Relief Management The Concept And The Approach

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  • Words: 876
  • Pages: 19
Welcome to Présentation on Relief Management

Presented by Prabodh Mohanty,

Relief Management: What is it? Relief management refers to systematic assessement, collection, allocation(packaging),transportation of the relief materials to the people in need through prudent decision that not only ensures qualitative materials reach the people in time but also reduces cost and time related to delivery of materials.

Relief Management is… • • • •

A decision An attempt to reach people in need An extension of existing services An attempt to create Circle of Support • Aimed at supporting minimum basic needs of living entities • Providing people a chance to relink with normalcy

Relief Management Involves • Assessment of Peoples need • Mobilising resources for meeting the need • Planning for the allocation of resources for people in need • Preparation for human resources to be engaged for relief work

CCNA Approach Relief Management Should follow the CCNA approach which should lay emphasis on distribution of materials on the following basis C-Culture Specific ( Saree for Women) C-Context Specific ( Chuda not Rice for Flood) N-Need Saliency( Basing on Need and Demand)

Steps of Relief Management

• Step one- Rapid Assessment of Damage/Relief Requirement • Step two-Planning for relief • Step three- Mobilising resources • Step four- Allocation/ packaging of Resources • Step five- Transhipment • Step six-Distribution • Step seven- Post distribution follow up • Step eight- Impact evaluation and gap analysis

Step One

• • •

Rapid Assessment of Damage/Relief Requirement Scan newspaper, listen to Radio if the place is not accessible Try to get to the nearest damage figure possible Try to prepare the affected list on the basis of Women, men, children and Cattle if possible. If the place is accessible make a quick round of assessment by taking a transect walk

Step Two Planning for relief • Plan what to give and what not to give in relief • Make a through estimate of manpower and other costs involved( like transportation, customs etc) • Divide the available manpower into different groups like in bound relief materials team, out bound relief matrials despatchers, record keepers, relief runners etc.

Step Three Mobilising resources • Mobilise resources from Individual/institutional and govt. sources if possible • The resources can be in the form of kind/cash/resources • Special appeal leaflets, networking with other organisations can help in maximising resource mobilisation • Keep a track of things what other organisations are mobilising and distributing. Prepare the mobilisation strategy accordingly.

Step four Allocation/ packaging of Resources • Pack items as per the need and perishbility • Use colour coded polythenes, foils for packing the items • Try to prepare uniform packets of food materials • Materials with different characteristics should be packed differently ( K.OIL and food) •

Step five- Transhipment • Always look for the safe root for transhipment • The route should be safe, shortest, easy to access • Take the help of police if the quantity to be distributed is huge and require police support • Take due care of items to be distributed during transhipment. See the food grains etc are not damaged due to loading and unloading

Step six-Distribution • Distribute the items in a place which is accessible to all the villagers • Make special provision while distributing items for women and Physically challenged • Take the help of village opinion leader, PRI members for effective distribution • Keep a record of the people who received the items if possible • Dispose the left outs of the relief( in

Step sevenPost distribution follow up • At times people fail to use available relief materials if proper instruction is not given • This prevails in consumption of medicine imported baby foods, agricultural seed etc. • If possible take a after distribution follow up to convince people about the use of the items • If possible organise special campaigns, demonstration sessions

Step eightImpact evaluation and gap analysis • Make a thorough impact evaluation and gap analysis of the entire relief operation process • The result would help us to strengthen the Standard Operation Procedure(SOP) • Dummy drills can be carried out during the non disaster season to prepare a blue print of the relief distribution

The Phase-Priority Matrix PHASE


Within 24 hours

Very High

24-48 Hours

48-96 Hours



MATERIALS REMARKS TO BE DISTRIBUTE Dry food, sugar The Priority has D Water however to be decided Pouches, Tarpaulins, Polythene,Dry Baby food Cooked foods, Curative Medicines, fodders bleaching powders, Dress Materials, Dry Rations , Sugar Baby foods Preventive medicines

depending upon the people’s need and nature of damages caused disasters. Other factors like local prevalent food practice and soc-eco condition of the people.

Humanitarian Issues in Relief Management • Is the quality up to mark or we are distributing left outs/used items ? • Is the quantity sufficient or we are distributing a non-significance surplus? • Why access to relief is not a fundamental right? • Can we not adopt to a single synergy to avoid gaps and over servings? • What is the mechanism way out?

Managers role in Relief Mgt. • • • •

Plan in advance Understand peoples need not greed A trouble shooter Must understand the complex issues related to disaster mgt.


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