new relationships


• Builds relationships with youth • Nurtures their faith • Topics and format geared for Christian youth


• Deep worship • More intense teaching • Encouraging a deeper walk with God

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The average youth ministry is mostly conducting which level of programming? __________________ ________________ ( ) Which level of programming do you think you are doing in your ministry? __________________ ________________ ( )

The second essential for an effective youth ministry: 2. It’s all about ____________________ -- Placing an emphasis on People over Programs 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 (New Living Translation) As apostles of Christ we certainly had a right to make some demands of you, but instead we were like children among you. Or we were like a mother feeding and caring for her own children. We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too. Doug Fields in: “Help I’m a volunteer Youth Worker!” He says: “Quality youth ministry is built on the foundation of meaningful relationships. Your relationship with kids will last years longer than the faint memory of your best message. Messages are important, but relationships impact kids more than speeches do. I really wish kids remembered my messages… but they don’t. They remember the time we spent together. When your kids feel the love you have for them, they will understand your spoken messages about God’s love much better. Build relationships that will continue beyond graduation. It is exciting to watch kids grow and develop, understanding that part of their maturity came from a relationship that a classroom couldn’t offer.”


Here are some ideas for making that happen: A. ____________________________________________________.

B. ____________________________________________________.

C. ____________________________________________________.

D. ____________________________________________________.

E. ____________________________________________________.

F. __________________: > _________ Calling > _________ / Texting / _____________ • • • • > Go out for a soda together – _______________________ _________________________________________________.

3. A Commitment to __________-____ and ________________ for every young person that makes a decision for Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) • It is sad to note that current statistics show that ____% - _____% of people who make professions of faith are not in the church ______ _________ later.

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• There are many who believe that we can change this with a stronger commitment to discipling kids __________ graduation. • Youth Evangelist Ron Hutchcraft says: “In Christianity, we tend to have great obstetrics, but lousy pediatrics.” Our Biblical Mandate – given in Matthew 28:18-20 – is not to make “___________,” but to make “______________.” And sadly, too many churches / ministries are neglecting to do that. Matthew 28:18-20 (New Living Translation) Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. 4. A focus on ___________________ student leaders and ___________________ more students in ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12) Ephesians 4:11-12 tells us that “it is He (God), who has called some to be prophets, pastors, teachers, etc…” For what purpose? _________________ the ___________________. In other words, if you have the gift of evangelism – don’t just evangelize … _________ evangelizers. If you have the gift of teaching, don’t just teach …___________ teachers to teach. That way you reproduce yourself in others. It provides for a “______________________ _______________.”


5. Establishing a ___________ _________________ _______ (Exodus 18:17-25) Moses in Exodus 18:17-25

A good ratio of adult-to-kids: ____:____

Training your leaders:

Volunteer Ministry Opportunities Survey: (included)

Basic Volunteer Application Form: (included)

Create a Master List:

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Volunteer Ministry Opportunities Survey (Check the one/s that interest you) ___ Speak / Teach ___ Lead a Bible Study / Lead a Small Group ___ Help with set-up and clean-up at meetings and events ___ Operate sound system ___ Operate video equipment / PowerPoint / Overheads, etc. ___ Worship Team ___ Choir ___ Drama ___ Dance ___ Sing solos/duets ___ Help do games / crowd breakers ___ Help with refreshments ___ Assist with sports/athletics ___ Take attendance / keep score of points ___ Phone calling ___ Greeters ___ One-to-one contacting / Follow-up / Discipleship ___ Follow-up kids who made decisions ___ Distribute materials (Bibles, etc.) ___ Help with transportation ___ Help mail letters ___ Share your testimony ___ Invite friends to youth group ___ Prayer team -- pray regularly for group / kids ___ Be involved in special events: Annual Retreat, Outreach Event, etc. ___ Planning and involvement at fund-raising events ___ Help at High School Bible Clubs ___ Help with errands ___ Remember kids’ birthdays ___ Computer data entry / Computer graphics Name: ____________________________________ Phone#: ______________ Email: ________________________________________


Volunteer Application Name: ___________________________________ Date:______________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: __________________ Zip: ________ State: _______ Birthdate: __________ SS#: ____________________ CDL#: __________________ References: Current Employment Employer: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Position: _____________________________ Personal References (Not a relative) 1. Name: _________________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone: __________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Known how long? _________________ 2. Name: _________________________ Address:____________________________ Phone: __________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Known how long? _________________ Church Attendance Church: ______________________________________ Phone: ________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Involvement in Ministry Description of position: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Length of service: ____________ Name of person you reported to: ________________________ List any previous experience you have had that would help to qualify you to be involved in our program: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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Personal Statement Briefly describe how you entered into a relationship with Christ: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Write a brief paragraph stating why you would like to be a part of our staff: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ List your gifts/talents/abilities: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been convicted of a crime related to sexual misconduct or child abuse? _____ Explain: _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I authorize you to verify all statements contained on this form. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts is cause for dismissal. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________


6. A ________________ of _______, Biblical Teaching (2 Timothy 3:16) “All Scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the Man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” “We do not have to _______________ for using _______________ in our youth ministries!” As Pastor Buster Soaries used to say: “The most essential ingredient in youth ministry is … do ministry!” He is referring to the fact that some ministries have become a __________ _______ for kids; or a _______-_____ spot for teens. There needs to be a ____________ ____________ of good, solid, _____________ ____ ______ _________ ____ ______. Be careful to not spend so much time on the “___________________” aspect of the ministry…. 7. A commitment to ________________ a first-class, _________- ___________, exciting _____________. This is the “________ - ________,” where kids get introduced to what you are doing. And it’s all about _______________. Looking back at our diagram on “Levels of Programming” (under point number 1); and we are talking here about “Attraction-level” programming: Here are some guidelines for ensuring a quality program. • Make sure you have a ________________ and____________ Youth Ministry Program.

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Some examples of Program elements: i) Exciting ____________________ _____________ music as kids enter the room, during games, and when the program is over. ii) Activities and/or ___________-_____________ that young people will enjoy. iii) Utilize ________ ________ and other __________ sources for creativity and to ________________your talk. iv) _________________ discussions. Someone has said that “kids have been lectured to death.” v) Create the element of _______________ as often as possible. vi) Use the ______________ _______ when possible: vii) _______ and ____________. Kids love to go places together.


Discipleship: An Effective Method of Mentoring Urban Youth Written for RELOAD by Marcus Walker

Merriam Webster defines Disciple Disciple 1: one who _______________ and ________________ in ___________________ the doctrines of another: as a: one of the twelve in the ____________ circle of _______________ _______________ according to the Gospel accounts b: a convinced adherent of a school or individual. Literally: learner, pupil, disciple in Matthew 10:24 One way of explaining discipleship is the act of ______________________ ________________ to the beliefs and doctrines of another. (In this case of Christianity, Jesus) Matthew 28:19-20 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to _________________________________ whatsoever I have ________________________________ you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. The purpose of discipleship is to ____________ ________________how to _______________ ________________ in a position to experience the grace of God. • The average “evangelical” church in America wins 1.67 persons (less than 2) to Christ and their church each year for every 100 persons who attend that church. • _________________ of church members state their greatest individual needs are not being met by their church. • Less than 50% of church members pray for 5 minutes at least twice a week. • Only ______% of church members have ______________ _________ ______________________ even once in the last year and 33% have never shared the gospel with anyone. • Most church leaders, when asked, cannot ___________ “Disciple”, and hardly any have been _________________ to “Make disciples”. Bob Gilliam, President, T-Net International - Discipleship 27 3

Although most Christians will agree that ____________________________________ God, they struggle with an accurate picture of what “__________________________ __________” looks like. Common Mistakes in Discipleship •

Unfit Teacher: This person is _________________ to disciple someone because they are unwilling, unable, or too ___________________ to open their life up to another. They may be _________________ and skilled in spiritual matters, however they __________________________ the necessary tools to mentor someone into a healthy Christian walk. (i.e. they are carnal, have selfish motives, undisciplined themselves)

Uncommitted Student: This tends to occur when the call to be a disciple is __________________ or _______________________________ of a particular program usually to obtain large numbers of participants and the decision is ____________________ . By allowing the ________________ the opportunity to make an inward decision to become a disciple, you improve the chances of strong commitment. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” (Anthony Hopkins, Zorro)

• Attempting to disciple the masses: Large numbers can make it difficult to __________________________________ the truth openly. •

Using the wrong model: This can mean doing all of the above because you _______________________________________ do it, or it could refer to the fact that you are not using ______________________________________ for the discipleship.

Matthew 28:20 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:


Don’t make


Four Things Discipleship Is: 1. Intentional: Both the disciple and the teacher must ___________________ ________________________to this process. A person can not disciple someone without a ________________________________ knowledge ________________ (Matthew 10:8, James 1:5). Likewise, a student who does not truly desire to obtain a deeper knowledge will not truly be a disciple (Matthew 7:6). Examples:

Without the ___________________________________________, the true nature of discipleship is lost. In each of these situations there was _____________ ________________________________ and learned, however without both parties ____________________________________________ it would not happen. Many discipleship classes are divided by age or gender as ways of __________ _____________________________________. This does not always effectively address the idea of enrolling only those who ______________ to be a disciple. That is to say a typical “Discipleship Class” may recruit all students age 14 to 16 within in a church or youth program without intentionally focusing only on the students within this age group who want to be enrolled.

2. Relational: Although it may be ________________________ within a formal educational setting, simply teaching in a classroom hardly equals discipleship. The process of true discipleship involves ____________________________.

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Jesus ______________________________ to His disciples as well as became ________________________________ win their personal affairs. Examples:

3. Personal: Discipleship is taught through ____________________. It is opening up ones life to show how to navigate with “__________________” through life’s challenges by using God’s word. ________________, __________________, and the ability to address your own faults responsibly all provide quality examples of how to address challenges of Christian living. In one of the previous examples we see Jesus opened His life to his disciples. By doing so He was ________________________________________ how He used the Word of God to effectively face life’s challenges. Examples:


4. Supportive: The teacher in this type of relationship has the distinct responsibility of ____________________________________________ the student through their development. Learning to live a new lifestyle often involves “____________“ in the road that can appear as mountains to someone who is just beginning to grow in their spiritual walk. Examples:

Part 2: How Is Discipleship Effective Mentoring For Urban Youth? Merriam Webster defines Mentor 2 a: a trusted counselor or guide b: ___________, ___________ Urban youth face many challenges that _____________________ everyday life. Some of these challenges are issues that teens were not yet meant to encounter. A coach has seen the game of life _________________________ many different ways. Instruction from a trustworthy mentor is capable of __________________ ____________________________ to be successful when otherwise they would fail. What can discipleship do for urban youth? 1. Creates an opportunity to be real: “Faking it” is a _________________________________________________, when people are __________________ about themselves. Thoughts like, “am I the only one struggling with lust?” or “can people tell that I don’t read well?” will cause a young person to _________________ the real them by pretending to be someone they are not. This habit will cost them greatly in the long run.

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The _________________________________________ shared by a “true discipleship” mentor can help encourage a student to be real with their personal challenges. As a teacher shares the truth about their struggles it allows the youth to see ____________________________________ in their challenges. 2. Fills a need: Teenagers want to feel they are _________________. In fact, many of the wrong decisions youth make are the result of _____________ _____________________ from their peers and others. In the relationship between a disciple and their teacher, the student receives attention that _________________ their significance. 3. Provides accountability: The average teen in the United States is home alone after school at least ____________ per week. (U.S. Department of Justice 2001) Discipleship creates a system in which youth have someone to help monitor their development (__________________) and holds them to a _____________________ that encourages growth. Part 3. What Is Covered In Discipleship And How Can It Be Implemented With Urban Youth? Four main elements: • Prayer/Quiet Time: ________________________with God • Study: Knowing God’s word and how it ____________________________ • Fellowship: Be a part of and ____________________ the Community of Believers • Service: Spreading the Gospel/Adding to the _____________________ ___________________ 1. Prayer: Showing youth how to ________________________ their quiet time into _____________________________________ helps make developing the habit easier. Quiet time: • 3mins of ____________________ • 3mins of ___________________ the Bible • 3mins of __________________ concerning what you studied • 3mins of ___________________ concerning what you prayed 32

2. Study: Getting _____________________ too early will likely be confusing. Look at recommending these books of the Bible to start the growth process. Study Time: • First find a ______________________ that makes sense to the reader. ____________________________ of the ____________ early is very important. It will ______________________________________ for studying other subjects later. • Have the student to study __________________ by reading the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month. Encourage them to focus on the part that ____________________________________. • Also suggest reading the______________________, paying very close attention to the ___________________________. • During the study these are good questions to have the student ask themselves… o Who is _______________? o Who are they talking to ________________? o What is going on during this time? o How can this help me now?

3. Fellowship: ________________________, ____________________, and new friendships all play a role in strong Christian development. Look to help the young person find people ________________________________ so that navigating life does not have to be a solo mission. Being a part of Community: • A good ________________________ is important to Christian discipleship. By doing this, the student will likely hear messages, _____ __________________ and programs that ________________ their situations. • Fellowship does not always have to _________________________. Remember, navigating life has to do with dealing with what happens in life. Good mentoring should __________________________ outings like ballgames, parties, and even going to the movies.

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4. Service: Serving the Kingdom of God is ________________________ in discipleship. Remember… Matthew 28:19-20 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


Core Values of a Youth Worker: Laying a Foundation for Ministry Written for RELOAD by Virginia Ward

Biblical Foundation Matthew 22:37-39 Our way of thinking about core values is shaped by scripture. Christ summed it up in Matthew 22:37-39. “Thou shalt _________ the Lord thy God with all thy __________, and with all thy _________, and with all thy ____________. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Matthew 22: 37-39 Psalm 15 David outlines value-driven behavior by providing a profile of a man’s value system that is dwelling with God. 1. His walk is __________________ – the way he lives his life daily is without blame – he cannot be accused of being at fault 2. He does what is __________ – actions and behaviors are right 3. He ___________ the truth from his _____________ – the inward place is pure 4. Has no ___________ on his tongue – he does not utter words about others in the presence of people that are false or damaging 5. Who does his ________________ no wrong – he is following Matthew 22:39 by loving his neighbor as he does himself 6. __________ no slur on his fellowman – does not discredit anyone 7. Who _____________ a vile man – does not like evil men 8. He ____________ and fears the Lord 9. Keeps his _________ even when it ____________ (talk about the difficulty of having this value) 10. He lends his ______________ without usury – expects no interest on his money 11. Does not accept a ____________ against the _______________

35 3

What is a value? • • •

Uncompromisable, undebatable, _____________ that ___________ and direct behavior (Leadership Bible) A person’s principles or standards of ____________ One’s __________________ of what is important in ____________ Quote by Gordon MacDonald“It’s the private part of life where we know ourselves best of all: this is where self-esteem is forged, where basic decisions about motives, values, and commitments are made, where we commune with our God.”

Value Check List Description of Value Accountability - Taking responsibility for both actions and outcomes by regularly seeking feedback and guidance from trusted sources Autonomy – The ability to be a self-determining individual Balance - An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady Change – Doing things differently Commitment – Being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action, dedication Creative - Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work Faith - Complete trust or confidence in someone or something, strong belief in God Family - All the descendants of a common ancestor Fitness - The condition of being physically fit and healthy Honesty – Being truthful, sincere Independence – Free from the influence, guidance, or control of others





Description of Value Integrity - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness Justice – Fairness, rightness, lawfulness, equity, the right thing Knowledge - Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education Love – Affection based on admiration, warm attachment or devotion, unselfish devotion Loyalty – Faithful to a person, ideal or cause Passion – Intense emotional excitement, boundless enthusiasm Recognition – Giving and receiving acknowledgement for achievements Teamwork – Cooperative effort by a group or team Trust – Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing Wealth – An abundance of valuable material, possessions, riches Wisdom – Having deep understanding, insight, and knowledge, the ability to make good judgments Quote by Gordon MacDonald -


Med. Low

“If my private world is in order, it will be because I have made a daily determination to see time as God’s gift and worthy of careful investment.” Balance: Personal vs. Ministry Personally: a. Socially – ____________ friends outside of youth ministry; _____________ outside of youth ministry b. Physically – ensure your body is ___________ (________, vacations, Sabbath) c. Intellectually – commit to ______________ (expanding) your mind (Ensure that your “______________ reading” stretches your _______________ for the work of the ministry.) 37 3

Ministry Balance: a. Office (do you have them) b. Out of office (meetings et. all) c. Thinking and talking d. Measure Your Balance • Personal - Scale of 1 to 5







5 excellent

• Ministry - Scale of 1 - 5




3 fair


5 excellent

Personal Spiritual Integrity “Staying spiritually healthy in youth ministry is ____________ because it is full of many people with ______________ expectations that ___________ possibly be ________________ in the time we have.” Paul Borthwick Feeding Your Forgotten Soul

• • •

Personal - of or ________________ to a certain person rather than someone else Spiritual - relating to, or affecting the human ____________ or soul as opposed to _________________ or physical things. Integrity - the quality or state of being ____________; ______________ condition; wholeness

Personal Spiritual Integrity is…… the quality or state of being (unbroken condition; wholeness) in a certain person’s (you) human spirit as opposed to material or physical things.


Getting and Keeping your P.S.I. Have a spiritual life that demands: • Time with God _____ ____- the Master is Calling ______ first (p.p. - personal ____________ and p.b.s. - personal__________ study) • A commitment towards a ________________ of worship - one who loves God and shows it daily • Growing in your Faith - what are you believing God for that is currently _____________?

P.S.I. Checklist: Personal Spiritual Integrity 1. Do you have a spiritual life? Always





2. How often do you live it out? Daily




3. What does your P.S.I. include? (circle all that apply) Prayer

Personal Bible Study


__________________ ________________________ _____________________ 4. Does your lifestyle exhibit P.S.I.? Always





5. Have you grown spiritually over the last 30 days? (circle one) Yes


Not Sure

39 3

Please explain your answer: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Community Definition Fellowship with others, as a result of sharing ______________ attitudes, interests, and _________. Write the names of community relationships you have in each of these categories: • Peers ________________________________________________ • Churches/organizations__________________________________ • Leaders • Youth leaders ____________________________________ • Older adult leaders ________________________________ • Senior leaders _____________________ Community Circles

People who can touch you



People who need others to touch you

Making a change…. • Requires a • Requires • Demands • •


dose of core values

it to the youth we serve other leaders

Definition of Self-Discipline: “Self discipline is that ____________ that allows a person to do what needs to be __________ when he/she ____________ feel like doing it.” - Leadership Bible Quote from Dean Borgman concerning burnout: “ Burnout comes from __________________ and unfruitful labor. Youth leaders need network support, ongoing training, and opportunities to expand professionally and _________ ___________ as antidotes to burnout. As youth leaders grow professionally, it is critical that they reflect ______________ about themselves and their task.”

41 3


Girls and Boys: Adjusting Your Ministry to Be More Gender-Sensitive in an Urban Environment Written for RELOAD by Dr. Rene Rochester

God made male AND female, boys and girls with: • An ________________ in Himself (Spiritual) • A _____________ (what are they gifted to do on the earth) • The _________________ to be productive citizens of His Kingdom while here on earth God created mankind but He made them male and female • Mankind is the ______________________ species. • Male and female are two different ______________. • They were created in the _____________ of God (Who is Spirit) and this is what makes male and female ____________. • They each have a _______________ design as well as a __________________ to be productive while on earth. The Physical Design • When we distinguish a sex or gender, we are recognizing that there are two major forms of individuals in the human species and that they are distinguished respectively as female or male. Their organisms are identified as _____ or ____ chromosomes, a _______________________ phenomenon. • When we speak of gender, we are speaking of a subclass, and highlighting the distinguishable characteristics that state the behaviors and/or ______________ ______________________ that go along with “_______.” Is it a boy or girl thing? “Gender Schema Theory” Definition: Refers to the theory that children learn about what it means to be male and female from the culture in which they live. According to this theory, children adjust their behavior to fit in with the gender norms and expectations of their culture.

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• • • •

Do children _________ selves as “boys” or “girls” Do children discover that ______________ are labeled, too Do children pay attention to those things whose _________ match their own. Do children act in ______________ or _______________ ways

Examples: As leaders of youth, we must always be careful about “suggesting” or illustrating direct thought patterns which may prevent liberality in a boy or girl. • Girls who are _______________ who play sports o When does that go outside of a boy or girl thing? • Girls play with ____________; boys play with __________ (__________) • What does it mean when they play with these things? • Girls wear _________; boys wear __________ • Girl wear ____________; boys wear ________ (_________) • Girls ___________ their legs; boys can sit with legs ________ ( _____________) Societal Influences • As we all know, society can play a major part in influencing what our roles should be and/or look like. • Society ________________ which ____________________ are rewarded or punished. • Boy hits a girl → He is suspended from school • Girl hits a boy → She gets warned • Bill Clinton is applauded → Monica Lewinsky is shamed • 14 year girl who gets pregnant → shamed; backlash • 14 year old boy (who impregnated the girl) → doesn’t get the same backlash • Societal influences provide __________________ in gender _________________ behaviors. • Societal influences provide _______________ models (e.g. Kobe, Beyonce, Lil Wayne)


Gender Beliefs and Gender Roles Here is one of the first access points where we can begin to influence the behaviors of boys and girls within our programs – by helping them with their belief systems. There are clearly some established and non-established behaviors whereby boys and girls may learn some “shifts” because of their relationship with us and others within our ministries. • • •

Gender Beliefs: Boys and girls have ________________ and psychological __________ differences. Our _____________ about what we think it means to be a boy or a girl influence our behavior. Gender Role: the set of __________________ that society considers _____________________ for each sex.

It is imperative that we create environments that are neutral enough to support either gender’s involvement. What are some other activities that you have used that either have worked well or not so well? When we plan our activities, it is important to remember that as society changes, so does the enticement of issues and attractions. How Can We Create “New” Environments • As youth leaders, we should be intentional about creating environments where boys and girls encounter new experiences. It’s okay to continue to duplicate familiar settings for students, but it’s Kingdom when we allow ourselves to be instruments of change in the life of a child. • New environments are not necessarily taking boys and girls to a “physical place” rather, can you take boys and girls within your program on a journey that leads a boy towards manhood and a girl towards womanhood?

45 3

List your ideas and notes for creating “new” environments within your youth ministry



47 3

Abundant Life Church Cambridge, MA [email protected] Virginia Ward has earned the respect of urban youth workers nationwide from her “home base” as Youth Pastor of Abundant Life Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts where her husband, Lawrence, serves as pastor. She serves regionally on the Council of the New England Network of Youth Ministries. Her national involvement includes her membership in the Ministry Council of the National Network and is a trainer with the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative. Virginia and her husband reside in Boston with their two sons.

Virginia Ward

Marcus Walker Memphis, TN [email protected] For over 17 years Marcus Walker has dedicated his life to communicating God’s Word to both the young and young at heart. Whether in the urban mission fields of inner-city outreach or within the structured walls of the church community his passion has always been to see people “get it” in their relationship with God. Recently, he and his wife, Karen, have founded R.U.N. Ministry Resources, whose purpose is to provide ministries demographics of all ages with the tools they need to communicate the gospel effectively. Marcus also serves as the Middle School Coordinator of Repairing the Breach Outreach Ministry in Memphis, TN.

Would Rather Watch TV Than Listen To You

• Rev Up Your Bible Teaching: How To Counter A Culture That

Joe Harrison is no stranger to youth ministry with a background of 28 years he has mixed humor, theater mime, graphics and poetry to communicate the gospel. In the past, Joe has lead teams to nine Mardi Gras outreaches, two Chicago, Spain Olympic Outreach, Germany, Holland and show cased at the Dove Awards with twelve years of concerts and ministry touring with the creative arts team White Gloves. His latest released book, “Daddy I’m Cold!” the effects of the absentee father on today’s youth culture, is an eye-opening read into the pain of our youth culture. This book and the four to follow have become the basis of Storm Culture and its mentoring/apprentice program.

Joe Harrison

A Single Generation Of Students

• 2020 Vision For Schools: Transforming Public Education Within

Community Solutions, Inc./Generation XCEL New York, NY [email protected] Jeremy co-founded Community Solutions, Inc. and Generation Xcel. Law School graduate, and co-founder of the Ground Zero Clergy Task Force/Northeast Clergy Group following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Jeremy defines his life mission as “empowering people to achieve their dreams and transform their culture and communities,” and has translated that calling into a career that is uniquely suited as a spiritual, cultural, and civic leader in a postmodern world.

Jeremy Del Rio

Gender-Sensitive In An Urban Environment

• Girls And Boys: Adjusting Your Ministry To Be More

• Discipleship: An Effective Method Of Mentoring Urban Youth

• Core Values Of A Youth Worker: Laying A Foundation For Ministry

reload tour curriculum authors

Rene is the founder and president of Urban S.E.T. Inc. and is the designer of the patent PHAT “STAR” Preventive Holistic Adolescent Training: Serving Teens At Risk Model. With over 15 years of experience as an educator, coach, and athletic director she brings authenticity and relevance to her work. Dr. Rene has served public and private inner-city schools, juvenile justice systems, and churches, organizing and designing curriculum and intervention programs for youth workers and educators across the nation. She earned her Masters and Doctoral degrees of education in 1993 and 1999 from the University of Texas at Austin.

Franklin, TN [email protected]

Rene Rochester

• Jump Starting Your Youth Ministry: Planning For Success

Urban Training Network Miami, FL [email protected] Tommy served as a Youth Evangelist and Urban Ministries Director with Miami Youth for Christ for 12 years. In 1989 he began training youth leaders in Miami, and in 2002 he established the Urban Training Network, a national ministry designed to train and equip student leaders and youth workers. Tommy earned his Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Trinity International University, and his Doctorate of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also serves as a visiting lecturer at Trinity International University in Miami and at Palm Beach Atlantic University.

Tommy Carrington

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